Championship Academy Kickball Rules

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Co-Ed Kickball

Any rule or situation not explained here will default to Major League Baseball rules. These calls will be made at the
discretion of the head referee. Their call is final and cannot be disputed. CAD has the right to change rules when
deemed necessary.

The only players allowed to communicate with the referees are the captain and co-captain. Any abuse (verbal or
otherwise) of the referees or other players will constitute an immediate ejection from the game. Repeated offenders
will be banned from the league. No exceptions.


Completed rosters and signed waiver forms are due by the first scheduled game of the season. Any team that has
not submitted these documents by that time will have its scheduled games declared a “forfeit” until all such
paperwork is received. If a player fails to submit their signed waiver form, all liability and legal issues will be the
responsibility of the team captain

Players may be listed on only one team’s roster per season throughout the league. For a player to be considered
“playoff eligible” (eligible to participate in the playoffs), he/she must be listed on a team’s roster and must have
played in a minimum of two regular season games for that particular team.


Field of play will equal the dimensions of a standard softball field (i.e., with the bases being about 60 feet or 20 paces
apart). Pitching mound is 42 feet (14 paces from home plate). Distance from front corner home plate to second base
is 84 feet (28 paces). Batter’s box will be 14 feet by 8 feet with front edge of batter’s box line up with front edge of
home plate.


CAD will provide field equipment.


Games will be officiated by one ref who will be scheduled by Championship Academy. The referee issues all final
rulings. Only a team coach may dispute a call with the referee. The referee has jurisdiction over the play and may
penalize a player, including game ejection, for unsportsman-like conduct. Ejected players may not return to the game
and if necessary may be asked to leave the premises. It is the responsibility of the team managers to make sure the
players they send to the field have knowledge of the game and have read the “CAD Kickball Rules”.


Each team must consist of a minimum of eleven (11) players and no more than fifteen (15) players. A team may not
play more than (10) players at a time in the field. A team is not allowed to bat more than (15) players. Each team is
required to have at least (4) women in the field in each inning.

Every player present is required to be in the kicking line up unless injured. Every player present is required to play at
least one (1) inning in the field, if a team is found to not meet the minimum requirements they will be subject to forfeit
that game. If a team does not have the required minimum number of female players in the fielding lineup, then the
team must forfeit.

If a team cannot field at least 8 players (Minimum of 3 Females), they automatically forfeit. If a team only has 3
female players present they can play up to 9 in the field and, if at any point the 4th female shows up, she can be
added into the line up and the team may play 10 in the field.

Each team shall have one Coach and one Captain who are charged with:

 Making sure that only players registered on their team are participating on their behalf in a game.
 Insuring that their players kick in the same order throughout the game (teams must exchange kicking
lineups prior to the game).
 Disputing a call on the field and remaining cool at all times (AGAIN ONLY COACHES CAN DISPUTE).
 Making sure everyone on their team understands the rules.
 Turning in the game results to the field supervisor.
 Staying in contact with Athletic Department and attending all required league meetings.
 Ensuring that everyone on his team is eligible to play.
 Contacting the other team and the league by 1:00 pm in the event of a forfeit.

Any team that forfeits three or more games will be removed from the remaining schedule and not be allowed to
participate in any playoff situations.

If both teams scheduled to play forfeit, the game will be marked as a loss for each team. However, if one team
forfeits, the game will be marked as a loss for the forfeiting team only.

Players on a team must wear same colored t-shirts during all games, chosen before the season begins.


Games will be 6 innings or 60 minutes, which ever come first. During the regular season, games that have gone
past the 6th inning or time has expired and are tied, will conclude in a tied. During the playoffs, games that have
gone past the 6th inning or time has expired and are tied will play 1 additional inning to determine a winner.

10 run rule – when a team scores 10 runs in an inning, even if the team has less than 3 outs, the team will switch
play with the opposing team. The 10 run rule does not apply in the last inning.

The game will be called in the event of uncooperative weather. The Athletic Department will notify team captains of
any cancelations. Sports Director will attempt to reschedule any canceled games. If a game is called due to weather
and fewer than 3 complete innings have been played, the game is canceled and will be rescheduled (and replayed
starting at 0-0, top of the 1st). If more than 3 full innings have been played, the final score will be the score at the
end of the last complete full inning.

Players should have no intentional or unwelcome physical contact with opposing players. Doing so will be considered
unsportsmanlike conduct and it will be at the discretion of the referee to issue warnings or eject offending players. A
player must make the referee aware if he or she feels any contact was unwarranted. If ejected from a game player(s)
will be asked to leave the premises. If ejected players fail to leave, the team will be forced to forfeit the game. The
team captain shall ensure that their players behave themselves.


The pitcher is allowed one step towards the pitching mound. They must have one foot on the pitching strip as they
release the pitch. No running up to the strip to launch a pitch. Pitches must be underhanded. Any side-arm or over-
hand pitches will be considered a ball at the discretion of the umpire. Spinning of the ball is prohibited. Any portion of
the ball must cross over the plate to be considered a strike. The ball may not be more than 6 inches off the ground
as it crosses the plate (bouncy). This is at the discretion of the umpire. Pitch Speed will be up the umpire’s

The pitcher must have one foot on pitching strip until the ball is kicked. Failure to do so results in a ball. All infielders
must stay behind the imaginary line stretching from first and third base cones until the ball is kicked. Failure to do so
results in a ball.

The catcher must stand behind home plate and kicker at bat before the ball is kicked. Once ball is kicked the catcher
may then advance to field the ball if in range of the catcher to do so. The catcher shall not interfere with the kicker in
any way. Failure to abide by this rule results in a ball.


All kicks must be made by the foot. Any lower leg contact (below the knee) while attempting to kick the ball will be
considered a kick regardless of where it strikes the lower leg or foot. Anything above the knee will be considered a
foul. One step into the kick will be allowed.

All kicks must occur at or behind home plate. Planted foot must be on or behind front edge of home plate at the time
the ball is kicked. If planted foot is in front of home plate at the time the ball is kicked, it is a foul and the kick is called
back (if such a kick is caught on the fly, it is an out). A kick must remain within bounds until it crosses past first or
third base. Kicker can’t hold the ball with foot when kicking. He/she will be call out if it happens.

Bunting is NOT allowed.

Kicking order: Maximum 2 male then 1 female. If required, females will kick multiple times throughout the kicking
order. Men do not take an additional turn throughout the kicking order. Runner that is needed for kicker at bat that is
unable to run will be granted at the discretion of the referee.


Runners must stay within the base line. Fielders must stay out of the base line unless they are attempting to tag a
runner out or catch the ball. Fielders trying to make an out on base may have their foot on base, but must lean out
of the base line. Runners unfairly hindered by any fielder within the base line shall be safe at the base to which
they were running. Head first slides are prohibited.

Neither leading off base, nor stealing a base is allowed. A runner may only move off his/her base after the ball has
been kicked and you can’t pass the runner in front of you. These are outs.
Hitting a runner with the ball above shoulder level is not allowed. Any runner hit above the shoulders (neck or head) is
safe and advances one base. Exceptions: If the runner intentionally uses his head to block the ball. The runner is out.
If the runner is ducking, diving or sliding (i.e., attempts to dodge the ball) and is hit in the head or neck because of this,
he/she is out.

If a kicked ball is caught on the fly, runners must tag their originating base (on or after the moment the ball is first
touched by a fielder) before running to the next base. If the runner is caught leaving early they will be declared an
out. There is no infield fly rule.

Only one base on an overthrow is allowed to the runner. If there is an overthrow at second base, then this rule does
not apply because the ball is still in play. The one base is not automatic and the runner must take the risk of being
made out. The one base is only available before the play ends. Once the pitcher has the ball and is back on the
mound then current play is over. Runner advancing to the next base at that moment is awarded that base.


Any portion of the ball must cross over the plate to be considered a strike. The ball may not be more than 6 inches off
the ground as it crosses the plate (bouncy). This is at the discretion of the umpire. THREE (3) strikes are considered
an out. A kick occurring in front of home plate is a foul (if such a kick is caught on the fly, it is an out) but is not
considered a strike. If a missed ball (Whiff, Fan, etc.) occurs during an attempted kick, then that is considered a strike
as well. A player must show intent to kick a ball before a strike is called. If at the umpires discretion no attempt is
being made and the player fouls a ball purposely to avoid the strike will stand.


A ball is:

 A pitch outside the strike zone

 The catcher playing next to or in front of the kicker before the ball is kicked
 Any player crossing the “line” from the defense that runs from the designated cones on the field
 FOUR (4) balls will get you to first base


A foul is:

 A kick landing out of bounds. The foul is determined by where the ball lands not how it travels to get there.
(Remember that if such a kick is caught on the fly it is an out.)
 A kick landing or rolling inbounds, but traveling or rolling out of bounds on its own before reaching first or
third base. (Any ball touched by an in-bounds fielder is automatically in play.)
 A ball that is tipped while being kicked but continues to travel behind the kicker; but if such a kick is caught
on the fly it is an out.
 A kicker touching (or kicking) the ball twice while on or behind home plate (i.e., in foul territory); but if such a
kick is caught on the fly it is an out.
 THREE (3) fouls is an out.


An out is:

 A count of three strikes

 A count of three fouls
 A runner touched by the ball at anytime while not on base (unless a head shot)
 Any kicked ball (fair or foul) that is caught before it hits the ground
 A ball tag on a base to which a runner is forced to run
 Kicking out of order
 A runner leading off the base or stealing
 A count of three outs completes the team’s half of the inning


Once the pitcher has the ball in control and is on pitching strip, the play ends. If the runner has passed a base and
is moving to the next base, they may advance to that base. Otherwise player standing and not in a forward motion
to the next base must return to the previous base tagged.

Play ends when:

Any player not fielding or non-permanent object touches ball during play. This is interference and causes play to end.
Runners advancing to the next base at that time are awarded that base. Any runner on or off base that touches the
ball is another cause for play to end as well. The runner touching the ball is considered out and any other runners in
play are to return to previous base touched.

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