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Source: 0606/11/M/J/16 - Question No.

9 Page 1

1 (i) Show that 2 cos x cot x + 1 = cot x + 2 cos x can be written in the form
(a cos x - b) (cos x - sin x) = 0 , where a and b are constants to be found. [4]

(ii) Hence, or otherwise, solve 2 cos x cot x + 1 = cot x + 2 cos x for 0 1 x 1 r . [3]

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Source: 0606/11/M/J/17 - Question No. 9 Page 2

J xN J xN
2 (i) Show that 5 + 4 tan 2 K O = 4 sec 2 K O + 1. [1]
L3 P L3 P

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Source: 0606/11/M/J/20 - Question No. 10 Page 6

1 1
6 (a) (i) Show that - = 2 cot 2 i . [3]
sec i - 1 sec i + 1

1 1
(ii) Hence solve - = 6 for - 90° 1 x 1 90° . [5]
sec 2x - 1 sec 2x + 1

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Source: 0606/11/M/J/20 - Question No. 10 Page 7

(b) Solve cosec b y + l = 2 for 0 G y G 2r radians, giving your answers in terms of r.


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Source: 0606/11/O/N/17 - Question No. 10 Page 8

7 (a) Solve 3 cosec 2x - 4 sin 2x = 0 for 0° G x G 180° . [4]

J rN
(b) Solve 3 tan KK y - OO = 3 for 0 G y G 2r radians, giving your answers in terms of r. [4]
L 4P

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Source: 0606/11/O/N/20 - Question No. 8 Page 10

9 (a) (i) Show that 2 = sec 2 i . [4]
(1 + cosec i) (sin i - sin i)

(ii) Hence solve (1 + cosec i) (sin i - sin 2 i) = for - 180° G i G 180° . [4]

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Source: 0606/11/O/N/20 - Question No. 8 Page 11

(b) Solve sin e3z +

2r o
= cos e3z + o for 0 G z G
2r 2r
radians, giving your answers in terms of r.
3 3 3

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Source: 0606/12/M/J/16 - Question No. 5 Page 12

10 (i) Show that ^1 - cos ih^1 + sec ih = sin i tan i . [4]

(ii) Hence solve the equation ^1 - cos ih^1 + sec ih = sin i for 0 G i G r radians. [3]

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Source: 0606/12/M/J/17 - Question No. 6 Page 13

cosec i
11 (i) Show that = cos i . [4]
cot i + tan i

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Source: 0606/12/M/J/18 - Question No. 8 Page 15

13 (a) Solve 3 cos 2 i + 4 sin i = 4 for 0° G i G 180° . [4]

r r
(b) Solve sin 2z = 3 cos 2z for - G z G radians. [4]
2 2

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Source: 0606/12/M/J/18 - Question No. 10 Page 16

14 Do not use a calculator in this question.

All lengths in this question are in centimetres.

4 3 -5

4 3 +5

The diagram shows the triangle ABC, where AB = 4 3 - 5, BC = 4 3 + 5 and angle ABC = 60° .
3 1
It is known that sin 60° = , cos 60° = , tan 60° = 3 .
2 2
(i) Find the exact value of AC. [4]

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Source: 0606/12/M/J/18 - Question No. 10 Page 17

2 p
(ii) Hence show that cosec ACB = (4 3 + 5) , where p and q are integers. [4]

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Source: 0606/12/O/N/17 - Question No. 11 Page 20

17 (a) Solve 2 cot ^z + 35ch = 5 for 0c G z G 360c. [4]

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Source: 0606/12/O/N/17 - Question No. 11 Page 21

sec i
(b) (i) Show that = sin i . [3]
cot i + tan i

sec 3i 3 r r
(ii) Hence solve =- for - G i G , giving your answers in terms of r.
cot 3i + tan 3i 2 2 2

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Source: 0606/12/O/N/18 - Question No. 1 Page 22

18 Solve 1 + 2 sin (x + 50°) = 0 for - 180° G x G 180° . [4]

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Source: 0606/13/M/J/16 - Question No. 9 Page 27

22 (i) Show that 2 cos x cot x + 1 = cot x + 2 cos x can be written in the form
(a cos x - b) (cos x - sin x) = 0 , where a and b are constants to be found. [4]

(ii) Hence, or otherwise, solve 2 cos x cot x + 1 = cot x + 2 cos x for 0 1 x 1 r . [3]

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Source: 0606/13/M/J/17 - Question No. 7 Page 30

tan 2 i + sin 2 i
25 (a) Show that = tan i sin i . [4]
cos i + sec i

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Source: 0606/13/M/J/17 - Question No. 7 Page 31

(b) Given that x = 3 sin z and y = , find the numerical value of 9y 2 - x 2 y 2 . [3]
cos z

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Source: 0606/13/M/J/19 - Question No. 6 Page 33

tan i
27 (a) (i) Show that sec i - = cos i . [3]
cosec i

tan 2i 3
(ii) Solve sec 2i - = for 0c G i G 180c. [3]
cosec 2i 2

(b) Solve 2 sin 2 bz + l = 1 for 0 1 z 1 2r radians.


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Source: 0606/13/O/N/16 - Question No. 8 Page 35

cosec i
29 (a) (i) Show that = sec 2 i . [3]
cosec i - sin i

cosec i
(ii) Hence solve = 4 for 0° 1 i 1 360° . [3]
cosec i - sin i

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Source: 0606/13/O/N/16 - Question No. 8 Page 36

J rN
(b) Solve 3 tan Kx + O = 1 for 0 1 x 1 2r , giving your answers in terms of r. [3]
L 4P

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Source: 0606/13/O/N/17 - Question No. 1 Page 37

30 Given that y = 2 sec 2 i and x = tan i - 5, express y in terms of x. [2]

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Source: 0606/13/O/N/20 - Question No. 11 Page 40

33 (a) Given that 2 cos x = 3 tan x , show that 2 sin 2 x + 3 sin x - 2 = 0 . [3]

(b) Hence solve 2 cos b2a + l = 3 tan b2a + l for 0 1 a 1 r radians, giving your answers in
r r
4 4
terms of r. [4]

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