Writing of Research Report

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By: Aditi Rao

By: Aditi Rao





Types of Research Report


Common Mistakes in Report Writing

— Report writing is a basic task of researcher, since no
research can be completed without its report.
— It is a tool for communicating the various aspects of
the study, viz., the problem or topic investigated, the
method employed to investigate, the objective, scope
and limitations.
— Reports are highly structured form of writing often
following conventions that have been laid down to
produce a common format.
— A research report is: “A written document or
oral presentation based on a written document that
communicates the purpose, scope, objectives,
hypotheses, methodology, findings, limitations and
finally, recommendations of a research project to
— “A report is a statement of the results of an
investigation or of any matter on which definite
information is required.”
Objectives of Report Writing
1. To provide document of knowledge.

2. To provide bases for further Researches.

3. To evaluate relevance of various methods.

4. Systematizing complex and scattered facts.

5. Classification of casual relationship in

various facts.

6. Test of validity of conclusions.

Characteristics of a Good
Research Report
Characteristics of a Good
Research Report
— Clear- The information given in the report must be
understood at the first reading. The report has to be easy to
read with legible writing and a clear message.

— Concise- The report is only to be as long as it is need to

include the necessary information. Use short, simple
sentences. Do not use jargon or words that aren’t required.

— Complete- Ensure all required information is in the report.

— Correct- Every piece of information must be accurate and

Types of Report

Type of Report

Brief Detailed Technical Business

Reports Reports Reports Reports

Working Survey
Papers Reports
Types of Report…
1. Brief Reports-
Ø formally structures
Ø generally short running in 10 to 15 pages.
Ø The information provided is very limited and
Ø is prepared as a prelude to main report or for immediate consumption. They
can be of following types:
i. Working paper or basic reports:-
Ø serve as a point of reference researcher proceeds to write detailed report on
the steps followed by him for collecting information on subject.
ii. Survey Reports:-
Ø academic or non-academic
Ø findings in comprehensible form, which includes figures and tables.
Ø They are easy to understand and help in arriving to appropriate conclusions
needed for a solution to a business problem.
Types of Report…
2. Detailed Reports-

Ø most structured reports, which are essentially either academic,

technical or business reports.

Ø but their forms of presentation will differ.

3. Technical Reports-

Ø Are major documents which include all the elements of basic report
as well as interpretation and conclusions, relating to the obtained

Ø It would include complete problem background along with past data

that are essential in interpretation and understanding the present
study output.
Types of Report…
4. Business Reports-

Ø consist of technical details and would be presented in a

comprehensive form, which is understandable by business

Ø The data used for reaching to conclusions, instead of in the

form of tables, will be depicted pictorially as bars or graphs.

Ø The reporting tone would be more in business terms rather

than theoretical or conceptual.
Format of Research Report
Preliminary Main Body of the Reference
Section or Front Report Section

Title Page Introduction Bibliography

(if any) Review of Related Appendix

List of Tables (if Design of the Study


List of Figures (if Presentation and Analysis

any) of Data

Summary and
Format of Research Report…
A. Preliminary Section or Front Matter- This
section mainly consists if identification information for the study.

1. Title Page- There are four pieces of information that have to be included
into the title .

i. The report title;

ii. The name of the person, company, or organization for whom the report
has been prepared;

iii. The name of the author and the company or university which
originated the report;

iv. The data when the report was completed.

A title page might also include contract number, a security classification, or a

copy number depending on the nature of the report researcher is writing.
Title Page
Preliminary Section or Front
2. Acknowledgement- Good report writing includes a page of gratitude to
those who helped the researcher in his process; his supervisor,
teachers/professors, librarians, family, etc.

3. Table of Contents- The table of contents is a reflection of report writing

structure. Sections and subsections should be numbered and titled in such a
way as to help the reader find his way through your report. A good table of
contents serves an important purpose in providing an outline of the contents
of the report.

4. List of Tables and Figures- If tables and figures are included in this
report, a separate page in included for each list. The full titles of figures and
tables, worded exactly as they appear in the text, are preserved with
corresponding numbers and page locations.
All pages in the preliminary section are numbered at the center of the bottom
margin with lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv).
Table of Contents
Format of Research Report…
B. Main Body of the Report-
1. Introduction Section-
i. Statement of the Problem
ii. Significance of the Problem (and historical
iii. Purpose
iv. Statement of Hypothesis
v. Assumptions
vi. Limitations
vii. Definition of Terms
Main Body of the Report…
2. Review of Related Literature or Analysis of Previous

i. review the important literature related to the study.

ii. provides a background for the development of the present

study and brings the reader up to date.

3. Design of the Study

i. Description of Research Design and Procedures Used

ii. Sources of Data
iii. Sampling Procedures
iv. Methods and Instruments of Data Gathering
v. Statistical Treatment
Main Body of the Report…
4. Presentation and Analysis Data contains:

i. text with appropriate

ii. tables and
iii. figures

5. Summary and Conclusions

i. Restatement of the Problem

ii. Description of Procedures
iii. Major Findings (reject or fail to reject Ho)
iv. Conclusions
iv. Recommendations for Further Investigation
Format of Research Report…
C. Reference Section
1. Bibliography or Literature Cited

i. It is an important part of this section as it gives details of

information sources and papers cited in standardized format.

ii. References are arranged in alphabetical order and

iii. According to particular reference citation style.

2. Appendix
i. Tables and data-important, cover letters used, printed forms of
questionnaires, tests, and other data-gathering devices related to the
report content-copies may be placed in the appendix.
Common Mistakes in report


Language Lengthy
Common Mistakes in report
1. Boring-
Ø should be written keeping the background of the target audience in mind.
Ø Abrupt deviations from the objective can make report lifeless to the target audience.
Ø flow of the topic or subsequent pages or slides should remain in sync.
ØThe overall outline should be drawn in a way before hand so that all chips fit in well
and moves towards the objective of the report writing.
2. Errors
Ø spelling and grammatical errors should be kept in mind.
Ø Wrong spelling and improper use of tense can cause severe damage to the overall
value and impact of a report
3. Language-
Ø Long sentences should be avoided an writer should use lucid sentence.
Ø While writing a report, a writer should also take care of the nonfigurative
terminologies, idioms, abbreviations and technical words
4. Lengthy-
Ø it is not required for a writer to overemphasize a specific topic.
Ø Their focus will be more on the inference, conclusions and on the probable solution
suggested if any.
Ø A writer should keep a report topic, very specific, relevant and crisp. The writer can
suggest references to different sources to interested readers for further reading.
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