Options Trading THE COMPLETE CRASH COURSE 3 Books in 1 How To Trade Options A Beginnerss Guide To Investing and Making - (Warren Ray Benjamin) (Z-Library)

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How to Trade Options

A Beginner’s Guide to investing and

making profit with Options Trading

Warren Ray Benjamin

How To Trade Options A Beginner’s Guide to investing and making
profit with Options Trading
Chapter 1: Options Contracts: The Basics
What Is An Options Contract?
What Is An Options Contract On The Stock Market?
CALL Options
The Call Seller
Derivative Contracts
Profits From The Call
What Happens If The Strike Price Isn’t Reached?
Why Purchase A Call Option
The Flexibility Of Options
Put Options
Why Buy A Put Option?
Summary: Buyers Of Options
Summary: Sellers Of Calls And Puts
Number Of Shares
Chapter 2: Options Trading Jargon
Three Ways To Close An Options Contract
Reading Options Quotes
Chapter 3:Strike Price
Chapter 4: Understanding The Purchase Of Options
Chapter 5: Top Reasons To Trade Options
1. Trading Options Provides An Investment Opportunity With Limited
2. You Can Hedge Your Risks With Index Funds
3. Profit Off Of Other Losses
4. Collect Premiums
5. Capitalize On Outsized Gains
Chapter 6: Covered Calls
Covered Calls Involve A Long Position
Covered Calls Are A Neutral Strategy
An Example Of A Covered Call
How To Go About Creating A Covered Call
Benefits Of Covered Calls
Risks Of Covered Calls
Chapter 7: Buying Calls
What You’re Actually Buying
Your Goal Buying Options Contracts
You’re A Trader, Not An Investor
Benefits Of Buying Call Options
What To Look For When Buying Call Options
Open Interest
Tips For Buying Call Options
Chapter 8: Volatility In The Markets
Options To Pursue If Your Options Aren’t Working
Chapter 9: In The Money, Out Of The Money
In The Money
When You Automatically Exercise Your Options
Out Of The Money
Chapter 10: Buying And Selling Puts
How A Put Option Works
In The Money
Out Of The Money
Using Puts As Insurance
Speculating With Puts
Chapter 11: Beginners Common Mistakes
Chapter 12: Advanced Trading Strategies
Long Straddle
Bear Spread
Bull Spread
Married Puts
Cash Secured Puts
How To Trade Options: Day Trading Strategies
Chapter 1: Options – The Basics
Chapter 2: Day Trading – The Basics
Chapter 3: More Trading Strategies
Chapter 4: 10 Tips For Successful Day Trading
Chapter 5: Getting Started With Day Trading
Chapter 6: How Much Do Day Traders Make?
How To Trade Options: Swing Trading
Chapter 1: Swing Trading – The Basics
Chapter 2: Swing Trading Indicators
Chapter 3: A Review Of Options
Chapter 4: Options Trading
Chapter 5: Options Trading Strategies
Chapter 6: Top Mistakes Made By New Traders
Chapter 7: Special Tips For Swing Traders
Chapter 8: The Mindset Of The Swing Trader
How to Trade Options

A Beginner’s Guide to investing and

making profit with Options Trading
Welcome to How to Trade Options: A Beginner’s Guide. In this book, we’ll
introduce you to the exciting and challenging world of options. While
options involve higher risk-taking than normal stock market investing, they
are also more interesting and exciting, with a huge potential upside. Some of
the topics we’ll be discussing in this book include:

Learning what options are and the entire industry lingo.

Find out the top reasons to trade options.
Answer the question: Is trading options really for you?
Learn to avoid common mistakes made by beginners.
Find out the best strategies for beginners in the Markets.

And much more!

By the time you finish this book, you should understand how options work,
how and where to trade them, and be able to converse like an expert. You’ll
also know the strategies used by the pros to trade options and profit
handsomely and how to apply them yourself.
Options’ trading is not for everyone. Before you jump in, you should study
options carefully, so you know what you’re getting into. While options can
help you gain profits quickly as compared to normal stock trading which is a
long-term endeavor, there is heightened risk.

Understand your risk profile: If you are not a risk taker and see bonds
and mutual funds as places where you want to put your money, options
might be too risky for you. However, you should learn about them first.
There are options…when it comes to options that can help reduce risk,
so there may be a place for you in the space. It is best to learn it
firsthand to get a better idea of what your profile is and how you prefer
to trade.
Understand your financial situation: Before jumping into any new
investment program, make sure you have a clear picture of where you
stand financially. You should know where you are at for income, credit
card debts, taxes, other loans, and obligations. Have a clear idea of how
much capital you can really afford to lose.
Be an analyst, not a careless risk taker: Options require a deeper
understanding of the markets than regular stock trading does. The
excitement that arises from the possibility of fast and large profits can
overwhelm some people, leading to excessive risk-taking. Be aware of
this and put the time in to do analysis rather than looking only for a fast
Don’t invest money you aren’t willing to lose. Before engaging in
options trading, make sure you’re not gambling with money you need
for essentials.

Please note that while we’re bullish on options trading, all trading and
investment activity carries with it some risk. If done correctly, a trader can
earn substantial profits from their activities; however, some traders will be at
risk of losing substantial amounts of money. No guarantees can be made, and
the topics discussed in this book are presented for informational and
educational purposes only and are not to be taken as actual financial advice.
The best teacher yet experiences and once you know the basics, it is time to
get your feet wet and apply what you have learned!
Chapter 1: Options Contracts: The
In this chapter, we will introduce the concept of options contracts and how
they are used in the stock market. In our introductory discussion, we will be
focusing on the most basic way to get involved in options, which involves
buying options contracts based on bets you make on whether future stock
prices will rise or fall. Later we will see that you can also write or sell
options contracts and that the contracts themselves are traded on the markets.

What is an Options Contract?

An options contract sounds fancy but it’s a pretty simple concept.

It’s a contract. That means it’s a legal agreement between a buyer and a
It gives the purchaser of the contract the opportunity to purchase or
dispose of an asset with a fixed amount.
The purchase is optional – so the buyer of the contract does not have to
buy or sell the asset.
The contract has an expiration date, so the purchaser – if they choose to
exercise their right – must make the trade on or before the expiration
The purchaser of the contract pays a non-refundable fee for the

While the focus of this book is on options contracts related to the stock
market, there are options contracts that take place in all aspects of daily life
including real estate and speculation. A simple example illustrates the
concept of an options contract.
Suppose you are itching to buy a BMW and you’ve decided the model you
want must be silver. You drop by a local dealer and it turns out they don’t
have a silver model in stock. The dealer claims he can get you one by the
end of the month. You say you’ll take the car if the dealer can get it by the
last day of the month and he’ll sell it to you for $67,500. He agrees and
requires you to put a $3,000 deposit on the car.
If the last day of the month arrives and the dealer hasn’t produced the car,
then you’re freed from the contract and get your money back. In the event he
does produce the car at any date before the end of the month, you have the
option to buy it or not. If you really wanted the car you can buy it, but of
course, you can’t be forced to buy the car, and maybe you’ve changed your
mind in the interim.
The right is there but not the obligation to purchase, in short, no pressure if
you decided not to push through with the purchase of the car. If you decide
to let the opportunity pass, however, since the dealer met his end of the
bargain and produced the car, you lose the $3,000 deposit.
In this case, the dealer, who plays the role of the writer of the contract, has
the obligation to follow through with the sale based upon the agreed upon
Suppose that when the car arrives at the dealership, BMW announces it will
no longer make silver cars. As a result, prices of new silver BMWs that were
the last ones to roll off the assembly line, skyrocket. Other dealers are selling
their silver BMWs for $100,000. However, since this dealer entered into an
options contract with you, he must sell the car to you for the pre-agreed price
of $67,500. You decide to get the car and drive away smiling, knowing that
you saved $32,500 and that you could sell it at a profit if you wanted to.
The situation here is capturing the essence of options contracts, even if
you’ve never thought of haggling with a car dealer in those terms.
An option is in a sense a kind of bet. In the example of the car, the bet is that
the dealer can produce the exact car you want within the specified time
period and at the agreed upon price. The dealer is betting too. His bet is that
the pre-agreed to price is a good one for him. Of course, if BMW stops
making silver cars, then he’s made the wrong bet.
It can work the other way too. Let’s say that instead of BMW deciding not to
make silver cars anymore when your car is being driven onto the lot, another
car crashes into it. Now your silver BMW has a small dent on the rear
bumper with some scratches. As a result, the car has immediately declined in
value. But if you want the car, since you’ve agreed to the options contract,
you must pay $67,500, even though with the dent it’s only really worth
$55,000. You can walk away and lose your $3,000 or pay what is now a
premium price on a damaged car.
Another example that is commonly used to explain options contracts is the
purchase of a home to be built by a developer under the agreement that
certain conditions are met. The buyer will be required to put a non-
refundable down payment or deposit on the home. Let’s say that the
developer agrees to build them the home for $300,000 provided that a new
school is built within 5 miles of the development within one year. So, the
contract expires within a year. At any time during the year, the buyer has the
option to go forward with the construction of the home for $300,000 if the
school is built. The developer has agreed to the price no matter what. So if
the housing market in general and the construction of the school, in
particular, drive up demand for housing in the area, and the developer is
selling new homes that are now priced at $500,000, he has to sell this home
for $300,000 because that was the price agreed to when the contract was
signed. The home buyer got what they wanted, being within 5 miles of the
new school with the home price fixed at $300,000. The developer was
assured of the sale but missed out on the unknown, which was the
skyrocketing price that occurred as a result of increased demand. On the
other hand, if the school isn’t built and the buyers don’t exercise their option
to buy the house before the contract expires at one year, the developer can
pocket the $20,000 cash.

What is an options contract on the stock market?

An options contract on the stock market is somewhat analogous to the
fictitious situation we just described with the car. In the case of the car, we
saw that unforeseen events can make the bet made by the buyer and the car
dealer profitable or not. The same thing happens in the stock market. Of
course in the case of the car, the buyer is simply hoping to get the car they
want at what they perceive to be a bargain price, although if BMW really
stopped making silver cars, they might sell it to a third party and then get a
white one from the dealer. However, in most cases, the buyer wants the car.
That isn’t the case when it comes to options with stocks.
On the stock market, we are betting on the future price itself, and the shares
of stock will be bought or sold at a profit if things work out. The key point is
the buyer of the options contract is not hoping to acquire the shares and hold
them for a long time period like a traditional investor. Instead, you’re
hoping to make a bet on the price of the stock, secure that price, and then be
able to trade the shares on that price no matter what happens on the actual
markets. We will illustrate this with an example.

CALL Options
A call is a type of option contract that provides the option to purchase an
asset at the agreed upon amount at the designated time or deadline. The
reason you would do this is if you felt that the price of a given stock would
increase in price over the specified time period. Let’s illustrate with an
Suppose that Acme Communications makes cutting edge smartphones. The
rumors are that they will announce a new smartphone in the next three
weeks that is going to take the market by storm, with customers lined out the
door to make preorders.
The current price that Acme Communications is trading at is $44.25 a share.
The current pricing of an asset is termed as the spot price. Put another way,
the spot price is the actual amount that you would be paying for the shares as
you would buy it from the stock market right now.
Nobody really knows if the stock price will go up when the announcement is
made, or if the announcement will even be made. But you’ve done your
research and are reasonably confident these events will take place. You also
have to estimate how much the shares will go up and based on your research
you think it’s going to shoot up to $65 a share by the end of the month.
You enter into an options contract for 100 shares at $1 per share. You pay
this fee to the brokerage that is writing the options contract. In total, for 100
shares you pay $100.
The price that is paid for an options contract is $100. This price is called the
You don’t get the premium back. It’s a fee that you pay no matter what. If
you make a profit, then it’s all good. But if your bet is wrong, then you’ll
lose the premium. For the buyer of an options contract, the premium is their
You’ll want to set a price that you think is going to be lower than the level to
which the price per share will rise. The price that you agree to is called the
strike price. For this contract, you set your strike price at $50.
Remember, exercising your right to buy the shares is optional. You’ll only
buy the shares if the price goes high enough that you’ll make a profit on the
trade. If the shares never go above $50, say they reach $48, you are not
obligated to buy them. And why would you? As part of the contract deal,
you’d be required to buy them at $50.
We’ll say that the contract is entered on the 1st of August, and the deadline is
the third Friday in August. If the price goes higher than your strike price
during that time, you can exercise your option.
Let’s say that as the deadline approaches, things go basically as you planned.
Acme Communications announces its new phone, and the stock starts
climbing. The stock price on the actual market (the spot price) goes up to
Now the seller is required to sell you the shares at $50 a share. You buy the
shares, and then you can immediately dispose of these at a quality or optimal
amount, or $60 a share. You make a profit of $10 a share, not taking into
account any commissions or fees.

The Call Seller

The call seller who enters into the options contract with the buyer is
obligated to sell the shares to the buyer of the options contract at the strike
price. If the contract sets the strike price at $50 a share for 100 shares, the
seller must sell the stock at that price even if the market price goes up to any
higher price, such as $70 a share. The call seller keeps the premium. So, if
the buyer doesn’t exercise their option, the call seller still gets the money
from the premium.

Derivative Contracts
You probably heard about derivatives or derivative contracts during the 2008
financial crisis. While they can be designed in complex ways, the concept of
a derivative contract is pretty simple. What this means is that the contract is
based on some underlying asset. For an options contract, the asset is the
stock that you agree to buy or sell. The contracts themselves can and are
bought and sold. That is why you may have heard about people trading in
derivatives. The stock that is the subject of an options contract is called the
So, if you buy an options contract using the Apple stock price as a basis, the
term “underlying” would be applicable to the stock from Apple.

Profits from the Call

Keep in mind the brokerage may have some additional fees. However, using
our numbers remember that we paid a premium of $1 per share, and the
strike price was $50. Computing for profit is one of the basics when it comes
to trading. It is where profits are determined and forecasted for future
options to buy or sell.
The profit per share was:
Profit = $60 – ($50 + $1) = $9 per share
The contract was for 100 shares, so the total profit would be $90.
What happens if the strike price isn’t reached?
The strike price is the fundamental piece of information you need to keep in
mind when trading options. If the strike price isn’t reached, then the option
will simply expire and be worthless. The difference between the current
market price or spot price and the strike price is a measure of the profit per
share that you will make.
For example, $100 is the price of the stock, and the strike price is $75, then
the profit (disregarding fees) will be $25. If the strike price was $95, then the
profit per share would only be $5. While the pay off from a strike price that
is closer to the actual market price is smaller, it’s more likely to pay off than
a strike price that predicts a big move.

Why purchase a call option

The reason that you purchase an options contract is to reduce your risk.
When you buy an options contract, the only money you’re putting at risk is
the premium. In the case of our hypothetical example, that is $100. If the
stock doesn’t surpass the strike price, you can simply walk away from the
deal and only lose the $100.
You could, of course, buy the stocks outright and hope to profit. To buy 100
shares, you’ll have to invest substantially more money:
100 x $44.25 = $4,425.
If the stock goes up value, then you’ll make some money. However, suppose
that your hunch about the markets was wrong. Maybe Acme
Communications, rather than announcing a new phone that will be in high
demand, instead reveals that their next phone will be delayed for a year.
If you decide to unload the stocks you bought for $4,425, you will only get
$4,000, and you’ll have lost $425.
On the other hand, you can see how you reduced your risk by purchasing a
call option. In that case, you won’t exercise your right to buy the stock and
only lose the premium. Your total loss would be $100.
The Flexibility of Options
In normal stock trading, you’re betting on one direction, that the value of the
stock will go up with time. And you’re battling the opposite, hoping to avoid
losses if the stock declines.
Options open the door to making a profit when stocks decline in value. Of
course, it depends on being able to make the right call, but if you bet on a
stock losing value and you’re right, you can make substantial profits. Timing
and the size of your trade will be important too, and you’ll have to stay
focused on the strike price and the current market price of the underlying.

Put Options
A call option is the option to buy a stock if it reaches the strike price. Now
let’s look at the opposite situation. A put is an option contract where you get
the right but not the obligation to sell a stock before the contract expires.
Returning to our previous example, suppose that Acme Communications
looks to be heading to bad times and the stock is trading at $44.25 a share.
Your bet is that it’s going to decrease to at least $35 a share, so you buy a put
option with a strike price of $35 a share. If your bet that the stock will
decline in value and you’re correct, let’s say it drops to $30 a share, then you
can make a $5 per share profit on the sale. If the stock meets the strike price,
the seller of the put is obligated to purchase the stock at that price. In other
words, even though the stock has dropped in value to $30 a share on the
market, they must buy the shares from you at $35 a share.
Let’s suppose that instead it only drops to $38 a share. In this case, you don’t
have to sell and simply walk away from the deal having paid the premium.
So once again, as was the case with a call option, the premium is really the
only money that you risk as to the buyer.
The seller of a put option must buy the stock from you at the strike price if
you exercise your option. If the strike price is $35 but for some reason, the
stock crashes to $1, the seller of the put must buy the shares from you at $35.
Why Buy a Put Option?
The answer is simple – when you buy stocks the usual way, you don't make
any money from the declining values of stocks. You lose money. With a put
option, it gives you the possibility of betting on the stock losing value.
Summary: Buyers of Options
The buyer of an options contract:

Must pay the premium. This is non-refundable, so the premium is the

minimum amount of capital you invest and is the amount you risk.
You are not obligated to buy or sell any stock even when the deadline
You have purchased the right to buy or sell the stock.
If you buy a call, then you have the option to purchase the expiry of the
agreement. If you buy a put, you have the option to sell the stock when
the expiry arrives. The option to sell only falls in instances when there
is a marked difference between the market price and your own strike
price; with the market price being too low.

Summary: Sellers of Calls and Puts

Later we’ll see that you may want to sell options and there are good reasons
for doing so. Right now, we’ll just summarize the general principles.

The seller of an options contract will keep the premium no matter what.
So, if the buyer doesn’t exercise their option, you keep the premium as
If the buyer of a call option exercises their option to buy the stock, you
must sell it to them at the strike price. So, if the strike price is $40 but
the current market price is $65, you are missing out on a large profit per
share. However, as we’ll see later this can still be profitable.
If the buyer exercises their right on a put contract, you must buy the
stock from them at the deadline.

Number of Shares
The number of shares in one options contract is 100 shares. Typically,
traders will trade multiple contracts. To you’ll get the profit per share and
then calculate total profit as (profit per share * 100 shares * # of contracts).
Now let’s get familiar with the industry jargon so you can have a better
understanding of what is going on when you start trading.
Chapter 2
Options Trading Jargon
Every industry has its own specialized lingo, and options trading is no
exception. Let’s give a quick overview that will help you understand what is
being discussed when reading about options and help you navigate the
markets effectively.
The price that a seller is asking for security or put another way the smallest
price a seller is willing to accept to sell it.
When the buyer of an options contract exercises their option, a notice is sent
to the seller. The seller is then obligated to dispose of (in the case of a call)
or purchase (in the case of a put) stocks at the strike price.
At the Money
This means that the current market price is equal to the strike price.
Bid Price
This term refers to the optimum amount that a dealer is willing to shell out
for the security.
Break Even Point
When neither a profit nor loss has been realized.
Summarizing what was introduced in the last chapter, the buyer of a call
option has the right to buy 100 shares of a stock at the strike price at any
time before the options contract expires. This is an option, so the buyer does
not have to buy the shares. The seller of a call contract must buy the shares
under any circumstances up to the expiration of the contract if the buyer
exercises their right before the contract expires.
A fee charged by a brokerage firm to execute an option order on an
If the underlying stock changes by a point in value, the delta is the change in
the value of the option.
Early Exercise
If an options contract is exercised before the expiration date, it is said to be
The buyer of the option exercises their right to buy stock for a call or sell the
stock for a put.
Expiration Date
Options contracts expire on the third Friday of every month. When you see
an option quote such as:
JUN 70
That means that the option expires on the third Friday in June, with a strike
price of $70.
In the Money (Call)
This refers to the occurrence of when the current market price exceeds the
strike price. This is the gross profit per share (not including premium and
other fees).
In the Money (Put)
For a put contract, it is in-the-money when the current stock price is less
than the strike price.
Index Options
An index option doesn’t have individual stocks as the underlying. Instead the
underlying is an index like the NASDAQ. An index option can’t be
exercised until the expiry date.
Intrinsic Value
An apt example would be – if the current price is at $10, then the market
price is at $20, the intrinsic value would be $10. If the current price were
$25, the intrinsic value would be $15.
A LEAP is a long-term equity anticipation security. Basically, these are long
term options contracts. LEAP contracts can last as long as three years.
LEAPS are generally more expensive than most options, because of the
longtime value which gives them more time to be “in the money.”
A leg is one part of a position when there are two or more options or
positions in the underlying stock.
Long means ownership when it is held in your account. You can belong on a
stock or an option.
Margin Requirement
If you are selling options, you will be required to deposit some cash with the
brokerage to cover your positions. In other words, it is cash in your account
with the brokerage to buy or sell shares as required by your obligations in
the options contract.
Option Chain
An option chain is something you’ll look at when viewing available options
online. It’s basically a table for the options available for a given underlying
stock. For given expiration date, the option chain will include all puts and
calls, and strike prices that are available.
This is the amount that a stock price is below the strike price for a call, or
above the strike price for a put. If your price $50 but the market is $40,
you’re “out of the money” $10. If your strike price for a put is $50, but the
market price is $60, you’re out of the money $10.
This is the price paid per share for an options contract. Since the contract has
100 shares, the price paid, or the total premium is 100 times the premium.
The seller is able to keep the premium regardless of whether or not the buyer
exercises their options.
The buyer of a put option has the right to sell 100 shares at the strike price
on or before the expiry date. The seller of a put option has an obligation to
buy 100 shares if required by the buyer.
Roll a Long Position
Rolling a long position means to sell options and then acquire others with
the same underlying stock but with different strike prices and expiration
dates. We will talk a bit more about rolling options in the chapter on
advanced trading strategies.
Roll a Short Position
Rolling a short position means buying to close an existing position and
selling for the purposes of opening new positions with different strike prices
and expiration dates “rolled out” in time.
Options are grouped together in series on the markets. Options in the same
series can be calls or puts, but they have the same expiration date and strike
Selling a security that you don’t actually own.
Strike Price
It is the amount per share of the agreed upon contract. If the option to buy or
sell is exercised by the purchaser of an options contract, the shares must be
bought or sold at the strike price. When you look at options online, the strike
price is given at the end of the options symbol. For example, you might see:
The decimal point is found by moving three places from the right. So, this
represents a strike price of $40. On the other hand
It would represent a strike price of $5.60.
Time Value
How long is left until an options contract expires? Generally, more time
value will mean that an option is worth more when trading. The reason is
that the more time until the option expires, the more chance there is for the
underlying stock to beat the strike price. In the case of a call option that
means going above the strike price, while in the case of a put option that
means going below the strike price. What investors are looking for is enough
time value for an option to be in the money.
Time Decay
Time decay is simply a measure of the decrease in the time value of an
options contract.
The underlying stock is the specific stock that the option contract is based
on. This is the stock that is actually traded if the option is exercised.
A weekly is a kind of option that expires within a week, rather than a
monthly time frame. Since weekly’s have a short time value, they are
cheaper, but the risks involved are higher. Investors who like weekly’s are
hoping to capitalize on an option that tightly fits a given date coming up in
the near future. Weeklies usually expire on Friday afternoons at market
close. Weeklies help traders that are trying to exploit short term events for
profits. For example, investors might target an earnings report or an
anticipated product announcement.
Three ways to close an options contract
Now let’s learn the three basic ways that you can close an options contract,
now that we have some familiarity with the lingo.

The option expires out of the money. That means that the option is
worthless. You do nothing and move on. The seller of the option simply
pockets the premium.
The option expires in the money. In that case, it's up to the buyer to
exercise their options. If they choose to, then the underlying stock is
The last option is to sell the option – i.e., trade it to someone else –
prior to the expiration date. If you are losing money on the options
contract, you can trade it and cut your losses now, rather than finding
out what will happen if you hold it to the expiration date. On the other
hand, if you are profiting from the option, you can sell it to get out now
with profits.

Although we are spending a lot of time talking about exercising the option
with the contract, options are only exercised in about 12% of trades. About
20% expire as worthless contracts. The rest are bought and sold prior to the
expiration date.
Reading Options Quotes
It’s important to know how to read options quotes. Some have more
information in them than others because some of the associated information
is implied. First, let’s look at this fictitious options quote:
ACMC AUGUST 12, 2019 120 CALL AT $2.50

ACMC is the stock ticker. Our example is our fictitious company,

Acme Communications.
The date given is the expiration date of the option.
120 is the strike price, or $120.
We’re told it’s a call option, or a bet the stock will increase in price.
The final quoted price, $2.50, is the premium paid per share.

If an option is shaded in the online display, that means it's in the money.
Options that are not shaded are out of the money.
Chapter 3: Strike Price
The strike price is one of the most important if not the most important thing
to understand when it comes to option contracts. The strike price will
determine whether the underlying stock is actually bought or sold at or
before the expiration date. When evaluating any options contract, the strike
price is the first thing that you should look at. It’s worth reviewing the
concept and how it's utilized in the actual marketplace.
The strike price will let you home in on the profits that can be made on an
options contract. It’s the break-even point but also gives you an idea as to
your profits and losses. Of course, the seller always gets the premium no
matter what.
For a call contract, the strike price is the price that must be exceeded by the
current market price of the underlying equity. For example, if the strike price
is $100 on a call contract, and the current market price goes to any price
above $100, then the purchaser of the call can exercise their right at any time
to buy the stock. Then the stock can be disposed of with a profit. Suppose
that the current price rises to $130. Then you can exercise your option to buy
the stock at $100 a share, and then turn around and sell it on the market for
$130 a share, making a $30 profit per share before taking into account the
premium and other fees that might accrue with your trades. While as the
buyer of the contract you have no obligations other than paying the
premium, the seller is obligated no matter what, and they must sell you the
shares at $100 per share no matter how much it pains them to see the $130
per share price. Of course, there are reasons behind the curtain that will
explain why they would bother entering this kind of arrangement that we
will explore later.
For a put contract, the strike price likewise plays a central role, but the value
of the stock relative to the strike price works in the opposite fashion. A put is
a bet that the underlying equity will decrease in value by a certain amount.
Hence if the stock price drops below the strike price, then the buyer can
exercise their right to sell the shares at the strike price even though the
market price is lower. So, if your price is $100, if the current price of the
equity drops to $80, the seller obligated to buy the 100 shares per contract
from you at $100 a share even though the market price is $80 per share. In
this case, you’ve made a gross profit of $20 a share.
The value of the strike price will not only tell you profitability but give you
an indication of how much the stock must move before you are able to
exercise your rights. Often when the amount is smaller, you might be better
When you know the strike price of different options contracts, then you can
evaluate which one is better for you to buy. Suppose that a stock is currently
trading at $80 and you find two options put contracts. One has a strike price
of $75 and the other has a strike price of $60. Further, let’s suppose that both
contracts expire at the same time. In the first case, the stock price in the
market will need to drop just $5 before the contract becomes profitable. For
the second contract, it will have to drop $20.
The potential worth of each contract per share is the difference. For the
contract with the $75 strike price, that is only $5. For the second contract
with the strike price of $60, the potential worth is $20, four times as much.
Determining which contract is better is a matter of analysis and taking some
risk. You can’t just go by face value, but you must take into consideration
the expiration date together with an analysis of what the stock will actually
do over that time period. It may be that it’s going to be impossible for the
stock to drop $20 in order to make the second contract valuable. If the
expiration date comes before the stock drops that much in price, the contract
will be worthless. In other words, you’d never be able to exercise your
option of selling shares at strike amount. On the other hand, even though
there is not much discrepancy between the strike and the market amount for
the first contract, and the market price might only drop to say $70 per share,
the chances of this happening before the expiration date is more likely.
Your analysis might be different if the contract with the lower strike price
has a longer expiration date.
The lesson to take to heart is that a stock is more likely to move by smaller
amounts over short time periods. But the higher the risk, the more the
potential profits.
Chapter 4
Understanding the purchase of Options
Let’s suppose that you’re interested in buying shares in Acme
Communications, and they are trading at $39 a share. To buy 100 shares, it
would cost $3,900 plus brokerage/commission fees. For many people that is
a lot of money to invest, and if you are a savvy investor, you might be more
interested in purchasing options that you would be in laying out that much
money per share. Keep in mind that our discussion below doesn’t consider
account brokerage commissions.
Suppose that instead you purchase an options contract and the price is $2.50.
The premium is quoted on a per share basis, but an options contract is for
100 shares, so the total amount you will need to invest is 100 x $2.50 =
Now suppose that you’re bullish on the stock, and you settle on a strike price
of $41. Let’s say that on or before the expiration date the market price of
Acme communications reaches $47.
Your gross profit per share is now $6. You’ve made $6 x 100 = $600.
Subtracting the amount invested, not including commissions your profit is
$600-$250 = $350. That’s a return on investment of 140%.
If you had bought the shares, you could sell them at $47 a share for a profit
of $800. While that is a bigger number in absolute terms, your return on
investment would be about 21%.
Of course, depending on your financial situation, you aren't limited to
purchasing one option contract. Remember that the stock was $39 a share, so
if a person bought $3900 worth or 100 shares, they could have instead gone
with 16 options contracts for $250 x 16 = $4,000. While the direct investor
would have made their $800 profit, assuming that they sold when the price
hit $47 a share, the options trader would have made $350 x 16 = $5,600 in
profit (remember for both options – not considering commissions).
The downside is the risk that the stock price won’t exceed the strike price. In
that case, you’re out the premium. If you had purchased 16 options
contracts, then you’d be out the $4,000. The person who buys the stock
won’t be out nearly that much money. Let’s say that the stock dropped to $37
a share. If they felt it would not be going anywhere anytime soon and they
should sell at a loss, the person who bought the stocks would sell for $37 x
100 = $3700 and only be out $200 from their initial investment.
Using this example, you can see how investing in options contracts has a big
upside in potential profits but also a bigger risk in losses. When you are
talking about trading a single contract for 100 shares, the losses don’t seem
like a big deal, but you can see that going for more trades means that you’re
going to have to have a lot more awareness of the risks.
Of course, the options trader has one big advantage that the ordinary stock
investor will never have, and that is the possibility of betting on the stock
decreasing in value. Let’s suppose that instead of dropping to $37 a share the
stock dropped by $10 to $29 a share. So, 100 shares would be worth $2,900,
and our investor friend would have lost $1,000 if they sell at that point.
Now let’s say that instead of a call you invest in a put contract, the same
scenario you buy 16 of them at $2.50, or $250 per contract. So, your total
cost is again $4,000. This time say you have a strike price of $35. Your
profit is $35-$29 = $6 per share.
This time you’ve made $9,600 ($6 per share, x 100 shares/contract x 16
contracts). With your initial investment, you’ve made a profit of $5,600 on
the decline in stock price while your friend is nursing their losses. Again,
you made a 140% ROI.
So, we see that buying options contracts can carry bigger risks while at the
same time offering the potential for bigger rewards. In addition, they also
offer the possibility of reaping the rewards when a stock drops in price,
something that just isn’t going to be possible with normal investing in
Chapter 5: Top Reasons to Trade
We’ve seen that trading options are an activity that has its upsides and its
downsides. In this chapter, we are going to look at the top reasons that you
want to trade options. Keep in mind that you can personalize your portfolio
and investment strategy, so it’s not necessary to go “all in” when it comes to
trading options. You can have options trading as one part of a diverse
investment strategy. In fact, many people use options to cover risks in other
parts of their overall portfolio.
1. Trading Options provides an investment
opportunity with limited capital
In the last chapter, we began with an example showing that for $250, you
could control 100 shares of stock that would cost someone $3,900 to buy
outright. We then expanded on that and saw what kind of possibilities
existed when investing larger amounts. However, if you are just starting out
with investing, it’s not necessary to buy more than one options contract at a
time. You can invest for a relatively small amount of money depending on
the stock. Trading doesn’t have to be approached with an all or nothing
mentality. You can start with small investments and work your way up by
reinvesting your profits.

2. You can hedge your risks with index funds

Most people who invest in stocks will be investing in index funds in order to
have a diversified portfolio. By utilizing options, you can hedge your risks
with index funds. Index puts can help you mitigate losses if the market
experiences a major downturn. Smart investors will utilize index puts so that
the next recession doesn’t leave them with huge losses.
3. Profit off of other losses
OK, it sounds bad when phrased that way. But as we saw in the last chapter,
you can use puts to profit from downturns in stock prices. This is an
opportunity that simply isn’t available when doing regular stock trading.
4. Collect Premiums
In the coming chapters, we'll investigate selling options contracts. As we’ll
see, there are ways to profit from doing so, but no matter what, you can
pocket the premiums. This is another way to earn money in an overall
investment portfolio that uses diverse strategies as well as diverse
5. Capitalize on outsized gains
One of the biggest benefits that come with trading options is being able to
control large amounts of stock that could have a huge upside if there is a
major increase in stock price by purchasing a large number of call options.
Of course, being a fortune teller isn’t generally a lucrative income, but you
can increase your chances of success by carefully studying the markets and
the companies behind the individual stocks. Look for dynamic areas where
new companies could see a huge gain in the stock price over a short period.
The risk is that you’ll lose your premium if the strike price isn’t surpassed,
but if it is then you’ll have a chance to score big. In the previous chapter, we
showed a simple example with a return on investment of 140%, but it's even
possible to get an ROI of 500% or even more.
Chapter 6
Covered Calls
In this chapter, we’ll investigate a trading strategy that is a good way to get
started selling options for beginners. This strategy is called covered calls. By
covered, we mean that you’ve got an asset that you own that covers the
potential sale of the underlying stocks. In other words, you already own the
shares of stocks. Now, why would you want to write a call option on stocks
you already own? The basis of this strategy is that you don’t expect the stock
price to move very much during the lifetime of the options contract, but you
want to generate money over the short term in the form of premiums that
you can collect. This can help you generate a short-term income stream; you
must structure your calls carefully.
Setting up covered calls is relatively low risk and will help you get familiar
with many of the aspects of options trading. While it's probably not going to
make you rich overnight, it’s a good way to learn the tools of the trade.

Covered Calls involve a long position

In order to create a covered call, you need to own at least 100 shares of stock
in one underlying equity. When you create a call, you’re going to be offering
potential buyers a chance to buy these shares from you. Of course, the
strategy is that you’re only going to sell high, but your real goal is to get the
income stream from the premium.
The premium is a one-time non-refundable fee. If a buyer purchases your
call option and pays you the premium, that money is yours. No matter what
happens after that, you’ve got that cash to keep. In the event that the stock
doesn’t reach the strike price, the contract will expire, and you can create a
new call option on the same underlying shares. Of course, if the stock price
does pass the strike price, the buyer of the contract will probably exercise
their right to buy the shares. You will still earn money on the trade, but the
risk is you’re giving up the potential to earn as much money that could have
been earned on the trade.
You write a covered call option that has a strike price of $67. Suppose that
for some unforeseen reason the shares skyrocket to $90 a share. The buyer of
your call option will be able to purchase the shares from you at $67. So,
you’ve gained $2 a share. However, you’ve missed out on the chance to sell
the shares at a profit of $35 a share. Instead, the investor who purchased the
call option from you will turn around and sell the shares on the markets for
the actual spot price and they will reap the benefits.
However, you really haven’t lost anything. You have earned the premium
plus sold your shares of stock for a modest profit.
That risk – that the stocks will rise to a price that is much higher than the
strike price - always exists, but if you do your homework, you’re going to be
offering stocks that you don’t expect to change much in price over the
lifetime of your call. So, suppose instead that the price only rose to $68. The
price exceeded the strike price so the buyer may exercise their option. In that
case, you are still missing out on some profit that you could have had
otherwise, but it’s a small amount and we’re not taking into account the
In the event that the stock price doesn’t exceed the strike price over the
length of the contract, then you get to keep the premium and you get to keep
the shares. The premium is yours to keep no matter what.
In reality, in most situations, a covered call is going to be a win-win situation
for you.

Covered Calls are a Neutral Strategy

A covered call is known as a “neutral” strategy. Investors create covered
calls for stocks in their portfolio where they only expect small moves over
the lifetime of the contract. Moreover, investors will use covered calls on
stocks that they expect to hold for the long term. It’s a way to earn money on
the stocks during a period in which the investor expects that the stock won’t
move much at price and so have no earning potential from selling.

An Example of a Covered Call

Let’s say that you own 100 shares of Acme Communications. It’s currently
trading at $40 a share. Over the next several months, nobody is expecting the
stock to move very much, but as an investor, you feel Acme
Communications has solid long-term growth potential. To make a little bit of
money, you sell a call option on Acme Communications with a strike price
of $43. Suppose that the premium is $0.78 and that the call option lasts 3
For 100 shares, you’ll earn a total premium payment of $0.78 x 100 = $78.
No matter what happens, you pocket the $78.
Now let's say that over the next three months the stock drops a bit in price so
that it never comes close to the strike price, and at the end of the three-month
period, it's trading at $39 a share.
The options contract will expire, and it’s worthless. The buyer of the options
contract ends up empty-handed. You have a win-win situation. You’ve
earned the extra $78 per 100 shares, and you still own your shares at the end
of the contract.
Now let’s say that the stock does increase a bit in value. Over time, it jumps
up to $42, and then to $42.75, but then drops down to $41.80 by the time the
options contract expires. In this scenario, you’re finding yourself in a much
better position. In this case, the strike price of $43 was never reached, so the
buyer of the call option is again left out in the cold. You, on the other hand,
keep the premium of $78, and you still get to keep the shares of stock. This
time since the shares have increased in value, you’re a lot better off than you
were before, so it’s really a win-win situation for YOU, even though it’s a
losing situation for the poor soul who purchased your call.
Sadly, there is another possibility, that the stock price exceeds the strike
price before the contract expires. In that case, you’re required to sell the
stock. You still end up in a position that isn’t all that bad, however. You
didn’t lose any actual money, but you lost a potential profit. You still get the
premium of $78, plus the earnings from the sale of the 100 shares at the
strike price of $43.
A covered call is almost a zero-risk situation because you never actually lose
money even though if the stock price soars, you obviously missed out on an
opportunity. You can minimize that risk by choosing stocks you use for a
covered call option carefully. For example, if you hold shares in a
pharmaceutical company that is rumored to be announcing a cure for cancer
in two months, you probably don’t want to use those shares for a covered
call. A company that has more long-term prospects but probably isn’t going
anywhere in the next few months is a better bet.

How to go about creating a covered call

To create a covered call, you’ll need to own 100 shares of stock. While you
don’t want to risk a stock that is likely to take off in the near future, you
don’t want to pick a total dud either. There is always someone willing to buy
something – at the right price. But you want to go with a decent stock so that
you can earn a decent premium.
You start by getting online at your brokerage and looking up the stock
online. When you look up stocks online, you’ll be able to look at their
“option chain” which will give you information from a table on premiums
that are available for calls on this stock. You can see these listed under bid
price. The bid price is given on a per share basis, but a call contract has 100
shares. If your bid price is $1.75, then the actual premium you’re going to
get is $1.75 x 100 = $175.
An important note is that the further out the expiration date, the higher the
premium. A good rule of thumb is to pick an expiry that is between two and
three months from the present date. Remember that the longer you go, the
higher the risk because that increases the odds that the stock price will
exceed the strike price and you’ll end up having to sell the shares.
You have an option (no pun intended) with the premium you want to charge.
Theoretically, you can set any price you want. Of course, that requires a
buyer willing to pay that price for you to actually make the money. A more
reasonable strategy is to look at prices people are currently requesting for
call options on this stock. You can do this by checking the asking price for
the call options on the stock. You can also see prices that buyers are
currently offering by looking at the bid prices. For an instant sale, you can
simply set your price to a bid price that is already out there. If you want to
go a little bit higher, you can submit the order and then wait until someone
comes along to buy your call option at the bid price.
To sell a covered call, you select “sell to open.”
Benefits of Covered Calls
A covered call is a relatively low-risk option. The worst-case scenario
is that you’ll be out of your shares but earn a small profit, a smaller
profit than you could have made if you had not created the call contract
and simply sold your shares. However, you also get the premium.
A covered call allows you to generate income from your portfolio in the
form of premiums.
If you don’t expect any price moves on the stock in the near term and
you plan on holding it long term, it’s a reasonable strategy to generate
income without taking much risk.
Risks of Covered Calls
Covered calls can be a risk if you’re bullish on the stock, and your
expectations are realized, and there is a price spike. In that case, you’ve
traded the small amount of income of the premium with a voluntary cap
of the strike price for the potential upside you could have had if you had
simply held the stock and sold it at the high price.
If the stock price plummets, while you still get the premium, the stocks
will be worthless unless they rebound over the long term. You shouldn’t
use a call option on stocks that you expect to be on the path to a major
drop in the coming months. In that case, rather than writing a covered
call, you should simply sell the stocks and take your losses.
Alternatively, you can continue holding the stocks to see if they
rebound over the long term.
Chapter 7: Buying Calls
Buying calls is a more advanced form of training than selling covered calls.
But it's not that complicated, so let’s dive in.
What you’re actually buying
Remember that one option contract is for 100 shares, so you'll need to be
able to buy 100 shares of the stock in order to exercise your right to buy.
Also, remember that an options contract has a deadline. If the stock price
fails to exceed the strike price by the deadline, you’re out of luck and will
lose whatever money that you invested in the premium. In relative terms, the
premium price will be small so chances are if you are careful and not starting
out by buying large numbers of options contracts, you won’t be out that
much money.

Your Goal Buying Options Contracts

The goal when purchasing options contracts is to buy a stock at a price that
is lower than its current market value. In other words, you want the stock
price to be significantly higher than the strike price so that you’re enjoying
significant savings in purchasing the stock. When evaluating your options,
you’ll need to take into account the added costs of the premium paid plus
commissions. In some cases, commissions can be substantial so make sure
you know what they are ahead of time so that you choose a good strike price
and exercise your options at the right time.
You’re a trader, not an investor
You may be mentally conditioned to think in terms of investing. An investor
wants to build a diversified portfolio over a long time period that they
believe will increase in value over the long term. A trader operates in the
same universe but has different goals. You are after short term profits – not
investments. You are not going to hold this stock. If you were interested in
holding the stock, you would simply buy it at the lower price that is
currently on offer. Your goal is to be able to buy at the strike price when the
stock has increased significantly in price and then sell it immediately so that
you can pocket the profits.
Let’s take an example. Suppose that XYZ corporation is currently selling at
$30 a share. People are expecting the stock to rise, and some people are
really bullish about its short-term prospects. If you are an investor, your goal
is to get the stock at the lowest possible price and then hold it long term. If
you are using strategies like dollar cost averaging, you might be buying a
few shares every month without paying too much attention to what the price
is specifically on the day you purchase. In any case, as an investor, you’ll
simply buy the shares at $30.
As a trader, you’re hoping to cash in on the moves of XYZ over the next
couple of months. You’ll buy an options contract, let's say its premium is
$0.90 and the strike price is $35. Your cost for the 100 shares is $90.
Then the stock price shoots up to $45. Since it passed the strike price, you
can exercise your option to buy the shares at the strike price. You can buy
them at $35 for a total price of $3,500. But remember – you’re not an
investor in for the long haul. You’ll immediately unload the shares. You sell
the shares for $4,500 and make a $1,000 profit. After considering your
premium, your profit is $910. It will go a little bit lower after considering
commissions, but you get the idea. The purpose of buying call options is to
make fast profits on stocks you think are going to spike.
It’s hard to guess when the best time is to really buy call options. Obviously,
you don’t want to do it when a major recession hit. The optimal time is
during a bull market, or when a specific company is expected to hit on
something big, that will suddenly increase its value in the markets. A good
time to look is also when a recession hits, but it passes the bottom out
Benefits of Buying Call Options
Call options have many benefits that we’ve already touched on earlier. In

Call options allow you to control 100 shares of stock without actually
investing in the 100 shares – unless they reach a price where you get the
profit that you want.
Call options allow you to sit and wait, patiently watching the market
before making your move.
If your bet doesn’t work out, you’re only going to lose a small amount
of money on the contract. In our example, if XYZ loses value, and ends
up at $28 per share instead of moving past your strike price of $35, then
you’re only out the $90 you paid for the premium.
Call buying provides a way to leverage expensive stock.

What to look for when buying Call options

Now let's take a look at some factors that you’ll be on the lookout for when
buying call options. You’re going to want to be able to purchase shares of
the stock you’re interested in at a price that is less than the price you think it
will go up to. You need to do this in order to ensure that the stock price
surpasses the strike price. Of course, it’s impossible to know what the future
holds so this will involve a bit of speculation. You’ll have to do a lot of
reading and research to make educated guesses on where you expect the
stock to go in the next few weeks or months.
Second, you’ll need to take into account the cost of the premium when
making your estimates. For the sake of simplicity, suppose that you find a
call option with a premium of $1 per share. You’re going to need a strike
price that is high enough to take that into account. If you go for a stock that
is $40 a share with a $1 premium and a strike price of $41, obviously you’re
not going to make anything unless the stock price goes higher than $41.
Remember that exercising your rights on the options contract is not a path
toward immediate money. You’re going to have to turn around and sell it
ASAP in order to profit. Of course, when you sell is a judgment call as is
when you exercise your right to buy. You’re going to want to wait until the
right moment to buy, but its impossible to really know what that right
moment is. This is where trading experience helps and even then, the most
skilled experts can make mistakes. For a beginner, the best thing to do is
exercise your right to buy the shares and then sell them as soon as they’ve
gone far enough past the strike price for you to make a profit and cover the
premium. If you wait too long, there is always the chance that the stock price
will start declining again, and it will go below your strike price and never
exceed it again before the contract expires.

Open Interest
If you get online to check stocks you’re interested in, one of the measures
you will see is “Open Interest.” This tells you the number of open or
outstanding derivative contracts there are for that particular stock. Every
time that a buyer and seller enter into an options contract, this value
increases by one. What you want to do with open interest as a trader looking
to make real cash from call options is to look for stocks that show big
movement in the number of open trades. You’re going to want to look for
increasing numbers. This means that other traders have an interest in buying
call options on this stock and that they’re expecting it to go up in value in the
near future.
Of course, you’re going to want to take an educated approach to this. Simply
getting online and going through random stocks will be a waste of time, it
might take you weeks to find something.
You’re going to want to prepare ahead of time by keeping an eye on the
financial news. Watch Fox Business, read the Wall Street Journal, and watch
CNBC and read any other financial publications that are to your liking. Find
out what stocks the experts are talking about and which ones they expect to
make significant moves over the next few weeks and months. Keep in mind
these people and experts often make mistakes, so you’re only using it as a
guideline. You also don’t want to focus solely on looking for stocks that are
going to make moves; you want to keep up with company news. You need to
keep your ears open for news such as the development of a new drug or the
latest electronic gadget. Sometimes you might find out news about that
before the stock begins attracting a lot of interest in the markets.

Tips for Buying Call Options

Don’t buy a call option with a strike price that you don’t think the stock
can beat.
Always include the premium price in your analysis.
Look for calls that are just in the money. These are likely to bring a
modest profit.
Call options that are out of the money might give you an option for a
cheaper premium.
However, the premium shouldn’t be your primary consideration when
looking to buy a call option. Compared to the money required to buy
the shares and the potential profits if the stock goes past the strike price,
the premium is going to be a trivial cost in most cases – provided of
course the strike price is high enough to take the premium into account.
Look at the time value. If you're looking for larger profits, it's better to
aim for longer contracts. Remember, that with any call option you have
the option to buy the stock at the strike price at any time between
today's date and the deadline when the stock market price exceeds the
strike price. Longer time frames mean you increase the chances of that
happening. Even if the price goes a little above the strike price and dips
down, with a longer window of time before the deadline, you can wait
and see if it rebounds. Remember if it never does, you’re only out the
Start small. Beginning traders shouldn’t bet the farm on options. You’ll
end up broke if you do that. The better approach is to start by investing
in one contract at a time and gaining experience as you go.
Chapter 8
Volatility in the Markets
While the stock market has long term trends that investors rely on fairly well
as the years and decades go by, over the short term the stock market is highly
volatile. By that, we mean that prices are fluctuating up and down and doing
so over short time periods. Volatility is something that long-term investors
ignore. It’s why you will hear people that promote conservative investment
strategies suggesting that buyers use dollar cost averaging. What this does is
it averages out the volatility in the market. That way you don’t risk making
the mistake of buying stocks when the price is a bit higher than it should be,
because you’ll average that out by buying shares when it’s a bit lower than it
should be.
In a sense, over the short term, the stock market can be considered as a
chaotic system. So from one day to the next, unless there is something
specific on offer, like Apple introducing a new gadget that investors are
going to think will be a major hit, you can’t be sure what the stock price is
going to be tomorrow or the day after that. An increase on one day doesn’t
mean more increases are coming; it might be followed by a major dip the
following day.
For example, at the time of writing, checking Apple’s stock price, on the
previous Friday it bottomed out at $196. Over the following days, it went up
and down several times, and on the most recent close, it was $203. The
movements over a short-term period appear random, and to a certain extent,
they are. It’s only over the long term that we see the actual direction that
Apple is heading.
Of course, Apple is at the end of a ten-year run that began with the
introduction of the iPhone and iPad. It’s a reasonable bet that while it’s a
solid long-term investment, the stock probably isn’t going to be moving
enough for the purposes of making good profits over the short term from
trades on call options (not too mention the per share price is relatively high).
The truth is volatility is actually a friend of the trader who buys call options.
But it’s a friend you have to be wary of because you can benefit from
volatility while also getting in big trouble from it.
The reason stocks with more volatility are the friend of the options trader is
that in part the options trader is playing a probability game. In other words,
you’re looking for stocks that have a chance of beating the strike price you
need in order to make profits. A volatile stock that has large movements has
a greater probability of not only passing your strike price but doing so in
such a fashion that it far exceeds your strike price enabling you to make a
large profit.
Of course, the alternative problem exists – that the stock price will suddenly
drop. That is why care needs to be a part of your trader's toolkit. A stock
with a high level of volatility is just as likely to suddenly drop in price as it
is to skip right past your strike price.
Moreover, while you’re a beginner and might get caught with your pants
down, volatile stocks are going to attract experienced options traders. That
means that the stock will be in high demand when it comes to options
contracts. What happens when there is a high demand for something? The
price shoots up. In the case of call options, that means the stock will come
with a higher premium. You will need to take the higher premium into
account when being able to exercise your options at the right time and make
sure the price is high enough above your strike price that you don’t end up
losing money.
Traders take some time to examine the volatility of a given stock over the
recent past, but they also look into what’s known as implied volatility. This
is a kind of weather forecast for stocks. It’s an estimate of the future price
movements of a stock, and it has a large influence on the pricing of options.
Implied volatility is denoted by the Greek symbol σ, implied volatility
increases in bear markets, and it actually decreases when investors are
bullish. Implied volatility is a tool that can provide insight into the options
future value.
For options traders, more volatility is a good thing. A stock that doesn’t have
much volatility is going to be a stable stock whose price isn’t going to
change very much over the lifetime of a contract. So while you may want to
sell a covered call for a stock with low volatility, you’re probably not going
to want to buy one if you’re buying call options because that means there
will be a lower probability that the stock will change enough to exceed the
strike price so you can earn a profit on a trade. Remember too that stocks
that are very volatile will attract a lot of interest from options traders and
command higher premiums. You will have to do some balancing in picking
stocks that are of interest.
Being able to pick stocks that will have the right amount of volatility so that
you can be sure of getting one that will earn profits on short term trades is
something you’re only going to get from experience. You should spend some
time practicing before actually investing large amounts of money. That is,
pick stocks you are interested in and make your bets but don’t actually make
the trades. Then follow them over the time period of the contract and see
what happens. In the meantime, you can purchase safer call options, and so
using this two-pronged approach gain experience that will lead to more
surefire success down the road.
One thing that volatility means for everyone is that predicting the future is
an impossible exercise. You’re going to have some misses no matter how
much knowledge and experience you gain. The only thing to aim for is to
beat the market more often than you lose. The biggest mistake you can make
is putting your life savings into a single stock that you think is a sure thing
and then losing it all.
Options to pursue if your options aren’t working
At this point, you may think that if the underlying stock for your option
doesn’t go anywhere or it tanks that you have no choice but to wait out the
expiration date and count the money you spend on your premiums as a loss.
That really isn’t the case. The truth is, you can sell a call option you’ve
purchased to other traders in the event its not working for you. Of course,
you’re not going to make a profit taking this approach in the vast majority of
cases. But it will give you a chance to recoup some of your losses. If you
have invested in a large number of call options for a specific stock and it's
causing you problems, you need to recoup at least some of your losses may
be more acute. Of course, the right course of action in these cases is rarely
certain, especially if the expiration date for the contract is relatively far off in
the future, which could mean that the stock has many chances to turn around
and beat your strike price. Remember, in all bad scenarios actually buying
the shares of stock is an option – you’re not required to do it. In all cases, the
biggest loss you’re facing is losing the entire premium. You’ll also want to
keep the following rule of thumb in mind at all times – the more time value
an option has, the higher the price you can sell the option for. If there isn’t
much time value left, then you’re probably going to have to sell the option at
a discount. If there is a lot of time value, you may be able to recoup most of
your losses on the premium.
Let’s look at some specific scenarios.

The stock is languishing. If the stock is losing time value (that is getting
closer to the expiration date) and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere,
you can consider selling the call option in order to recoup some of your
losses related to the premium. The more time value, the less likely it is
that selling the option is a good idea. Of course, the less time value, the
harder it’s going to be to actually sell your option. Or put another way,
in order to actually sell it you’re going to have to take a lower price.
Suppose the stock isn’t stagnant, but it’s tanking. If there is a lot of time
value left and there is some reason to believe that the company is going
to make moves before the expiration date of your contract that will
improve the fortunes of the stock when you can still profit from it, then
you may want to ride out the downturn. This is a risky judgment call,
and it's going to be impossible to know for sure what the right answer
is, but you can make an educated guess. On the other hand, if the stock
is tanking and there is no good news about the company on the horizon,
you are pretty much facing the certainty that you’re not going to be able
to exercise your options to buy the shares. In that case, you should
probably look at selling the option contract to someone more willing to
take the risk. At least you can get some of the money back that you paid
for the premium.

Now let’s briefly consider the positive scenario. Buying options and then
trading the stocks can feel like a roller coaster ride, and that rush is what
attracts a lot of people to options trading besides the possibilities of making
short term profits. Let's consider an example where the stock keeps rising in
price? How long do you wait before selling?
There are two risks here. The first risk is that you’re too anxious to sell and
so do it at the first opportunity. That really isn’t a huge downside; you’re
going to make some profits in that case. On the other hand, it's going to be
disconcerting when you sit back and watch the stock continuing to rise. That
said, this is better than some of the alternatives.
One of the alternatives is waiting too long to buy and sell the shares. You
might wait and see the stock apparently reaching a peak, and then get a little
greedy hoping that it's going to keep increasing so you can make even more
profits. But then you keep waiting, and suddenly the stock starts dropping.
Maybe you wait a little more hoping it's going to start rebounding and going
up again, but it doesn’t, and you’re forced to buy and sell at a lower price
than you could have gotten. Maybe it's even dropping enough so that you
lose your opportunity altogether. A really volatile stock might suddenly
crash, leaving you with a lost opportunity.
The reality is that like everything else involved in options trading since none
of us can see the future it's going to be flat out impossible to know if you are
making the right call every single time. Keep in mind that your goal is to
make a profit on your trades. Don’t get greedy about it, hoping for more
riches than you actually see on the screen. In other words, the goal isn’t to
sell at maximum possible profits. Nobody knows what those are because it's
going to be virtually impossible to predict what price the stock will peak at
before the contract expires. Instead, you’re going to want to focus on making
an acceptable profit. Before you even buy your call options, you should sit
down and figure out a reasonable range of values that define ahead of time
what that acceptable profit level is. Then when the stock price hits your
target range, you exercise your options and sell the shares. You take your
profit and move on, going to the next trades.
That is not a guarantee that you’re going to make money on every trade, but
it’s a more rules-based system that gets you into the mindset of trading based
on objective facts rather than relying on unbridled emotions.
Also, remember that you can exercise the option to buy the shares, and then
hold them until you think you’ve reached the right moment to sell. At other
times, you may want to exercise the option to buy shares and hold in your
portfolio as a long-term investment.
Chapter 9
In the money, out of the money
When trading options you’re often going to hear the terms in the money and
out of the money. We’ve defined them but lets briefly take a closer look at
what they mean.

In the Money
In the money simply means that exercising the option would result in a
profit. For a call option, that means that the current stock price has risen
above the strike price.
If Acme Communications is trading at $100 a share, and you have a call
option with a strike price of $60, that means that you’re in the money and
you can buy the shares at $60 and sell them for $100 in the market. The
option contract is said to have an intrinsic value that is equal to the
difference between the stock price and the strike price, that is $100-$60 =
$40 is the intrinsic value.
When you automatically exercise your options
If you have enough cash in your brokerage account when the call option
contract expires to cover the purchase of the underlying shares at the strike
price, if the call option expires in the money, then you’re going to purchase
the stocks automatically. Of course, you can sell them right away for a profit
or hold them, your choice at that point.
Out of the Money
When the strike price is higher than the market price of the underlying asset,
the call option is said to be out of the money. A call option that is out of the
money has no intrinsic value, but it may have time value. Any option that
reaches the expiry is worthless if it’s out of the money at that point.
However, if it still has time value and the underlying asset has been
increasing in value such that the option is closer to being in the money, then
it may be valuable enough to sell the option to another investor, and they
may purchase it from you at a higher price than you paid for the premium.
So, remember here that we are talking about trading the option itself, and not
the underlying stock. So if you sell the option to someone else, you may
recoup all or part of the premium, or even make a profit on it, however, the
investor who buys it from you will be the one who can exercise the right to
buy the stocks and/or hold the option until the expiration date.
Chapter 10
Buying and Selling Puts
So far, we’ve talked exclusively about buying and selling call options.
Generally speaking, this is a better option for beginning traders. Our belief is
that starting out selling covered call options, then moving on to limited
purchases of call options is the best way to get started in options trading.
Once you gain experience in that, you can move on to trading options
themselves and also with buying and selling put options.
Let’s quickly review what’s involved in puts. A put is a bet on a decrease in
stock price. Truthfully, puts aren’t really all that different than calls, because
a call is based on an educated hunch that some stock is going to go up in
price in the coming weeks or months. A put is a bet that the opposite will
occur, in other words, that the stock market price is going to decrease in the
coming weeks or months.
First, let’s look at how in-the-money and out-of-the-money are defined for

How a Put Option Works

A put option from the buyer’s perspective is the option to sell the underlying
stock asset at a pre-agreed strike price. In this case, the bet you’re making as
the buyer of the contract is that the stock price is going to drop in value, and
then you can sell the shares to the seller of the put contract at a higher price.
Suppose there is a pharmaceutical company called Theran Nose. Let’s say
that the shares are currently trading at $100, but there is bad news swirling
around. You’ve studied the situation and are confident the stock will fall and
do so more than dropping to $70. You find a seller of a put contract that
doesn’t think it's going to drop that much by the expiration date, and so they
sell you the put option with a $70 strike price.
Then a week before the expiration date, the price crashes to $40 a share. In
the case of a put, the seller of the put MUST purchase the shares from you.
So, you buy the stock at $40 a share, and then you sell the shares to the seller
at $70 a share. Needless to say, they will be seriously irritated, but you made
a better bet and come out with a profit of $30 a share.
In the Money
In the case of a put option, when the stock price is below the strike price, it
is said to be in the money. If the strike price is $150, and the stock price is
$100, the put option has an intrinsic value of $50. The buyer of the put can
buy the stock at $100 a share and sell it for $150 a share.
Out of the money
In the case of a put, if the market price is above the strike price, then there is
no intrinsic value. In an analogous fashion to that we’ve seen for call
options, however, if the contract has time value, then it may still be possible
to profit from the contract. You may be able to sell it to another investor and
get some or all of your premium back, or if there is enough time value, and it
looks like even though the stock has yet to decline below the strike price that
there are decent odds that it will, then you might get lucky and find an
investor who will buy the option contract from you.

Using Puts as Insurance

So far, we’ve talked about put options in terms of speculating. That is, over
the short-term interval of the contract, you believe that the underlying stock
is going to drop in price and do so by dropping below the strike price.
However, a put option can also be used as a form of insurance for securities
in your portfolio. This can work for index funds or for individual stocks.
Suppose you have a stock that you’re hoping to hold for the long term. Its
prospects are uncertain, so there is a chance that you could lose a lot of
money. Maybe you’ve invested in 1,000 shares. If you do nothing and the
stock tanks, then you’re out of luck. For the sake of example, we’ll say that
you bought the stock at $10 a share, for a total price of $10,000. Then after
some bad news, it tanks, dropping to $2 a share. Now you’re left with an
investment worth just $2,000, and you lost $8,000. Your only hope is to
either sell now and cut your losses or hold it and hope that things get better
in the future.
Another alternative is to buy some put contracts on the stock. Let’s say the
contracts have a premium of $0.56, so it costs $56 to buy a put contract for
100 shares. Altogether, you’ll have to invest $560 to buy enough to cover
your entire investment.
Now suppose that they came with a strike price of $7.
The stock tanks to $2 a share. You can then sell your shares at $7 to the
seller of the puts. That gives you $7,000 back. Incorporating the cost of the
premium, you’ve recovered $6,440.
Although you haven’t recovered all of your losses, it’s certainly true that
having $6,440 is far better than only being able to recoup $2,000. We see
how a put acting as an insurance policy can help protect our existing
Speculating with Puts
Speculating with puts is trickier than doing so with call options. In fact, the
most famous options traders are those who “short” a stock, and there is a
good reason. Knowing which stocks are going to fall might seem obvious,
but it doesn’t always work that way. Without getting inside information,
which of course is illegal, you’re going to have to make educated guesses. In
other words, the advice here is basically the same as it is with calls. You’ll
have to study the markets and watch all the financial news networks to find
out what companies have prospects for heading into a downturn. Overall, of
course, a bear market or recession will be the best time to look for a prospect
for put options.
Chapter 11
Beginners Common Mistakes
Trading options are more involved than trading stocks, so there are ample
opportunities to make mistakes. It’s important to take the approach of going
small and slow at first so that you don’t lose the shirt off your back. That
said, if you run into mistakes don’t get too down about it. Dust yourself off
and get up to fight another day. With that said, let’s have a look at some
common mistakes and how to avoid them.
Putting all your eggs in one basket
While there is a difference between investing and trading, as traders can
learn a few things from our investor brothers (and most people are a little of
both anyway). Don’t let everything ride on one trade. If you take all the
money you have and invest it in buying options for one stock, you’re making
a big mistake. Doing that is very risky, and as a beginning trader, you’re
going to want to mitigate your risk as much as possible. Betting on one stock
may pay off sometimes, but more times than not it's going to lead you into
bankruptcy territory.
Investing more than you can
It’s easy to get excited about options trading. The chances to make fast
money and the requirements that you analyze the markets can be very
enticing. Oftentimes that leads people into getting more excited than they
should. A good rule to follow with investing is to make sure that you’re
setting aside enough money to cover living expenses every month, with a
security fund for emergencies. Don’t bet the farm on some sure thing by
convincing yourself that you’ll be able to make back twice as much money
and so cover your expenses. Things don’t always work out.
Going all in before you’re ready
Another mistake is failing to take the time to learn options trading in real
time. Just like getting overly excited can cause people to bet too much
money or put all their money on one stock, some people are impatient and
don’t want to take the time to learn the options markets by selling covered
calls. It’s best to start with covered calls and then move slowly to small deals
buying call options. Leave put options until you’ve gained some experience.
Failure to study the markets
Remember, you need to be truly educated to make good options trades. That
means you’ll need to know a lot about the companies that you’re either
trying to profit from or that you’re shorting. Options trading isn’t possible
without some level of guesswork, but make your guesses educated guesses,
and don’t rely too much on hunches.
Not Getting Enough Time Value
Oftentimes, whether you’re trading puts or calls, the time value is important.
A stock may need an adequate window of time in order to beat the stock
price whether it’s going above it or plunging below it. When you’re starting
out and don’t know the markets as well as a seasoned trader, you should
stick to options you can buy that have a longer time period before expiring.
Not having adequate liquidity
Sometimes beginning investors overestimate their ability to play the options
markets. Remember that if you buy an option, to make it work for you-
you're going to need money on hand to buy stocks when the iron is hot. And
you’re going to need to buy 100 shares for every option contract. Before
entering into the contract, make sure that you’re going to be able to exercise
your option.
Not having a grip on volatility
If you don’t understand volatility and its relation to premium pricing, you
may end up making bad trades.
Failing to have a plan
Trading seems exciting, and when you’re trading, you may lose the investors
mentality. However, traders need to have a strategic plan as much as
investors do. Before trading, make sure that you have everything in place,
including knowing what your goals are for the trades, having pre-planned
exit strategies, developing criteria for getting into a trade so that you’re not
doing on a whim or based on emotion.
Ignoring Expiration Dates
It sounds crazy, but many beginners don’t keep track of the expiration date.
Would you hate to see a stock go up in price, and then hope it keeps going
up, and it does, only to find out that your expiration date passed before you
exercised your option?
It’s easy to spend huge amounts of money in small increments. This is true
when it comes to trading options. Since stocks are more expensive, it’s
possible to get seduced by purchasing low priced options. After all, options
are available at a fraction of the cost that is required to buy stocks. And you
might keep on purchasing them until you’re overleveraged.
Buying cheap options
In many cases, buying cheap things isn’t a good strategy. If you’re buying a
used car, while you might occasionally find a great car that is a good buy, in
most cases a car is cheap for a reason. The same applies to options trading.
When it comes to options, a cheap premium probably denotes the option is
out of the money. Sure, you save some money on a cheap premium, but
when the expiration date comes, you might see the real reason the option
contract was a cheap buy. Of course, as we described earlier, there may be
cases where cheap options have the capacity to rebound and become
profitable by the time the expiry date arrives. But taking chances like that is
best left to experienced traders.
Giving in to panic
Remember that you have the right to buy or sell a stock if you’ve purchased
an option. Some beginners panic and exercise their right far too early. This
can happen because of fears that they’ll be missing out an opportunity with a
call option, or because of fears that a stock won’t keep going down on a put.
Not Knowing how much cash you can afford to lose
Going into options trading blindly is not a smart move. With each option
trade you make, you need to have a clear idea of how much cash you have
on hand to cover losses and exercising your options. You’ll also want to
know how much cash you can afford to lose if things go south.
Jumping into puts without enough experience and cash to cover losses
Remember if you’re selling puts, you will have to buy the stock at the strike
price if the buyer exercises their option. This is a huge risk. The stock could
have plunged in value, and you’re going to have to buy the stock at the strike
price, possibly leaving you with huge losses. Don’t go into selling puts with
your eyes closed, in fact, beginners are better off avoiding selling puts. But if
you must do it, make sure you can absorb the losses when you bet wrong.
Piling it on
Most beginner mistakes are related to panic. If you’re looking at losses on
options, some beginners double and triple up hoping to make it up when
things turn better. Instead, they end up losing more money. Instead of giving
in to panic, learn when to cut your losses and re-evaluate your trading
Staying in a written contract when you should get out
If you’ve sold an option and it's looking like you might face a loss, you can
always get out of it by selling.
Chapter 12
Advanced Trading Strategies
In this chapter, we’ll look at some advanced trading strategies.

Long Straddle
In a long straddle, you’ll simultaneously buy a put and call for the same
underlying stock. You’re also going to want the same strike price and
expiration date. This technique is something that can be utilized with a
highly volatile stock. That way you have the possibility of profiting no
matter which way the stock moves. Before we see how this works, let's step
back for a second and recall how we determine whether or not a deal is
going to be profitable. We are looking at this from the buyer’s perspective.
In a call option, you’re going to profit when the stock exceeds the strike
price. However, you must remember to include the premium in your
calculation. If you think a stock will go higher than $54, but you’re paying a
$1 premium per share, then you will have to invest in a call option that has a
strike price of at least $55.
In a put option, it’s the same game, but you’re hoping the stock will go
below the strike price. So, for our new scenario of buying a call and a put at
the same strike price and expiration date, we will buy a put with a strike
price of $55. For simplicity, we will stay with a $1 premium.
Now you need to know the net premium, which will be the sum of the
premium from the call option + the premium from the put option, in this
case, $2.
You can get a profit when one of two conditions are met:

Price of underlying stock > (Strike price of call + Net Premium). In our
example, you will make a profit when the amount of the underlying
stock is higher than $55 + $2 = $57.
Price of underlying stock < (Strike price of put – Net Premium). Using
our example, you’ll see a profit when the price of the underlying stock
is less than $55- $2 = $53.

The maximum loss for a straddle will occur when the contract expires with
the underlying trading at the strike price. In that case, both contracts expire,
and you’re out the premiums paid for both options.
A long straddle has two break-even points. These are:

Lower breakeven point: Strike price – Net premium

Upper breakeven point: Strike price + Net premium

Remember you buy both options with the same strike price and expiration
Let’s look at a simple example. A stock is trading at $100 a share in May.
The investor buys a call with a strike price of $200 that expires on the third
Friday in June for $100. The investor also buys a put with a strike price of
$200 that expires on the third Friday of June for $100.
The net premium is $100 + $100 = $200.
Now suppose that on the expiry date, the stock is trading at $300. The put
expires as worthless since the stock price of the underlying is far above the
strike price of the put. However, the investor’s call option expires in the
money with an intrinsic value of 100 x ($300 - $200) = $10,000. Less the
premium the investor has made $9,800.
On the other hand, suppose that the stock drops in value, and on the expiry is
trading at $50. This time, the call option expires as worthless. The investor
can buy 100 shares at a price of $50 each for a total cost of $5,000. Now he
can sell them to exercise the put option at $200 a share, so he nets $20,000 -
$5,000 - $200 = $14,800.
This is a fictitious example, so whether the numbers are realistic or not really
isn’t the point – the point is that the investor will profit no matter what
happens to the stock price.

The term strangle is an adaptation of the straddle. In this case, you also
simultaneously buy a call option and a put option. However, instead of
buying them at the same strike price, you buy them at different strike prices.
For this type of strategy, you will buy slightly out-of-money options. This is
used when you think that the underlying stock will undergo significant
volatility in the short term. You will achieve a profit with a strangle when
one of two conditions are met:
Price of underlying stock > (strike price of call + Net Premium paid) or
Price of underlying stock < (strike price of put – Net premium paid)

Usually, the strike price of the put is set at a lower value. Profit is
determined by one of two possibilities:

Profit = Price of underlying stock – strike price of call – net premium

Profit = Strike price of put– the price of underlying stock – net

Bear Spread
A bear spread is profitable when the underlying stock price declines. Like
the above strategies, a bear spread involves the simultaneous purchase of
more than one option; however, in a bear spread, you buy two options of the
same type. Alternatively, a call bear spread involves selling a call with a low
strike price and buying a call with a high strike price.
Bull Spread
A bull spread is designed to profit when the price of the underlying security
has a modest price increase. You can do a bull spread using either call or put

Married Puts
A married put is basically an insurance policy like that we described earlier.
You buy a stock and a put option at the same time, in order to protect
yourself against possible losses from the stock.

Cash Secured Puts

In a cash-secured put, you secure the possible purchase of stock by having
money in your brokerage account to cover the purchase. This will allow you
to purchase stock at a discount, provided you have enough money in your
account to actually buy the stock. In short, you write a put option and set
aside the cash to purchase the stock. Cash secured put is done when you are
bullish on the underlying stock but believe it will undergo a temporary
Rolling a trade simply means that you are simultaneously closing out your
existing positions and opening new ones based on the same underlying
stock. When rolling a position, you can change the strike price, the duration
of the contract, or both. You can roll forward, which means to extend the
expiration date for the option.
A roll-up means that you increase the strike price when you open the new
contract. A roll-up is used on a call option when you believe the underlying
stock is going to increase in price. When you are trading put options, you use
a roll down. In that case, you close your option and reopen it with the same
underlying stock but with a lower strike price. A higher strike price means
that the new position will be cheaper. When rolling, you’re going out in time
to deadline. When rolling a call, you’re hoping that the stock will rise in
price. In this case, you’re rolling to an out of the money position. The price
of the new call will drop. With a put, the opposite occurs, and the price of
the new put will increase.
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more wisely and realize greater profits.
Many investors are struck with fear at the mere mention of options trading.
Derivatives are a mysterious concept that harkens visions of the 2008
financial collapse. This is the kind of brainwashing that we constantly
receive from financial experts (who don’t want you intruding on their secret
games) and from friends, family, and media, who have left us conditioned so
that we are too risk averse. The fact is if you understand the markets, options
trading is not nearly as dangerous as it's made out to be. Moreover, it's far
more exciting and interesting than taking the completely safe and boring
path, investing in mutual funds or just letting the money sit inside your 401k.
While this book certainly does not cover everything, you need to know about
options, as it’s an introductory book that only scratches the surface, you have
enough foundational knowledge to begin your foray into the world of
options trading. We hope that you will approach your trading activities
sensibly. This means that while you’re going to be more willing to assume
risk than someone locked into mutual funds, or simply buying and holding
stocks from the stock market, that you will still take a reasonable and
conservative approach to trade. We advise new traders to start slowly,
focusing on one type of trade and growing as they gain experience and
confidence. Stay conservative as you begin by writing call options for stocks
that you already own so that you can benefit from the premium income
while not taking much real risk. If you follow this path, even if you do end
up losing your shares, you’ll do so at a modest profit. That gives you the
opportunity to load up and do it again and keep repeating the process until
you’ve achieved mastery. As you gain experience, then you’ll be able to
move on to more ambitious types of trading and hopefully larger profits.
The first time that you start seeing profits rolling in from your options
trading, you’ll feel a tinge of excitement that let’s be honest – few people
actually experience these days. Remember to review not only the best
techniques used but go over the beginner's mistakes so that you’ll reduce the
chances that you’ll be the person making them. And most importantly,
please remember that this book is only a starting point. You’ll want to read
my other books and also use them as a springboard to more advanced and
detailed treatments. Best of luck and many profits in your trading activities!
How to Trade Options

Day Trading Strategies

Welcome to How to Trade Options: Day Trading Strategies!
In this book, we will look at using Day Trading in the exciting world of
options to help you build your wealth fast. If you're interested in options,
you'll probably also want to check out my other books on the How to Trade
Options series, in particular “How to Trade Options” which covers beginner
topics in detail.
Day Trading is a fun and active way to participate in the markets and take
advantage of the short-term ups and downs that provide profit opportunities.
It's far more challenging than stocks and requires a deeper knowledge of the
markets when compared to the casual investor or even that many financial
advisors, who are focused on the long term, possess. But don't let that
intimidate you! Day trading and being successful at is an accessible skill,
provided you're willing to take the time to study companies and the markets
and stay on top of the news the way you'll need to in order to succeed.
Day Trading also carries some risk with it, more risk as compared to normal
stock trading or even trading options in the usual way. I advise you to get
into day trading using capital that you can afford to lose. But despite
common perceptions that the stock market is some kind of gambling casino,
it is anything but. You'll approach your trades using reasoned analysis, which
will strongly tip the odds in your favor. But you do need to be aware of the
risk is real.
We’ll begin by reviewing options, so you are reminded about what they are
and how they work, but this book isn’t aimed at beginners. See my first book
on the topic How to Trade Options for more details.
After that, we'll learn how day trading works, and then apply it to using
options to make money over short time periods. Best of luck in the markets!
Chapter 1
Options – the Basics
Most people who invest in the stock markets do so with the desire to have
safe investments that will grow over the long term of 5,10 and even 30 years.
Others prefer a more active approach that lets them make money over
shorter time intervals, even weeks. Or they want a hedge, neutral strategies,
or even the ability to bet against a company in the belief its stock will
decline. All of this action takes place in the options market, which is an
exciting way to take a more active interest in stocks. Before we look at day
trading, we will provide a quick review of the concepts of options.
What is an option
An option is simply a contract between two parties which is based on an
underlying asset. You can create an options contract for any type of asset,
but our focus is on options contracts for stocks. They are called options
because one party of the contract will have the option to buy or sell stocks
depending on whether or not certain conditions are met.
An option is a type of derivative. While they've been around for a long time,
the general public really didn't become aware of the concept of derivatives
until the 2008 financial crash, when a particular type of derivative,
mortgage-backed securities, caused financial havoc when huge numbers of
bets went bad at the same time. A derivative, sounds fancy but all it means is
that it's an asset whose value depends on the value of something else. In the
case of options, the options contract is based on the value of the shares of
stocks that the contract is based on.
One option contract represents 100 shares of stock. The contract will cost the
buyer a much smaller sum than it would cost to buy the shares of stock. In a
sense, an options contract is a bet that the stock will move in a certain
direction over a given time period. That is why they can be used for
speculation. Like most contracts, an options contract has an expiration date
or "expiry". In the United States options can be exercised on or before the
expiration date, if the agreed-upon condition is realized. In Europe, they can
only be exercised on the expiration date.
There are, of course, only two ways a stock can move, and so there are two
types of options contracts. These are:
A call: this is a bet that the stock will rise in price on or before the
ending date of the contract.
A put: this is a bet that the stock will decline in price, on or before the
ending date of the contract.

For a call, the condition that the contract is based on is that the price of a
share of stock will go up past an agreed upon price per share, which is called
the strike price. When it does, the buyer of the option can exercise their right
to buy the shares of stock from the seller (or writer as they are called) of the
call option. That is, they can “call it in”. If the share price goes above the
strike price, the writer or seller of the call contract must sell the shares if the
buyer chooses to exercise their right to buy them.
This is true no matter how high the stock price has risen. So, suppose that
the strike price for ABC stock was set at $67 when the contract was entered
into by the two parties. Second, we'll assume that at that time the share price
was $65. If the share price rises to $68 a share, the owner of the shares must
sell them if the buyer wants to exercise their option (to buy the shares). This
is also true if the share price rises to $100.
The seller of the contract takes a bit of risk. They can’t lose money, but they
might miss out on a big move in the share price of the stock, and hence miss
out on a big profit they could have had.
Why bother? The reason is that the buyer can buy the shares at the strike
price. If the shares have risen to $100 a share, the buyer can buy the shares
from the seller of the options contract at $68 per share, and then immediately
turn around and sell them for $100 a share, making a quick profit of $32 per
share! Of course, that is a quote of gross revenue, there are some fees
involved and a commission to the broker, but in the end, the buyer would
make a substantial profit in this scenario.
Now you may be wondering why the person selling the contract would
bother. The reason is that they can charge a non-refundable fee for entering
into the contract. This fee is called the premium. If you're selling calls, you
get to keep the premium no matter what. In many cases, the share price will
never exceed the strike price, so they get to keep the premium and the
shares. In the event that it does exceed the strike price, they get to keep the
premium, and even though they may have missed out on some profit they
could have had, they will probably earn a bit of profit on the shares they sold
anyway. For the seller, it's a win-win deal. This kind of option contract is
known as a covered call.
Covered calls provide one option strategy, which is to generate income from
your shares.
Premiums are small, as compared to the price of the underlying stock. The
risk to the buyer of the call is relatively small, and they get the chance to
control shares of stock for a certain time without actually owning them. Of
course, to exercise your option, you will have to have the capital on hand or
access to the capital in order to buy the shares to make your quick profit.
Many people, however, don't even do that and they simply trade options
(that is you get the contract, and then sell it on the options markets before the
Options contracts are for 100 shares each. Premiums will usually be pretty
small, so say $1 per share, so you can buy the options contract for 100 shares
for $100. If it doesn’t work out for the buyer, they lose a relatively small
amount of money, as compared to the large funds that would be involved
actually buying the stock. From the buyers perspective, it gives them the
ability to speculate on the markets for relatively small sums of money and
without actually owning the stock. Then if their speculation proves right,
they can exercise their options and buy and sell the shares of stock.
When you read about options, they are typically described in some fancy
sounding language. It will make sense now that you’ve seen how a covered
call works. For a call, an option is a contract giving the owner the right, but
not the obligation, to buy shares of stock at a fixed price over a specific,
limited time period. Typically, options contracts last a few months, but you
can also buy weeklys, which last a week on Fridays. There are also quarterly
which expire the last business day at the end of each quarter. Also, for long
term considerations, you can buy LEAPS which is typically a time period
over a few years.
Now let’s take a look at the other type of options contract, which is known as
a put. A put gives the buyer the right to sell the underlying stock at an
agreed-upon price on or before the expiration date. Again, the put contract is
sold for a premium and the pre-agreed upon share price is known as the
strike price. When a trader buys a put, the bet is that the price of the stock
will go below the strike price over the lifetime of the contract. Let's illustrate
with an example.
Joe buys a put contract for XYZ Company. At the time that he buys the put
contract, XYZ is trading at $100 a share. The premium for the contract is $2,
so he buys it for $200. The strike price is $90.
Joe believes or has heard that some bad news will come out about XYZ, or
maybe he is simply bearish about the market at large. Then before the
contract expires, the bad news does come out. The share price drops to $60.
Now Joe can exercise his right in the contract.
He buys 100 shares on the stock market at $60 a share. The seller of the put
contract must buy the shares from Joe – at the strike price. So, the seller buys
100 shares of XYZ stock at $90 a share, and Joe walks away with a $30 per
share profit (less the premium fee and brokerage commission).
The seller of the put got a raw deal, they probably doubted the news would
drive the stock price that low, and so made a bet it wouldn’t in order to get
the income from the premium. Even though they lost their bet they get to
keep the premium, so they aren’t totally out. They also have the 100 shares
of XYZ, and who knows, maybe things will turn around in the future.
These are dramatic examples designed for illustration. Most of the time
stock probably won’t move that much, although options traders try to look
for volatile stocks that are moving a lot. Sellers will probably try and sell
more stable stocks, so they won’t risk as much.
If the share price of stock never goes above the strike price in the case of a
call or goes below the share price in the case of a put by the expiration date,
the option expires worthless. The seller of the option walks away with their
premium and in the case of the call, keeps their shares, and in the case of a
put, has no obligation to buy shares. The buyer of the option loses only the
premium when the option expires worthless (note that the buyer never gets
the premium back under any circumstances).
Trading Options
Now like anything else, you can buy and sell an option itself. What is an
option worth? The premium! Depending on various factors, the premium can
go up or down. The person who buys the options contract is the owner of the
contract. The seller still has their obligation, if the share price meets the
required conditions against the strike price in the contract.
The owner of the option is considered to be long in the position. If you are
short on the position, that means you’ve sold an option you didn’t own at the
time of sale.
The buyer of an option has three possible outcomes:

They can hold the option until it expires, and the strike price is not
exceeded, so the option expires worthless.
They can sell the option at some point before it expires. In this case,
you are said to "close out your position".
They can exercise their rights under the option. This means you will
buy the underlying shares of stock or sell the underlying shares of
stock, for a call or a put, respectively.

The buyer of the option is the person with the right but not the obligation to
buy or sell the shares. The seller of the option contract (also sometimes
called the writer) has an obligation to buy or sell the shares. Their possible
outcomes are:

You can buy the option back and close out your position.
Take “assignment”, which means buy or sell the shares as required if
they have met the condition set by the strike price.
If the strike price condition isn't met, you let the contract expire
worthlessly, and keep your premium.

Of course, remember that in all cases the seller always keeps the original
An option can be in the money or out of the money. If an option for ABC
stock has a strike price of $50 and shares of ABC stock are trading for $55,
the option is in the money $5. If the shares are trading for $47, the option is
out of the money $3.
For a call, it works in the opposite way, since you earn money as the buyer
of the option if the stock falls below the strike price. For ABC, a put option
with a strike price of $50, if the stock price is trading at $55, the option is
out of the money $5. On the other hand, for a put contract, if it's trading at
$40, the option contract is in the money $10.
The intrinsic value of an option is the amount that it is in the money.
We also need to know the so-called time value of the option. This is the
difference between the intrinsic value and the premium per share paid for the
option. That is:
Time value = premium paid – value in the money
If you paid $7 for an XYZ option and it’s in the money $2, the time value is
$7 - $2 = $5.
When an option is out of the money, it has no intrinsic value. So the time
value is given by the premium paid, but it declines at increasing rates as the
expiration date gets closer. In other words, the options contract will be worth
less and less to a potential buyer since its likely to expire worthlessly.
When you look at an options ticker, it will include the premium (the cost of
buying on a per share basis) and the expiration date. Options also have a
deliverable, which is the amount of the underlying that will be bought or
sold if the option is exercised. Typically, this is 100 shares of the stock. The
multiplier defines the net credit or debit to your account if the option is
exercised (or assigned, in the case that you are the writer of the option).
A few more things to be aware of as a buyer include:

Break-even point: This is the strike price + option premium.

Maximum loss: Premium paid for the option.

Long vs. Short

There are four basic options available:

Long call: this is the right to buy shares. An example would be buying a
covered call option as described earlier. This means you are bullish on
the stock, that is you expect its value to increase, possibly by a large
Long put: this is the right to sell shares of stock. You're bearish on the
stock, but it's long because you expect to profit from the options
contract by being able to sell the shares at the strike price which is
higher than the share price on the market.
Short call: An obligation to sell a stock. You're bearish on the stock, and
don't believe the share price will increase enough to beat the strike
price. It can be covered, meaning that you already own the shares
(lower risk) or naked, which means you don't own the shares when you
write the contract (high-risk trade).
Short put: This is an obligation to buy shares of stock. You’re bullish on
the stock and believe the share price will stay above the strike price.
Now let’s size up potential profits and losses for the different options.
Long Call (role: buyer)
For our long call, let’s assume we have:
Long 1 ABC Aug 50 Call @ $1
This means the option contract is for 100 shares (the value 1 = 100 shares, or
one option contract) of ABC stock. The option expires the third Friday in
August. The strike price is $50, and the premium is $1. This is a low-risk
strategy with your only risk limited to the premium, with high potential
upside (thought the probability of going above the strike price may not be
high). It's also low risk for the seller since they keep the premium and the
worst case outcome is selling the shares at the strike price which was higher
than the price of the shares at the time the contract was written, but lower
than the market price at the time of sale.
For the buyer of this contract:

The maximum loss is limited to the premium, which is the quoted price
multiplied by 100 for the total number of shares, or $1 x 100 = $100.
Maximum gain: Theoretically unlimited, depending on how much the
share price exceeds the strike price.

Short or Naked Calls (role: seller)

We began our discussion with covered calls. In that case, as the seller of the
option, the call was "covered" by the underlying stock. A naked call is one
that is uncovered. That is, you write call options without owning the
underlying stock. Remember for a call option, if you are forced into an
assignment, you must sell the underlying shares. With a naked call, you face
potential losses since you don't own the shares when you write the call. On
the market, naked calls are known as "shorts". The ticker might look
something like this:
Short 1 ABC Jun 25 Call @ $2
This tells us that the option contract expires the third Friday in June. The
strike price is $25, and the premium is $2. In this case:

The breakeven point is strike price + option premium = $25 + $2 = $27.

Maximum gain is 100 shares x premium = $200.
Maximum loss is unlimited, depending on how high the stock goes
because you would have to buy the shares if assigned. Since this is high
risk and you'd need the capital available to take care of the deal if the
need arises, brokerages assign levels to options traders to determine
whether or not they are allowed to participate in such high-risk trades.
When you open an account to trade options, you’ll need to know what
your assigned level is to determine which types of trades you can make.

Short Puts (role: seller)

A short put, like a naked call, is a risky trading strategy and you'll be
required to have capital available to risk. This is a small possible gain with a
large possible loss option. Consider the following put:
Short 1 ABC Jul 30 Put @ $2
This option expires the third Friday in July, has a strike price of $30 and a
premium of $2.

Maximum gain: $2 premium x 100 shares = $200.

Maximum loss: ($30 strike price - $2 premium) x 100 = $2,800.
Break even: ($30 strike price - $2 premium) = $28.

Long Put (role: buyer)

For a long put, we're betting that the stock price is going to drop below the
strike price. This is a lower risk strategy than a short put for the buyer. If the
price fails to drop below the strike price, then you're only out the premium.
Of course, to exercise your right to sell the shares, you'll have to have access
to the capital necessary to buy them. We'll say our example is:
Long 1 ABC Sep 40 Put @ $3
The contract expires on the third Friday of September. The strike price is
$40, and the premium is $3, so the cost to buy the contract is $3 x 100 =

Maximum loss: The maximum loss is the cost of the premium, so $3 x

100 = $300.
Maximum gain: The maximum gain is given by (strike price –
premium) x 100 = ($40 - $3) x 100 = $3,700.
The breakeven point is strike price minus the premium, or $40 - $3 =

So this is a lower risk strategy – since the maximum loss is much smaller
than the potential gain.
For now, that is all we need to know about options. Our next step is to learn
some of the basics of day trading.
Chapter 2
Day Trading – The Basics
Day trading means what it says. When you're day trading, you're going to
buy and sell a stock within one day, and do so without waiting for close. A
day trader is looking for stocks that have short term volatility. Of course,
you're going to want to buy low and sell high. Although day traders are
viewed by the general public as gamblers, this is far from reality. A day
trader is using reasoned strategies to make profits. Of course, some day
traders are better than others, they have more experience, they may study the
markets better, and have a better sense of timing. However, things don't
always go as planned, so day trading does carry a lot more risk than simply
buying into stocks for the long term.
Of course, in the world of stocks, the word "long" has multiple meanings.
When you buy a stock hoping that the price will go up, you're said to be
buying long. Day traders, despite the very short-term nature of their buying
and selling, are said to buy long because they are hoping for the price to go
up. When you short a stock, you’re hoping for the price to go down.
To take full advantage of the opportunities offered by being a day trader, you
may need to have capital on account with your broker and possibly be
approved for making certain transactions. Approval could depend on how
much capital you can put up, and other things like maybe your
creditworthiness. A brokerage is not going to take unnecessary risks. As we
get into some of the strategies used by day traders, it will make more sense
why this is the case. Keep in mind that these strategies are not exclusive to
day traders, the only difference is that if you are day trading then you’re
going to carry them out to completion within one trading day.
Smart Money vs. Dumb Money
There are two general types of investors. The first is institutional investors.
These are large investors like pension funds and hedge funds. Institutional
investors are colloquially known as "smart money". They are called smart
money because they have more information available and have tools at their
disposal like Bloomberg terminals which cost a lot of money while giving
them rapid information. Also controlling huge amounts of capital, they can
even move the markets.
Retail investors are individual and small traders. This is the "dumb money" –
in other words, that is you. Don’t take offense, the term doesn’t really mean
that you are dumb in the sense of being stupid! Dumb money just means that
relatively speaking, compared to the large institutional investors you don’t
have access to the same information at the same speed, so you’re not going
to be making trades that are as well-informed.
Selling short
Let’s begin by looking at a strategy known as selling short. This strategy
relies on being able to borrow shares from a broker so that you can profit on
the share price decline. The process involves the following steps. First, you'll
borrow shares from the broker. Then you sell them on the market. When the
share price drops, then you'll buy the shares again, and then you return the
shares to the broker.
Of course, this depends on things going in your favor. If the share price
doesn't drop, you risk losing money.
To see how you could profit from this, we'll use a simple example. Let's say
that ABC is trading at $20 a share at market opening. They're going to
release a quarterly report and you're expecting bad news that will make the
share price drop, at least for a while. You borrow 100 shares from the broker,
and then you immediately sell them. So, you make:
$20 x 100 = $2,000
At this point, it's borrowed money since you must return the shares to the
broker. If you're wrong and the price goes up, then you're going to have a
loss. But let's say the news comes out and as you expected its very bad news.
Say the share price drops to $14. Now you can buy 100 shares at this lower
$14 x 100 = $1,400
Then you immediately return the shares to the broker. So, you’ve made a
profit given by:
Price you sold the borrowed shares – Price you paid to get them back =
$2,000 - $1,400 = $600 profit.
Not bad eh? Who wouldn’t want to make a quick $600 profit in an afternoon
just sitting at their computer trading stocks?
Of course, it's not that easy. A lot of speculation goes into day trading, and
you can bet wrong, as well as bet right. So maybe you bet wrong and lose
$200 instead. Selling short requires that you closely study the stock market
and the company you're going to short in order to avoid losses. Selling short
may not be the best option for beginning day traders, since the risk that
you'll end up owing money is high, even though the potential profits are
One or more trades
We’ve illustrated the process of selling short with a single trade. However,
there are more options available. You can trade a given stock multiple times
in a single day in the hopes of making profits.
Basic Strategies
Day traders rely on four basic strategies to make daily profits in the stock
market. Let’s review each of them.
Chances are you’re familiar with the concept of scalping tickets to an
upcoming event, maybe a music concert or high demand sporting event. The
idea is you buy the tickets at face value, then when it’s sold out you show up
at the venue and offer your tickets for sale at a premium price to make a
Scaling isn’t the same on the stock market, but scalping is the most basic
strategy used by day traders. At its core is the notion of "buy low, sell high".
When a day trader uses scalping, they buy the shares at a given price, and
then sell immediately when they stand to make a profit. So, if you buy 100
shares of ABC company for $10 a share, a total investment of $10 x 100 =
$1,000, you then closely monitor the share price to sell when it becomes
profitable. Suppose that at first, it drops to $9.50 a share, and bounces
around a bit. Then it jumps up to $11.75 a share. At this point you'll sell
right away, earning:
100 shares x $11.75/share = $1,175
Since you invested $1,000 to buy the shares, you’ve made a quick profit of
$175. Scalping is a good way to get your feet wet with day trading, it's a
very basic strategy. Of course, you're not going to get into scalping on a
random basis, you're going to want to study the markets, keeping up with
financial news, and choosing companies that are likely to show an increase
in share price that day. This illustrates that day trading is not something you
can do while at work or while going out to play golf. You must take an
active role in the markets in order to make it work on a systematic basis.
Sure, you could buy some stock before heading to the office, and maybe you
get lucky and check at lunch and the price is higher so you can sell at a
profit. But often, the price may have gone up into a profitable range and may
have either dropped down so your profit is a lot less than what it could have
been or you're even in a losing position. Scalping isn't very complicated, but
it does require that you stay on top of the markets to increase your odds of
success and to maximize your success if it does arrive.
Scalping is a pretty basic concept, and that isn’t really day trading (although
you can certainly do it). Day trading involves planning ahead using well
thought out strategies. The first strategy that we’ll look at involves using
pivot points.
Daily Pivot
The stock market is very volatile, in some sense being guided by chaotic
randomness as prices rise and fall at the whims of large numbers of buyers
and sellers. Of course, the volatility isn't entirely random, and over the long-
term, it gets smoothed out. However, the day trader attempts to take short
term advantage of that volatility.
Daily pivot is a strategy that centers on buying your shares at the low point
of the day and then (hopefully) selling them at the high point of the day. This
strategy does involve a bit of guesswork, there is really no way to know with
any certainty what the low and high points of the day are going to be ahead
of time – so there is a strong possibility that you will guess wrong.
Of course, we don’t want to trade based on a “guess”, we’re going to use a
strategy based on facts (it still may be right or wrong, but we rely on real
data to make our trading decisions). This idea is based on the fact that most
of the time when dealing with short term movements of stocks, trading is
going to proceed based in some part on what the shares have done in the
very recent past.
So you calculate what’s called a pivot point. This has three inputs: the
previous day’s high, low, and close. The pivot point is simply the average of
the thee:
Pivot point = (high + low + close)/3
Now suppose that we have stock for XYZ. The high, low, and close the
previous day were $102, $97, and $100. The pivot point is then:
Pivot point = ($102 + $97 + $100)/3 = $99.67
Now to figure out how to proceed with our trades the following day, we will
calculate some support points and points. We will explain what the means in
a moment, but first let’s learn how to calculate the support points.
Support point 1 = (pivot point x 2) – high from the previous day
Support point 2 = Pivot point – (high – low)
Our support points in this case would be:
S1 = ($99.67 x 2) - $102 = $97.33
S2 = ($99.67) – (102 - $97) = $94.67
Next, we need two resistance points. The formulas used for these are:
R1 = (pivot point x 2) – low from previous day
R2 = Pivot Point + (high – low)
For our example the resistance points are:
R1 = ($99.67 x 2) - $97 = $102.34
R2 = $99.67 + ($102 - $97) = $104.67
We see that the resistance points are above the pivot point, with R1 being a
little bit above, and R2 being the most above the pivot point. The support
points are below the pivot point, with S1 being a little bit below, and S2
being the lowest point. The numbers R1, R2, S1, S2, and P are only valid for
one trading day. Each trading day you need to calculate them using the
previous days trading data, prior to the stock market open. You can find
pivot point trading calculators on Google.
Stop loss points
A stop loss is a point that is chosen as a kind of insurance to limit losses
incurred on security. This is done with a stop-loss order. What you do is you
place an order with the broker to buy or sell the stock when it reaches a
certain price. As an example, suppose you buy XYZ stock at $100. After you
purchase the shares, you can place a stop-loss order for $95. What this does
is your shares will be sold if the price drops to $95. That protects you from
incurring even more losses if the stock is tanking.
The buy signal
The point of doing these calculations is to determine when to buy, when to
sell, and when to cut your losses. The buy signal occurs when the price of
the stock goes above the pivot point with conviction. You are bullish on the
stock, expecting the price to keep rising (it may not). Your first profit target
is given by R1.
By conviction, that means that the stock price is moving up fast. The volume
also figures in when evaluating conviction, more volume means more
conviction. If there are a lot of volumes and the price is moving up fast, that
means more buyers are bullish on the stock.
For our case, the pivot point was $99.67. If the price breaks strongly above
this, we take that as a buy signal. The previous days close was $100 so we
will say for this example that the share price jumped to $101. We could
decide to buy the shares at this price.
The profit point is R1, which is $102.34 based on our calculations. You
could choose to sell if the stock price hits R1. However, if the stock is rising
rapidly, then you can choose R2 as your profit target. In that case, you would
wait until the price hits $104.67 to sell.
If you are right, then you purchased shares of XYZ stock at $101 per share.
If we buy 100 shares, then we are in for:
100 x $101 = $10,100
Now suppose that it does hit R2. We immediately sell, so our gross revenue
100 x $104.67 = $10,467
We’ve made a profit of $10,467 - $10,100 = $367. If that was the only trade,
we made that day, then we’ve made a pretty nice daily income of $367.
Of course, things don't always go as planned, which is why you need a stop
loss point. You do this so that you can minimize losses and avoid losing your
shirt. Whether you stick to R1 or R2 as the point at which you'll sell for a
profit or not will depend on how rapidly the stock is going up. So, you'll be
looking at a measure of its momentum. The stop loss points S1 and S2
correspond to each case. For R1, which is $102.34, your stop loss point
would be S1 = $97.33. If the stock is shooting up and immediately goes
above R1, you can take P as your stop loss. If it has gone up to R1 but
doesn’t show more conviction (i.e. that it’s going to go up to R2) then you
sell at about R1 and take the smaller profits.
If you are shorting a stock as described in the previous section, then the roles
of the Rx and Sx points reverse, with R1 & R2 playing the role of stop loss
points and S1 and S2 representing profits.
When to use pivot points
There is no solid agreement on this. Some traders believe that pivot points
are at their highest accuracy right after the market opens, and so they believe
you should utilize them within the first hour of trading. Others believe that
the first half-hour of the trading day will have too much volatility, so you
should wait before using them.
Morning or Opening Gaps
A morning gap is when a stock opens higher or lower than it closed the
previous day. Suppose that XYZ stock closed at $50. If it opens the next
morning it opens at $51, then this would be a $1 gap up. On the other hand,
if the stock opened at $49.50, that would be a 50-cent gap down.
A strategy that day traders use is called fade the gap. There are two options:

If the stock opens up, take a short position.

If the stock opens down, take a long position.

The bet while using this strategy is that the stock is going to return to a value
near the previous days close. This is called filling the gap. In other words,
you're betting on the opposite trend the stock had at the opening of the
With options trading:

If the stock opens up, you’ll buy puts on the stock.

If the stock opens down, you’ll buy calls on the stock.

Here is an example. On April 18, 2019, Apple closed at $203.86 a share. The
markets were closed on Friday for Easter, on Monday, April 22, 2019, Apple
opened at $202.65 a share.
Since the stock opened lower than the previous day's close, you'd take a long
position on the stock, hoping that it would close the gap and rise back up to
the closing price. You could buy stock and hold it until it (hopefully) rose to
a profitable point, or you could buy call options on the stock. Looking at
what the stock did, we see that had we bought call options on Apple at the
beginning of the trading day, this would have been successful speculation.
By 4 PM the stock had closed at $204.53 a share. But as a day trader, you
would have closed your position using this technique when it had gotten
back to the previous days close.
This was a fortuitous example since the stock happened to go significantly
above the previous close and stayed up most of the day. Of course, this is a
risky venture, since that is not always going to be something that works out.
However, the data indicate that is actually a fairly reasonable approach. Most
stocks to fill the gap at some point during the following trading day. It's
estimated that 68% of stocks will completely fill the gap, and 78% will fill
the gap at least half-way. You're making a decent bet that will be right most
of the time. There is some risk in that if you're waiting for it to fill the gap
completely and it's at the half-way point, that it doesn't get to where you're
hoping it will go and end up trading without maximizing potential profits.
When the morning gap is down, the odds of success are better. In other
words, it's more likely that a stock that opens down is going to increase in
price during the trading day rather than a stock opening up and decreasing in
price. So, calls are better buying options than puts if you are using this
technique, but of course, you will have to look at the specific stock that
you're looking to use for this technique. Each individual case will vary
depending on what is going on with the specific stock in question.
Opening Range Breakouts
Another day trading strategy is opening range breakouts. The opening range
is the first half-hour of the trading day. For the opening range, you mark
down the low of the first half-hour and the high of the first half-hour.
Suppose that XYZ opens at $90, and then the low of the first half-hour is
$89, and the high of the first half-hour is $91. Then the opening range is the
difference, or $2. What you'll be looking for is for a breakout, meaning that
the stock price either rises with conviction above the high point of the
opening range or drops below the low point of the opening range.
If the stock begins to go above the high of the opening range with conviction
you can buy the stock, in anticipation that it will continue to increase the rest
of the day or most of the rest of the day.
Fading is a bet against dumb money in the stock market. The technique is
based on shorting stocks that have moved upward rapidly, typically in the
first hour after market open. The idea is based on the belief that the stock is
overbought, that is retail investors have jumped in on stock and bid up to the
price based on some news about the stock. During the process, eager retail
investors will bid the price up beyond its intrinsic value, so as the trading
day goes on the price will begin dropping.
The point to get in and short the stock is to look for when the upswing
begins slowing down or fading. Obviously, fading is a high-risk strategy, you
don't have the same information available as the institutional investors so
may be guessing wrong even when it appears that the rise of the stock is
sputtering. You should always protect yourself with a stop-loss.
A candlestick is a marking on a stock chart or graph that represents the
following four data points:


Candlesticks are colored red or green on a chart. Just for the sake of seeing a
representation, here is a screenshot of a couple of candlesticks for a specific
Candlesticks can be green or red in color. The rectangle shown on the chart
is the body of the candlestick. If the candlestick is green, the bottom
represents the opening price, and the top represents the closing price. The
narrow lines emanating from the candlestick body are called the wicks. If the
candlestick is green color, that means the price of the stock went up over the
given time period. If you have a monthly chart, then the green color
indicates that by the close of the day, for that day the stock went up in price.
A red candlestick indicates that the price of the stock went up for the period
of measurement. If the time period is one month, then the top indicates the
opening price, while the bottom of the body indicates the opening price.
Different time periods can be illustrated on a graph. In many cases, we are
interested in short term price changes for day trading. We can look at a chart
that shows whether the price went up or down over a five-minute period. If
the price went up over the five-minute periods, the candlestick is green in
color. The top of the candlestick body indicates the price at the end of the
five-minute period. The bottom indicates the price at the start of the five-
minute period.
On the other hand, if the candlestick is colored red, over the given five-
minute period, the top represents the price at the start of the five minute
period, while the bottom of the body represents the price at the end of the vie
minute period.
Let’s illustrate this with pictures. Here is the candlestick when it is red in
color on the chart:
For a green candlestick, the chart representation is the opposite:

While the top and bottom of the body represent the open and close, the
wicks are used to represent the high price, and the low price, respectively.
The top of the candlestick wick represents the high stock price for the day.
The bottom of the wick represents the low price of the stock for the day. Or,
if the time period is for one day, the ranges represent the change in price
over five-minute intervals. So close is the price of the stock at the end of the
five-minute period, while open is the price of the stock at the beginning of
the five minute period.
Most often, when it comes to day trading, you're going to be looking at
trading intervals for one single day so the prices represented will tell you
how the stock moved over five-minute intervals:

The high price of the stock over the five-minute interval.

The low price of the stock over the five-minute interval.
The closing or end price at the end of the five-minute interval.
The opening or starting price of the stock over the five-minute interval.

When looking at candlestick charts, you're interested in knowing whether a

bearish or bullish engulfing pattern presents itself. So, you pick a candlestick
somewhere in the chart and compare that candlestick to the one to the left of
the selected candlestick.

If the candlestick on the right side is red and it engulfs or covers the
entire range of the candlestick immediately to the left which is green
(that is, the trading period five minutes prior), that is a bearish
candlestick pattern. Remember that green means the price of the stock
went up over the period. If the price goes down over the subsequent
period (indicated by red color), then this is a bearish candlestick. If this
occurs at the top of an uptrend, then this is considered a reversal candle.
A bullish engulfing or candlestick pattern occurs when you see a red
candlestick pattern followed by a green candlestick pattern which
engulfs or encompasses the previous candlestick. If a red candlestick is
followed by a larger green candlestick at the bottom of a downtrend,
then this is considered to be an indication of a reversal.

Here, we have red followed by green at the bottom of a downturn. The green
candlestick to the right, which completely covers the red candlestick to the
left, is said to engulf the red candlestick. If you are long, this is a good sign.
This indicates a reversal, so the stock price can be expected to increase.
On the other hand, suppose we have a red candle that engulfs a green candle.
The red is to the right:

If you are shorting a stock, this is a good sign. Otherwise, it’s a bad sign.
This indicates a reversal if you are at the top of an upturn. That is, the larger
red candle which engulfs the green candle to the left (i.e. earlier in time)
indicates that the stock is in reversal, which means that the stock is heading
to a downturn. If you are long on the stock, it’s a bad sign. If you are
shorting the stock, or invested in puts, that means that it’s a good sign, i.e.
that the stock can be expected to be heading into a downturn.

If you see several red candles heading down in a downturn, and then
you see a green candle that engulfs the previous red candle, this is
bullish – so may indicate a coming upturn on the stock price. So if you
are bullish on the stock, this indicates a buying opportunity if you are
long, or if you want to buy calls.
If you see several green candles going up, and then there is a red candle
the engulfs the previous (to the left) green candle, then this is bearish,
that is we expect a downturn in the stock price. If you are buying puts,
this is the time to buy.

These are guidelines, but not rules. So, while it might be accurate, it’s not
going to be accurate all the time.
A shooting star or “inverted hammer” is a candlestick with the top wick
much longer than the bottom wick.

The body is small, meaning that the opening and closing price for the time
period is not much different. The long wick indicates that the price went up a
lot over the period and then closed close to the opening price. A shooting
star at the top of an uptrend is considered bearish. It indicates a coming
downtrend, which would be bearish if you are long, but good if you want to
buy puts.
If this occurs at the bottom of a downtrend, it’s an inverted hammer. That is
bullish, indicating the stock price should be going up.
These are reversal candles, so are important to recognize in charts. In the
chart below, notice that the candle has little or no wick below it, and it has a
small body with a long wick above. The candle is red in color. This indicates
that it is a bearish candle. This is a sell signal if you are long in the stock, or
if you are looking to short, that is a buy signal.
Chapter 3
More Trading Strategies
In this chapter, we will continue our look at commonly used day trading
strategies. We will begin by looking at what is known as ABCD patterns,
bull flags, reversals, moving averages, support, and resistance, and then
finally Bollinger bands.
The ABCD strategy is a basic strategy that looks for a certain pattern in
stock to get an idea of what the trend is in the market. What you are looking
for is a stock that starts low and rises to a high point A, and then drops back
down to a low point B. Point A represents the breakout level, that is if the
stock passes point A, a second time during the trading day you're expecting
it to rise significantly, representing an opportunity where you can sell for
profit. So why would point A drop down? This is a point when many
investors have decided to sell because they are happy with their profits and
they are leery of the stock continues to increase.
As the stock begins to be sold off, at some point it will reach a low point,
which will be point B in the chart. The low point occurs when new buyers
overtake sellers that began selling as a result of the stock reaching the high
point A. Then, when more buyers come in the stock will settle on a new low
point, C, which will be higher than point B. If this pattern is established, you
take your risk level as point B. After it hits point C, it may begin moving
upward again. This is a signal of a good buying opportunity so we may jump
in at this point. If the ABCD pattern is realized, it will move up to a new
high point D, where we can sell and take our profits.
In the chart below, if the stock goes above point A, this is considered
breakout. Time to consider selling. This is a bearish ABCD, which means
you see a time to sell and take profits before the stock drops again. Point B
could you're your stop-loss point. This is a bearish ABCD, meaning we
expect it to drop.
Example- suppose that XYZ Stock opens strongly, going from $50 a share
up to $60 a share. Then over the next hour, it drops to $40 a share. It then
rises up to $55 a share and drops a little bit to $53 a share. At this point, we
will consider buying. Our risk level is the lowest point which was $40 a
share. If the stock starts turning upward, we buy. So, we can take any point
between that and our purchase point as a stop-loss, so, for example, we could
set a stop loss at $45. It then continues upward to point D, say in this case it
rises to $63 a share, where we sell to take our profits before the stock drops
We can also have a bullish ABCD pattern. This is where the stock looks to
In this case, we buy at point D. This can be done buying calls or actually
going long on the stock.
When we see ABCD patterns, the lines AB and CD are known as the legs.
The line BC is either called the correction or the retracement. A retracement
is a temporary reversal of the stock price. In that case, the stock has an
overall upward trend for the day. So, the retracement is seen as a temporary
downturn that is going to reverse. A correction is a downturn of 10% or
more in the price of the stock. A correction is an ideal time to buy a stock
because odds are it's going to go back up and possibly strongly so. In the
second chart, at point D there has been a correction. In the first ABCD
graph, we see a retracement, on the way to an overall upward trend.
Ideally, the lines AB and CD should be of equal length.
The Bull Flag
A bull flag is a strong upward trend in the stock. However, after shooting
upward, the stock enters a phase of consolidation, when people slow down
or stop buying, but before a new rise may begin. The "flag pole" is a steep
rise in the price of the stock over a very short time period. The "flag" is a
time period when the price is high but stays about the same. A bull flag is a
symbol of a buying opportunity for a stock that has already shown a
significant increase. You should set your desired profit, buy and then sell
when it begins increasing again up to the point where you have set to take
your profit. You should always include a stop-loss, a bull flag is no
guarantee and the price might actually start dropping.
When there is a bull flag, it is bordered along the bottom by a level below
which the stock is not dropping, known as the support. On the top, there is a
level above which the stock is not rising. This is called resistance.
Eventually, the stock is going to break out of the resistance so you want to
buy before this happens, as the stock may see a rapid rise again. A bull flag
may occur multiple times during the day as the stock trends upward.
The Bear Flag
A bear flag is equivalent to a bull flag but when a stock is tanking, so it
represents opportunities to short the stock or buy puts. In this case, the stock
will drop by a large amount over a short time period. It's going to have an
upside down flag pole, and then a flag at the bottom where the stock stays
within a narrow range for a while, bounded by resistance and support. This
is a buying opportunity if you are looking to short the stock so you can buy a
put with an appropriate strike price. The hope here is that the stock will
continue it's a downward trend when it breaks out of the flag. It may do so
rapidly and then hit another flag later in the trading day.
A reversal is a major change in the direction of the price of the stock. So, the
trend completely shifts and moves in the opposite direction. In order to look
for reversals, look at the candlesticks on a stock market chart. The body of
the candlesticks and its size relative to the previous (to the left) candlesticks
is what is important. First, let’s consider a signal for a reversal where a
declining stock price is going to be going up in the future. If the candlestick
of the most recent time is larger and fully engulfs or covers the candlestick
to the left, and it’s the opposite color, i.e. a green candlestick following red
candlesticks, this indicates a reversal of a downtrend into an increasing stock
price. This is a good time to go long or buy calls.
On the other hand, let's now consider the case where the stock price is going
up, with multiple green candlesticks in a row. Then it is followed by an
engulfing red candlestick. This indicates a reversal so we will expect the
stock price to begin going down. That is, this is a point where we should
short the stock, or if trading options invest in puts.
The larger the engulfing candlestick, the stronger the reversal signal is. That
indicates that the change in direction has a significant conviction behind the
reversal, which is the confidence of investors, larger volume and the price
will change in larger amounts over short time periods. If the wicks engulf the
wicks of the previous period, that is an even stronger signal that a reversal is
When using reversals as a trading strategy, you need a minimum of five
candlesticks in a five-minute chart. Then look at the relative strength index,
which helps you evaluate overbought or oversold stocks. The RSI ranges
from 0-100. At the top of an uptrend, if the RSI is above 90 that indicates
that the stock is overbought and is probably going to be heading into a
downturn. On the other hand, if you are looking at the bottom of a downturn,
if the RSI is 10 or below, this indicates that the stock is oversold. That could
be a signal that is about to see a price increase.
When looking for reversals, indecision candlesticks can be important in
combination with the other variables discussed here. An indecision
candlestick indicates neither an upturn or a downturn. That is if you see a
downturn followed by several indecision candlesticks, that could mean that
the stock is about to turn upward again. Or vice versa – if an upturn is
followed by several indecision candlesticks, that can indicate a reversal
resulting in a downward trending stock price.
Looking at the wicks can be important as well. When the lower wick of the
candlestick is longer, that may indicate that the price dropped over the period
of the candlestick, but the stock turned and was bought up. On the other
hand, if the candlestick has a long wick at the top, that may indicate that the
stock was bid up too much over the period. Traders lost interest and began
selling off the stock.
At any time there appears to be a reversal, a trend of indecision candles or
stagnation represents a buying opportunity no matter which direction the
stock may be trending. That is if you are in the midst of a downturn and the
stock is moving sideways, then it may be a good time to go long on it or buy
calls. The opposite is true if the stock is at the top of a potential reversal. If
it's moving sideways, it may be a good time to invest in puts. Keep in mind
that this does not always work. The best indicator is whether or not a green
(red) candlestick following a red (green) candlestick which engulfs the
candlestick to the left is the best indicator of a coming reversal.
Moving Average
Another trading strategy that can be exploited is the moving average. This
may help when a trader is looking for entry and exit points while trading.
First, we will look at the simple moving average crossover strategy. Look at
candlestick charts when considering moving averages with a two-minute
You can include multiple moving averages in a chart with different periods.
A faster-moving average on a chart is colored red and a slower moving
average is colored green. A buy signal is a red line moving above the green
line. That is, it breaks above the green line. A sell signal is when the green
line is above the red line. If the lines are overlapping, then that means to
wait. So, to profit, when the faster moving average tops the slower moving
average, you go long, which means buy the stock or buy a call option. Then
when the red line (or faster-moving average) goes below the slower moving
average that is a sell signal. If you went long you sell your stock. It could
also be an indication to buy puts.
A stop loss should be five or ten percent below the moving average line.
Solid profits can be realized when the stock breaks out high above the
moving average. You can choose to take a half-position at this point, in order
to lower your risk.
Following the moving average leaves your investments exposed to the
markets for a longer period of time. If you are a beginner to day trading, this
can increase your risk. For that reason, many beginners avoid following the
moving average. It will be necessary if looking at moving averages to stay
exposed to the market for several hours. On the other hand, some beginners
will prefer this method, because you have more time to make decisions
regarding your trades. One of the things that you will need to learn when day
trading is that you have to think fast on your feet. If that is something that
causes you an issue, using moving averages can help you get more attuned to
the markets while utilizing a slower method. Large gaps in entry and exit
points can also be an advantage, helping you get a nice profit on your trades
that helps wipe out the commission fees.
Bollinger Bands
Bollinger bands are a very popular indicator for day traders, looking for
price actions and indicators for strengthening or weakening. These were
developed by none other than John Bollinger. Bollinger bands are adaptive
trading bands. A trading band is simply a range of prices for security (aka
stock). In particular, Bollinger bands represent:

The extent of price movement
They indicate trend lines defining support and resistance

Bollinger bands are calculated using standard deviation. However, you don’t
need to be an expert in statistics to understand how Bollinger bands are
calculated or what they represent. In short, a Bollinger band is calculated
relative to some average of prices, for example, the moving average over a
given number of periods. What the Bollinger band represents then, is the
spread of prices about that average.
Bollinger bands only measure closing prices and how to spread out they are.
Typically, they measure the 20 periods moving average, but they can be used
for 50 or 100 periods.
Bollinger bands are dynamic. You will see them around the candlesticks in a
stock chart. When they narrow, that is known as a volatility squeeze. If they
spread out, that is a volatility spread.

If the bands are narrow, that indicates that the prices over that period
are falling within a smaller range (i.e. the closing prices for each period
are relatively similar to each other).
If the bands are wider, that indicates a greater spread in prices, that is
individual prices differ from each other a lot more – put another way,
there is more volatility.

What signals are there with Bollinger bands that a day trader can look for?

If wick of a candlestick at the bottom hits the Bollinger band, that can
be taken as a buy signal. The stock is oversold, so it’s a good time to
When the candlestick touches or crosses the upper Bollinger band, then
the stock is overbought. Time to sell.
Of course, the vice versa applies, if a candle hits the top band, it may not be
a sell signal, you may want to short or buy puts.
When the candlesticks are hitting the Bollinger bands, this may indicate a
reversal. A hammer at the bottom of a reversal touching the bottom
Bollinger band is a nice buy signal in many cases. Reversal candlesticks that
touch a Bollinger band are a solid indicator that there is really a reversal
In the opposite direction, if you are looking to short a stock or invest in puts,
then you want to look for shooting stars that touch the upper Bollinger band.
This can indicate a reversal or a coming downturn. If you are long on a stock
and this condition arises, that indicates that it is a good time to sell.
When using Bollinger bands, you will want to look at the shape of the
candlestick itself. This can strengthen or weaken your indicators. If you see a
hammer at the bottom of the Bollinger bands, this can indicate a coming
upturn in the stock so it’s a good time to go long. On the other hand, if you
see a shooting star touching the top Bollinger band, that may be an indicator
that it is either a good time to sell or a good time to short or buy puts. Using
Bollinger bands is not going to be a perfect indicator, but you can combine
your observations about the shapes of the candlesticks and whether or not
they are shooting stars or hammers together with the Bollinger bands to get a
reasonable conjecture as to whether the stock is likely to move in one
direction or in the opposite direction. In other words, looking at the
candlesticks together with their relationship to the Bollinger bands will help
you determine whether or not a given stock is primed to reverse.
Support and Resistance
We have touched on support and resistance earlier, here we will discuss the
definitions in more detail. Support and resistance refer to lines on a pricing
chart that act as barriers. That is, a support line will be found at the bottom
of the chart that indicates a pricing level that serves as a minimum. Put
another way, it is not expected that the price of the security in question will
drop below the support. Looking toward increasing or higher prices, the
resistance line is a top or maximum limit to expected changes in price. That
is, it is not expected that the price of a security will go above the resistance
Support and resistance levels are primarily used to identify points at which
the probabilities support a reversal, pause, or prevailing trend in the stock
price. Since support is found at the bottom of a pricing chart, this means that
the support represents a point where a downward trend can be expected to
pause, and possibly reverse. On the other hand, the resistance is at the top of
a stock pricing chart, hence it represents a point where an upward trend can
be expected to pause, and possibly reverse and so turn into a downward
trend. Of course, not all pauses result in reversals so you will have to look
toward other signals such as the candlesticks and the Bollinger bands.
Trends in market activity are set by the basic economic principles of supply
and demand. If the price of a security is dropping rapidly, the lower it drops
the more demand for the stock is going to be generated. The support line
represents the point at which demand is expected to overtake the selloff and
possibly send the price of the stock upward again.
The resistance line works in converse fashion. As the price of a stock rises,
at some point demand begins to slip. A sell-off begins which leads to
declining prices.
A zone of support defines an entry point. That is, in simple language, this is
a good point at which to buy the stock (go long or buy calls). This view, of
course, may be in error. It's entirely possible that the stock can violate the
price level and continue its decline until it hits new support, and a new entry
point is defined.
Now let's consider a zone of resistance. This is where the stock price has
been increasing. A zone of resistance defines a possible exit point. That is, it
is expected (but not certain) that the stock is peaking out and this is a good
time to get out. So if you are in a long position, in a zone of resistance you
may want to sell. Once again, it is possible that the stock will violate the
price level, and the zone of resistance may be an illusion as the stock begins
to go up again until it reaches a new zone of resistance.
Traders act on the belief that a zone of support or resistance will not be
broken. Of course, in many cases their bet is wrong. In that case, you can
close and take a small loss. It's important to avoid letting emotions get the
best of you in these situations. If you let emotion take over, you may hold
onto your position too long hoping that somehow it can or will reverse
course. Taking this approach can lead to larger losses. It's best to get out
when you see the first signal that you've made an error.
So how do you spot a zone of resistance? Simply put, it's a price at which the
stock approaches multiple times but can't seem to get past. You can define a
zone of resistance over any time period you like, you could be talking about
over an hour in the case of day trading or over the course of weeks or
months for regular stock trading. If we take a hypothetical example, for XYZ
stock it may see peaks at $98, $99.75, $99.50 and $99.85 over the course of
a few hours. Then we may define the zone of resistance for that day at $100.
A trader may decide to either short the stock, invest in puts, or if they are
long, they may sell and close their position.
A zone of support works in the same way. There is a bottoming out price that
the stock seems to keep approaching but doesn't cross and go lower. In that
case, the trader may see this stock as a buying opportunity, it's a stock that is
soon to rise in price. For the hypothetical XYZ stock, we could envision the
zone of support being something like $90.
Trending is important when looking at support and resistance levels. It’s not
going to be very long that a stock is trapped in some zone where the level of
support and resistance remains the same. It’s going to be trending over time.
With the changes in price, the support and resistance levels can change. For
our hypothetical XYZ stock, if the company is healthy and growing, then we
can imagine that it will eventually break the $100 barrier and climb up to a
new level, say where the zone of resistance is $108, and the zone of support
is $100. Depending on how volatile the stock is at a given moment, it could
make this move quickly – within one single day.
It's useful to pay attention to moving averages when thinking about zones of
support and resistance. When the moving average is below the actual price
lines of the stock (that is the stock is trading at prices above the moving
average), then that indicates a new zone of support. Conversely, when the
stock is trading below the moving average, we have found a zone of
resistance. Moving averages can also be used to look at the timing of when
to enter and exit trades. If the price drops below the moving average, this
indicates an exit point.
Formally defined, the risk is the difference between the entry price and the
stop loss price. Suppose that stock XYZ is trading at $40. If you buy 100
shares of XYZ and then put in a stop-loss order of $35 a share, your risk is
simply given by:
Risk = $40 - $35 = $5
Your position size is simply the number of shares that are bought in a given
Chapter 4
10 Tips for Successful Day Trading
Day trading is a double-edged sword, you can reap substantial rewards, but
you could lose your shirt by betting wrong. But it doesn’t have to be an
activity that carries huge amounts of risk. By following a few commonsense
tips, you can minimize your risks and ensure that your profits are more
Set Aside Capital for Day Trading
Don't be the person that bets the farm on hoping to cash in big. You should
set aside capital that you are willing to lose for day trading. More
importantly, you should set aside an amount of capital that you can afford to
lose so that you're not begging relatives for money to pay your rent if your
trades go bad.
Use Stop Losses
Even the most careful day trader can run into trouble. You can minimize
your losses by planning ahead of time. Each time you place an order, make
sure to use stop losses so that if your bet turns out to be wrong, your losses
will be minimized.
Do your homework
As they say, knowledge is power. People who fail as day traders are people
that buy and sell stocks based on superficial looks at the markets and relying
on hunches. Those who make long term profits are those who carefully study
the markets. That means being familiar with the stock market, recent
behavior on the stock market, the companies you’re looking to trade and the
economy at large. Day trading is going to be a full-time activity. You will
need to keep up with the economic outlook in the short term. You’ll need to
know what the Fed is going to be doing with interest rates. You’ll have to
follow international trade and look for political events that can impact the
markets. You will need to read financial websites daily and subscribe to
publications like the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and the Financial
Times. You’ll also need to spend time watching CNBC and Fox Business to
get the latest news as soon as possible. It's also a good idea to make short
lists of companies so that you can study several in detail so that you are
acting on good information rather than playing guessing games.
Start Small
When you are learning how to day trade, chances are you're going to have a
lot of failures. Therefore, it's best to start with small trades with small
amounts of capital and limited numbers of shares. Buying options is a good
way to start as well since you can speculate only risking the premiums rather
than spending large amounts of money upfront. When you start small you
can gain the necessary experience without losing all your capital first. As
you gain experience and confidence you can increase the amount invested.
No Penny Stocks
Stick with stocks on the major stock exchange. Now and then, penny stocks
will turn out to be hidden gems, but most of the time there is a reason that
they are penny stocks. They are best avoided as they’ll be losers most of the
Time for Volatility
The first and last hours of the trading day are when a lot of people will be
making their moves for the day, either bidding stocks up or frantically
selling. The mid-day is going to be a time of lower volatility. When you are
first starting out, you might want to avoid the first half-hour of trading.
Practice Makes Perfect
Consider doing practice trades for a while. That is study the techniques used
in day trading and then look at real data in the markets to decide what
strategies you'd employ with a given stock, and then follow it without
actually making the trade. The point here is to practice without risking
capital for a short time period so that you can gain some experience before
actually trading. There are stock trading simulators you can play with, for
Don’t get greedy
Using pivot points is a good strategy. It’s going to be tempting to try and
wait things out when a stock is moving rapidly in the direction you’re
betting on. But if you wait too long to act, you may end up missing out on
profits. Don’t get greedy and take what profits you can get using pre-
determined limits.
Avoid Being Taken Over by Emotion
This is related to the last point, but it also relates to panic. If you're long on
security but it doesn't look good for a while, don't panic and get out too
early. This is the converse of being too greedy. It's human nature to panic,
but in the stock markets, that's what the amateurs do. Using the pivot point
example, you know ahead of time what your limits are. Using limit orders is
the best way to avoid panic because you'll have your exit strategy set up
already, so it will happen automatically.
Plan your trade and trade your plan
The key to succeeding while day trading is to plan ahead. You should
already have your strategy mapped out before you move on it. You will have
to act fast when the buying or selling condition arrives, but you won’t need
to think about it or agonize with emotion if you’re planned things out ahead
of time.
Chapter 5
Getting Started with Day Trading
The first thing to consider when getting started in day trading, is which
market that you want to use in order to trade. That may sound like an odd
question to consider at this point, but depending on how much capital you
have, choosing the right market is critical. The important thing to recognize
with day trading is that day traders routinely have strings of losses. And we
are not talking about amateurs here, experienced day traders will experience
losses on a routine basis. Of course, you expect that over time you are going
to make profits, but just like flipping a penny can result in 5 tails in a row,
making many day trades can result in many losses before a big win hit. So, if
you're trading a significant amount of your capital, a string of losses could
leave you going broke very quickly. Thousands of dollars can be at stake in
an individual trade. For these reasons, there are some rules and
recommendations in place to help you avoid getting into super big trouble,
but the rules may make day trading seem less appealing especially if you
cannot come up with the required capital.
Things to consider before getting started
Day trading isn’t a hobby or a game. It’s a serious business, and just like any
serious business day trading is going to require a serious commitment even
before you get started.

Day trading requires a serious time commitment. You are going to have
to study the financial markets, keep up with financial news, and spend
time at your computer pouring over financial data. Do you have the
time to do all of these things? It’s basically a full-time job. You’re not
going to be a day trader while working your 9-5 and expect to be
successful. The day traders who are successful are 100% committed.
Are you willing to practice before actually beginning day trading?
Jumping in and risking tens of thousands of dollars without experience
is a bad idea. We have listed links to practice software that lets you
simulate stock market trading. Are you willing to spend several months
honing your skills using practice methods before actually day trading
with real money? You can even open “demo” accounts with many
brokers. Consider working on this and practicing now, and then getting
into real investing when you’ve honed your skills.
Do you have adequate capital to get started? The U.S. government has a
$25,000 minimum capital requirement to begin day trading. Do you
have the money already? And is this actual money you can lose without
getting into serious financial trouble?

Choose a broker
If you are already investing in stocks independently (that is outside an
employer or a mutual fund) you may already have a broker that can also act
as a broker for day trading purposes. Top brokers that retail investors can use
include Ally Bank, TD Ameritrade, Trade Station, Interactive Brokers,
ETrade, Charles Schwab, and many others.
Trading on the Stock Market
Of course, you can buy as few or as many shares of stock as you like, but
experts advise that you need to have at least $25,000 in the capital that you
can risk day trading in order to trade on the stock market. Making four trades
in a week will qualify as being a day trader. If you plan to day trade four
days per week, it’s recommended that you have $30,000, in order to give
yourself a bit of a buffer over the minimum. However, this value is quoted
on the assumption that you’re going to be trading actual shares of stock. It is
recommended that your maximum risk on trade be limited to 1% of your
total capital.
It’s important to know your risk and position risk. Position risk is the
number of shares times the risk. If you buy a stock at $20, and the stop-loss
is $19, then your risk is $1. If you buy 500 shares, then your position risk is:
500 x ($20-$19) = $500
Stocks with higher volatility will require more risk than stocks with lower
volatility. A day trader of stock can access leverage, typically at a rate of 4:1,
allowing them to access more shares of stock than they could afford with
their own capital.
A good way to get in on day trading on the stock market is --- you guessed it
– by trading options. Buying an options contract only requires that you
invest in the premium. Trading in options lets you leverage your money.
Futures Markets
You can day trade on futures markets with less capital. This can still let you
get involved with stocks, however. For example, you can day trade the S&P
500 on the futures markets with a fraction of the capital required for day
trading stocks. You can probably get started on this for between
$1,000-$2,500. The daily range of futures can run from 10-40 points
depending on volatility.
FOREX Markets
Forex markets are the lowest priced opportunity, with an entry level of
capital of about $500. If you are interested in getting into day trading but
lack capital, the FOREX markets can be an option to consider in order to get
started with day trading. Even though FOREX markets have smaller
required minimum accounts, the same rules apply. Traders should not risk
more than 1% of their capital on a single trade. If you have a $2,000 account,
then the most you’ll want to risk on a trade is $20. While FOREX markets
might appeal to you because of the smaller minimums, this is an entirely
different world, with its own lingo and so forth. That isn't to say that getting
some experience in the FOREX markets might be a good idea before risking
massive amounts of capital day trading stocks. It very well might be an
option to consider in order to use a real testing ground for day trading.
FOREX.com, TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and ETrade are
recommended brokers for FOREX. This market will require you to study
international trade and to spend time analyzing the global economy, rather
than focus on individual companies. It's really a different animal, however, it
can be complementary, and many traders do both.
Why Day Trade Options
Day trading stocks have a high barrier for entry because of capital
requirements. You may or may not already be in a position to do it, but if
you're not trading options provide a low barrier to entry alternative. There
are several reasons to trade options rather than stocks. To begin with, trading
options don't require hardly any money at all (in comparison) and it will
allow you to gain experience looking at many of the same underlying
fundamentals that day trading stocks require – since they are ultimately
based on the same market.

Options can be cheap. You can trade options at a much lower premium
price as compared to the price required to buy stocks.
Options offer huge upside potential. The percentage gains in options
can be orders of magnitude larger than gains in stocks. So, you can
invest a smaller amount of money, and reap larger gains on a percentage
You don’t have to exercise the option to profit from it.
Volatility makes trading stocks risky; it can make trading options
The low price required to invest in options contracts means that you can
often put together a diverse portfolio, even when making short term
It may be harder to get competitive spreads with options while day

There are some downsides to day trading options. One important factor is
that when day trading options, time value may limit short term changes in
price. Options are also less liquid than the underlying stocks, so that can
mean wider bid-ask spreads. Trading options will require you to get the same
basic knowledge of day trading that we covered when discussing stocks.
Ultimately, the value of the option is determined by the value of the
underlying asset – the stock price.
Things to watch day trading options
Let's take a look at some indicators specific to options that you'll want to pay
close attention to.

Put/Call Ratio. If this is high, that means more traders are investing in
puts for the underlying asset. In other words, the outlook is bearish
because more traders are betting against the underlying or shorting it.
Money Flow Index. This helps identify overbought and oversold assets.
It tells you the flow of money that goes into the underlying asset or out
of it over a specified period of time. Money flow takes into account
both price and volume.
Open Interest – this is the total number of outstanding options contracts
that have not been settled.
Relative strength and Bollinger bands (discussed in previous chapters).

Best Tools to Operate Day Trading

Day traders may have special needs to act fast and get information as
quickly as possible in ways that normal stock investors don’t require. One of
the most important things a day trader needs is access to breaking news
related to the markets. You’re never going to get the kind of detailed and
early news that the big players in the institutional investor world will get, but
you can still opt for the best options, and that should include Benzinga
breaking news.
In addition, some other tools you are going to need:

Hotkeys, to execute trades quickly.

Of course, you will need a laptop and a solid internet connection.
Stock scanning software. Trade ideas are a solid tool:
eSignal for specialized charting.
Cable or satellite television, to keep up with ongoing financial news on
finance channels like Fox Business and CNBC.
TAS Market Profile – a software package designed specifically for day
traders. See https://www.tasmarketprofile.com/
Chapter 6
How much do day traders make?
Day trading can sound exciting, and it certainly is. And if you have larger
amounts of capital to invest, and you’re very good at it, then day trading can
help you make large amounts of money over short time periods. But if you
are just getting started, how much can you really earn day trading? Let’s try
looking at some realistic scenarios before having visions of millions of
The first thing to consider when you are trying to gauge the potential for
success in any endeavor is the Pareto principle. Basically, this principle tells
us that 20% of the people get 80% of the spoils. It doesn't matter what you're
talking about, you could be talking about farmers. In that case, 20% of the
farmers will be responsible for 80% of the output. In the case of the stock
market, 20% of the investors will take 80% of the returns, and this most
certainly applies to day trading. Most day traders are going to have to keep
their day job, and many may end up losing their initial capital investment.
This isn't too out and out discouraging anyone from taking up day trading.
There are many factors that will decide success or failure. For example,
many people start off with high levels of excitement when taking on
something new like day trading, but then they fizzle out very quickly. In
short, they simply fail to put in the work required to excel. There could be a
million reasons for it. Some people might wilt at the first sign of a challenge.
Others may become bored with it. Some people are downright lazy – day
trading actually takes work and they were hoping for a get rich quick
Just like only a small percentage of basketball players are ever going to be
NBA stars, only a tiny percentage of day traders are going to rise to become
the cream of the crop and make millions of dollars. That said, you can take
action to seriously tip the odds in your favor. After all, many people practice
basketball with an all-out effort and become top-level players, even if they
aren't Kobe Bryant or Lebron James, they still may be very successful. The
same principle applies to day trading. You may be a budding star or not – but
if you dive in 100% to study the markets and finance and trading – you will
up your odds significantly and even if you don't become a star, if you are a
smart trader who hedges risk well then you may be able to make a solidly
upper-middle-class income from it even if you don't become a top level
One rule is that disciplined traders, at least over the long run, are going to
make more money than people who are flying by the seat of their pants kinds
of people. The more capital you start with, the more money that you're going
to make. But let's have a look at the minimum. Suppose that you start out
with the recommended minimum amount of capital, which is $30,000.
Using leverage at 4:1, that means you can potentially control $120,000
worth of stock. Remember that there is a 1% rule on risk per trade and
starting with $30,000 that means you’ll be trading $300 at a time. Assuming
you’re a disciplined trader, you will have a good stop-loss strategy. Standard
values are a win rate of 50% (that is half your trades are profitable) and your
winners are around 1.5 times bigger than your losers. These numbers sound
like no big deal, but it may take you a couple of years to get to this level.
Now let's use these assumptions together with a guess that you make on
average five trades per day or about 100 per month. With a 50% success
rate, you'll have 50 profitable trades per month. A reasonable stop loss is
$0.10, so with a 1.5 times ratio of the winner to loser you're making $0.15
per share in profits. You can control 3,000 shares per trade. So that gives you
a monthly profit of $22,500. Your losses come from the stop loss figure of
ten cents a share, so you're going to lose $15,000 per month.
Your gross income will then be the difference, or $7,500 a month. However,
remember that you’ll need to pay lots of commissions. Brokers don’t let you
trade stock for free. In the end, your actual profit will probably be about
$5,000 a month.
Now, this isn't bad to get started. So, you're able to work from home, doing
something fun and exciting that is even a little bit risky, and make an OK
middle-class income from it. But it's probably not the kind of income you
were hoping to see.
That isn't to say that you can't grow your business over time and make huge
amounts of money. You absolutely can do that. However, what we're really
trying to show here is that day trading really isn't a get rich quick scheme.
It's not really different from any other kind of business that takes time, work,
and energy to grow.
Of course, you might be better than average. If you are really good, maybe
65% of your trades turn out profitable and you're banking $8,000-$9,000 per
month depending on the size of commissions you have to pay. That's not an
unrealistic possibility, however, remember not everyone is as talented as
anyone else. Some people are going to do worse than the 50% success rate
that we initially started with, and in those cases, they will make less money,
maybe a couple thousand a month or less. Still, more won't make anything,
and some are going to end up with losses.
The point of this discussion isn’t to discourage people, it’s to get you going
into this with your eyes wide open and having realistic expectations. There is
no doubt a few people reading this who will master day trading and end up
millionaires. We sincerely hope that you are that one person!
Thank you for taking the time to read How to Trade Options: Day Trading
Strategies. If you found this book helpful, please jump on Amazon and give
us a thoughtful review. Thanks again!
Day trading is not for everyone, and neither is trading options. However,
trading options and doing day trading are both exciting endeavors. Once you
get your feet wet investing in options, you may find the temptation of day
trading calls. Normally, day trading stocks requires that you open an account
with a brokerage with a large amount of upfront cash. In the United States,
you're required to have a minimum of $25,000 in your account, and it's
recommended that you have at least $30,000 in order to give you some
cushion against losses. Losses during day trading are to be expected. It takes
a long time and a lot of devotion to get good at day trading, and even the
best and most experienced day traders can experience long losing streaks.
Options provide a great way to get into the markets while risking a lot less
capital. With options, you can control large numbers of shares of stock for
small amounts of money. You can exercise the option or not, giving you
flexibility. Selling your option can give you a way to quickly profit when
there are big stock moves, and profit margins with options are often much
higher than they are with stocks.
Day trading can be an exciting opportunity. We recommend that you test the
waters by using one of the stock trading simulators recommended in the
book and then using your knowledge to day trade options contracts. Options
are based on the underlying stock so everything that you learn about day
trading stocks applies to options as well. If you want to learn about options I
suggest reading my first book in this series, How to Trade Options which is a
detailed book aimed at people who are just beginning with options.
How to Trade Options

Swing Trading
Congratulations on beginning your journey to greater wealth and financial
Most people are very familiar with "normal" stock investing. You buy a
diverse set of stocks – even better into a mutual fund or exchange-traded
fund – and then hold onto them until retirement, when you start to slowly
cash them out for income.
People are also familiar with day trading. When it comes to day trading,
however, most people have a cartoonish view of it, believing that day trading
is some kind of scam or get rich quick scheme where you try to make tens of
thousands of dollars in a few hours. That really isn't true, day trading, while
riskier than long term stock investments, is a disciplined and scientific
approach to making money from stock trades. But it does require
significantly more dedication in time, knowledge and effort than most
people are willing or able to put into their investing activities.
What people don’t know about is the glorious middle between these two
possible ways to approach the stock market, and that’s swing trading. This
offers a type of middle in between day trading and long-term investing,
where you can hold stocks for days or even a few months, in order to take
advantage of some of the longer term growth that comes with good stocks,
but also get some of the edges that day traders have. Swing trading provides
are a more secure way to "play" the markets than day trading, and in fact, the
reality is that swing traders often make far more money than day traders.
You can also do swing trading in many cases without capital requirements or
regulators breathing down your neck the way they might with day trading.
In this book, we’ll introduce you to swing trading, and we’re going to talk
about swing trading with options. This is another way of investing that the
“average Joe” isn’t familiar with. We’ll explain what options are and how to
use the power of leverage options provide to make more profits and amazing
ROI on your money. If you want a more detailed exposition on options,
please see my first book in this series, How to Trade Options.
Chapter 1
Swing Trading – The Basics
Swing trading sounds suspicious, but as we'll see it's a solid middle-road
type of investing in the stock market that will appeal to many people. Before
we get into the specifics of what swing trading is, let's quickly discuss its
evil twin, day trading. How does that work? Very briefly, day trading is a
strategy that hopes to take advantage of a single day gain or loss. Some
people see it as a "fast money" or "get rich quick" approach to stock market
trading, but it's nothing of the sort. In order to engage in day trading, you
must have an account with a minimum of $25,000 with a broker. So, if
you're looking to make money on the stock market, but are short on cash,
day trading isn't going to be something you can use to get rich.
Besides having a specific capital requirement, day trading requires active
participation in the stock market that involves getting deeply invested in
following financial news from many sources, trying to stay on top of rumors
and breaking news, and watching every little move of your stocks
throughout the day. You must do your due diligence with day trading. It also
involves having some highly technical skills that most people who invest in
the stock market would rather not bother with. The bottom line is that day
trading is serious, and high-risk business. For our purposes, the key
takeaway is that day trading attempts to leverage stock market gains (or
losses, if you are shorting a stock) that occur within a single trading day. At
the close, you're out of all your positions. This can be an advantage in that
you avoid overnight risks, stocks can often take hits with trading on Asian
and European markets.
We all know what long-term investing is. Basically, people try to set up a
diverse portfolio of stocks (and other securities like bonds, mutual funds,
etc.) in order to build long-term wealth. The definition of long-term might
vary from person to person, it might be five years, ten years, or even three
decades. Most people are probably thinking of building up some wealth over
the course of their adult working years, so we are probably talking about a
25-30-year time window in most cases. Long-term investors may not even
actively manage a portfolio, they might let a professional take care of that
for them. If they do manage their own portfolio, they are going to invest
using techniques like dollar cost averaging that minimize risks and take
advantage of the average, longer-term behavior of the stock market. Over
time, the trend of the stock market is up – and that is what people are after so
they can build a ‘nest egg'.
Some of us are more impatient, and, like the active involvement in the
markets that day trading can provide. We love pouring over charts and
graphs, studying companies and stock movements. Is there some kind of
middle ground for these kinds of folks, who aren't up for day trading?
It turns out there is – and it's swing trading that we are after. Swing trading
simply involves holding stocks for multiple days. One of the goals of swing
trading is to give your investments some room for growth. With day trading,
you're taking advantage of short-term gaps that increase the value of a stock.
In swing trading, you're taking advantage of multi-day gaps up, so that you
can build more gains from your investments. People think that day traders
are the people who get rich on the stock market – and some do – but it's
often swing traders who will make more money over the course of a year.
Since you’re holding your investments for a bit longer, swing trading cuts
down some of that risk that day traders have of making bad bets and
incurring streaks of losses. So how long to swing traders hold their stocks?
It can vary quite a bit. Sometimes a swing trader will only hold a stock for a
day or maybe two. But some swing traders hold stocks for 10 days, a month,
50 days, two months, or even out to 100 days (the definitions vary among
swing traders – most would probably say 2 days up to a few weeks). You
may completely hold onto a position, or you may sell a small part like 15%
after 5 days and hold the rest for 30 days. There are more possibilities with
swing trading.
Since you're holding your securities for a longer time period, you're
exposing yourself to some risks that day traders aren't exposed to. For
example, there can be short-term, dramatic events that can significantly
influence stock prices over the course of a month or two. These could
include war, terrorist attack, or even simply remarks from the President or
The Fed. Swing traders are also more exposed to bad company news. Maybe
the CEO gets arrested for corruption, or perhaps the company’s product
results in the deaths of some children. Swing traders, unlike day traders, hold
their investments overnight, and so can be at a disadvantage when there are
bad results in off-hours trading. These kinds of events are bad for all
investors, but swing traders are more likely to take a negative hit from them
than day traders. And long-term investors too – if you’re holding stocks (and
probably funds like the S&P 500) for anywhere from 5-30 years, those sorts
of events often amount to background noise. Not so for the swing trader.
That said, in most cases swing trading provides a solid middle ground in
between day trading and long-term investing that can help you grow wealth
fast. Swing trading is also a bit slower paced than day trading. Many people
view day trading as demanding, and that’s a realistic perception. Swing
trading is an alternative that lets people who like getting into the nitty-gritty
of the markets but don't want the high pressure.
Of course, there are no guarantees in life, but let's start looking at the
strategies employed by swing traders to help them earn profits.
How much capital do you need for swing trading
Unlike day trading, where brokers require you to have a minimum of
$25,000 (and $30,000 is recommended) there aren’t formal requirements for
swing trading. Brokers pay special attention to day traders (and regulators do
as well) but not so much for swing traders. That said, you will have to
evaluate how much money you need to invest in order to reach your goals.
But you can start small to get started if you like and remember that options
trading lets you leverage a lot more power over the markets with smaller
investments, so trading options is one way you can reduce your initial capital
However, a general rule of thumb according to market experts is that you
should have around $10,000 in your account if you are a swing trader.
Moreover, you should only risk 1% in a single trade, which for $10,000
would be $100. If you are more of a risk taker, you could risk up to 2%. You
can manage your risk using stop-loss orders, which we will talk about below.
The risk of a security losing value is called downside risk.
When it comes to minimum capital requirements, the following rules apply:

A day trader is someone who makes more than 4 trades a week that
open and closes on the same day.
A day trader must have $25,000 in their account.
There are no minimum requirements for swing trader accounts.
However, if you cross that line of more than 4 trades a week that open
and close on the same day, you’ll be labeled a day trader and be forced
to follow the rules for day traders.
Swing traders have 2x leverage. So, if you invest $10,000, you can buy
$20,000 worth of stock. Use leverage carefully, however. If you lose on
your trades, you can end up owing more than what’s in the account.
When you're trading, you need to worry about commissions, not just the
loss or gain on the stock. You should risk at least $100 on a trade to
deal with commissions. Otherwise, they will eat up your profits or
magnify your losses.

The way risk works

It’s important to understand how traders evaluate risk. Some readers may
misunderstand, thinking that when we say that you can risk $100 if you have
a $10,000 account, that means you take your $100 and try to find a share or a
few shares to buy. That isn’t how it works.
First, you put in a stop-loss order. This is an order that you place after
buying a stock that puts in an automatic sell order on your behalf if the stock
price drops below a specific level. If we buy 10 shares of XYZ stock for
$100 each, which will cost in total $1,000 (ignoring commissions, for the
sake of simplicity), say we will place a stop-loss order of $90. This means
that if the XYZ stock drops to $90 a share, our shares are automatically sold
and we lost $10 a share, for a total loss of $100. If the stock is rapidly
dropping, maybe it dropped to $85 a share. So, a stop-loss order is a type of
insurance in the stock market, that prevents you from losing your shirt. It's
also helpful for people who can't be in front of the computer all day long
managing their investments – that way you have some automatic protection
built in if things go south while you're not there. If you didn't place a stop-
loss order and for some reason XYZ really tanked, you could end up losing a
huge amount of money.
So, we see that the actual risk that we’re talking about is going to be
determined by looking at the price per share minus the amount we specify on
the stop-loss order. Let’s summarize:

If a share is going for $200, and you place a stop-loss order of $180, the
trade risk is $20.
That means the amount you are willing to risk on a trade of 10 shares is
$20 x 10 = $200. This is the account risk.
If you have a $10,000 trading account, then your risk is 2%, since 0.02
x $10,000 = $200.
How much you risk is up to you, but these types of conservative figures are
given because it’s entirely possible that you’re going to make multiple bad
trades all right in a row. Of course, we’re giving examples that aren’t going
to fit every situation. You can also minimize risk to different levels. In fact,
more active traders put more stringent limits on risk than long-term investors
do. The reason why is the following.
A stop-loss order has a risk of its own. Throughout the day, stock prices
fluctuate a lot, and it has a random pattern over the short term that looks
chaotic. So even if a stock is set to increase in value over the case of a day or
a couple of days, over shorter time periods it may have some downturns in
price. The risk is that one of these random fluctuations could drop the price
at or below the limit you specify on the stop-loss order, and your shares will
be sold. But then the stock climbs right back up. Day traders are concerned
with fluctuations of the stock over the short term, so put tighter limits. As a
swing trader, you might be planning on holding the stock for some time, but
a lot less than a year. There could be longer-term trends that might trigger a
stop-loss even though you're planning on holding the stock.
To see how this works, let’s suppose that you bought some shares of Apple
on 12/18/18, at $166.07 per share. We could put a stop-loss order on that of
5% to minimize our risk. Since 5% of $166.07 is $8.30, our stop-loss order
will go in effect if the price drops below $157.77. That happened on
December 20, when it dropped to $156.83. Our shares would have been sold.
The stock bounced around a little and even dropped to $142 after New
Year’s so we might have felt good about ourselves at that point. However, by
3/21/19, the stock had climbed back up to $194.09. So, we missed out…
The bottom lines. You should use stop-loss orders. You need to protect
yourself against losses so that you don’t lose your shirt. But think about
them carefully. The shorter time period over which you intend to hold the
stock, the smaller the percentage you should be willing to risk, and vice
versa. So, a day trader might use 1-5% while a long-term investor might use
15%. You will have to use a level that you’re comfortable with. You’ll have
to sit down with each trade you make and calculate how much money you
are willing to lose on the deal and then set your stop loss accordingly.
Sometimes you’re going to be wrong and miss out on a rebound but that’s
life. Now let’s learn some basic concepts that are important in swing trading.
A big part of swing trading is recognizing trends in stocks, whether they are
up or down. We will also want to look for points at which the trend will
reverse. This works no matter how you’re trading. If you are looking for
long investments, then you’re looking for the end of a downturn for buying
opportunities, and peaks for selling opportunities. In other words, we are
looking to buy low and sell high. If you are shorting the stock, then you’ll be
looking at the opposite trends.
Swing Traders Use Trends
To make money swing trading, you're going to utilize trends in order to get
into a stock and determine when to exit the stock and book your profits. You
are seeking to take advantage of a single move in the stock or a "swing" in
the stock price. When a stock swings, then that means the opposing pressure
is about to take over. So, you may be looking to exit your position.
Alternatively, you may be looking for a good buying opportunity. In the next
chapter, we will look at indicators of changing trends. The bottom line is that
swing traders usually go with the prevailing trend. If you’re bullish, you look
for upward trends in the stock and book your profits on the upside. If you’re
bearish, then you’re looking to capture gains on the downside.
Chapter 2
Swing Trading Indicators
Swing trading relies on using several indicators to spot changing trends in a
share price. We use these indicators to determine when it’s a good time to
buy and sell our securities. These will be points at which the stock market is
signaling through buying and selling of large numbers of traders and
institutional investors that demand is overwhelming people selling off or the
desire to get out of a stock is overwhelming new buyers. Depending on
whether you are investing in calls or puts these are times to either get in or
out of an investment.
Support and Resistance
While swing trading isn't as fast paced as day trading, we're going to want to
look for turning points in the market. The goal is to be able to spot price
reversals before they get fully underway. This could be a buying or selling
opportunity depending on the situation and how you're investing.

Support: Support is a lower boundary on a stock – it’s a price level that

the share price doesn’t drop below for a given period of time (over the
long term, anything can happen). In other words, it's a lower limit to the
stock price. If you're spotting support in a stock chart, then that is a
time to buy if you are hoping to go long on the stock (i.e. hold it for a
while until it rises enough that you can book some profits by selling).
Support indicates that the stock is probably going to go up in price
because buyers are starting to enter the stock and buying up the stock is
starting to overcome selling pressure.
Resistance: This is an upper bound to a share price that the stock
doesn’t seem able to rise above. If you’re long on a stock, resistance
indicates this is probably a good time to sell and book your profits. This
is a time at which people are starting to get out of stock. Put another
way, selling is starting to overcome buying pressure.

Basic supply and demand concepts lie behind support and resistance.
Suppose that a stock’s price has been dropping. As the price drops, unless
there is something major going on (like say, the CEO being arrested or the
company going bankrupt) then as prices fall, demand will start to increase.
Support happens at a critical mass when buyers start to match in number
against sellers, so the price stops dropping. This is a good indicator that the
price will probably start going up. You can find periods of support by
drawing a straight line through the lowest lows over the time period. Rising
demand causes to support and will start to cause rising prices.
Resistance works the same way but in the opposite direction. It’s caused by
declining demand. For whatever reason, the price of a stock has been going
up and now traders are thinking they want to get out. If you’ve bought the
stock at a lower price and you’ve been hoping to make profits, now is
probably a good time to do so.
If the share price goes below the support or above a resistance price level,
then they switch roles. That is, suppose that a stock has been bouncing
around a support level of $45. If $45 is the support level, the share price
hasn’t dropped below that. But suppose it drops to $42. That indicates the
stock will be going lower, so now we consider $45 to be a resistance.
Of course, these are guidelines, they are not absolute rules.
What is a candlestick
Most people are used to seeing line charts of the stock market, but traders
rely on candlesticks. You will see candlesticks on specialized stock charts,
and they are colored based on whether they are bearish or bullish. The thick
mid-section represents the open and closing price. The longer the candlestick
body, the bigger the difference between open and closing prices. Thin
“wicks” or shadows emanating from the candlestick represent the highs and
the lows that occurred between opening and closing. Charts can be displayed
for differing time periods so a candlestick might represent a day, or five
minutes, or one minute. Candlesticks originated from Japanese rice
merchants who used them to keep track of changing rice prices on the
A bearish candlestick is either red in color, or if the chart is black & white
it’s solid black. A bullish candlestick is green in color. Candlesticks contain
a lot of information and it’s important to understand what they represent to
understand what is happening in the markets. This is a bearish candlestick:
This is a bullish candlestick:
The length of the candlestick indicates the pressure. So, a long bullish
candlestick (green in color charts) indicates strong buying pressure. A long
bearish candlestick (red on color charts) indicates strong selling pressure.
Indecision Candlesticks
Traders need to look for indecision candlesticks. These have narrow or
skinny bodies and long wicks. They are sometimes called "dojis" as they
were known in the Japanese markets. Indecision candlesticks represent the
possibility of a changing trend in the market. Indecision candlesticks are
informative but must be considered together with the trend they are
incorporated in, but they are often found at the top or bottom of a trend.
However, indecision candlesticks don't always represent a coming change,
so you use them in context with other ways to evaluate what is going on.
Here is an example of an indecision candle.

If the top wick is much longer than the bottom wick, this is called a
“shooting star”. A shooting star that is found at the top of an uptrend can be
a bearish signal. If you are in a long position, it can indicate that this is a
good time to sell. If you are shorting or investing in puts, it might be a good
time to get in the market.
If you see a very long wick on the top with little or no wick coming out of
the bottom, and the candlestick is at the bottom of a downward trend, that is
an inverted hammer. This may be a bullish signal. It could indicate that the
trend may be reversing and prices are about to rise.
Another concept you want to think about when looking at candles is
engulfing. What this means is that a candle in a given position has a larger
body than the previous candle, and they are opposite types. Two examples to
pay attention to are seeing several red candles in a row in a downward trend,
with the last red candle engulfed by a green (bullish) candle. This can
possibly represent a coming upturn in the share price so it may represent a
buying opportunity for long positions. Conversely, if you are looking at an
upward trend, and green candles are engulfed by a red (bearish) candle, that
might mean that the stock price will soon turn downward. That could be a
signal you could interpret to mean it's a good time to buy puts or short the
stock. If you are in a long position, that is a good time to sell.
Bullish swing traders look for uptrends. Over the short term, stocks move up
and down a lot, but this short-term up and down movement is random and
takes place within a larger trend that may be straight up or straight down. In
other words, there is a kind of zigzag pattern that is inside some overall
trend. For example, we can see this type of movement in a 3-month chart of
Google stock. The chart is clearly trending up with time but bounces around
a bit on the way up.

We know the stock is in an uptrend when linking together the shorter-term

zigzag patterns they fit together pointing toward a higher stock price, as seen
with Google over the displayed time period. However, countertrends will
occur when a stock is moving in a larger uptrend. A swing trader wants to
look for these countertrends to spot opportunities for investment. What you
want to see is evidence of an uptrend that then runs into resistance. This can
produce a countertrend. So, if the stock is in a long term upward rise, the
countertrend will be a small downturn followed by some sideways
movement. You look for the stock to begin an upward trend again, and a
good time to enter the market is at this point when the stock is resuming its
long march upward. In the chart below, the dotted line represents the overall
upward trend. We see that in the midst of the overall trend, there is a short-
term countertrend during which the stock price drops, where it languishes a
little with support. Then the stock begins to resume its longer term trend
which is upward. This can be a good place to buy, then you can hold the
stock until you see a solid resistance signal and sell to book your profits.
Using One-Cancels-Other Orders
A one-cancel-other order is a great tool for swing traders. This allows you to
lock in sale prices for price rise or a price drop. To understand how this
works, you need to know what a limit order is. Simply put, a limit order is an
instruction to the broker to sell your shares if the price meets the limit or
goes higher. So for this example, the limit order is your profit taking price.
Of course, it's possible you might miss out on further gains in the share
price, this is a risk you take using this strategy, and it's not for everyone. But
the way this type of order works, is you specify a profit-taking price and a
stop loss price, setting bounds on what's acceptable to you in the trade. If the
condition for one of the orders is met, then the other order will be canceled.
These are sometimes known as OCO orders.
A bullish swing trader can use an OCO order to their advantage when a
stock has been going up for several days, and then it's a countertrend,
followed by support. Then wait for the beginning of the upward trend to
resume and place your order. A good place to look for entering your position
is when the stock goes higher than the previous day’s low.
Let's suppose that you buy XYZ stock at $40 a share, and it's been in a fairly
long-term uptrend. You can use the bottom of the previous support to set a
stop loss price, say it was $38. We can take our profit-taking price to be $45.
If the price enters a downturn again, and it drops to $37.75, our shares are
sold since the stop-loss order was triggered, and the price taking order is
canceled. On the other hand, if the price continues the long-term trend
upward and hits $45, then we take our profit and the stop loss order is
canceled. Using this type of order, we are able to get what we want out of
the trade without having to spend all day in front of the computer watching
the stock. Traders who are more actively involved may wish to keep a closer
eye on the stock and look for selling signals.
Bearish Strategy
A similar strategy can be used for bearish traders. In this case, we'd be
looking at a downward trend that lasts for several days. There may be a
countertrend, or the stock may simply hit support with a sideways movement
for a time. Then you look for it to resume the downward trend. You are
looking to enter your position when the stock drops below the previous day’s
low. A bearish trader will look to use a sell-stop-limit order. So, you will
borrow shares from the broker and immediately sell them. When the price
drops to a level where you can take profits, then you buy them back and
return them to the broker. Note the stock is in a downward trend. The
difference between your selling price and the price at which you bought the
shares back is your profit (not counting commissions).
Most swing traders go with the prevailing trend. However, you can also use
fading, which is looking to take advantage of the countertrend. A bearish
trader who is looking to fade wants to get in at the high of the swing, in the
expectation that the stock is going to drop. You short the stock at the high or
buy puts. A bullish trader will look to get in at the stock low and buy calls or
buy shares waiting for the next upturn.
Bull Flags
A bull flag is another way to take advantage of the momentum of a stock. As
a swing trader, you’ll be looking for bull flag signals on a daily stock chart,
and not in the short term the way a day trader would. A bull flag is
characterized by a short-term major rise in the stock. So, you will see a
nearly vertical increase in the stock price. Prices will rise a certain amount,
and then there will be a pullback, where the price moves sideways for a
while. The rapid rise followed by the pullback gives a flag pattern in the
stock chart. The hope here is that following the "flag" pattern, there will be a
breakout to a higher stock price where you can take your profits. Volume is a
strong indicator with bull flags. You should look for a strong volume signal
that comes with a sharp rise in prices. There should also be some sort of
external signals, such as a major company announcement or something in
the news. Set your stop-loss at just below the sideways pullback price level.
It's also possible to use an OCO order here. You can set your stop loss and a
limit order where you'll take your profits. The profit target per share should
be a 2:1 reward to risk level. So, if you risk $1, then you should set your
limit order such that your profit is $2.
Bear Flag
For the bearish trader, there is the bear flag, which is a similar pattern in
reverse. In this case, there is a strong downward trend in the share price,
followed by a sideways movement or pullback, setting up support. Again,
there should be a large volume and hopefully, there is some external news
that led to the sudden selloff in shares. In this case, you are looking for it to
resume a downward trend. As a swing trader, you're looking at daily charts
for flag signals, you're not going to be working them as a day trader.
Spotting Reversals
We can use candlesticks to look for potential reversals when the trend of the
stock suddenly shifts to move in the opposite direction. A reversal is going
to be different from having the stop drop down, hit support, and possibly go
up afterward. A reversal is going to be an abrupt change. Engulfing
candlesticks can be a signal of a reversal. Look at the body of a candlestick
that is a different color/type than the previous candlestick. So, this could be
the appearance of a bearish or red candlestick after many green or bullish
candlesticks that have come with an upward trend in price. If the bearish
candlestick engulfs the green candlesticks that came before it, this can be
taken as a reversal signal. The strength of a reversal signal is determined by
the size of the reversal candlestick body. If it's larger, that is a stronger signal
and more of an indication that you may want to enter a trade. If we are
looking at a bearish candlestick, then we have an opportunity to short stock
or to buy puts.
On the other hand, when we see a stock going down with several red or
bearish candlesticks in succession, and then there is the sudden appearance
of a green or bullish candlestick, that may be an indication of a reversal that
will lead to rising share prices. The same criteria apply here, we are looking
for a bullish candlestick that engulfs the previous bearish candlestick. This
can be an indication that many buyers are starting to see the stock as
something they want to get into. Therefore, it may be an opportunity to go
long or buy calls.
One candlestick isn’t a trend, so look for several candlesticks that go in a
row to make a trend upward or downward, followed by an engulfing
candlestick of the opposite variety.
Sometimes indecision candlesticks can precede a reversal. So rather than
seeing multiple candlesticks of one type followed by an engulfing
candlestick, you may see the appearance of some indecision candlesticks
prior to the change.
Moving Averages
Moving averages are an important tool to be aware of as a swing trader.
Traders are using them en masse, so a moving average provides a way for
you to "go with the crowd", which can be a good idea since trends in price
changes are nothing more than lots of traders making the same moves. There
are two types of moving averages that you need to think about. The first type
is called the EMA. This means an exponential moving average. As you can
deduct from the word exponential, this is a fast-moving average. An
exponential moving average gives more weight to recent price changes, and
it will reflect these changes rapidly. One downside of this is that the EMA is
also more likely to give wrong information going forward because it's too
sensitive to these recent price changes. There are also SMA or simple
moving averages. These are slower than exponential moving averages.
When there is a price change, it's going to take longer to see it reflected in
the SMA than in the EMA. Both tools are useful, but swing traders are in
their positions longer than day traders, so the EMA is of more interest to day
traders generally than the SMA, while for swing traders the SMA is more
useful. Day traders who are looking for quick gains or shorts are more
interested in the type of information the EMA can provide them because
you're interested in the short-term price movements. A swing trader isn't
interested in the short-term price movements and zigzag behavior. So, the
SMA provides a smoothed-out average that is more useful for the swing
trader. You can look at different moving averages (besides the type) by
looking at the period length. Swing traders want to smooth out the noise in
the stock market and avoid premature signals. The moving averages that
swing traders are interested in are those with higher periods. The more
periods, the longer the time period of price action that will be incorporated
into the moving average. This is also something that will correlate with the
length of your trades, if you are going to hold your position for a shorter
time period, then you'll want fewer periods in your moving average. Swing
traders, in particular, are looking for a compromise between long term
moving averages and short-term moving averages. For that reason, the
standard chosen by most swing traders is the 50-period moving average.
However, this is not the only option of interest to swing traders. You're going
to be interested in other indicators like supports, resistance, and trends, and
different moving averages can help you in that regard. For trends, use a 20-
period moving average. A 100-period moving average will help with
support and resistance. It's also good for doing analysis on a daily or weekly
basis. If you want one year of price action with daily charts, you can use a
200 or 250 period moving average.
Looking at the 21 period EMA, you are going to find that it fits upward and
downward trends nicely.
Beginners will probably want to stick with one moving average until you
gain some experience working with livestock charts, and a beginning swing
trader should probably look at the 50 periods moving average. However, it's
possible to have one stock chart with many moving averages and this
provides a lot of information so you will want to use it. Faster moving
averages are colored in red on stock charts. Swing traders can also use 10-
period exponential moving averages for trend signals. When you're swing
trading, you want to be trading with the trend unless you're fading. If a stock
is trading above the 10-day EMA, then this is a buy signal for an upward
trend. If the stock is trading below the 10-day EMA, this is a sell signal. You
can use the 20/21 period EMA for this purpose as well. Again, if the trading
is above the 21 periods EMA, this is a buying signal. If it's trading below the
21 periods EMA, that is a selling signal.
Golden and Death Crosses
For the swing trader, golden and death crosses are important to use for
spotting long term signals. A golden cross occurs when a short term moving
average crosses a long-term moving average (that is the short-term moving
average goes above the long-term moving average). Swing traders will
watch the 200-day moving average and 50-day moving average. The golden
cross will happen when the 50-day moving average crosses and goes above
the 200-day moving average. This is a bullish signal. You want to enter a
long position when the 50-day average goes above your 200 days moving
The opposite type of crossing is called a death cross. In that case, the 50-day
moving average drops below the 200 days moving average. This is a signal
the stock is going to enter a downward trend. So this is a bearish signal, and
the 50-day moving average crossing to move below the 200 days moving
average either means you should sell your position if you are long or if you
are bearish then you'll want to short the stock or buy puts.
When looking at golden and death crosses, check trading volume. High
trading volume is a data point that supports what the cross is telling you.
Always confirm a golden cross or death cross with other trading signals.
While they are quite reliable, golden and death crosses often lead to false
Caution for ranges
A range is when the share price is moving about between a support and a
resistance. If this is happening, then you will want to ignore the moving
averages for the time being. They will not provide you with useful
information in this situation and could mislead you possibly leading to
trading losses.
Bollinger Bands
Bollinger bands use standard deviation calculations to provide an envelope
around stock prices, measuring market volatility and giving indications
where support and resistance may lie. There are three things that you can
glean information about from Bollinger bands:

Volatility (how much the price is fluctuating up and down).

The extent of price movement.
Trend lines that define support and resistance.

There are formulas for Bollinger bands, but I'm confident that most readers
aren't really that interested in the formulas themselves, and only interested in
getting an idea of what Bollinger bands can do to help your trading
strategies. Bollinger bands are calculated relative to a moving average. So,
you will want to use a moving average of relevance to swing trading like a
21 day or 50 days moving average. The Bollinger band is going to give you
information on the spread of prices about that moving average. The
information is calculated by using closing prices over a given time period.
You will see Bollinger bands displayed on stock charts encompassing the
candlesticks. You’ll want to see how wide or narrow they are about the
actual stock prices. If the bands are narrowed, then that means that prices are
less volatile and staying fairly close to one another over a small range. Wide
Bollinger bands indicate more volatility. The closing prices for each period
will be divergent.
Bollinger bands can give use to buy and sell signals by indicating whether a
stock is oversold or overbought. For this information, you'll want to see how
the wicks of the candlesticks relate to the Bollinger bands. An oversold stock
indicates a buying signal, and this is indicated when the wick of a
candlestick touches the Bollinger band below. We look to the upper
Bollinger band for selling signals and again look at the upper wick of the
candlesticks. If the wick touches or crosses the upper Bollinger band, that is
a signal the stock is overbought. In that case, you will want to sell.
Like all technical signals, you will want to take it with a grain of salt until
you find supporting confirmation from other signals.
Candlesticks hitting the Bollinger bands can indicate a reversal (we were
talking about wicks above, now we are talking about candlesticks). A
hammer at the bottom of a Bollinger band after a downturn can be an
indication that a downturn is about to reverse into an upward trend. Looking
at the upward Bollinger band above the moving average, considered an
upward trend, if you see a shooting star touching the band this may be
indicating a reversal and a coming downward trend.
ABCD Strategy
This is a basic strategy that is often used by day traders. Swing traders can
also use ABCD strategies but over the longer time periods, that swing
traders focus on. What is doing is looking for patterns in the movements of
the stock in order to get ideas about longer-term trends. A basic ABCD
pattern begins with an upward trend to point A, followed by a countertrend
to point B. The trader is looking for a breakout signal, which could occur if
the price level goes above the point A after the countertrend. Peaks that drop
off into a countertrend in the midst of an overall upward trend may do so
because large numbers of traders were happy with their profits and so closed
their positions. Of course, it's important not to look at stock charts in a
complete vacuum. So, if there was bad news that hit the markets when there
was a drop off from point A in the chart, then this analysis wouldn't apply,
and you might not expect any upturn in the near future.
An ABCD pattern can be bearish or bullish, depending on where the ending
point of the chart lies. This chart shown here is bearish when you are at the
point D in the chart. Between points B and C, there are plenty of buying
opportunities. For a swing trader, we are looking for this pattern occurring
over the time of more than one day, it could even be a longer-term trend. A
day trader is hoping to enter the position at point C and then exit the position
at point D, on the same day. For a swing trader, this type of pattern might be
over days, weeks or longer.
Let’s suppose that ABC company closes at point A on Monday, which is $45
a share. At opening the following day, it drops to B at $35 a share, but by
close the second day it’s approaching point C which is $38 a share. A swing
trader may enter their position if hoping for an upward trend if there are
other signals to confirm. The next morning the stock opens and enters a
strong upward trend, reaching point D at $55 a share. The support price level
defined by point B $35 a share could have been taken as the stop loss. If an
OCO approach were used, the trader could have set a limit order for $50 a
share and booked a profit when the price went above it. Since we aren’t day
trading, we would not have to worry if the stock didn’t quite reach that level
right away. A swing trader would be comfortable holding the security for
several days, or even weeks or a month or more waiting to see what the price
did and giving the stock room to grow if it’s a part of a larger trend for this
Bullish ABCD patterns can be seen as well when the stock is showing a
downward trend. This provides alternatives for bearish investors as well,
who may be looking at investing in puts early in the downturn. The bullish
investor will be seeking signals of an upward trend after the stock bottoms
out at point D.

In an ABCD pattern, the lines A-B and C-D are called the legs. When there
is a temporary reversal in the price of a stock against the long-term trend, we
say that this is a retracement. This is also the countertrend discussed earlier.
On the other hand, a correction is a real downturn in the stock price that is
significant and represents the market bringing the stock price back down to a
level that is either more consistent with the underlying fundamentals or due
to news or overall trends in the market. The line B-C is a retracement or a
Chapter 3
A Review of Options
An option is a type of contract. There are many types of contracts that are
options, not just on the stock market. A typical example that is given to
illustrate the use of options is a couple wants to buy a house in a newly
developed area, but they want to see if other changes are made to the area
such as the promised construction of a nearby school. So, they give the
developer a $10,000 deposit for the option to buy a home in the development
for $250,000 within six months. An arrangement is a contract, so if another
buyer comes and offers the developer $350,000 for the same house while the
contract is still in effect, the developer cannot sell the house to the second
buyer. However, the first couple has the option of exercising their right to
buy the house on or before the contract expires. Let's say the school they are
hoping will be built is approved by the city government and construction
begins. So, they decide to go ahead with the purchase. The developer must
sell them the house for $250,000 and they move in. He has to sell them the
house for $250,000 no matter what the market is doing, so for example if the
construction of the school increased demand for homes in the area and prices
have risen to $300,000, it doesn't matter, the developer has to sell the house
at the pre-arranged price of $250,000. Now on the other hand, if the school
was canceled and the couple decided not to buy the house, the developer can
keep the $10,000 deposit, and then once the contract expires, he can sell the
house to someone else for $350,000. The developer was obligated to carry
out the terms of the contract, while the couple had the option to exercise
their right to buy the house, or not.
Another example of an option is more common in daily life. That is a
coupon. Of course, you don't always pay for coupons, but they give you the
option to take an offer by a store. For example, a furniture store might offer a
dining room set for 25% off over a limited time period. There is an
expiration date and the person with the coupon has the option to exercise
their right to buy the product at the offered price, or not.
Stock options work in much the same way. An option is a contract about
underlying shares of stock. A seller writes the option, which comes with an
expiration date. The option is sold for a price which is called the premium.
Each option contract represents 100 shares of stock, and the premium is
quoted on a per share basis. So, if you hear that the premium is $4, you will
have to pay $4 x 100 shares = $400 for the options contract. The option in
the contract is that you will have the right to buy or sell shares. The shares of
stock that the contract is about are called the underlying. A major part of an
option contract is setting a pre-arranged price for the stock, this is called the
strike price. Most options last for three months, so you are agreeing to a
price for the stock that must be honored over the entire life of the option
There are two types of options:

Calls: A call is an option to buy stock.

Puts: A put is an option to sell a stock.

A call is an option for a long position. So, you'll buy a call option if you
believe that the market price of the stock will rise above the strike price. In
that case, you'll get a bargain price for the shares. Let's say that you are
bullish on XYZ stock, which is trading at $50 a share. You buy a call with a
strike price of $55. The price of the call is the premium, which we'll say is
$5, so the total cost of the call is $5 x 100 = $500. Your analysis holds true,
and XYZ spikes in price 30 days after you've bought the option contract to
$70 a share after XYZ announces a snazzy new smartphone. The seller of
the call must sell you 100 shares of XYZ at $55 a share, so you're "in the
money" at $70 a share. You buy the shares for $55 and then you can sell
them immediately for $70 a share. Your profit per share is the sales price
minus the strike price minus the premium:
$70 - $55 -$5 = $10 per share
Of course, you'd have to pay a commission to the broker for the trades as
The seller of the call didn't do all that badly. Even though they didn't get the
benefit of being able to sell at $70 a share, they were able to sell the shares at
$55 and make a profit as compared to the $50 a share they were trading at
when you entered the contract. However, the main reason the seller of the
call would go for a deal like this is to get the premium, which is a way to
leverage your stocks to get income. When you write a call contract and its
stock that you currently own, that is called a covered call.
You can write a call on stocks you don’t own. That’s a naked call. However,
if the buyer exercises their right to buy the shares, you’ve got to come up
with them. In the scenario described here, you’d be in serious trouble. Since
you didn’t own the shares, you’d have to buy shares at $70 a share and sell
them to the buyer of the call for $55 a share since that was the agreed upon
strike price. In other words, you’d lose $15 x 100 = $1,500. Your loss would
be partially offset by the $500 premium.
Now let's look at puts. This is an option to sell a stock. ABC is trading at $50
a share, but you're bearish on the stock. You buy a put for $5 a share, with a
strike price of $40. Before the contract expires, the stock crashes on bad
news to $20. So, you buy 100 shares at $20 a share. The seller of the put
contract has to meet their obligation, so they are forced to buy the shares
from you at the strike price, which was $40 a share. So, on a per share basis,
you made (not including commissions):
$40 - $20 - $5 = $15 per share
To summarize, you pay a premium for the right but not the obligation to buy
stocks when you buy a call. Or you pay a premium for the right but not the
obligation to sell stocks when you buy a put.
People who own shares of stocks sell calls and puts to generate income. As
we described above, a covered call is the safest way to sell options. By
selling covered calls you can generate income from shares of stock you own.
All options contracts have an expiration date, which is typically the third
Friday of the month. You can look at options tickers to see what the
expiration date is. An option has more value the further it is from the
expiration date, and it loses value the closer the contract gets to the
expiration. The reason is that if the stock price hasn't passed the strike price,
then the less time there is remaining on the contract the less time is available
for the stock to move in order for the option to be exercised. The value of the
option and the time remaining until the expiration date is captured in the
concept of time value.
Options are cheaper than the stocks underlying the options contract. So, this
is a way for traders to leverage stocks because when you buy options
contracts you essentially control 100 shares of stock even if you don't
currently own them. We've discussed how you can use options to profit by
exercising them in this chapter. However, only about 12% of option
contracts are actually exercised. Many simply expire worthlessly. In other
words, if you reach the expiration date for the option, if the share price has
not met the strike price the contract isn't worth anything (and actually strike
price + the premium, otherwise the trade would not be profitable). The seller
keeps the premium no matter what, so walks away from a worthless contract
with the premium in their pocket.
Besides expiring worthless or being exercised, the third option for options is
to trade them. In fact, that is what happens to most options, they are traded
on options markets. In the next chapter, we will discuss trading options and
how you can profit from that.
Chapter 4
Options Trading
Options contracts on stocks can be bought and sold, in other words, they can
be traded. This is where some people get confused (if they weren't confused
already). An option is a contract over underlying stock. The value of the
option is related to the value of the underlying. However, the option has
value in and of itself. People are interested in trading the options themselves,
and this is where you can make good profits without having to actually
exercise the options and buy and sell the underlying stocks (although you
could do that as well if you wanted to). The return on investment or ROI for
options is far higher than it is for stocks. We will illustrate this with some
examples. So, some advantage of options trading includes:

It's far cheaper to buy options than it would be to purchase the

underlying stock.
When the price of a stock appreciates, the value of an option goes up as
well. If you owned the stock, you would be able to sell it for a profit.
However, as we’ll see, you can make a much higher ROI on options
than you can on stocks.
One difference between stocks and options is that stocks don't have an
expiration date. Options come with an expiration date. As the option
gets closer to the expiration date, it's not worth as much because time
will be running out on the ability to trade the option or to exercise the
rights that come with the option should the stock reach the strike price.
There is also less probability that the stock price will move past the
strike price and be profitable as time is running out on the contract.
Options contracts typically last for three months. However, there are
other types of options with shorter expiration dates known as weekly
and minis.

Options can be thought of as a type of insurance. This is one reason why

investors will buy puts. If you own a stock that is $100 a share, you could
buy a put at $95 a share, so that if the stock crashed to say $60 a share, you
would be able to sell your shares for $95 a share, the pre-arranged strike
You don't have to hold an option to the expiration date. The movement of the
stock price may make you want to sell the option before the expiration date.
We will explain this in a bit.
Calls: In the Money and Out of the Money
The relationship between the strike price and the current stock market price
of the underlying stock has a big influence on the price of the option. As the
stock market price changes, the price of the option will change as well.
When we say an option is “in the money” this means that the option could be
exercised, and you would make a profit. For a call, that means that the strike
price is less than the share price of the stock. So, you could exercise the
option of buying the shares at the strike price, and then sell the shares on the
open market for a higher price. Alternatively, if the option was in the money,
you could simply trade the option itself, so sell it.
Let’s say for an example that stock XYZ is trading at $100 a share. Call
options will be available for many different strike prices, but we’ll say that
there are 7 available for our simple example, three strike prices below the
current market price of $100 a share, one at $100 a share, and three at strike
prices that are above $100 a share.
If the option expires, the three contracts with strike prices above the share
price would be worthless. However, as long as there is still time on the
contract, they are still worth money. The reason is that before the contract
expires, the stock could still move in a direction to turn the worthless
contracts from out of the money to in the money.
Let's say that the option with the $100 strike price (which happens to now
match the share price) at 30 days to expiration is $5. Remember, that is the
price per share, and there are 100 shares per option contract. So, the
premium you have to pay to buy that options contract is $5 x 100 = $500.
Options contracts with a strike price that is below $100 will cost more than
$5. Suppose we have:

Strike Price $90. This option is currently trading at $7, so total price is
$7 x 100 = $700.
Strike Price $80. This option is trading at $10, the total price of $1,000.
Strike Price $60. This option is trading at $20, the total price of $2,000.
The further below the share price the strike price for an in the money call
option is, the more it’s worth. If you had bought the second option with the
strike price of $80, and at the time the share price was close to the strike
price, then when you bought the option it was probably quite a bit cheaper
since now the stock is trading at $20 over the strike price. Let’s say for the
sake of example that you bought the option a month earlier for $600. So, you
could sell the option now for $1,000, earning a $400 profit on your $600
investment. All three of the options contracts above are "in the money" call
options because the strike price is currently below the share price. Now if the
share price dropped to $88, then the first option with the strike price of $90
would be out of the money because the strike price would be above the share
price. As a result, the premium for the option would drop. Remember – stock
prices are currently changing, and the price of the option is dependent on the
price of the underlying stock and moves with it (that is why this type of
contract is sometimes called a derivative, the price is derived from the
underlying asset behind the contract).
For our example, we also have three out of the money call options, that have
strike prices above the share price. They are still worth some money because
the stock could move to overtake them. The further above the share price the
stock price is, however, the less the option is worth. Suppose we had these
three options contracts:

Strike Price $110. This option is currently trading at $3, so total price is
$3 x 100 = $300.
Strike Price $120. This option is trading at $2, total price $200.
Strike Price $140. This option is trading at $0.25, a total price $25.

If the option expires, all three contracts would be worthless, because you
could not exercise the option to buy the shares.
Put contracts are priced in the opposite manner. A put is in the money if the
strike price is above the share price. On the other hand, if the strike price is
below the share price, then the put is out of the money. Again, we will use
the same example with the same share price of $100. For the put contracts,
the three contracts with strike prices above $100 are in the money, and the
higher the share price the more in the money they are (so we are imagining
that when the contracts were written, the share price was above $140).
Strike Price $110. This option is currently trading at $10, so total price
is $10 x 100 = $1,000.
Strike Price $120. This option is trading at $20, the total price of
Strike Price $140. This option is trading at $30, the total price of

The put contracts with strike prices below the share price would be trading at
lower values:

Strike Price $90. This option is currently trading at $4, so total price is
$4 x 100 = $400.
Strike Price $80. This option is trading at $3, total price $300.
Strike Price $60. This option is trading at $1, total price $100.

The numbers and strike prices here are not necessarily realistic but chosen
for illustration purposes so that you can understand how options trading
When the option reaches zero days to expiration, the price of the option is
strictly the difference between the strike price and the share price. For
simplicity, suppose that the share price was $100 with zero days left to
expiration. Let’s write down what our in the money calls were priced at 30
days out:

Strike Price $90. This option is currently trading at $7, so total price is
$7 x 100 = $700.
Strike Price $80. This option is trading at $10, a total price of $1,000.
Strike Price $60. This option is trading at $20, the total price of $2,000.

Now, the prices will be the difference between the strike and share price:

Strike Price $90. This option is currently worth $10, so total price is
$10 x 100 = $1,000.
Strike Price $80. This option is worth $20, the total price of $2,000.
Strike Price $60. This option is worth $40, the total price of $4,000.
So at zero days, you could buy the option with the $60 share price for
$4,000, but you’d have to buy the shares for $60 x 100 = $6,000. So, you’re
in for $10,000. Then you could sell them for $100 and break even (well
actually you’d lose because of commissions) or hold onto the shares hoping
they would go up. Bottom line? You want to buy options contracts before
they expire. This is because the time value has run out. Time value is part of
the pricing and now its $0. Time value is also called extrinsic value.
When there’s more time, there’s more money
The price of the options contract is affected by the distance between the
strike price and the share price. It is also affected by the time left on the
options contract. Time value decreases as the expiration date approaches. Or
put another way, the price of an option drops as the time left on the options
contract decreases. The relationship between price and time left on the
contract is exponential, that is the price of the option begins dropping rapidly
as the time left on the contract decreases. For example, we could have
something like the following:

Price of an option 90 days out $1,000

Price of an option 45 days out $500
Price of an option 30 days out $250
Price of an option 10 days out $100

The drop-in price as time passes is called time decay. Again, the numbers are
for illustration only to illustrate the point. You can watch some real options
on the market to see how they actually behave (but remember the prices are
also influenced by the underlying stock price). Time value is always
This is the last factor that works into pricing when trading options. Volatility
tells you how much and how often the price of the stock swings up and
down. More volatility means more risk to the person who owns the shares of
stock. Option prices are higher for more volatile stocks. Volatility can
change with time.
Options – better than stocks?
Options trading provides a huge ROI as compared to stocks. This is part of
the power of leverage. I am going to borrow a real example that was
explained in a YouTube video discussing buying options for Apple stock. At
the time, Apple was $515 per share. So that means 100 shares would cost
$51,500. When the stock went up to $530, you could have sold, realizing a
$15 gain on each share. With 100 shares, this translates into a profit of
$1,500. The ROI or return on investment is:
ROI = % on yield = $1,500/$51,500 *100 = 2.9%
Most people would consider that a great return. But now look at what would
happen had you invested in options instead, with a $520 strike price. At the
time one three-month contract with that strike price had a premium of
$1,990. So, you’re able to invest at a much smaller price. When the shares
beat the strike price, you get a profit of $630. A profit of $630 on a $1,990
investment is much better. Specifically:
ROI = % on yield = $630/$1,990 *100 = 31.1%
Honestly, that is pretty incredible. As you grow then you can invest in
multiple options contracts, and the amount of profit as compared to direct
stock market investing is quite astounding. Imagine if you had invested
$51,500 in options instead of the stock…
Chapter 5
Options Trading Strategies
In this chapter, we will discuss some strategies for trading options.
Vertical Spreads
A vertical spread is the combination of a call and a put with different strike
prices but the same expiration date. A vertical spread is simultaneously
trading both options. This is done to minimize risk. Suppose that XYZ is
trading at $90. We can sell a naked call at $3 with a strike price of $100.
Everything is fine, we made $300 if the share price never goes above $100.
If it happens to go to $120, however, then we are in big trouble with a huge
But we can buy a call to act as insurance that can offset some losses if they
happen. So, we simultaneously buy a call with a strike price that’s a little
higher than our naked call, say $105. This will come with a lower premium
(since its strike is further away from the share price). Say it’s $1.50. Total
cost $150.
In the event that the share price does skyrocket to $120, then we are out of
luck on our naked call. It’s a loss and we calculate that as follows:
Loss – 100 shares at $3 with strike price $20 below share price = $2,000 -
$300 premium = $1,700
However, we profit from the call we bought for $150. We make $15 per
share x 100 shares = $1,500, minus the cost = $1,350. Our total loss will be:
$1,700 - $1,350 = 350
So, we only end up losing $350.
Now suppose that the share price stayed below $100. That means both
contracts are worthless, but we keep the $300 premium from the call we
sold. However, we lost $150 from the call we purchased. We still profit,
however, at $300-$150 = $150.
Iron Condor
The Iron Condor gives you some insurance against time decay. With an iron
condor, you simultaneously sell a call and a put. You do this hoping that the
stock price will stay in between the strike prices, with the strike price of the
call higher than the strike price of the put. For insurance, you buy a call and
a put that have strike prices further out from the share prices than the call
and put that you sold.
The options we sell are naked options. These have unlimited risk if the stock
price went outside the strike price. So, for example, if XYZ was trading at
$80, we could sell a call at $90 and sell a put at $60, hoping the price of the
stock would stay in that range until expiration, and then we could profit from
the premium. Suppose they were $2 each.
Then you buy a call at a strike of $100 for $1 and buy a put with a strike of
$50 for $1. You can actually do an iron condor as one single trade, so it’s not
as complicated as this looks.
If the stock stays within the strike prices of the options we sold, then we
pocket the premiums which at $2 gives us $200 + $200 = $400. The options
we bought for $1, expired worthless. So, we are out the premiums, which
were $1, so a total of $200. That leaves us with a total profit of $200.
The call and put we bought were insurance. They can also minimize losses if
the stock goes above the naked call we sold.
Suppose that it goes to $110. The two puts expire worthlessly. We net $100
from the puts, with the $200 premium on the put we sold, and then we lost
$100 on the “insurance” put we bought.
For the calls, the $90 call we sold for $2 is 20 points below, so we lost
$2,000. Since we sold it for $200, our loss so far is $1,800. Now we’ll see
how the second call we bought acts as insurance. The call we bought for $1
with a strike of $100 is 10 points below, so we earn $1,000 from that one. It
cost us $100 though, so we are left with $900. Our net loss from the calls is
$900. Adding in the net profit from the puts, the total trade lost $800. Now
we could have lost $1,600 – if the original call and put were all we had. So,
the iron condor cut our losses in half.
In the event the stock price dropped, the logic would be the same, but with
the role of puts and calls reversed.
Chapter 6
Top Mistakes made by New Traders
Swing trading isn’t as risky as day trading, but it does still carry risks. Let’s
look at the top mistakes made by new swing traders.
Failing to use a stop-loss
Always use a stop loss on your orders so that you minimize potential losses.
Risking too much on a trade
Remember to only risk 1-2% of the capital in your investment account on an
individual trade.
Not being careful with leverage
Remember swing traders can use 2:1 leverage. If you’re careless, this can get
you into big financial trouble.
Letting yourself be driven by emotion
Many new traders get worked up with emotion watching securities move.
During this experience, they can get impatient or find themselves fearing
they will miss out on a big win. However, this leads to bad moves by the
trader, selling too soon or throwing too much money after something they
think is a sure thing that turns out to be a bust. Or maybe they enter the trade
too early. Instead of being driven by emotions in the heat of the moment new
traders need to stay focused on using the analysis and techniques described
in this book and go into deeper research to learn more.
Unrealistic Expectations
Swing trading is not a get rich quick scheme. Many new traders have
unrealistic expectations that they will become a millionaire overnight. Not
only does it take time to become a successful trader and build wealth, but it
takes an awful lot of hard work. To become a successful trader, you have to
spend a lot of time studying the markets, paying attention to financial news,
learning how to read charts, studying the companies and so on. None of this
is easy, it takes work.
Giving in to panic
Panic can lead traders to sell and take losses or fail to realize gains they
could have had. Again, this is an emotional response. Instead of fearing that
you’ll lose everything you should follow the suggested rules for risk and
always use stop loss orders to minimize potential losses.
Staying in a trade too long in the hopes of getting rich quick has undone
many new investors. A new trader should set profit goals for each trade and
stick with them. Use OCO orders so that the order takes care of the profits as
well as the losses for you so that you don't stay in a position too long and
then miss out on profits, losing money instead as the stock price declines.
Getting arrogant after a few wins
In the event that you rack up a few successful trades, you might get cocky
about it and become overconfident. But be aware, if you are not careful the
bad trades will find you and the losses will come. Getting arrogant rather
than maintaining a humble attitude which will lead you to carefully study the
markets and taking precautions while shooting for realistic profits can lead
to big trouble over the longer term.
Failing to Plan
Trading for the hell of it is not a plan. Neither is trading hoping that millions
will come, so trading as if you are playing the lottery, this is not a good
strategy to follow. You need to lay out a specific plan before you place your
first trade. Have realistic goals and always know what your goals are. Once
you meet the goals then you can readjust. Your goals should be modest in the
beginning, that way they will be easier to meet. Set out ahead of time how
much capital you are going to risk and what your specific goals for profit are
going to be. When you meet your goals, don’t blow it by losing focus. Set
more realistic and attainable goals with reasonable levels of risk.
Failing to take time to learn
Congratulations! No, I mean that seriously. By reading this book, you have
already shown that you are the kind of person who is willing to sit down and
take the time to learn about the markets before diving in. However, there is a
lot to learn about stocks, trading, and options. You should be constantly
learning, reading as many books as possible, watching YouTube videos, and
taking a training course. You may also benefit from personally getting to
know other traders in your area to learn from them and trade experiences.
The stock market is very complicated, and even seasoned veterans make
large mistakes and lose a lot of money. You can never learn enough about it
so be sure to keep putting in the time to improve your knowledge. When it
comes to the stock market, trading, and options, you should consider
yourself a lifelong learner.
Don’t buy out of the money options
Out of the money options are cheap, however, remember that the probability
of the stock moving enough to turn an out of the money option to one that is
in the money is relatively low. An out of the money option is a bad way to
Ignoring Time Value
Remember that the three things that impact the price of an option are
whether it’s in the money or out of the money, that is what the strike price is
relative to the current stock price, volatility, and time value. Time value
always decreases with each passing day, so you need to know where the
option stands with respect to time value.
Buying options close to expiration
This is somewhat similar to buying options that are out of the money. As an
option gets closer to expiration, they get cheaper. New traders think they are
snapping up bargains by buying options that are close to expiration.
However, the closer an option gets to expiration, the more worthless it
becomes especially if it’s out of the money. Buying an option that is both out
of the money and close to expiration would be a really bad move.
Trade in the right time frames
Swing trading is a short-term activity, but it's not day trading. How long a
time frame is involved depends on whom you ask. Many swing traders will
be trading on a 2-6-day time frame. If that isn't comfortable for you, that's
fine. You can always stretch it out further, even out to 100 days or so. But
don't be so risk averse that you fail to exit your positions. If that becomes an
issue maybe long-term investing is more your style. On the other hand, if
you find that swing trading isn't exciting enough when you've put together
enough capital to open an account (you are going to need $25,000 at a
minimum) then maybe day trading is where you belong. The reality is that
you are going to have more success trading at a level that is most
comfortable for you. Don't swing trade because other people think day
trading is too dangerous or do it because you're a long term investor who's
getting mocked by their trading friends.
Chapter 7
Special tips for Swing Traders
In this chapter, we will provide some tips, especially for swing traders.
Swing trading isn't as well known or popular as day trading or simply
investing so it will help to review the basic principles that you may not be
hearing in general.
The trend is your friend
The biggest lesson about swing trading, although there are some swing
traders who fade or short, is that the uptrend is what most swing traders are
looking for. With this in mind, spend time studying all the signals that you
can so that you can take advantage of opportunities early on. You should
also become deeply familiar with candles and learn to recognize the signals
that candles can give you about developing trends and reversals in the
Follow the big trends
Traders often get too focused on individual stocks. Of course, that is the
ultimate name of the game but don't forget that these stocks are trading in a
larger world and that sometimes the trends seen in the overall market are
going to be very impactful. One place that we haven't talked about but where
you should be focusing your attention is on the S & P 500. This index is a
very good measure of where the overall market is heading. Of course, on a
detailed level, individual stocks are not going to be following any given
index, but for longer-term trends, the S & P 500 and other indexes are going
to set the tone that most will be following. So, you can learn a lot about the
state of the market by paying close attention to it. Larger market trends often
have a nasty habit of asserting themselves on individual stocks. So, it's
always a good idea to know what those larger trends are doing and to take
them to be yet one more signal that you should take into consideration
before making any trading moves. The S & P 500 is also going to be very
sensitive to big news and events so you may be able to get wind that
something is happening that has large institutional investors spooked (or
happy about) by looking at the big indexes. They get news before you do,
and while you may not have the news yet by tracking trends in the big
indices you may be able to deduce that something is going on even if you
don't know what that is in detail yet.
Don't be a one-way trader
When appropriate, you should be ready to short. With options trading, you
can use puts for insurance purposes as well. If you are a bullish investor,
don’t get too caught up in it and become a rigid dinosaur. There are
opportunities for bearish investors too, so you should be ready to take them
when they arise. This also works vice versa. Some people like shorting so
forget about basic investing. You shouldn’t do that either.
Don’t rely on short term charts all the time
Short term charts are important. After all, you're looking to buy and sell your
stocks over short time periods and not hold them for years. That said, you
need to keep the big picture in mind. That means studying longer-term charts
for various time periods.
Never stop practicing
It is a good idea to continually hone your skills with simulators. That way
you can learn to swing trade without risking real capital. This will help you
become a seasoned investor without having to take all the risks that people
who came before you took. People don't like to practice, but can you
imagine how NBA games would go if nobody practiced? Even the best
basketball players in the world devote a significant amount of time to
practicing and training. Why should you, as a professional in your own area
of expertise, be any different?
Don’t ignore beta
Volatile stocks can carry some risk. However, you can also profit from them
as well. Moves by stocks with a high beta can far surpass moves by the
indexes themselves. Knowing what you know about options, use puts for
insurance and get involved with more volatile stocks. Just don’t put all your
eggs in one basket. But volatile stocks can offer you some solid
opportunities for growth.
Study Charts over different time frames
To really understand a given stock, you should know how it’s been behaving
on multiple time frames. Study long term (two years) weekly charts for the
stock. Also, study the fine details of the stock's movement on daily charts. If
you are going to risk your precious money on a stock, then you really need
to know how it behaves at all levels. It's too easy for shorter-term traders to
get lost in the short term only.
Enter Trends at the Beginning
Bailing at the bottom of a downturn and buying up stock at the top of an
upturn are things that people who don’t know anything about stock markets
do. They want to sell their shares and stuff the money in their mattress. As a
real trader, especially if you want to be a swing trader, you need to really
study trends, reversals, supports, and resistance. The goal is to be able to get
in on trends as early as possible. You should also learn to recognize when
things are too late and use options for insurance policies. If you come in
when it is too late to hit a peak, you can still gain from the trend by shorting.
But you need to be able to recognize where you stand relative to the trend. If
a stock is peaking, this is actually early for the bearish traders, but late for
the bullish traders. A good trader is bearish or bullish depending on the
situation. So if you missed out on an upward trend, then you can still profit
on the downside. But be ready to do so when you spot what's happening.
Getting in on trends early helps minimize risk and it also helps you
maximize your profits.
Use Multiple Indicators
One mistake that new swing traders make is putting too much faith in a
single indicator. It sounds very sophisticated so you can be forgiven for
thinking that the right candle is a sure thing, or that you can't go wrong with
a golden cross. The reality is that underlying the order is chaos. The stock
market is inherently unpredictable except in the long term. You can never be
sure of a belief in the direction of a stock, you can only minimize
probabilities of being wrong. The way that you do this is by utilizing
multiple tools simultaneously. When one indicator is giving you a strong
signal, don't just run with it, you need to check that signal against all the
other ones that you know.
Get up early and watch financial news
The first thing you need to do each morning is, first, get up early. You really
need to hit the ground to be a successful trader. Then watch the financial
news and read financial websites and publications. Scan the financial news
for information about stocks and options you’re already holding and also
looking for information about securities you plan to trade later. You are not
going to get the information as fast, detailed, and furious as the large
institutional investors are going to, but you still need to stay on top of what’s
Avoid Impulse Buying
While swing trading isn’t day trading, it can instill some bad habits. One
possible bad habit you might pick up is getting into impulse buying. Now
and then, impulse buying will turn out to be profitable. However, it’s not
always going to work out. Impulse buying is really nothing more than
gambling. A swing trader is not a gambler.
Capital Preservation is a Value
If you run out of capital, your trading days are over. It also shows that you
are a reckless trader. If you find yourself unable to preserve the capital in
your account, then maybe you should just invest in mutual funds. You’re
letting your emotions get a hold of you if you find out that you are running
out of money. The thing to do is step back and breath if you find yourself in
the midst of a string of losses. Don’t panic and try to make rash moves in
desperate attempts to get your money back. You might even want to stop and
step back from the markets for a few days to keep a bad situation from
spinning out of control. Beforehand, always set a stop-loss when you make a
trade. This will help keep losses to a minimum, which should be a maximum
risk of about 7% for your entire account. You should also use limit orders
Don’t trip over dollars to pick up pennies
While we spend a lot of time talking about minimizing risk, some traders are
far too conservative. There is no sense in getting into trading to make a few
cents off dollar trades. If you take a hyper-conservative approach to trading,
then you will never see yourself getting anywhere. The tools exist that will
help you take reasonable risks. Make sure you pick entry points that have
more upside than risk. This is like any other business, if you are not making
profits there is no point in trading. Some restaurants shut down on certain
days or only serve lunch while their competitors are raking in all the money.
So not taking unwarranted risks is certainly reasonable but getting into
trades to make ten cents is not reasonable.
Never pull a stop order
Hope and desperation can get the best of anybody, especially when money is
involved. A big mistake many new swing trader make is to pull a stop order,
even though their trade is on a downturn. This can stem from hope, a
desperate hope that it’s going to turn back around, because well, it was a sure
thing! However, if your trade is dropping close to stop order territory, that is
probably a signal you shouldn’t ignore. It is the market telling you that it’s
going to go down further from that and there isn’t going to be any recovery
this time. You don’t know how big a loss is going to be and ignoring the
signals because you hope something will turn back into an upswing is a bad
gambling strategy, not trading. Remember every big loss got started
somewhere, and at one time the $20,000 loss was only $500. Stop orders are
there for a reason and a disciplined trader doesn’t operate without them.
Chapter 8
The Mindset of the Swing Trader
Being a swing trader is a different kind of occupation. Most people are too
risk-averse to try and enter this world, so it takes a special kind of mindset.
A swing trader needs to have a higher level of mental toughness, but also
needs to be extremely rational to the point of scientific precision.
Keep a good mental attitude
When swing trading, you may be doing it from home, in fact, you probably
will. This can make it difficult to keep a good mental attitude. The reason is
you may be in for some major setbacks. This can happen even when you've
gained a lot of experience, but it's certainly going to happen when you're a
beginner. If you have multiple setbacks in a row it can be hard to keep your
chin up. Don't let negative emotions take over. Should bad trades just be
blown off? Absolutely not. But you don't want to dwell on them either.
Dwelling on a bad trade is counterproductive. That isn't to say that you
shouldn't learn from your bad trades. The point is to learn the lessons you
need to learn and move on as fast as possible.
Maintain detailed records
Make sure you know what you did and when you did it. This is part of
learning when mistakes were made. Note down what signals you are looking
at to get into or exit a position. That way when it didn’t work out you can go
back and look at the charts and compare to your notes to see where you went
wrong. We all need to learn from our mistakes, and by detailing things it will
help you learn quickly and avoid making the same mistake again and again.
Be ready to move ahead
Some people get emotionally wiped out from a bad trade. That isn’t going to
help you establish a career as a swing trader. If you make a bad trade, learn
from your mistake and then get right back in the saddle. You need to move
forward into making your next trade, not impulsively, but as soon as you’ve
learned from your mistakes.
Making a bad trade can seem like a personal failure. Many beginning swing
traders get lost in the old game of "why didn't I do this" and "could have,
would have, should have". Again, use your mind and not your emotions in
swing trading. That means when you have a bad trade, you aren't going to
take it as a personal failure and beat yourself up about it. Instead, you are
going to apply the tools of reason and learn from the mistakes.
You also have to realize that you’re not going to be able to capitalize on
every little opportunity that comes up. We can all pull up stock charts right
now and see when some stock had a huge move to the upside. If only we had
bought shares! You have to remember that you’re not going to get in on
every possible win. And you also have to remember that there is always
tomorrow. The markets aren’t going anywhere, so if you were at lunch with
the cousins passing through town when a stock you were interested in took a
big ride up, and you missed out, don’t sweat it. Just come back tomorrow
looking for new opportunities. They are always coming.
I’d like to thank you for reading How to Trade Options: Swing Trading. I
hope that you found this book informative and educational. I would also like
to think that I helped broaden out your mind a little bit. Many people haven’t
heard about swing trading and don’t realize the options it can provide. Also,
we hope that you found our chapters on options useful so that you can
combine what you’ve learned about swing trading and what you now know
about the underlying dynamics of the stock market with options and options
Swing trading offers more ambitious investors the opportunity to play an
active role in the markets that is a bit safer and less dramatic as day trading
but is certainly as interesting. Moreover, it uses many of the same tools but
you're at far less risk of completely blowing it. Some people may use swing
trading as an intermediate step, after wetting your toes with it you may
decide that you want to take things up another level and get involved with
day trading. And that is perfectly fine if you do. For those who aren't
inclined to day trading, swing trading can be extremely lucrative with more
upside and fewer risks. So, you've come to the right place.
Options also offer lots of golden opportunities. They let you get into trades
without risking much capital and can provide much higher ROI than stock
trading. You can grow with options trading and soon you might be investing
as much as you would have with stocks but find yourself earning far higher
profits. They are also fun and exciting.
Remember that no matter what path you take, continuing education is vital
for the trader. We have barely scratched the surface with this small book.
There are many resources available online including paid courses, free
articles, free videos, and more. Plus, there are lots and lots of books to read
on these topics. Keep up the work of taking in new knowledge so that you
can continue to improve your trading skills.
I would like to thank you again for taking the precious time to read this
small book and I hope it helps you reach your trading goals. Be sure to drop
on Amazon and leave a review – we will certainly appreciate it!
Table of Contents
How To Trade Options A Beginner’s Guide to investing and making profit
with Options Trading
Chapter 1: Options Contracts: The Basics
What Is An Options Contract?
What Is An Options Contract On The Stock Market?
CALL Options
The Call Seller
Derivative Contracts
Profits From The Call
What Happens If The Strike Price Isn’t Reached?
Why Purchase A Call Option
The Flexibility Of Options
Put Options
Why Buy A Put Option?
Summary: Buyers Of Options
Summary: Sellers Of Calls And Puts
Number Of Shares
Chapter 2: Options Trading Jargon
Three Ways To Close An Options Contract
Reading Options Quotes
Chapter 3:Strike Price
Chapter 4: Understanding The Purchase Of Options
Chapter 5: Top Reasons To Trade Options
1. Trading Options Provides An Investment Opportunity With
Limited Capital
2. You Can Hedge Your Risks With Index Funds
3. Profit Off Of Other Losses
4. Collect Premiums
5. Capitalize On Outsized Gains
Chapter 6: Covered Calls
Covered Calls Involve A Long Position
Covered Calls Are A Neutral Strategy
An Example Of A Covered Call
How To Go About Creating A Covered Call
Benefits Of Covered Calls
Risks Of Covered Calls
Chapter 7: Buying Calls
What You’re Actually Buying
Your Goal Buying Options Contracts
You’re A Trader, Not An Investor
Benefits Of Buying Call Options
What To Look For When Buying Call Options
Open Interest
Tips For Buying Call Options
Chapter 8: Volatility In The Markets
Options To Pursue If Your Options Aren’t Working
Chapter 9: In The Money, Out Of The Money
In The Money
When You Automatically Exercise Your Options
Out Of The Money
Chapter 10: Buying And Selling Puts
How A Put Option Works
In The Money
Out Of The Money
Using Puts As Insurance
Speculating With Puts
Chapter 11: Beginners Common Mistakes
Chapter 12: Advanced Trading Strategies
Long Straddle
Bear Spread
Bull Spread
Married Puts
Cash Secured Puts
How To Trade Options: Day Trading Strategies
Chapter 1: Options – The Basics
Chapter 2: Day Trading – The Basics
Chapter 3: More Trading Strategies
Chapter 4: 10 Tips For Successful Day Trading
Chapter 5: Getting Started With Day Trading
Chapter 6: How Much Do Day Traders Make?
How To Trade Options: Swing Trading
Chapter 1: Swing Trading – The Basics
Chapter 2: Swing Trading Indicators
Chapter 3: A Review Of Options
Chapter 4: Options Trading
Chapter 5: Options Trading Strategies
Chapter 6: Top Mistakes Made By New Traders
Chapter 7: Special Tips For Swing Traders
Chapter 8: The Mindset Of The Swing Trader

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