Green Spark Solution - Shrey Shivam
Green Spark Solution - Shrey Shivam
Green Spark Solution - Shrey Shivam
1. Ankur Jha
2. Shrey Shivam
3. Girish Chandra
Soil fertility depletion due to fertilizer overuse
Lack of Storage facilities
Lack of crop Rotation
Credit Availability
Inadequate access to crop insurance schemes
Secondary Problem
Air Pollution Due to Stubble Burning
Marketing Channels:
Digital Marketing:
o Targeted social media campaigns (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) with localized
content focusing on specific regions and crops.
o Video testimonials from early adopters showcasing the drone's benefits and ease of
o Interactive e-learning modules on sustainable farming practices featuring the drone
o Partnerships with agricultural influencer platforms and Farmer Producer
Organizations (FPOs) for wider reach.
o Mobile app for ordering the drone service, scheduling surveys, and monitoring
fertilizer usage data.
o Farmer field demonstrations in collaboration with local agricultural universities and
extension services.
o Participation in regional agricultural fairs and exhibitions with interactive booths
showcasing the drone technology.
o Organize workshops and training sessions on sustainable farming practices,
highlighting the drone's role.
Traditional Media:
o Regional agricultural magazines and newspapers with targeted advertisements and
o Radio campaigns in local languages with informative radio spots and farmer
o Collaborate with agricultural equipment manufacturers and retailers to bundle the
drone with other farming tools.
o Work with agri-finance institutions to offer financing options for farmers to purchase
the drone service.
o Aligning with the existing Government Initiative with a similar mission to provide
subsidy on adoption of these greener technologies.
Product Formalisation
Launching a lease model which is cost effective on subscription basis keeping in mind that
these activities are generally required for the 2-3 times a season solving the problem of lack
of credits and also penetrating to the medium to low-income segment group.
Training the appointed farmer to be a point of contact for order booking and execution of
Provide a sustainable storage space with the drones and other gadget technology and also the
pesticides to be used.
Tie up with the fintech firms and Gramin banks to ease the credit availability of farmers from
relevant sources at lower Interest rates as compared to existing practice of informal loans
from zamidars.
Messaging Themes:
Save Money, Save Soil: Emphasize the drone's ability to reduce fertilizer costs and improve
soil health.
Precision Farming for Future Generations: Highlight the drone's contribution to sustainable
farming practices for long-term benefits.
Tech-Enabled Tradition: Bridge the gap between traditional farming practices and modern
technology, showcasing the ease of use and accessibility of the drone.
Data-Driven Decisions: Promote the drone's ability to provide farmers with real-time data for
informed decision-making.
2. Branding: