Customer Satisfaction Among Online Shoppers: A Study of Business Administration Students

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Customer Satisfaction Among Online

Shoppers: A Study of Business
Administration Students
Denmark S. Ruiz1; Reshyl Gabat-Lopez, MMBM2*; Carolyn M. Jayo3; Jhona C. Cagol4; Melchie A. Apura5
Armando C. Caparida6; Mariafe M. Caparida7; Yonalyn A. Espero8
Philippine College Foundation
Valencia City, Bukidnon

Corresponding Author:- Reshyl Gabat-Lopez, MMBM2*

Abstract:- This study aimed to evaluate the satisfaction Today, internet shopping has become a straightforward
level of respondents regarding online shopping, process for acquiring everyday goods due to the widespread
specifically conducted at the Philippine College use of smartphones, computers, and tablets. Online shopping
Foundation in Valencia City, Bukidnon over two weeks leads to electronic commerce, driving customers' decisions
in October 2023. The survey gathered responses from to purchase products from specific organizations (Souca,
157 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 2014). The Philippines, in particular, has seen an upward
students enrolled in the first semester of the 2023-2024 trend in demand for e-commerce, with the rise of
academic year, all of whom had experience with online smartphones and desktop computers leading to an increase
shopping. Descriptive statistics including frequency, in online purchases among Filipinos. The advancement of
mean, and standard deviation were utilized by the technology has reshaped people's daily lives, with the
researchers to address the study's objectives. The data Internet playing a vital role in this transformation. As a
collection involved a self-designed questionnaire crafted result, the traditional shopping mode in physical stores has
to comprehensively capture the essential facets of the evolved into a more efcient and popular system known as e-
study. The findings revealed a prevalent satisfaction commerce Rudansky-loppers (2014).
among respondents in various aspects of online
shopping, notably in terms of convenience, product According to data from January 2021, the Philippines
delivery, and product quality, which significantly had 73.91 million internet users, which increased by 4.2
influenced overall customer satisfaction within the online million between 2020 and 2021. The United States had 79.9
shopping context. This indicates a strong inclination million social media users, while the Philippines boasted
among respondents towards favoring online shopping as 89.00 million (Bureau of Statistics). This significant rise in
a preferred method for making purchases. social media users has made platforms like Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube more
Keywords:- Customer Satisfaction, Online Shopping. accessible, transforming them into avenues for online
shopping and connecting sellers and retailers with their
I. INTRODUCTION customers (Singh & Singh, 2018). Online shopping has
emerged as a lifeline for busy individuals juggling various
The world of commerce has witnessed extensive priorities. With items delivered to their doorstep, it offers a
digital transformation, and one of the sectors most convenient solution for meeting shopping needs. However,
significantly impacted by this change is online purchasing. it has challenges, as customers can experience satisfaction
In recent years, online shopping has experienced explosive and dissatisfaction with their purchases. Product defects and
growth, firmly establishing itself as a quick and convenient incorrect deliveries can mar the online shopping experience
means for consumers to purchase. This transformation is (Karthikeyan, 2016).
particularly significant for students on top of this digital
shift. Students are now enthusiastic online shoppers, drawn Online privacy and security concerns are prevalent in
to the convenience of accessing a wide array of products at online shopping, especially in developing countries where
competitive prices and the freedom to shop at their comprehensive regulations may be lacking. Reports of
convenience. internet fraud deter customers from engaging in online
purchases. Therefore, a comprehensive examination of
Being digital groups, students eagerly embrace customer satisfaction, including pre-purchase and post-
technology, engaging in various online activities, including purchase behavior, is essential to alleviate these concerns
purchasing products and services. Understanding their (Akram, 2018).
online shopping behavior and assessing their satisfaction
with this mode of commerce is crucial for entrepreneurs,
educators, and regulators.

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This study seeks to provide valuable insights for e- by the population per number of students. Table 1 shows the
commerce companies, academic institutions, and distribution of the respondents by section.
policymakers. Analyzing the factors influencing student
satisfaction in online shopping aims to enhance the online To collect data for the study, the researchers developed
shopping experience and foster lasting customer a self-made questionnaire. Furthermore, the questionnaire is
relationships. This study contributes to the body of divided into two parts. The first section focuses on the
knowledge concerning students' satisfaction with online demographic prole of students, which includes age, gender,
purchasing by offering insight into their experiences and marital status, and monthly allowance. The second section
levels of satisfaction. assessed customer satisfaction with online shopping in terms
of Convenience (10 indicators), product delivery (5
II. METHODOLOGY indicators), and product quality (10indicators), for a total of
25 indicators rated on a 5-point Likert scale of 5(Highly
This study used a descriptive-quantitative research Satisfied), 4 (Satisfied), 3 (Moderately Satisfied), 2 (Less
design. The descriptive quantitative research design aims to Satisfied), and 1 (Unsatisfied). This questionnaire was
gather and analyze data to describe or quantify a particular designed to measure respondents' level of satisfaction when
phenomenon or population. It involves collecting data shopping online.
through structured surveys, questionnaires, or observations
and then analyzing it using statistical techniques to draw Finally, statistical tools including frequency counts
meaningful conclusions (Creswell, 2013). This research were used to determine the demographic proles of the
design allows researchers to measure variables, identify respondents, weighted mean to assess the level of customer
patterns, and make predictions. It focuses on collecting satisfaction with online purchasing, and standard deviation
numerical data and using statistical analysis to describe the for evaluating data dispersion. In statistics, a frequency
studied topic (Babbie, 2016) comprehensively. distribution conveys how often a particular entry appears in
the dataset (Merbitz et al. (2016). This study employed
Furthermore, this research was conducted at the frequency distribution to categorize respondents by age,
Philippine College Foundation, an appropriate locale for this gender, marital status, and monthly allowance. The mean
study. Philippine College Foundation (PCF) is a nonstock, signifies the ratio of the sum of observations to the number
nonprofit private school offering courses, including the of comments, as defined by Panneerslvam (2008). In this
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. The research, researchers utilized this statistical method to
decision of the researchers to select the school as the study's calculate the average score for each indicator, as rated by the
locale is based on the availability of a suitable sample respondents.
population of online shoppers among the students.
Conducting the research at the school allows easy access to III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the participants, facilitating data collection and analysis.
The result revealed that among the 157 respondents
Respondents are only one hundred (100) second-year engaging in online shopping, over half of the respondents
bonafide students of the Philippine College Foundation who fall within the 19-24 age bracket, representing 54.1% of the
were enrolled during the second semester of the school year total. This indicates that this group has a strong tendency for
2022-2023 and are enrolled as third-year students of the online purchasing and is highly active in this activity. This is
school year 2023-2024 and actively engage in online consistent with earlier studies conducted by Shanthi &
shopping. These students are an excellent sample for Kannaiah (2015), which showed that people in the 20–25
investigating customer satisfaction in an online purchasing age range like to shop online while those in the older age
setting since they are often avid buyers and represent a groups are less likely to do so. Conversely, findings from
diverse group with varying online shopping experiences. Kanchan, Kumar, and Gupta's (2015) study revealed that
individuals aged 30-45 exhibit more significant interest in
This study employed a stratified sampling technique to online shopping, presenting a contrast to the primary trend
allow researchers to gain a more reliable and precise observed in this study.
measure of population characteristics, particularly when the
population is varied and divided into subgroups with
considerably distinct features. As cited by the study of
Ayoub, H., & Twesige, D. (2022), stratified sampling is a
probability sampling method used in sample surveys; the
target population elements are divided into distinct groups
or strata, and the elements within each stratum are similar to
each other in terms of select characteristics of importance to
the research (Parsons, 2017).

The researchers derived a sample size of 157 out of the

total population of 262 second-year BSBA students in PCF.
The sample distribution was computed proportionately by
dividing the total sample by the total population multiplied

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents Table 2 Level of Customer Satisfaction Towards Online
Shopping in Terms of Convenience

As to sex, the data revealed that out of 157

respondents, 78.3% are female, and 21.7% are male. This
implies that females are more active online shoppers than
males. In the case of PCF students, most of them are female,
which makes them more prone to online shopping since they
purchase things like personal care and fashion items, unlike
males, who are smaller in number. According to Bancoro Table 2 highlights the top three mean indicators among
(2023), females are far more likely than males to shop respondents: "I find online shopping's ordering process
online. In contrast, the intention to shop online is higher simple" (4.15), "I used to do online shopping due to its
among men than it is among women (Bhat et al. (2021). open-time ordering process" (4.10), and "I and online
shopping transactions easy and hassle-free" (4.08). This
Regarding marital status, the data indicates that 73.9% implies that PCF students exhibit a strong affinity for online
of respondents are single, while 26.1% are married. This shopping due to its inherent conveniences: the ability to
highlights a notable inclination of unmarried individuals browse and purchase at any time, the convenience of
towards online shopping, corroborating findings from Singh shopping from their homes, simplified online transactions,
and Kashyap (2015) study and Bhat et al. (2021), which and access to a diverse range of products from various
similarly emphasized the preference for online shopping brands and sellers. This extensive array of options provides
among unmarried consumers. However, Shalini and Malini's students with a wide selection to choose from, contributing
(2015) study presents a contrasting perspective, suggesting to their enjoyment of the online shopping experience. Thus,
that married consumers exhibit a higher preference for it means that online shopping is very favorable to students in
internet shopping compared to single consumers. making purchase.
Examining the monthly allowance distribution among Research by Kaura et al. (2015) emphasizes that
respondents, a significant portion (63.7%) falls within the offering Convenience, whether through streamlined online
1,000-2,000 range despite being a relatively modest income transactions or by expanding payment options, significantly
bracket. This reflects the willingness of respondents, enhances customer satisfaction. When users perceive the
particularly PCF students, to allocate a portion of their online ordering process as easy and user-friendly, they
limited income toward online purchases. This behavior consider the system useful (Abdullah et al. 2017). Moreover,
aligns with Sharma and Parmar, (2018) study, which customers are inclined to make online purchases when they
observed that customers with intermediate to higher incomes find the shopping platform easy to navigate and use (Mpofu
tend to shop online more frequently than those with lower et al. 2019).
incomes. Additionally, Mehrotra et al. (2019) further
support this trend, indicating a greater propensity for online However the convenience and efficiency of online
shopping among individuals with higher earnings. checkout processes, the overall satisfaction of students
lessens if the product information is not presented clearly,
hindering their ability to confidently make purchase

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
decisions as well as recommendation to their relatives and Mofokeng (2021), South African researchers emphasized
friends. This finding is supported by the study of Jiang, the significance of timely product deliveries in enhancing
Yang, and Jun (2013), which claimed that Convenience has online customers' satisfaction levels.
a favorable impact on general consumer satisfaction.
According to Prasetyo and Fuente (2020), happy customers Meanwhile, among the indicators, "Online shopping
are more likely to stick with the retailer, use them more offers items in good condition" received the lowest mean
frequently, refer them to others, and have a better overall score of 3.48. This outcome suggests that respondents rated
experience. Customer happiness can be influenced by a this aspect the lowest, possibly due to concerns regarding
variety of factors, including the ability to choose from a the condition of delivered products. Students might
variety of items Mahmud, Imtiaz, Ahmed (2019). encounter challenges such as delays, mishandling of parcels,
or unforeseen circumstances while transporting purchased
Table 3 Level of Customer Satisfaction Towards Online items. In developed countries, dissatisfaction among online
Shopping in Terms of Delivery of Product shoppers often stems from businesses' failure to provide
expedited or timely deliveries, as highlighted in Capgemini
(2019). Moreover, instances of online stores delivering
products entirely different from what the customer ordered
or, worse, delivering empty packages, as noted by Al-
Jahwari et al. (2018), contribute to customer discontentment
and impact the perceived reliability of online shopping

Table 4 Level of Customer Satisfaction Towards Online

Shopping in Terms of Product Quality

Table 3 reveals that among the five indicators, the

statement "Online shopping allows customers to accurately
track or check purchased products" received the highest
rating, achieving a mean of 3.94 or a verbal description of
"satisfied." For PCF students, this aspect of online shopping
is very favorable to them as it gives a smooth and
convenient purchasing process. The ability to monitor
purchased products holds significant value, primarily when
items are intended for special events or occasions.
Customers often seek assurance regarding the delivery
timeline, whether it aligns with their expectations or
potentially arrives earlier.

Additionally, Cao et al. (2018) found that tracking

mechanisms involving multichannel methods like email or
text alerts for delivery updates could predict customer
satisfaction among online shoppers in China and Taiwan.
Moreover, recent studies have emphasized the impact of
efficient delivery on customer satisfaction. Chou et al.
(2015) research highlighted the influence of promised
delivery times on customer satisfaction. As evidenced by

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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