16 Aug Chuyên

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Trang 16-19

II. WORD FORMS (20 pts)

1. Supply the correct word form of the words in brackets. (10 pts)
1. She stood there completely expressionless ( adj) vô cảm, ngây ra so had no idea at all what she was
thinking (EXPRESS)
2. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in danger of becoming type-cast (v) phân hợp vai (TYPE)
3. This school was once __________ as military hospital during the war. (REQUIRE)
4. So far, the United States has said it cannot agree to __________ all types of antipersonnel mines. (LAW)
5. In Scotland, there is greater emphasis on self-evaluation (n) giá trị, khả năng của bạn thân by individual
schools. (VALUE)
6. According to a recent survey in Britain, more women than men emphasized confide (v) tâm sự, giãi bày and
7. People also read these papers for their reviews of new books, films and plays and for their __________
8. Since most important problems are multifaceted (adj) đa diện,there are several alternatives to choose from,
each with unique advantages and disadvantages. (FACET)
9. The rocks appear to be stationary but in the high winds that whip across this desert landscape, they are in
reality moving imperceptibly (adv) rất nhẹ mà con ng k thể cảm nhận, nhận thấy (PERCEIVE)
10. After the cup final, the triumphant (adj) chiến thắng team bussed back to the hotel parading the cup as they
went. (TRIUMPH)
2. Supply each gap with the correct form of the words given in the box. (10 pts)
slouch round mind misery alter recede course reside real multiple
Holidays at home are usually a last (1) recourse : sự cầu viện, when all other options have been ruled out for one
reason or another, but, in these tough times when money is perhaps tighter than ever before, the grim (2) reality
that the stay-at-home vacation may be the only realistic (3) alternative is one that more and more of us are faced
However, this does not have to mean a (4) Miserable time in the same old (5) surround you are in for the other
355-odd days of the year. For those willing to think outside the box a little, there are, in fact, a (6) __________
of possibilities that should be explored.
Ever thought about a house swap, for example? The house swap is ultimate holiday (7) __________ buster. And
there are now websites on which (8) __________ individuals, couples and families looking to get a flavour of
the life lived in some else's home can hook up and start house swapping.
Okay, so it's not the two weeks in Gran Canaria you might have hoped for, but staying in someone else's (9)
__________ for a few days at least, whether it be ten, fifty or one hundred miles away, sure beats (10)
__________ around at home on your sofa.
There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Identify the mistakes and then correct them. (10 pts)
Have you ever tried a strawberry pizza? If you went to Oxnard, the "Strawberry Capital of California," in May,
you could!
Oxnard is in Southern California and the part of the state takes its strawberries very serious. At the two-day
California Strawberry Festival you can sample strawberries prepared in all kinds of ways. In addition to
traditional treatment such as strawberry shortcake, strawberry jam, strawberry tarts and strawberries dipped into
chocolate, there is strawberry pizza! This dessert pizza is topped with strawberries, sour cream, cream cheese
and whipped cream on a sweetened bread baked like a pizza. Strawberry kabobs dipped in powdered sugar are
another delicacy. And drinks like a strawberry smoothie can wash it all away.
Strawberries are a big businesses in Oxnard. Twenty-four companies harvest and cool nearly 16 million trays of
berries, which are shipped throughout North America as long as to Germany and Japan. The festival, which
attracts more than 85.000 visitors, features three stages with musical entertainment, 335 arts and crafting
exhibits, strolling musicians, clowns, artists, face-painting, contests, and a "Strawberry land" for children with
puppets, magicians, musicians, and a petting zoo.
1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________5.
6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________9. _______________10. ______________
Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain
1. "Because of this new evidence I have no alternative but to release you." the judge told the accused. (LIGHT)
=> “____________________________________________________________ I have no alternative but to
release you," the judge told the accused.
2. It is important to know the difference between a joke and a lie. (DRAW)
=>It is important to know__________________________________________________ between a joke and a
3. The government recommends a balance of reward and punishment when dealing with young offenders.
(STICK)=> The government favours a ________________________________________ to young offenders.
4. Let's all work together, and we'll finish the job very quickly. (NEXT)
=> We'll have this job done__________________________________________________ if we cooperate.
5. He was really jealous when he saw his brother's new car. (GREEN)
=>He was____________________________________________________________ see his brother's new car.
6. It's sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.
=> Sad ____________________________________________________________
7. People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D.
=> Paper ____________________________________________________________
8. It's a pity that you wrote that letter. => I'd ________________________________________________
9. He decided to repair the thing himself and not to take it back to the shop.
=> Rather____________________________________________________________
10. I'm sure it wasn't Mrs. Elton you saw because she's in Bristol.
=> It can't ____________________________________________________________
WRITING Task 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases
censor (v/n) - censorship (n) dual (adj/n) indentical (adj)
impulsive (adj) in an attempt to anipulate (v) overstate (v)
predecessor (n) processor (n) proliferate (v) rational
exaggerate (v) extract (n) rival (n) vet (v)
fall victim to fierce (adj) gain an edge over
Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what
extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect
Recently, commercial advertisements have 1 in a variety of television channels, newspapers,
magazines and websites, as a result of 2 competition in the market. I would contend that these
advertisements may have a negative impact on their audience as people start to purchase unnecessary products.
To prevent this from happening, I believe the authorities should take some definite actions, such as exercising
stricter 3 on all forms of advertising.
I agree that customers often 4 companies' advertising campaigns. This is primarily
because large companies often 5 the usefulness of a few small features of their products when
advertising. This advertising technique can be seen in the case of the latest Apple Phone 7 Plus smartphone,
which is nearly 6 to its 7 , except for the new 8
system and a slightly faster 9 . 10 gain a competitive advantage
over their 11 Samsung's Galaxy S7, Apple's marketers used emotional appeal to encourage 12 rather
than 13 _____ spending.
Censorship, from my perspective, is the key to addressing the problem. This can be done by
establishing an authority specialising in 14 all new advertisements. The censorship process
should be stringent enough so that all the 15 that contain any form of exaggeration are taken out
before these advertisements are published. This exclusion of exaggerated content ensures that no companies
can use advertising to 16 their customers, and consumers may stop buying the goods they do not truly
In brief, many businesses use advertising to 17 their competitors rather than to fulfil
customers' needs, which results in people buying unnecessary goods. The best remedy for this issue, in my
opinion, is censoring all new advertisements before airing them, in order to safeguard consumers against 18

Choose the best options (A, B, C, or D) that best complete the following sentences.
1. We are not known __________ at all, and as we grow, we feel a progressive lack of individual personality.
A. gruelingly B. severally C. expensively D. brusquely
2. He has fled to the mountains of Galicia, __________ he cannot possibly escape on horseback over the border.
A. meanwhile B. heretofore C. whence D. indefinitely
3. Given that Haiti is vulnerable to hurricanes and earthquakes, it would be __________ to establish building
codes and other disaster response initiatives A. prudent B. tiny C. profound D. stern
4. While her mother sat at the window, striving to read, the child, who was in one of her moods of obstreperous
gaiety, began playing a grand game. A. boisterous B. tentative C. creative D. precarious
5. The setup is intimate: audience members surround the stage on three sides.
A. formal B. unusual C. mutual D. cozy
6. This very morning, she announces, she has managed to procure what might be the last two crates of peaches
in France. A. obscure B. conceal C. consume D. obtain
7. In their eyes, I saw not only excitement for the equity we offered, but the __________ belief that they would
be entrusted to do their jobs with my counsel, if they sought it, but without unwanted meddling.
A. modest B. positive C. earnest D. mutual
8. Her ivory brow __________ in delicate lines. A. furrows B. duplicates C. ambles D. mutters
9. The fashion of the last Louis but one, of the line that was never to break – the 14 Louis – was __________ in
their rich furniture; but, it was diversified by many objects that were illustrations of old pages in the history of
France. A. varied B. conspicuous C. invisible D. negative
10. A man of stainless reputation, his deeds and words have almost invariably been on the side of
A. balefulness B. succession C. righteousness D. resemblance
Choose the best options (A, B, C, or D) that best complete the following sentences.
1. Last weekend, __________ nothing to watch on television, we sang karaoke together.
A. there being B. there having C. having had D. being
2. The upper branches of the tallest trees produce more leaves__________ other branches.
A. than do B. than have C. than they do D. than it does
3. He drove at full speed lest he __________ late for the appointment.
A. was B. would be C. be D. shouldn't be
4. You __________ the questions in the order they asked. You mixed them up in the wrong way.
A. had to B. must have answered C. didn't need to answer D. should have answered
5. We would sooner Mr. Manh __________ us the urgent information the other night.
A. sent B. would have sent C. had sent D. send
6. Ms. Phi is ranked the best student __________ she has made a point of studying hard.
A. hence B. in that C. unless D. let alone
7. Not only the Smiths but also their next-door neighbor __________ more trees in the neighborhood thus far.
A. was planting B. plant C. have planted D. has planted
8. It was right in the middle of the school yard __________ I saw a strange alien.
A. where B. which C. that D. which
9. That is (an) __________A. yellow useful Dutch gold alarm clock B. useful yellow Dutch gold clock alarm
C. useful yellow gold Dutch alarm clockD. useful yellow Dutch gold alarm clock
10. I won't __________ those children making a noise in my house! A. allow B. have C. let D. tell
1. Luckily, the rain __________ so we were able to play the match.
A. gave out B. got away C. went away D. held off
2. I don't like the way that Jack is always trying to __________ trouble between us.
A. dish out B. rub up C. stir up D. spark out
3. I am __________ with work at the moment.A. snowed under B. piled up C. messed up D. knocked off
4. This scandal has ___________ criticism raining down on Mr Deby from all sides.
A. taken B. got C. brought D. made
5. I see a lot of people with this new hairstyle. It seems to be ___________
A. piling up B. bringing off C. coming off D. catching on him.
6. 'Do you think Dennis took the money?' 'I wouldn't ___________ him’
A. put it past B. think it through C. pass it over D. rub it up
7. Rather than take his time to think about the questions, the interviewee ___________ out the first answer that
came into his head. A. blundered B. blurted C. bungled D. botched
8. Whenever there's some fresh scandal about the royal family, the public are always eager to ___________ it
A. flap B. swish C. lap D. gulp
9. She's one of those people who are always ___________ and asking questions about other people's private
A. poking around B. digging up C. prying out D. spying on
10. The blue sundress set ___________ her long blonde hair. A. up B. off C. forth D.in

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