Group No # 2
Table of contents
o Introduction
o What is Foreign Policy
o According to Quaid-e-Azam
o Determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy
Foreign Policy in general terms is a plan of action adopted by one nation
for its diplomatic contacts with other nations. Foreign policies are formed as a systematic
mode to deal with matters that may arise with other countries including but not restricted
to the cultural traditional economic sanctuary and technical fields The scope of
international affairs post-1648 Treaty of Westphalia has prolonged exponentially and
gave birth to philosophies and practices regarding relations among states. Given the
primacy of particular national securities governments mostly design foreign policies
through elaborate and high level decision making systems process. The accomplishment
of national securities can happen by either through diplomatic collaboration with other
countries or through manipulation. The change is typically a result of elements affecting
national safeties of the respective countries such as economic sanctuary and geo-strategic
requirements. The foreign policy of Pakistan has been assessed and reflected in the past,
on the other hand this subject has frequently remained inactive and there are many
possibilities to be discovered and particularly the foresight requirements to be inculcated
for a complete foreign policy of Pakistan has discussed several possibilities as well as
increasing challenges to be tackled by Pakistan. He not only emphasized the need for
revising national purposes in a nourishing way rather suggested for an overall changing
of our foreign policy with all modifications. He has also emphasized upon Pakistan’s
strategic collaboration with China and China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to be
positively perceived as a soft option for industrializing and revolutionizing which can
only be possible with good governance. The two-sided relations of Pakistan and India in
PPP’s tenure. This paper recommends that some of the organizations such as the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) the European Union (EU) and South
Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) etc. Extremism and Conflict
Resolutions (CECVECR) at NDU has also been a great source of knowledge for this
field. It has been formulated accordingly and it explores some of the conspicuous events
and activities followed by some feasible and effective recommendations for the future
development of action by the government state.The foreign policy of Pakistan seeks to
promote the internationally recognized norms of interstate relations, i.e. respect for
sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States, non-interference in the internal affairs of
other State; non-aggression and peaceful settlement of disputes. Pakistan has therefore
always sought to develop friendly and cordial relations with all countries of the
world.The foreign policy of Pakistan is primarily directed to the pursuit of national goals
of seeking peace and stability through international cooperation. Special emphasis is laid
on economic diplomacy to take advantages offered by the process of globalization as also
to face challenges of the 21st century. Our foreign policy is also geared to project the
image of the country as a dynamic and moderate society.
What is Foreign Policy?
The foreign policy is establishment and development of relations with other countries in
order to protect the national interest by taking appropriate steps at International level.
According to Quaid-e-Azam:
Our Foreign Policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nation of the
world. We don’t cherish aggressive design against any nation or country. We believe in
principle of honest and fair play in nation and international design and are prepared to
make our utmost contribution to promotion of peace and prosperity among the nation of
the world. Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral
support to the oppressed and suppressed people of the world and in upholding the
principle of the UN charter.
Determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy
In the contemporary world no one state can exist independently. Each state is
interdependent with the others. For this reason every state must aspire to have positive
relations with other states. Foreign policy determines and directs how the states interact
with one another as members of the global community. Foreign policy is also affected by
several factors, which are referred to as determinants of foreign policy.Each nation
develops its foreign policy to achieve particular objectives in the global arena. That
policy only partially relies on the decision-makers desires and morals. The determinants
of foreign policy are the variables that affect foreign policy as follows.
The major 7 determinants of Foreign Policy Are
Geo-graphical location
Economic resources
Political leadership Diplomatic skill
Creating perceptions or misper- ceptions by using technology
Geographical location
The country geographical location is the primary determinant of its foreign policy.
Geography affects foreign policy in two ways the state’s geographical environment and
how important its location is politically. As far as Pakistan’s geographical location is
concerned it has the most suitable place on the continent of Asia. Pakistan is in South
Asia and the Arabian Sea is to its south. Because of this it is a crucial point of connection.
Through its geostrategic location, Pakistan connects the Central Asian countries in the
West with Russia and in the east with the world’s second-largest power China. In the
West it is associated with the Middle East. Because of its geographical location, Pakistan
was a dream for Russia in terms of warm waters and for the USA to contain China’s
The population is seen as one of the critical factors influencing foreign policy.
Traditionally the population has been considered a crucial metric for assessing state
power. For instance the People Republic of China large infantry helped repel US forces
during the last war. In terms of a state capacity the relationship between population and
foreign policy becomes more significant. The population heavily influences foreign
policy because the abilities skills and good money of the people help the country become
more powerful.
Each country’s foreign policy has an impact on its history. The unique circumstances of
the events and the chips shaped each nation’s history in broad strokes. Its personality can
be determined. The limitations imposed by historical circumstances set each country’s
borders. Many fundamental aspects of foreign policy are formed throughout a nation’s
development. Since its inception, Pakistan has been facing complex challenges. Pakistan
and India’s relations have been marred by distrust and antagonism. Pakistan and
Afghanistan have also been at odds for a long the main concern being the Durand Line
which Afghanistan is unwilling to accept as an international border. Because of this
Pakistan encountered an unbroken series of crises and challenges that perhaps no other
country in the world has ever experienced. Each country bases its foreign policy on the
lessons learned from its past. Each country’s foreign policy has an impact on its history.
Thus, the unique circumstances of the events and the chips shape each nation’s history in
broad strokes.
Economic resources
Economic resources play an essential role in determining the character and approach of
foreign policy. Financial health is an indication of a state’s affordability. The economy is
also a major determinant in shaping Pakistan’s foreign policy. For instance the Middle
East’s international politics have made mineral oil one of the most significant political
centres. The foundation of a country’s international standing is its natural resources and
industrial growth. Industrialization and the availability of natural resources in the modern
world determine each nation’s resistance level. Same in the case with Pakistan. Hence, a
strong economy provides more resistance to invasions.
Different political philosophies control each state system. That ideology contains a state’s
beliefs, principles, plans, priorities, and ambitions. Foreign policy and those ideologies
govern a state’s foreign policy, not just its internal policies and ideals. Therefore, it can
be regarded as one of the most significant factors determining foreign policy. For
instance, communist states firmly believe in the values of world peace, friendliness,
whereas capitalism believes in exploitation and oppression at home and abroad. Because
of this, capitalist nations adopt aggressive measures in the realms of culture, politics, and
economics as compared to communist states which spread
Political leadership
Effectiveness of Government and Political Leadership is foreign policy’s primary driver
and pillar. The caliber of the decision-makers determines the state’s function at each
particular moment and the type of foreign policy to be pursued. Thus foreign policy
cannot be divorced from the character of governmental leadership.
Diplomatic skill
One of the most crucial factors affecting foreign policy is the effectiveness of diplomacy.
A state’s diplomatic abilities and strategies determine whether it succeeds or fails in
international politics. The government’s diplomatic skill determines each state’s goals
and objectives. The individuals engaged in diplomatic activities establish all foreign
policy objectives. Creating perceptions or misper- ceptions by using technology With the
advancement of technology, another factor has emerged as an important determinant of
Foreign Policy, i.e., creating perceptions or misperceptions by using technology. The
electronic media is playing a vital role in shaping decisions. Technologically advanced
countries prepare justifiable grounds before implementing pre- planned actions. Coverage
on tv or social media brings forth the requisite rationale before, during, and after any
venture. Thus, the above are the main determinants that play an essential part while
devising Pakistan’s foreign policy.
Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy
Following are the basic principles of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy.
1) Protection of Freedom and Sovereignty
Pakistan came into being after great sacrifices of million of Muslims. Like any other
Country, she also considers with deep regard the need for preservation of its
independence and does not allow any country to harm its freedom. Therefore, the
principle of protection of independence and sovereignty is the corner stone of Pakistan’s
2) Cordial Relations with Muslim Countries
Pakistan always tries to establish cordial and friendly relations with Muslim countries. It
has always moved its concern against Israel, India and U.S.S.R capturing Palestine,
Kashmir and Afghanistan respectively. She has shouldered high responsibilities and used
her influence for safeguarding the rights of the Muslims. Pakistan is also an active
member of the Islamic Conference.
3) Non-Interference in Internal Affairs of Other Countries
Pakistan has sought to establish normal and friendly relations with all countries especially
In neighbouring countries, on the basis of universally acknowledge the principle of
national sovereignty, non use of force, non-interference in the internal affairs of states.
4) Implementation of U.N Charter
Pakistan’s policy is to act upon UN charter and to support all moves by the UN to
implement it. Pakistan has been the member of UN since the year of its birth.
5) Promotion of World Peace
Pakistan’s policy is to promote peace among nations. It has no aggressive designs against
any country. Neither does it support any such action. Pakistan has always held that the
international disputes should be settled through negotiations rather than non-battlefield.
Pakistan follows the policy of Non-Alignment i.e. to keep away from alignment with any
big power bloc, and avoids taking sides in the cold war. It has also given up its
association with SEATO and CENTO and was included in NAM in 1979.
6) Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial
Pakistan is a stomach supporter of the right of self-determination and has been in the fore
front of efforts to eliminate colonialism and racism. It has advocated the right of selt
determination of Kashmir.4
7) Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
Pakistan is deeply conscious of the fact that international peace and security cannot be
achieved and sustained in the world with arms. Disarmament is the imperative condition
for truly durable peace in the world. Pakistan has a vital stake in promotion of
disarmament both in the nuclear and conventional fields. It is included in the principles of
its foreign policy that a collective endeavor by countries at the regional level to promote
disarmament and enhance security at the lowest possible level of armaments is an
indispensable result to their advocacy of global disarmament.
8) Member of International Organization
Pakistan had become the member of the British Commonwealth with the time of its
Establishment. In addition it is the member of United Nations (U.N), Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM), Organization of Islamic Conference (O1C), Economic Cooperation
Organization (ECO), South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC),
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and D-Eight. Being a member of
International Organizations the objectives of Pakistan are to struggle for world peace, to
unify the Muslim countries and to promote regional co-operation.
Objectives of Foreign Policy:
In light of the guiding principles bid down by the founding fathers and the constitution as
abo aspirations of the people of Pakistan, the objectives of foreign policy can be
summarized as under Promotion of Pakistan as a dynamic, progressive, moderate, and
democratic Islamic Country.
Developing friendly relations with all countries of the world, especially major powers
and immediate neighbors.
Safeguarding national security and geo-strategie interests, including Kashmir.
Consolidating our commercial and economic cooperation with international
Safeguarding the interests of Pakistani Diaspora abroad.
Ensuring optimal utilization of national resources for regional and international
Challenges and Issues:
Kashmir Issue
Stability in Political System
Relations with Super
Powers Relations with Muslim World
The second feature of Pakistan’s foreign policy is the relations with all states. Pakistan
maintains Its relations with all kinds of states irrespective with the type of the political
system; these states Are adopting that s not Pakistan’s concern, so Pakistan maintains
relations with all kinds of states And the relations at the international level are maintained
on the bases of common interest, what You need is certain areas of common interest.
Those commonalities of interests are the bases of Good relations. So if you have more
common interests between Pakistan and other country Relations would improve. Another
thing that influences the relations is the relationship must provide some benefits some
rewards to both sides, relationship cannot be one way traffic. Let’s Say if Pakistan has
relations with Iran then that relationship must be viewed by the both govts as Serving
their interests. So the basic criteria for Pakistan’s friendly relations with other countries Is
that there must be some common areas identified to work together and this relationship
must Be of use to benefit to both the countries. Another consideration which affects
Pakistan’s Relations s non interference with each others affairs. Pakistan does not
interfere in the internal Domestic affairs of all the states with which it has relationship.
Similarly Pakistan will not like Other states interfering in it domestic and internal
affairs.Another related principle is problems should be resolved peacefully, amicably and
through Negotians so that the problems are either resolved or kept within manageable
Relations with Major Powers:
The nature of relations with major powers has varied. Here we can briefly mention
Pakistan’s Relation with the major powers to have an idea of the fact that Pakistan
conduct relationship with Different and diverse types of countries.
United States
First let’s say few words about United States, Pakistan-US relations have been generally
Friendly, smooth and cordial but problems developed from time to time and there are
issues on Which Pakistan and United States do not see eye to eye but despite differences
they still work Together for example some areas of differences are on nuclear issue, this
is an area on which Pakistan and the United states have differences and there are certain
other issues on which both Countries have reservations like arms sales, Kashmir etc.
However there are common grounds And shared areas on the bases of which Pakistan
have maintained smooth relationship with the United Sates.
Since the 60s China proved to be a reliable trustworthy and consistent friend over the
Periods of decades and despite the fact Pakistan and China have different domestic
political Systems, their domestic priorities are different but still they maintain very close
cooperation and Interaction. China had provided affective and consistent economic
assistance to Pakistan and it Had also contributed to the industrial development of
Pakistan and in this context it is also Important to note that China had also made
significant contribution to Pakistan’s Defense Industry and it also extends support on
diplomatic forums and on Kashmir Chinese policy is Symphatic to Pakistan’s position
and emphasizes a peaceful resolution of the disputes which Pakistan has with India.
Pakistan supported China diplomatically in the UN and the Outside. Both the countries
have developed close relations in the areas including science and technology,
Environment and trade.
With Soviet Union before 1991 and now Russia Pakistan has working relations with
Russia but frequent problems remained unsolved during the period of Cold War. Within
the South Asian context Russia had always been remained favorable to India at the cost
of its Relations with Pakistan. On Kashmir issue, her attitude has been ranged from pro
India to Neutrality. Despite these kinds of problems Pakistan and Russia have working
relations and they Regularly interact and try to expand the areas of common interests.
Some economic relations Strengthened the bilateral relations when Russia provided
economic and technological assistance To Pakistan in establishing steel mill in Karachi.
Russia had also helped Pakistan from time to Time in oil exploration. In post-Cold War
era, Pakistan is trying to normalize the relations. The Recent tour of President Musharraf
is a step towards this goal .So what we have seen here is that Pakistan has maintained
relations with different countries on The bases of sovereign equality, mutuality of
interests, shared goals and consideration which give Benefits and rewards to both sides.
Economic Issues, Trade, Investment:
The third important feature of Pakistan’s foreign policy relates o economic issues, trade
and Investment. These issues are important all the times even in the past but now for the
last 10 years Economic issues, trade and investment have gained a lot of importance in
the foreign policy of all The countries and Pakistan also pursued that objective. For that
purpose Pakistan deals with other Countries and several other international financial
institutions in order to obtain economic Assistance for its development projects and to
obtain loans which Pakistan gets from international Financial institutions and also from
the states. International financial institutions may be Described as World Bank, IMF,
Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank. The Issue of trade that is
Pakistan goods go abroad is also important then investment Pakistan has Been striving
hard for attracting international investment for different kinds of industrial and Other
projects in the country because if you obtain international financial support and
investment It speeds up the process of industrialization and economic development. Issue
of transfer of technology to Pakistan, issue of favorable trade that the trade is done in a
Manner that it provides advantage to Pakistan and also humanitarian assistance.
Sometimes there Are natural calamities in Pakistan and these calamities are in rest of the
World. So Pakistan Extends technical and humanitarian assistance to other countries
when they face problems like Earthquakes, Floods and other problems. Similarly when
Pakistan is confronted with these kinds Of problems it also seeks assistance from abroad.
Economic relations are both bilateral and multi-lateral. Technology, trade, access to
market and Investment are keys to the cordial relations between the two countries.
Pakistan is also trying to establish its relations with other countries on the same footings.
Muslim States:
The 4th feature of Pakistan’s foreign policy is its relations with the Muslim states.
Attaches great importance to developing relations and the ties with the Muslim States. It
is one of The basic principles of Pakistan’s foreign policy but we are not going to discuss
this relationship In detail at this stage. We will devote one of our lectures to this aspect
that is Pakistan’s relation With Muslim World and in that lecture we will discuss this
topic in detail. Being Islamic country, Pakistan has been always in search of good
relations with the Muslim countries. It has been a Central point in the ideology of
Pakistan even before Independence.
Solidarity with the Developing States:
The next feature of Pakistan’s foreign policy is solidarity with the Developing States.
Pakistan is a developing country, trying to develop itself in all fields of life in economic
Development in industry and in other areas. Pakistan had been concerned with the issues
and Problems of the states of Asia, Africa and Latin America. As it is developing
countries it is well Aware of the problems of underdevelopment, poverty, disease,
famine, civil strife and border Disputes, refugees and drug addiction. Pakistan has always
cooperated with the developing Countries so that they can meet with the problems of
underdevelopment and poverty. In fact if You examine and study the social, economic
and cultural problems of states of Asia and Africa And Latin America then you will find
a lot of common problems, problems of underdevelopment, Poverty, illiteracy, civil
strifes, inter state wars, human migration and the problem of refugees. These are the
issues which are common in varying degree in the developing World. So Pakistan Works
at two levels to deal with this kind of issue.
1. Pakistan raises these kinds of issues or the problems of the developing countries at the
International forums like the United Nation and other forums and urges the
industrialized and Developed countries to contribute in solving these problems in the
developing World because Peace cannot be maintained in the international system if
half of humanity is suffering with these Kinds of problems. Stable peace can only be
possible if globe as a whole prospers and develops. The disparity in the international
system is reduced. This is one level on which Pakistan is Working for the developing
2. When Pakistan urges other developing countries to collaborate with each other that is
Cooperation among developing countries in the areas of economic and technical
assistance, trade And diplomacy. They can help and cooperate with each other for
addressing the problems that I Have highlighted. Since problems are common then
you should learn from each other experience, You could also transfer technology from
one developing country to an other. I give you an Example, in Pakistan literacy rate is
low but there are developing countries where literacy rate is Very high, you can take
the example of Sri Lanka a neighboring country of Pakistan where the Literacy rate is
over 90 percent therefore Pakistan can learn from their experience that how they Have
dealt with this problem and then Pakistan can also adopt the methods suitable to our
Conditions to raise literacy. Similarly Pakistan can help other country in the areas
where Pakistan Had made progress. So the issue is that for improving your conditions
you should not look Towards the developed and civilized World but you should also
make effort and take certain steps To deal with the situation.
United Nations:
Next feature of Pakistan’s foreign policy relates to its membership with UN and other
International bodies. Pakistan joined the UN as a new member on Sept. 30, 1947. And
since then It has commitment to the UN Charter and is an active member in UN bodies.
One Pakistani has Served as the president of the UN General Assembly and Pakistan has
been a non permanent Member of the UN Security Council for 6 times and the latest
membership for the SC is the year 2003-04. In addition to the UN Pakistan is also a
member of other international bodies and Within UN Pakistan has been active in different
specialized agencies and organs of the UN. An Important role played by Pakistan relates
to Peace Keeping Mission. It has been a part of UN Peace-Keeping Missions all over the
world. UN sends its forces to different countries for peace Keeping where conflicts exists
and UN doesn’t have its own forces and then the UN sends the Forces from different
member countries and Pakistan has been contributing in this mission by Sending its
Army, Police personnel and others for UN peace keeping operations. Even today
Pakistani army and other official are serving under UN to different countries which help
Pakistan To build its image at the international level.