(A) Define The Following Terms: 1) System, 2) Entity, 3) Attribute 4) State

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1.(a) Define the following terms: 1) System, 2) Entity, 3) Attribute 4) State.

System: A system is defined as a group of objects that interact with each other to
accomplish some purpose
A computer system: CPU, memory, disk, bus, NIC
An automobile factory: Machines, components parts and workers operate jointly
along assembly line.
Entity: An object of interest in the system: Machines in factory
Attribute: The property of an entity: speed, capacity, failure rate
State: A collection of variables that describe the system in any
time: status of machine (busy, idle, down,…)

(b) List some of the advantages and disadvantages of simulation.

1. New polices, operating procedures, decision rules, information flows,
organizational procedures, and so on can be explored without disrupting
ongoing operations of the real system.
2. New hardware designs, physical layouts, transportation systems, and so
on, can be tested without committing resources for their acquisition.
3. Hypotheses about how or why certain phenomena occur can be tested
for feasibility.
4. Insight can be obtained about the interaction of variables.
5. Insight can be obtained about the importance of variables to the
performance of the system.
6. Bottleneck analysis can be performed indicating where work-in-process,
information, materials, and so on are being excessively delayed.
7. A simulation study can help in understanding how the system operates
rather than how individuals think the system operates.
8.“What-if” questions can be answered. This is particularly useful in the
design of new system.
1. Model building requires special training. It is an art that is learned
over time and through experience. Furthermore, if two models are
constructed by two competent individuals, they may have similarities,
but it is highly unlikely that they will be the same.
2. Simulation results may be difficult to interpret. Since most simulation
outputs are essentially random variables (they are usually based on
random inputs), it may be hard to determine whether an observation is
a result of system interrelationships or randomness.
3. Simulation modeling and analysis can be time consuming and
expensive. Skimping on resources for modeling and analysis may
result in a simulation model or analysis that is not sufficient for the
4.Simulation is used in some cases when an analytical solution is
possible, or even preferable. This might be particularly true in the
simulation of some waiting lines where closed-form queueing models
are available.

2. Draw and explain the simulation model taxonomy.

System: A system is defined as a group of objects that interact with each other to
accomplish some purpose
A computer system: CPU, memory, disk, bus, NIC
An automobile factory: Machines, components parts and workers operate jointly
along assembly line
A system is often affected by changes occurring outside the system: system
Hair salon: arrival of customers
Warehouse: arrival of shipments, fulfilling of orders
Effect of supply on demand: relationship between factory output from supplier
and consumption by customers.
Entity: An object of interest in the system: Machines in factory
Attribute: The property of an entity: speed, capacity, failure rate
State: A collection of variables that describe the system in any
time: status of machine (busy, idle, down,…)
Event: An instantaneous occurrence that might change the state
of the system: breakdown
Develop a simulation program that implements a computational model of the
system of interest
Run the simulation program and use the data collected to estimate the
performance measures of interest (often involves the use of randomization)
A system can be studied at an arbitrary level of detail
“The hardest part about simulation is deciding what NOT to model.”
- Moe Lavigne, Stentor, Summer 1995

3. Write and explain the common mistakes in simulation.

 Poor (pseudo) random number generators
 Best to use well-known or well-understood generator
 Improper selection of seeds for PRNG
 Short periods; same seeds for all streams
 Inappropriate level of detail:
 More detail more time more bugs
 More parameters ≠ more accurate
 Improperly handled initial conditions (warmup)
 Improperly handled ending conditions (cooldown)
 Run-length too short to achieve steady-state
 Need proper output analysis, confidence intervals

4. Explain and give examples for discrete and continuous simulation.

Discrete Simulation: A discrete simulation is one in which the system state changes
only at a discrete set of points in time
Example: A restaurant

Continuous Simulation: A continuous system is one in which the system state

changes continuously over time
Example: Water level in Bow River (or Bearspaw dam)

5. Briefly explain how to develop a simulation model. Discus the levels of models.
 How to develop a simulation model:
 Determine the goals and objectives
 Build a conceptual model
 Convert into a specification model
 Convert into a computational model
 Verify the model
 Validate the model
Three Model Levels
 Conceptual Model
 Very high level (perhaps schematic diagram)
 How comprehensive should the model be?
 What are the state variables?
 Which ones are dynamic, and which are most important?
 Specification Model
 On paper: entities, interactions, requirements, rules, etc.
 May involve equations, pseudocode, etc.
 How will the model receive input?
 Computational Model
 A computer program
 General-purpose programming language or simulation language?

6. (a) Explain when simulation is appropriate and when it is not.

When Simulation is the Appropriate
 Simulation enables the study of, and experimentation with, the internal
interactions of a complex system, or of a subsystem within a complex
 Informational, organizational, and environmental changes can be simulated,
and the effect of these alterations on the model’s behavior can be observed.
 The knowledge gained in designing a simulation model may be of great value
toward suggesting improvement in the system under investigation.
 By changing simulation inputs and observing the resulting outputs, valuable
insight may be obtained into which variables are most important and how
variables interact.
 Simulation can be used as a pedagogical device to reinforce analytic solution
When Simulation is not Appropriate
 When the problem can be solved using common sense.
 When the problem can be solved analytically.
 When it is easier to perform direct experiments.
 When the simulation costs exceed the savings.
 When the resources or time are not available.
 When system behavior is too complex or can’t be defined.
 When there isn’t the ability to verify and validate the model.
(b) List some of the applications of simulation.
 Manufacturing Applications
 Semiconductor Manufacturing
 Construction Engineering
 Military Application
 Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution Applications
 Business Process Simulation
 Human Systems

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