Restoration Ecology - 2023 - Rother - Historical Trajectory of Restoration Practice and Science Across The Brazilian

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Historical trajectory of restoration practice and science

across the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Débora C. Rother1,2,3 , João P. Romanelli2 , Ricardo R. Rodrigues2

Restoration is fundamentally a hopeful intervention that can meaningfully improve the condition of human-degraded and
destroyed ecosystems. Both restoration science and practice have gained special attention given the recently declared UN
Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. Here, we present an overview of the historical development of forest restoration on the
Brazilian Atlantic Forest with an emphasis in methodological and technical assumptions. We gathered information from pri-
mary and secondary studies to show how forest restoration concepts and strategies evolved over the years. Given the impor-
tance of reviews for informing management and policy as well as research, our study provides a summarized information on
forest restoration approaches or practices that can help practitioners and non-initiated to understand how this field evolved
in Brazil and how lessons learned can be useful for forest restoration in other countries.
Key words: conceptual synthesis, ecological restoration, restoration phases, restoration synthesis, trends, tropical forest, trop-
ical region, UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030)

human well-being (UNEP & FAO 2020; Aronson et al. 2020);

Implications for Practice
in accordance with the sustainable development goals, addres-
• Lessons learned in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest can be sing issues related to water security, climate crisis, food, biodi-
useful for more effective decisions across different eco- versity loss, good health, and well-being.
systems and socioeconomic and ecological contexts Although the decade is aimed at all kinds of ecosystem resto-
around the world. ration (UNEP & FAO 2020), much of the emphasis of publicity
• Functional traits and evolutionary relationships among surrounding the declaration has been on degraded or con-
co-occurring species provide means of ensuring restora-
verted forests (Dudley et al. 2020; Holl & Brancalion 2020).
tion efforts in terms of delivering target ecosystem ser-
Forests occupy a center stage in global debates mainly
vices and overcoming environmental filters.
because of aspects related to carbon removal and biodiversity
conservation (Erbaugh et al. 2020) and also due to the wide
range of human-induced disturbances they suffer (Nunez-
Introduction Mir et al. 2015). Consequently, many forest ecosystems dis-
Restoration practice—the process of assisting the recovery of a play reduced functionality and productivity and species loss,
certain ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed besides reduced delivery of ecosystem services (ES; Wen-
(SER 2004)—has ramped worldwide (Pape 2020). The United hua 2004; Nunez-Mir et al. 2015).
Nations General Assembly’s declaration of 2021–2030, also An ambitious forest restoration agenda has been set globally
called “UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration” represented a (Holl et al. 2020) and motivated by varied goals (Suding
turning point for global movement (Dhyani et al. 2020; Roma-
nelli et al. 2020). The decade is a call for the protection and Author contributions: RRR conceived the idea; RRR, DCR, JPR designed the study;
recovery of ecosystems for the benefit of people and nature, aim- DCR, JPR led the writing of the manuscript; all authors contributed critically to the
drafts and gave approval for publication.
ing to counteract land degradation, and achieve global sustain-
able goals. There are optimists’ and even skeptics’ points of Centro de Ciências da Natureza, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus Lagoa
do Sino, Rod. Lauri Simões de Barros km 12 - SP-189, Buri, Brasil 18245-000, Brazil
view regarding how meaningful such a declaration will be on 2
Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo,
global pledges (Cooke et al. 2019; Young & Schwartz 2019; Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil
Address correspondence to D. C. Rother, email [email protected]
Dudley et al. 2020). Nevertheless, ecosystem restoration is
expected to support global conservation efforts for local devel-
opment and economic sustainability (Aronson & Alexan- © 2023 Society for Ecological Restoration.
doi: 10.1111/rec.14041
der 2013; Aronson et al. 2020; UNEP & FAO 2020), and Supporting information at:
awareness of the importance of functional ecosystems for

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Restoration history in Atlantic Forest

et al. 2015; Chazdon et al. 2016). As a mechanism of land and and practical underpinnings of restoration through the prism of
resource management, the “forest landscape restoration” rapid environmental changes becomes increasingly evident
(FLR) has been proposed as a management practice to promote (Hobbs & Cramer 2008; Nunez-Mir et al. 2015).
restoration and human well-being (Erbaugh et al. 2020). How- Through a narrative synthesis, we summarize the evolution of
ever, competing definitions of FLR exist (Mansourian 2018), forest restoration science and practice across the BAF. By shar-
and debates rely on the lack of conceptual clarity as to how this ing the Brazilian experience, we aim to contribute to more uni-
approach can achieve such objectives (Stanturf et al. 2019). versally applicable insights into forest restoration in other
The majority of current restoration targets come from devel- tropical ecosystems. Our synthesis begins by elucidating over-
oping countries in the global South (Fagan et al. 2020). In Latin arching research trends and progressively narrows to the
America, for example, a total of 170 Mha of FLR were pledged Brazilian context, succinctly delineating methodological
as part of the Bonn Challenge, including commitments from advancements, ecological applications, and research outcomes
13 neotropical countries (Brancalion et al. 2019; Chagas et al. across five discernible phases. Ultimately, our narrative con-
2020). Brazil in particular made an ambitious pledge of 12 Mha cludes by succinctly exploring the broader international implica-
of native vegetation recovery as a contribution to the Bonn Chal- tions stemming from the insights garnered from the BAF
lenge global target ( This restoration restoration, imparting valuable cross-disciplinary lessons.
commitment is also part of Brazil’s pledge to the Paris Climate
Agreement and its National Policy for Native Vegetation
Recovery. Moreover, the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact Forest Restoration in the BAF: Evolution of Methods,
(AFRP), created in 2009 as a movement to restore 15 Mha of Concepts, and Research
degraded/deforested lands by 2050, pledged 1 Mha toward the The field of restoration ecology is relatively recent
2020 Bonn Challenge (Crouzeilles et al. 2019). The increasing (Harrington 1999; Young et al. 2005). The further unearthing
forest cover already reached in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest of the origins of ecology can be used as a historical landmark
(BAF) brings optimism for the achievement of global restoration for the identity of restoration ecology in the twentyfirst century
commitments in the next years (Rezende et al. 2018; Crouzeilles (Gross 2007). Ernst Haeckel is well-known for originating the
et al. 2019). science of ecology and some of his ideas converge to tighten
Forest restoration in the BAF has a long history (Rodrigues the link between the current science and practice of ecological
et al. 2009b). This natural laboratory’ has contributed funda- restoration (Gross 2007). Thus, much of basic and applied
mentally to a better understanding of the history and restoration research in ecological restoration draws from established princi-
research of tropical forests (Romanelli et al. 2018) and the extent ples and concepts raised in ecology (Young et al. 2005).
to which this irreplaceable biota is susceptible to major human The realm of restoration is divided into restoration ecology as
disturbances (Joly et al. 2014). Originally, the Atlantic Forest the science of ecology and ecological restoration as the overall
covered an area of 1.6 Mha (Muylaert et al. 2018), and it hosts practices, including esthetic and economic factors, and other
one of the world’s most diverse and threatened biodiversity social dimensions (Eden & Tunstall 2006; Keulartz 2007). Echo-
(Oliveira-Filho & Fontes 2000; Scarano 2009). After five centu- ing Murphy et al. (2018), the origins of these terms are hard to
ries of colonial imperialism, most Atlantic Forest landscapes are track accurately. The term restoration was reported in the early
fragmented by small forest patches surrounded by open-habitat 1940s in documents relating to Dekalb County, Illinois, and notes
matrices (Joly et al. 2014). However, the local socio-political from George Ward and Paul Shephard at Knox College in 1954
issues, including land ownership disputes, deforestation pres- (Murphy et al. 2018). Nonetheless, only at the end of the
sures, policy implementation inconsistencies, limited funding, 1970s, restoration ecology started to emerge as a formal research
conflicts between biodiversity conservation and economic field in Brazil (Fig. 1; Rodrigues et al. 2009a). Since the founda-
growth, integration of indigenous knowledge, and vulnerability tion of Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) in 1988, this
to political changes, greatly increase the challenge of any resto- international nonprofit organization has been serving as a founda-
ration project, given they are both related to the causes of degra- tion for the development of the field by promoting the science and
dation and the success of restoration simultaneity (Rodrigues practice of ecological restoration around the world (Fig. 1; Cle-
et al. 2009b). To tackle these challenges successfully, effective well & Aronson 2013). In Brazil, the Brazilian Society for Eco-
restoration strategies must engage stakeholders, cultivate policy logical Restoration (SOBRE, the acronym in Portuguese)
coherence, and embrace adaptive approaches that harmonize emerged in 2014 aiming to promote debates, technical collabora-
ecological and societal concerns. tion, and exchange of experiences between different actors
More than 40 years have passed since the emergence of the involved in ecological restoration efforts. Ecology faced a scien-
field of restoration ecology. In this time, restoration science tific revolution from older paradigms of succession, climax, and
and practice have been evolving, shifting, and developing new balance of nature, amid the agitation for environmental preserva-
foci (Oliet & Jacobs 2012). Changing demands at the social, tion and discussions about human-nature dichotomy (Caillon
economic, and ecological levels (DellaSala et al. 2003; Nunez- et al. 2017). These thinking chains were present when ecological
Mir et al. 2015), along with emerging challenges, such as those restoration started to take shape, emerging as an alternative to
associated with climate change (Jalili et al. 2010; Stanturf account for socioeconomic issues, frame sustainable economic
et al. 2014), required the simultaneous and reciprocate evolution development, and preserve biodiversity (Clewell & Aron-
of the field. Thus, the importance of reassessing the theoretical son 2013). A significant portion of the fundamental and practical

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Restoration history in Atlantic Forest

Figure 1. Total publications from Web of Science involving ecological restoration research from 1970 to 2020 and association to the growth trends on forest
restoration research separated into five phases. Bars refer to global ecological restoration research. Green line refers to global forest restoration research. Phases
relate to Brazilian research.

research within restoration ecology has predominantly revolved 2016). Restoration ecology is indeed not only rising in promi-
around botany, likely due to the prominent role of plants in natu- nence but also evolving and expanding in its focus to address
ral communities and as the foundational components of most emerging issues and challenges (Romanelli et al. 2018). In this
ecosystems (Young 2000). This emphasis is unavoidably mir- process, it is possible to recognize phases for the Brazilian for-
rored in our review. est restoration since the early 1970s by analyzing trends in the
Over the past three decades, forest restoration has gained a indexed literature across worldwide and different time-spans
strong academic foothold, addressing several different problems (Romanelli et al. 2020). Although arbitrarily defined, we dis-
faced by restoration practitioners (Young et al. 2005; Guan cussed and established so-called “restoration phases” based
et al. 2019). During this period, the discipline has transitioned on previous researches (Rodrigues et al. 2009a, 2009b;
from a fledgling niche topic to a globally recognized, scientifi- Durigan & Melo 2011; Chaves et al. 2015) and academic
cally based solution for humans to respond to damaged and trends, which can represent a useful simplification to under-
destroyed ecosystems (Romanelli et al. 2018). Currently, resto- stand the history of the application of the concepts in the field
ration is part of the international trend toward “nature-based (Rodrigues et al. 2009a, 2009b). Thus, a proposal for dividing
solutions.” However, restorationists (e.g. scientists and practi- the restoration trajectory over time into phases is presented for
tioners) also have gone through a period of academic soul- the BAF, which may also be useful to understand the develop-
searching, trying to discover and develop conceptual bases for ment of forest restoration science and practice from a broad
the emerging science (Young 2000; Young et al. 2005). The perspective. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis on
evolution of forest restoration practice and science has become restoration of BAF research from 1970 to 2020 to understand
a necessary process due to shifting socioeconomic and ecologi- the development of this field through the time and its associa-
cal demands, coupled with the rapid pace of global change tion to the growth trends on forest restoration research sepa-
(Oliet & Jacobs 2012; Stanturf et al. 2014). The restoration goals rated into five phases. The search was made by using the
changed and new techniques have been developed based on the Web of Science and Scopus as bibliographic sources (see
best practices (Rodrigues et al. 2009b; Brancalion et al. 2015, Supplement S1 for details).

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Restoration history in Atlantic Forest

Phase 1 (Until 1982): No Ecological Criteria for Selecting and based on successional patterns, but now with a focus on greater
Combining Species diversity of native tree species and ecological strategies
The three oldest documented forest restoration initiatives in (Kageyama et al. 2008). Without technical or scientific support,
Brazil were all motivated by the need to recover ES, long before many companies established partnerships with universities and
this concept was coined in the specialized literature (Chaves research institutions to support restoration projects (Chaves
et al. 2015). The first project began in 1861, and focused on et al. 2015). It is important to emphasize that ecological knowl-
the headwaters of the watershed that has become the Tijuca edge about native species was being studied in Brazil, what is
National Park, in Rio de Janeiro (Drummond 1996) at a time not the case for many other countries, where little ecological
of rampant deforestation (Calmon et al. 2011). That restoration research is conducted.
was implemented in order to protect and augment vegetation Brazil promulgated a series of legal instruments during the
cover around natural springs, along streams and degraded lands twentieth century to support the sustainable use of the forests.
by coffee plantations, envisioning the provision of drinking The Forest Code in 1934 (Decree #23793/1934) was the first
water (Calmon et al. 2011). This effort would become the first one. Through this legal instrument, it was enacted that all native
forest restoration project, at least in the tropics (Rodrigues forests were of public interest, and rural properties were required
et al. 2009a). The second project, initiated in 1955, aimed to to preserve forests to benefit society. Nonetheless, due to the
restore 26 ha of riparian forests on land belonging to the sugar- lack of precision in the law’s definitions and difficulties on com-
cane company Usina Ester, in Cosmopolis, São Paulo (Chaves pelling its observance, a revised version of the Forest Code was
et al. 2015). The third project, starting in 1972, was intended established in 1965, (Law #4771/1965)—which defined the
to restore 20 ha of a riparian forest at Cananeia Farm, Cândido areas for permanent preservation and eventually restoration
Mota, São Paulo (Suganuma et al. 2014). These projects and (areas of permanent preservation) and the additional minimum
other reforestation initiatives aiming to protect the reservoirs percentage of forest cover that should be set aside as Legal
of the São Paulo Power Company and the Itaipu hydroelectric Reserve, which could be explored for sustainable timber har-
power plant were motivated by the need to protect water vesting. In 1981, the National Environmental Policy (Law
resources (Durigan & Melo 2011). #6938/1981) stated that large private companies should com-
All these so-called “protection plantings” (Kageyama & Cas- pensate for the deforestation caused by their activities (mainly
tro 1989; Rodrigues et al. 2009a), in that date established with hydroelectric and mining companies) through restoration of
no ecological criteria, characterizes this phase which we consid- degraded lands, as part of offsetting policies. This has been
ered to start in 1861 and became more pronounced after the detailed extensively elsewhere (e.g. Pinto et al. 2014).
1970s. At that date, mixed plantations with no experimental pur- We found that one of the first published studies associating
poses did not allow inferences to be drawn about species interac- the performance of tree species and restoration models date to
tion and on the effectiveness of techniques employed. Such the early 1980s (Hessing & Johnson 1982). Important and sem-
projects were restricted to the use of exotic (i.e. Pinus, Eucalyp- inal studies regarding forest succession in this period go back to
tus, and jackfruit in the case of reforestation in Rio de Janeiro) the work of Tilman (1985) published in American Naturalist,
and native tree planting, pure or mixed with low diversity, Finegan (1984) in Nature, and Christensen and Peet (1984) in
mainly intending to recreate a forest cover (Schweizer Journal of Ecology. In Brazil, the pioneer studies of Gurgel-
et al. 2015). Filho et al. (1982) and Nogueira et al. (1982) also started to bring
light on silvicultural characteristics and competition between
native species of the Atlantic Forest. Restoration practitioners
Phase 2 (1982–1985): the Planting of Brazilian Native Species then start using a few fast-growing species in their projects
Based on Forest Succession (maximum 30 species), planted in high density, with low biolog-
Ecological processes, important for forest self-maintenance and ical and functional diversity (Rodrigues et al. 2009a). From this
sustainability were largely ignored in phase 1, and ecological phase on, the planting of Brazilian native species became wide-
criteria for the selection of species were not considered at that spread, even though they were not always regionally native from
time. Consequently, forest physiognomies were restored, but the restored area (i.e. they were native from Brazil but from other
with no capacity of perpetuating themselves (Rodrigues regions or biomes) (Brancalion et al. 2015). For the first time,
et al. 2009b). Several pioneer species reached adult age and died genetic issues started to be discussed in the context of the suc-
quickly, leaving the plant community, becoming a non- cession of forest native species (Kageyama & Castro 1989).
favorable environment for the establishment of non-pioneer spe-
cies. Thus, many projects with these characteristics declined
after approximately 10–15 years (Barbosa et al. 2003), since Phase 3 (1985–2000): Deterministic Succession Based on the
they were based on reforestation practices and not restoration Floristic and Structural Copy of Forest Remnants
practices. Although some projects did result in permanent for- During this phase, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 was
ests (e.g. Mariano et al. 1982), they often required long-term enacted, after 21 years of dictatorship, returning to democracy.
maintenance activities and high costs (Rodrigues et al. 2009a). To strengthen environmental protection, the Brazilian Federal
Facing difficulties in conceiving, and carrying out these pio- Constitution established that public authorities must actively
neering large-scale projects, researchers in Brazil started to promote the restoration of ecological processes in order to
develop restoration models that mimicked species turnover secure a healthy environment for people. As a consequence,

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Restoration history in Atlantic Forest

new legal instruments were created, favoring restoration in the inaugurated the understanding of how species colonize new hab-
Atlantic Forest. In 1998, the Environmental Crimes Law (Law itats by overcoming biotic limitations or limiting factors
# 9605/1998) established penal, civil, and administrative penal- (Temperton et al. 2004; Moir et al. 2005). In practice, concern
ties for environmental crimes performed by individuals and about keeping the high species diversity in restoration projects
companies, and stated forest restoration as a legal obligation remained in force, as well as aspects such as the floristics and
for farmers and private companies (Durigan & Melo 2011). environmental conditions of the target region and species light
Yet, these restoration projects were reactive measures to com- requirements (Engel & Parrotta 2001).
pensate for damage rather than a proactive measure to assist
recovery, enhance ecosystems, and improve land use and
livelihoods. Phase 5 (2004–Today): Multiple Restoration Goals
Atlantic Forest restorationists started to consider the restora- This phase comprises the current efforts on forest restoration sci-
tion trajectories and their endpoints in this phase (Joly ence and practice across the BAF. In the political context, envi-
et al. 2000), in synchrony with the international literature on ronmental laws changed in 2012 in Brazil with the revision of
the theme (Brown & Lugo 1994; White & Walker 1997), and the Forest Code, now Law of Native Vegetation Protection
calls for more attention in understanding the forecasting trajec- (Law #12651/2012) (Garcia et al. 2013; Pinto et al. 2014). Aca-
tories of restoration (Shugart 1989). In this period, restoration demically, restoration science has developed a broad and diver-
trajectories were already considered as the structural and func- sified body of literature since 2004, although only after 2011 it
tional attributes of sites relative to reference conditions, and has gained prominence in international indexed journals
the time required to obtain a restored state or condition (Romanelli et al. 2018, 2020). In the last two decades, restora-
(Twilley et al. 1998). tion has been receiving increasing attention because of its role
Therefore, by the end of the 1980s, projects were carried out in biodiversity conservation (Scarano & Ceotto 2015), the pro-
based on “mixed native species plantations,” envisioning to visioning of ES (Nogueira Júnior et al. 2014), and compliance
copy the composition and structure of natural forests with socioeconomic (Viani et al. 2017) and cultural values
(Brancalion et al. 2015). The most commonly used restoration (Brancalion et al. 2014).
strategy from this time was “modules of planting,” a combina- Since the 2000s, several small-scale forest restoration initia-
tion of plant species according to their ecological groups tives have sprung up in the BAF as a result of the growing
(i.e. light requirements, humidity, or nutrition) (Rodrigues involvement of environmental non-governmental organizations
et al. 2009b). Many projects conducted under these biases (NGOs), farmers (forced by the Forest Code), and private
resulted in self-sustainable restoration projects, at least regard- companies—also forced by biodiversity offsetting policies, cer-
ing forest structure (Souza & Batista 2004). The conservation tification, and market benefits (Wuethrich 2007; Pinto
and restoration of riparian forests also received special attention et al. 2014). However, for several reasons (Pinto et al. 2014),
in this phase (Rodrigues & Gandolfi 2000). the involvement of these three above-mentioned groups did
not result in a significant enlargement of native forests. Failures
in monitoring restoration forests and “openings” in public policy
Phase 4 (2000–2004): Focus on the Ecological Process in the and enforcement culminated in poorly designed tree plantations
Plant Community (Maron et al. 2012; Pinto et al. 2014).
Gradually transitioning from the 1980s to the 1990s and the Seeking to overcome general problems that were preventing
early 2000s, forest restoration approaches predominated with effectively scaling-up of restoration in the BAF, a group of
great emphasis on phytosociology, and also on secondary suc- NGOs and researchers got together in 2006 and created a coali-
cession as the basis for the implementation models (Rodrigues tion to foster large-scale forest restoration. The AFRP was offi-
et al. 2009a; Oliveira & Engel 2011, 2017). Phase four still cially launched in 2009, with the goal of restoring 15 Mha of the
has a few indexed publications on forest restoration in the Atlan- BAF by 2050, promoting biodiversity conservation, jobs ser-
tic Forest (Fig. 1). However, important concepts were intro- vices and income generation, the provisioning and maintenance
duced in the international restoration literature that started to of ES, and supporting farmers to comply with the Forest Code
influence practitioners in Brazil, such as the “assembly rules” through the 17 Brazilian states when the Atlantic Forest occurs
(Temperton et al. 2004) and the concept of “ecological filters,” (Pinto et al. 2014). After the pact was launched, the coalition
as part of this theory (Keddy 1992; Götzenberger et al. 2012). was committed to elaborate a multifaceted monitoring protocol,
Nevertheless, it has only been at the end of this phase that studies envisioning restoration success in terms of ecological, socioeco-
linking assembly rules theory to restoration ecology made pro- nomic, and management aspects (Viani et al. 2017).
gress (e.g. Moir et al. 2005; Funk et al. 2008), developing stron- Diversity-focused approaches continue to be a central issue
ger linkages between these fields (Audino et al. 2017). (Guan et al. 2019; Dimson & Gillespie 2020) in that phase. With
The focus on the assembly rules started the debate on the fac- the continuous deepening and broadening of practice, many
tors that affect the development of the regenerating community problems are exposed; thus, improving existing approaches
in a given ecosystem, considering both the interaction of the and developing new ones remain in force. Identifying the factors
environment with the organisms in a community and on driving the success of restoration projects, or even defining what
the interactions among organisms (Lockwood et al. 1997; Tem- success is, in relation to a multi-dimensional context also con-
perton et al. 2004). The concept of ecological filters, in turn, tinues to be challenges in ecological restoration (Suganuma

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Restoration history in Atlantic Forest

et al. 2018). Topics related to monitoring, ecological indicators, the effects of climate change (Silva et al. 2017). This is consid-
active restoration, and natural regeneration appeared numerous ered a powerful strategy for large-scale restoration, and payment
times across recent publications from this phase (Fig. 2), which for ecosystem services (PES) is being used to support FLR pro-
can further be associated with the importance of such processes grams and projects on privately owned land (Viani et al. 2019).
in evaluating the restoration progress and taking adaptive man- Trade-offs in ES have received increasing attention because pro-
agement measures (Londe et al. 2020). visioning services often come at the expense of biodiversity loss
Assessing the conservation value of restoration projects by (Marcilio-Silva et al. 2018; Gardon et al. 2020a). Thus, PES has
monitoring areas and improving strategies is also critical to sup- been initiated throughout Brazil to encourage forest restoration
port large-scale restoration (Brancalion et al. 2018). Achieving on private lands, especially smaller properties that are out of
ambitious restoration targets will require minimizing implemen- compliance with national environmental policies requiring con-
tation costs and negative outcomes for agricultural production servation of native vegetation (Richards et al. 2020). There is
(Molin et al. 2018), as well as be attractive to farmers (Badari great potential for incorporating biodiversity conservation
et al. 2020). Accordingly, natural regeneration has been dis- objectives into restoration projects that can be optimized by
cussed steadily in the recent literature, as an effective alternative adopting a landscape ecology perspective in the planning and
to achieve restoration commitments (Santos et al. 2019b; Borda- implementation of ecological restoration efforts (Rother
Niño et al. 2020). Agroforestry systems are also et al. 2018; Viani et al. 2018).
largely discussed and presented as a cost-effective strategy that The long-term ecological success of large-scale restoration
integrates both production and biodiversity conservation, programs planned for the next decades will also rely on the con-
although their capacity to conserve biodiversity and ES provi- servation genetics of reintroduced or colonizing species, a limit-
sion is still poorly investigated (Santos et al. 2019a; Brancalion ing factor in highly fragmented landscapes. Despite the
et al. 2020). paramount role of this issue for species persistence, its levels
The approach of FLR is also at the forefront of Atlantic For- in restoration programs still fall short of optimal inclusion
est’s efforts to recover ES, conserve biodiversity, and mitigate (Zucchi et al. 2018). Moreover, the study of some ecological

Figure 2. Results of network analysis of the main research topics addressed in studies on forest restoration in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest from 2004 to 2020 in
overlay visualization (data collected on December 10, 2020), through the analysis of all keywords (author keywords and keywords plus). Network maps are
limited to present keywords with a minimum of five occurrences (the same term or expression). The size of the node is proportional to the number of occurrences,
and the thickness of the edges represents co-occurrences between items.

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Restoration history in Atlantic Forest

processes remains in force in this phase, such as seed dispersal instance, it has been observed that relying solely on methods
(da Silva et al. 2015). In recent years, efforts have included uti- and techniques mirroring preserved forests leads to undesirable
lizing functional traits to select species that offer specific ES dur- consequences, such as restricted biodiversity and compromised
ing restoration and understanding species’ responses to ecological resilience. These approaches have fallen short of
environmental filters (Carlucci et al. 2020; Zupo et al. 2022). achieving their restoration goals concerning species composi-
Evolutionary relationships between co-occurring species have tion and structural integrity. Restoration developed in BAF can
also been studied to provide insights into trait conservatism also influence the global political restoration agenda considering
and community assembly processes influencing restoration for- it is one of the few countries to restore on a large scale owing the
est trajectory (Schweizer et al. 2015). Additionally, a method size, the variety of biomes, the extent of degraded areas and
involving a mix of native species seeds and fast-growing the economic engine in BAF. The academic powerhouse with
legumes (green manure) has been employed to overcome chal- many masters and PhD students focused on restoration in
lenges like herbivory and invasive grasses (Reis et al. 2019). Brazil is another important reason. Such characteristics give to
In synthesis, several changes have occurred in the Atlantic Brazil a considerable contribution to the global restoration
Forest restoration since the publication of Rodrigues agenda. On the other hand, some fundamental disciplines to sup-
et al. (2009b) up to the present. These include pivotal events port goals and the implementation of international agendas are
such as the adoption of the new Forest Code in 2012 (Pinto still poorly applied in the Brazilian restoration interventions.
et al. 2014), the increase in programs that involve PES Human dimensions (i.e. gender equality and social inclusion),
(Ruggiero et al. 2019), a substantial rise in direct seeding prac- for example, need to be prioritized in the national restoration
tices (Meli et al. 2018), and more recently, the proliferation of strategies and action plans.
carbon sequestration initiatives (Gardon et al. 2020b). Studies In conclusion, the BAF restoration approach provides signif-
published in the last decades collectively contribute to a compre- icant insights for restoration efforts in diverse biomes. Moving
hensive understanding of ecological restoration in the BAF by beyond basic reforestation, emphasizing natural regeneration
offering insights into assessing restoration effectiveness, identi- at more resilient regions, and promoting self-sustaining ecosys-
fying advancements and gaps, proposing strategic approaches, tems can enhance restoration effectiveness and reduce costs.
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Zupo T, Lazzarotto Freitas J, Almeida dos Reis D, Ferreira de Siqueira M (2022) Supporting Information
Trends and knowledge gaps on ecological restoration research in the The following information may be found in the online version of this article:
Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Restoration Ecology 30:e13645.
Supplement S1. Limitations of the study.

Coordinating Editor: Stephen Murphy Received: 3 March, 2023; First decision: 26 May, 2023; Revised: 15 August,
2023; Accepted: 4 October, 2023

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