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Class: PU2 Assignment Code: APUC02C12

1) Aldehydes are oxidation product of

(a) ketones (b)tertiary alcohols (c) secondary alcohols (d)primary alcohols
2) Which of the following is used as a preservative for biological specimens?
(a) Formic acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Acetaldehyde (d)Formaldehyde
3) In aldehydes and ketones, carbon of carbonyl group is
(a) sp3 hybridized (b) sp2 hybridized  (c) sp hybridized (d) unhybridised
HO 
4) RCN  SnCl2  HCl 
 RCH  NH 

Nitrile Imine Aldehyde
The above reaction is called
(a) Stephen reaction (b) Rosenmund reaction
(c) Cannizzaro reaction (d) Etard reaction
5) When acetylene (ethyne) is passed through H2SO4 containing HgSO4 it gives
(a) acetone (b) methanol (c) ethanol (d)Ethanal
6) Tollen’s reagent is
(a) Alkaline solution containing containing copper nitrate
(b) Ammoniacal silver nitrate
(c) Ammoniacal copper nitrate
(d) None of these
7) Though aldehydes and ketones contain carbonyl group, aldehydes alone reduce Tollen’s regent.
This is due to
(a) Tollen’s reagent dissolves ketones
(b) the carbonyl carbon is primary in aldehydes
(c) aldehydes give nascent oxygen very easily
(d) none of the above
8) Addition of NaHSO3 to formaldehyde is an example of
(a) nucleophilic addition (b) electrophilic addition
(c) eletrophilic substitution (d) nucleophilic substitution
9) Aldehydes & ketones udergo addition reaction with sodium bisulphite. An exception is
(a) C6H5COCH3 (b)CH3COCH3 (c) CH3CHO (d) C6H5CHO
10) Hydrogen cyanide adds on to aldehydes and ketones to form corresponding
(a) cyanohydrins (b) oximes (c) cyanides (d) none of these
11) Aldehydes react with
(a) hydroxylamine to give aldoxime
(b) semicarbazide to form aldehyde semicarbazone
(c) phenyl hydrazine to form phenyl hydrazone
(d)all are correct
12) Aldehydes having no -hydrogen atoms undergo
(a) Aldol condensation (b) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
(c) Cannizzaro’s reaction (d) none of the above
13) When an aldehyde was heated with alkali, part of it was converted into an alcohol and part of it
into an acid. The aldehyde is
(a) an aromatic aldehyde or formaldehyde (c) an aromatic aldehyde other than salicylaldehyde
(b) an aliphatic aldehyde or salicylaldehyde (d) an aliphatic aldehyde other than formaldehyde
14) Ethanal reacts with alkali to give 3-hydroxy butanal. The reaction is
(a) Claisen condensation (b) Polymerisation
(c)Aldol condensation (d) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
15) Reduction of aldehydes and ketones in presence of amalgamated zinc and conc. HCl is known as
(a) Resenmund’s reduction (b)Clemmensen’s reduction
(c) Wolff-Kishner reduction (d) none of the above
16) Which of the following reactions is a method for the conversion of a ketone into a hydrocarbon
(a) Aldol condensation (b) Reimer-tiemann reaction
(c)Cannizzaro reaction (d)Wolf-Kishner reduction
17) Which of the following would not respond to aldol condensation?
(a) CH3CHO (b) CH3COCH3 (c)C6H5CHO (d) C6H5CH=CH–CO–CH3
18) A mixture of benzaldehyde and formaldehyde on heating with aqueous NaOH solution gives
(a) benzyl alcohol and sodium formate (b) sodium benzoate and methyl alcohol
(c) sodium benzoate and sodium formate (d) benzyl alcohol and methyl alcohol
19) CH3COOH + NH3→ X → Y.In this reaction the product ‘Y’ is
(a) ammonium acetate (b) acetamide (c) methylamine (d) none of the above
20) When acetic acid is heated with P2O5. The product formed will be
(a) acetic anhydride (b) CH3CHO (c) HCOOH (d) none
21) RCOONa + X → RH + Na2CO3.In this reaction ‘X’ is
(a) Lime stone (b) soda lime (c) quick lime (d) none of the above
22) Which is strongest acid?
(a) CF3COOH (b) CH3COOH (c) CBr3COOH (d) CCl3COOH
23) Which is strongest acid?
24) Which represents the correct order of relative acidic strengths?
25) CH3CONH2 is dehydrated by P2O5 to give
(a) CH3NH2 (b) CH3CN (c) CH3CHO (d) CH3–CH3+CO+NH3
26) A carboxyl group directly attached to benzene ring
(a) activates the ring (b) deactivates the ring
(c) exhibits o- and p-directive influence (d) destabilizes the ring
I. Answer the following questions (1 mark each)
1. Write the structure of ‘X’


2. Write the name of the reaction

+ CrO2Cl2

3. Complete the following reaction

4. Give the IUPAC name for CH3C(Cl)2COOH
5. What is the hybridisation of carbonyl carbon atom

6. What is ‘X’ + H2 X

7. Give reason. “Electron withdrawing group increases the acidic strength of carboxylic acid”
8. Give the IUPAC name of X

9. Name the catalyst used in the conversion of ethanol to ethene

10. Name the catalyst used in ROSENMUND reaction
11. What is the oxidizing agent used in ETARD’s reaction?
12. Complete the following reaction

+ H3O A+B

13. Name the reaction:

+ CO + HCl + HCl

14. Name the catalyst used in Clemmensen reaction.

15. Give the IUPAC name for C(Cl)3COOH

II. Answer the following questions (2 marks each)

16. A carboxylic acid is treated with alcohol in presence in conc H 2SO4. Name the reaction. Give the
general equation.
17. How is propane Nitrile converted to propanol? Write equation.
18. Give the equation for the reaction between Benzaldehyde and acetophenone in presence of dilute alkali.
What type of condensation reaction is this?
19. Name P and Q : CH3COCH3 + NH2  NH2  P Q + N2 
20. Write the name of X of Y in the following reaction.

CH3MgBr + X CH3 ─ ─ O ─ MgBr Y

21. Mention two tests to distinguish between Aldehyde and ketone.
22. Give the equation for the addition reaction of acetaldehyde with NaHSO3.
23. Explain ALDOL condensation reaction by taking Acetaldehyde as an example
24. Explain the nitration of benzaldehyde with equation.
25. Explain the Cannizzarro’s reaction by taking formaldehyde as an example with equation
26. Explain the HVZ reaction with an example
27. Explain with an equation Wolff kishner’s reduction reaction.

III. Answer the following questions (3 marks each)

28. Write equation for

(a) Acetaldehyde to Acetaldoxime
(b) acetone to acetonehydrozone
(c) acetaldehyde to acetaldehyde acetal
29. Explain the mechanism of addition of HCN with acetaldehyde.
30. Give reasons for the following
(a) Why Benzaldehyde do not undergo ALDOL condensation?
(b) Electron donating group decreases acidic strength of carboxylic acid
(c) -Hydrogen of aldehydes ketones are acidic
31. What is haloform reaction? Explain by taking CH 3CHO as an example. Give an equation.
32. Explain HVZ reaction by taking acetic acid as an example.
33. Write the equation for the following conversion
(a) Benzaldehyde to Benzyl alcohol and sodium benzoate
(b) Acetaldehyde to propan-2-ol
(c) Action of ammonia on acetic acid
34. Explain the mechanism of addition of HCN with ketone.
35. (a) Explain the preparation of Acetone from acid chloride and dimethyl cadmium.
(b) Give equation for Tollen’s reagent with Benzaldehyde
36. Explain Stephen’s reduction reaction with equation by taking benzonitrile as an example.
37. Explain Rosennmund reduction reaction with equation by taking benzoyl chloride.
38. Write all the four products along with IUPAC names when acetaldehyde undergo crossed aldol with
39. Convert the following with an equation
(a) Benzamide to Benzoic acid

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