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Journal of Environmental Protection, 2021, 12, 49-74
ISSN Online: 2152-2219
ISSN Print: 2152-2197

Adoption of, the Palestine Green Building

Design Approach, with the Help of
Checklist Tools

Usama I. Badawy1, Abdelkhalek I. Alastal2, Muain Q. Jawabrah3, Raed A. Salha4

Engineering and Camp Improvement Department, United Nation, Palestine
Geography and GIS Department, Arts College, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine
Architecture and Planning Department, Birzeit University, Birzeit, West Bank Palestine
Geography and GIS Department, Arts College, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine

How to cite this paper: Badawy, U.I., Abstract

Alastal, A.I., Jawabrah, M.Q. and Salha, R.A.
(2021) Adoption of, the Palestine Green Nowadays our world is faced with various environmental problems. These
Building Design Approach, with the Help of environmental problems are caused by the increasing pollution in the world,
Checklist Tools. Journal of Environmental
increasing production and consumption of material goods. These problems
Protection, 12, 49-74.
have serious consequences for human health and also have a major impact on
natural ecosystems. This paper discussed sustainable green building in terms
Received: December 16, 2020 of key principles for sustainable building, strategies and guidelines for sus-
Accepted: January 24, 2021
tainable green building, and steps for an integrated approach to green design.
Published: January 27, 2021
The study also looked at the status of green building and sustainability, as
Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and well as green building materials in Palestine. The study suggested a checklist
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. to help assess the condition of buildings in Palestine and the extent to which
This work is licensed under the Creative
they respond to the principles of sustainable green buildings, thus, contribut-
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0).
ing to help new and existing buildings to adopt a sustainable green building approach, in order to achieve the goals of sustainable green construction in
Open Access terms of saving energy and resources and reducing waste, therefore, partici-
pating in preserving the environment and improving the quality of life.

Global Warming, Building Materials, Green Building Sustainability, Checklist
for Green Building

1. Introduction
Architectural sustainability means meeting the needs of today’s generation without
weakening the opportunity of future generations by maintaining eco-logical bal-

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U. I. Badawy et al.

ance to fulfill the necessities. A sustainable society can meet its needs by using
natural resources without harming the environment [1].
The construction sector is rated first as a single contributor to carbon dioxide
emissions and, referring to a report by the United Nations Environment Pro-
gram, about two-thirds of global energy consumption occurs in buildings.
(UNEP) [2]. Green buildings have the greatest potential to be a solution for mi-
tigating environmental effects and reducing environmental emissions. Taking
into consideration the economic aspect of sustainability is one of the fundamen-
tals of green design process. Low use of water and other natural resources, im-
proved public health, increased efficiency and improved quality of indoor air are
most of the other side effects of green building [3] [4].
Many researchers define the modern green building, that it is a basic design
based on raising the efficiency of the use of resources, considering the minimum
impact on human health and the surrounding environment during the building
life cycle. We also can clearly notice that green buildings have many tangible,
measurable and intangible effects on the environment and man. Reduction of
energy and water consumption has a tangible effect that appears on the first day
of constructing the green building. The quality of the ventilation, the comfort of
the heat, the healthy atmosphere, the well-being, and the light are all benefits
that the inhabitant feels from the first day [5].
Green building is an advanced concept for the construction industry to im-
prove building productivity, consume energy and rationalize the consumption
of construction and the significance of the building to the surrounding envi-
ronment with the least damage, all of which is reflected in human health and
well-being [6].
As a result of the development of green buildings, there was a need for general
systems and measures to evaluate the green building, but there is no unified
global system to evaluate the performance of the green building. Based on this
need, many countries around the world have developed their own systems and
tools, this is known as building environmental assessment methods (BEAM) [7]
[8]. Britain depends the British Research Establishment Environmental Assess-
ment Method (BREEAM), while United States adopts the American Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Buildings (LEED), it is a globally recognized sys-
tem widely deployed in several countries.
This research discusses the environmental impacts of green and sustainable
architecture and aims to define key factors affecting the design of green build-
ings and sustainable urban development. To obtain a decent green design for
buildings, the research identified various components and procedures required.
This research hypothesizes that consider the various environmental considera-
tions for sustainable and green architecture should improve energy efficiency
of buildings and generally improve the quality of the built environment in de-
veloping countries, in addition to identifying the main factors that influence
urban development in Palestine., Taking into account the Palestine Higher
Green Building Council criteria, such as Palestine, in particular the Gaza Strip,

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by developing a checklist to evaluate the different elements of green buildings in

Palestine, (PHGBC).

2. Related Works
In the fact, Palestine as a developing country and prohibited from exploiting its
natural resources such as water and natural gas, and even producing or import-
ing electricity. The design of green energy-saving buildings, combined with the
exploitation of renewable energy resources, especially solar energy, is the only
way out of the current situation.
Source [9], Addressed the barriers and obstacles facing Palestinian green
building architecture. The author split the problems into two major categories:
technical and organizational difficulties. Compared with Palestine, as presented
in regional experiences. He also called for sustainable building materials to be
used as a future for green building in Palestine, and called for renewable energy
to be used as a future sustainability agenda in Palestine.
Source [10], Investigating the current water and energy consumption data
being used by Green School and matching it with the actual water and energy
consumption reports for 205 West Bank public schools in 2016.
Source [11], The author stated that the traditional Palestinian architectural
model is an example of buildings adapted to the Palestinian landscape and cul-
ture, and raised the possibility of adopting the idea of courtyards in Palestinian
homes as a proposed sustainability strategy. Therefore, the concept of the cour-
tyard is a component that can be reintegrated into future Palestinian sustainable
housing and green buildings.
Source [12], reflecting on one aspect of the building, the exterior walls, as the
building envelope responsible for conserving energy and making the building
more efficient and sustainable, the writer said that Palestine’s building systems
do not adopt the sustainability strategy, which increases the cost of running the
Source [13], Dealing with the development of green residential buildings in
Palestinian cities, highlighting the need to improve residential buildings in Pa-
lestine in line with climate and environmental patterns, to enable use of alterna-
tive renewable energy technologies and to reduce heat within buildings, taking
conventional Palestinian techniques into account, The author concluded that for
a range of reasons, the old buildings provided a better climatic atmosphere than
modern buildings, the most notable of which are: heat insulation, steering,
shading, and ventilation.
Source [14] They went to study two samples in two separate climate zones,
Nablus and Jericho, working with school buildings as they tried to determine
thermal comfort and energy efficiency. The researchers concluded that the reali-
ty of schools in Palestine is far from the energy efficiency comfort required.
Energy needs improvements to maintain the lowest level of energy consumption.
Source [15], It concluded that serious efforts have been made by the Ministry
of Education to improve school building and its comply with high performance

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green design guidelines by adopting such aspects and meeting with mandatory
criteria, in general those which can also be applied within the framework of sim-
ple financial possibilities.

2.1. Challenges Facing Green Buildings Approach

2.1.1. Global Warming
The phenomenon of global warming, or greenhouse phenomenon, is characte-
rized as a rise in the average atmospheric pressure in the lower layer of the sur-
face of the earth over the last century or two centuries when, after entering it, the
sun’s heat is absorbed or lost in the earth’s atmosphere, which raises the temper-
ature of the earth and makes it warmer. This is done by absorbing and confining
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide from the energy of the sun close to the
surface, which leads to global warming. A global mean temperature rise does not
necessarily mean that all regions of the planet will get warmer, since global
warming does not imply a global mean temperature rise of the same amount, but
it does indicate a global mean temperature rise in general, Despite the existence
of studies showing that the effect of global warming goes far beyond rising tem-
peratures, as it has a significant impact on the occurrence of climate change
around the world and on global weather patterns, it should be noted that global
warming offers just a summary of the increase in global average temperature. In-
fluencing climatological components such as rainfall rates. It is generally possi-
ble to name four different parameters to allow the global climate to continue to
rise (see Table 1 & Figure 1):
- Changes in solar radiation incidents.
- Changes in renewable energy reflected radiation.
- Thermal radiation shifts released into space.
- Internal fluctuations of the climate system.
1) How is global warming linked to extreme weather?
Greenhouse gases: Greenhouse gases or greenhouse gases, such as carbon dio-
xide, are classified as naturally occurring atmospheric ring gases. It adapts to the
ability of living organisms to survive on their surface, and its substantial increase
due to human factors creates an imbalance in climatic change and global warm-
ing, which causes global warming, despite its important role in sustaining the
Earth’s temperature.
Causes of global warming Human causes Human behaviors directly contri-
bute to climate change through the human use of fossil fuels through their dif-
ferent modes of activity, as the combustion of fossil fuels contributes to the at-
mospheric production of greenhouse gases such as carbohydrate dioxide, which
leads to a change in the environment as the quantity of aerosols and clouds
“airborne particles.”
A significant cause of carbon dioxide emissions is increasing the concentra-
tion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels and
the use of agricultural land in a different way than before, such as the clearing of
forests for architectural expansion.

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Global warming

ice & snow Volcanoes

Soil, vegetation, Ocean
biodiversity Rock

Figure 1. Global warming, US, Environmental protection Agency, 2020.

Table 1. Main challenges facing green buildings approach.

Category Description

- Lack of enforcement of sustainable building policies.

Polices - Lack incentives form the government.
- Lack of urban planning and land use policy.
- Additional costs caused by green construction.
Cost - Incremental time caused by green construction.
- Lack of financial instruments for green building.
- Uncertainty in the performance of green materials and equipment’s.
- Misunderstandings of green technological operations.
- Conflicts in benefits with competitors.
- Lack empowerment of stake holders.

- The climate influence of global warming Global warming has a direct impact
on the climate and has the following impacts.
- Changes in rainfall amounts: increasing global average temperatures contri-
bute to higher evaporation rates, accelerating the occurrence of the water
cycle, as steam rising into the atmosphere will lead to higher precipitation
levels, noting that it will not be distributed evenly in all regions of the world
except in some regions. In summer, winter will be wetter and drier, and
global average rainfall will rise from 3 percent to 5 percent, according to stu-
- Snow and ice melting: A warm atmosphere contributes to the melting of ice
on the surface of the earth, such as rivers or ice caps, and in the summer,
snow. Furthermore, forecasters predict that in the northern seas there will be
a lot of sea ice floating and in the 21st century the south will decrease without
determining the exact amount of melting.
- Increasing the acidity of the oceans: by removing some of the accumulated
heat and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the oceans on the earth’s sur-
face help minimize the climate changes that occur in the planet. However,
water and carbon dioxide have had several impacts that increase or intensify
ocean acidification. After these reactions, the acidity of the oceans has re-

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sulted in a reduction in acidity, such that a rise in acidity from 0.14 to 0.35
pH is expected by the year 2100, which may cause more problems for marine
- Effect on ocean currents: ocean currents occur because of the variation in
ocean salinity and temperature as the temperature of the ocean increases
along with its increases in salinity due to different factors, including: Related
to the melting of ice into the seas, changed precipitation rates and a rise in
freshwater flow contribute to a disturbance of the flow movement or a dis-
ruption of the oceans’ thermal salt cycle, which has a strong climate effect.
- Weather change: Some climatologists suggest that hurricanes, including
tropical cyclones, would (and may well have begun) change as a result of
global warming, as the surface waters of the oceans provide the energy re-
quired to cause storms. It is predicted that hot-water oceans will increase the
strength of hurricanes and the power of their destruction over time.
- Changing the carbon cycle: Global models of the carbon cycle imply that the
Earth system absorbs less carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as the atmos-
phere warms up, exacerbating the issue of global warming.
- Changes in the biological system of life: temperature rises impact different
biological processes, e.g., B. The change in the geographical areas of wild
plants and animals, the attributes of wild and domesticated “domesticated”
animals, the length of the cycles of vegetation and the variations in the dates
of freezing.
2) Solutions to the global warming problem
We concentrated on the suggested strategies that can be introduced to limit
global warming, including:
- Energy efficiency improvement: The most important role in global warming
is played by the energy systems used to heat and cool buildings. Energy effi-
ciency thus allows fewer quantities to be used and the same production and
services to be provided, which helps to save energy and money.
- Improvement of the transport sector: substantial emissions of gases are gen-
erated by the transport sector and these emissions have risen rapidly over the
past decade, with the result that these emissions should be reduced.
- Phase out power from fossil fuels progressively.
- Development of new low carbon fuel economy technologies.
- Ensuring Sustainable Development: Each region of the globe has various
consequences for the issue of global warming and its capacity to cope with
the problem. Generally speaking, all countries should work together to re-
solve the problem, to help developing countries adjust to the effects of cli-
mate change and to enhance their ability to turn to low-carbon fuels.
- Modernizing Renewable Energy Sources: Various studies have shown that
renewable energy sources such as solar, bio and other renewable energy
sources, in addition to their emissions mitigation benefits and reasonable
costs, can meet much of the world’s energy needs. It is necessary, therefore,
to depend on it more.

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- Reduction of carbon dioxide: This is done while preserving the operation of

the critical structures. How forests and oceans do their natural job as carbon
sinks by ending deforestation and constantly encouraging agriculture to pre-
vent habitat loss in the oceans.

2.1.2. Geographical Location and Climate Zones in Palestine

 Geographical location of Palestine
Geographically, Palestine is located in-between 34.15˚ and 35.40˚ east longi-
tude and 29.30˚ and 33.15˚ north latitude. The Palestine map further indicates
the climatic condition and heterogeneous topography of the country. Spread
over total area of 27,000 sq km, Palestine is encircled by Jordan and Syria in the
east and Lebanon in the north. Situated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea,
see Figure 2 & Table 2.
Palestine today consists of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, forming 23% of the
total area of historic Palestine while it was under the British Mandate, before the
Israeli occupation in 1948. Gaza Strip is located on the western side of Palestine
adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea [16] [17]. West Bank is situated on the cen-
tral. The extension of West Bank is from the Jordan River in the east to the
cease-fire line in the north, west, and south [18]. According to the Palestinian
Central Bureau of Statistics, the total area of Palestine is 6020 square kilometers,
whereas, the area of West bank is approximately 5655 square kilometers, Gaza
Strip is 365 square kilometers [19].

Table 2. Climate zones in Palestine.

Climate Zones Description

Occupies an area of 1103.3 km2, Hot and dry in summer, warm winter: This
climatic zone extends along the eastern slopes, including the Dead Sea and part of
First zone
the Jordan Valley, Characterized by a hot and dry climate in summer and warm
winter. Its cooling loads increase significantly in summer.

This area is characterized by a hot, dry climate in the summer and mild winter,
Second zone
with area 823.2 km2 which extends along the eastern slopes of the West Bank.

It has a Mediterranean Sea climate, a hot summer for half a year, and a mild
Third zone winter, Stretching over 969.1 km2, of the entire of the West Bank, a semi-arid

It features a worm, partly humid summer, cold winters, Mediterranean Sea

climate approximately 47% of the total population of the West Bank lives on
Fourth zone 1314.6 km2, Including Nablus, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah, and Al-Bireh,
it is considered to be the heart of the West Bank. It is inhabited by most of the
building. The building materials are natural stone, concrete blocks.

Warm sub-humid summer, temperate winter - Mediterranean Sea climate, the

Fifth zone
area covers an area of 1461.2 km2, including Jenen, Tulkarm, Qalqiliya and Salfit.

This area covers the entire coastline and most of the northern and central areas of
Sixth zone the Gaza Strip, where more the 97% of the Gaza Strip’s population lives. Its
climate is humid, the average temperature is 18˚C.

An arid desert climate, inhabited by about 2.8% of the total population of the
Seventh zone
Gaza Strip.

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Figure 2. Regions for Palestine [21].

 Climatic Zones in Palestine

Green building design is primarily based on energy efficiency and reduced
cooling and heating loads. Climate analysis, which has a significant impact on
energy consumption in buildings, is the cornerstone for adopting green build-
ings that achieve thermal comfort and energy efficiency. Classification came out
in five climatic zones in the West Bank and two in the Gaza Strip [20].
It is clear that Palestine has many climatic zones, which means different tem-
peratures, demographics, and different environmental conditions. This is a chal-
lenge to the design of the green building. Each climate zone has its own model
[9]. Unfortunately, we would say that the majority of Palestinian designers and
the public do not give enough attention to climatic zones and their impact on
the design of a sustainable building. Many environmental concerns such as CO2
emissions, water scarcity, population growth, waste, and pollution are straining
our planet’s ability to keep pace with our demand for resources. As recently
identified, there are alarming environmental problems associated with the con-
struction and operation of buildings, such as: B. Global warming, waste accu-
mulation and the depletion of the ozone layer.

2.2. Key Principles for Sustainable Building

It was after the world felt this economic and environmental shock that the prin-
ciple or style of sustainable design appeared in the 1970s, and it was taken into
account that the natural resources of the world are limited and people try merci-
lessly to use them to take advantage of destruction. Natural raw materials, re-
ducing their use and raising awareness of the environment at the level of gov-
ernments, states and individuals. At the level of governments, states and indi-
viduals, raising awareness of the environment. Then there are the three key rea-
sons for overlapping sustainable architecture and thereby contributing to the

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life, sustainability and continued existence of communities. Sustainable building

also has the advantage and value of saving energy on a daily basis, as this is one
of the ways in which consumption as decreases the amount of electronic com-
ponents seen in the building. See Figure 3 [22].
The design process is the process of forming and assembling elements and
placing them in a particular configuration to give it a particular purpose or
sense, and relies on experience Personality and human behavior from this point
on, in all aspects of life and wherever design is related, the systemic sustainable
development process begins as design and sustainability have become a success-
ful feature of design.
Sustainable design is the most important pillar of holistic sustainable develop-
ment and implies the creation of safe management of the environment based on
the efficient use of resources and respect for values that foster harmony with the
environment, since sustainable buildings strive to reduce their negative impact
through efficiency on the environment. Usage of energy and resources; It is there-
fore important to increase the level of competence and the understanding of arc-
hitects of the value of this definition and how to design buildings. A general
framework for understanding sustainable design should be in place and this is
done by the concepts of sustainable design. (1) Sustainable design in three points:
a. Achieve the sustainability of the building tools used.
b. A sustainable building’s life cycle.
c. Built to meet humanitarian criteria.
The intersection of architecture, electro-mechanical engineering and structur-
al engineering is sustainable design. In comparison to basic scale, proportion,
proportion, texture, shadow and light aesthetics, the building design team has to
deal with long-term environmental, economic and human costs. The most
commonly used feature of sustainable design can be described, such as:

Social Sustainability
• Housing diversity
• Public realm
• Walkability
• Public transport
• Place identity

Sustainability TOD
• Protection of natural


• Subtropical design Sustainability
• Energy efficiency •Local economic
• Water sensitive urban development
design • Financial viability
for developers

Figure 3. Key principles for sustainable building. TOD means

(transit-oriented development).

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A. Comprehensive preparation, architecture and the relevance of simple

choices as they have the greatest effect on energy efficiency, e.g.
B. Passive solar architecture that utilizes solar energy, as well as natural light
and natural cooling with proper guidance.
C. The expense of sustainable buildings does not have to be more costly than
traditional buildings, nor does the simplicity or lack of design complexity vary.
D. System integration as each of the elements is a part of the whole and is re-
quired to be successful in that design.
E. The most important concepts for sustainable design are reducing energy
use and the preservation and enhancement of people’s health.
The concept sustainable construction represents and has been framed by en-
vironmentally conscious design approaches in the field of architecture. Sustaina-
ble architecture, by and wide, by increasing efficiency and moderation, aims to
reduce environmental effect of buildings usage of resources, electricity, space
and creation In simpler words, these are ensured by the concept of sustainability
or ecological design. Today’s actions and our choices should not preclude op-
portunities for future generations. Thus, green building architectural design en-
vironmental solutions and treatments had simultaneously led to economic and
health benefits and many social benefits at the individual and community level.

Sustainable Design Principles

 Understand the site: a design that will help identify the site and the practices
for building on the site, such as solar energy and orientation. Natural envi-
ronment protection and public transport connectivity.
 Connection with nature: Development is obtained by connection with nature
and the built world. Effective architecture enables us to clarify our status in
 Understand natural processes: natural systems consist of closed cycles, there
is also no waste in nature.
 Understanding the impact on the environment: Sustainable use and recycling
will reduce the negative impact on the environment.
 Understand people: must take into account the diversity of cultures and cus-
toms of the people who are used and it lives in the built environment.

2.3. Green Building Sustainable Design Strategies and Direction

Good design for environmentally friendly building and sustainable architecture
is achieved by integrating the essential elements of traditional architecture with
new technologies and systems. A sustainable building environment can be
achieved by saving renewable energy sources, reducing water, energy and build-
ing material consumption, increasing the strength of buildings, comfort for res-
idents, energy saving and operating costs, reducing pollution and waste through
reuse and recycling. An environmentally friendly green building is a building
that has been designed according to the concept of green sustainability, is com-
fortable and environmentally friendly, and also saves resources for future gener-

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ations [23].
Green strategies include both active and passive strategies for green sustaina-
ble design. Where there are many more passive strategies, early implementation
in the design process is required and they tend to be more form-shaping. The
overall focus is on the strategies that should be implemented through schematic
design. There are six basic principles that persist depending on the source [23],
they are:
 Site possibility optimization
There are several factors that determine location optimization, including con-
venient location selection, taking into account the reuse of existing buildings, the
location, orientation, and landscaping of a building that affect local ecosystems,
transportation systems, and energy use. The site design should be integrated
with sustainable green design for a successful project.
 Energy utilize optimization
Due to the problems that the environment and humans face, it is very impor-
tant to employ strategies to reduce energy consumption, increase efficiency and
maximize the use of renewable energy sources. Clarifying the energy efficiency
of today’s buildings is important in order to increase energy efficiency and con-
servation (Figure 4).
 Water conservation and management
Potable water (drinking water) is viewed as an increasingly scarce resource in
many parts of the world. Therefore, the sustainable design of green buildings
should include efficient water use and management that includes reuse or recy-
cling on site.
Optimization of construction space and material utilization
A sustainable green building must be designed and operated in such a way
that materials are used and reused in the most efficient and sustainable way
throughout its life cycle. It must be customizable for reuse throughout its life. It
is imperative to incorporate materials that add value, reduce pollution and con-
serve natural resources, see Figure 5.
 Improving the quality of the indoor environment
Indoor climate quality (IEQ) has a significant impact on the health, comfort,
well-being and productivity of the building’s residents. Sustainable design of
green buildings should improve natural lighting, use adequate ventilation and
control of humidity, improve acoustic performance, and avoid the use of mate-
rials containing highly volatile organic compounds that can cause emissions of
volatile organic compounds that can be harmful to health and the environment.
Principles of indoor climate quality According to the IEQ, residents must also
control building systems such as lighting and temperature.
 Green building operation and maintenance improvement
Construction and maintenance issues should be addressed in the early design
phase of a facility to improve the working environment, increase productivity,
reduce energy and resource consumption and costs, and also to avoid system
failures. The involvement of building operators and maintenance personnel in

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the design and development phase guarantees efficient operation and mainten-
ance of the building. The involvement of building operators and maintenance
personnel in the design and development phase guarantees efficient operation
and maintenance of the building, see Table 3.

Steps Integrated Green Design Approach

A green building is a high performing building concept that aims to create an
energy efficient, healthy and productive building with minimal impact on the
local environment.

Total waste output 30%

Total row material use 30%

Total CO2 emissions 30%

Total water use 12%

Total electricity consumption 65%

Total energy use 36%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Figure 4. Example of the impact of the building industry on the envi-

ronment in the USA [23].

Figure 5. King-Fahad National Library in Riyadh, redesigned and refurbished to include

green design strategies [24].

Table 3. Comparison between “Green Buildings” and “Non-Green buildings” or “Tradi-

tional Buildings.

Type Green Building Traditional Building

Energy Consumption Low High

Indoor Environment Quality Very Good Good

Emissions Low High

Waste Management High Efficient Less Efficient

Building Materials Environmentally Friendly Not Environmentally Friendly

Project Practices Sophisticated Normal

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There is a global direction in the construction industry around the world, led
by many national governments and international organizations, to improve en-
vironmental conditions, sustainability and urban quality of life. Green buildings
are designed to reduce the overall impact on human health and the natural en-
vironment in the following ways:
- Using energy, water and other resources efficiently.
- By reducing waste, pollution, and environmental degradation.
A green building is a high performing building concept that aims to create an
energy efficient, healthy and productive building with minimal impact on the
local environment.
There is a global direction in the construction industry around the world, led
by many national governments and international organizations, to improve en-
vironmental conditions, sustainability and urban quality of life.
There are three basic principles of sustainable green building design, see Fig-
ure 6.

3. Status of Green Building and Sustainability in Palestine

The political, geographic, economic and social factors have a major impact on
the adoption of the green building and sustainability strategy. The following are
the most important of these influencing factors, see Table 4.

Table 4. Status of green building and sustainability in Palestine [9] [23].

Strengths Weaknesses

- Abundant availability of solar radiation. - Palestine has many climatic zones, this is a
- Relative availability of other renewable energy challenge to the design of the green building.
sources such as wind. - Domestic waste is not recycled or efficiently
- Rainwater is generally available, and can partially reused.
meet the domestic water demand. - Lack of public awareness regarding
- Availability of local industry for some sustainable sustainability and green building concepts.
systems such as solar thermal collectors. - Absence of governmental intervention and
- Universities and research institutes are of high relative legislations.
potential. - Inadequate technical capacity.
- Availability of a diverse engineering sector. - Unavailability of natural building materials,
with the exception of natural stone in the West
Bank and sand in Gaza Strip.
- Unavailability of sufficient local funds, and
weakness of people’s financial capacity.

Opportunities Threats
- Availability of international donors. - Political instability.
- Implementing sustainability can be promoted by - Lack of unity between Gaza Strip and the West
motivating incentives. Bank.
- The proposed mass housing projects represent an - Israeli restrictions on basic building materials,
opportunity to implement sustainability concepts. namely in Gaza.

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green design

Resource Life cycle Human

conservation costing design

- Energy conservation. - Pre- building phase. - Preservation of natural conditions.

- Water conservation. - Building phase. - Urban design site planning.
- Material conservation. - Post building phase. - Design for human comfort.

Figure 6. Steps integrated green design approach [21].

Green Building Materials in Palestine

Indeed, these challenges and opportunities could be invested to improve the
building strategies currently being implemented in such a way as to rationalize
the consumption of limited resources and the environment in Palestine as a de-
veloping country under difficult conditions. Here comes the important role of
building materials. The most popular building material in the Palestinian con-
struction sector is reinforced concrete. Because raw materials are not produced
on site. With the exception of sand in the Gaza Strip, the main raw materials
(cement, aggregates and steel bars) are imported as the use of other alternatives
such as steel or wood structures is unusual or even rare. However, urban land
shortages in Palestine make wooden structures impossible, especially for high-rise
buildings. So, the remaining options are mainly concrete and steel. When we
compare the two options, we find that steel is “greener” than concrete. This is
due to several factors such as: [25]:
- Its reuse and recycling potential at relatively low energy cost. This compen-
sates its high energy compared to concrete (steel is about twenty times higher
compared to concrete).
- It requires much less transport energy compared to concrete. A typical steel
building weighs about half that of a concrete one.
- It consumes less water than concrete in manufacturing process, as water is
held in a closed loop and can be re-used.
Thus, steel can be used in housing production as a green option. It can be
used solely or in conjunction with concrete. A wide variety of building forms
and designs can be created too, where steel can be used in several components
including walls, flooring, roofs, balconies, and stairs.

4. Green Building Checklist in Palestine

There are over forty “total quality assessment systems” which are commonly

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called green building rating systems; such as LEED in United States, BREEAM in
UK, CASBEE in Japan, Minergie in Switzerland, HK Beam in Hong Kong, the
Pearl Rating System for ESTIDAMA in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and
Green Pyramid Rating System (GPRS) in Egypt. The Green Buildings checklist
for the State of Palestine aims to clarify the technical standards necessary to
reach and evaluate sustainability requirements in buildings in the State of Pales-
tine, with the purpose of:
a. Reducing the amount of water used in building occupations.
b. Reducing the amount of energy used in building occupations.
c. Reducing materials consumed during construction and after occupancy and
encouraging their recycling.
d. Reducing the environmental impact of buildings on the surrounding envi-
e. Contribution to the creation of high efficiency, healthy, sustainable, rea-
sonable cost and environmentally friendly buildings.
 Scope of checklist application:
This checklist can be applied to most buildings that are constructed in the
State of Palestine, taking into account the differences for each type. In general,
this checklist can be applied to:
⁕Public buildings, including:
a. Schools, universities and educational buildings.
b. Government departments, including ministries and government institu-
c. Mosques and places of worship.
d. Administrative buildings of all kinds.
e. Cultural centers and theaters
f. Hospitals and health buildings.
⁕Private buildings, including:
a. Residential buildings, including homes, villas and apartment buildings.
b. Commercial buildings, including commercial complexes and malls.
c. Meeting rooms and wedding halls.
 Classification levels:
The candidate buildings are evaluated as green buildings based on a scale con-
sisting of 200 points, through six axes, as follows:
a. Sustainability of the construction site constitutes 15% of the total points.
b. Energy efficiency is 30% of the total points.
c. Water efficiency at a rate of 25% of the total points.
d. 15% of the total points were for the quality of the internal environment.
e. 10% of the total points relate to materials and resources
f. Innovation in green building design reaps 5% of total points.
Accordingly, there are four categories based on the evaluation of green build-
ings in Palestine, as follows:
a. Diamond class buildings that get 160 points and more.

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b. Gold category, which is between 140 and 159 points.

c. The Silver category is a building that scores between 120 and 139 points.
d. Buildings with between 100 and 119 points are in the bronze category.
No building shall be evaluated by the Supreme Council unless it complies with
the minimum mandatory requirements:
- The building must be used for at least 12 months before being evaluated on
an operational and maintenance basis, with complete information on water
and electricity consumption during this period.
- The building must be committed to safety measures known locally and in-
ternationally, in addition to its commitment to local building policies.

Certified 100 - 119

Silver 120 - 139

Gold 140 - 159

Diamond 160+

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, a green
building rating system originally developed in 1998 by the U.S. Green Building
Council (USGBC) to offer a well-known standard for the construction industry
to evaluate the environmental sustainability levels of building designs (USGBC
2014). The announcement of the latest version of LEED was on November 20th,
2013; however, projects can still register and work with the older version of
LEED until October 2016. For a project to receive LEED certification, it has to
satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification.
Prerequisites and credits differ for each rating system, and teams choose from
among them according to their project type and stage. There are five different
schemes of LEED rating system, which are as follows: 1) Building Design and
Construction 2) Interior Design and Construction 3) Building Operation and
Maintenance 4) Neighborhood Development 5) Homes (USGBC 2014). The
LEED Assessment relies on evaluating eight main categories which are; a) Loca-
tion and Transportation, b) Sustainable Sites, c) Water Efficiency, d) Energy and
Atmosphere, e) Materials and Resources, f) Indoor Environmental Quality, g)
Innovation, and 8h) Regional priority. Projects applying for LEED certification
should consider these categories and their specific prerequisites. The project
must then pursue a set of credits in order to earn points. Additionally, some of
the requirements under selected categories are obligatory and required in order
to receive LEED certification. The number of points the project earns determines
its level of LEED certification. A project that earns 40 - 49 points from the dif-
ferent categories would be “Certified”, whereas a project that earns 50 - 59 points
is “Silver”, a project with 60 - 79 points is “Gold” and a project with more than
80 - 110 points would be “Platinum” (USGBC 2014). There is a direct connec-
tion between rating systems for green buildings and the sustainable development

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of a country.

5. Green Building Checklist in Palestine

A clear relationship was observed between a continent’s green building evalua-
tion systems and sustainable development. Certification systems promote the
development of sustainable design and construction, which lead to the mitiga-
tion of climate change and ensure environmental, economic and social sustaina-
bility. The objective of GPRS is to provide green credentials for the assessment of
buildings in Palestine through raising awareness of the necessity of green build-
ings according to the Palestinian context and conditions. There is a direct rela-
tionship between green building assessment systems and sustainable develop-
ment of a country. Certification systems promote the development of sustainable
design and construction, which lead to the mitigation of climate change and en-
sure environmental, economic and social sustainability. Our proposed green
building checklist aims to give appropriate local assessment system this regards.
Our aims to increase the awareness in field of green building design and enabl-
ing to start giving certifications according to (LEED & towards Palestinian green
building standards) for green building design and development. After each as-
pect, the design team should cover a list of sub-aspects. For example, the design
team must carefully study and select the most appropriate wall insulation, win-
dow-to-wall ratios, external shading devices and glazing specifications when it
comes to the subject of the building envelope. The authors add that the local
context defines the number of credits, or percentages, assigned to a particular
category. It is important that the rating system chosen for a particular project
covers issues related to the country in which it was built. Even for countries in
the same region, the size and importance of certain categories may vary based on
availability and value. Architects, engineers and designers agree that the key to
reducing the cost of green buildings lies in an integrated design approach. The
integrated design process takes into account time management and the union of
relevant parties to investigate various alternatives prior to issuing the final draft.
This approach takes a complete perspective and takes into account and ensures
coverage of all designs disciplines together instead of looking at it from one an-
gle. The project must then aim for a number of credits to earn points. Addition-
ally, some of the Requirements under selected categories are mandatory and re-
quired to obtain LEED certification. The number of points the project earns de-
termines the LEED level Certification. A project that deserves 40 - 49 points
from the different categories would be “Certified” while a project that earns 50 -
59 points is “Silver”, a project that earns 60 - 79 points is “Gold” and a project
with more than 80 - 110 points would be “Platinum” (USGBC 2014). The pur-
pose of the proposed Green Building: Checklist is tool to facilitate transforma-
tion towards green building in Palestine by Working with industry to help
co-define what defines “green building” in the Palestine context. In addition,
Improving the City’s ability to facilitate, enable and approve green buildings in a

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timely fashion. Furthermore, establishing a framework to assist in standardizing

City approvals processes for green components of building.

Proposed Checklist for Green Building in Palestine

Proposed Green Building Checklist, have a direct relationship between green
building assessment systems and sustainable development of a country. Certifi-
cation systems promote the development of sustainable design and construction,
which lead to the mitigation of climate change and ensure environmental, eco-
nomic and social sustainability. Our proposed green building checklist aims to
give appropriate local assessment system this regards (see the under-mention

Yes No

1 9 1. Site sustainability 30 Points-15%

Y Pre required Construction activity pollution prevention

Site Selection

1 1. Site selection on previously developed lands or grey fields available lands within urban areas. 1

2. That the construction site is not agricultural land, or classified as a nature reserve, or unexploited land Previously are located
1 1
within a range in river or rain floods, or less than 15 meters from Bodies of water and less than 30 m from the Wetlands.

1 3. Availability of basic services and public transportation within 800 m. 1

4. Select site considered polluted (Brownfield) and coordinating the development plan with the activities to address the site
1 1
environment and utilizing existing infrastructure during the implementation of the plan.

Building Accessibility

1 5. Parking provide 1

1 6. Provide a paved road to reach from the main road to the car park via building entrance with a width not less than 1.2 m. 1

1 7. Door width shall not be less than 0.8 m, and the height of the door handle shall not exceed 1.2 - 0.85 m. 1

Site Development

1 8.Cultivate at least 10% of the site’s area and preserve as much as possible the existing trees or cultivate native plants. 1

1 9. Maintaining open spaces on the site such as parks and beaches or increasing the area of open spaces through site design. 1

10. Employing plants on site in a manner reduces the energy needed for heating and cooling inside the building and using
1 1
alternative energy sources such as photovoltaic cells to meet the electricity needs on the site, especially lighting.

1 11. Reduce dependence on potable water to irrigate plants on site and replace with reclaimed gray water. 1

1 12. Reducing soil erosion. 1

Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy

2 13. Use design strategies such as proper orientation, shading, ventilation, and bulk storage (use at least two of these strategies). 2

2 14. Using high reflection coefficient materials. 2

Urban Heat Island Effect

1 15. Use shading devices 1

1 16. Using green roofs is not less than 50% of the project area. 1

2 17. Using high reflection coefficient materials. 2

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Light Pollution Reduction

2 18. Confirmation that procedures mitigation of light pollution is matching with local and global standards. 2

Alternative Transportation

19. Ensure that the distance between the main project entrance and the nearest public transport station is not more than 400
2 2

2 20. Provide a place and equipment for using bicycles at a distance of no more than 200 meters from the entrance to the project. 2

Water Harvesting

1 21. Using rainwater management system during and after storms. 1

2 22. A strategy to collect and treat at least 90% of the water. 2

1 23. Existence of program for maintaining of the storm water management system. 1

20 10 2. Indoor Environment Quality 30 Points-15%

Y Pre required Minimum indoor air quality performance

Y Pre required Smoking control

Ventilation and Air Quality

1 1. Installing a carbon dioxide level monitor. 1

1 2. Increasing 15% in the rate of ventilation over the rate of forced ventilation. 1

2 3. Using natural ventilation. 2

Hazardous Material

1 4. Ensure that the sticky materials used meet local and international standards. 1

1 5. Confirming that the used paints meet local and international standards. 1

6. Confirming that the materials used (Asbestos, Carpet & Hard Flooring, Ceiling Systems and Formaldehyde) meet local
2 2
and international standards.

Car Park Air Quality Management

7. Emphasize that the ventilation design of the car park match or exceed the specified level of air pollutant concentration
2 which meet local and international standards. In cases that the project does not contain closed garages with a closing ratio of 2
less than 75%, the points are given automatically.
Thermal Comfort

1 8. Confirming on zoning thermal and control devices. 1

9. For industrial ventilation: one point when providing a control device for every two people and another point when
2 2
providing a device (occupancy sensor).

10. For mixed ventilation: one point when providing windows with manual control for natural ventilation for 50% of the
2 2
used areas and two points when providing natural ventilation for 75% of the used areas.

11. Emphasizing the use of thermal modeling calculations during the design process via Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and
2 2
Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD) accordance with local and international standards.

High Frequency Lighting

12. Public buildings: All lighting units used meet the local and international standards.
2 2
Residential buildings: 95% of the lighting units used meet local and international standards.

Daylight and Glare

13. Public buildings: achieve at least 250 lux for 75% of used spaces.
3 Residential buildings: At least 200 lux for 75% of living rooms and bedrooms. 3
Schools: achieve a minimum of 300 lux for 90% of the spaces used.

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14. Public buildings: 75% of the used spaces have direct visual contact with the outside.
2 2
Residential buildings: 75% of the bedrooms and living spaces have a direct visual contact with the outside.
Sound Transmission

1 15. Sound transmission coefficient in external walls STC > 50 db. 1

1 16. Sound transmission coefficient in interior walls and floors STC > 50 db. 1

1 17. The transmission coefficient of sound resulting from roads or collisions in the floors IIC > 56 db. 1

Safe & Secure Environment

3 18. All pollutants conform to the specified specifications and not exceed the local and international standards. 3

45 15 3. Energy Use Efficiency 60 Points-30%

Y Pre required 1. Planning for building energy systems.

Y Pre required 2. Achieve minimum energy efficiency and consumption.

Y Pre required 3. Planning to manage cooling systems in the building.

Achieving the best minimum use energy efficiency.

5 4. Ensure that the upper limit of the thermal conductivity of the walls is not exceeded. 5

5 5. Ensure that the upper limit of the thermal conductivity of the upper ceiling is not exceeded. 5

5 6. Ensure that the upper limit of the thermal conductivity of the windows is not exceeded. 5

3 7. Ensure that the maximum windows shading factor is not exceeded. 3

3 8. Ensure that the minimum light transmittance of windows is not exceeded. 3

2 9. Ensure that the upper limit of the thermal conductivity of the doors is not exceeded. 2

2 10. Ensure that the upper limit of air leakage is not exceeded. 2

Exploiting Renewable Energy

6 11. Building design using passive solar energy. 6

4 12. Using solar and wind energy to generate electricity. 4

4 13. Using solar heaters to heat water. 4

4 14. Use of ground energy or bioenergy. 4

Efficiency of equipment and devices used in buildings
(Air conditioning devices and systems)
1 15. Commitment to the efficiency of the devices used. 1

1 16. Commitment to using environmentally friendly materials in the manufacture of these devices. 1

1 17. Adhere to the permissible noise level. 1

1 18. Using efficient controllers to control usage. 1

0.5 19. Controllers can be linked with BMS (Building Management System). 0.5

1 20. Use of variable motors with Inverter. 1

0.5 21. Use of energy recovery systems 0.5

Efficiency of equipment and devices used in buildings
(Water heating devices)
1 22. Use of temperature control devices. 1

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1 23. Insulation for hot water pipes. 1

0.5 24. Use of covers for heated swimming pools. 0.5

0.5 25. Use of energy recovery systems for ponds. 0.5

Efficiency of equipment and devices used in buildings
(Efficiency of washing machines, utensils and refrigerators.)
1 26. Commitment using highly energy and water efficient washing machines. 1

1 27. Commitment using dishwashers with high energy and water efficiency 1

1 28. Commitment using energy-efficient refrigerators. 1

Smart Buildings

2 29. Using smart devices to control heating, air-conditioning and shading devices. 2

2 30. Using smart devices to control lighting. 2

1 31. Remote control of various building devices. 1

31 19 4. Water Use Efficiency 50 Points-25%

Y Pre required 1. Water use efficiency.

Reducing Water Consumption

2. Achieving a general reduction in potable water consumption by not less than 30% through the selection of highly efficient
8 8
water-consuming equipment.
3. Exploiting additional water resources (for example: rain harvesting, greywater treatment, condensed water, etc.) to
6 6
increase the general reduction of water consumption by not less than 20%.
2 4. Existence of a highly efficient irrigation system. 2

Rationalize the production and consumption of hot water

5. Using alternative energy sources such as solar energy to meet the needs of hot water consumption and distribution in the
9 9
building at a rate of not less than 75% of public consumption.
6. Selection of equipment, tools, devices and materials used in the production, supply and distribution of hot water inside the
4 building with a total efficiency of not less than 90% and the optimal use of energy consumption. (Optimization of Energy 4
7. Controlling consumption, adjusting the temperature of the hot water supplied to all points of use, and controlling the
1 1
circulation of water in the distribution of hot water.
8. Protection and treatment systems against corrosion and calcification and provide security and safety devices to maintain
1 1
the sustainability of the hot water system.
1 9. Energy or heat retrieval from air conditioning, cooling and heating equipment. 1

Rainwater harvesting efficiency

2 10. Provides a complete system to exploit rainwater for potable water purposes after meeting all required conditions. 2
11. Provides a complete system for exploiting rainwater for non-potable water purposes after meeting all required
2 2
Exploiting Gray Water

3 12. Provide a gray water collection system. 3

3 13. Provide an efficient system for greywater filter and sterilization. 3

2 14. Provide a network to store water for irrigation or toilets. 2

Manage water consumption through measurement, monitoring and control

15. Existence of systems to manage the measurement, control and monitoring of water consumption inside and outside the
2 2

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16. Existence of systems to control the quality of potable and non-potable water, and taking care of all its components against
2 2
any health and environmental risks.
17. Existence of security and safety systems and mechanisms for using the water system in the building, identifying sources
1 1
of dangers and containing dangerous events.
18. Existence of awareness and educational plans in the rationalization of water consumption and use targeting owners,
1 1
users, operators, technicians and visitors to buildings.
12 8 5. Materials and Resources 20 Points-10%

Y Pre required 1. Construction and Operation Waste Management Program.

Y Pre required 2. Not using hazardous materials.

Use non-polluting materials for the environment

3. The thermal insulation materials used in the project are non-ozone depleting materials (ODP = 0), and do not contribute
1 1
to global warming.
1 4. Not use materials with low toxicity. 1

1 5. Not use chlorine containing materials. 1

Using local materials

2 6. Local material cost equals 10% of the total material cost. 2

2 7. Local material cost equals 20% of the total material cost. 2

Recycled Materials
8. 50% of all steel structures (by weight) contain 25% of materials recycled or reused and 80% of total steel reinforcement or
1 1
steel (by weight) has 90% of recycled or reused materials.
1 9. The project may reduce the overall amount of Portland cement used and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. 1

1 10. 15% of moraine used on site (by volume), in both structural and non-structural applications, are from recycled materials. 1

The use of rapidly renewable materials

2 11. Use at least 50% of the wood to be used from certified fast wood renewable, which is replanted quickly. 2

Materials Reuse
12. Reuse of previously used materials at a rate of not less than 5% of the amount of materials used in the project, or with a
2 2
value of not less than 10% of the value of those materials.
Materials Durability
13. Using of materials with a high ability to resist natural conditions such as expansion and contraction, as well as with
2 standing radiation The sun and the high or low humidity, in addition to its ability to resist living elements such as fungi, 2
insects and others.
Building Reuse
14. Use of usable items such as walls, floors, and various ceiling elements as well Interior doors, windows and walls. The area
2 2
of the internal non-structural elements must not be reduced Used for 50% of the building area.
Design for Flexibility and Disassembly
15. Design the building in such a way that it can easily reuse its structural and non-structural elements upon completion the
2 2
use of the building, and used connection materials and elements that can be easily dismantled with minimal losses.

6 4 6. Innovation, New Technologies and Building Integrated Design 10 Points-5%

Innovation in Design

4 1. Creative design ideas. 4

Design and build integration

2. Architectural and technical solutions that are inspired by the local culture and environment and award one point for each
3 3
creative idea, with a maximum of 3 points.

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Using modern technologies

1 3. Using modern software and technologies in design. 1

2 4. Using modern techniques in simulation to evaluate the building’s effectiveness in energy, lighting, acoustics and others. 2

6. Recommendations
The research covered the green building and sustainability status in Palestine
and the green building materials status in Palestine. Finally, the study suggested
a checklist to assess the status of buildings in Palestine and the extent to which
they react to the principles of sustainable green building development.
The field of life, including the construction and surrounding areas, is current-
ly facing distinct challenges related to the use of building technology and the
scope for alternatives to green building design. In this edition, sustainable green
building techniques play an important role as they serve a set of potential and
advantages to establish a sustainable approach to green building in architecture
that corresponds to the local context in Palestine. To develop, in accordance
with current, a better pattern for the future. In this regard, a set of guidelines to
be considered by architects, local organizations and governments to plan, moni-
tor and improve the reality of sustainable design of environmentally friendly
buildings and standard green building techniques in Palestine are highlighted as
• The principles and the work methodology of green building architecture
have to take their place in all cities in Palestine, as the green building ap-
proach has many values and advantages.
• Refurbishment of the existing buildings to fit the sustainability green build-
ing principles is crucial, as the green building has the potential to be used ef-
ficiency in Palestine context.
• Utilize the green buildings as a passive design technique, has many environ-
mental, cultural, and social values; it could play a good role in the concepts of
sustainability green building.
• The orientation of the new green building must be carefully determined re-
garding the climate and the site features, to take use of sunlight, natural ven-
tilation, shade, etc.
• The governmental institutions have to economically encourage the different
sectors of society to refurbish their own building by the green building tech-
nique, and also technically by generalizing green building techniques and
advanced models of sustainable green building.
• As a part of public awareness, the local society should be learned through
their direct involvements in the developmental projects of sustainable green
• We can say, that the idea and purpose of living and working in green build-
ing is It provides comfort, healthy living and increases the productivity of
green building occupants.

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• Its clearly that the sustainable green building is a global contemporary trend
enhancing historical local identity and other important values.
• Maintaining and increasing the contribution of construction industry in the
economy by reducing cost, saving energy, saving resources, time and reduc-
ing the on-going cost of maintenance.
• Maintaining and Increasing the contribution of construction industry in the
economy by reducing cost, saving energy, saving resources and time.
• Incentives for innovation and new projects such as recycling and reuse mate-
rials and enhance cooperation between construction chains.
• Continuous training and promoting skills of work forces.

7. Conclusions
Green building applications in the construction are not a conceptual benefit, but
a new scientific approach for professional practice in planning, tracking, plan-
ning and construction methods for our residential and architectural facilities,
and for the quality of the design decisions taken by the architect and engineer
to strengthen the concept of designing and evaluating construction processes
and procedures. These actions, reached in the engineering and consulting office
paths, have become a huge economic burden on citizens, economies and gov-
ernments. This paper discussed sustainable green building in terms of key prin-
ciples for sustainable building, green building sustainable design strategies and
direction. Also, this research has shaded some light on the following themes to
comprehend the history of green construction:
- Climate Change Interference (Global warming);
- Sustainable design principles;
- Criteria for Green Building ranking (LEED);
- Proposal of an acceptable evaluation checklist for newly planned and old fa-
cilities to comply mostly with environmentally sustainable certification.
There are some obstacles to the implementation of the proposed checklist and
guidelines for green building design in Palestine. This research is aimed at Pales-
tinian architects, designers, and engineers who wish to use measurement terms
as a green building. First, you need to fulfill our recommended request. Users
must get the percentage of project results immediately after filling in the details
and calculating the points for each item to get a green design certificate with to-
tal points. We strongly recommend encouraging the use of the proposed green
building checklist to obtain a real local measure of compliance with LEED stan-
dards (see Chapter 7).

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this

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DOI: 10.4236/jep.2021.121005 74 Journal of Environmental Protection

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