Tyler Clark Lobbying For Sixteen Thirty Fund: Nikki Haley Campaign

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STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE 2020 Statement of Income and Expenses for LOBBYISTS (RSA Chapter 15) PLEASE PRINT [Name of Labbyist(s) ___Peter Bragdon, Androw Hosmer, Lucas Meyer. Tyler Clark II, Name of lobbyist’s partnership, firm or corporation, if any: Prot Strategies (Nase of partnership, firm or coporaton) P.O. Box 1318 Concord Ni 03902 Business Address: Sire) TawarGiny Taiey ip Coie} (603) 410-1588 ©) e-mail__lMeyer@pretcom (Celephone) Fy INL. This statement covers: (Choose one ~ file separate reports for each client, OR you may fle a separate report for reportable expense transactions which are not attributable to any one client). 11 All reportable transactions occuring in the months prior to the reporting date relative tothe following client: Sixtoon Thirty Fund (Full Name of Client asi appears on the Lobbyist Registration Fons) oR All reportable transactions by the lobbyist (including the lobbyist’s family), or the lobbying firm listed below which are ‘unrelated to any particular client. IV. Date of Report April 29, 2020 0 July 29,2020 0 Report cover: activity from date of registration 10 331720 ‘activi from 4/1720 10 63020 October 28, 2020 January 27, 2021 cactvity from 7/120 10 9730720 ‘activity from 1071720 0 1231/20 V. There have been no fees received and no reportable transactions made since the last report. If this box is checked, complete just this form and submit it othe Secretary of State’s Office, 107 North Main Street, State House, Room 204, Concord, NH 03301. VL. Check if adaltional reports are attached: 1 Ifyouhave received fes or made expenditures, you must file Addendum A Fees and Expenses Ifyou have paid an honorarium or reimbursed expenses, you mus file Addendum B- Report of Honorariums or Expense Reimbursement Ifyou, your firm, or your family has made political contributions, you must file Addendum C- Political Contributions ‘Sworn Statement/Affirmation by Lobbyist Thave reed RSA 15, RSA 15-B, RSA 14.C and RSA 664 and hereby swear or affirm thatthe foregoing information is true iowledge and belief, secon ips y oa January 22, 2021 mates fF abbyisy ~ (ate) ‘Tyler Clark (Print Name of lobbyist) —

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