The Copyright Ordinance 1962

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Subject The Copyright Ordinance, 1962

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Copyright is an exclusive right that a creator enjoys over his original, literary,
dramatic, musical, artistic, cinematographic work and record [sec 10]. In other
words, works covered by copyright range from books, music, paintings,
sculpture, and films, to computer programs, databases, advertisements, maps,
and technical drawings.
Copyright protection extends only to expressions, and not to ideas,
procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts as such.
Copyright may or may not be available for a number of objects such as titles,
slogans, or logos, depending on whether they contain sufficient authorship.
Broadly speaking, works commonly protected by copyright throughout the
world include:
 literary works such as novels, poems, plays, reference works, newspaper
 computer programs, databases;
 films, musical compositions, and choreography;
 artistic works such as paintings, drawings, photographs, and sculpture;
 architecture; and
 advertisements, maps, and technical drawings.
Meaning of Copyright: As per the section 3 of this ordinance, copyright means
an exclusive right in respect of:
1. In the case of literary, dramatic or musical work, to do and authorize the
doing of any of the following acts, namely:-
a. to reproduce the work in any material form;
b. to publish the work;
c. to perform the work in public;
d. to produce, reproduce, perform or publish any translation of the

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e. to use the mark in a cinematographic work or make a record in

respect of the work;
f. to broadcast the work, or to communicate the broadcast of the
work to the public by a loudspeaker or any other similar
g. to make any adaptation of the work;
h. to do in relation to translation or an adaptation of the work any of
the acts specified in relation to the work in sub-clauses (a) to (f);
2. In the case of an artistic work, to do or authorize the doing of any of the
following acts, namely;-
a. to reproduce the work in any material form;
b. to publish the work;
c. to use the work in a cinematographic work;
d. to show the work in television;
e. to make any adaptation of the work;
f. to do in relation to an adaptation of the work any of the acts
specified in relation to the work in sub-clauses (a) to (d);
3. In the case of a cinematographic work, to do or authorize the doing of
any of the following acts, namely:-
a. to make copy of the work;
b. to cause the work in so far as it consists of visual images, to be
seen in public and, in so far as it consists of sounds, to be heard in
c. to make any record embodying the recording in any part of the
sound track associated with the work by utilizing such sound
d. to broadcast the work;
4. In the case of a record, to do or authorize the doing of any of the
following acts by utilizing the record, namely:-
a. to make any other record embodying the same recording;
b. to use the recording in the sound track of a cinematographic
c. to cause the recording embodied in the record to be heard in the

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d. to communicate the recording embodied in the record by

Works in which copyright subsists: The copyright subsists in:
1. Original, literally, dramatic, musical and artistic works;
2. Cinematographic works; and
3. Records [sec 10 (1)].
However, copyright shall not subsist in aforesaid works except the works of
certain international organizations [sec 53] or foreign works [sec 54], unless:
1. In the case of a published work, the work is first published in Pakistan, or
where the work first published outside Pakistan, the author is at the
date of such publication, or in a case where the author was dead at that
date, was at the time of his death, a citizen of Pakistan or domiciled in
2. In the case of an unpublished work other than an architectural work of
art, the author is at the date of the making of the work a citizen of
Pakistan or domiciled in Pakistan; and
3. In case of an architectural work of art, the work is located in Pakistan
[sec 10 (2)].
First owner of copyright: Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the
author of a work shall be the first owner of the copyright therein. However:
1. In the case of a literary, dramatic or artistic work made by the author
under the employment of proprietor of a newspaper, magazine or
similar periodical under a contract of service or apprenticeship, for the
purpose of publication in a newspaper, magazine or similar periodical,
the said proprietor shall, in the absence of any agreement to the
contrary, be the first owner of the copyright in the wok in so far as the
copyright relates to the publication of the work in any newspaper,
magazine or similar periodical, or to the reproduction of the work for the
purpose of its being so published; but in all other respects the author
shall be the first owner of the copyright in the work;
2. In the case of a photograph taken, or a painting or a portrait drawn, or
an engraving or a cinematographic work made for a valuable
consideration at the instance of any person, such person shall, in the

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absence of any agreement to the contrary, be the first owner of the

copyright therein;
3. In the case of Government work, Government shall, in the absence of
any agreement to the contrary, be the first owner of the copyright
4. In the case of work of international organization in accordance with
section 53, such international organization shall be the first owner of the
copyright therein.
Assignment of Copyright: The owner of the copyright in an existing work or
the prospective owner of the copyright in a future work may assign to any
person, the copyright either wholly or partially and either generally or subject
to limitations and either for the whole term of the copyright or any part
thereof [sec 14 (1)]. All assignments shall necessarily be in writing and signed
by the assignor or hid duly authorized agent [sec 15].
Rules of Assignment: Following are the rules which regulate assignment of
1. Incase of assignment in future work, the assignment shall take effect
only when the work comes into existence. It also includes the legal
representatives of assignee, if the assignee dies before the work comes
into existence;
2. In case the owner and author of copyright is a same person, no
assignment of, or any interest in, such copyright shall be made, or if
made shall be effective for a period of more than ten years. If an
assignment of copyright in a work is made in contravention of this rule,
the copyright in the work shall, on the expiration of aforesaid period,
revert to the author or if the author be dead to his representatives-in-
3. Incase of an unpublished work, the copyright assigned by its author to
any person or organization for the specific purpose of its publication
shall revert to the author if such work is not published within a period of
three years from the date of assignment;
4. The assignee of a copyright as respects the rights so assigned shall be
treated as the owner of copyright;

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5. The assignor of a copyright as respects the rights not assigned shall be

treated as the owner of copyright;
6. If the owner of a copyright or the publisher, or the publisher to whom
such right has been assigned, considers any of the terms of the
assignment to be likely to affect his interests adversely, he may apply to
the Board to consider such term within one year of such assignment and
the Board may, after hearing both the parties, pass such order as it
deem fit, which shall be binding on both the parties;
Right of owner to relinquish copyright: The owner of a copyright in a work
may relinquish all or any of the rights comprised in copyright by giving a notice
in the prescribed form to the Registrar and the rights shall cease to exist from
the date of notice. However, relinquishment of all or any of the rights
comprised in the copyright in a work shall not affect any rights subsisting in
favour of any person. The Registrar shall, on the receipt of such notice, cause it
to be published in the official Gazette [sec 17].
Licenses by owners of Copyright: The owner of the copyright in any existing
work or the prospective owner of the copyright in any future work may grant
any interest in the copyright by license in writing duly signed by him or his
authorized agent. However, incase of copyright in any future work, the license
shall take effect only when the work comes into existence [sec 35].
Compulsory license in work withheld from public: At any time during the term
of copyright in any Pakistani work which has been published or performed in
public, an application is made to the Board that the owner of the copyright in
the work:
1. Has refused to republish or allow the republication of the work or has
refused to allow the performance in public of the work and by reason of
such refusal the work is withheld from the public; or
2. Has refused to allow communication to the public by broadcast of such
work or record, on terms which the applicant considers reasonable; or
3. Is dead or unknown or cannot be traced or found and republication of
the work is necessary in the public interest;
The board may, after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the
owner of the copyright and after holding such inquiry as it may deem fit, direct
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the registrar to grant to the applicant a license subject t payment of

compensation to the owner of copyright and such other terms and conditions
as the board deems fit [sec 36 (1)].
Incase the application is made by two or more persons, the license shall be
granted to the applicant who, in the opinion of the board, would best serve the
interests of the general public [sec 36 (2)].
The Federal Government or the Board may, upon an application by any
governmental or statutory institution in the public interest, grant a license to
reprint, translate, adopt or publish any text book on non-profit basis [sec 36
License to produce and publish translation: Any citizen of, or a person
domiciled in, Pakistan may apply to the Board for a license to produce and
publish a translation of a literary or dramatic work in any Pakistan language or
a language ordinarily used in Pakistan, except English, French and Spanish.
Such application shall be in prescribed form and accompanied with proposed
retail price of sale and prescribed fee. The Board may, after holding such
inquiry direct the Registrar to grant a license to the applicant, not being an
exclusive or transferable license, subject to the condition of payment of
royalties to the owner. However, such license may only be granted, if:
1. The translation of the work in the language mentioned in the
application has not been published by the owner or his authorized
agent within one year, or if so published, it has been out of print;
2. The applicant requested and had been denied authorization by the
owner of copyright to produce and publish such translation;
3. The applicant has been unable to find the owner of the copyright and
sent a copy of his request for authorization to the publisher whose
name appears from the work, atleast before two months before the
application for the license;
4. The Board is satisfied that the applicant is competent to produce and
publish a correct translation of thework and possess the means to
pay to the owner of the copyright the royalties payable to him;
5. The Board is satisfied, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, that
the grant of the license will be in the public interest.

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Literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works: Copyright shall subsist in any
literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, except photograph, published
within the lifetime of the author until fifty years from the beginning of the
calendar year next following the year in which the author dies [sec 18]
Posthumous work: In the case of a literary, dramatic or musical work or an
engraving, in which copyright subsists at the date of the death of the author, or
in the case of joint authorship, at or immediately before the date of the death
of the author who dies last, but which or any adaptation of which, had not
been published before that date, copyright shall subsist until fifty years from
the date of publication or adaption, whichever is earlier [sec 19].
Cinematographic works, records and photographs: In the case of
cinematographic work, record or photograph, the copyright shall subsist until
fifty years from such publication [sec 20].
Anonymous and pseudonymous work: In the case of a literary, dramatic,
musical or artistic work (other than photograph) which is published
anonymously or pseudonymously, the copyright shall subsist until fifty years
from publication. However, if the identity of author or incase of joint
authorship, the identity of one or more of the authors is disclosed before
publication, the copyright shall subsist until fifty years from the death of such
author or the author who dies last, respectively.
Work of Government and international organization: In the case of copyright
in government work where the government is the first owner or of an
international organization, the copyright shall subsist until fifty years from the
beginning of calendar year next following the year in which the work was first
Unpublished work: If a work, whose author’s identity is known, is not
published posthumously within fifty years after the death of the author, such
work shall fall into public domain after fifty years from beginning of the
calendar year next following the year in which the author dies.
If a work, whose author’s identity is not known, is not published within fifty
years from its creation, such work shall fall into the public domain after fifty
years from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which
the work is created [sec 23].
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Protection of typography and terms of protection: The publisher of an edition

of a work shall enjoy the right to authorize the making, by any photographic or
similar process, or copies, intended for sale in commerce, of the typographical
arrangement of the edition, and such right shall subsist until twenty years from
the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the edition
was first published [sec 28]. Any person contravening this provision shall be
responsible for infringement [sec 29].


Copyright Office and its Branch: There shall be a copyright office, which shall
be under the immediate control of the Registrar of copyrights who shall act
under the superintendence and control of the Federal Government. The
copyright office has a seal which shall be noticed judicially [sec 43]. The Branch
of Copyright office shall be established at such place in Pakistan as the
Registrar may with the approval of Federal Government determine for the
purpose of facilitation of the registration of copyrights and shall discharge such
functions of the copyright office as may be notified by the Registrar from time
to time [sec 43-A].
Registrar and Deputy Registrar: The Federal Government appoints a Registrar
of Copyright and one or more Deputy Registrars of Copyrights.
Powers of Registrar: The Registrar shall have, among others, the following
1. Sign all entries made in the Register of Copyrights;
2. Sign all certificated of registration of copyrights and certified copies
under the seal of the copyright office;
3. Exercise the powers conferred and perform the duties imposed upon
him under this ordinance;
4. Acts as the Secretary of the Copyright Board.
Copyright Board: The Federal Government constitutes a Board to be called the
Copyright Board consisting of the following members, namely:
1. A chairman to be appointed by the Federal Government. He shall be a
person who is, or has been a judge of a High Court or qualified to be
appointed as such judge;

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2. Not less than three and not more than five other members appointed by
the Federal Government after consultation with the representative
bodies of authors, publishers, cinematography industry and other
interest relating to copyright. However, equal representation shall be
given to the resident of each province;
3. The registrar, ex-officio.
Powers & Procedure of the Board: The board shall have the following powers
and procedure in accordance with section 46:
1. Power to regulate its own procedure including the fixing of places and
times of its sittings;
2. Incase of difference of opinion among the members of the Board in
respect of any matter coming before it for decision, the opinion of the
majority shall prevail; and incase of no majority, the opinion of chairman
shall prevail;
3. The Board may authorize any of its members to exercise any of its
powers u/s 78 and any order made or act done in exercise of any such
power by the so authorized shall be deemed to be the order or act, as
the case maybe, of the Board;
4. No act done or proceeding taken by the Board under this Ordinance shall
be questioned on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy in,
or defect in the constitution of the Board;
5. No member of the Board shall take part in any proceedings before the
Board in respect of any matter in which he has a personal interest.


Delivery of Books to public libraries: The publisher of every book published in
Pakistan after the commencement of this Ordinance shall deliver one copy of
book to each of the public libraries at his own expense, within thirty days from
the date of its publication, subject to any agreement to the contrary or rules
made under this ordinance and without prejudice to the provisions of section
43 of the Press and Publications Ordinance 1963.
The copy delivered to the National Library of Pakistan, Islamabad shall be a
copy of the whole book with all maps and illustrations belonging thereto,
finished and coloured and bound, sewed or stitched together in the same
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manner as the best copies. Whereas, the copy delivered to any other public
library shall be on the paper and in the condition in which largest number of
copies of the book is printed for sale [sec 47].
Delivery of periodicals and newspapers to public libraries: The publisher of
every periodical or newspaper published in Pakistan shall deliver, at his own
expense, one copy of every periodical or newspaper to each of the public
libraries as soon as it is published, subject to the rules under this ordinance and
without prejudice to the provisions contained in section 36 of the Registration
of Printing Press and Publication Ordinance, 1989 [sec 48].
Receipt for books, periodicals and newspapers delivered: The person in-
charge of a public library or any other person authorized by him in this behalf
to whom a copy of a book, periodical or newspaper is delivered under section
47 and 48 shall give to the publisher a receipt in writing thereof [sec 49].
Penalty for contravention: Any publisher who contravenes any of the above
provision or rules shall be punishable with fine which may extent to five
hundred rupees and if the contravention is in respect of a book, or periodical
shall also be punishable with fine equivalent to the value of the book, or
periodical and the Court may direct the whole or part payment of such fine to
concerned public library [sec 50].
Delivery of Books, periodicals and newspapers published by the Government:
The above rules shall also apply to the books, periodicals and newspapers
published by or under the authority of government except those which are
meant for official use only [sec 52].
When copyright infringed: Copyright in a work is infringed under the following
circumstances [sec 56]:
1. Unauthorized Use: A copyright in a work shall be deemed to be
infringed when any person without the consent of or license granted by
the owner or the Registrar does anything which is exclusively the right of
owner of copyright or intentionally permits for profit any place to be
used for the performance of the work in public as to constitute
infringement of the copyright.
2. Excessive Use: A copyright in a work shall be deemed to be infringed
when any person uses it in contravention of conditions of a license or
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any condition imposed by a competent authority does anything which is

exclusively the right of owner of copyright or intentionally permits for
profit any place to be used for the performance of the work in public as
to constitute infringement of the copyright.
3. Dealing with Infringing Copies: A copyright in a work shall be deemed to
be infringed when any person makes for sale or hire or sells or lets for
hire, or by way of trade displays or offers for sale or hire; or distributes
either for the purpose of trade to such an extent as to affect prejudicially
the owner of the copyright; or by way of trade exhibits in public; or
imports into Pakistan any infringing copies of the work
Importation and Exportation of Infringing Copies: On the application by the
owner of copyright in any work or his duly authorized agent and on payment of
prescribed fee, the Registrar may, after making inquiry as he deems fit, order
that copies made out of Pakistan. The Registrar or any person authorized by
him in this behalf may enter any ship, vehicle, dock or premises where such
copies may be found and examine them. All the goods to which aforesaid order
applies shall be deemed to be goods of which bringing into Pakistan is
prohibited or restricted under section 19 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878, and all
the provisions of that Act shall have effect accordingly [sec 58].

Civil Remedies for infringement of copyright: If the copyright in any work has
been infringed, the owner of copyright shall, in addition to other remedies, be
entitled to all such remedies by way of injunction, damages, accounts and
otherwise as are or may be conferred by law for the infringement of a right.
However, if defendant proves that at the date of infringement he was not
aware that copyright subsisted or had reasonable ground that copyright did
not subsist in the work, the plaintiff shall only be entitled to the remedy of
injunctions [sec 60].
Special Remedies for Infringement of Copyright: If the owner of copyright in
any work is unable to initiate regular proceedings for infringement of copyright
due to sufficient cause, the Court may, on the application of the owner or any
other person having any interest in the copyright in the work, issue provisional
orders to prevent the infringement of the copyright in such work and for

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preservation of any evidence relating to such infringement. Such order shall

cease to have effect if regular proceedings are not initiated within thirty days
or if such proceedings are filed, the provisional proceedings in respect of such
a work shall merge into the regular proceedings [sec 60-A].
Author’s Special Rights: Notwithstanding that the author of work may have
assigned or relinquished the copyright in the work, he shall have the right to
restrain, or claim damages in respect of any distortion, mutilation or other
medication of the said work, or any other action in relation to the said work
which would be prejudicial to his honour or reputation. Aforesaid right
conferred upon author may also be exercised by him legal representatives [sec
Rights of owner against persons possessing or dealing with infringing copies:
All infringing copies of any work in which copyright subsists and all plates used
or intended to be used for the production of such infringing copies, shall be
deemed to be the property of the owner of the copyright, who may take
proceedings for the recovery of possession thereof or in respect of conversion
thereof. However, the owner of the copyright shall not be entitled to aforesaid
remedy if defendant proves that at the date of infringement he was not aware
that copyright subsisted and had reasonable ground that copyright did not
subsist in the work, or he had reasonable grounds for believing that such
copies or plates do not involve infringement of the copyright in any work [sec
Restriction on remedies in the case of work of architecture: If the
construction of a building or other structure, which infringes or would infringe
the copyright in some work has been commenced, the owner of the copyright
shall not be entitled to obtain an injunction to restrain the construction of such
building or structure or to order its demolition [sec 64].
Jurisdiction of Court and Limitation: Every suit and other civil proceeding
regarding infringement of copyright shall be instituted and tried in the Court of
District Judge and shall be decided within a period of twelve months [sec 65].
Where such petition filed aforesaid has been referred to the Board, the Board
or a committee consisting of a Chairman and not less than two members of the
Board to be appointed by the Chairman, shall consider the matter and pass

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order after hearing the parties [sec 65 (2)]. The said decision of Board shall be
final and be executed in the manner provided in section 79.


No infringing copies of any work, whether themselves or depicted or applied to
any article or goods or in any form, shall be allowed to be imported into or
exported out of Pakistan either by see, air, land or through any other means of
channel of communication [sec 65-A].
Upon an application made by the owner of the copyright in the work or any
other person having an interest in the copyright in the work, an officer of
custom may detain aforesaid consignment and after examination of such
detained consignment in the presence of parties order to confiscate them if
such consignment contains infringing copies of work, and the importer or
exporter thereof, as the case may be, shall be liable to such penalties.
However, the aforesaid process of detention and examination of consignment
shall be completed within a period of fifteen days of the filing of the
application [sec 65-B].
Release of detained goods: If any of the requirements are not completed, the
importer or exporter of such consignment may apply to the concerned custom
authorities for release of such goods subject to furnishing such security as may
be deemed appropriate by the officer of customs [sec 65-C].


All of the following offences shall be punishable with imprisonment which may
extend to three years or with fine which may extent to one hundred thousand
rupees or with both:
1. Infringement or abetment for infringement of the copyright in a work,
rental rights in cinematographic works and computer programs, or the
rights of performers or producers of sound recording, or any other right
conferred by this ordinance [sec 66].
2. Intentional publication or causing such publication of a collection or
compendium of works which have been adapted, translated, or modified
in any manner without the authority of the owner of the copyright in the
original works, or fraudulently employing a title tending to mislead the

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public or creating confusion with another work published earlier [sec 66-
3. Making or distribution of counterfeited sound recording and
cinematographic work for the purpose of business, profit or gain [sec 66-
4. Exploitation or appropriation of any sound recording or audiovisual work
intended for private use [sec 66-C].
5. Production or causing the production of copies, or reproduction in
excess of the number authorized by the owner copyright owner or his
successor-in-title [sec 66-D].
All of the following offences shall be punishable with imprisonment which may
extend to two years or with fine which may extent to one hundred thousand
rupees or with both:
1. Renting out the original or copies of cinematographic works or computer
programs without authority or license of the owner [sec 66-E].
2. Possessing any plate for the purpose of making copies of any work in
which copyright subsists [sec 67].
3. Performance of work in public knowingly and for private profit, without
the consent of the owner of copyright [sec 67].
4. Making or causing to be made a false entry in the Register of copyrights
[sec 68 (a)].
5. Making or causing to be made a writing falsely purporting to be a copy
of any entry in the Register [sec 68 (b)].
6. Producing or tendering, or causing to be produced or tendered as
evidence any false entry or writing knowingly [sec 68 (c)].
7. Making a false statement or representation with a view to deceive any
authority or officer in the performance of his functions [sec 69 (a)].
8. Making a false statement or representation with a view to inducing or
influencing the doing or omission of anything in relation to this
ordinance or any matter there under [sec 69 (b)].

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False Attribution or Authorship, etc: A person shall be punishable with

imprisonment which may extent to two years, or with fine which may extend
to one hundred thousand rupees or with both, if he:
1. Inserted or affixes in or on a work or reproduction of such a work, the
name of any person of which that person is not the author [sec 70 (1)].
2. Publishes or sells or lets for hire, or by way of trade offers or exposes for
sale or hire or exhibits in public a work or distributed the reproduction of
such work in or on which the name of a person has been inserted or
affixed in such a way as to imply that such person is the author or
publisher of the work [sec 70 (2 & 30].
3. Broadcasts or performs in public the work as being the work of a
particular author, who to his knowledge is not the author of such work
[sec 70 (3)].

Cognizance of Offence: No Court inferior to that of a Magistrate of the first

class shall try any offence under this Ordinance [sec 72].
Power of Court to dispose of infringing copies, plates or recording
equipments: The trial Court may, notwithstanding the conviction of alleged
offender, pass an order to the destruction or delivery copies of the work or all
plates or recording equipment used or intended to be used for purpose of
making infringing copies, to the owner of copyright [sec 73].
Power of police to seize infringing copies, plates and recording equipment:
Any police officer of at least Sub-inspector rank may, if he is satisfied that
infringement of copyright in any work has been or likely to be committed,
without warrant seize all copies of the work, or plates and recording
equipment used for the purpose of making infringing copies and shall produce
them before a Magistrate as soon as practicable [sec 74 (1)]. However,
aforesaid property owned by a public library or a library attached to an
educational institution or a non-profit library for use by the public free of
charge or in possession of any person for his bonafide use shall not be seized
[proviso]. Any person having an interest in aforesaid seized property may apply
for restoration to the Magistrate within fifteen days of such seizure and the
Magistrate may make such order on the application as he deems fit after

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hearing the parties and making such further inquiry as he deems fit [sec 74
Power of Magistrate to Award Compensation: The Magistrate may, when
passing a sentence of fine, direct that an amount not exceeding fifty percent of
the fine imposed but commensurate with the loss suffered by the party shall
be paid as compensation to the person whose right has been infringed or to
the heirs or legal representatives of such person. However, such compensation
shall not prejudice a right to any claim in a suit or other proceeding which may
be instituted or is pending [sec 74-A].

Appeals against certain orders of Magistrate: Any person aggrieved by an
order of Magistrate made u/s 73, 74 (2) or 74-A (1) may, within thirty days of
the date of such order, appeal to the Court to which appeals from the court
making the order ordinarily lie and such appellant court may direct that
execution of the order be stayed pending disposal of the appeal [sec 75].
Appeals against orders of Registrar: Any person aggrieved by any final decision
or order of the Registrar may, within three months from the date of decision or
order, appeal to the Board. However, the Registrar shall not sit as a member of
the Board when the Board hears an appeal under this section [sec 76].
Appeals against orders of the Board: Any person aggrieved by any final
decision or order of the Board may, except an order an order or decision made
in an appeal u/s 76, within three months from the date of such decision or
order, appeal to the High Court within whose jurisdiction the appellant actually
resides or carries on business or personally works for gain. No appeal shall lie
against a decision of Board made u/s 4 (2) and 6 (2) [sec 77].

AHSAN ALI (44/2k18)

LLB (HONS) 3 r d Year (1 s t semester)

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