DHH S Acronym List

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A/R Authorized Representative

AA Administrative Assistant
AAA Area Agency on Aging
AAHSA American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
AARP American Association if Retired Persons
AB Assembly Bill
ABA Applied Behavior Analysis
ABAWDs Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents
ACA Affordable Care Act
ACF Administration for Children and Families
ACL Administration for Community Living
ACM or MAC Medicaid Administrative Claiming Program
AD Alzheimer's Disease
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADEA Age Discrimination in Employment Act
ADH Administrative Disqualification Hearing
ADL Activities of Daily Living
ADRC Aging and Disability Resource Center
ADRDA Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association
ADSD Aging and Disabilities Services Division
ADSSP Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program
AFC Advanced Foster Care

AFDC Aid Families with Dependent Children

AGCF Adult Group Care Facility
AGP Amerigroup
AJS Applicant Job Search
AL Assisted Living
ALAC Assisted Living Advisory Council
ALF Assisted Living Facility
ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (known as Lou Gehrig's Disease)
ALZ Alzheimer's/Dementia Diagnoses
AMCHP Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs
AMPS Application Modernization and Productivity Services
AoA Administration on Aging
AOC Administrative Outreach Claiming
AOD Alcohol and Other Drugs
AOT Assisted Outpatient Treatment
APS Adult Protective Services
AR At Risk
ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
ASA American Society on Aging
Ambulatory Surgery Center or Aging Services Continuum or Advocate,
ASC Support, Coordinate
ASL American Sign Language
ASPR Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
AT Assistive Technology
ATAP Autism Treatment Assistance Program
ATT Attendant
BA Budget Account
BDR Bill Draft Request
BHWC Behavioral Health and Wellness Council
BOE Board of Examiners
BOH Board of Health
BPR Business Process Re-engineering
BST Basic Skills Training
Payments by a Public Assistance Agency of Medicare Part A & B Insurance
BUY-IN Premiums
BVH Behavioral Health
CAC Communication Access Council
CAP Corrective Action Plan or Cost Allocation Plan
CASAT Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies
CBC Community Based Care
CC Carson City
cc Copy
CCAC Continuing Care Accreditation Commission
CCBHC Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
CCDBG Child Care Development Block Grant

CCDF Child Care Development Fund

CCDFS Clark County Department of Family Services
CCRC Continuing Care Retirement Community
CCWIS Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Certified Deaf Interpreter - An interpreter who is Deaf and serves to bridge
CDI cultural and language issues
CDR Child Death Review
Children’s Health Insurance Program or Community Home-Based Initiative
CHIP Program
CM Case Management
CMH Children’s Mental Health
CMS The Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CO Carson Office
COA Commission on Aging
COG Council of Government
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPE Community Service Options Program for the Elderly
CP Cerebral Palsy
CPART Conflict Prevention and Response Training
CPS Child Protective Services
CR Caretaker Relative
CSBG Community Service Block Grant
CSEP Child Support Enforcement Program
CSG Council of State Government
CSI Cooperatively Served Individual
CSPD Commission on Services to Persons with Disabilities
CSU Customer Service Unit
CW Child Welfare
CWEP Community Work Experience Program
CYC Caliente Youth Center
DAFS District Attorney Family Support
DAG Deputy Attorney General
DAS Division for Aging Services - June 30,2009
DAY Day Care
DC Discharged or Diagnostic Code
DCFS Nevada Division of Child and Family Services
DD Developmental Disabilities or Developmentally Disabled
DETR Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
DFSP Disaster Food Stamp Program
DHCFP Nevada Division of Health Care Financing and Policy
DHHARC Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resource Center
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DHR Department of Human Resources
DIAL Dialysis
DISC Document Imaging System Center
DME Durable Medical Equipment
DMHSAS Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services
DO Director’s Office or District Office
DOB Date of Birth
DOL Department of Labor
DOP Date of Payment
DOS Date of Service
DPBH Division of Public and Behavioral Health
DSH Disproportionate Share Hospital
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DWIP Disabled Waiver Initiative Program
DWSS Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
DWTC Desert Willow Treatment Center
E&P Eligibility & Payment Unit
E&SS Employment and Support Services Unit
E&T Employment and Training Programs
EA Emergency Assistance
EAP Energy Assistance Program
EB Evidenced-based
EBT Electronic Benefit Transfer
ECHO Extension for Community Health Outcomes
EDB Medicare Enrollment Database
E-DRS Electronic Disqualified Recipient System (SNAP)
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EI Early Intervention
EIPA Educational Interpreter Proficiency Assessment (Not a certification.)
EIS Early Intervention Services
EITC Earned Income Tax Credit
EITS Enterprise Information Technology Services
EL Elko
EMR Electronic Medical Record
EMS Emergency Medical Systems
EOB Equal Opportunity Board or Explanation of Benefits
EPS Elder Protective Services
EPSDT Early and Periodic Screen, Diagnostic, and Treatment
ER Elder Rights
EVES Electronic Verification for Eligibility System
EVS Eligibility Verification System
FAME Food Stamps, TANF, Medicaid Eligibility
FDA Federal Drug Administration
FE Frail and Elderly
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FFP Federal Financial Participation
FFS Fee For Service
FGP Foster Grandparents Program
FMAP Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
FNS Food and Nutrition Services
FPL Federal Poverty Level
FPLS Federal Parent Locator Service
FPO Family Programs Office
FRC Family Resource Center
FTE Full-time Equivalent
FTI Federal Tax Income
FY Fiscal Year
G01 Governor Recommends Budget
GCWP Group Care Waiver Program
GEC Geriatric Education Center
GFCA Grantee for Community Access
HC Home Care
HCBS Home and Community-Based Services
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
HCGP Health Care Guidance Program
HCQC Health Care Quality and Compliance
HH/HHA Home Health/Home Health Agency
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
HIRC Homes for Individual Residential Care
HM/HMKR Homemaker or Homemaker Program
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
HOS Hospice
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration
HSAG Health Services Advisory Group
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
HV Home Visit
HX History
I&R Investigations and Recovery
IADL's Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
ICC Interagency Coordinating Council
ICF/ICFMR Intermediate Care Facility/Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded
ICJ Interstate Compact for Juveniles
ICPC Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
ICWA Indian Child Welfare Act
ID Intellectual Disabilities
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IDEA Part C Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Early Intervention Services office
IEP Individualized Education Plan
IEVS Income & Eligibility Verification System
IFC Interim Finance Committee
IFG Individual and Family Grant
IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan
IGT Inter-governmental Transfer
IL Independent Living
ILC Independent Living/Independent Living Centers
ILG Independent Living Grant
ILP Independent Living Program
ILS Independent Living Specialist
IMS Information Management Systems
IPV Intentional Program Violation
IS Information Services
ISA Interagency Service Agreement
ISO Intermediary Services Organization
ISP Individual Support Plan
IT Information Technology
ITAB Interagency Transition Advisory Board
IV Intravenous Therapy
IV-A AFDC Eligibility Program (Title IV-A of Social Security Act
IV-D Support Enforcement Program (Title IV-D of Social Security Act)
JD Juvenile Delinquency
JDT Jobs and Day Training Services
JJ Juvenile Justice
JJAC Juvenile Justice Advisory Council
JJAG Juvenile Justice Advisory Group
JJIS Juvenile Justice Information System
JJPO Juvenile Justice Programs Office
JJRC Juvenile Justice Resource Center
KinGAP Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program
Kinship Kinship in Nevada Project
LCB Legislative Counsel Bureau
LD Licensed Dietician
LIHEA Low Income Home Energy Assistance
LPR Lawful Permanent Resident
LTC Long Term Care
LTCOP Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
LTSS Long term services and supports
LV Las Vegas
MAABD Medical Assistance for the Aged, Blind & Disabled
MAP Medical Assistance Program
MARS Management and Administrative Reporting System
MBES Medicaid Budget and Expenditure System
MCO Managed Care Organization
MCRT Mobile Crisis Response Team
MDHS Mental Health and Development Services
MDT Multi-disciplinary team
MEDI-CAL California's Medicaid Program
Medicare Medical Care (Federally administered Health Insurance Program)
MEDOGAP Medicare Gap (Medicare Complimentary Insurance Program)
MHDS Division of Mental Health & Developmental Services
MMIS Medicaid Management Information System
MOST Program Mobile Outreach Safety Team
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MOW Meals on Wheels
MR Mental Retardation
MS Multiple Sclerosis
NAC Nevada Administrative Code
NANASP National Association of Nutrition & Aging Services Program
NAPIS National Aging Program Information System
NARFE National Association of Retired Federal Employees
NCANS National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System
NCJA National Criminal Justice Association
NCOA National Council on Aging
NCP Noncustodial Parent
NCSEA National Child Support Enforcement Association
NDALC Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center
NDC National Drug Code
NDOT Nevada Department of Transportation
NEON New Employees of Nevada
NEW NV 2-1-1 A phone number to connect with human and social services in your area
NF Nursing Facility
NFCSP National Family Caregiver Support Program
NGA Notice of Grant Award
NHP Nursing Home Placement
NIC National Institute of Corrections or National Interpreter Certification
NICOA Nevada Indian Council on Aging
NICU Newborn Intensive Care Unit
NMO Nevada Medicaid Office
NNCAS Northern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services
NNCIL Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living
NOA Notification of Award
NOD Notice of Decision
NOMADS Nevada Operations of Multi-Automated Data Systems
NP Not Participating in Medicare/Medicaid
NPE Nutrition Program for the Elderly
NPLS Nevada Parent Locator Service
NPT Nevada Partnership for Training
NRS Nevada Revised Statute
NRTA National Retired Teacher Association
NSHC National Silver Hair Congress
NSIP Nutrition Services Incentive Program Title III B, C, D, E USDA

NWD No Wrong Door

NYTC Nevada Youth Training Center
OAA Older Americans Act
OASIS Online Automated Self-Sufficiency Information Systems
OBIL Older Blind Independent Living
OCSE Office of Child Support Enforcement
ODS Office of Disability Services
OPPLA Other Planned Permanent Living Arrangement
OSEP Office of Special Education Programs
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
OT Occupational Therapy
OUT Outpatient Therapy
OV Office Visit
P&A Protection and Advocacy
PA Physician's Assistant
PACAP Public Assistance Cost Allocation Plan
PAO Program Area Office
PARIS Public Assistance Reporting Information

Part-C Federally funded oversight body for EIS (Part-C of IDEA)

PAS Personal Assistance Services
PBS Positive Behavior Supports
PCC Person Centered Care
PCCM Primary Care Case Management System
PCP Person Centered Planning
PD Physically Disabled
PDC Professional Development Center
PE Presumptive Eligibility
PERM Patient Error Rate Measurement
PEU Program Evaluation Unit
PFO Parental Financial Obligation
PHP Prepaid Health Plan
PHS Public Health Services
PICU Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
PINs Program Instructions - Nevada
PLS Parent Locator Service (Child Support)
POS Plan of Service or Point of Service or Purchase of Services assistance
PPO Preferred Provider Organization
PREA Prison Rape Elimination Act or Program Review and Evaluation
PRWORA Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
PT Physical Therapy
PWD People with Disabilities
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QDWI Qualified Disabled Working Individuals
QI 1 Qualified Individual 1
Qualifying Individuals - Medical Assistance for the Aged, Blind & Disabled
Qualifying Individuals - Medical Assistance for the Aged, Blind & Disabled
QMB Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
RC Relative Caregiver
RCF Residential Care Facilities
RD Redetermination
RD Registered Dietician
RD Unit Resource Development Unit
RES Residential Care Facility
RET Retirement Living Facility
RFI Request for Information
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Qualifications
RHB Rehabilitation Therapy
RID Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
RMS Random Moment Sampling
RN Reno
ROE Review of Eligibility
RPG Regional Planning Group
RSP Respite Care
RSU Rapid Stabilization Unit
RSVP Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
RT Respiratory Therapy
Rx Prescription
SACWIS Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System
SALT Seniors and Law Enforcement Together
SAM State Administrative Manual
SAMS Social Assistance Management System
SAOR State Agency Operations Review
SB Senate Bill
SCHIP State Children's Health Insurance Program
SCP Senior Companion Program
SCSEP Senior Community Service Employment Program
SD Senior Dimensions
SED Severe Emotional Disturbance
SFC Specialized Foster Care
SFY State Fiscal Year
SHIP State Health Insurance Assistance Program
SHLF Silver Haired Legislature Forum
SILC Statewide Independent Living Council
SLA Supported Living Arrangement
SLC Salt Lake City
SLMB Special Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
SMAP State Medical Assistance Percentage
SMO State Medicaid Office
SMP Senior Medicare Patrol
SNAP Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program
SNCAS Southern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services
SNCIL Southern Nevada Center for Independent Living
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
SNL Skilled Nursing Level
SNP Senior Nutrition Program
SOC System of Care Grant
SOCS Subcommittee on Communication Access
SOW Scope of Work
SPAC Strategic Plan Accountability Committee
SPAP State Pharmacy Assistance Program
SPE Single Point of Entry
SPIL State Plan for Independent Living
SS Social Security
SSA Social Security Administration (SSA) or Social Security Act
SSBG Social Services Block Grant
SSDI Social Security Disability Income
SSG Self Sufficiency Grant
SSI Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Income
SSM1 Social Services Manager 1
SSN Social Security Number
SSP Self Sufficiency Plan
ST Speech Therapy
STAR Senior Tax Assistance Reimbursement Program
STARS Serving Teens Achieving Real-Life Success
SUA Standard Utility Allowance
SUB Sub-Acute Care
SVYC Summit View Youth Center
SW Social Worker
SWICAP State Wide Indirect Cost Allocation Plan
SWOD Social Worker of the Day
SWS1 Social Work Supervisor 1
TANF Transitional (or Temporary) Assistance to Needy Families
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TC Telephone Contact
TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
TIN Technology Investment Notification
TIR Technology Investment Request
Title III Pertains to AoA Nutrition Services Incentives Program (NSIP)
Title III B Social Services (program funding or grant) Older Americans Act
Nutrition (program funding or grant) Older Americans Act & Home Delivered
Title III C1 & C2 Meals
Title III D In home services for frail, Older Americans Act

Title III E Nevada Caregiver Support (program funding/grant) Older Americans Act

Title V Older Americans Act - Title V - Community Services Employment Program

Title XIX Medicaid, Health Insurance for Low Income Persons
Title XX Social Services Block Grant
TPL Third Party Liability
TRS Telecommunications Relay Service
TTY Text Telephone (same as TDD)
UIFSA Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
UNITY Unified Nevada Information Technology for Youth
UNLV University of Nevada, Las Vegas
UNR University of Nevada, Reno
UPL Upper Payment Limit
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
VOCA Victims of Crime Act
VPRM Volunteer Program Risk Management
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
VRU Voice Response Unit
WCHSA Washoe County Human Services Agency
WDSS Washoe County Department of Social Services
WEARC Waivers for Elderly in Adult Residential Care
WHC Women's Health Connection
WIC Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
WIN Wrap-around in Nevada
YP Youth Parole

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