Kuramoto 1984
Kuramoto 1984
Kuramoto 1984
A phase description of systems of many limit cycle oscillators is established. As a result, the
§ 1. Introduction
A simplest picture of a limit cycle oscillator may be provided by a ring with a
circulating representative point bound to it. This kind of one-dimensional representation
or phase description of limit cycle motion in fact turns out extremely usefull when we wish
to study large-scale dynamics, deterministic or statistical, of a naany-oscillator
community. Arthur Winfree was the first to propose and formulate such a view/>
although for a rather limited purpose of understanding physiological clocks in terms of
individual cellular oscillators. More recently, the present author tried to develop the
same idea in some directions. 2 >- 4 > The present paper provides a general survey of the
latter works, and includes also some new analytical and numerical results.
To be concrete, one may imagine, e.g., a regular lattice, each point of which being
occupied by such a ring. Analogously to a lattice of spins, the rings may be assumed to
couple to their neighbors. This seems to represent quite a new type of cooperative
system, particularly because of the absence of such things as free energy functional or
hamiltonian to govern the dynamics and/ or statistics. One may also say that the element
local systems are dynamically active (i.e., functioning under off-equilibriumt conditions) in
the present system, while they are passive in ordinary cooperative fields.
In general, when similar active elements come into contact with each other to form an
extended field, they are expected to produce a wealth of wave patterns and turbulencelike
phenomena, and this has been demonstrated typically in reaction-diffusion systems. In
the past, however, our main concern has been restricted to deterministic aspects of
homogeneous active fields. There seems to be another important class of problems,
namely, those associated with statistical dynamics of random or stochastic active fields.
The ring dynamics developed below seems to meet the purpose of extending our scope to
include statistical dynamics, insofar as the active components are of oscillatory nature.
We will show in this paper that our ring models not only recover most of the essential
features of oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems, but also exhibit, under the presence of
224 Y. Kuramoto
randomness, a new type of ordered phases. Moreover, the limitation of the phase
dynamics, which is often spoken of in connection with the appearance of topological
defects or phase singularities, actually does not exist in our case, because what we work
with are lattices and not a continuous space.
In § 2 a phase description of one- and two-oscillator systems will be formulated, where
two types of randomness will be incorporated in the theory. Some discussion will also be
given on the nature of ring-ring interaction. In § 3 our two-ring model will be generalized
to the case of N rings. From such an N -ring model a few specific subclass models are
generated according to the type of randomness. Some deterministic and statistical
aspects of N -ring models, i.e., waves, turbulence and phase-transitionlike phenomena, will
be· discussed. Because our purpose there is limited to demonstrating the richness in
dX =F(X) (2·1)
which is assumed to admit a stable limit cycle solution Xo(wt) with period T 2Jr/w.
This solution may trivially be rewritten as Xo( ¢) where
The ¢ specifies the position of the representative point on the limit cycle orbit .£, and is
called phase; ¢ and ¢+2Jr represent an identical point on .£. We now ask how the
equation for ¢ deviates from (2 · 2) when the oscillator is perturbed either by external
forces or by other oscillators coupled to it. Since such perturbations, however weak it
may be, will no longer permit the representative point to stay strictly on .£, such a
question makes sense only if the definition of ¢ is extended to some region outside of .£.
We now define a scalar field ¢ (X) for some region containing .£ inside. It is most
convenient to choose ¢(X) in such a way that, as far as the perturbation is absent,
Eq. ( 2 · 2) may hold identically even if the representative point is outside of .£. This
definition immediately leads to the identity
~~ =gradx¢·F(X)=w. (2·3)
The phase ¢ (X) defined in this way is called asymptotic phase, s> and the manifolds of
constant ¢ are called isochrons. l),G>, 7 > Let the perturbed motion be described by
dX (2·4)
dt= F(X)+ sp(X, t ).
Cooperative Dynamics of Oscillator Community 225
Here E is used only to indicate the smallness of p and, whenever no confusion is expected,
we suppress it by equating to 1. The perturbed equation for ¢ now becomes
~~ =gradx¢· {F(X)+Ep(X,t )} .
~~ =w+EZ(r/>)·p(Xo(r/>),t), (2·6)
The factor E which commonly multiplies V and aa does not necessarily imply that the
typical amplitudes of V and aa are the same order; it says nothing more than that V and
aa are small quantities. This remark is relevant especially when aa represents stochastic
forces fluctuating very rapidly about the zero value. Then its typical amplitude must be
much larger than that of V in order that the net effects of V and of aa may be comparable.
In any case, we will take account of the nontrivial lowest order contribution from each
type of perturbation. The two oscillators are now supposed to be different, but only
slightly, or
226 Y. Kuramoto
Pa(Xa,t )= V(Xa,XP)+ aa(Xa,t )+oFa(Xa). (2·11)
where V( rl>a,¢P) is the abbreviation of V(Xo( rl>a ),Xo( rf>p) ), which is 2Jr-periodic in each of
rl>a and rf>p, and
ga( rl>a, t )=Z( rl>a )· {aa(Xo( rl>a ), t )+ oFa(Xo( rl>a) )} (2·13)
which is 2Jr-periodic in r/>a. Equation (2·12) may further be simplified owing to the
coexistence of two time scales which are vastly different, the one corresponding to the
unperturbed frequency w and the other to the change in the instantaneous frequency due
to perturbations. However, specific reduction procedure depends on the nature of
perturbation, so that we treat below two typical cases separately.
Case I aa=O
Introduce phase disturbances <Pa by
rl>a= wt + <Pa, (2·14)
and express (2·12) as
Because of the common factor con the right-hand side of this equation, the time evolution
of <Pa is slow. Thus, to the lowest order in c, the right-hand side may be approximated
by its time-average over a period of oscillation, thereby the constancy of <Pa being
pretended. This leads to
Cooperative Dynamics of Oscillator Community 227
Wa = W+OW a, (2·19)
and r(¢) is a 2Jr-periodic function of¢.
Case II oFa=O, 9a being Gaussian random forces
Specifically, we assume statistical properties
aP = _ (_2h___+ aiz ) }
at a¢1 a¢z '
Ia=[ w+c:{Z(¢a)V(¢a,¢ 11 )+ ~ d~~~a) }]P-c: a;a {LJ(¢a)P}.
This is easily transformed to the equation for Q(</h,¢z,t ), the probability distribution for
phase disturbances </h and ¢z, and we get
228 Y. Kuramoto
1/ =w+T(c/Ja-c/Jp)+ga(t), (2·26)
ga(t )gp( t' )= 2Doapo( t- t' ). } (2·27)
We have obtained two kinds of ring models for a pair of coupled oscillators, each
given by (2·18) and (2·26). In the first case, no stochastic forces are present but the
oscillators have different natural frequencies. In the second case, the oscillators are
identical, but only statistically. Of course, there may be a number of possible variants
dt-o+B(¢), (2·28)
B(¢)=T(¢)-T(-¢). (2·29b)
Obviously, B( ¢) is an odd and 2Jr-periodic function of ¢. If we restrict consideration to
the domain 0 < ¢ < 2Jr, then
B(O)=B(Jr)=O. (2·30)
The oscillators are phase-locked or mutually entrained provided (2·28) has an equilibrium
solution. When the oscillators are identical, i.e., o= 0, then the relative phase ¢ reaches
equilibrium at 0 and 7r (and possibly other values, too), one of which being stable and the
other unstable. If dT/dc/Jio<O, then ¢=0 gives a stable equilibrium. In this case, the
coupling is called attractive; this is similar to ferromagnetic coupling between spins. On
the contrary, if dT/ dc/Jio >0, then ¢ = Jr gives a stable equilibrium, the coupling then being
called repulsive; this is similar to antiferromagnetic coupling. Next, we assume that the
frequency difference is present. As lo I becomes larger, the stable-unstable pair of
equilibrium points come closer to each other, and at some critical value, denoted by oc, the
equilibria vanish simultaneously, beyond which the oscillators will oscillate with
independent frequencies. Near threshold, the frequency difference behaves like Io- ocl 112 .
Suppose that lol is small enough to admit a stable locking state at ¢ = ¢. Then the
oscillators have a common frequency OJ, where
OJ= (J)l + r( ¢)=wz+ r(- ¢). (2·31)
where (J)a are assumed positive. The property in (2 · 32) implies that the interaction is not
of variational type. In other words, there exists no common potential function H ( </>1- </>2)
such that the interaction parts of the evolution equations are generated by its gradients in
the form
} (2·33)
In fact, (2·33) would imply T(¢)+T(-¢)=0, or T(¢) being an odd function of</>, in
contradiction to (2·32). Besides (2·32), let us assume below for simplicity T(O)=O, which
lal< ~· (2·34)
Then the interaction is variational if a=O, and non-variational if a=I=O. Vve also see that
the interaction is attractive if K>O, and repulsive if K<O. The property in (2·32) is
satisfied if a> 0 for attractive interaction, and a< 0 for repulsive interaction.
Case II
Random forces permit no perfect entrainment. In terms of the phase difference ¢, the
stochastic equation (2 • 26) may be expressed as
dt-B(¢ )+g(t ), (2·35)
g(t)=O, }
· g(t)g(t')=4LJ·B(t-t').
U(¢ )=-
2~ 1()B(¢')d¢'. (2·39)
The potential U ( ¢ ) is even and 27l'- periodic in ¢, and has extrema at least at 0 and 7l', one
of which being maximum and the other minimum.
230 Y. Kuramoto
g i ( t )g j ( t = 2D 0 ijO ( t - t
I ) I ) • (3·3)
As a special case of Model I or l\tiodel II, we have a system without randomness, or
(Model 0) (3·4)
In what follows, we survey various cooperative phenomena expected from each of the
three models derived above.
Equation (3·5) is then transformed formally into a partial differential equation. We will
now concentrate on long-scale wave phenomena, and treat the space derivative a; ax
formally as a small expansion parameter. To be more explicit, one may associate an
indicator E of smallness to each space derivative and replace, e.g., a2 I ax 2 by E a I ax and
2 2 2
diffusion equation
Cooperative Dynamics of Oscillator Community 231
]) = - a2 r' (0 ), (3 • 8a)
(3. 9)
where v is a small negative. This equation was first derived in Ref. 10 ), and its turbulent
behavior was numerically confirmed in Ref. 11 ). Similar equations are known to arise in
connection with combustion, 12 > chemical wave fronts in general, 13 > phase-unstable periodic
structures with propagation, 14 > and possibly many other problems. We now show that our
chain of rings can also generate the same equation provided the ring-ring couplings are of
some competing type. Let us assume attractive type nearest-neighbor coupling, and
include also next-nearest-neighbor coupling which is of repulsive type. A simplest choice
would be
ri,j( ¢) = -- K1 {sin(¢+ a1)- sina1} if j= i+l,
= K2 {sin(¢+ a2)- sina2} if j=i+2,
= 0 otherwise, (3·10)
232 Y. Kuramoto
For our treatment to be consistent, Ivi has to be small and A positive, which is actually
fulfilled by assuming
For vanishing a1, the interaction is of variational type, the corresponding interaction
potential H being given by
H= ~{- K1cos(¢i- ¢i+l )+ Kzcos(¢i- ¢i+z)}. (3·13)
where n( ¢, t) denotes the number density of the rings of phase ¢ at time t. N onvanishing
a implies the presence of macroscopic oscillation, and vanishing a its absence. Another
measure of order, denoted as r, may be provided by
r=Ns/N, (3·15)
where Ns is the number of rings falling in an identical frequency state to form a
condensate. It see1ns that nonvanishing r does not always imply nonvanishing a. This
may be inferred simply from the observation of a well-developed target pattern in the
Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, where the entire system is entrained to a central
pacemaker, while the monotone gradient of ¢ in the radial direction seems to cancel the
oscillation of the system as a whole.
There is a special subclass of Model I for which analytical expressions for a, r and
some other quantities are available. This is the case where the coupling is variational
234 Y. Kuramoto
and all ring pairs have equal coupling strength.- A simplest choice would be
rij=- N- 1Ksin(¢i- ¢j). (3·16)
Then, Model I takes the form
1/ =uJi-KO"sin(¢i-8). (3·17)
a= constant,
} (3·18)
a= (3·21a)
K c 2 g " ( Wo ) '
2 (3·22)
=wo+(wi-wo)/1-( Ka ) otherwise. }
Wi- Wo
Thus, for given distribution g, we obtain the distribution G( iiJ) of iiJi in the form
G ( iiJ ) = ro ( iiJ- Wo )
The analytical results summarized above represent nothing more than one particular
solution of our special model. Moreover, we do not know how to confirm analyticallyits
Cooperative Dynamics of Oscillator Community 235
stability. The difficulty of proving stability is related to the fact that our solution is valid
only for infinite N. To be more specific, we assumed in obtaining this solution statistical
independence of cPi as N goes to infinity except that the rings may be under a common
internal field of 'collective oscillation. Thus the stability in question is not purely
mechanical, but also of some statistical nature.
In order to check the stability and confirm the nonexistence of other stable solutions,
we carried out a computer simulation. This numerical study strongly suggests that the
above analytic solution is the only stable solution. Let g be given by a Lorentzian, i.e.,
a=/1 r; if 7J < 1,
=0 otherwise, (3·25)
r; = 2r/K. (3·26)
Although numerically calculated a( t)
fluctuates in time rather strongly due to 1.0
finite size effects, its long-time average
shows a smooth behavior as a function of 0
r;, and agrees with the analytical results
fairly well except for r; near criticality.
Figure 4 shows the true frequencies was a
function of natural frequencies w. From
this figure up to Fig. 7 (except for Fig. 6 ),
r; has been chosen to be 0.8. Each dot in
Fig. 4 corresponds to each ring, and Wi 0.0
were calculated from a long-time average 0.5 1.0
of dc/>d dt. The data points lie almost
perfectly on the analytic curve given by Fig. 3. Order parameter <J as a function of r; ;
comparison between computer simulation (open
(3·22), though the latter is not shown in the circles) and analytic solution (solid curve).
figure. Above criticality, the dots of
course lie on the straight line w= w. In Fig. 5 the distribution of w is shown in a
histogram. The corresponding analytic expression· is given by
although the coherent part ro(w-wo) is not indicated in the figure. Numerically, we
236 Y. Kuramoto
defined r as coming from those oscillator whose frequencies satisfy lw- wol < 0.05. The
dependence of r on 7J is shown in Fig. 6. Analytically,
.. ··
,: 5
0.5 1.0
w 0 0.5 1.0
Fig. 4. True frequencies w of the oscillators versus Fig. 5. Number G of oscillators having frequency w
their natural frequencies w. The dots show the at 7J = 0.8 ; comparison between computer
result of computer simulation at 77 =0.8. In the simulation (histogram) and analytic solution
disordered state these dots come to lie on the (solid curve). Coherent peak which should
straight line w= cv. appear at w=O is not shown in the figure.
-Tt 0 Tt
Fig. 6. Order parameter r as a function of 7J ; Fig. 7. Steady profile of number density distribution
comparison between computer simulation (open at 77 = 0.8 ; comparison between computer
triangles) and analytic solution (solid curve). simulation (histogram) and analytic solution
(solid curve).
Cooperative Dynamics of Oscillator Community 237
r=j_tan- 12 ~
J[ r;
if r;<l,
=0 otherwise. (3·28)
Figure 7 shows a steady profile of the number density distribution n( ¢- wot ). This was
obtained again through a long-time average because n fluctuates too strongly.
One may easily write down the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the probability
distribution P(¢,t) of the i-th oscillator. This is given by
Because different rings are statistically independent in the present particular model, P(¢,
t) may be identified with n( ¢,t ). In this way, we obtain a nonlinear evolution equation
for n(¢,t) in a closed form
n(¢,t)=(2Jr)-\ (3·35)
which corresponds to the absence of collective oscillation. The problem is its stability.
For sufficiently large D, for which (3·32) reduces to a simple diffusion equation, the
In the present paper, we first clarified the mathematical basis of some ring models, and
then discussed a number of deterministic and statistical aspects of those models, though
without going into full details in each case. In this section we point out one serious
limitation of our ring models, and discuss how to remove it. By serious limitation we
mean that our models cannot reflect features peculiar to relaxation oscillations. This
drawback becomes fatal when the increasing relaxational character ultimately leads to a
non-oscillating excitable state. It is true that as far as the oscillations persist, there is
always a way of defining ¢> such that the local systems behave like d¢>/ dt = w, which is the
fact we made full use of. This representation is not very natural, however, when the
oscillation is relaxational or highly distorted, and even leads to a breakdown when the
phase is self-locked. A consequence of unnatural definition of ¢> is that the approximation
for the ring-ring coupling by a function of the phase difference alone becomes very bad.
This approximation may in principle be valid- for sufficiently weak coupling, but the
problem is that the range of its validity is narrowed more and more with the loss of the
smoothness of oscillations.
An easiest way of taking account of non-smoothness of oscillations would be to
change the definition of ¢> suitably and work with modified local ring dynamics such as
(4 ·1)
*) For variational interaction, Model II is essentially the same as XY spin systems, as is easily seen by working
with phase disturbances cf;i to eliminate win (3·2).
Cooperative Dynamics of Oscillator Community 239
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Kazuhisa Tomita who was
the first to introduce me to the world of nonlinear dynamics. Besides being an
outstanding physicist, he has been such an excellent teacher of physics that I have always
felt free in presenting him with my still premature ideas and never missed finding valuable
advices from him. It is my great pleasure to contribute the present paper on nonlinear
dynamics to the issue dedicated to him on the occasion of his retirement from Kyoto
*> No new phase variable ¢ exists such that (4 ·1) is generated from an autonomous periodic potential H ( ¢ ),
which means that the local system is non-variational.
240 Y. Kuramoto