Alliance (2023) Morroco Case Study COVID
Alliance (2023) Morroco Case Study COVID
Alliance (2023) Morroco Case Study COVID
COVID-19 pandemic
Morocco: a primary health
care case study in the context
of the COVID-19 pandemic
Soumaya Benmaamar
Morocco: a primary health care case study in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic/
Mohamed Berraho, Ibtissam El Harch, Soumaya Benmaamar, Moncef Maiouak,
Hafid Hachri
(acting as the host organization for, and secretariat of, the Alliance for Health Policy
and Systems Research)
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Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Executive summary v
National context 2
The primary health care (PHC) case studies in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
were commissioned and overseen by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems
Research, a hosted partnership based at World Health Organization (WHO)
headquarters, and the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
(EMRO). This case study was authored by: Mohamed Berraho, Ibtissam El Harch,
Soumaya Benmaamar and Moncef Maiouak from the Laboratory of
Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Community Health, Faculty of Medicine
and Pharmacy, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco; and Hafid
Hachri from the WHO Country Office for Morocco. WHO EMRO, the WHO Country
Office for Morocco, and a team of independent experts provided critical review
and input. Special thanks go to Shehla Zaidi and Fadi El-Jardali for their helpful
reviews, and Awad Mataria, Hassan Salah, Hagar Azab, Faraz Khalid, Robert
Marten, Jeffrey Knezovich, Sonam Yangchen, Alexandra Edelman, Yasmine
Yahoum, Ragaa Hassan Abdelwahed, Joanna Fottrell and David Lloyd for their
support in the development of this publication. Thanks also go to the Directorate
of Population, the Directorate of Epidemiology and Disease Control, the Regional
Directorate of Health Fez-Meknes and the University Hospital Hassan II Fez for
their help in the development of this work.
Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Executive Summary
Primary health care (PHC) plays a critical role in prevention, preparedness and
response and in ensuring the continuity of access to essential health services
during health emergencies.
This case study examines PHC in Morocco in the context of the COVID-19
pandemic between early 2020 and August 2022, across the three PHC
components codified in the 2018 Astana Declaration (primary care,
multisectoral collaboration and community engagement) (1). A case study
approach was used to combine documentation review and stakeholder
consultations with 13 individuals who were selected to provide insights across
a range of roles within the health system.
Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) first characterized the
COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic (3–6). The pandemic is a defining global and
national political priority, with profound implications for nearly every aspect of
health (7, 8).
Globally, primary care services were not sufficiently supported during the
pandemic to conduct surveillance and to respond to or undertake community-
based care with appropriate infection prevention and control and effective
referral mechanisms (17). Gaps in PHC implementation weakened the ability of
countries to detect and respond and to maintain essential health services (18).
This case study examines the role of PHC in the COVID-19 pandemic response
in Morocco between early 2020 and August 2022, across the three components
of the Astana framework.
The WHO Operational Framework for PHC was used in data collection and
analysis (12). A case study approach was employed, with data collected in two
phases. First, data were collected on the different components of the Framework
using a comprehensive documentation review. This step involved a review of
policy documents, legislative acts, guidelines, strategic plans and programmes,
Introduction and national context
and reports and research papers. PubMed and Google Scholar were used to
search for published research papers and reports using the following search
strategy: (novel coronavirus OR COVID-19 OR SARS-COV-2) AND (primary care OR
primary healthcare OR community OR family medicine OR outpatient OR
ambulatory) AND (Morocco OR Moroccan). The websites of governmental bodies
(including ministries and public agencies for national-level reports, legislation,
plans and documents) and of key intergovernmental organizations (e.g., the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), WHO and World Bank) were
searched for relevant studies. News articles on the pandemic response were
also identified and included.
National context
In 2019, Morocco had 159 hospitals and 2888 urban and rural PHC establishments.
There were 12 034 doctors of all specialties and a workforce of 31 657 paramedics,
compared to 13 545 doctors practising in the private sector, including 8355
specialists. In the private sector, there were 359 clinics, 9671 medical consultation
offices, 3614 dental surgery offices and 8997 pharmacies (20).
Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Indicators Results
Maternal mortality rate (deaths per 100 000 live births) 72.6
Source: Data derived from WHO, MoH, Haut Commissariat au Plan (HCP) Maroc and World Bank (15, 19–23)
areas. The ratio of health professionals per 10 000 inhabitants is barely 6.2,
which is below the WHO recommended threshold of 23 health professionals per
10 000 inhabitants. The number of paramedics trained in childbirth care is less
than 2.28 per 1000 population (16, 22–26).
Total health expenditure for 2018 reached about 60.9 billion dirhams
(approximately US$ 5.9 billion), compared to 52 billion dirhams (approximately
US$ 5 billion) in 2013. This represents an overall increase of 17.1% and an average
annual increase of 3.2% (16, 22, 25, 27). Households remain the main financiers of
health, contributing 45.6% of direct expenditure on health services with the state
Introduction and national context
Only 54.6% of the population has basic health insurance coverage. The various
care services provided at PHC facilities are offered to the population free of
charge. The National Health Insurance Agency (ANAM) is a public institution
of an administrative nature, endowed with legal authority and financial
autonomy. Its mission is to ensure the technical supervision of the basic
compulsory health insurance scheme and the implementation of tools to
regulate the system in compliance with related legislative and regulatory
Historically, the health system has gone through several phases of development
(25). An ongoing major reform at the time of writing was the creation of a High
Authority for Integrated Health Regulation (HARIS) and the generalization of
national health insurance (29). At the time of writing, the country was
implementing new health system reforms, articulated around four pillars: good
governance, the development of human resources, upgrading health care
services and digitization.
The National Plan was followed by a general mobilization of the country’s health
system. Priority was given to strengthening health care services, including the
laboratory network. Indeed, the diagnostic capacities of laboratories were
rapidly strengthened, notably by using existing resources and by creating new
Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
At the initiative of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the first support measure
was the creation of a special fund endowed with 10 billion dirhams
(approximately US$ 1 billion) to increase the capacity of the health system and
support the economy. Authorities drew on the resources of the COVID-19 fund to
compensate households in the formal sector who were in financial difficulty.
Each employee who was momentarily out of work recieved a lump sum
payment of 2000 dirhams (approximately US$ 195).
To ensure patient care and the protection of the population, the MoH secured
the availability of essential medicines and personal protective equipment (PPE)
(34–36). Resources were allocated to purchase medical and hospital equipment,
drugs and medical consumables, and strengthen the operating resources of
the MoH (37, 38). The MoH also took measures to increase and redevelop
hospital capacities and improve the conditions for the reception of all patients
in various cities (39, 40). Military field hospitals were deployed in cities or on
their outskirts to reinforce the civilian health system with beds and intensive
care equipment (41), while medical and health equipment were quickly imported
and deployed in health establishments (42). Domestic companies specializing in
the manufacture of medical equipment (e.g., respirators, material resources for
hospitals) were called upon to accelerate production, and other companies
were able to adapt their operations to produce respirators and masks (42).
Stocks of essential drugs were also increased (43).
How primary care and essential public health functions
are responding to COVID-19
To reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to services, the MoH
in April 2020 requested that regional directors and health delegates maintain
coverage rates for the national maternal, newborn, child, youth and special
needs programmes. A committee was then formed to monitor the continuity of
the delivery of national health programmes for the prevention and control of
diseases. The MoH informed the public that, despite the epidemic situation,
child vaccination activities were being maintained in public health centres and
private medical practices, while a new appointment mechanism was
established for maternal and neonatal health services to promote access. The
authorities also took measures to ensure the continuous supply of the health
service with contraceptive products, micronutrients, vaccines and medico-
technical equipment necessary to maintain the continuity of essential PHC
services and to avoid possible stockouts.
However, like all countries in the world, Morocco was not spared the impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic. A study conducted by the Haut Commissariat au
Plan (HCP) shows that 48% of all households with one or more members
suffering from chronic diseases and 40% of households affected by ordinary
disease did not have access to health services during the period when
movement restrictions were in place (46). In addition, all maternal and child
health activities were impacted by COVID-19. A decrease in the rate of these
activities was observed in the first half of 2020 compared to the first half of 2019
(46). The pandemic also impacted cancer screening activities. Indeed, the
administration of cancer screening tests was suspended for at least 30 days
when stay-at-home orders were enforced and the activity of cancer screening
services decreased by 70% compared to the pre-COVID-19 period (47).
Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
In addition to its core activities, primary care was responsible for COVID-19
screening and diagnosis, case investigation and contact tracing, orientation of
cases requiring hospital care, follow-up of cases, reporting of cases,
sensitization and education of the population, and the COVID-19 vaccination
campaign. The use of telemedicine for consultations, especially for women of
reproductive age, aimed to improve service accessibility. In April 2020, the MoH
launched a free voluntary national service based on medical teleconsultation
through an electronic platform – This involved volunteer
doctors in different specialties giving remote medical advice to citizens at the
national level and on a complimentary basis for cases not requiring a particular
diagnosis. In parallel, a specific protocol for suspected and probable COVID-19
cases was established in health centres.
The COVID-19 response also benefited from an early detection and response
system established in 2017 to detect, prepare for and respond quickly to public
health emergencies (48). This involved the creation of a National Centre for
Public Health Emergency Operations (CNOUSP), Regional Centres for Public
Health Emergency Operations (CROUSP) and Multidisciplinary Rapid Intervention
Teams (EIR) at the level of each of the regions, provinces and prefectures.
How multisectoral policy and action are
responding to COVID-19
The MoH played an integral role in steering the health sector response to the
pandemic at national and territorial levels. Within a national governance plan for
responding to health emergencies, and leveraging pre-COVID-19 health system
capabilities, the MoH developed agreements, mechanisms and processes
to facilitate communication and coordination among key government and
nongovernment stakeholders.
The Royal Armed Forces (RAF) also implemented a rigorous and progressive
action plan from the beginning of the pandemic (51). The government mobilized
security services and local administrative authorities to ensure compliance
with containment measures, including movement restrictions. Military medical
resources were utilized to reinforce medical structures dedicated to the
management of COVID-19, which meant that a large number of medical,
paramedical and social services personnel from the RAF were stationed at
hospitals. Military hospitals were also restructured to receive both civilian and
military patients. In addition, the RAF launched, in coordination with the Ministry
of Interior, a 24-hour telephone platform, “Allô 300”, where military doctors and
teleconsultants provided citizens with advice and information on COVID-19.
Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Low attendance was the main constraint for this distance learning model. In this
context, 52% of teachers interviewed in a study felt that attendance was low to
very low. The standard of living in households, lack of access to technology and
the rural environment were the main reasons noted for student absences (52).
The hotel network also showed solidarity during the pandemic response, with
some establishments taking the initiative and others asked by the national
authorities to make their hotel units available to both health personnel mobilized
to respond to the pandemic and to patients. Accommodation was often made
available free of charge (54).
How communities are responding
to COVID-19
New strategies were developed to manage the stress and mental health
needs of communities stemming from the introduction of movement restriction
policies. In this context, efforts were made to enable access to professional
psychological assistance to the most vulnerable groups. Psychiatrists,
psychology professionals and volunteer initiatives set up several digital
platforms to provide psychological support and counselling services to citizens
who developed severe anxiety, depression or acute panic disorder resulting from
the new conditions of confinement (56). Civil society organizations also mobilized
their capacities to support the elderly, to combat violence against women and
children, to support students who experienced difficulties in engaging in their
distance-learning courses, and to provide social protection to vulnerable groups.
The media, the scientific community, medical professors and health care
professionals all played a key role in encouraging the community to get tested
for the virus and to engage in the national COVID-19 vaccination campaign.
To facilitate the involvement of the academic community, the MoH set up a
scientific committee that informed the strategies, actions and measures of the
government. In addition, learned societies (including the Moroccan Society of
Medical Sciences, the Moroccan Society of Pediatrics, the Moroccan Society
of Infectiology and Vaccinology, and the Moroccan Society of Anesthesia,
Analgesia and Resuscitation) contributed to the development of protocols for the
management of children and pregnant women as well as for the management
of COVID-19 cases in general, severe and critical cases. The teaching community
Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
In sum, primary care played a critical role in community engagement and public
awareness, enabling participation in response efforts and facilitating community
trust in health services
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Morocco: a primary health care case study
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
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This case study was developed by the Alliance for Health Policy
and Systems Research, an international partnership hosted by the
World Health Organization, in collaboration with the WHO Regional
Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) and WHO country
offices. In 2015, the Alliance commissioned the Primary Health Care
Systems (PRIMASYS) case studies in twenty low- and middle-
income countries (LMICs) across WHO regions. This case study
builds on and expands these previous studies in the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic, applying the Astana PHC framework
considering integrated health services, multisectoral policy and
action and people and communities. This case study aims to
advance the science and lay a groundwork for improved policy
efforts to advance primary health care in LMICs.