Research Paper

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Peer tutoring has become a popular approach to help

students improve their academic performance. Academic

performance is a critical factor in determining a student

future success and opportunities. However, not all students

have access to have the same resources and support system that

can help them achieve their academic goals. One such resource

peer tutoring, which involves student teaching and learning

from each other in a supportive and collaborative environment.

As far as peer tutoring is concerned, it is teaching strategy

where a group of student interact to help each other’s

learning by one student occupying the role of tutor and the

other the role of tutee. Usually, peer tutoring involves the

linking of intelligent students with less intelligent one’s.

The researchers aim to investigate the effect of peer

tutoring to the academic performance of Grade 10 students of

Julio Ledesma National High School and to explore the benefits

of peer tutoring the factors that contribute to its success on

the challenges that may hinder its implementation.

This study will provide valuable insight into the

effectiveness of peer tutoring as a means of improving

academic performance. The researchers seek to determine the

effect of peer tutoring to the academic performance of Grade

10 student in Julio Ledesma National High School. This study

will focus the Grade 10 student in JLNHS, it will also include

a survey to gather feedback from the Grade 10 student

regarding their experience with the peer tutoring.



In study by Perrott and Davis (2013), Peer tutoring is an

instructional strategy that involves students helping each

other learn content through repetition of key concepts. This

meta-analysis examined effects of peer tutoring across 26

single-case research experiments for 938 students in Grades 1–


In study by Ullah and tabassum (2018), it was found that

the mean score of the experimental group was significantly

better than that of the control group. It was concluded that

peer tutoring enhanced the academic achievement of students in

the experimental group significantly as compared to the

control group; hence, it was an effective method of

instruction for teaching Biology at secondary level.

In study by Abdul Raheem (2017), peer tutoring has

generated a great deal of scholarly interest in the field of

education. It is viewed as an essential instructional strategy

for inclusive education because it constitutes one of the

strongholds of cooperative Learning. This study examines the

effect of peer tutoring and the moderating effect of gender on

the academic performance of economics students in Ilorin-South

Local Government of Kwara State, Nigeria. Two intact classes

in two different secondary schools were selected for this

study. The Experimental (peer tutoring) group had a population

of 40 students while the control (conventional instruction)

group had a population of 38 students.

A study by Bridget Wolfe (2018), The benefits of the use

of peer tutoring are innumerable. With the rising criticism of

the American education system and the decline in the

affordability and availability of resources to assist

classroom teachers, the use of peer tutoring has been proven

to be a Cost-effective method to increasing student

achievement in the classroom, they also found that “training

improved Outcomes, structured procedures improved outcomes,

and that same-age tutoring was as Effective as cross-age






MALE 9 45% 1

FEMALE 11 55% 2

The table shows 45% of the respondents are male and 55%

of the respondents are female.

The table shows that most of the respondents are female.




19-20 1 5% 3

17-18 2 10% 2

16-15 17 85% 1

The table shows the Age of the respondents. It shows that

there are 17 or 85% respondents belong to 15-16 years old, and

then it is followed the rank 2 that has 10% of the respondents

belong 17-18 years old, and 1 respondent belong to 19-20 years

old which is 5%.

The table reveals the majority of respondents 15-16 years





RUBY 5 25% 2.5

JADE 4 20% 4

AMBER 6 30% 1

DIAMOND 5 25% 2.5

The table above shows the Grade and Section of

respondents. There are 5 respondents from section Ruby and

Diamond with 25%, while 4 respondents of section Jade with

20%, and 6 respondents from section Amber with 30%.

This study shows that most of the respondents are from

section Amber with the percentage of 30%.



F % F % F % F % F %
1.How long have 15 75% 3 15% 2 10% 0 0 0 0
you been involved
in peer tutoring?
2.How often do you 17 85% 1 5% 0 0 0 0 0 0
engage in peer
tutoring sessions?
3.How would you 7 35% 9 45% 1 5% 3 15% 0 0
describe your role
as a tutor?
4.How do you feel 7 35% 4 20% 1 5% 6 30% 2 10%
about being a
5.How do you 10 50% 6 30% 4 20% 0 0 0 0
perceive the
impact of peer
tutoring on your
own learning?
6.In your own 1 5% 4 20% 6 30% 9 45% 0 0
opinion, what are
the advantages of
peer tutoring?
7.Have you noticed 16 80% 2 10% 0 0 2 10% 0 0
any changes in
your academic
performance since
participating in
peer tutoring?
8.How would you 16 80% 4 20% 0 0 0 0 0 0
describe the
between you and
your peer tutor?
9.Are there any 17 85% 3 15% 0 0 0 0 0 0
areas where you
think peer
tutoring could be
10.Overall,how 3 15% 9 45% 8 40% 0 0 0 0
Satisfied are you
with the peer
tutoring program?
In question number 1, there are 15 respondents are

involved in peer tutoring for less than 3 months, there are

3 respondents are involved in peer tutoring for 3 to 6 months,

and there are 2 respondent are also involved in peer tutoring

for more than 12 months.

In question number 2, there are 17 respondents are

engaged in peer tutoring sessions once a week, t there 1

respondent engaged in peer tutoring session 2 to 3 times a

week, and there are 2 respondents are engaged in peer tutoring

sessions daily.

In question number 3, there are 7 respondents described

their role as a tutor by explaining concept and clarifying

doubts, there are 9 respondents describing their role as a

tutor by assisting with assignments and projects , there 1

respondent describe their role as a tutor by reviewing and

practicing materials, and there are 3 respondents choose

other without specification.

In question number 4, there are 7 respondent feel

confident being a tutor, there are 4 respondent feel empowered

being a tutor, there a one respondent feel helpful being a

tutor, there are 6 respondents feel nervous being a tutor,

and there are 2 respondents feel overwhelmed being a tutor.

In question number 5, there are 10 respondents perceive

the impact of peer tutoring on their own learning by improve

understanding of the subject matter, there are 6 respondents

perceive the impact of peer tutoring on their own learning by

enhanced communication and teaching skills, and there are 4

respondents perceive the impact of peer tutoring on there own

learning by increased confidence in their own abilities.

In question number 6, 1 respondent answered the

advantages of peer tutoring is individualized attention, there

are 4 respondents answered the advantages of peer tutoring is

learning from peers who can relate to your struggles, there

are 6 respondents answered the advantages of peer tutoring is

building friendship and social connections, and there are 9

respondents answered the advantages of peer tutoring is

developing teamwork and collaboration skills.

In Question number 7 , there are 16 respondents improved

their grades since participating in peer tutoring, there are 2

respondents their grades remained the same since participating

in peer tutoring, and there are 2 respondents answered not


In Question number 8, there are 16 respondents described

their relationship with their peer tutor is being a Best

friend, and there are 4 respondents described their

relationship with their peer tutor is being a siblings.

In Question number 9, there are 17 respondents identified

areas where they thought peer tutoring could be improved, and

there are 3 respondents identified that per tutoring

couldn’t be improved.

In question number 10, there are 3 respondents very

satisfied in peer tutoring program, there are 9 respondent is

satisfied in peer tutoring program, and there are 8

respondent neutral in peer tutoring program.


This chapter represent the summary of the research works

undertaken and the conclusion made us an outgrowth of this

study, this is on the profile and the Effect of Peer tutoring

to the academic performance to Grade 10 students of Julio

Ledesma National High School in San Carlos City.


The salient findings of the study are as follow:

1.The table shows that highest frequency of the

respondents is female that has a frequency of 11 or 55% rank

as 1, while the lowest frequency the male which is the

frequency is 9 or 45% and it rank as 2.

2.The percentage of the respondents ages 15 to 16 is 85%

and rank as 1, while the percentage of the 17 to 18 ages is

10% and rank as 2, followed by the respondent 19 to 20 ages

that has percentage of 5% and rank as 3.

3.The table shows that the highest frequency of the

respondents is from section Amber that has a frequency of 6 or

30% rank as 1, followed by two section which is Diamond and

Ruby with the frequency of 5 or 25% rank as 2, and section

Jade have 4 frequency or 20% rank as 3.

4.In Question number 1, the researchers have found out

that the grade 10 student are involved in peer tutoring in

less than 3 months.

5.In question number 2, the researchers have found out

that the grade 10 student are engaged in peer tutoring

sessions once a week.

6.In question number 3, the researchers have found out

that the grade 10 students describing their role as a tutor is

to assist with assignment and projects.

7.In question number 4, the researchers have found out

that the grade 10 student feel confident of being a tutor.

8.In Question number 5, the researchers have found out

that the impact of peer tutoring to grade 10 student is to

improve understanding of the subject matter.

9.In Question number 6, the researchers have found out

that the advantages of peer tutoring to grade 10 student is to

developing teamwork and collaborations skills.

10.In Question number 7, the researchers have found out

that Grades Of grade 10 student have improve since they are

participating in peer tutoring.

11.In Question number 8, The researchers have found out

that the relationship of grade 10 student to their peer tutor

is being a Best friend.

12.In Question number 9, the researchers have found out

that the grade 10 students believed that peer tutoring could

be improved in any areas.

13.In Question number 10, the researchers have found out

that the grade 10 students are satisfied in peer tutoring


1. Majority of the respondents are in 15-16 years old.

2. Most of the respondents are Female.

3. Most of the respondents are from section Amber.

4. Most of the respondents involve in peer tutoring is less

than 3months.

5. Most of the respondents join in peer tutoring once a


6. Majority of respondents is to assisting with assignment

and project.

7. Most of the respondents are fell confident being a tutor.

8. Majority of the respondents are improved understanding of

the subject matter.

9. Majority of the respondents is to developing teamwork,

collaboration skills in Peer tutoring.

10. Most of the respondents improved there grades since

participating in peer tutoring.

11. Most of the respondents relationship between peer

tutoring is best friend.

12. Most of the respondents believed that peer tutoring could

improved in any areas.

13. Most of the respondents are satisfied with the peer

tutoring program.

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