Phoenix Journal Review: Also in This Issue

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News Reviews, Previews and Alternative Views



It’s Always Darkest

Before the Dawn
More and more people are waking up every day to 1/7/07 (20-144) While others might think of Utopia as “the land of
face the terrifying reality that the World is being run, Sun., Jan. 7, 2007, Year 20, Day 144 milk and honey” where one’s living is provided with
quite literally, by Lucifer’s minions. This increase in Manila, Philippines no risk or effort on one’s part, that is not the meaning
awareness is resulting in two things: from the employed by GAIA. Rather, GAIA employs a more
adversary’s perspective, the only solution is WAR; but THE GAIA UTOPIA comprehensive meaning that includes growth of
from our perspective, it is just before daybreak! The knowledge and skill and enhancing the individual’s
eagles are gathering in anticipation of the new day GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT self esteem and productivity, all for the purpose of
dawning. Have you looked at the sky lately? Rejoice! ASSOCIATION (GAIA) defines Utopia to be the reinforcing his self sovereignty and the acceptance of
ERRATA: Our printer has changed certain same as it defines “abundance”, i.e., a society wherein responsibility for himself. Quite obviously these are
production procedures and it appears that due to the everyone has what he needs (we include women and objectives in direct conflict with those in current
transition some gremlins got into the works. As a children in the term “he” and use the term for brevity). political practice wherein the objectives are clearly
consequence, the January 10 issue has unintended GAIA further takes care to distinguish “rich” from control and subservience of the individual, a form of
italics throughout. Hopefully, the problem will be “wealthy” since rich requires an opposite, poor, and economic slavery at the individual level that spreads to
straightened out in time for production of the current wealthy does not. A person may have a wealth of and infects the relationships of nations: The newer,
issue. (Yes, this is supposed to be in italics!) friends or relatives without being rich in money and less informed nations losing much of their substance
There was another glitch in the January 10 issue: things. We emphasize that these are GAIA’s to the older, smarter ones that successfully hide the
The “ALSO IN THIS ISSUE” box erroneously definitions for the purpose of making this paper clearly truth of economic sovereignty.
references a story on page 8 which actually appeared understandable. A nation that joins GAIA and participates in the
in the December 27 issue. It looks like we can easily GAIA, as an “association-in-formation”, provides GAIA Program is given the wherewithal to base its
continue to provide evidence that alas, even we are this description of a “GAIA Nation” to describe the currency on gold, changing it from debt-based fiat
not perfect! <Grin> benefits of participation in the Association. Other money to value-based money. The benefits of doing
As imperfect and human as we are, we are pleased details are contained in other GAIA documents under this are many, a few of which we will enumerate. The
by the very positive feedback for our efforts as we the “information” heading on its Internet website: most important benefit is that the nation takes
continue to document the RISING OF THE PHOENIX. complete control of its money supply, determining not
(Continued on page 2)
P.O. Box 27800 U.S. POSTAGE PAID
New Day Is Dawning as the Eagles 3
Gold and Other Interesting Things: 6
FIRST CLASS MAIL Greatest Secret of the 8
Illuminati-Controlled 10
Exopolitics or Xenopolitics? 11
Final Warning: Part 12
Invocation to Lord, God for Spiritual 15

only the number of units of its currency but also their export anything, including its most productive and GAIA) were to demand payment.
value, and because its currency is freely redeemable in talented people. It does not need to sell its timber and When GAIA assigns a portion of this UST debt to
gold it is acceptable everywhere without the expensive denude its forests; it can control its mining so that it another entity that debt acts as legitimate banking
and time-consuming conversion to “foreign exchange”. is not harmful to its people and environment; it can reserves when recognized as such by a nation’s
A nation that does not need foreign exchange does control the fishing in its waters so that its food supply banking system. This means that a nation receiving a
not need any Foreign Money from Foreign Investors is secure; and to further secure its people, it can afford GAIA DEED OF ASSIGNMENT FOR
or as Loans (including IMF/WB). Neither does it all it wants of the most modern military, fire fighting, CONSIDERATION possesses the reserves upon which
need to export anything, including its workers and police, and rescue equipment available. It can also it can issue its own new money with which to
natural resources. With its money freely acceptable it afford the most modern schools, universities, medical purchase gold. When a sufficient amount of that gold
can purchase anything that it needs from offshore, and facilities, communications, water supply, waste is in its possession the nation can declare its currency
with the assistance of Global Alliance it can create all management, electricity and irrigation systems to assure to be gold based—meaning that it stands ready to
of the gold based currency that it can use for its self-contained power, food, and water supply. redeem its currency in pure gold.
productive projects, including infrastructure, and so, if One of the most incapacitating concepts The benefit to the Association is that by issuing
it chooses to do so, it can have as many infrastructure promulgated by the International Banking Cartel is the twice as much DEED as is required by the nation,
projects as needed to achieve full employment for concept of “competition”: Competition for foreign one-half of the gold purchased becomes the property
every citizen that wants to work. loans and investors, foreign tourists, and foreign of the Association and thus becomes part of the Gold
A GAIA Nation does not need to collect taxes markets. Political and business leaders are thus led Price Stabilization Fund needed by the Association to
because it can create all of the money it needs to into a chaotic blur of nonsense causing them to believe serve as a reservoir for members needing to buy or sell
operate its government. Currently, the majority of all that a plethora of standards established by the IBC, gold. This reservoir can also serve as a deep reserve
taxes collected are obligated by the terms of foreign such as the national credit rating, the currency to assist member nations in the event of disasters too
loans to pay the interest on foreign debt, and when exchange rate, the balance of payments, the foreign large for them to handle by themselves, in contrast
gold based money can be created to pay that interest, debt, and the amount of the foreign exchange have with the United Nations that must go begging for
it is no longer necessary to collect income, sales, or meaning. They do not! They have no meaning at all funds when its members encounter an emergency.
vat-type taxes from its people. to a nation, or a group of nations, using the GAIA Access to the Program will not be restricted to
Let us pause a moment to let that statement “sink Program. Dr. Mahathir, former Prime Minister of nations, although other organizations within a nation
in”. The economic impact of just this one factor is Malaysia, had the absolutely correct idea; he said, cannot avail of the DEEDs if the nation is not a
astonishing. The so-called middle-class wage earner “Prosper your neighbor and he will become a better participant in the Association because the DEEDs must
will have twice as much money to spend, instantly. trading partner.” be acceptable in the nation’s system. Conversely, the
Even the poorest of the poor who pay no income taxes Enlightened GAIA Nations will no doubt take DEEDs may be used within a nation where authorized
will benefit. Furthermore, good-paying jobs will be great delight in assisting each other while avoiding the even if its currency is not yet gold based.
opened to them as soon as projects, many of which are harmful and self-defeating mistake of attempting to As an illustration of how the GAIA Program
already planned and permitted, can be implemented— gain monopolies. This is God’s Millennium; Lucifer should operate: Let us suppose that a nation needs to
the funds can be made instantly available via a line- has had his turn and his practices will be recognized replace and modernize its transnational railway at a
of-credit from a government or cooperating and avoided in this millennium and that is why it is cost of some $10 billion. GAIA would issue a DEED
commercial bank—there will be no further delays time for the GAIA Program. for $20 billion as a joint venture with the National
waiting for funding. Having touched upon a few of the several benefits Treasury of the nation. The National Treasury would
Another productive way to get money to the poor of the GAIA Program, it may be appropriate to purchase $20 billion worth of gold, 50% for the
quickly is to “hire” them to participate in an organized address some of the more technical questions that are project and 50% to be held in the Treasury for the
system of talent evaluation so that the value of their frequently asked such as: Where does the money come benefit of and under the control of the Association.
subsequent education and training can be from and will there be enough gold? To one of its government banks, or a cooperating
maximized—that is a tangible benefit to the nation and In the mid-to-late 1700s “Central Banks” were domestic bank, the Treasury would issue its
is entirely justifiable as an appropriate investment of invented by the Rothschilds to supplant the “public” authorization to extend non-interest-bearing lines of
national money. The end objective of such a national National Treasuries with private corporations to issue and credit to the successful bidders on the project and the
program should be to develop each individual to his control the supply of money in most nations, beginning bank would supervise the loan draws in the usual way,
highest self-determined productivity and individuality, with the Bank of England and later with the U.S. Federal making sure that milestones were reached timely and
i.e., sovereignty. Non-corruptibility and quality of Reserve System (FED). The representations made today that quality was maintained. When the railroad is
life-style will flow automatically from the self-esteem are to the effect that only Central Banks can issue finished and operating the contractors receive their
created in the person. “new” currency. No, virtually all National Treasuries final payment and any undrawn funds are returned to
When such a program is implemented can issue new currency if they have legitimate the Treasury.
wholeheartedly and without reservation by a national “reserves” upon which to base the new money. Each To appreciate the benefits of using this Program
government, what incentive is there left to the individual nation has the innate authority to determine precisely we must examine the economics in some detail as
to “rebel”? Self-serving “Generals and Commanders” what are “legitimate” reserves for its own currency compared with the typical procedure which, due to
are not very dangerous without “soldiers” and if the (even sticks or seashells)—as long as that currency is “lack of funds” is most often the Build, Operate, and
soldiers are busy making a life for themselves and used within its own borders. If it wishes to transact Transfer (BOT) technique. This means that the nation
their families, rebellion will soon lose its popularity. business with other nations, then its currency must be contracts with a third party, usually from offshore, to
“Political stability” becomes practically automatic. based upon mutually acceptable reserves among which furnish the money and expertise to do the project,
The above mentioned benefits of membership in are currently U.S. dollars, Euros and Gold. operate it for several years to “earn its profit”, and
GAIA, as important as they are, hardly scratch the Global Alliance Investment Association is the then transfer it to the government. This technique is
surface of the total benefits available. When a nation assignee of many trillions of dollars worth of U.S. made to look quite convenient for the nation since all
removes its dependency upon foreign exchange and Treasury debt created when the UST assumed the debt the nation must do is guarantee repayment of the loans
elects to create its own money based upon gold that it of Peru in 1906 pursuant to the Monroe Doctrine of to the banks plus a minimum “rate of return” to the
owns, it never has to borrow money from anyone, December 2, 1823. The basis of the debt was a bearer Builder. What is implicit (and virtually hidden) in this
foreign or domestic. That means that the financial bond issued and sold in New York City on behalf of arrangement is the fact that the price of the project is
hemorrhage created by foreign loans is stemmed and Peru May 1, 1875 that had not been redeemed and the likely to be inflated, the interest rate paid to the banks
all of the money created and/or earned in the nation is interest continued to accrue. The bond was a gold for the building loan is likely to be high, and as
retained in the nation to add to the value of the nation. certificate (meaning the principal and interest were maintenance costs increase, fares will have to be
The nation thus reverses the current trend of growing payable in gold), thus creating a huge debt of the UST increased to maintain the rate of return (profit) paid to
ever-poorer to growing ever-richer. Not needing to payable only in gold. When the Federal Reserve the builder. Ultimately all of these costs must be paid
“qualify” for foreign loans, the nation will have no System (FED), a private company authorized to act as by the passengers; there is increasing incentive for
further need of a “credit rating”, or to monitor its the Central Bank of the USA, was authorized by the corruption at every level of the entire transaction and,
“balance of payments”, or to be concerned about a Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the FED had to become because of the government guarantee, all of the risk is
“budget deficit” (since there can be no such thing). the guarantor of the debt. That means that the owners transferred to the passengers and taxpayers even if the
Because the nation can pay for what it wants to of the FED, commonly known as the International equipment, building materials, and construction are
purchase from offshore in gold-based money, which Banking Cartel (IBC), would have to either pay the substandard.
everyone will accept, there is no longer any NEED to debt or bankrupt the FED if the creditor (in this case, To summarize and compare the costs of the BOT

method with the GAIA Program: With BOT the

capital must be paid back to the lending banks; with
GAIA there is no capital to be repaid to anyone
because the capital was supplied by creating new
money based upon the gold purchased with the
New Day Is Dawning
reserves provided by GAIA. Further, when the project
is completed it is an asset of the nation and not a
continuing liability. As an asset it balances the
creation of the money, even in addition to the addition
As the Eagles Gather
of the gold to the national reserves, and so cannot be
considered “inflationary”. 1/21/07 (20-158) obvious that the elections cannot be valid with an
The typical interest cost to a 2-year BOT project Sun., Jan. 21, 2007, Year 20, Day 158 estimated eight million over-registration; that is,
will amount to 20-30% and will increase the price by Manila, Philippines padding in the voters’ list.”
that amount. There is no interest cost with GAIA. Still, according to Mr. Tiu Laurel: “[Opposition]
The typical BOT project must assure the builder, PHILIPPINES/FOUNDATION DEVELOPMENTS … victory is assured by the overwhelming anti-GMA
who must also furnish the funding, a guaranteed rate popular sentiment.”
of return for a specified number of years, the cost of After brooding for weeks and bogging down in Indeed, under the GMA regime one word stands
which must be added on to the fares charged the our efforts to find someone, anyone, running in the out above all others: CORRUPTION. The Daily
passengers. That rate is usually 12% (or greater) May congressional elections who might run with the TRIBUNE reported on the findings of the Heritage
based upon the finished cost of the project, including banner of the Tallano Foundation’s legitimate claim as Foundation in this regard:
the loan costs. Not only that, there is a built-in the administrator of the Tagean-Tallano Royal Family “… [C]orruption is perceived as widespread in the
motivation to increase the cost of operating the estate, we discovered just yesterday that one of our country quoting the Transparency International’s
railroad to increase the amount of the profit guarantee. best friends here has obtained some financial backing Corruption Perceptions Index where the Philippines
All of the motivation is clearly in favor of corruption and is at the threshold of announcing his candidacy. ranked 117th out of 158 countries.
of local officials and increasing costs, all of which fall You would recognize the name instantly but it would “The judicial system, which has lost great
upon the citizens (i.e., passengers/taxpayers). be premature for us to make the announcement. credibility under Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario
At the bottom line of the GAIA Project, there is This individual knows about as much as anyone Davide, Jr., also contributed greatly to the poor
no debt left outstanding and there is no interest about the “Marcos” (-administered) Gold, which is the ranking of the economy.
payable to anyone so the fares charged need be only legacy of all Filipinos. He knows the Presidential “Property rights was given a 30 percent ranking
some one-third of those of a BOT project, just enough Commission on Good Government (PCGG) put in under the economic freedom index. The Heritage
to cover operations and reserves for maintenance. place immediately after Marcos was deposed is a sham Foundation noted that the judicial system enforces the
There is not even any need for accumulating funds for devised to keep the whole story under wraps while the law weakly. ‘Judges are supposed to be independent,
an extension or another line—those can be funded in wily politicians seek to convert it for their own but several are corrupt, having been appointed strictly
the same GAIA way. benefit. He is a NATIONALIST, who is well aware for political reasons. Organized crime is a strong
To summarize this paper we can say that the of the Globalist agenda. In an environment where the deterrent to the administration of justice,’ it said.”
GAIA Program has terminated any need of the nation people know they need to bring in fresh, new faces as Well, Hilario Davide, Jr.—the man who flipped
for “foreign exchange” by placing its currency on a opposed to more of the “business (corruption) as the Bible pages to make his decision to install GMA
gold base wherein it becomes directly acceptable usual” crowd of “trapos” (traditional politicians), and as “acting president” (and what an actor she has
virtually anywhere for any purchase and, by so doing, with God on our side, we see a very good chance of proven to be)—is now the Philippines Ambassador to
has reestablished the sovereignty of the nation as well having a friend in the Philippines Congress soon, one the United Nations.
as having put its citizens on the path of individual who will not be afraid to put real issues on the table As for “property rights”, we’re almost apoplectic:
sovereignty because the nation now has virtually for the people to consider. ALL of the wealthiest property owners are THIEVES,
unlimited funds for its own infrastructure and to fund Herman Tiu Laurel writes that he “has been having STOLEN the land by simply inventing false
the projects of non-government entities, all of which receiving endless texts in support of the candidacy of titles. This wealthy elite now pretty much controls the
furnish good-paying jobs and the positive self-esteem Capt. Trillanes and insisting that detained President political process to the point where a legitimate
that comes with a good income. Estrada and the UNO [United Opposition] should give president can no longer be elected—as proven in the
In the GAIA “Utopia” the largest benefit comes to the courageous and committed young officer a slot in case of the very popular FPJ, who WON the last
the citizens who own the railroad (or any other the opposition ticket. I certainly support that call, and election handily enough but couldn’t beat the
infrastructure-type project). The National Treasury I believe Trillanes is an extremely powerful draw for “weighers of the votes” at the Commission on
paid for the railroad and the Treasury is owned by the the young voters.” Elections (Comelec).
citizens so the benefit (another word for profit) is For the benefit of our U.S. readers, Captain In a recent example of how GMA gets her way,
going to the users/owners where it belongs. This same Trillanes was the Young Officer who confronted the Philippines National Police (PNP) used maximum
result of a near 60% reduction in user cost can be Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in her office following the force to “take down” Neil Tupas, the Governor of
achieved in almost all other similar ventures. notorious Oakwood Mutiny. People recognize him Iloilo, DESPITE THE FACT THAT A TEMPORARY
As a final and vital point to this illustration: The with great pride for his honor and commitment to RESTRAINING ORDER WAS IN EFFECT. The
cost to the nation was zero and it now owns an truth. We are informed he is sorely lacking in campaign against local executives opposed to the
additional $10 billion worth of gold which it can use political acumen but we have to wonder if that is Arroyo administration was also highlighted by an
for other worthwhile projects. really such a bad thing. With a little maturity, this armed (and UNLAWFUL) standoff with the Mayor of
No other program on planet earth can deliver such young man might make an excellent political Makati. Is this the “Rule of Law”?
benefits at great cost, let alone for no cost at all. leader—and we’re sure he will if he takes a stand As noted by the Daily TRIBUNE’s editor, Ninez
GAIA stands ready, willing, and able to discuss with God for Goodness. Cacho-Olivarez: “That image of her police goons
the mechanics of this proposed program with GMA (sorry, we can’t bring ourselves to call her smashing the capitol building’s glass door, pushing
responsible parties that wish to do so. GAIA can be “president”), for her part, will no doubt continue to and kicking the Iloilo governor’s supporters and
contacted as follows: stand with her spiritual leader, who is surely NOT the employees and even pointing their assault rifles at
God of Goodness. As the Daily TRIBUNE’s Herman their faces is not going to be forgotten by both the
E J Ekker, President and/or Tiu Laurel writes: Ilongos as well as the rest of the Filipinos when they
Ronald Kirzinger, Executive Vice President “Election hype may be kicking in but there’s no troop to the polls this May. Recall that the police
GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION change in the GMA regime’s cheating gimmicks: Last- were booed and heckled by the people throughout.”
Las Vegas, Nevada (702) 870-5351 minute dismissals of local officials identified with the The simple truth is that Gloria and her goons are
EXECUTIVE OFFICES: political opposition being among the worst of the NOT going to be in office forever and now that the
6751 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Philippines tactics. Lesser known but no less important is the people have witnessed evil ripened to its fullest, they
Tel 843-1698 Fax 843-1707 plunder of government agencies to raise GMA’s are much WISER and READY FOR THE obscene election war chest … SOLUTION GOD HAS PROVIDED.
[email protected] “Abalos and the Garci men are still running free The Tallano Foundation (The Don Esteban
in Comelec to wreak havoc, and this early it is Benitez Tallano and Don Gregorio Madrigal Acop

Foundation) continues to advance the cause of the certainly appears the little lady has a Chinese tiger by “beans” (or were those cans of worms?) are being
Filipino PEOPLE, whose interests it is to represent. the tail. By the way, readers, much of the wealth of spilled ALL OVER THE PLACE. All the Spy vs.
This week some MAJOR legal action is getting the Philippines is held and managed by the Chinese Spy stuff is really quite ENTERTAINING but will
underway and the Foundation will be going straight up Taipans, such as Lucio Tan. have to be brought to a close very soon now for the
to the Supreme Court to obtain a Mandamus over a At this point we should note that President Hu sake of the PEOPLE of the World.
very straightforward issue. The Foundation’s attorney Jintao is reported to be planning a tour of Africa, Let’s give Karl Schwarz credit for the
could not suppress a giggle because the Motion for including SUDAN and SOUTH AFRICA. following: “If you are not part of the solution, you
Mandamus merely asks, “What does ‘Final and No, we are not adversely predisposed against the are part of the problem. And when it comes down
Executory’ mean?” In the lower court a major Chinese, who still may, after all, hold the “mandate of to just you and me, if you are not part of the
struggle has been taking place with major memoranda Heaven”. They are certainly well positioned in the solution you are the problem.”
exchanged totaling almost 200 pages of “bafflegab”— Philippines, wherein sits the gold necessary to Final notes on this subject and plenty for you to
under the apparent presumption (until the Mandamus rebalance the World’s financial system through the use think about:
is in place) that somehow Final and Executory means of, you guessed it, BONUS 3392-181. As of the end The Financial Times reports that “The euro has
“NOT Final and NOT Executory”. of 2006, China now holds over $1 TRILLION in U.S. displaced the U.S. dollar as the world’s pre-eminent
By the time this issue is in circulation, Julian “reserves”. These are mostly in the form of currency in international bond markets, having
Morden Tallano should have been served with a fresh DOLLARS, every one of which is backed by the outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the
legal action seeking to replace him as the court- enslavement of the U.S. “citizens” created by the second year in a row.”
appointed administrator of the Tagean-Tallano estate. Fourteenth Amendment and brought about by the The nations of Venezuela and Ecuador are
This might only be “in our opinion”—but—it is totally absurd BANKRUPTCY of the United States in moving to end the independence of their respective
certainly hard to imagine any court deciding in favor 1933. central banks.
of JMT, given his complete malfeasance of WE STRUNG THE THIRTEENTH You’re going to find a whole BUNCH of
administration for over thirty years; especially since AMENDMENT UP ON THE FLAGPOLE but it “money” hidden in the Comprehensive Annual
the Foundation was formed pursuant to the court’s looks like NOBODY WANTS GOD’S SOLUTION. Financial Reports (CAFRs) of the various
order specifically for the purpose of administering the OH, WELL? government agencies in the United States—virtually
estate and has in all ways acted RESPONSIBLY. By now pretty much everyone knows that Bonus everything ever hidden by the dark brotherhoods
In other Foundation news, it looks like a 3392 is REAL—but it looks like we still have to wait which conspired to bring about the current, sorry
compromise, joint-venture agreement regarding a through the sorting of players trying to gain control of state of affairs. Go ahead and check your state
certain property could finally be put in place within it for THEMSELVES instead of acknowledging that it statutes regarding special treatment of “fraternal
the next few days and this should result in some is part of GOD’S PLAN FOR THE NEW organizations”. We give great honors to Walter J.
immediate “up-front” money, which can then be used MILLENNIUM. Burien for continuing to “shine the light”.
to pursue the legal matters even more aggressively. Having failed to entice Leo Wanta to “come in In summary, the Federal Reserve System is now
We might even be able to acquire a few thousand from the cold”, “VK Durham” (almost certainly being recognized as BANKRUPT. Global Alliance
more of those Powerpoint presentation disks. NOT Big Red’s real name and yes, she certainly continues to offer THE solution to this very great
THAT’S REAL, MEASURABLE PROGRESS. appears to be aligned with the RED SHIELDS) is problem and the sharper players are preparing to work
Hooray! in a complete tizzy. It looks like the Red Shields with the Global Alliance Program. Sorry about that,
want to VOID Global Alliance’s AGREEMENTS “Big Red”.
GLOBAL ALLIANCE (BONUS 3392-181) (CONTRACTS) on the basis of “Un-American
It’s hard to talk about the situation in the SHALL, HOWEVER, STAND.
Philippines without including Bonus 3392 in the While describing Saddam Hussein in glowingly In the January 10 issue we showed the apparent
discussion because the two are intimately related. chivalrous terms, Big Red goes on with the following take-down of what was said to be a Russian booster
Mrs. Arroyo, who named herself to the top Defense inane commentary: “The Shah of Iran’s ‘son’ is very rocket on January 4. It was NOT as portrayed: the
slot in her cabinet, has just met with U.S. Ambassador much alive..and very well.. He has many followers.. Russian booster rocket came down on December 27,
Kristie Kenney along with a sizable contingent of U.S. It is very possible one of his followers is the same day it was launched, as usual, and over an
military to discuss Philippine Defense Reform. RAFANJANI..and COMMANDER HATONN aka uninhabited part of the Earth, as planned. The three
(Ambassador Kenney is one of TWO “former” NSA GAIA-EKKER’S.. [Did I say “inane”? Must have frames showed two lights moving in the OPPOSITE
personnel working out of the U.S. Embassy here. This been a typo because this is INSANE idiocy.] direction from the debris field—so perhaps the
is noteworthy because the “former” head of the NSA, “The IRANIAN Banks have accessed the Banking Russians were involved, in another way.
“Mike” McConnell is now the Director Central Track’s..and left the Greek RoundHouse when certain Just one week after the January 4 brilliant display
Intelligence.) As reported in the Philippine Star, U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Lawrence that lit up the skies over at least five west-central
Ambassador Kenney summed things up like this: Summers back in 1997-98 (Clinton Administration) states, reports from numerous sources say the Chinese
“We our [sic: are] very pleased and proud to entered into the agreement with the Council on demonstrated anti-SAT capability by taking down, it
continue to be a partner of the Philippine military. Foreign Relations to do a ‘50%-50% Split on all was reported, one of their own aging satellites on
Our Balikatan exercises will go on. It’s gonna have monies taken down Off-Shore.’” January 11. The Chinese satellite, it was said, had a
a very special focus and that is on the humanitarian That didn’t make any sense to you? Try this one: CIRCUM-POLAR orbit. Once again, however, things
side,” Kenney said. “All things being equally considered, the attempts do not add up.
The Balikatan exercises probably have more to do to bankrupt the United States with ‘bogus’ U.S. Debt Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov denied
with the shipment of GOLD than anything else but Instruments by this ‘Shah of Iran’ group playing the largely Western-media reports. As RIA Novosti
U.S.-RP cooperation in the “War on Terra” also MONEY GAMES down in the Philippines with the reported on January 19, Mr. Ivanov said: “I have
allows Mrs. Arroyo the contrived excuse to “legally” AbuSayeff, Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Al heard such rather unsubstantiated reports, and I am
clamp down on freedoms. It’s not hard to imagine a Qaeda, and even the Taliban.. encouraging HATE the afraid they are unfounded … the rumors are largely
scenario where the military and police would have to United States of Israel.. to keep the pitched fever exaggerated.” In another report, from MosNews, the
oversee the elections, for instance, to make sure none going ‘Bankrupt the Evil United States of Defense Minister called such reports “abstract”, which
of those poor “terrorists” influence the outcome. Israel’ of GAIA-EKKER’S.. deeply involved in is interesting.
Almost a week ago, however, Mrs. Arroyo was MONEY LAUNDERING which reaches the inner- On January 12, Reuters reported: “U.S. officials
busy dealing with CHINA’s Premier Wen Jiabao, as sanctum of the White House …” are unable to communicate with an expensive
twelve separate agreements were put in place by If you still don’t get it, don’t worry—you’re not [‘hundreds of millions of dollars’] experimental U.S.
ranking officials of both countries. alone. She says Saddam Hussein referred to her as spy satellite launched last year by the U.S. National
It should be mentioned at this point that the ‘Lady Durham’? Do you suppose this insanity can be Reconnaissance Office (NRO)”, according to “a
PRESIDENTIAL SEAL of the Philippines consists of traced back to simple in-breeding? Our FIRST defense official and another source familiar with the
a RED triangle overlaid on the face of the SUN. reaction to the reference to ‘Lady Durham’ was more matter”. The satellite, according to Reuters, was in an
Inside the red triangle (which is very reminiscent of along the lines of: “That was no lady …” and that unusually low orbit of just 220 miles and had not
the seal of British MI-5) is what appears to be a SEA was never Russell Herman’s wife, either. made any move to change its orbital position.
SERPENT. Three stars inside the triangle add to the Meanwhile, the Wanta Group claims to have Let’s just note right here that SIR Edmund Hillary
three stars outside of it to make SIX stars in total. It Henry Paulson and Dick Cheney “on the run” and of Mt. Everest fame, who also helped to establish the

Scott Base in Antarctica two years after conquering Everest—

“just happens” to be in Antarctica for a “visit” right now. There
always seems to be a connection to Antarctica every time we get
into the subject of Space Wars, and that probably has a lot to do
with the Nazi base at the South Pole.
Putting it all together as well as we can from a terrestrial
perspective: There is no doubt that some kind of very special
NRO satellite stopped working on January 11, the very day of
China’s alleged anti-sat test to take out its own circum-polar
satellite—but according to Mr. Lavrov, the story of China taking
out one of its own satellites on that day are “unsubstantiated”,
“unfounded”, “highly exaggerated” and “abstract”. The bottom
line: Russia probably had some involvement in BOTH the
spectacular January 4 “fire in the sky” incident over the
United Sates and the January 11 NRO satellite’s demise. The
‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ cost of the NRO satellite
suggests that it was, in fact, some kind of WEAPONS system
which was destroyed.
Mr. Lavrov speaks of the Cold War era as “paradise”
compared to the current distribution of threats. Certainly, in
those days the threats were more easily defined. RIA Novosti
reports Russian General Gareyev describing a new military
doctrine for Russia, which “… will be based on the concept of
active defense”. From our perspective, the Russians have done
a masterful job of preventing the Armageddon script from being
run as intended by the Zionists, and for that we are very thankful.


The ever-increasing waves of Cosmic energy which have

been washing over our local region of Space have been “thinning
the veil” substantially in recent years and the number of sightings
of extraterrestrial (and extra-“dimensional”) craft have definitely
been on the rise. Sightings in Canada have been reported up by
over 40% in the last year alone.
In the night sky, the “twinklers” are strobing their colors ever
more brilliantly and they appear to be drawing quite close now.
Even in the daytime it is not unusual to see small, elliptical
clouds which “come and go” to hint at the presence of the higher-
Looking back through sightings reports, CHINA has been the
focus of numerous sightings over the last seven years. Thanks
to, we are pleased to present the amazing frames of
video shown on this page.
NOTE THE DATE: AUGUST 17, 2006—the first day of
YEAR 20! And you only “hoped” it would be a Happy New
Year!? Indeed, it certainly should be!
Take note that these three frames are all taken within the
SAME SECOND, as was a fourth frame (with the craft
GONE) which we are not showing here. The whole
“disappearing act”—from no lights to lights on, to
vanishing—occurred in under one second!
For those with Internet access, the entire video can be
downloaded from Google Video using “docid” of
“2458967493428649738”—or just search for “China UFO”. The
entire clip is only 18 seconds in duration.


In an article written for the New York Times today, Jim

Rutenberg uses the phrase “pragmatism at gunpoint” and we
have to wonder from that and many other indications if the
fed-up military and intelligence personnel are actually starting
to make a difference. The United States ceased to be a
Constitutional Republic way back in 1933, though many
people are just becoming aware of that fact now, having lived
their entire lives in the Lie. Can people handle a little bit of
Truth for a change?
The single greatest objection we get to God’s Plan, it seems,
is that “it’s too good to be true.” REALLY? GET READY FOR
Ronald Kirzinger

Gold and Other Interesting Things: Conclusion

2/27/00—#1 (13-195) that if Mr. Estrada fails to take full action and clean able to see his predicament, for—through botching of
up this mess over here, he likely will not be President the ongoing negotiations—it is costing Brunei its
GCH COMMENT past mid-summer, if that long. independence and will probably end up causing the
RE: GOLD AND OTHER INTERESTING THINGS What do you have here? The full-out effort of the brother of the Sultan to end up in prison. This AFTER
Elite Zionist Bolsheviks to have their Plan 2000 full ability and for acceptable recovery of the “wasted”
Hatonn—We, myself included, have met with the operational by or before the end of year 2000. funds which turned out, fully enough, to BE OIL
author of the book from which we offer this series of GOD HAS PROVIDED YOU WITH A BIGGER FUNDS, thus totally irritating the international oil cartel
writings. We are totally comfortable with one another PLAN 2000—BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT, out of Great Britain and the U.S. teams of thieves.
and this author has only one primary interest in his CHELAS. NO LONGER WILL GOD OR HIS First, however, we need to finish the computer
THE PHILIPPINE PEOPLE. So, where do people like Granny fit into this [QUOTING:]
I suggest we start running the series in CONTACT, picture? Guess!! You have to remember that
with a nice editorial by Ron or Mark or both. We will Granny’s claim is to have been in the Secret Service, CHAPTER 35
try to coincide our large mailing with the most and it is claimed this is how she came to know Russell THE MISUNDERSTOOD GOCO
explosive parts of the series (in timing). The author Herman, among others, i.e. Jackson, et al.
has not placed restrictions on our use of the material Now for the harder part to be accepted by my team: To head the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG),
or on protection if put to press in the U.S.—however, There never was a problem with Granny “owning” the the legal defender of the Philippine Government, is not
his more recent work is uncovering players right up whole of the certificate/contract value (or, for that an easy task. Whoever does so always becomes a
through the Ramos Presidency and this is terribly matter, even control of it temporarily), and you can very much misunderstood person. Consider it part of
dangerous for him, so there really needs to be KNOW that because there was no effort to TAKE IT the hazards of the trade. And Raul Ilustre Goco was
protection. That means putting to press in the U.S. FROM HER OR RELIEVE HER OF IT. THE no exception to this general rule. “Endowed with a
AND probably sheltering his identity. TREASURY DEPARTMENT DID NOT OFFER TO broad perspective that spans the legal interest of
We have not pried nor discussed it but this author BUY THE CONTRACT FROM GRANNY—THEY virtually the entire Government officialdom, the OSG
did, in fact, meet Dr. Coleman in Los Angeles in TRIED TO GET IT FROM THE ONES HERMAN may be expected to transcend the parochial concerns
about 1991, so he is quite ready, willing and able to LEFT IN CHARGE OF IT, MY PEOPLE. The Bush of a particular client agency and, instead, promote and
work with or through or however it might be best to boys did not offer, through their representatives, the protect the public weal,” said Goco, in a speech
get the information published. I AM THE ONE hush money to turn over the contract and just “go delivered to the officers and members of the Rotary
INSISTING ON PRIVACY THROUGH LIMITED away”. The Big Boys DID offer to get buyers for the Club of Manila on September 14, 1995. “Given such
PRESENTATION AND PROTECTION OF “artifacts” and “art collectibles” but Granny would objectivity, it can discern, metaphorically speaking, the
WRITERS AND INVESTIGATORS. never even let the “buyers” see the collection. And, panoply that is the forest and not just the individual
I will give you some realization so that you can people, we are not talking a pittance—we are talking trees. Not merely will it strive for a legal victory
again become cautious, rather than just thinking we MILLIONS of those green things. circumscribed by the narrow interest of the client or
are hyping or sensationalizing. Lives of people and Moreover, we have no reason to “not deal” with official, but the vast concerns of the sovereign which
NATIONS are at stake here. anyone, for our portion simply protects the whole of it is committed to serve,” Goco added.
Example as to “hitting home”: Our people were the sums for projects, so that the transaction is not After the February 1986 Revolt, there was talk
in meetings yesterday with some very successful based on “hot air” but on value established through the that the Marcoses and their cronies had deposited
parties who now have gotten full funding lined up market of gold holdings. Even that stays in the millions of dollars in Swiss banks. There was nothing
OFF-SHORE. The funds have been blocked and are control of the nation or funding bank. We are not the Cory Government could do about the matter,
ready to use and transfer. But when the transfer got getting “payoffs”; we are acting fully within the good however, since there was no evidence to support the
under way, the action was STOPPED! IT WAS and transparent business system and will BORROW claim that money had, indeed, been deposited. Then
STOPPED BY DIRECT INTERVENTION OF THE our own funds from the collateral assets being held. Solicitor General Sedfrey Ordonez decided to seek
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, WHICH SET We insist it be done this way, so that whatever project assistance from the Swiss authorities by way of a
NEW REGULATIONS ON MONEY FOR PROJECTS is under way, should it get into financial trouble, it Petition for Legal Assistance dated 7 April, 1986, filed
COMING INTO THE PHILIPPINES. THEY NOW will not be forfeited but, rather, only the gold by the Philippine Embassy in Berne.
HAVE ESTABLISHED A CEILING PREVENTING THE collateral—the project is protected. Every transaction In Switzerland, there exists a governing law
BRINGING “IN” OF MORE THAN $10 MILLION “PER is based totally on the price “fix”, probably the dealing with International Criminal Assistance and its
QUARTER” INTO THE PHILIPPINES. London Afternoon Fix of the daily accounting. We implementing decrees. It refers to the assistance and
IN ADDITION, HERE IS SOMETHING TO are only interested in the gold as the collateral asset it cooperation given by the Swiss authorities to countries
NOTE: THE HEAD OF THE WORLD BANK, IS. When that value doubles, then we will renew and seeking help on criminal matters, including the
WOLFENSON, IS IN THE PHILIPPINES “JUST TO everyone will be paid totally on an equitable/honest recovery of plundered wealth deposited in their banks.
HELP MR. ESTRADA COME TO TERMS WITH value base—AND the holdings can be held as reserves Despite the absence of a formal agreement with the
CORRUPTION, ETC., ETC., ETC.” IN THE COUNTRY AND WITHIN THE BANK. Swiss Confederation for Judicial Assistance on
Now we are told from very reliable sources that Our own portion of any transaction will go directly to Criminal matters, the Swiss Government graciously
Mr. Fujimoro, the top person in PERU, is in trouble securing our own position—transparently—in a extended the Philippines a helping hand. “They were
with his homeland, JAPAN, with an effort to oust him holding bank where we, too, can borrow against the obviously impressed with our sensational bloodless
“because of the handling of the Certificate/Contract value for projects, with major emphasis directly to the revolution,” Goco explained.
3392-181”. Anyone still want to argue over the Native Population of ANYWHERE, PLANET EARTH The Swiss authorities allowed the Filipinos to
authenticity? The word is no longer “it’s not real”, it and THE PEOPLE, PLANET EARTH. This represents identify the accounts and get hold of pertinent bank
is “containment” under consideration. only a tiny portion of the asset and, frankly, can only documents—an unusual move, considering the secrecy
Well, we will just work through it and if they enhance all concerned, even the political “gangs” who and confidentiality of Swiss bank records. After
insist on a scattering of funds, fine, a scattering is ever have thieved the very lives from OUR people. identifying some bank accounts belonging to the
so much more useful because a portion to get started Now, Dharma, please let us get the rest of this Marcoses, the Swiss authorities, at the request of the
on projects is sufficient to the people involved. The manuscript to disk, for I do have other things pending, Solicitor General, then issued a freeze order on the
“interrupted” funds are coming out of HONG i.e., such as why Rick Martin-Cortright got into such accounts. One of these would be the REFAL 196
KONG—you know, that place called CHINA! Ah, hot water with some very, very powerful players and account of former President Ferdinand Marcos, which
but it is going to be some ones of “WE-THE- remains so today, along with Charles Neil, who he used to secretly negotiate the release and departure
PEOPLE” in the Philippines who intend ONLY to CHOSE TO JOIN RICKY! Rick first stumbled when of General Fabian C. Ver, and Imee and Bongbong
build as in their project proposed. he wouldn’t keep his mouth shut and spilled Marcos from the United States.
This is really a tight squeeze on poor Mr. everything to Gail who, in turn, spilled everything to The REFAL 196 Ltd. consisted of several
Estrada—who, by the way, will be getting a full “fill- anyone around. Rick was so impressed that he told of promissory notes duly executed by the late strongman
in” from our new acquaintance, who has already players—over the tapped lines—and as we reveal the and coinciding with the snap elections in 1986.
delivered, personally, the information. It would appear ongoing events of that very nation in point, he will be According to Mrs. Imelda Marcos, the actual

guarantee for these notes originated from the trust ill-gotten, then the law will earmark the beneficiary of on Good Government (PCGG), admitted that the
investments of the late President, supposedly intended said money, which will be the Comprehensive Philippine Government could never recover the 320
for the war veterans. When the Marcos family was Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). tons of gold which the late President Marcos shipped
relocated to Hawaii, the late strongman was endlessly What about the claim of the alleged human-rights to Switzerland through legal processes, and should
haunted by heightened fears that all his wealth and victims against the Marcoses? negotiate a settlement for a share with the Marcos
earthly possessions would not be passed on to the “The Philippine Government was never a party to family. The controversial $25 billion fortune is
Filipino people, as he had earlier desired, particularly this suit. The ruling, therefore, does not bind us,” currently held by the Union Bank of Switzerland in
since several of his trustees and nominees had all explained Goco. “Neither is the Swiss Government Zurich, under account number 72570367-D.
slowly shied away from him, with several more later bound by this ruling because a U.S. court has no But Alvin Capino, then of the Daily Globe,
cooperating with the Cory Administration by sharing jurisdiction outside the territorial boundaries of the criticized Castro’s surprisingly defeatist attitude,
the wealth “in trust”. United States. But we have opined that if such claim is branding it a mere preparation for more “commission
Greggy Araneta, the strategist son-in-law of the supported by a final judgment, then it may be enforced deals”. The fiery writer earlier stated: “The PCGG is
Marcos couple, soon sent his friend, JS333, to Makiki in in the Philippines in the same manner as any foreign once again living up to that cynical observation that
Hawaii. JS333 practically turned night into day with the judgment may be enforced under our laws,” said Goco. the term ‘commission’ is the main operative word in
late strongman being briefed accordingly and constantly On the REFAL case, “the same is based on the Presidential Commission on Good Government...
entangled in brainstorming with Mr. Marcos on promissory notes allegedly issued or drawn by the PCGG Chairman disclosed over the weekend that an
particularly pressing matters pertaining to effective ways President totaling $650 million,” stated Goco. agreement has been entered into with a European
to substitute and rename all his trustees and nominees. “REFAL became an endorsee, the payee being one, ‘intelligence group’ which will provide 10 percent
The REFAL 196 was part of the bargain that De Paula Freers. Upon failure of the maker, President commission to the group for whatever Marcos gold,
allowed and facilitated the covert departure of General Marcos, to honor the instruments, a suit was filed in believed to be hidden in Switzerland, is recovered by
Fabian C. Ver, Congresswoman Imee Marcos and a London Court. Marcos was declared in default and the Philippine Government.”
Ilocos Norte Governor Bongbong Marcos from the judgment was rendered which became final. There However, the late Dean Antonio Coronel, then
U.S.A. General Ver flew to Brunei, making it his was an attempt to execute the judgment in Switzerland lawyer of former First Lady Imelda R. Marcos, told a
sanctuary, while Bongbong sought respite in London. to satisfy the same against the Marcos Swiss accounts. press conference in New York that Castro’s mention
Naturally, the nominees of these accounts We succeeded in blocking its enforcement despite a of intelligence groups was “pure baloney”, since all
questioned such an imposition. The controversy Lugano Convention which allows enforcement of a the information supposedly provided by them had
eventually reached the Swiss Federal Court, which in judgment in the court of another country. The District already been made public during the New York RICO
turn required the Philippine Government to file the Attorney’s Office in Zurich did not allow the criminal trial of Madame Marcos (where she was
corresponding legal action in our courts “to prove that execution of said judgment because the Philippine acquitted). Thus, Capino wrote that “the implication of
the money is ill-gotten wealth and to justify the freeze claim is based on a criminal action and, therefore, has Coronel’s statement is that the PCGG is giving away
order”, within a period of one year from December preference,” declared Goco. $2.5 billion in commission to the unnamed intelligence
1990, when the Swiss ruling came out. Contrary to statements issued by Goco’s group unnecessarily.” Capino then added, “Are there
The Swiss Federal Court further ordained that “the detractors, the former Solicitor General (who was Filipino ‘commissioners’ in that group? Who are the
money shall remain frozen and can only be remitted subsequently appointed as Philippine Envoy to PCGG officials coordinating this operation? Is this
upon final judgment of conviction of the Marcoses.” Canada) won many cases for the Philippine another operation of Kamag-anak Inc.?”
To quote the exact words: “The transmission to the Government, the toughest of which was against De “There’s more to Swiss than cheese,” assured
requesting State of the assets is in principle granted. It Paula Freers, who reportedly fronts for the powerful Hilarion “Larry” Henares of the Inquirer, who now
is, however, deferred until an executory decision of the Trilateral Commission. writes for Isyu, once referring to the Swiss as “black
Sandiganbayan or another Philippine court legally pirates whose flag should be the skull and bones”.
competent in criminal matters concerning restitution to CHAPTER 36 And this was where all the trouble lay—the
those entitled.” THE NEED FOR A GOLD COMMISSION international bankers. Henares, once the chief
Francisco Chavez, then head of the OSG, assisted economic adviser of President Macapagal, has long
by Cesario del Rosario, complied with the filing of the Former Manila Standard columnist Corito Fiel known exactly how the Swiss bankers operate. “The
case within the prescribed period. Mrs. Imelda R. once told a very interesting story which, in my Swiss bankers are gnomes forever counting their dirty
Marcos was convicted but has appealed her case to the opinion, every Filipino interested in the recovery of lucre in the nether regions, the most constipated
Supreme Court. the Marcos fortune should know: assholes in the world, worse than American
“When we assumed office in 1992 and knowing the “Wars make men out of boys, also heroes and carpetbaggers [Khazar Jews], Japanese zaibatsu and
condition imposed by the Swiss Court on the transfer or mad men. And dandies too like Gen. George German junkers, and their banks are black holes into
remittance of the money, we tried to negotiate with Mrs. Armstrong Custer, who made his tragic last stand which stolen wealth is drawn and disappears forever,”
Marcos and the heirs on the feasibility of transferring the against Sitting Bull. The Indian-fighter was also wrote Henares.
money to the Philippines to be placed in the custody of known for his flair, cutting a dashing figure in the There are, of course, numbered accounts in the
the proper Philippine Court, to await the final outcome battlefield in blue velvet and, I believe, a leather Alpine State. But not all of the Marcos fortune is stored
of the proceedings,” Goco explained, “but the said plumed hat. in numbered accounts. “There is in Switzerland what is
negotiation failed because of certain unacceptable “And gold, too, does count in war. known as Kloten, a bonded warehouse with vaults leased
conditions imposed by the Marcoses.” “With the Japanese getting hold of all available to banks,” Henares explained. “Often, shipments of gold
According to Goco, the negotiation was purely to gravel in the Philippines, the crew of the U.S. are stored there, outside of the customs zone, like a free
transfer custody—not to distribute, partition or divide submarine Trout was in a fix. What to get for ballast? port or free-trade zone, so that it can be moved in and
the money. This having failed, Goco then worked on Then some suggested: GOLD. out of the country without difficulty. This gold is not
a plan to transfer the sites of the deposits, without the “The Philippine Government and private mining reflected in the bank’s statements, but in a special
consent of the Marcoses, and to convince the Swiss companies were anxious to move their assets for account called ‘managed assets’, which is sometimes
authorities of the reasonableness and propriety of such safekeeping, and after some hasty negotiations, the higher in value than the bank’s entire net worth.”
transfer. In other words, the plan was to effect the crew of the Trout began loading the hold with 583 Henares believes that the Marcos fortune has been
immediate transfer of the money to the Philippines gold bars, valued at $9 million. For additional weight, camouflaged in these “warehouses”.
without having to await the final judgment against the 18 tons of silver pesos worth over $300,000 were Henares also confirms the existence of two groups
Marcoses as required by the Swiss tribunal. brought on board, as well as crates and trunks filled of Marcos trustees in so-called “warehouses”, code-
Later, the Ramos Administration, through PCGG with negotiable securities. named CIA (composed of American trustees), and
Chairman Magtanggol Gunigundo, succeeded in “With its precious weight in gold and silver, the Mafia (made up of Swiss trustees). So, Henares
transferring the $540 million in escrow to the Trout fought its way through the Pacific and safely asked, “How do we keep the gold out of the grasping
Philippine National Bank, while awaiting final delivered every glittering brick to authorities in San hands and cotton-picking fingers of crooked
judgment. In the meantime, there is also the Probate Francisco. It’s now some 40 odd years after WW II, technocrats?” Good question.
Case on the will of the late President. Should the but what happened to all that gold?” There are lots of unverified stories about the
Sandiganbayan declare that the assets were legally Judging from this past experience, will we ever Marcos Gold Haul. But what has been very strange is,
acquired by the Marcoses, they will become part of recover the Marcos Gold Hoard? “With all the publicity about the accomplishments of
the estate and claims can be filed against the same. In August 1991, David Castro, then already the Presidential Commission on good Government, no
On the other hand, should said assets be established as exasperated Chairman of the Presidential Commission actual accounting has been made with regard to the

amount of recovered gold or gold certificates up to CITIZENS ARE STOPPED FROM incident as that is “THEIR” (CIA, FEDS, RED, WB,
now,” observed Julie Amargo. So far, only President CONTINUATION WITH THEIR PROJECTS, IT IMF) demanded mode of public communication to
Ramos’ appointee, Magtanggol Gunigundo, has done IS AN INTENTIONAL BREAKING OF OUR protect their own backsides, for WE HAVE
Sometime in 1990, the Philippine Daily Inquirer CONSEQUENCES OF VIOLATION OF Thank you,
ecstatically announced that an arrangement had been CONTRACT WILL BE ESTABLISHED. We will Yeorgos Ceres Hatonn
struck between the Aquino Administration and Madame probably need to run a PUBLIC NOTICE to cover the dharma
Marcos, and that the two parties had agreed to share, on
a 60-40 basis, the late President’s deposits in five Hong
Kong banks. To “put the icing on the cake”, PCGG’s
David Castro went as far as telling reporters that a
representative had, in fact, been appointed by the
Greatest Secret of the Universe:
Commission to withdraw the deposits.
Castro refused to reveal how much money was
deposited by the strongman in Hong Kong. But an
Inquirer source disclosed that the deposits amounted
to $687 million.
When Ego Becomes One with God
Nothing concrete ever came of the supposed deal, 1/21/00—#2 A belief in separation—that we could possibly exist
prodding Emil Jurado to reiterate that “A compromise and have our being apart from God—IS THE ONLY
is the only way in which the Government can get hold IT’S TIME FOR A BIT ON “GOD” REAL SIN (error). THIS BELIEF IS OF OUR OWN
of a portion of the Marcos wealth. The past MAKING. GOD HAS NOT DECREED
Administration never even explored this alternative, Hatonn—“God” is a term, a name, a recognition, SEPARATION; THIS WE DID OURSELVES BY
since it never came close to reconciling with the an identification, an energy, and there are as many OUR OWN PERCEPTION THAT SOMEHOW,
Marcoses.” I strongly agree. terms for “God” as there are different races, creeds, SOME WAY, WE COULD TRANSCEND THAT
When Jurado asked Imelda what she intended to colors and people. WHICH CANNOT BE TRANSCENDED.
do with the “warehoused” gold in London and Zurich, We need, however, to use A TERM which, when God is not a member of ANY CHURCH OR
she readily replied that she would share it with the WE USE IT, has specific and EXPLICIT “reference as RELIGION. It is the churches and the religions that
Filipino people. to meaning”. In this we have to establish a “concept” are members within the vastness and the glory that is
The response has been most encouraging. Perhaps that we might well call the “REALNESS” of God. God. There is no ONE religion, just as there is no
it is time for government to consider setting up a Gold To accomplish this, I can pull from the many “chosen” people or person, nor any single way of
Commission to be chaired by no less than Mrs. Imelda things written and hopefully choose something that regarding what cannot be fully comprehended. We are
Marcos assisted by the likes of legal counsels, Ex- needs no debate or argument but expresses OUR all “Sons” of God in the sense that we are all souls of
Assemblyman Antonio Tupaz, Attorney Oliver Lozano MEANING WHEN WE USE THE TERM, and then God’s creation, without gender, without form, without
and Justice Manuel Lazaro. We can then allow others reading our material can adjust their perceptions nationality, complete and whole and perfect as we
General Fabian Ver to come home—since he is the and concepts to what we express, as to focus on “their explore the never-endingness of God’s wonderment.
only person who can possibly declassify the members similarity of meaning and reference”. A spark from the essence of connection, that thread or
of Marcos’ “Umbrella Foundation”. Only then can we cord that ensures we remain a part of that which we
ascertain if there is an iota of truth to this fabulous PERCEPTION (AND REALNESS) OF GOD could NEVER leave.
fortune, or if it is merely a sting operation. The wondrous splendor and joy of recognizing and
Our leaders should know how to deal with the GOD IS! acknowledging our specialness, uniqueness and
other country claimants and the banking mafia (big God is the Presence, the One Power, the One greatness—as creations of God and as co-creators WITH
bankers who keep the fabled war loot). We don’t Force and Source of all. There are no competitors to God—is akin to being engulfed by overwhelming
have to fight them; we just need to get what’s due us God, no reality existent outside of God. God is floodtides of God’s GLORIOUS LOVE.
and rightfully ours. This will be the big challenge to omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all knowing)
the Estrada Administration. Former President Fidel and omnipresent (present everywhere). There is no A BIGGER PICTURE
Ramos started it and it has led us to our exit from the place where God is not, simply because nothing exists
International Monetary Fund in March 1998. If without God. There is no sense of “crime and punishment” in
President Joseph Estrada does it right, coupled with God is neither a man nor a woman nor a thing. God’s LIGHT, only the clear, complete and total
his undoubtedly close relationship with the Marcoses, God is no one’s father or mother or benefactor. KNOWING that you are loved absolutely, fully and
the Estrada Government is bound to achieve more. These terms are used only to help us understand without measuring up to “conditions”. This is
Let’s just get our act together. relationships—ours to God—not to establish a more TRUE in the NOW and FOREVER.
And may the good Lord guide our leaders toward human type of parentage. We use such terms as a In and within this REALIZATION you can
this end. matter of convenience or because it is comforting to KNOW that there is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
[END OF QUOTING, END OF TEXT] do so. We call ourselves Children of God because we that can succeed AGAINST GOD, even if there
I do not wish to preview that which WILL come, do not know what else to call ourselves and it seems appears to be.
so I choose to end this writing where the author ended as good a term as any to use. We are made in the Truth in this Light, God’s Light, is so powerful
his manuscript/book. We will attend getting the image of God, not in the sense of physical appearance and so piercing that there is no way you could lie,
proper Exhibit copies as might be interesting to run in but with respect to the power of our souls and the exaggerate, avoid or deny what you have done with
the paper, but our intent is not to give you the entire potential of our minds. God is CREATOR; we are God’s gift to you, the gift of an embodied life in
contents of the book itself because the book will be CO-CREATORS. It would be more appropriate, and the earthplane replete with abundant opportunities
made available for public acquisition. more in line with Truth, if we called ourselves to learn, develop and grow—to be the best that you
I do suggest that B.T. begin to compile this Extensions of God or, perhaps, Thoughts in The Mind can be. This gift, the earthlife God gives, comes
appropriately into order, with my comments, and get of God. It would even be appropriate to use another with a catch (a “condition”): We are to give the
it prepared for publication with indexing, etc. The name for God, like The Force, The One, The All, The gift BACK unto God.
original has no index, so this should be handled as in Isness, The One Mind, The Source—or WHATEVER We cannot keep the life we have on the
any other publication through our assistance. There is conveys that sense of deity that is without limitation earthplane, not our possessions or attachments or
no “rush” about this but as soon as funds are available or boundary, beyond what can be comprehended. relationships. What we CAN keep are our
we will expedite the process. While God is more than any name, protocol, memories and our feelings of what we have
E.J., we must attend the fact that with the MAJOR hierarchy, concept or grandiosity could describe or integrated into our heart of hearts from the
interference with our business transactions THEY define, God truly is as near as our next breath—as experience of being here, plus the love we shared
HAVE NEGATED THE CONTRACT AS close as our next thought. In this perception you with others. This that we can keep enriches God’s
PRESENTED IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE. WITH CANNOT separate dimensional energy forms from experience of us as well as enriching our experience
ACTUAL STOPPAGE OF FUNDS TRANSFER whatever experiencing soul might perceive. We are of ourselves and one another. How joyful this is
TO THE RIGHTFUL NATION WHERE THE each and all a part of God and existent WITHIN God. depends on what we did about WHO WE ARE.

Each gain or loss anyone makes affects everyone In the realization of REALITY, it is early on noted SEE THE FLAWS AND THEREFROM MAKE
else to some degree. That’s because we are that the physical “promises” of those things of total JUDGMENTS. I, FOR EXAMPLE, WANT NO
connected, somehow, as sparks from THE MIND OF physical sensing are but detriments to soul growth, for ONE TO JUDGE MY OUTPUT OR
GOD. Everything created either has a soul they are PART AND PARCEL OF THE INFORMATION BY THAT OF ANY SCRIBE I
(independent power mass) or is capable of being CONTROLLING LIES. MIGHT CHOOSE. “THAT” IS EXACTLY WHY
ensouled (from out of the group power mass). Each individual MATTERS. You are each ANYONE WHO WOULD “EDIT” CONTENT OF
Because human forms contain larger portions of soul challenged to “wake up” and realize that you matter MY PRESENTATION IS OFF MY LIST AS A
mass than many other types of forms, they represent and to simply “give in” to the demands of “another”— USEFUL PRESENTER OF MY INFORMATION—I
opportunities of greater diversity, challenge and no matter what position is imposed—is not acceptable DO NOT WANT EDITORS OR INTERPRETERS—
involvement. Yet, even animals, minerals, plants and in the long run and usually will simply breed contempt “JUST THE FACTS, MA’AM”! PEOPLE MUST
planets enfold degrees of ensoulment replete with in the short run. Right here is where the separation in HAVE ABILITY TO PERCEIVE WHAT THEY
intelligence, feeling and volition. Density of structure LOVE and LUST is best defined. Ah, but you would WILL—AND NOT A SCRIBE’S OR EDITOR’S
or shape may seem to deny this, but the creative fire rather not have it that way? Well, that is the way it OPINION OR PERCEPTION OF “WHAT I MIGHT
is ever-present, nonetheless. IS. And NO, it is NOT enough to simply KNOW. HAVE MEANT”. If you want your opinion
ALL souls are holy in God’s Light, and ALL You must EXPRESS THAT KNOWING but how published—do so, but do not call it mine!
souls are loved. each does that is up to the individual.
And ALL SOULS HAVE A PURPOSE FOR Although you are each connected to the other and THE ALIEN EXPRESSION
THEIR INDIVIDUAL EXISTENCE AND A to all others, you are individual in your choices, in the
REASON FOR BEING WHO OR WHAT THEY power of your will and in the product or result or Never mind the focus on aliens—foreigners or
ARE. Whatever form a soul empowers “fits” in consequence of your ever having breathed a breath in citizens. People, IF you are living in an “illusion”
Creation’s story, for each soul has a job to do, a the earthplane. The responsibility you have for this (and you are), your illusion includes all things in your
position to fill in the greater scheme of things. totality of your beingness is as freeing and exciting as consciousness. Again, there is no argument or debate
All souls evolve. Nothing stays as it is because it is humbling. It represents high adventure rather than regarding the matter, but I will remind you that in
nothing is static, regardless of how “otherwise” a dalliance in ego-structured sensing expressions, consciousness these things and signs have been present
conditions may appear to be. which are “here now and gone in a minute”. always and, remarkably, some things have endured as
EVOLUTION IS NOT RESTRICTED TO My suggestion is always to partners or socially presented, e.g.: “By day the LORD went ahead of
LINEAR PROGRESSION. It only seems so. In connected parties to watch what causes you to revert them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way
FACT, it cannot, in REALITY, be in linear to basic human physical desires and lusts and avoid and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light (and
progression. those things like the plague in pandemic form. This bearings for direction).”
Thus, the drama of Creation’s story is is why drugs of mind-altering substances, including Furthermore, if you are somehow off having
unbounded—neither limited by your perception of alcohol, are so detrimental to relationships—for these euphoria through some mind-enhancing or -altering
it, nor by your ability or lack of ability to are DEPRESSANTS to the nervous system and are substance, YOU WILL MISS THE VERY CLUES
comprehend it. This drama is as stupendous as it blocks to intelligent actions and good discipline. The AND SIGNS SENT FOR YOUR USE. This, too, is
is terrifying to some who come into realization of this next is the constant demand of “Well, you owe me...” just the way it IS. You can and will do whatever you
truth, as awesome as it is wonderful, as miraculous as or “Well, if you loved me you would...”. The choose to do with the facts offered here, so please
it is mysterious and as beautiful as it is the ultimate act demands are from immature egos seeking to use realize that what I offer will be handled exactly as you
of all-consuming love. To witness even a glimpse of SOUL for its own purposes of sensual expression. choose to handle it and I (NOR GOD) will love you
such glory, to know THE REAL TRUTH of it, leaves Any “excuse” is simply a copout for continuing such the lesser for your choices. However, also realize that
a mark so deep and so profound that you are forever demands and THAT is what usually happens with you need to KNOW that it is then my choice as to
uplifted and TRANSFORMED. Moreover, once GURUS and POWERFUL CULT LEADERS. WHO fills the roles in the positions which are
experienced in this “knowing”, you CAN’T ever again There is no “argument” due or expected in this presented to the world as a whole. If we have people
“be without knowing”. discussion, for I am telling you WHAT IS and you “breaking the law” knowingly, I must consider that in
You return from this realization experience can do with it exactly what you choose. Agree or my own selection processing. And yes, of course
KNOWING that you affect every other being because disagree, this IS and when you are talking about there are varying degrees of importance in breaking
you can then understand that you are ALL part of one evolving into higher beings, you have to be prepared laws, but as even with “speeding”—I care not what
another, and you affect ALL parts of Creation because to change your attitudes about a lot of physical YOUR PREFERENCE MIGHT BE—drive within the
all parts of Creation interweave and interrelate with all THINGS or remain mired in the bog of what is— legal limits and the confrontation over same will be
other parts. Any sense of aloneness or separation that, by the way, is NOT WORKING. avoided. If you must drive faster than the limits to
dissolves in THE LIGHT OF SUCH KNOWING. If make an appointment, then START THE JOURNEY
someone on a human level of limited perception FEAR, FEAR AND MORE FEAR SOONER. This, however, is not in point. When you
demands of the insighted experiencer a are dealing, however, with intake, purchase or sale of
backtracking or movement back into the limitation, The greatest FEAR you have in living out your any restricted or prohibited substances, you are
even in attachments, it simply can’t work out—for Earth life is not what might happen to you—but moving into CRIME of INTENTIONAL
once in KNOWING and “IN PURPOSE”, there is what might BE EXPECTED FROM YOU if you RECOGNITION. There can be instances where
no ability to move backward. And no, mixed recognize who you are. breaking a speed regulation is quite excusable—
relationships (in that one spouse, etc., is within the And yes, indeed, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT dabbling in criminal activities finds no “reason” and
realization and one is still demanding ego- YOU CONTINUALLY ASK FOR IN OUR “excuses” SHOULD NOT BE HONORED.
gratification in the “human” expression) cannot REVELATIONS AND WRITINGS but, by golly, Remember something of great and grave
continue in the limitation or demand, and will, you just can’t fully participate, for it means you importance: If nobody abused the laws, there would
understandably, cease to be. In this circumstance, might have to “give up” something on which you be no need for other than orderly legal regulations—
there must be a “release”, so that expression can grow are “hooked”. That is YOUR problem, for to but laws must be for everyone equally applied and not
or remain limited as demanded by the individual soul soothe your perceptions is NOT MY MISSION. just whether or not you choose up some for self and
in progression. A person, for instance, who insists that TRUTH OF HOW IT IS IS MY MISSION, AND demand restrictions on others.
a spouse go “honky tonkin’” or revert to a need of WHEN ASKED—I WILL GIVE YOU TRUTH Yes, I CAN associate this quite easily even as to
loud noise with programming beats built into the very AND NOT A LULLABY TO PUT YOU BACK “pot” smoking, which was discussed within the past
racket itself, or demand human interchange for the TO SLEEP. And when you ask for music I will couple of days. If you “have it”, it is unlawful. It is
physical expression of it, will surely lose the battle— not only give you a wondrous lullaby at times but unlawful if you use it, grow it, smoke it, sell or buy
for flesh is “ego” and recognition of spiritual soul it SHALL BE MUSIC, not noise that programs the it. The only POSSIBLE “reason” or “excuse” to have
being is quite another thing. In the growing process baser habits and addictions of human in its lowest it in your possession is if you have found it or
you CAN have exceptionally close and productive frequency range. YOUR DISCIPLINE OF SELF IS confiscated it from a minor and are taking it to turn in
relationships, but the unique soul will always MORE TELLING ABOUT YOU THAN ALL THE to the police—and if you do THAT, you might well
CHOOSE the higher position of realization. A BOOKS YOU MIGHT EVER WRITE. THIS IS better ask THEM to come pick it up instead of you
physical encounter no longer has the ego-necessity of WHY “FAMILIARITY” BREEDS SUCH hauling it around. And guess what, this is only a
accepted “norms” in the societal structure of gender, CONTEMPT, FOR WHEN YOU BECOME weed of which we here speak. Get into more
culture or “simply acting out” in a physical demand. FAMILIAR WITH ANOTHER, YOU COME TO controlled drugs and you do not ever “accidentally”

have any in your presence. Even more importantly,

if you travel intercontinentally, you had best be very
careful to whom you lend your pieces of luggage—for
you will be arrested and incarcerated if your luggage
Illuminati-Controlled Conflict
causes a “drug-sniffing canine” to take notice and if “MATRIX” CREATED BY CONTROLLED CONFLICT Derision only gives him credibility heightening the
residue is found, you will be prosecuted. If you are By Henry Makow, Ph.D., <>, 1/19/07 illusion that the U.S. has a functioning democracy,
caught, for instance, taking unlawful drugs into mass media and justice system. Remember, the U.S.
Malaysia, it can be a death-penalty crime, and you are Recently a feud between Donald Trump and Rosie government is ultimately responsible for the slaughter
warned far in advance—so “excuses” are not O’Donnell gave their ratings a boost. Mel Gibson and of 3000 Americans in broad daylight Sept. 11. The
acceptable, nor is “ignorance” of the law. Michael Richards also made gratuitous attacks that U.S. ruling class and punditry are complicit in the
As to alcohol use? Well, there is “use” and there helped their bottom line. ongoing cover-up. The most obvious “controlled
is “abuse”. Use of alcohol, where legal and What if the world’s great conflicts were just as conflict” is the two party system.
acceptable, is fine but public intoxication or driving, phony? What if Bush and Chavez; Blair and Putin;
flying or operating a vehicle of any kind UNDER Olmert and Ahmadinejad were all part of a giant CREATING CONFLICT
purpose in reminding you of these things is so that What if we were riding the roller coaster, cheering Let’s look at the “opponents” of globalization and
YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DECISIONS PRIOR TO and groaning, and biting our finger nails for nothing? the New World Order. Chavez, Putin and
BEING OFFENDED BY MY FAILURE TO What if it were all staged like professional wrestling Ahmadinejad were all obscure figures handed power
CHOOSE YOU FIRST IN MY FRONT-LINE (only thousands of innocent people were dying)? by a hidden hand. Like Bush, they certainly lack the
RESPONSIBLE POSITIONS. I KNOW that tobacco Many of us consider Ahmadinejad, Putin and stature of real “deciders”.
as processed today is FAR WORSE than any type of Chavez the “good guys” in the fight against the New Chavez and Ahmadinejad vilify Bush and the
marijuana as to health consequences of the bad World Order. It’s possible they are controlled by the USA, but, like Chavez’s mentor Noam Chomsky,
variety—BUT THE LAW GOVERNS ONE AND Illuminati as well. Our hidden masters control cannot pronounce the words “Rothschild” or
NOT THE OTHER! If you, however, are selling everything else. Would they leave war to chance? “central banker”.
tobacco to minors—you are breaking the law and so I can’t prove this grand hypothesis today. Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution is Freemasonic in
be it. I did not make your laws, you did. However, there is some anecdotal evidence. origin, as is his Communism. Someone claims he met
If you complain in debate that “pot” is not against First, take past wars. None of them were anything Chavez at a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Texas in
God’s laws, fine, take it up with God—but I will not like inevitable. I have shown how World War One the 1990s. Chavez led a failed coup but got out of jail
honor your decision to break the laws of the land was made possible by British food subsidies to the after only 2 years. Wikipedia reports that he later
when what we must accomplish must be accomplished Germans, and ended when this trade stopped. World received campaign funds from large banks.
within ALL LAWS AS CONSTRUCTED BY War Two, which Churchill called the most Now Chavez and Ahmadinejad are busy
MAN. “But that is, at least, inconvenient...”, you “unnecessary war in history” was also engineered establishing an Anti-American coalition in South
might debate. Fine, if inconvenience in service to through loans to the Nazis and the policy of America: More controlled conflict.
God’s cause is utmost in the decisions of “Appeasement”. The Masonic bankers also engineered
participation, then so be it. U.S. entry into WW II. CONTROLLING DEBATE
Can’t you see and hear what I am telling you The war supposedly was fought for the
here? YOU are the one who must choose and take independence of Poland yet at the end, Eastern Europe I suspect that the bankers set up Nationalist and
responsibility for self and your own actions—and also was under the heel of the [Bolshevik] Russians, the anti-Globalist spokesmen and groups in order to
that which you ALLOW in your children. And, by 1939-1941 allies of the Nazis. Instead of Nazis, control both sides. The tip-off is if these people are
the way, when you start trying to categorize things as Polish nationalists were massacred by Soviets. An getting corporate/government support and coverage in
for children and juveniles and adults—you err. The improvement? Sounds to me like war for its own the mass media. Canadian examples are Naomi Klein,
biggest problem with “adult” programming is the very sake, or for Communism. Maude Barlow and Mel Hurtig.
act of adultery. Why do you think you do these Our War on Terror is the natural successor of the On the other hand, you know Connie Fogal, leader
things in secret and in the dark places? Until you “Cold War”; both as phony as three-dollar bills. The of the Canadian Action Party is legit because she talks
grow up, chelas, you can’t have responsibility enough war on Iraq? Lebanon? Afghanistan? Iran? Do any about the bankers and consequently gets no media. In
to RUN A WORLD. of them make any sense? These wars are unwinnable. the U.S., Aaron Russo is legit for the same reason.
The greatest secret of the universe, in case you How do you win a guerilla war without annihilating It’s apparent that political action requires
are wondering, is WHEN THE EGO BECOMES everyone? They are not meant to be won. money. The bankers mint it. The rest of us are too
ONE WITH GOD AND NEEDS NO FURTHER As Dick Cheney intimated, the Iraq War will last busy making a living to be anything but bystanders
ATTENTION OR GRATIFICATION OF SELF. 40 years i.e. as long as the Cold War. Both sides are and victims.
Now, to leave you I would offer a thought in subsidized and controlled by the world’s central
how you support self to achieve: “If your brother bankers and their secret societies/intelligence agencies. CONCLUSION
sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.”— War is an end in itself. It concentrates money and
Luke 17:3 power in the hands of our Satan-loving elites. It These days you can’t turn on the media without
So here, you might say: “Well, what of provides human sacrifices to their bloodthirsty god and someone (usually Zionists like Charles Adler or Glenn
forgiveness to those who committed wrongs against brutalizes and demoralizes humanity. Beck) stirring up hostility against Iran and Muslims in
you and you offer not forgiveness?” Oh my, chelas— It is a waste of energy to discuss the “political general. They keep talking about how war-like Islam
the key word here is REPENT. If the wrongdoer will reasons” for these conflicts. They are a ruse. is when we are invading them! Any future conflict
not admit to error, there can be no forgiveness—for may destroy Israel, but these highly paid shills don’t
there is no petition for same nor is there repentance or OUR “MISLEADERS” care. War for its own sake is the goal.
even apology. You can’t FORGIVE in advance nor (term coined by Jordan Maxwell) War is considered “revolutionary” because it
can you “forgive” that which has not been requested. advances the Masonic bankers’ goal of the New World
You are told not to “judge” and yet you MUST judge, After debating for months whether the U.S. was Order. It “overturns” the natural and divinely intended
and to offer forgiveness “in advance” or winning or losing in Iraq, someone decided it was development of mankind.
unpetitioned—IS TOTAL JUDGMENT. losing. As the “decider”, Bush stoutly accepted To have a war, the bankers need to create and
responsibility and even shed a tear at a soldier’s funeral. provision two sides. Thus all wars are waged against
A HEAVY TRIP That didn’t prevent the demonizing of poor humanity by a small satanic criminal network that
George. His opponents assailed his sanity, owns 50% of the world’s wealth. The mainspring is
I lay a heavy trip onto you? How so? What is intelligence, virility and honor. What do they expect the world’s private central bankers.
so heavy in having UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES? of an admitted satanist? The Hindus have a term for the “Matrix”. They
IF THERE BE “HEAVY” TRIPS—THOSE ARE George is not to blame. Every President in the say our lives are governed by “Maya” or “illusion”.
YOURS AND NOT OF GOD. SO BE IT. Twentieth Century has been a hand puppet of the We didn’t guess anyone would go to so much
May your trip not be heavy, but balanced in JOY. Rothschild-Rockefeller cartel of cartels. They wouldn’t trouble to create it. Perhaps liberation lies in
Dad let George manage a gas station let alone the “Free recognizing that conflicts are artificially created and
dharma World”. Luckily, Bush just reads the teleprompter. controlled.

Exopolitics or Xenopolitics?
Back in 2001 a courageous group of credible Consider: The Disclosure Project, as well as other justifying weapons in space.
scientists, military and government people stood up to researchers, have found a multi-decade pattern of The usual suspects – those who thrive on
the Press Club podium and announced FIRSTHAND hoaxed UFO/ET related events that are clustered enormous concentrated wealth and power - would like
knowedge of the existence of extraterrestrials. around pseudo-contact experiences (also known as to unite the world - but not in peace. They wish to
That “little” event was drowned out in the abductions) mutilations, vivisections and the like. unite and control us not for that good future that
planned confusion following 9/11 and the urgency of Numerous, corroborative military and shadowy para- assuredly awaits humanity. Rather, they wish to
the World situation since then has kept even our focus governmental witnesses have testified to actually control through fear and war – a war between worlds
on other events. In keeping with the copyright notice, conducting abductions and mutilations for their – the final master-play of power consolidation where
the following article is presented in its entirety, psychological warfare value. One such witness, an all of humanity may be stampeded into a unified
without modification (except one necessary comment). Army Ranger involved with special ops stated to me: opposition to some – maybe only one - ET race. And
[QUOTING:] “You have no idea how many people – including by so doing, amass the ultimate global control, through
prominent military and political figures – we have fear spreading like wildfire amongst the people.
EXOPOLITICS OR XENOPOLITICS? abducted and terrified so that they will learn to hate Dr. Von Braun on his death-bed warned of such a
By Steven M. Greer M.D., Director the ET presence and support conflict with them …” plan. He warned us that after the Cold War, there
The Disclosure Project, <> Martin Cannon in the 1980s, and later the book would be ‘rogue nations and nations of concern’; and
Copyright 2006 MILAB (Military Abductions) documented the that this would be followed by global terrorism; and
sophisticated use of electronics, ARVs (man-made that this would be followed by a threat from space –
Note: This article may be freely distributed as UFO look-alike craft called alien reproduction the ultimate trump-card of fear, whereby the entirety
long as it is reproduced in its entirety. vehicles) and ‘stage-craft’ to hoax ET contact events of humanity could be united to, as the movie
We have watched with some concern as the for their psychological warfare value. Independence Day put it, “kick alien butt!”
emerging area of exo-politics has taken a dangerous Indeed, CIA documents released to us under There is no way to assess an ET agenda without
and potentially ruinous turn towards rumor, urban- FOIA, and which appear in Extraterrestrial Contact: first grasping the covert human agenda. We cannot
myth speculation and inflammatory xenophobia. The Evidence and Implications, and Disclosure, both discern what is real and what is Memorex – what is
While there are certainly diverse opinions by this author, discuss using the UFO matter for ET and what is pseudo-ET disinformation, unless we
regarding why any given extraterrestrial civilization psychological warfare purposes. penetrate the halls of smoke and mirrors that is the
may wish to visit Earth at this time in our history, The Canadian top–secret document by Wilbert vast shadow government’s propaganda machine.
recent public comments by Michael Salla have added Smith from the early 1950s explains that the UFO It is not easy. It takes enormous patience,
a virulent strain of fear-based xenophobia, based on matter is the most secret subject in the U.S. perseverance, diligence and care.
the flimsiest of documentation. While I am usually government, exceeding even the secrecy surrounding But it is worth it - for to do otherwise is to
reticent to engage in commentary regarding the the development of the hydrogen bomb. Given these wittingly or unwittingly make exo-politics an arm of
opinions espoused by certain personalities, I feel a facts, is it reasonable to accept as true every scary the propaganda war machine.
point has been reached where silence only redounds to account circulating in the public, and based on such We must do better than this. We must restrain our
the further empowerment of a message of fear, hatred, tales, make sweeping, prejudicial statements regarding fears and prejudices and avoid the dissemination of
prejudice – and the unwitting buttressing of the this ET race or that? negative and fear-inducing stereotypes, based on
argument for weapons and war in space. We must use restraint and caution if we are to anecdotal tales and counter-intelligence programs. We
Clearly, more is unknown than known in the vast avoid being manipulated into the acceptance of must investigate fully the technological and
field of extraterrestrial studies. And at this embryonic another false enemy to unite around and fight. psychological capabilities of those who are behind
stage of human-extraterrestrial relations, there is yet Numerous senior shadow government insiders have human UFO secrecy - and learn to discern the false
much to learn, explore and discover. But in the past independently described to me a concerted effort to from the real.
year, Salla, who purports to support peaceful initiatives dis-inform the public and create the false impression CSETI (The Center for the Study of
in this regard, has put forth prejudicial and dangerous of a threat from space, so that eventually a multi- Extraterrestrial Intelligence - <>) which is the
characterizations of ET actions – up to and including trillion dollar build-up of weapons in space will be parent organization for The Disclosure Project
the ludicrous accusation that a certain tall, white ET accepted by the masses. <> has been sending expeditions
race caused the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004! He Such propaganda is nothing new. Every military around the world for 16 years to make contact with
has maintained that a nefarious and injurious group of power that has wished to further engage in warfare has ET peoples. We have never been harmed. We have
ETs have made a secret pact with covert humans – first demonized the enemy. Hitler and his minions never been threatened. We have never been afraid.
and have a harmful agenda towards the human race. expertly demonized Jews, gay people and others so Thousands of people over the course of hundreds of
This, and more. that people would passively accept the ‘final solution’. expeditions, have interacted with these UFOs – and
The Disclosure Project has over 450 military, [Ed: OK, so not everybody knows the truth of the with the beings on-board them.
government and corporate insiders who have first-hand matter.] The virulent, negative portrayal of such Through all of this, we have only found ET
knowledge of actual UFO/ET events and projects. We groups was essential to the creation of a supposed people who want to understand and help us. They are
find it odd that not a single one of these insiders can enemy to be dealt with violently. waiting for us to join them in space - as a people at
confirm the xenophobic rumors proffered by Salla. Today, we see racist appellations applied to certain peace. Then and only then will we find the arms of
The conflation of urban myth and rumor as fact is alleged ET groups – The Grays! The Reptilians! The the Cosmos wide open, ready to embrace a peaceful
a dangerous precedent given what is at stake: The Tall White Ones! Must we go down this tired, dirty and enlightened humanity, which will then travel
early stages of ET/Human interaction and relations. path again? Must we replay the sordid history of freely among the stars.
We cannot afford to recklessly take every rumor and human racism, prejudice, and xenophobia as we begin We are proposing that those concerned with a
tale - often originating from counter-intelligence our first steps towards the stars? constructive, mature approach to the emerging ET/
operatives who are tasked with either defaming the No. We must not. We must restrain our lower Human relationship form a new Council on Inter-
UFO subject or sowing fear and prejudice - as a point fears and tame our own demons – and look with the Planetary Relations. As a council of concerned citizens,
of fact upon which to reach a conclusion. eye of truth at the cosmos around us, and ask let us explore how to best further a peaceful relationship
The facile acceptance of every story as true - no ourselves this: Who would benefit from such fearsome with these cosmic visitors. Will you join us?
matter how dangerously xenophobic - is irresponsible portrayals of ET life? Where might such a shadowy Steven M. Greer, MD
and can only serve the agenda of those who wish to group wish to lead us? How much information – 2 May 2006, Albemarle County Virginia
see the populace dis-informed, panicked and cowed bandied about so cavalierly as fact - may actually be [END QUOTING]
into eventually accepting a military, space-based sophisticated counter-intelligence disinformation Soon, very soon now, we will be able to enjoy
solution to the ET problem. designed to sow the seeds of hate and fear – thus much fuller relations with our Cosmic brothers.

President was the French economist and diplomat,

Final Warning: Part 12b Jean Monnet, called the ‘Father of Europe’.
On May 27, 1952, the European Defense
Community Treaty was signed in Paris and provided
In this installment of David Allen Rivera’s Final Gen. George C. Marshall, the Secretary of State, which for the armies of West Germany, France, Italy,
Warning: A History of the New World Order we are made proposals for European aid known as the Marshall Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg to become
presented with a thorough background of the forces Plan, also called for the unification of Europe. closely aligned with England’s. On October 23, 1954,
behind the establishment of the European Union along On March 17, 1948, a 50 year treaty was signed it was replaced with the Western European Union, who
with a look at the now-infamous Bilderberg Group. for “collaboration in economic, social, and cultural merged their armies into a multi-national armed force.
Finally, we get the author’s take on Ayn Rand’s book, matters and for collective self defense” in Brussels by Jean Monnet said: “As long as Europe remains
Atlas Shrugged, which makes the case for PURE England, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and divided, it is no match for the Soviet Union. Europe
capitalism, something which this World has not yet Luxembourg. In 1950, its functions were transferred must unite.” He established a pressure group in 1955
experienced (but just may, soon, as the Global Alliance to NATO and in May 1955, a military alliance known called the Action Committee for the United States of
Program gets underway). as the Council of Western European Union was Europe. He also said: “Once a Common Market
[QUOTING, emphasis added:] established, made up of the foreign ministers from interest has been created, then political union will
Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, come naturally.”
EUROPEAN UNION Luxembourg and England, who met every three months. On March 25, 1957, the European Atomic Energy
There was also a Western European Union Assembly Community (EURATOM) and the European
The European Union, formerly known as the made up of delegates to the Consultive Assembly of Economic Community (EEC) was established with a
European Communities (EC), or European Economic the Council of Europe in Paris. 378-page Declaration of Intent, called the Treaty of
Community (Common Market), is a movement to The Western European Coalition began on June 8, Rome, to facilitate the removal of barriers, so trade
unite Western Europe. For hundreds of years, there 1948 with the signing of the Benelux Agreement by could be accomplished among member nations;
has been an ongoing effort to unify Europe. Prior to Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands to unite eventual coordination of transportation systems,
World War II, because of intermarriage between Royal their economic and domestic policies. agricultural and economic policies; the removal of all
families, all crowned heads were closely related. On May 5, 1949, Foreign Ministers from ten measures restricting free competition; and the
French philosopher Montesquieu said in the 18th European countries signed a Treaty in London for the assurance of the mobility of labor, capital, and
century: “Whenever in the past Europe has been purpose of working for “greater European unity, to entrepreneurship. The partnership began with six
united by force, the unity lasted no longer than the improve the conditions of life and principle human countries: France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the
space of a single reign.” He went on to predict the value in Europe and to uphold the principles of Netherlands, and Luxembourg. George McGhee, the
peaceful unification of Europe. In 1871, Victor Hugo, parliamentary democracy, the rule of law and human former U.S. ambassador to West Germany, said that
the French novelist, said: “Let us have the United rights”. The Treaty sought to promote unity, both “the Treaty of Rome, which brought the Common
States of Europe; let us have continental federation; let socially and economically, among its first members Market into being, was nurtured at the Bilderberg
us have European freedom.” [which] were: Belgium (1949), Denmark (1949), meetings.” In 1967, the ECSC, EURATOM and EEC
In 1922, Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi France (1949), Ireland (1949), Italy (1949), were brought together into a single group that was
founded the Pan European Union. He fled Austria in Luxembourg (1949), Netherlands (1949), Norway known as the European Community.
1940 and came to the United States, where he (1949), Sweden (1949), England (1949), Greece In 1973, Henry Kissinger, Nixon’s Secretary of
continued to work towards European unity. In 1941, (1949), Turkey (1949) and Iceland (1949). It now has State (known to favor one-world government) urged
Andre Malraux called for a “European New Deal, a 45 member states. The Council of Europe, led by a the Common Market to include four more nations:
federal Europe excluding the USSR”. In an October Secretary-General, is open to all European States Norway, United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland.
1942 letter to the British War Cabinet, Winston which accepted the “principles of the rule of law and Norway eventually backed out, but on May 28, 1979,
Churchill wrote: “Hard as it is to say now, I trust that of the enjoyment by all persons within (their) in Athens, Greece became the tenth nation to join the
the European family may act unitedly as one under a jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental Common Market. When they officially became a
Council of Europe. I look forward to a United States freedoms”. They are headquartered in Strasbourg, member in January, 1981, Europe was as unified as it
of Europe.” He also said in a September 19, 1946 France (Avenue de l´Europe). was in 814, when Charlemagne, founder of the
speech at the University of Zurich: “We must build a The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Roman Empire, died.
kind of United States of Europe.” Churchill made the the father of the Common Market, was a defense A French foreign minister said: “The Europe of the
United Europe Movement a cohesive group by alliance developed to implement the North Atlantic future, when it finally unites politically as well as
merging the Union of European Federalists, the Treaty in 1949 and to apply counter pressure against economically, will be the mightiest force on earth.”
Economic League for European Cooperation and the the growing Soviet military presence in Europe. Walter Hallstein said: “Make no mistake about it, we
French Council for a United Europe into an Article V states: “The Parties agree that an armed are not in business, we are in politics. We are
organization known as the International Committee of attack against one or more of them in Europe shall be building the United States of Europe.” Time magazine
Movements for European Unity. considered an attack against them all and consequently wrote: “If the Europe of tomorrow could muster the
Late in 1947, various people and groups formed a they agree that, if such an attack occurs, each of them political will, it could become a co-equal of the other
committee to coordinate their efforts and by May 1948 ... will assist the Party or Parties so attacked ... to two superpowers, the United States and Russia ...”
organized the Congress of Europe, which convened at restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic Another publication said: “The European Common
the Hague in the Netherlands. Nearly 1000 prominent Area.” Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy, West Market is emerging to shake the world economically
Europeans from 16 countries called for the Germany, Spain, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, and politically.” England’s former Prime Minister,
establishment of a United Europe. Dr. Joseph Canada, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Edward Heath, said: “Europe must unite or perish.”
Retinger, who had helped organized the meeting at the Turkey and the United States all joined to oppose the Another huge step was taken toward a united
Hague, came to the United States in July 1948, along growing threat of communism. Soon afterwards, the Europe when a direct-election was held June 7-9, 1979
with Winston Churchill, Duncan Sandys, and former Russians, recognizing NATO as a stumbling block to that elected a 410 member European Parliament, the
Belgian Prime Minister Paul-Henri Spaak, to raise their plans, emulated the group by uniting their first in over 1,000 years. It was made up of members
money for the movement. This led to the communist satellites in 1955 with the Warsaw Treaty from the countries of Great Britain, France, West
establishment of the American Committee on a United Organization. The Warsaw Pact alliance included the Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark,
Europe (ACUE) on March 29, 1949. Their first countries of Albania, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Ireland and Luxembourg. With the Maastricht Treaty
Chairman was William Donovan, the first Director of Hungary, Poland, Romania and Russia. in 1992 and the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997, they now
the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, the forerunner In 1950, Robert Schuman, the French Foreign possess actual legislative authority. Now with 626
of the CIA); the Vice-Chairman was Allen Dulles, Minister, came up with an idea to integrate all the coal [Sic] members, the body includes the United Kingdom
who later became the Director of the CIA; and the and steel industries of the western European nations; and Germany, as well as Greece, Spain, Portugal,
Secretary was George S. Franklin, who was a Director and in 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community Finland, Sweden and Austria. They are headquartered in
in the Council on Foreign Relations and later a (ECSC) was set up with six member countries: Strasbourg, France, but are also known to work in
coordinator with the Trilateral Commission. Belgium, West Germany, Luxembourg, France, Italy Brussels, Belgium and Luxembourg. They are the
Lord James Edward Salisbury, the conservative and the Netherlands. An independent body known as parliamentary body of the European Union.
British statesman, said: “Federation is the only hope of the ‘High Authority’ was able to make decisions in On March 17, 1979, the Common Market initiated
the world.” The historic address on June 5, 1947 by regard to the industries in those countries. Their first a new monetary system to encourage trade and

investment by stabilizing their currency values in relation this secret group. Created under the direction of communications. The meetings are closed to the
to each other. The main feature of this link-up was a Alastair Buchan, son of Lord Tweedsmuir and public and the press, although a brief press conference
$33 billion fund made up of each other’s gold and Chairman of the Royal Institute of International is usually held at the conclusion of each meeting to
currency reserves. Members could borrow against this Affairs; its governing council was made up of Robert reveal, in general terms, some of the topics which
fund to support their own currencies. The value of each Ellsworth (Lazard Freres), John Loudon (N. M. were discussed. The resort areas and hotels where
of the participating currencies was set against “European Rothschild), Paul Nitze (Shroeder Bank), C. L. they meet are cleared of residents and visitors, and
Currency Units” established by the fund. Sulzberger (New York Times), Stansfield Turner (who surrounded by soldiers, armed guards, the Secret
On January 1, 1986, Spain and Portugal became later became CIA Director), Peter Calvocoressi Service, State and local police. All conference and
the 11 th and 12 th members of the European (Penguin Books), Andrew Schoenberg (RIIA), Daniel meeting rooms are scanned for bugging devices before
Community. On November 11, 1991, Jeane Ellsberg and Henry Kissinger. every single meeting.
Kirkpatrick [deceased as of December 2006], former Bernhard said: “It is difficult to reeducate the Among those who have attended their meetings:
U.S. Ambassador to the UN, wrote: “If the Bush people who have been brought up on nationalism Owen Lattimore (CFR, former Director of Planning
Administration has a vision of the New World Order, to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty and Coordination for the State Department), Winston
it is time to share it with the Europeans and to a supranational body …” Lord (CFR, Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State),
Americans, because a New World Order is precisely Lord Rothschild and Laurance Rockefeller Allen Dulles (CIA), Sen. J. William Fulbright (from
what is emerging on the continent of Europe handpicked 100 of the world’s elite, and they have a Arkansas, a Rhodes Scholar), Dean Acheson
today.” On December 9-11, 1991, at a meeting in heavy cross membership with the Council on Foreign (Secretary of State under Truman), Gabriel Hauge
Maastricht, in the Netherlands, a serious effort was Relations (which they control), the English Speaking (Assistant to President Eisenhower, who according to
made to establish a common currency, and discussions Union, the Pilgrims Society, the Round Table and the the Wall Street Journal, “helped teach Ike what to
were held concerning a common foreign policy and a Trilateral Commission. Their purpose was to think”; and later became Chairman of Manufacturers
common defense policy. After the 1992 Treaty of regionalize Europe, according to Giovanni Agnelli, the Hanover Trust Co.), George Ball (CFR, Johnson’s
Maastricht [which, by the way, controls the movement head of Fiat, who said: “European integration is our Under Secretary of State from 1961-66, and foreign
of GOLD among its members], the Common Market goal and where the politicians have failed, we policy consultant to Nixon), Philip Jessup
became known as the European Union. industrialists hope to succeed.” In Alden Hatch’s (representative to the International Court), Henry A.
On December 31, 1992, the “Single Europe Act” biography of Bernhard, he stated that the Bilderberg Kissinger (Chairman, Kissinger Associates), David
went into effect, uniting the 12 nations into a Group gave birth to the European Community (now Rockefeller (Member, JP Morgan International
federation and lifting the restrictions on the movement the European Union). Their ultimate goal is to have Council), Nelson Rockefeller, Laurance Rockefeller,
of goods, services, capital, workers and tourists within a one-world government [Ed: under Lucifer]. Dean Rusk (Kennedy’s Secretary of State and former
the Community. They also adopted common Their first meeting was held at the Hotel de President of the Rockefeller Foundation), Gerald Ford,
agricultural, fisheries and nuclear research policies. Bilderberg (hence the name of the group, even though Henry J. Heinz II (Chairman of the H. J. Heinz Co.),
Jacques Delors, in the Delors Report, a blueprint for they have referred to themselves as ‘The Alliance’) in Sen. Henry M. Jackson, Sen. Jacob J. Javits (NY),
EC unification, called for a “transfer of decision- Oosterbeek, Holland, from May 29-31, in 1954. Prince Philip of Great Britain, Lord Louis
making power from member states to the community”. Charles Douglas Jackson (Vice President of Time Mountbatten, Denis Healy (former British Defense
On January 1, 1995, Austria became the 13th nation. magazine, delegate to the United Nations, Special Minister), Manlio Brosio (Secretary of NATO),
The European Union (located at Rue de la Loi, Assistant to the President and later, publisher of Life Wilfred S. Baumgartner (Bank of France), Guido Carli
Brussels, Belgium) is now made up of Austria, magazine), spokesman for the American delegation, (Bank of Italy), Thomas L. Hughes (President of the
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, led by David Rockefeller, promised those present: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Robert
Greece, Irish Republic, Italy, Luxembourg, “Whether he (Sen. Joseph McCarthy) dies by an S. McNamara (Kennedy’s Secretary of Defense and
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United assassin’s bullet or is eliminated in the normal former President of the World Bank), Margaret
Kingdom. It had been reported that the EU was American way of getting rid of boils on the body Thatcher (Prime Minister of England), Valery Giscard
looking to have a total of 20 member nations, yet in politic, I prophecy that by the time we hold our next D’Estaing (President of France), Harold Wilson (Prime
2004 they are adding Cyprus, the Czech Republic, meeting, he will be gone from the American scene.” Minister of England), Edward Heath (Prime Minister
Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, McCarthy was the crusading Senator who revealed of England), William P. Bundy (former President of
Slovakia and Slovenia. that communists had infiltrated high level posts within the Ford Foundation, and editor of the CFR’s Foreign
After deciding in 1992 to move towards a single the U.S. Government. He didn’t die until 1957. Affairs journal), John J. McCloy former President of
European currency controlled by a European The Bilderbergers hold annual meetings in locations the Chase Manhattan Bank), Christian Herter
Central Bank; that currency, known as the ‘euro’, all over the world. In Europe, the Rothschilds have (Secretary of State under Eisenhower), Lester Pearson
emerged in 2002, when euro notes and coins hosted some of the meetings, while the meetings in (former Prime Minister of Canada), Shepard Stone
replaced the national currencies of 12 of the 15 1962 and 1973 in Saltsjobaden, Sweden were hosted (Director of International Affairs for the Ford
countries of the European Union. by the Wallenbergs (who had an estimated fortune of Foundation), Dirk U. Stikker (Secretary-General of
The industrial capability of the European Union is $10 billion). The meetings were chaired by the NATO), Gardner Cowles (Editor-in-Chief and
nearly equal to that of the United States. Western German-born Prince Bernhard, the husband of Queen Publisher of Look magazine), Paul G. Hoffman (of the
Europe also accounts for about 25% of the world’s Juliana of the Netherlands, said to be the richest Ford Foundation, U.S. Chief of Foreign Aid, and head
production and 35% of its trade. When the time woman in the world (because of her partnership with of the UN Special Fund), Donald H. Rumsfeld
comes, and it surely will, that the people of the Baron Victor Rothschild in the Royal Dutch Shell Oil (President Ford’s and George W. Bush’s Secretary of
European Union finally allow themselves to become a Co., owning 5% of the stock, which in 1978 was Defense), Father Theodore M. Hesburgh (former
single political entity, they will be a world power, and worth $425 million; and also holds stock in Exxon), President of Notre Dame University), Helmut Schmidt
a force to be reckoned with. until he was forced to resign in August, 1976, because (Chancellor of West Germany), George F. Kennan
of his involvement in the Lockheed Aircraft bribery (former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union), Paul
THE BILDERBERGER GROUP scandal, and his extramarital affairs. Bernhard wrote: H. Nitze, Robert O. Anderson (Chairman of Atlantic-
“Here comes our greatest difficulty. For the Richfield Co. and head of the Aspen Institute for
Dr. Joseph H. Retinger (who died in 1960), governments of the free nations are elected by the people Humanisitic Studies), Donald S. MacDonald
economist, political philosopher, communist Poland’s and if they do something the people don’t like, they are (Canadian Minister of National Defense), Prince Claus
Charge d’Affaires, and a major proponent of a united thrown out. It is difficult to reeducate the people who of the Netherlands, Marcus Wallenberg (Chairman of
Europe; along with Prince Bernhard (of Lippe- have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of Stockholm’s EnskiIda Bank), Nuri M. Birgi (Turkish
Biesterfeld) of the Netherlands, Colin Gubbins relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supernational Ambassador to NATO), Bill Moyers (journalist),
(former director of the British SOE, Special body ...” Walter Scheel of Germany took over as William F. Buckley (editor of National Review), John
Operations Executive) and Gen. Walter Bedell Smith Chairman, and then it was Britain’s Lord Carrington, D. Rockefeller IV (Governor of West Virginia, now
(former American Ambassador to Moscow and who is on the Board of the Hambros Bank. U.S. Senator), Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State under
director of the CIA, who said when he took over the There are about 120 participants that are invited to Carter), Rep. Donald F. Fraser, Rep. Peter
CIA: “We can’t lick world communism—no the Bilderberg meetings, of whom about two-thirds Frelinghuysen, Rep. Henry S. Reuss, Rep. Donald W.
counterinsurgency plans will work. We must come from Europe and the rest are from North Riegle, Sen. Adlai Stevenson III, Sen. Charles Mathias
compromise and co-exist with communism.” He later America; and about one-third are from government (MD), Lt. Gen. John W. Vogt (former Director of the
became an Under Secretary of State in the Eisenhower and politics, and the other two-thirds are from the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Eugene Black (former President
Administration); joined together in 1954 to organize fields of finance, industry, labor, education, of the World Bank), Joseph Johnson (President of the

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Hannes public school system, was born at the April 1970 was a speaker; Nicholas Brady, U.S. Treasury Secretary;
Androsch (Austrian Minister of Finance), David J. Bilderberger meeting in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. The and Vice President Dan Quayle, who impressed the
McDonald (President of the United Steelworkers purpose of the new educational philosophy was the group enough, that there was talk of supporting him for
Union), Paul van Zeeland (Prime Minister of “subordination of national ambitions to the idea of the the Republican nomination in 1996. In fact, after the
Belgium), Pierre Commin (Secretary of the French international community”. Because our schools are meeting, Bilderberger member Katherine Graham, head
Socialist Party), Imbriani Longo (Director-General of “too nationalistic”, children, in the future, will be of the Washington Post, published a series of positive
the Banco Nationale del Lavoro in Italy), Vicomte indoctrinated to consider themselves “world citizens”. articles on Quayle.
Davignon (Belgium Minister of Foreign Affairs), Prior to the 1971 meeting in Woodstock, Virginia, At their 1992 meeting, the group discussed the
Walter Leisler Kiep (member of the German Prince Bernhard said that the subject of the meeting possibility of “conditioning the public to accept the
Parliament), Ole Myrvoll (member of Norway’s was the “change in the world role of the United idea of a UN army that could, by force, impose its will
Parliament), Krister Wickman (former Swedish States”. After the weekend conference, Kissinger was on the internal affairs of any nation”. Henry
Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Governor of the Bank sent to Red China to open up trade relations and an Kissinger, who attended the meeting, said: “Today,
of Sweden), Sen. Walter Mondale (MN, later Vice international monetary crisis developed, which Americans would be outraged if UN forces entered
President under Carter), Rep. Thomas S. Foley (former prompted the devaluing of the dollar by 8.57% (which Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will
Speaker of the House), Henry Ford III (head of the made a tremendous profit for those who converted to be grateful.”
Ford Motor Co.), Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, Gen. the European Currency). The official press release for their 2002
Andrew J. Goodpaster (former Supreme Allied In 1976, fifteen representatives from the Soviet Conference said: “Bilderberg’s only activity is its
Commander in Europe, and later superintendent of the Union attended the meeting which was held in the annual Conference. At the meetings, no resolutions
West Point Academy), Zbigniew Brzezinski, Gen. Arizona desert, and it was believed that at that time are proposed, no votes taken and no policy statements
Alexander Haig (European NATO Commander, the plans were formulated for the “break-up of issued.” They are just “a small flexible, informal and
former assistant to Kissinger, later became Secretary of communism in the Soviet Union”. At the 1978 off-the-record international forum in which different
State under Reagan), Alan Greenspan (Chairman, meeting, they predicted that a depression would hit the viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding
Federal Reserve System), C. Douglas Dillon world in 1979 and that the dollar would die. Their enhanced”. However, Phyllis Schlafly wrote in A
(Secretary of Treasury in the Kennedy and Johnson solution was to replace the dollar with an international Choice Not an Echo, that the Bilderbergers are a “little
Administrations, from Dillon, Read and Co.), Baron ‘bancor’ system (international bank note) of currency clique of powerful men who meet secretly and plan
Edmond de Rothschild, Pierce Paul Schweitzer that would be universally acceptable as a medium of events that appear to ‘just happen’”.
(Managing Director of the UN’s International exchange. The ‘bancor’ system would have the
Monetary Fund), Paul B. Finney (editor of Fortune international gold reserve deposited in a neutral ATLAS SHRUGGED
magazine), James Rockefeller (Chairman, First country. It is an offshoot of the same Keynesian
National City Bank), Giovanni Agnelli (Chairman of system developed at Bretton Woods in 1944 from the In 1957, a 1,168 page book by Ayn Rand, called
Fiat in Italy), Otto Wolff von Amerongen (German idea by German economist Julius Wolf in 1892. This Atlas Shrugged, was published. According to one
industrialist), Theo Sommer (German newspaper system would protect the Illuminati when they source, Rand was alleged to be a mistress to Philippe
columnist), Arthur Taylor (former Chairman of CBS- [would] spring their trap and the world economy Rothschild, who instructed her to write the book in
TV), Neil Norlund (Editor-in-Chief of Berlingske would crumble. order to show that through the raising of oil prices,
Tindende in Denmark), and Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (TX, At their 1990 meeting at Glen Cove, Long Island then destroying the oil fields and shutting down the
Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, candidate in New York, they decided that taxes had to be raised coal mines, the Illuminati would take over the world.
for Vice President in 1988 with Michael Dukakis, and to pay more towards the debt owed to the International It also related how they would blow up grain mills,
now the Secretary of Treasury under Bill Clinton). Bankers. And George Bush, who pledged during the derail trains, bankrupt and destroy their own
Although this list is a bit tedious to go through, campaign, “Read my lips—no new taxes!” found himself companies, till they had destroyed the economy of the
you have probably started to see how the same names signing one of the biggest tax increases in history on entire world; and yet, they would be so wealthy that
keep showing up over and over. November 15, 1990, a move which was a contributing it would not substantially affect their vast holdings.
Bilderberg policy is carried out by a 35-member factor to his defeat when he ran for re-election. The novel is about a man who stops the motor of the
Bilderberg Steering Committee, including an inner At their 1991 meeting at the Black Forest resort in world, of what happens when “the men of the mind,
circle known as an Advisory Committee, which is said Baden Baden, Germany, they discussed plans for a the intellectuals of the world, the originators and
to be made up of Giovanni Agnelli (Italy), David common European currency and European central innovators in every line of industry go on strike; when
Rockefeller (U.S.), Eric Roll (Great Britain) and Otto banking; and reviewed Middle Eastern events and the men of creative ability in every profession, in
Wolff von Amerongen (Germany). Some of the developments in the Soviet Union. David Rockefeller protest against regulation, quit and disappear.”
Steering Committee members are: Henry Kissinger, said during the meeting: If we are to believe that the book represents the
Jessica T. Mathews (President, Carnegie Endowment “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the Illuminati’s plans for the future, then the following
for International Peace), James D. Wolfensohn New York Times, Time magazine, and other great excerpts may provide some insight to the mentality of the
(President, World Bank), Marie-Josee Kravis (Senior publications whose directors have attended our elitists who are preparing us for one-world government.
Fellow, Hudson Institute), and Jorma Ollila (Chairman meetings and respected their promises of discretion One of the characters, Francisco d’Anconia, a
of the Board and CEO of Nokia Corp.). All for almost forty years ... It would have been copper industrialist and heir to a great fortune, the first
American members of the Steering Committee are impossible for us to develop our plan for the world to join the strike, says:
members of the CFR. if we had been subject to the bright lights of “I am destroying d’Anconia Copper, consciously,
A few of the Bilderberg permanent U.S. publicity during these years. But, the world is now deliberately, by plan and by my own hand. I have to
members are: George W. Ball, Gabriel Hauge, more sophisticated and prepared to march towards plan it carefully and work as hard as if I were
Richard C. Holbrooke, Winston Lord, Bill Moyers a world government. The supernational producing a fortune—in order not to let them notice it
and Paul Wolfowitz. sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world and stop me, in order not to let them seize the mines
The permanent Bilderberg Secretariat is located at: bankers is surely preferable to the national auto- until it is too late ... I shall destroy every last bit of it
1 Smidswater, the Hague, the Netherlands (though determination practiced in past centuries.” and every last penny of my fortune and every ounce of
another address is sometimes reported at 2301 Da Then Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton (a copper that could feed the looters. I shall not leave it as
Leiden, in the Netherlands). Their address in America Rhodes Scholar, who attended Oxford University in I found it—I shall leave it as Sebastian d’Anconia found
was at 345 E. 46th Street, in New York City (which England), was invited to speak and a decision was it—then let them try to exist without him or me!”
was also the location of the Trilateral Commission, made to endorse his candidacy (according to Jim A bit later, d’Anconia says: “We produced the
and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). Tucker, a Spotlight reporter, who had a source within wealth of the world—but we let our enemies write its
The American Friends of Bilderbergs, with offices at the group, code-named ‘Pipeline’). No wonder moral code.” Still later, he says: “We’ll survive
477 Madison Avenue (6th floor) in New York City, is Clinton was able to survive all the media attacks without it. They won’t.”
an IRS-approved charitable organization that received regarding his personal life and lack of experience. Dagney Taggart, the main character of the book, is
regular contributions from the likes of Exxon, Arco, One of his top money men was investor and international the head of the Taggart Transcontinental Railroad.
and IBM; while their meetings are funded by the Ford banker Jackson Stephens, who also donated $100,000 to Her goal was to find out who John Galt was. She
Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie the Bush campaign. His wife was the Co-Chairwoman discovered that he was a young inventor with the
Endowment Fund. of the national “Bush for President” organization in Twentieth Century Motor Company, who said he would
The Goals 2000 program, developed during the 1988. Also in attendance were Michael Boskin, put an end to the regulations which bound a man to his
presidency of George Bush to revamp the nation’s Chairman of Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, who job indefinitely. Before disappearing, he said: “I will

stop the motor of the world.” He told her: engulf it, the city had disappeared from the face of the geared to the life of a rational being ... The method
“Dagney, we who’ve been called ‘materialists’ ... earth. It took them a moment to realize that the panic of capitalism’s destruction rests on never letting the
we’re the only ones who know how little value or had reached the power stations—and the lights of New world discover what it is that is being destroyed.” She
meaning there is in material objects ... we’re the ones York had gone out.” The men of the mind had taken also said about the book: “I trust that no one will tell
who create their value and meaning. We can afford to over the world. me that men such as I write about don’t exist. That
give them up ... We are the soul, of which railroads, ... Rand based her novel on her philosophy which this book has been written—and published—is proof
copper mines, steel mines and oil wells are the body— she calls Objectivism. As she puts it: “We are the that they do.”
and they are living entities that beat day and night, radicals for capitalism ... because it is the only system [END PART 12B]
like our hearts, in the sacred function of supporting
human life, but only so long as they remain our body,
only so long as they remain the expression, the reward
and the property of achievement. Without us, they are
corpses and their sole product is poison, not wealth or
Invocation to Lord, God
food, the poison of disintegration that turns men into
hordes of scavengers ... You do not have to depend
on any material possessions, they depend on you, you
create them, you own the one and only tool of
For Spiritual Renaissance
production ... leave them the carcass of that railroad,
leave them all the rusted nails and rotted ties and SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE: God, for our selfish interests that cause conflict and
gutted engines—but don’t leave them your mind.” INVOCATION TO LORD GOD generate more complicated problems. We
Later in the book, Galt says: HAWAII HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES apologize for our egotistical arrogant thoughts and
“And the same will be happening in every other By Dr. Ronald Carlson, 1/20/07 actions that create dissension, thinking that without
industry, wherever machines are used—the machines Your Presence and assistance, Your guidance, Your
which they thought could replace our minds. Plane May we please bow our heads. protection, Your wisdom and Your Divine Light,
crashes, oil tank explosions, blast furnace breakouts, Lord God, on this first day of the 24 t h we can truly solve issues before us in a wise way.
high tension wire electrocutions, subway cave-ins, and legislative assembly of the House of We apologize for our stubbornness, keeping Your
trestle collapses—they’ll see them all. The very Representatives, State of Hawaii, may we be Presence out of our considerations, deliberations
machines that made their life so safe—will now make permitted to call upon You at this time. We and decisions that impact our community and our
it a continuous peril ... You know that the cities will humbly pray for Your Presence in this great hall, in world. We apologize for our lack of creativity in
be hit worst of all. The cities were made by the our individual souls, making this Call to You so we our work, not nurturing our relationship with You,
railroads and will go with them ... When the rails are may begin our missions for this year in harmony the gods of Nature and our fellow man. Please
cut, the city of New York will starve in two days. and unity with Your Divine Will. That we may be accept our heartfelt apology!
That’s all the supply of food it’s got. It’s fed by a granted Your wisdom Lord God to understand and With this in mind, we humbly request Your
continent three thousand miles long. How will they fulfill Your direction for us, and that we may be Presence now and throughout this year, that we
carry food to New York? By directive and ox-cart? able to successfully accomplish Your Will in the may perceive Your Will and fulfill It in harmony
But first, before it happens, they’ll go through the coming months and year, this is our prayer. with our friends and family. May we unify with
whole of the agony—through the shrinking, the In the beginning of this 8 th year of the 21 st You, Lord God, and our co-workers, offering
shortages, the hunger riots, the stampeding violence in Century we humans upon this beautiful Earth are gratitude for all Your divine arrangements of
the midst of the growing stillness ... They’ll lose the beset with many challenges for which we have no Nature: the Sun, the air, the clouds, our blue oceans
airplanes first, then their automobiles, then their trucks, clear answers. We languish in almost all forums and green forests, the rain, the birds, fish and
then their horsecarts ... Their factories will stop, then without solutions, applying conventional human animals that grace your beautiful Earth.
their furnaces and their radios. Then their electric wisdom that keeps us going in circles, a ship And may we resolve today in Your Presence, in
light system will go.” without a rudder. As with the 14 th Century the presence of all in this great chamber, in unity
Francisco d’Anconia, who blew up all the copper Renaissance and its brilliant results based upon and harmony with each other to accomplish what is
mines in the world, said of Galt: human thought and wisdom that have led us this before us, calling upon Your Wisdom and Power in
“He had quit the Twentieth Century. He was far, we need a new renaissance, a Spiritual our decision-making and actions. May we initiate
living in a garret in a slum neighborhood. He stepped Renaissance, which will unify all religions, all the dawn of the Spiritual Renaissance, which means
to the window and pointed at the skyscrapers of the peoples of the world, working for true peace and the dawn of a God-centered civilization, the
city. He said that we had to extinguish the lights of harmony, fostering true happiness for every one. beginning of a True Civilization that will
the world, and when we would see the lights of New At the global level we see the number one reestablish divine government and fulfill Lord
York go out, we would know that our job was done.” challenge emerging as “what will we do, how will God¹s divine plan. May we unmask old systems,
Galt led the men of the mind on strike and they we react” to the facts of climate changes that the corrupted systems, and call forth boldly an era
retired to a self-supporting valley, where a character, portend the extinction of Life, as we know it. of cooperation and collaboration for the benefit of
Midas Mulligan, says that “the world is falling apart At the national level we experience a dead lock our people, our children, our planet, Mother Nature
so fast that it will soon be starving. But we will be with an ongoing war that could escalate, including and the Righteous God of Heaven.
able to support ourselves in this valley.” Galt said: other countries in the Middle East and around the Without You, Lord God, we do not exist.
“There is only one kind of men who have never been planet, causing more death and destruction. Our Without Your Nature we do not exist. Without our
on strike in human history ... the men who have national purpose, goals and aspirations are unclear and relationship with You we are lost and withered. And
carried the world on their shoulders, have kept it alive, adrift. Our human leadership is in transition and with this resolve and intention we pray, we call upon
have endured torture as sole payment ... Well, their without clear direction. Your continued Presence in our Lives, Your
turn has come. Let the world discover who they are, At our state and local levels we have equally protection, guidance, purifying Light and
what they do and what happens when they refuse to great challenges since we are part of the global Arrangements so that in our work we may accomplish
function. This is the strike of the men of the mind.” condition. Health care, employment, education, Your Will in creating True health, harmony and
The book describes what resulted from the strike: environmental degradation, transportation, housing prosperity for all in the great state of Hawaii.
“But years later, when we saw the lights going out, and other concerns weigh heavy upon our souls. May we, with Your permission, as did our
one after another, in the great factories that had stood Our efforts seem to make things worse at times, as forefathers, in the Declaration of Independence,
like mountains for generations, when we saw the gates we are inclined to only focus on the mental and declare a Spiritual Renaissance today, a True
closing and the conveyer belts turning still, when we material solutions. Our solutions are devoid of a Renaissance of the Spirit! “We hold these truths to
saw the roads growing empty and the streams of cars perspective that embraces a larger vision of “who be self evident, that all men are created equal, that
draining off, when it began to look as if some silent we are and where are we going on Spaceship they are endowed by their Creator with certain
power were stopping the generators of the world and Earth”. They are devoid of the spirit of Aloha. unalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty
the world was crumbling quietly ...” And the We therefore offer our humble apology to You, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
culmination of their efforts: “The plane was above the Lord God, for our shortcomings, our inability as Thank you very much, Lord God, for hearing
peaks of the skyscrapers when suddenly, with the mortals to see and resolve the problems we have our Call. May our work be worthy of Your Grace.
abruptness of a shudder, as if the ground had parted to created for ourselves. We apologize to you, Lord Amen.

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And Others Will Have To

Budget’s “Tip of the Week” #14:

Maintaining Separation between the Corporation and Yourself

When properly handled, a corporation is a legal “person”, separate, distinct and totally apart from you.
The key to keeping things that way is to ensure that the corporation is indeed properly treated. The
quickest way to lose the protection afforded by your corporate shelter is for you to treat it with disrespect. FAIR USE NOTICE:
One simple thing that many people fail to do on a regular basis—and which can tear down the walls This News Review contains excerpts of copyrighted material intended
to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights,
of separation between themselves and a corporation—occurs when they sign documents in behalf of their economic, scientific and social justice issues. Such use is considered
“brainless child” (corporation). All it takes to do things right is to follow the signature with an indication ‘fair use’, exempt from copyright laws as provided for in Title 17, Ch.
1, Section 107 of the U.S. Code.
that you are acting as an agent or officer of the corporation rather than in a personal capacity. If you
are acting as a particular officer, as the vice president, for example—follow your signature with, “, Vice
President” or “, VP”. In cases where you would rather not disclose any particular position held within
the corporation you may sign as “John Doe, Agent”, which simply means that you are acting as an agent
for the corporation and NOT in a personal capacity.
The above advice applies to ALL situations where you might sign for the corporation, including checks,
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of course, but also when signing such mundane things as invoices for goods received or services Phoenix Source Distributors
performed. And it certainly applies to any kind of agreement—a lease, purchase or rental agreement,
for instance—as well as corporate resolutions. After a while you will find that you do this automatically NOW AVAILABLE
and thus automatically uphold the fundamental protective insulation of your separateness from the Because we want you around to enjoy what’s coming!
corporate entity.
Failure to adhere to this basic corporate formality “could” allow a prospective litigant to assert that
Turn back the clock on the
the corporation is nothing more than a “straw man” and that it actually functions only as your “alter ego”. aging process and enjoy the
We have put the word “could” in parentheses because in Nevada there actually exists only one case in rejuvenating effects of better
the last quarter-century where a prospective litigant managed to “pierce the corporate veil” and cause hormonal levels and balance.
liability to be assessed against the corporation’s owner/manager—and that was a case of outright and Look younger, feel younger and
unabashed fraud. It’s great to have that measure of protection but you can easily bolster it by developing stick around a while for the
the good habit of following your signature with a title. FUN stuff ahead of us.
The next essential step in maintaining separation between the corporation and yourself is to always
document key decisions made for the corporation in the form of corporate resolutions. If you do not know
how to construct a resolution, give us a call and we will be pleased to help out. Menawhile, if all you BACK IN STOCK! GET YOURS NOW!!!
do is put a simple memo into the “resolutions” section of your corporate records, you will have taken a
MAJOR step toward maintaining your Nevada corporation’s uneqaled liability protection. For some 7 years over 100 Phoenix Journals were
withheld from the public domain never having been
CORPORATION SETUP AND MAINTENANCE FEES published. We acknowledge Dr. Overholt for his
efforts in collating the writings of Commander
Hatonn into Journal format and are pleased to now
Budget Corporation—includes: Nominee Service $200 be able to offer these Journals “as-is” until such time
z First-year resident agent fee Obtain EIN $ 75 as others can apply the finishing touches (titles,
indexing, etc.)
z Corporate Charter Bank Account Setup $100
Free Download at:
z Articles of Incorporation Expedite (24-hr. setup) $150
z Corporate Bylaws
z Corporate Resolutions Annual Resident Agent Fee $ 85
For the latest News on the
z Budget corporate record book Budget Mail Forwarding (18 per yr) $ 50
z 3.5” floppy disk of resources Full Mail Forwarding (240 pcs/yr) $150 ‘DivinePlan’
TOTAL $410 unfolding from the Philippines:
For more information:
Priced at just $45, including shipping and handling
The greatest secret of the universe, in case
(702) 870-5351 you are wondering, is WHEN THE EGO
“Nevada corporations P.O. Box 27103 NO FURTHER ATTENTION OR
at Budget prices” Las Vegas, NV 89126 GRATIFICATION OF SELF.—GCH, 1/21/00
E-Mail: [email protected]

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