Biotechnology Research and Integration With Indust

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Biotechnology research and integration with industry

Article · November 2009

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2 authors:

Bambang Prasetya Puspita - Deswina

National Agency For Research and Innovation (BRIN) research center for biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences


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Biotechnology research and integration with industry

Bambang Prasetya*, Puspita Deswina

Research Centre for Biotechnology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46
Cibinong 16911, Bogor, Indonesia

Abstract support pulp and paper industry. The activities are

The development of biotechnology in general, in line research to enhance the productivity of fast growing
with progress other sciences in Indonesia, the trees like Paraserianthes falcataria, Acacia mangi-
interest of biotechnology for two last decades has um etc. A quite important research topic is also
been a great interest for many scientist, academi- involved the genetic engineering by manipulation of
cian and young student. The government expected
gene which is important in the biotransformation of
that biotechnology in the future can provide a very
large impact on the agricultural, health, environment lignin and hemicellulose. Though this research we
and economy in general. In this paper, following can expect a very low lignin content of woody
topics will be discussed: state of the art of research material that important to develop of clean process
and commercialization of biotechnology, brief over- in the pulp and paper industry.
view how to make commercialization of biotechno- After years 2000 started the modern biotechno-
logy research results, and integration of research logy in the field of genetic engineered plant and
with industries, which taken a several example from pharmaceutical biotechnology. The modern biotech-
case study and experience from Research Centre nology in the pharmaceutical molecular farming and
for Biotechnology-LIPI involved some industrial inte- nanobiotechnology was developed. In case of phar-
gration type and lastly will be given a summarized of
maceutical biotechnology, there are many research
problems in the commercialization and the govern-
ment role in the commercialization. dealing with active compound, such as antioxidant,
Keywords: Biotechnology, Development, Commer- anticancer, antidiabetes, antivirus etc. Nowadays, the
cialization, Government, Industries research to develop of medical biotechnology like
kits for diagnostic and biochip becoming a great
interest even though there still need many steps to
INTRODUCTION enter the domestic market.

It is necessary to give a brief overview about the State of the art of commercialization of biotech-
state of the art of biotechnology research in Indone- nology result: Compared a neighbor agriculture
sia, before talking about commercialization. The based country like Malaysia and Thailand, biotech-
milestone of biotechnology research in Indonesia nology product is still under developed. There are
before 1990 focused on fermentation technology, biotechnology product based on fermentation or
agriculture biotechnology, animal and veterinary microorganism based technology. For on farm pro-
biotechnology. Continuing on agriculture biotechno- duction, supporting agriculture production plays im-
logy the genetic breeding for high performance plant portant roles. This meet especially for biofertilizer,
was very intensive developed. Research result of biodecomposer, biopesticide and bioinsecticide.
agriculture biotechnology are mainly in the field of Several products of these are already found in the
plant improvement like pest and disease resistance domestic market (Table 1). For animal biotechno-
involved for rice, soybean, sweet potato, sugar cane logy, there are some technology proven and imple-
and chocolate, and for virus resistance were mainly mented in the real production, such as artificial inse-
for groundnut, tobacco, papaya, potato and chili. mination and embryo transfer, enriched feed pro-
Plant tree improvement are done with the goal to duction, probiotics and enzymes, and vaccine for
animal diseases.
Industrial biotechnology products are mainly
dominated enzymes for replacing chemical process,
*Correspondence to: Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya inoculums for bioprocess (food), biocatalyst (leather,
Tel. +62 21 8754587; Fax. +62 21 8754588 pulp/paper industry). While for environmental bio-
Email: [email protected]; bambangpras @yah technology, there are some technology proven for

Biotechnology research and integration with industry 1


waste treatment, bioremediation and biosensor for production come into the scaling up and the
environmental condition/quality control. commercial production is able to start. Important
thing to these stages is every prototype must have a
Table 1. Typical biotechology products in the Indonesia technical and economical summary. After product
market. launching, at least there work must be done, namely
Biofertilizer Rhizoplus , Rhiphosant , Bio P Z
manufacturing, marketing and distribution. In case
2000, Ema, Bio-Super Phosfat of biotechnology product, the road map for bringing
Biocontrol Meteor, Greemi-G, Triko SP, from the research into commercial shown in the Fig.
NirAma, Marfu 1.
Biodecomposer Orgadec, SuperDec, Degra Simba,
Starbio , EM4
Case study and experience of research center of
biotechnology (RCB): Implementation of collabo-
Commercialization of biotechnology research: In
ration of research with industrial is very important
general, there are five states to make research and
point in the commercialization of research results.
development commercial. Firstly, the concept of
Our basic ideas are following reason:
idea must be proven. To prove of the concept an
• So early so possible to find out the strategic
exploration, screening and visualization must be
done. In this stage all documents related on
• Making attractive project by proven concept idea
preliminary feasibility study, literature study, and
• Describing the business prospective
also all documents which show the technical
• Benefit for getting earlier partner
specification from independent institute or agency
• To get additional funding for developing of
will bring a good point to make sure that the
technology much more proven. With another words,
• Interaction between researcher and industrial
it means the risk of technology must be smaller. The
partner concerning technical and economical
second stage, we have to ensure the technology
through securing the intellectual properties right,
such as patent, trade mark etc. And the business
A. Colaboration type of integration with industry:
planning must be also included to attract to seed
There are five types of integration between research
funding from third party. The third stage, the
result from RCB and industries shown in Table 2-6.
product development is started and prototype
product must be available. Whenever the prototype
is already fulfilled with official standard, now the

Figure 1. Roadmap for bringing from the research into commercial.

Prasetya and Deswina 2


Table 2. Industrial integration type I (pharmaceutical products and drug discovery).

Collaboration Products Partners start at following Strategic partner

type stage

Join venture Bioactive from Basic research to product PT. IDG

microorganism endhophytes development

International joint Molecular farming From basic research to PT. KF, FHG,
research 2+2 (human serum albumin commercialization STRS (Germany)
scheme interferon alpha2)

Research contract Complementary and Idea,research, product PT. MI, PT. PSM,
alternative medicine development, quality control PT. PBS

Table 3. Industrial integration type II (environmental treatment).

Collaboration Products Partners start at Strategic

type following stage partner

Pilot scale Biocathing for heavy metal and Field trial and PT. PTMN
implementation bioremediation of oil sludge certification
Licenses Heavy metal biocatching bioremediation Proven technology PT. ESI

Consultancy and Industrial waste treatment Trial run operation PT. PRR,
joint operation and production Sugar Fac

Table 4. Industrial integration type III (animal husbandry).

Collaboration Products Partners start at following Strategic partner

type stage

Services and Embryo transfer, artificial Proven technology SME in animal husbandry
consultancy insemination

Consultancy and Supplement for feed Joint production SME in animal husbandry
joint production production and quality management

Joint production Milk derivative products Product development and trial KUD TSK,
ET, IB market SME in animal husbandry

Table 5. Industrial integration type IV (industrial biotechnology).

Collaboration Products Partners start at following Strategic partner

type stage

Joint in trial production Biocatalyst (enzyme) Pilot scale trial production PT. PI

Licenses and joint Antirol (lova statin based) Trial market joint production PT. TB, CV. NNT

Joint production and Inoculums for debarking, Product development and PT. YL, PT. MGL
consultancy defibering testing

Table 6. Industrial integration type V (agricultural biotechnology).

Collaboration Products Partners start at following Strategic partner

type stage

Joint production and Biofertilizer Pilot scale trial production SME in plantation and
consultancy agriculture in sandy soil

Joint production and Plant tissue culture Large scale production LPM HIT, PLN,
services Department of Forestry

International joint Specific compound Research, field trial and AVB (Netherland)
research in cassava product development

Biotechnology research and integration with industry 3


Figure 2. Animal biotechnology.

Figure 3. Roapmap for commercialization of drug.

B. Research activities at RCB for future perspec- tics pharmaceutical, chemicals and other enzyme
tive: Innovation the field of food and pharmaceuti- that can improve production efficiency.
cals have been showing a great potential of In RCB from basic sciences to applied
biotechnology to develop a range of products, biotechnology will be done in the future. Some
engineering plant resistance to disease resistance and genes have been identified, understood its function,
climate change, natural pesticides, bioremediation isolated, and moved from one organism to another
technology for the environment, materials therapeu- which is related our target. In the field of food RCB
utilize the crystal protein genes from microbes that

Prasetya and Deswina 4


are used as natural pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis To accelerate the research results to be mature, some
(cry1Ab, cry1Aa and cry1B) to set up stem-bohrer activities must be done as mentioned before,
resistant rice which belong to one of the major pest however the funding for these activities are usually
of rice crops, genes of salicylic acid (pmsB and not set in priority in each research center and
entC) for blast disease resistance and drought universities. Therefore, an incentive program from
resistant genes (Oshox 4 and 6, OsNAC and others) government is a must. The incentive program for
for developing a drought-resistant rice. This is very funding the bringing the research results more
relevant with effort to anticipate a comming global acceptable in industries. Funding through incentive
climate change. program from The Ministry of Research and
In health, research focused on the expression of Technology has been doing like through following
hEPO protein recombinant (erythropoeitin) and scheme:
Interferon alpha2a on leavened (Pichia pastoris) for  Rusnas (Interdiscipline research from basic to
the purpose of production of affordable medicines. implementation)
Recombinant hEPO is glycoprotein hormone that  Production technology
regulates the formation of red blood cells which is  Diffusion of science and technology
the antianemia drug with the main economic value, The government can also develop a mechanism to
while high IFN α2a is drug that can increase make intensive linkage between researcher/aca-
immune system in human body. Research has demician and industrial:
entered the pre-stage clinical testing.  Business technology center
Vaccines for recombinant to Jembrana disease in  Business incubator
cattle are also examined. Agriculture protein in the  Promotion of research results
plant intended to produce hepatitis B vaccine in the  Venture capital
banana plant. Screening material from the Indone- Moreover, as also done in developed country, the
sian ecosystem in the form of a collection of thou- government can also provide:
sands of microbes that have been purified with  Tax incentive for innovation product
search-based molecular resistor RNA helicase  Technology insurance
enzyme. This enzyme is required by hepatitis C  etc.
virus for replication for themselves.

Problem of commercialization and the role of CONCLUSION REMARKS

government: As already mentioned before that
biotechnology products in the market are mainly 1. Biotechnology research in Indonesia has been
dominated by agriculture supporting production, intensively done for two last decade.
while the modern biotechnology research results are 2. The commercialization of biotechnology research
in general still on the road map to the commerciali- result play important roles for development of
zation and need time. Based our observation, there competitiveness.
are still problems to bring the research results to 3. Biotechnology research valuated as important
commercial. The research results from laboratory are way to strengthen the economic, social environ-
mostly still premature in term of commercial pro- mental beneficial.
duction: 4. Status of commercialization of biotechnology in
• Prototype in laboratory scale Indonesia is mostly in research stage, except for
• Lack of certification of quality from independent agriculture biotechnology.
evaluation 5. Collaboration with strategic partner is important
• Lack of information about cost production break through to accelerate the commerciali-
• Lack of information about technical feasibility zation of biotechnology research.
• Lack of protection of technology (not granted 6. More interaction between researcher and indus-
IPR) tries will bring maturing of research into com-
• etc. mercial stage.
On the other hand, the user (industry) require a 7. Supporting from government must be stronger in
relatively proven results concerning following near future.
• Reproducibility References
• Quality insurance
• Cost analysis in commercial production Barton KA, Brill HJ (1984). Prospects in plant genetic
• IPR engineering. In: Abelson PH (ed). Biotechnology and
• Market analysis Biological Frontiers. American Association for the
• etc. Advancement of Science. Washington DC.

Biotechnology research and integration with industry 5


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Prasetya and Deswina 6

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