A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District of Malimono


K-12 Basic Education Curriculum


The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text
A. Content
types serve as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language
of research, campaigns and advocacies.
B. Performance The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural
Standard issue.
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
C. Learning a. Distinguish facts from beliefs (EN10RC-IVd-2.13);
Competencies/ b. recognize the importance of facts and beliefs through interactive activities;
Objectives and
c. construct sentences containing facts and beliefs.


References : Journeying Through Literature and Language with World Literature 10 (Grammar and
Composition in Our Changing World) and internet
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids, Worksheets, Markers
Methods: Activity Method and Deductive Method
Skills: Comprehension and Vocabulary Development
Values: Recognition and Cooperation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)

 Greeting
Good morning class. Good morning Miss Amarga.

 Prayer
Before we begin the lesson this morning, (A student will lead the prayer)
let us ask the guidance of Almighty God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
Would you please lead the prayer? and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
 Classroom Management
Okay! Before you take your seat, do not
forget to make sure that your arm rest or (Students will pick up pieces of papers and
desk table is clean, especially under your clean their places.)
chairs and tables.
 Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent in the class? Yes, there is Ma’am.

Okay, class secretary kindly take note (The class secretary will write the name of
of the names of those who are not around those who were absent.)
and give it to me later. Thank you.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Malimono

B. Review(3 minutes)
Okay. Before we start our new lesson, let
us have a short review first.
Last meeting, we discussed about Noun is a name of a person, a place or a
noun. Again, what is noun? thing.
Excellent! noun is a name of a person,
place, thing or idea. So, who can give me an (One student will raise his/her hand and
example of a sentence that has a noun? give one example.)

Excellent! Thank you.

Did you understand our lesson last
meeting class? Yes Ma’am.

Great! I’m glad that you understand our

last discussion.

C. Motivation(5 minutes)
So, I think we are now ready to move to
our next lesson. But first let us have some
I will group you into 3. And after finding (The students will count 1 to 3 until the
out your group number you have to go to last one of them has his/her group number
respective groups and form a circle. Okay! then they will go to their respective groups
Please count 1 to 3. and form a circle as instructed.)
Okay class! We have 2-word games as
a starter.
(The teacher will show 6 small
envelopes to the class.)
I have here 6 envelopes. Each group
will have 2 envelopes containing different
word games. The pink envelope has the
first word game which is “Who Am I” and
the green envelope has the second word
game which is “Observe Me” game.
In word game 1 the direction would be:
You have to answer the statements then
arrange the letters to form into a word.
And in word game 2, you have to observe
the statements given and identify and
arrange the scrambled letters below
those statements.

And inside your envelopes, there is

a clean sheet of paper in which you will
write your answers there. Do you
understand? Yes Ma’am.

Are there any questions? None, Ma’am.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Malimono
You have 3 minutes to answer it and
your timer starts now.
Your time is up.
Now let’s find out whose group got
the correct answer.

Activity 1:WHO AM I?
 I am one of your ability that you can find
in Chart. C
 I am first in final.
 I am a vitamin that you can get in
squash but never in grass.
 I am the sound of a three-letter word
drink that is healthy for the body.

Now let us form the scrambled

letters into a word. What do you think it (Each group will raise their “show me
would be? Show me your answer. card” and are expected to answer FACT.)

Okay, Very good! The scrambled

letters will form a word “FACT”.

Next activity.

Activity 2:OBSERVE ME
 French Fries taste better with ketchup.

 Sunday is the best day of the week.


Upon observing and analyzing the (Each group will raise their “show me
given statements what would be the word card” and are expected to answer BELIEFS.)
that is being scrambled inside the box?
Show me your answer.
Excellent! The scrambled letters will
form a word “BELIEFS”.
So, class upon doing the two
activities, what do you think will our (One student will raise his/her hand and
lesson for this morning be? answer.)

Yes, Miss/Mr.____? Our lesson for this morning Ma’am is

about facts and beliefs.
Very Good. Our lesson for this
morning is “Distinguishing Facts from
But before we proceed with our
discussion let me introduce to you first
our learning objectives that we need to
achieve all throughout our class
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Malimono

Kindly read everyone.

At the end of this lesson, the (The students will read the objectives
students will be able to: on screen.)
a. distinguish facts from beliefs,
b. recognize the importance of facts and
beliefs through interactive activities; and
c. construct sentences containing facts and

D. Analysis/Discussion(20 minutes)
So, in order to attain our learning
objectives this morning I have here some

Please all read. (The students will read in unison the

sentences that the teacher will show)

1. Manila is the capital of the

2. Philippines is part of the Southeast
Asian countries.
3. President Marcos Jr. is the
greatest president of the
4. Manny Pacquiao is the best
senator in the Philippines.

Yes Ma’am, it’s true and it is proven.

Do you think that the first statement is
true and proven?
Ma’am that is a fact.
What do you call to a statement that is
Yes, it is a fact.
A fact is something that is always true
and can be proven. It is a piece of
information that can be backed up by
So, who can give me an example of a
sentence presenting a fact? Yes (Student’s answer may vary.)
That’s good! That is an example of a
factual sentence.
It is also a fact Ma’am because it is true
How about the second sentence? and proven.

Okay, thank you. Very good.

(Student’s answer may vary.)
Please give me another example of a
factual sentence.
Excellent, that is also an example of
factual sentence.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Malimono

How about the third sentence?

Ma’am it is a belief.
Yes, it is a belief.
A belief is the meaning we place on
information occupied with strong feelings
we have for that meaning. Example of
beliefs that affect your life include what
you believe about who you are, and what
you believe you are capable of achieving.
Somewhere along the line you gathered up
opinions on this subject and solidified
those opinion into beliefs.
(Student’s answer may vary.)
Can you give me an example of a
sentence presenting a belief?
Very good. Thank you
It is also a belief Ma’am because it can’t
How about the last sentence? be proven.

Yes, very good. You are correct, it is

also an example of a belief.
Yes ma’am.
Do you understand now class the
difference between facts and beliefs?

E. Abstraction(5 minutes)
Now, let’s have a recap if you really (One student will raise his/her hand to
understand what we have discussed answer the teacher’s question.)
earlier. Who can explain to me the A fact is something that is always true
difference of fact from belief? and can be proven. It is a piece of
information that can be backed up by
evidence. And a belief is the meaning we
place on information occupied with strong
feelings we have for that meaning. Example
of beliefs that affects your life include what
you believe about who you are, and what you
believe you are capable of achieving.
Somewhere along the line you gathered up
opinions on this subject and solidified those
opinions into beliefs.
Exactly! Class, do you usually watch
television or listen to the radio when you
want to be updated with the current news?
Yes Ma’am.

Are you aware that some of those are

facts and some are just beliefs based on
their source?
Yes Ma’am.
Why do you think it is important to
distinguish facts from beliefs based on
what he/she just heard? (One student will raise his/her hand to
answer the teacher’s question.)
It is important to distinguish facts from
beliefs because it will help you to interpret
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Malimono
Great answer! Just like watching a information intelligently.
news or listening on a news over a radio,
listening analytically is important so we can
be aware of what is fact and what is just a
belief based on what we heard. What if a
news caster stated a belief and you didn’t
listen analytically and you have considered
it as a fact. And you informed your
neighbor about the news. Your neighbor
became curious so she searched it in the
internet then she found out that this is not
a fact and it is merely a belief. What will be
the effect? She will say you were not telling the truth.

Yes, and maybe next time that you will

update her for another news, she might not
believe you anymore or she will call you a
liar. Did you get my point class? Yes ma’am.

F. Application(15 minutes)

At this moment, to check if you really

understand our discussion we will have
another group activity.

With the same groupings. Each group

will perform different task. Group 1 will
read a story and find the 6 sentences based
on facts and 2 sentences based on beliefs
in the story. Group 2 will
formulate/construct (5) five factual
sentences and (5) five beliefs sentences.
And Group 3, will write a paragraph about a
Filipino hero. The paragraph must contain
facts and beliefs concerning the Filipino
(A representative from each group will
All the materials you need will be inside approach the teacher and claim their assign
the envelope that I will distribute to you task.)
including the instructions and rubrics of
your tasks.

You have 10 minutes to do your

activities and 2-3 minutes to present your
output in front of everyone. Are we clear?

Your 10 minutes starts now.

(after 10 minutes)
(A representative from the group 1 will
Your time is up. Let us hear the output present their output.)
of Group 1.

Group 1, read the story and find

the 6 sentences based on facts and 2
sentences based on beliefs in the story.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Malimono

Long ago, books were written by

the hands. That was probably a very
difficult and tiring job. Handwritten
books were expensive. In 1440, type
was invented. Each letter was a
separate block. The blocks were
combined to make words. Soon many
books were printed from type. Some
people believe that a very old
handwritten book is more beautiful than

Thank you group 1 for your excellent (The group 3 will give their comment to
work. So, group 3 what can you say about the first presenter.)
their presentation?

Thank you. It’s your time to report now

(A representative from the group 2 will
group 2.
present their output.)

Group 2, Formulate/Construct (5) five

factual statements and (5) five beliefs

Thank you for a job well done group 2. (The group 1 will give their comment to
So, group 1 what can you say about their the second group.)

Thank you. And last but not the least (A representative from the group 3 will
Group 3 kindly present your given task. present their output.)

Group 3, Write a paragraph about a

Filipino hero. The paragraph must
contain facts and beliefs concerning
the Filipino hero. You will be rated
based on the rubric.

Content 30%
Organization 20%
Correct usage of words 25%
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Malimono
Thank you for that awesome (The group 2 will give their comment to
performances. So, what can you say about group 3.)
their presentation group 2?

Congratulations to all groups for a job

well done. Let us give ourselves a round of

G. Evaluation/Assessment(5 minutes)
Now, get ¼ sheet of paper and answer
this quiz directly. You have 5 minutes to do

Direction: Read and study the following

statements. Write F if the statement is a FACT
and B if it is a BELIEF.
_____1. Dogs cannot sweat through their skin.
_____2. Cats are the most charming pets in the
_____3. Cats have five toes on each front paw,
but only four toes on each back paw.
_____4. Dogs are the best animal companion.
_____5. Dogs’ emotions are revealed by their
facial expressions as well as the
movement of their ears.
_____6. Cats' bodies are extremely flexible.
_____7. Cats have whiskers.
_____8. All cats love cuddles.
_____9. Dogs are better pets than cats.
_____10. Dalmatians are born spotless.

Times up. Kindly pass your paper.

Ms._____ will you please collect your
classmate’s papers.

H. Assignment(2 minutes)

For your assignment class. Please copy

this and give what is being asked.

Direction: Watch a television news and list (5)

five facts and (5) five beliefs you
hear. Write your homework on a ½
crosswise sheet of paper and is to
be passed by next meeting.

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