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Incourse Exam Syllabus

Elizabethan & Macbeth,volpone

Jacobean Drama
16th & 17th century John Done(all)
Bacon: of marriage & single life
17th & 18th centuty Addision & Steele:the spectator’s
prose account himself, the death of Sir

Restoration &18th Oroonoko

centuray Fiction
Restoration & 18th Absalom and Achitophel
poetry & drama
A.Tennyson: Tithonus
Victorian poetry R. Browning: My last duchess
M. Arnold: Thyrsis, Dover Beach
Criticism 1. poetics
2. An apology for poetry
Elizabethan & Jacobean Drama
Macbeth :

1.Evaluate Macbeth as a tragic hero.

2. To what extent do the witches influence Macbeth's decision and action

3. Evaluate Macbeth as a tragedy of ambition.

4. How far is Lady Macbeth responsible for the tragic calamity in "Macbeth"

5. Depict the character of Lady Macbeth

6.Shakespeare's use of super-natural elements in 'Macbeth'


1. Justify Volpone as a beast fable

2. Discuss Volpone as a comedy of humour

3.Volpone is a satire on the contemporary English society

4. Sketch the character of Mosca as illustrated in the play 'Volpone'

16th & 17th century poetry
1.What is meant by conceit? Write a note on the use of conceit in John Donne's

2. How does Donne blend passion and thought in his poems

3. Discuss how Donne has brought novelty in love poems

4.Consider Donne as a religious poet with reference to the poems you have read

5. What is meant by wit and conceit? Write a note on the use of wit and conceit in
john Donn's poem

6.Evaluate John Donne as a love poet

7. Evaluate John Donne as a metaphysical love poet

17th & 18th centuty prose
Francis Bacon:

1. Write a note on Bacon's prose style with reference to his essays.

2. Discuss Bacon as a practical moralist full of worldly wisdom

3. Evaluate Francis Baco as an essayist

4. Bring out the Renaissance elements from Bacon's essays.

5. Discuss Bacon as a moral and utilitarian philosopher based on reading of his


6.How would you explain the fact the Bacon's essays never fail to attract the

Addison and Steele:

1. Write a note on Addison as a social satirist.

2. Addison is the pionner of English Novel.

3. Write an essay on Addison's prose style.

4. Discuss Roger as a fascinating and humorous character

Restoration and 18th century Fiction
1. Discuss the theme of anti-colonialism in Aphra Behn's Oroonko.

2.Sketch the character of Oroonoko

3. Give an account of the major themes of "Oroonko"

4.Make a study of the horrors of slavery and the harse attitude of the European
colonists in Oroonoko.

Restoration and 18th Century Poetry and Drama

Absalom and Achitophel:
1.Evaluate Dryden as a satirist in the light of his poem "Abasalom and

2. In 'Abasalom and Achitophel ' Dryden is both typical and universal.

3. Discuss Abasalom and Achitophcl as a political allegory

4. Discuss Dryden's art of characterisation

5.Comment on Dryden's treatment of contemporary politics of England in "

Abasalom and Achitophel'

6.Write a note on the Biblical and Political allusions in Abasalom and Achitophel
Victorian Poetry
Alfred Tennyson
1. What romantic elements do you find inTennyson's poems that you have studied?

2.Write how ' Tennyson highlights the victorian spirit in his poems.

3. How does Tennyson handle myth and legend in the poems you have read?

Robert Browning

1.How does Browning reflect the Renaissance temper in his poems?

2. Comment on Browning's attitude to art and life as revealed in his poems

3. Robert Browning as a writer of dramatic monologues

4. Justify Robert Browning as an optimistic poet

Matthew Arnold

1. Discuss Arnold's treatment of nature in his poems

2. Discuss Arnold's poetry as criticism of life with with reference to the poem you
have read.
Literary Criticism
1. How does Aristotle compare and contrast tragedy with epic in poetics

2. Critically discuss Aristotle's definition of tragedy.

3. Why does Aristotle mention plot as"The soul of a tragedy"?

4. What are Aristotle's arguments in favour of tragedy over epic poetry.

5. Write a note on Aristotle's concept of unity of action with reference to his

theory. Did Aristotle insist on three unities of drama

6.What is Aristotle's view about an ideal tragic hero.

7. Why does Aristotle prefer complex plot to simple plot for tragedy

An Apology for poetry

1.Discuss in detail the morality of poetry as mentioned by Sidney in his "An
Apology for Poetry"

2. How does Sidney defend poetry aganist the allegations brought by Gosson

3. Comment on Sidney's view on the functions of poetry

4. Discuss Sydney’s view on the antiquity and universality of poetry

5. On what grounds does Sydney object to contemporary English Drama

6. How does Sydney establish the superiority of the poet over Philosophers and

7. What charges are brought against poetry and how does Sydney defend those.
1. What is language? What are the major charateristics of language?

2. How is spoken language different from written language.

Basic Concepts in Linguistics

1.How has Chomsky distinguished between competence and performance

2. Discuss Ferdinand de Saussure's contribution to the study of language

3. What is Linguistics? To what extent can Linguistics be considered as a science

4. Discuss the different branches of phonetics

5. Who is Chomsky? Evaluate his contribution to linguistics

Phonetics and phonology :

1.What is intonation? What are the functions of intonation?

2. Describe English consonants according to manner of articulation.

3. Discuss the basic rules of Elision and Assimilation

4. Draw a labelled diagram to show the articulatory organs of speech production.

5. What is stress? Discuss the rules of stress placement in English words

6.Classify English consonant phonemes on the basis of their manner of


7.Different branches of phonetics

8.describe English consonants according to places of articulation.

9. Describe cardinal vowels amd show their positions through a diagram

1. What is word formation? Briefly discuss five major word formation rules

2.What is morpheme? Mention the inflection derivational morphemes of English

3. What is morphology? Classify the morphemes in detail

4. What do you understand by morpheme? Discuss the features of free morphemes

and bound morphemes

1.Discuss the major syntactic processes in English

2.What is IC analysis?Exemplify IC analysis through a tree diagram

3.Discuss the strengths and limitations of phrase-Structure(PS) grammar

1.What is the cooperation principle?Discus with reference to Gricean maxims

2. What is pragmatics? How is pragmatics different from Semantics

1. What is semantics? Provide an analysis of major lexical relations.

1. Make a comparative study of behaviorist and mentalist theory of L-1 acquisition

2.Discuss critically the Nativisit Theory of language learning

3.Discuss different stages of child language development

1. Discuss different varieties of sociolinguistics

2. How is language related to gender

3.Discuss the relationship between language and culture

4.What is a dialect? Discuss the standardization process of a language.

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