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KHÓA GIẢI ĐỀ 2022 - 2023


(Từ ngày 3/4/2023 đến ngày 9/4/2023)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. It was very __________ of you to include me.
A. consider B. consideration C. considerate D. considerable
2. Floods across Europe two summers ago are examples of __________ extreme weather caused by
global warming.
A. destroy B. destruction C. destructive D. destructively
3. I could hear voices but I couldn't __________ what they were saying.
A. make out B. turn out C. keep out D. take out
4. This book is __________ of twelve separate short stories.
A. taken up B. made up C. depended on D. come up
5. We tend __________ technology for granted nowadays.
A. taking B. to take C. taken D. took
6. Men and women should have equal access ________ education and employment.
A. with B. for C. to D. on
7. Desert plants are adapted to cope ________ extreme heat.
A. to B. in C. for D. with
8. Over 30,000 ________ will run in the New York marathon.
A. competitors B. rivals C. opponents D. enemies
9. That's outside my specific ________ of expertise.
A. space B. room C. floor D. area
10. Previous teaching experience is a necessary __________ for this job.
A. diploma B. degree C. qualification D. certificate
11. Nurses are taught how to identify and treat the __________ of poisoning.
A. predictions B. symptoms C. expressions D. prospects
12. The lion’s __________ of his money went to his grandchildren.
A. portion B. part C. group D. share
13. Lack of exercise is also a risk __________ for heart disease.
A. factor B. aspect C. ingredient D. element
14. Last week, we ________ a trip down the river and had a wonderful time there.
A. made B. did C. took D. kept
15. Sally got ________ feet at the last moment and called off the wedding.
A. wet B. hot C. warm D. cold
16. Everyone agreed with me, so I knew I was on ________ ground.
A. firm B. hard C. large D. wide
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. We have a responsibility to protect animals from inhumane treatment.
A. gentle B. moral C. callous D. charitable
18. As a teacher, she has inspired generations of students.
A. discouraged B. tackled C. displaced D. motivated
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. I am in two minds about whether or not to go to the party tonight.
A. doubtful B. certain C. indecisive D. hopeless
20. The study reveals very substantial differences between population groups.
A. considerable B. noticeable C. major D. minor
1. It is very ___________ to know that the project was a success.
A. satisfying B. satisfactory C. satisfaction D. satisfied
2. He was brought up by a cold and _________ father.
A. pressing B. domineering C. pleased D. satisfactory
3. The book ________ that the 1969 moon landing was a hoax.
A. asserts B. assertive C. asserting D. assertion
4. The company _____ him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents.
A. compensated B. paid C. awarded D. rewarded
5. Julie was ______ pins and needles waiting to hear about her job application.”
A. with B. on C. off D. for
6. We fought tooth and _______ to get an A in Bussiness English.
A. stomach B. ear C. nail D. nose
7. I had to ______ a job offer from a theatre because the pay was too low.
A. turn down B. settle down C. put down D. go down
8. Our plane is scheduled to ____ in Atlanta at 6:30 p.m.
A. go down B. touch down C. turn down D. settle down
9. When viewed at high ____ it is clear that the crystals are quite different.
A. magnifying B. magnification C. magnify D. magnifier
10. We must find a way to _____ these problems before it's too late.
A. inflict B. assert C. resolve D. alter
11. The government seems to think that international problems are more pressing than _______
A. pressing B. immutable C. alterable D. everlasting
12. They ____ highly of his friendliness and good manners.
A. talked B. told C. said D. spoke
13. Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and gestures to ____ ourselves understood.
A. take B. have C. make D. do
14. They travelled the _____ and breadth of Scotland together.
A. enlargement B. width C. length D. breadth
15. I only asked her to move her car but she made such a song and dance _____ it.
A. about B. of C. from D. with


1. Deeds are better than words when people are in need ______ help.
A. into B. with C. of D. to
2. Some people get married _______ the wrong person simply because of their parents’ expectations.
A. from B. to C. for D. of
3. I had to _______ a job offer from a theatre because the pay was too low.
A. die out B. turn down C. go off D. make up
4. Dinosaurs _________ millions of years ago.
A. made up B. went off C. died out D. turned down
5. My desire for a desirable house will ______ true in the near future.
A. come B. make C. take D. have
6. The advantage of booking tickets _______ is that you get better seats.
A. in hindsight B. in a flash C. in reality D. in advance
7. He is a(n) ________ person, he always helps me without conditions.
A. social B. special C. especial D. memorial
8. Matters finally came ________ a head about six weeks ago when my wife and I went out
to dinner with another couple.
A. to B. for C. on D. off
9. She’d never snowboarded before, but she took to it like a/ an ____ to water.
A. dog B. tiger C. chicken D. duck
10. The man's face was ________ lacerated in the accident.
A. gently B. emotionally C. severely D. specially
11. Further ________ is contingent upon the company's profit performance.
A. investment B. investor C. invested D. invest
12. Tenants involved in a dispute with their landlord should seek legal _______.
A. advisable B. advisor C. advise D. advice
13. We must find a way to _______ these problems before it's too late.
A. present B. stabilize C. resolve D. restrict
14. Students were involved in _____ clashes with the police.
A. stable B. violent C. gentle D. smooth
15. The policy should bring greater monetary ________ to the country.
A. stabilized B. stable C. stabilize D. stability


1. What are you going to do after you ________?
A. graduate B. graduation C. graduated D. graduating
2. Laws controlling the _________ of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough.
A. emitted B. emitting C. emission D. emit
3. Even his children found him strangely distant and _______.
A. personalize B. personality C. personal D. impersonal
4. Can you recommend a classmate who can _______ the job?
A. look over B. take over C. take up D. look up
5. Many people have to _______ the meaning of this word in the dictionary.
A. look up B. take up C. take over D. look over
6. My boss thinks it's just a/ an ________ in a teacup - there probably won't be layoffs at all.
A. tornado B. storm C. typhoon D. wave
7. Betsy is such a talented singer that I'm sure she'll have the world at her _______ one day and be
courted by record execs.
A. stomach B. eyes C. nose D. feet
8. This job would be impossible without the aid _____ a computer.
A. into B. for C. of D. with
9. If you are rude _____ me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.
A. of B. to C. with D. for
10. We need to _______ Grandma a visit and see how her trip to Florida was.
A. pay B. make C. do D. have
11. Several staff were ______ redundant to meet a shortfall of funds.
A. paid B. done C. made D. had
12. He's a guy who wants to __________ himself, to be the best.
A. increase B. improve C. enhance D. mend
13. The method of capital _________ is the extraction of surplus value.
A. accumulation B. information C. emission D. composition
14. The court awarded her a/ an _______ amount of money.
A. subjective B. unspecified C. active D. informative
15. The government was slow to _____ the public about the health hazards of lead in petrol.
A. improve B. organize C. inform D. prefer


1. Who will _______ the house when he dies?
A. inherit B. inheritance C. inheritor D. inherited
2. Write a very brief description of a _______ problem.
A. typified B. typical C. typify D. typically
3. The design of the spacecraft is undergoing extensive ________.
A. modification B. modify C. modifying D. modifier
4. These same skills ______ throughout the book.
A. modify B. inherit C. recur D. typify
5. Perfectionist and ______ thoughts can also increase stress and cause loss of confidence.
A. typical B. abandoned C. obsessional D. time-consuming
6. The lungfish is living proof that fish could ______ to breathe on land.
A. evolve B. modify C. typify D. inherit
7. There was a/ an ________ supermarket trolley in the middle of the road.
A. vacant B. uncontrolled C. wild D. abandoned
8. His father didn’t know that his soon _____ because of an accident.
A. cut off B. stood out C. passed away D. stood in for
9. His height makes him _______ in the crowd.
A. cut off B. stand out C. pass away D. stand in for
10. In the context _____ the present economic crisis it seems unwise to lower taxes.
A. upon B. of C. off D. for
11. Thanks _____ his parents’ help, he set up a company.
A. about B. with C. from D. to
12. When he initiates a new advertising campaign he ____ a risk.
A. takes B. draws C. lays D. keeps
13. After Wendy's husband left her she began to _____ the bottle.
A. break B. draw C. run D. hit
14. Our bus won't start because the battery is ______.
A. out of practice B. out of work C. out of order D. out of season
15. Many students hit the ____ when they have final exams.
A. magazines B. books C. papers D. novels

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