Timeline of Travel

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First Travel Abroad (1882-1887)

• After finishing his medical course at the University of Santo Tomas, Jose
• Rizal then decided to go to Spain mainly for two reasons:
• To finish his medical specialization.
• To do his "secret mission" in preparation for his fight in the Philippines.
• His travel was kept secret to avoid detection and suspicion from the Spanish government and friars.
• He then used the name Jose Mercado and was also assisted by his uncle, Antonio Rivera

Philippines to Singapore (May 3-19, 1882)

• He boarded the ship Salvadora bound for Singapore.
• He arrived in Singapore on May 9, 1882.
• He stayed in Hotel de la Paz.
• He then left Singapore on May 11, 1882, and boarded the ship Djemnah

Singapore to Ceylon (May 11- 17,1882)

• Djemnah reached Point Galle, a seaport town in southern Ceylon.
• He defined Point Galle as a picturesque but lonely town.
• He then went to Colombo to get references for learning the French language.
• He defined Colombo as an elegant town compared to Manila.

Ceylon to Italy (May 17- June 11, 1882)

• He was amused when the first time he saw camels in Aden.
• They traveled in the Suez Canal, a route from Asia to Europe then docked in Port Said.
• Jose then arrived in Naples, Italy, which according to Jose was a panoramic beauty.

Haly to France (June 11- June 12, 1882)

•Djemnah then docked at the port in the city of Marseilles
• Jose visited Chateau D'if, a famous landmark in the Count of Monte Cristo.
• In the afternoon of May 5, 1882, Jose left Marseilles by train and traveled to Barcelona.
• He arrived in Barcelona on June 16, 1882.
• His first impression of the city was that it was unfavorable.
• He then created artieles for the Diariong Tagalog which were Amor Patria and Los Viajes using the
pen name Laong Laan.
• During this time, Manila was ravaged by cholera according to his brother Paciano.
• Jose was disheartened also because of the letter sent by Leonor Rivera.
• Fall of 1882, Jose left Barcelona for Madrid.

First Visit in Paris (1883)

•He visited Paris during their summer vacation in Madrid.
•According to Rizal, everything in Paris was so expensive that he called Paris the "costliest city in the
• He then visited Laennee Hospital where he observed Dr. Nicaise treating patients.
• Jose was impressed and saddened by how the Masons were observed and recognized by the
government, which could not be done in the Philippines.
•He then joined a masonic lodge, Acacia in which he later became a master mason in 1890.
•He joined the Masonic lodge to secure their aid against his fight with the Spanish.
•During this time, Calamba was infested with pests, haciendas increased their taxes and parasites killed
a lot
of poultry in Calamba.

France to Germany (1885 - 1887)

• After graduating in Madrid, he went to Paris to practice ophthalmology.
• He then met Maximo Viola, who would later be his best friend in Europe.
• Rizal stayed in Paris for four months, where he became an assistant ophthalmologist for Dr. Louis de
• He then met Juan Luna and his girlfriend, Paz Pardo de Tavera.
• In Luna's painting The Death of Cleopatra, Jose posed as an Egyptian and posed a sandugo depicting
the Sikatuna – Legazpi pact.
• During this time he learned also to read the solfeggio and play the piano and flute.
• Alin mang Labi - a patriotic song written by Rizal that asserts freedom.
• February 3, 1886 - Jose arrived in Heidelberg, where he was considered an excellent chess player.
•He also worked for Dr. Otto Becker, an ophthalmologist.

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