Intro To Computing Midterm 23-24

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Republic of the Philippines


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Website: Email address: [email protected]
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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

1st Semester, AY 2023-2024
Name:_________________________ Date:_____________________
Course/Year&Section:____________ Rating:___________________


Instruction: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statement is NOT CORRECT?

a. The computer is one of the most important developments of the twentieth
b. Computer is an electronic device.
c. Computer control its own memory
d. Computer process the data according to specified instructions.
2. The following statement are the functionalities of computer Except;
a. Takes data as input
b. Stores the data/instructions in its memory and use them when required
c. Process the data and converts it into useful information
d. Generates the instruction
3. Who communicates with a computer or utilizes the information it generates?
a. User
b. Device
c. Its own memory
d. None of the above
4. A computer contains many electric, electronic, and mechanical components
known as_______.
a. hardware
b. Software
c. Input
d. Output
5. It is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and
instructions, often broken into two major categories.
a. hardware
b. Software
c. Input
d. Output
6. It provides the basic non-task-specific functions of the computer,
a. System Software
b. application software
7. It is used by users to accomplish specific tasks.
a. System Software
b. application software
8. It is computer input or any raw information, raw facts and figures.
a. Data
b. Information
c. Knowledge
d. Wisdom
9. Which of the following advantages of computer is not correct?
a. Computers are not just adding machines, they can also do complex
activities and operations.
b. They can be programmed to do complex, tedious and monotonous
c. Computer use can lead to injuries or disorders
d. None of the above

10. What is the first-generation computer?

a. Vacuum Tubes
b. Transistors
c. Chips
d. Microprocessor
11. _________ is a great example of first-generation computer.
c. IBM 701
d. Personal computer
12. When did the device called Transistor replaced the vacuum tubes?
a. 1955
b. 1992
c. 1990
d. 1950
13. In what year did the third generation of computers introduced the use of IC in
a. 1964
b. 1966
c. 1970
d. 1990
14. What are the four different computer types classified according to their
performance, power and size.
a. Supercomputers, Mainframe Computers, Mini personal computer and
Microcomputers or Personal Computers
b. Supercomputers, Mainframe Computers, Mini Computers, Microchips
c. Mainframe Computers, Mini Computers, Microcomputers or Personal
Computers and Supercomputers.
d. All of the above
15. What are two different types of storage devices.
a. Primary storage devices and Secondary storage devices.
b. Tertiary storage devices and Secondary storage devices.
c. Storage and devices
d. Main storage devices and Minor storage devices.

16. It is usually had large storage capacity, and they store data permanently.
a. Primary storage devices
b. Secondary storage devices.
c. Storage
d. Devices
17. These are designed to hold data temporarily.
a. Primary storage devices
b. Secondary storage devices.
c. RAM
d. cache memory.
18. ________are physical parts/ intangible parts of a computer like Input devices,
output devices, central processing unit and storage devices.
a. Computer hardware
b. Computer software
19. ________also known as programs or applications. They are classified into two
classes namely - system software and application software.
a. Computer hardware
b. Computer software
20. This are devices used for entering data or instructions to the central processing
a. Input Devices
b. Output Devices
c. System Unit
d. Central Processing Unit
21. Computers are what they are because of the following characteristics Except;
a. Accuracy
b. Reliable
c. Versatile
d. Slow
22. It is involves reducing the electricity consumed and environmental waste
generated when using a computer.
a. Green computing
b. white computing
c. yellow computing
d. All of the above
23. The fourth generation of computers took advantage of the invention of the
Microprocessor known as _________.
a. CPU
b. Chips
c. Transistors
d. Tubes

24. The acronym PC stands for;

a. Personal Computer
b. Private Computer
c. Peer Computer
d. People Computer
25. Complex scientific research is usually done using ________.
a. Supercomputer
b. Personal Computer
c. Minicomputer
d. Mainframe
26. A set of instructions given to the computer to solve a problem
a. Dataware
b. Software
c. Hardware
d. Peopleware
27. A collection of computer programs that integrate the hardware resources of
the computer and make those resources available to a user and the user’s
programs, in a way that allows the user access to the computer in a productive,
timely, and efficient mannerApplication Program.
a. Common Utility Programs
b. Operating System
c. Hardware
28. It is installed in special purpose embedded system like robots, cars and
a. Multi-user OS
b. Mobile OS
c. Network OS
d. Real-Time OS
29. It is a system software that allow a user to analyze, configure and maintain
the computer system
a. Utility Programs
b. Application Software
c. Operating System
d. None of the above
30. The following are examples of built-in utility programs except?
a. Disk Scanner
b. Google Chrome
c. Disk Defragmenter
d. File Viewer
31. The following are examples of stand-alone utility programs except?
a. File Viewer
b. Winzip
c. Winrar
d. Google Chrome
32. A computer software that causes a computer to perform useful tasks beyond
the running of the computer itself
a. Utility Programs
b. Application Software
c. Operating System
d. None of the above
33. It a type of application software used to perform, manipulate and
a. Word processing software
b. Presentation software
c. Database Software
d. Spreadsheet Software
34. What does HTML means?
a. Hypertext Markup Language
b. Hyper Markup Language
c. Hardware Markup Language
d. hardware Mark Language
35. it is a programming language whose implementations are typically compilers
(translators that generate machine code from source code), and not interpreters
(step-by-step executors of source code, where no pre-runtime translation takes
a. Scripting Languages
b. Markup Languages
c. Interpreted Programming Languages
d. Compiled Programming Languages
36. It is a programming language which are mostly embedded in the application
that they control and are used to automate frequently executed tasks like
communicating with external programs.
a. Scripting Languages
b. Markup Languages
c. Interpreted Programming Languages
d. Compiled Programming Languages
37. It is an artificial language that uses annotations to text that define how the text
is to be displayed
a. Scripting Languages
b. Markup Languages
c. Interpreted Programming Languages
d. Compiled Programming Languages
38. It is a programming language for which most of its implementations execute
instructions directly, without previously compiling a program into machine-
language instructions
a. Scripting Languages
b. Markup Languages
c. Interpreted Programming Languages
d. Compiled Programming Languages
39. It is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent,
class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few
implementation dependencies as possible
a. C++
b. Visual Basic
d. All the above
40. It is consists of a combination of high-level and low-level language features
and is hence considered as a middle-level programming language
a. C++
b. Visual Basic
d. All the above
41. Is designed to run on mobile phones, tablets and other mobile devices.
a. Network OS
b. Single-user and multitask OS
c. Real-Time OS
d. Mobile OS
42. Who is Bill Gates?
a. Founder and developer of Macintosh
b. Founder and developer of Windows
c. Founder and developer of Linux
d. None of the above
43. The following are the task of system software except?
a. Launches applications
b. Transfer files
c. Control hardware
d. All of the above
44. What does GUI means?
a. Graphical Utility Interface
b. Graphically User Interface
c. Graphical User Interface
d. Graphically Utility Interface
45. It is about the transfer of information from a sender, across a distance to a
a. Networks
b. Data Transmission
c. Communication
d. Microwave System
46. It converts digital signals into analog and back again into digital signals for
information to move across the telephone line.
a. Router
b. Modem
c. Cables
d. None of the above
47. What do we need in Connections for Networking?
a. physical medium
b. system application
c. protocols
d. All of the above
48. It is also known as bounded media.
a. Unguided or Wireless Transmission Media
b. Microwave System
c. Guided or Physical Transmission Media
d. Twisted Pair Wire
49. What do we call the connection between transmitter and receiver through
which Data can be transmitted?
a. Guided or Physical Transmission Media
b. Coaxial Cable
c. Fiber Optics
d. Communication channel
50. Which one is not the example of Guided or Physical Transmission Media?
a. Mobile Hotspot
b. Fiber optic cable
c. Coaxial Cable
d. Twisted pair cable
51. It is also called as communication media or transmission media.
a. Transmitter
b. Networks
c. Communication channel
d. Receiver
52. It consists of a very narrow fiber of glass called the core.
a. Twisted Pair Wire
b. Fiber Optics
c. Coaxial Cable
d. Microwave System
53. It is established in space that is very far near about 22,300 miles above the
a. Broadcast Radio
b. Microwave System
c. Fiber Optics
d. Communication Satellite
54. It is made up of a single solid copper wire core that is covered by insulating
a. Twisted Pair Wire
b. Coaxial Cable
c. Fiber Optics
d. Broadcast Radio
55. Coaxial cable bandwidth is ____ times higher than the twisted-pair wire.
a. 50
b. 100
c. 80
d. 10
56. It consists of individual electrical pulses that represent bits grouped together
into bytes.
a. Electrical wave
b. Digital Signal
c. Analog Signal
d. Modem
57. It is a digital modem that sends and receives digital data over the cable
television (CATV) network with more than 110 million homes wired for cable
a. ISDN and DSL Modems
b. Wireless Modems
c. Dial-Up Modems
d. Cable Modems
58. It is a communications device that connects multiple computers or other
routers together and transmits data to its correct destination on the
a. Wireless Modems
b. Cable Modems
c. Routers
d. ISDN and DSL Modems
59. It allows the transmission and communication of devices in different
a. Parallel transmission
b. Serial Transmission
c. Asynchronous Transmission
d. Data transmission
60. It is more commonly implemented where less than ten computers are
involved and where strict security is not necessary.
a. Peer-to-peer
b. Client/server networks
c. Network Architecture
d. None of the above
61. It also controls the network access of the other computers which are
referred to as the 'client' computers.
a. Peer-to-peer
b. Wired Personal Area Network
c. Asynchronous Transmission
d. Client/server networks
62. It is a group of computers that are connected to each other in small area of
the location.
a. Personal Area Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Metropolitan Area Network
d. Local Area Network
63. Who was the first research scientist to bring the idea of the Personal Area
a. Mark Zuckerberg
b. Charles Babbage
c. Thomas Zimmerman
d. None of the above
64. It distributes radio signals through the air over long and short distances.
a. Asynchronous Transmission
b. Parallel transmission
c. Analog Signal
d. Communication Satellite
Test II -Identification.
Direction: Identify the name of the icon of the following computer softwares.











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