Hands-On Lab With LLMs and Gen AI Within IDC

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Hands on Lab with LLMs and

Gen AI
Within IDC

Abhishek Nandy
Chief Data Scientist PrediQt Business
Solution pvt ltd
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AI Reference Kits
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Large Language Models

Large Language Models



PaLM 16


Large Language Models

Prompt Model Completion


More on LLMs

• Large Language Models (LLMs) are machine

17 learning models designed to understand, generate,
Explain antibiotics and

Antibiotics are
medications used to treat bacterial infections
by either killing the bacteria or stopping them
from reproducing, but they are not effective
against viruses and overuse can lead to
manipulate human language. They are based
on neural network architectures, typically
transformers, that are trained on vast
amounts of text. Examples include OpenAI's GPT series (like the one you're interacting with) and BERT
from Google. The "large" refers to the number of parameters or weights in the model, which can be in the
billions or even trillions. LLMs can be used for a wide range of tasks including translation, question
answering, and text generation.

What is OpenAI API andhow we use it

This Link allows us to view our keys for Open AI
What is Langchain?
JavaScript, and can be used to build applications on a variety
of platforms, including web servers, cloud computing
platforms, and mobile devices.

• LangChain is an open-source framework for developing

applications powered by large language models (LLMs). It
provides a standard interface for interacting with LLMs, as
well as a number of utilities and integrations that make it
easier to build and deploy LLM-powered applications.

• LangChain is designed to be used by developers of all skill

levels, from beginners to experts. It is written in Python and

Exploring Dev Cloud

Launching Jupyterlab
Using the launcher
Launching the terminal
Cloning the Github repo

Lab exercise1
• Make sure you have the OpenAI key to get started
• https://platform.openai.com/account
Basics LLMOpenAI notebook

• How to use LLM

• How to use the OpenAI Key
• Exploring LLM with the OpenAI model
Basics LLMOpenAI notebook

• How to use LLM

• How to use the OpenAI Key
• Exploring LLM with the OpenAI model

Prompt templates
Prompt templates are predefined textual structures or frameworks that guide the generation of content.
They can be seen as a blueprint or a pattern for generating specific types of output. In the context of
natural language processing and AI models like GPT, a prompt template is a way to structure your input so
that the model can produce the desired output.

Prompt template Notebook

How to construct Prompt template
Exploring no input prompt
One input prompt
Multiple input prompt

Simple LLM Object

Just like our most basic LLM and Chat model Calls earlier in model IO, chains have a basic building block
known as LLM chain object.
We can think of an LLM Chain as just a simple call.

LLM Object Notebook

Just like our most basic LLM and Chat model Calls earlier in model IO, chains have a basic building block
known as LLM chain object.
We can think of an LLM Chain as just a simple call.
Explore the LLMObject notebook.
Sequential Chain

LLMChain LLMChain LLMChain

Sequential Chain

LLMChain LLMChain LLMChain

Sequential Chain

• Now that we understand how to use the LLMChain

object, we can chain them together to create more
complex functionality with Langchain.

OpenAI Embeddings
Vector Store
• Langchain supports many text embeddings, that can directly
convert string text to an embedded vectorized representation.
• Later on we can store these embedding vectors and then perform
similarity searches between new vectorized documents or strings
against or vector store.

Vector Store Key Attributes:

Can store large N-dimensional vectors.
Can directly index an embedded vector to its associated string text
Can be “queried”, allowing for a cosine similarity search between a new vector not in the database and the stored vectors.
Can easily add, update, or delete new vectors.
OpenAI Embeddings notebook
Gen AI Essentials
Simple LLM Inference
what generative AI can do when powered by the Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series.
QnA time
GAN stands for Generative Adversarial Network. It is a type of machine learning model that can be used to generate new
data, such as images, text, and music. GANs work by training two neural networks to compete with each other. One network, called
the generator, tries to create new data that looks like the real data. The other network, called the discriminator, tries to tell the
difference between the real data and the fake data generated by the generator.

Stable Diffusion
Stable Diffusion
Text to Image with Stable Diffusion Notebook

Text-to-Image with Stable Diffusion

QnA time Gen AI
Coordinates and code
ttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F Youtube channel link


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