Archaeoastronomy Krups
Archaeoastronomy Krups
Archaeoastronomy Krups
Edited by E. C. Krupp
~ ~ ~~o~1!~n~~~up
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Library of Congress Cata lo g Card Number: 83-507 63
ISBN 13: 978-0-367-01936-5 (hbk)
About the Book
Executive Officer
American Association for
the Advancement of Science
Acknowledgments . .xi
Index . . . . . • . • . . . . • . • . . • . 321
About the Editor and Authors
xii AcknowLedgments
would have no independent sources of travel money, he took
the initiative to secure the necessary funds. Your reading
these words now is testimony of his success.
E. C. Krupp
E. C. Krupp
2 E. C. Kr>upp
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