A Phantom Menace? Cosmological Consequences of A Dark Energy Component With Super-Negative Equation of State
A Phantom Menace? Cosmological Consequences of A Dark Energy Component With Super-Negative Equation of State
A Phantom Menace? Cosmological Consequences of A Dark Energy Component With Super-Negative Equation of State
A phantom menace?
Cosmological consequences of a dark energy component with
super-negative equation of state
R.R. Caldwell
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA
Received 29 April 2002; received in revised form 24 August 2002; accepted 24 August 2002
Editor: J. Frieman
It is extraordinary that a number of observations indicate that we live in a spatially flat, low matter density Universe, which
is currently undergoing a period of accelerating expansion. The effort to explain this current state has focused attention on
cosmological models in which the dominant component of the cosmic energy density has negative pressure, with an equation of
state w −1. Remarking that most observations are consistent with models right up to the w = −1 or cosmological constant (Λ)
limit, it is natural to ask what lies on the other side, at w < −1. In this regard, we construct a toy model of a “phantom” energy
component which possesses an equation of state w < −1. Such a component is found to be compatible with most classical
tests of cosmology based on current data, including the recent type 1a SNe data as well as the cosmic microwave background
anisotropy and mass power spectrum. If the future observations continue to allow w < −1, then barring unanticipated systematic
effects, the dominant component of the cosmic energy density may be stranger than anything expected.
2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Arguments have been put forward that we live in vincing theory has yet been constructed to explain this
a spatially flat, low matter density Universe which is state of affairs, although cosmological models based
currently undergoing a period of accelerating expan- on a dark energy component, such as the cosmological
sion. If the observational evidence upon which these constant (Λ) or quintessence (Q), are leading candi-
claims are based are reinforced and strengthened by dates. At this stage we are lead to notice that the pa-
future experiments, the implications for cosmology rameterization of the dominant energy component as
will be incredible. It would then appear that the cos- a fluid with an equation of state (defined as the ratio
mological fluid is dominated by some sort of fantastic of pressure to energy density) w(≡ p/ρ) −1 leads
energy density, which has negative pressure, and has to the curious situation that most observational con-
just begun to play an important role today. No con- straints are consistent with models that go right up to
the w = −1 border [1]. It is natural to ask what lies on
the other side of this boundary. The focus of this Let-
ter is the investigation of cosmological models with a
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(R.R. Caldwell). dominant component for which w < −1.
where h is the synchronous gauge metric perturbation. began to dominate and the present. For wp < −1, this
In this equation, the sign of V,φφ is different than in the is a narrow range in red shift, leaving little opportu-
standard case. Just as for Quintessence, perturbations nity for the effects of time-variation to be distinct. As
on small scales, for k 2 |V φφ |, are suppressed. On we have modified CMB fast [11] to include a phantom
larger scales, however, the phantom energy develops dark energy component based on both approaches,
inhomogeneities in response to the surrounding matter we now proceed to discuss the resulting perturbation
and density perturbations. If the effective mass, (k 2 − spectra.
V,φφ )1/2 , should become imaginary then δφ would The main feature that distinguishes the phantom
develop a growing (tachyon) instability. However, if energy case from Λ or Q is that the onset of phantom
we implement a constant equation of state, then energy dominance happens at the very last moment—
so late that most evolutionary effects which occur in Λ
3 3 2
V,φφ = (1 − w) Ḣ − H (1 + w) , and Q models are suppressed. In the cases illustrated
2 2 in Fig. 5 the strength of the late-time ISW effect
which is negative for a limited range of values of w diminishes as w becomes more and more negative,
and Ωm . Consequently, the effective mass is real, and because the expansion is CDM-dominated until later
there is no instability for constant w. and later. On small angular scales the locations of the
A more versatile phantom model can be con- acoustic peaks shift to higher multipole moments as w
structed using a Lagrangian with a non-standard de- becomes more negative, due to the increased distance
pendence on the field gradients, to the last scattering surface. This may be an important
factor in attempts to develop a phantom dark energy
Lp = a(φ)(∇φ)2 + b(φ)(∇φ)4 + · · · ,
cosmological model to accommodate the newer CMB
motivated by the appearance of higher derivatives in results, also represented in Fig. 5. A more detailed
string theory. This approach has been employed in analysis will be forthcoming.
the k-inflation and k-essence scenarios [6–8], and it The phantom-dominated background evolution has
has been demonstrated [6,9] that such models can an important effect on the fluctuation spectra, as well.
also be used to describe an energy component with a Making the assumptions that the matter component
super-negative equation of state, wp < −1, which is of the cosmological fluid carries a spectrum of scale-
also stable to perturbations (no tachyonic instability). invariant perturbations generated by inflation, and
Details of the treatment of cosmological perturbations that, similar to Quintessence, the phantom energy
in the k-essence scenario are given in [10]; the itself does not fluctuate on scales well below the
approach is sufficiently general that the case of a Hubble horizon, then we may follow the growth of
phantom is simply accommodated. Hence, starting linear perturbations in the CDM and baryons. The
from a theory giving the functional dependence of growth suppression factor g = D(a)/a is shown in
Lp on φ and (∇φ)2 , one can readily determine Fig. 6, where we see that perturbations grow as
the stress-energy ρ(z), p(z) and the sound speed of D ∝ a until very late, owing to the very late time at
perturbations cp (z) as they evolve in time or red shift. which the phantom energy begins to dominate. Hence,
Turning this around, one may instead dictate the the evolution is very similar to the standard CDM
histories wp (z) and cp (z) in order to specify the phan- scenario, but with a lower matter density.
tom dark energy model. In the present investigation we Next, we consider the behavior of the mass power
focus on constant-wp and cp = 1 models. Although spectrum for w < −1. Because the phantom field
this is not a generic prediction of the dynamical mod- does not fluctuate on scales well below the hori-
els described above, the observational differences are zon, the overall shape of the mass power spectrum
not expected to be very large (as some exploratory is well-described by the BBKS parameterization [12].
analyses have confirmed). Since the observational ef- (See [13] for instructions on how to adapt the fitting
fects rely on a substantial fractional phantom energy functions to quintessence.) The normalization is ob-
density, and since ρ(z) is actually growing with time, tained by comparison with the CMB. Using the am-
then the relevant values of wp (z) and cp (z) are the plitude of the first acoustic peak, then the normal-
mean values between the red shift when the phantom ization is similar to a ΛCDM model with the same
R.R. Caldwell / Physics Letters B 545 (2002) 23–29 27
Fig. 5. The CMB anisotropy spectra are shown for various cosmological models with equal input power, to demonstrate the effect of w < −1.
On large angular scales, the strength of the late-time ISW effect diminishes as w becomes more and more negative, because the expansion
is CDM-dominated until later and later. The locations of the acoustic peaks shift to smaller angular scales as w becomes more negative, due
to the increased distance to the last scattering surface. The models shown all have Ωm = 0.35, Ωb h2 = 0.02, and h = 0.70. The horizontal
axis is logarithmic for 2 < l < 200 in order to give enough space to both large and small angular scale features. Comparing the curves with
a compilation of current CMB data [20] suggest a more negative dark energy equation-of-state may allow for a better fit to the small angular
scale data.
models do exist which, upon first inspection, satisfy The SNe data used in Fig. 3 were obtained from
Adam Riess [16]. The cluster abundance constraint in
constraints based on the CMB and the mass power
Fig. 7 was evaluated by Limin Wang. This work was
In summary, we have investigated the properties supported by the US DoE grant DE-FG02-91ER40671
(at Princeton) and the NSF grant PHY-0099543 (at
of cosmological models in which the dominant en-
ergy density component today has an equation of state Dartmouth).
w < −1. We have demonstrated the impact on the cos-
mological age, the volume–red shift and magnitude–
red shift relations, the CMB, and the mass power References
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