AHA - Installation of Doors and Wooden Items - 27-3-2019 Rev

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Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)

Project Location: PALMACHIM

Electric switchboard installation
Contract Number: Author (Name/Title):Eyal babu SSHO Reviewed (Name/Title):Eliran almog
W912GB-15-D- Date Prepared-: 14 March 2019
Risk Assessment Code (RAC) Matrix
Key to Risk (S) Likelihood (L) Severity (S)
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 1 Very Unlikely 1 Minor injury, no lost time, no damage
1 1 2 3 4 5 2 Unlikely 2 Minor injury, less than or equal to 3 days lost time, minor damage

2 2 4 6 8 10 3 Likely 3 Reportable injury, 7 days lost time, temporary disruption to operations

4 Very Likely 4 Major injury, damage, theft

3 3 6 9 12 15
4 4 8 12 16 20 5 Certain 5 Fatality, major damage, industry disruption
5 5 10 15 20 25 Risk Rating (RR) = Likelihood (L) x Severity (S)

Risk Rating
E - Extreme risk: Activity not to commence. Review of task and controls by relevant Manager / Coordinator, with workgroup to identify control measures to
lower the level of risk. If the risk remains Extreme then authorization from the General Manager is required before the activity can
H - High risks: Authorized by relevant Manager / Coordinator. Should only be an acceptable level of risk for ‘Major’ or ‘Catastrophic’ consequences.
M - Moderate risk: Authorized by Supervisor / Team Leader. An acceptable level of risk.
L - Low risk: Manage by routine procedures. An acceptable level of risk
Hazard Controls
Selecting control measures (WHS Regulations 2012, Regulation 36 – Hierarchy of control measures)
1. Eliminate the risks so far as is reasonable practicable
2. If this is not reasonably practicable, minimize them so far as reasonably practicable by applying the following hierarchy of control measures: Minimize the
risk by doing one or more of the following:
o substituting the hazard
o isolating the hazard
o implementing engineering controls
If the risk still remains, minimize the remaining risk by implementing administrative controls
If the risk still remains, minimize the remaining risk by ensuring the provision and use of suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).
Job Step Hazards Risk Controls and actions to eliminate or minimize each hazard Residual
Rating Risk
Preparing for work: 1. Injury or property damage as a 1. M 1a. Indoctrination training reviews activity hazards, controls, and safety policies as- AHA 1. L
general. result of lack of knowledge/poorly posted at job site.
equipment. 1b. Employees are provided adequate orientation, equipment and training as per their
duties and responsibilities.

2. Injury or property damage as a 2. M 2a. Crew leaders and supervisors are responsible for providing crewmembers with
result of lack of PPE. adequate PPE and related training. 2. L
2b. Remove any contaminated clothing, smoking in the work area is prohibited, wash
hands at the end of each shift and before eating/smoking.
2c. Any tool or piece of equipment deemed unsatisfactory will be tagged and removed.

3. Fire and Emergency response 3. M 3a. Training would include: fire extinguisher use, Phone communication, first aid. 3. L

Transporting material 1. Tripping / Falling while 1. M 1a. Inform and Training all workers about hazards in site area. 1. L
to site carrying materials 1b. PPE: Helmet, Reflective Vest, Safety Shoes, gloves, safety googles.
1c. When Hauling material DO NOT over carry to obstruct vision.
1d. trenches should be properly blocked either by guard system or caution tape located
1.8 meters from trench.

2. Lifting / Straining 2. M 2a. When lifting all materials make sure employees are lifting with their legs and not 2. L
their backs.
3. Weather 3. M 3. L
3a. Drink at least ½ liter of water an hour.
Job Step Hazards Risk Controls and actions to eliminate or minimize each hazard Residual
Rating Risk
installed power 1. Damages to electrical 1.M 1a. use Surge Protection Device (SPD) that designed to protect electrical devices from voltage 1. L
distribution panel devices and electrical Spikes while blocking voltage over a safe threshold.
2a. blocks the voltage to a value that is not hazardous for the electrical installation. While
protecting the electrical installation, also protects the person who will use the
Installation by the (SPD).
Using hand and 1. Broken or Unauthorized 1.M 1a. All tools and equipment must be inspected by SSI personnel prior to use. 1. L
power tools Tools.
(Cut by Jackson saw)
(wood Planer) 2. Injuries Cuts, pinches, 2.M 2a. 2b. make sure the safety mechanism is functioning correctly on the saw.
smashes, punctures, 2b. Never carry power tools with the trigger depressed.
severing of fingers. 2c. Keep all used razor blades in a sharps container labeled as "SHARPS". Keep all 2. L
Sharp materials out of the line of traffic.
2d. Keep hands away from the immediate work area.
2e. Wear proper PPE (googles, gloves, respiratory mask hearing and eye protection).
2f. Check that adjustable guards are operating correctly.
2g. Keep a firm grip while using tools. 3.L

3. Electrocution. 3.M 3a. Disconnect tools from the power source before making adjustments or carrying out
3b. Any tool or piece of equipment deemed unsatisfactory will be tagged and removed.
3c. GFCIs must be used on all portable electrical equipment, Extension cords must be 4.L
at least 14ga(cod- h05vv-f) Electrical appliances and tools do that not have a the
3d. third grounding prong on the Plug must have Double Insulation protection.
Job Step Hazards Risk Controls and actions to eliminate or minimize each hazard Residual
Rating Risk
Assembly 1. Injury from flying 1.M 1a. Wear gloves, goggles and other protective equipment. 1. L
wooden debris and dust. 1b. Ensure all guards are in place on tools and machines.
1c. Be aware of people working nearby.
kit/door 2. L
2. Injury from Sharpe 2.M 2a. The lifting and grasping of Formica frames will be done using a cute resistant glove for the hands
Formica frames. ( EN388, CE4542 level-5)
3. Electric shock. 3.M 3a. Check and tag power tools and cables regularly.
3b. Keep leads away from wet areas.

4. Injury from Ramset 4.M 4a. Use correct nails and charges in Ramset guns. 4.L
gun 4b. Notify people adjacent to the work area of nail gun use.
4c. Keep immediate work area clear of other people.

5. Injury from heavy 5a. Single person should not lift more than 25 kg weight, two (2) men are required for carrying loads 5.L
lifting/bending louds. 5.M Greater than -25 kg .
5b. Heavy elements should be lifted with the proper tools, previously approved by SSHO.

Use electrical 1. shock from faulty 1. M 1a. Site manager will arrange for permanent electric supply to be turned off while installation of air 1. L
equipment electrical equipment Conditioning infrastructure works ongoing.
1b. Site manager to supply 220 v temporary supplies.
1c. Staff knows to check all cables, leads etc. of all powered tools/equipment before use, and to report
all Faults to their supervisor.

Using Portable 1. Falls 1. M 1a. Before use, check the load rating of the ladder, to make sure the ladder can support the combined 1. L
Ladders weight of the user.
1b. Accompanying tools and equipment carried in tool belt. Both hands to be kept free when climbing
1c. Obtain help transporting ladder if needed.
1d. Ensure correct angle of ladder (1M out for 4M up),
1e. A- frame ladders use should not be used when leaned to the wall and peoples should not satand on
top step.
Job Step Hazards Risk Controls and actions to eliminate or minimize each hazard Residual
Rating Risk
unloading the truck 1. Trips and falls. 1.M 1a. remove obstacles in pathway 1.L
(moving materials) 1b. Be aware of uneven or unstable surfaces.

2. Cuts from steel strapping. 2.M 2a. Maintain an awareness of other people in the area.
2b. Place hand on loose end of steel strapping when cutting to avoid 2.L
Spring back.

3. hit by moving vehicles or 3.M 3a. park vehicle off the road before unloading 3.L
falling materials 3b. Make sure materials are not unloaded onto the road.
3c. Make sure the backup alarm on vehicles are work properly

Cutting boards to 1. Irritations or allergic reactions. 1. M 1a. Proper ventilation need to avoid exposer to possible chemical agents within the 1.L
required size wood.
1b. use proper- PPE respiratory mask and safety googles and safety glasses

2. exposures to dust exceed the 2a. collect The wood dust and removed from the work environment, reducing the
exposure limit of 5 g/m3 2. M 2.L
concentration in the worker's breathing zone and the opportunity for skin contact.
2b. attached vacuum to the extraction port, air is drawn past the blade and into the port,
capturing dust at the point of generation.
Training Requirements/Competent or
Inspection Requirements
Equipment to be Used Qualified Personnel name(s)
1. Portable/Extension Ladders. Competent/Qualified Personnel: 1. A competent person should regularly inspect ladders.
2. Curved Door Panel Mr. Eyal babu - QP/Safety Man(SSHO) 2. Inspect PPE to include fall protection harnesses and
3. Wood Planer Mr. Eyal babu- QP/First Aid and CPR lanyards prior to use.
4. screw guns Training Requirements: 3. Inspect power cord sets prior to use.
5. Jackson saw Respiratory Protection 4. Inspect temporary power panel box, circuit breakers,
6. First Aid Kit. Aerial lift and forklift certification grounding, etc. at least monthly.
Lockout-Tag out 5. Inspect first aid kit at least monthly.
Hand and Power Tools 6. Daily site safety inspections by SSHO and CQC
Fire/Emergency Response 7. All electrical leads, portable power tools, devices will
Daily/Monthly safety toolbox meetings 8. Inspected by a competent person.
9. Daily Housekeeping of work areas include.


Contractor: Nibor Enterprises Contractors Representative: ELIRAN ALMOG

Date: 14 march 2019 Signature: _______________________________

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