HSEQ Quiz Compete Ti On

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The key takeaways from the document are that it contains a health and safety quiz covering topics like fire safety, chemicals, general safety, environment and quality.

The three sides of a fire triangle are fuel, air and heat.

The lowest temperature at which a volatile liquid can vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air is called the flash point.

Gamesa Wind Tubines (P) Ltd

HSEQ QUIZ CONTEST Time : 30 Mins. Name of the Employee: (in CAPITAL LETTERS): Designation: Email: Department Mobile No: : Date : 19.10.2011

Highlight the correct answers as explained in Sample / Answer all the questions / Select most appropriate answer/ No negative marks SAMPLE 00. In case of fire, what action will you do first? A. Shout for fire and alarm others in the vicinity B. Run for Fire Extinguisher C. Evacuate the building immediately D. Call Fire Station and inform about fire.



1. What are the three sides of fire triangle? A. Flame, Fuel, Moisture B. Fuel, Air, Oxygen C. Fuel, Air, Heat D. Oxygen, Fuel, Heat 2. If the fuel is in Liquid stage, then what will be the fire classification? A. Class A Fire B. Class B Fire C. Class C Fire D. Class D Fire 3. Water type extinguisher is the most suitable for which class fire? A. Class A Fire B. Class B Fire C. Class C Fire D. Class D Fire 4. What is the major cause for Industrial Fire? A. Poor house keeping B. Electric leak D. Flammable Storage

C. Combustible Storage

5. Can you induce vomiting for the acid swallowed person? A. YES B. NO 6. The lowest temperature of a volatile liquid, at which it can vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air, is called ______________ A. Fire Point B. Flash Point C. Autogenous ignition D. Explosion point 7. What is the name of the gas emanated from sewage pipe lines or tank? A. Carbon monoxide B. Carbon-di-oxide C. Hydrogen sulphide D. None of the above

8. Where is the safest place to be during a lightning storm? A. Under the trees B. Under the buildings C. In open areas D. Under an holding umbrella 9. The maximum noise exposure limit for 08 hrs. per day is A. 110 dbA B. 90 dbA C. 80 dbA D. 85 dbA 10. Which one is not covered under the 10 Life Saving Rules of Gamesa? A. By Passing Safety interlocks B. LOTO (Lock Out Tag Out) C. Driving Safety D. HS Awareness & Training

ENVIRONMENT 11. The Fuel of the 21st Century is attributed to a) Coal b) Uranium c) Natural Gas d) Oil

12. Bachat Lamp Yojna (BLY) Scheme is concerned with the replacement of a) FTL by CFL b) Incandescent lamp by CFL c) Sodium vapor lamp by CFL d) Incandescent lamp by LED 13. The capacity factor of a wind turbine does not depend on a) kWh produced in a year b) Tower material c) Name plate rating of the wind turbine d) Maximum hours available in a year 14. ____________ is a definition used for classification referring to a species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range is said to be a) Extinct species b) Endangered species c) Invasive species d) Indicator species 15. Renewable energy is obtained from sources that are a) Exhaustible b) Essentially inexhaustible 2

c) Available for free

d) None of the above

16. Which one is normally not an energy conservation measure? a) To reduce excess air of combustion b) To replace 60 watt incandescent light bulb by a 12 watt CFL c) To convert oil fired heating system to wood fired d) To increase air conditioned room temperature by 2oC 17. Which gas has the least impact on global warming? a) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) b) Carbon Monoxide (CO) c) Methane (CH4) d) Nitrous Oxide (NOx) 18. Which one of the following is not considered as a pollutant? a) CO2 b) SO2 c) CO d) VOCs 19. The world average per person energy consumption is equivalent to _____tones of coal a) 3 b) 2.2 c) 4.5 d) 1.0 20. The energy used by any manufacturing process varies with a) Production volume b) Type of process c) Resource input d) All the above QUALITY 21. Fitness for use-means that the production conforms to design specifications a) True b) False 22. A good approach to quality control is to inspect the final product and to screen out items that do not meet specifications a) True b) False 23. For the World Day of Excellence, which celebrate October 17 under the slogan, a) We prevent not fix b) Our commitment to everyone's advantage c) Voice of the customer d) Quality is everything 24. Definition of Quality, a) Fit to use b) Customer requirements c) Reducing the variation around the target d) The degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements e) All of the above 25. Cost of Quality comprises of, a) External Failure Cost c) Inspection (appraisal) Cost 26. World Quality day will celebrate on, 3 b) Internal Failure Cost d) Prevention Cost e) All the above

a) November 14th c) Second Thursday of November

b) November 10th d) June 5th

27. Control charts allow operators to see the progress of their work and to take pride in keeping a process under control a) True b) False 28. Our Gamesa Excellence policy (HSE and Q policy) code is, a) PPD-EOL-001 b) FPD-0-001 c) MBE-1-001 d) MBE-1-001-A03

29. Most production processes produce output with no variation in quality characteristics. a) True b) False 30. Unit of RFT followed in our Gamesa a) Percentage (%) b) Defect per million of opportunities (DPMO) c) Defects per million of Inspections (DPMI) d) b & c

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