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Technology and Livelihood Education

Module 8
Interpret Technical Drawings and Plans

Technology and Livelihood Education - Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 8: Interpret Technical Drawings and Plans

First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Gingoog City

Division Superintendent: Jesnar Dems S. Torres, PhD, CESO VI

Development Team of the Module

Author/s: June L. Lingcasan

Illustrator and Layout Artist: Jonie Mar D. Rebucas

Management Team
Chairperson: Jesnar Dems S. Torres, PhD, CESO VI
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairpersons: ConniebelC.Nistal ,PhD.

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Pablito B. Altubar
CID Chief

Members Elvira A. Almonte, EPS

Narcisa M. Sabello PSDS
Imee R. Fabe
Himaya B. Sinatao, LRMS Manager
Jay Michael A. Calipusan, PDO II
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Technology and Livelihood Education
Module 8
Interpret Technical Drawings and Plans
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Table of Contents
What This Learning Package is About………………………………………………………..….i

What I Need To Know…………………………………………………………………………….ii

How to Learn from this Learning Package……………………………………………………...iii

Icons of this Learning Package……………………………………………………………….….iii

What I know………………………………………………………………………………………..iii

Lesson 1:

LO 1. Analyze signs, plumbing symbols and data ……………………………………..…1

What I Need To Know…………………………………………………...……………….1

What’s In…………………………………………………………………………………..1

What’s New……………………………………………………………..……………….2-3

What Is It……………………………………………………………….………………..4-10

What’s More……………………………………………………………….……………10-11

What I Have Learned……………………………………………..…………………..…12

What I Can Do…………………………………………………………………………...13


Assessment: (Post-Test)…………………………………………………..………………….14

Key to Answers………………………………………………………………………………....15

What This Module Is About
This Module is an exploratory and introductory course on Plumbing which leads you to
Plumbing National Certificate Level I (NC I). It covers 5 basic competencies in Plumbing that
a Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student like you ought to possess,

1) Prepare plumbing materials and tools

2) Perform mensuration and calculation
3) Interpret Technical Drawings and Plans
4) Maintain tools and equipment
5) Practice occupational health and safety procedures

What I Need To Know

LO 1. Analyze signs, plumbing symbols and data

1.1 Read and interpret plumbing signs, symbols and data

1.2 Analyze plumbing components and materials based on electrical signs, symbols and
How to Learn This Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/or the instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.
What I Know

I. Multiple Choices:
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

1. It is used on technical drawings to represent the location of certain fixtures, such as plumbing
faucet, valves, pipes, etc.

a. Electrical Symbols
b. Alphabet of Lines
c. Plumbing Symbols
d. Hidden Lines

2. Broken line of medium thickness and used to show the edges and outlines not visible to the
a. Hidden Line
b. Dimension Line
c. Leader Line
d. Center Line

3. Fine lines that extend from the object with a slight break between and it is used to show
dimensioning points.

a. Dimension Line
b. Extension Line
c. Section Line
d. Cutting Plan Line

4.It is a line used to indicate the measurement of objects. It consists of three parts: arrowheads,
fine line, and number or measurement.

a. Leader Line
b. Center Line
c. Hidden Line
d. Dimension Line

5. Heavy, irregular line drawn freehand used to show a short break to conserve space on a

a. Long Break Line

b. Phantom Line
c. Short Break Line
d. Section Line
Lesson Analyze signs, plumbing symbols
1 and data

What I Need To Know

LO 1. Analyze signs, plumbing symbols and data

1.1 Read and interpret plumbing signs, symbols and data

1.2 Analyze plumbing components and materials based on electrical signs, symbols and

What’ s In

Activity 1. Plumbing Symbol with Measurements

Directions: Convert the given distance of a toilet from wall in millimeters. Write your answer on
your activity notebook.

1. 12 inches =_____________ mm

2. 15 inches =_____________mm

3. 18 inches =_____________mm

What’s New

Activity 2. I. Identification

Direction: Identify the plumbing symbols in each item. Write your answer on your activity

1. ___________________





6. __________________________________

7. ___________________________________

8. _____________________________________

9. ___________________________________

10. __________________________________

What Is It

Plumbing Signs, Symbols and Data

Plumbing symbols are used on technical drawings to represent the location of certain
fixtures, such as plumbing faucet, valves, pipes, etc.

It is necessary to indentify these items, on house and building plans, in order to ensure
that all tradesman involve on a project are clear on where pipes, drainage pipes, shut off valves,
and other plumbing objects will be installed.

Plumbing Symbols



Electrical Symbols Plumbing Symbols


Alphabet of Lines
Lines are the bases of all drawing. They are used even from simple drawings to the
difficult ones. Practice, exercise and correct use of techniques in the making of lines will give
student experience in technical sketching. Moreover, constant practice will help students
develop skills in making lines and use of pencils. It should be remembered that the basic
requirement for line construction is clarity of line produced.
In practice, the kind of line produced, depends on the hardness of the pencil. For drawing
using pencil, the medium and light lines are more prepared.
There are conventional lines used in drawing. These lines are called alphabet of line and
each line serves a particular purpose. These lines may either be drawn freehand or they may
be drawn mechanically.

There are several different types of lines used on a print and each has different meaning.
To be able to interpret a print, the reader should have knowledge of these lines. These lines are
called alphabet of lines.

1. Object Line Thick solid line used to show the visible shape of the object.
2. Hidden Line. Broken line of medium thickness and used to show the edges and
outlines not visible to the eye.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
3. Center Line. Fine, broken line made up of a series of short and long dashes alternately
spaced. It shows the center of circles, arcs, and symmetrical objects and
to aid in dimensioning the parts of the object.
__ _____ __ _____ __ ______ __
4. Extension Line. Fine lines that extend from the object with a slight break between and it
is used to show dimensioning points.

5. Dimension Line Lines used to indicate the measurement of objects. It consists of

three parts: arrowheads, fine line, and number or measurement.
The fine lines have the same thickness or weight as the projection
line. The arrowheads are short heavy strokes (called flares) placed
at the extremities of this fine line. The shape of an arrowhead is like
the point of an ordinary pen. The number or figure is usually
positioned at the middle of the fine line and its axis is perpendicular
to it.

6. Leader Line. Fine, straight line with an arrowhead or round solid dot at one end and
usually drawn at an angle. Points directly to a surface for the purpose of
dimensioning or adding a note. A dot may be used at the end of the
straight line where reference is made to a surface area.

7.Cutting Plane Line. A thick broken line made up of a series of one long and two short dashes
alternately spaced. The arrowheads are placed at right angles to the
cutting plane line. The purpose of this line is to indicate where an
imaginary cut is made through the object. The arrowpoints in the direction
in which the section should be viewed. Letters next to the arrowheads
identify the section in cases where more than one section is shown on
the drawing. These lines are oriented vertically, horizontally, or at the
actual angle at which the part is drawn.

7. Section Lines. Series of fine lines-solid or solid and broken-arranged in specific patterns.
They may be shown either straight or curved. When shown straight, they
are usually drawn at a 450 angle. It is used to indicate the imaginary cut
surface referred to by the cutting plane line. To represent various kinds
of materials.

8. Chain Line. Heavy, broken line made up of a series of long and short dashes
alternately spaced. It is used to indicate the location and extent of a
______________ ____ _________________
9. Short Break Line. Heavy, irregular line drawn freehand used to show a short break to
conserve space on a drawing.

10. Long Break Line. Ruled, light line with freehand zigzags used to show a long break to
conserve space on a drawing.

11. Phantom Line. Light, broken line made up of a series of long and two short dashes used
to show alternate positions of a part; to show relationship of existing part
to new part; and to show machined surfaces.
__________ __ __ ________ __ __ __________

What’ More
Activity 3: Matching type
I. Directions: Match column A to column B. Write your answer on your activity notebook.


____1. Long break line A. Very light line used to “block in” an object.
These lines are made so light that little or no
erasing is needed. They serve as base for
darkening in the permanent line.

____2. Dimension line B. Heavy, solid line used to frame in the drawing.

____3. Centerline C. A medium line used to show edges and

contours visible to the eye.

____4. Invisible line D. A medium line used to show edges and
contours not visible to the eye.

____5. Visible line E. A light line used as axis of symmetry. Used for
center of circle and arcs. Sometimes the symbol is

____6. Borderline F. Light thin lines used to show the sizes of the
object. Extension lights start about 1/16” from
visible or object line. The dimension line is broken
near the center for the dimension.

____7. Construction line G. Wavy line draws freehand for the same
purpose as long break

II. Plumbing symbols with descriptions

Directions Fill out the grid with at least five (8) plumbing symbols and write their descriptions.
Write your answer on your activity notebook.

Symbols Descriptions









What I Have Learned

Activity 4. Enumeration
I. Direction: Enumerate at least 10 plumbing signs and symbols. Write your answer on your
activity notebook.
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
5. ________________________
6. ________________________
7. ________________________
8. ________________________
9. ________________________
10. ________________________

II. Alphabet of lines

Direction: Draw the following alphabet of lines. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

1. Cutting Plane Line

2.Short Break Line

3. Long Break Line

4. Short Break Line

5. Extension Line

6. Section Lines.

7. Dimension Line

What I Can Do

Activity 5. Plumbing and Electrical Signs and Symbols

Directions: Draw the following signs, signals, symbols and barricades used in building
1. Under Construction
2. Exit
3. Slippery When Wet
4. Directional signs
5. Danger Keep Out
6. Caution
7. Safety alert
8. Prohibition
9. Electrical hazard
10. Warning

Plumbing symbols are used on technical drawings to represent the location of certain
fixtures, such as plumbing faucet, valves, pipes, etc.

It is necessary to indentify these items, on house and building plans, in order to ensure
that all tradesman involve on a project are clear on where pipes, drainage pipes, shut off valves,
and other plumbing objects will be installed.

Lines are the bases of all drawing. They are used even from simple drawings to the
difficult ones. Practice, exercise and correct use of techniques in the making of lines will give
student experience in technical sketching. Moreover, constant practice will help students
develop skills in making lines and use of pencils. It should be remembered that the basic
requirement for line construction is clarity of line produced.

In practice, the kind of line produced, depends on the hardness of the pencil. For drawing
using pencil, the medium and light lines are more prepared.

There are conventional lines used in drawing. These lines are called alphabet of line and
each line serves a particular purpose. These lines may either be drawn freehand or they may
be drawn mechanically.

Assessment (Post-test)

II. Multiple Choices:

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

1. It is used on technical drawings to represent the location of certain fixtures, such as plumbing
faucet, valves, pipes, etc.

a. Electrical Symbols
b. Alphabet of Lines
c. Plumbing Symbols
d. Hidden Lines

2. Broken line of medium thickness and used to show the edges and outlines not visible to the
a. Hidden Line
b. Dimension Line
c. Leader Line
d. Center Line

3. Fine lines that extend from the object with a slight break between and it is used to show
dimensioning points.

a. Dimension Line
b. Extension Line
c. Section Line
d. Cutting Plan Line

4.It is a line used to indicate the measurement of objects. It consists of three parts: arrowheads,
fine line, and number or measurement.

a. Leader Line
b. Center Line
c. Hidden Line
d. Dimension Line

5. Heavy, irregular line drawn freehand used to show a short break to conserve space on a

a. Long Break Line

b. Phantom Line
c. Short Break Line
d. Section Line

1. c
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. c
Activity 1. Plumbing Symbol with Measurements
1. 304.8 mm
2. 381 mm
3. 457.2 mm
Activity 2. Identification
1. Gate valve
2. Sanitary Tee
3. Elbow
4. Tee
5. P-trap
6. Water closet
7. Floor drain
8. Lavatory
9. Bath tub
10. Shower head
Activity 3. Matching type
1. G
2. F
3. E
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. A
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. c
Key to Answers

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro
Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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