IT8005 EC Notes UNIT 4

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4 Business Concepts
in E-Commerce
Digital Commerce Marketing and Advertising strategies and tools - Internet Marketing Technologies
- Social Marketing - Mobile Marketing - Location based Marketing - Ethical, Social, Political Issues
in E-Commerce.

4.1 Digital Commerce Marketing and Advertising Strategies and Tools

4.2 Internet Marketing Technologies

4.3 Social Marketing

4.4 Mobile Marketing

4.5 Location based Marketing

4.6 Ethical, Social, Political Issues in E-Commerce

4.7 Part A : Short Answered Questions (2 Marks Each)

4.8 Part B : Long Answered Questions

(4 - 1)

Electronic Commerce 4-2 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

4.1 Digital Commerce Marketing and Advertising Strategies and Tools

 Ordinary marketing and online marketing both have many similarities as well as
differences. The main aim of online marketing (as in all marketing) is to develop
customer relationships so that above average returns can be achieved by firms.
These relationships are a base for the brand of firm. But online marketing is very
different from normal marketing since the type of medium and its abilities are so
different from anything which has come before.
 As compared with conventional television and print marketing, online marketing or
digital marketing can be more personalized, peer-to-peer, participatory and
communal. These four features of online marketing differentiate it from
conventional marketing mediums.
 Not all kind of online marketing have these four features. For example, there is not
so much of difference between watching a television ad and watching marketing
video that shown on your computer screen without taking your permission.
However, that marketing video can be targeted to your community membership or
your personal interest, and permits you to share it with others. The learning say that
the most effective type of online marketing medium have all of these four features.

4.1.1 The Website as a Marketing Platform

 A website of company is a important tool for starting the initial relationship with
customer. The website carry out four major functions: creating the brand
recognition and costumer expectations, shaping customer experience, educating
and informing customers, and anchoring the brand in an ocean of marketing
messages coming from various sources.
 The website of company is the place where the customer can come to discover the
complete story. This case is not true for email, apps or search engine ads.
 The first task of website is to create recognition of brand and to act as an anchor for
company’s different online marketing activities, thus driving sales revenue. This
involve recognizing differentiating features of the service or product in terms of
price, product support, quality and reliability for the customer.Recognizing teh
differentiating features of the product on home page of website is planned to build
expectations in the user of what it will be like to use the product.
 For example, website of RAW Pressery creates the expectation in the user that the
product is fresh, delicious juice made from high quality, natural ingredients without
any preservatives and sugar. Website of Ford focuses on high miles per litre and

Electronic Commerce 4-3 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

automobile technology. The expectation that a website of Ford builds is, in case you
purchase a Ford you will get to experience latest technology in automobile industry
and the highest mileage.
 Websites also works to anchor the brands digitally, acting as a central point where
all the branding messages which emerge from multiple online presence of firm, like
Twitter, Facebook, mobile apps, or email, come together at a single online location.
Alongside branding, websites also perform the typical functions of any commercial
establishment by informing customers about services and product of company.
 Website, with their digital catalogs and associated shopping cart, are major
elements in online customer experience. Customer experience refers to the overall
experience that customer had with the company, including informing, search,
purchase, use and after sales support for the service or product. The idea of
customer experience is broader than the conventional idea of customer satisfaction.
The overall customer experience will include various retail channels. This means
that, in the mind of customer, the mobile site and apps, website, twitter feed,
Facebook page, television ad and physical store are all connected as part of their
experience with the company.

4.1.2 Traditional Online Marketing and Advertising Tools

 Below are the basic marketing and advertising tools available for attracting
customers of e-commerce website :
o Search engine marketing and advertising
o Display ad marketing
o Email marketing
o Affiliate marketing
o Lead generation marketing
 In recent time, advertisers have increased their spending on digital medium and
reduced on conventional medium. In near future, it is expected that the amount
spent on digital advertising will exceed the amount spent on television ads.
 In 2016, highest amount was spent on search, which is followed by banner ads, but
the most popular types of ad on digital platform are video ads and rich media.
 Expenses on digital advertising among various companies is somewhat skewed.
Highest percentage is of retail (22 %), which is followed by automotive (13 %),
financial services (13 %), travel (9 %), telecommunications (9 %), computer and
consumer electronics (7 %), packaged goods (6 %), healthcare & pharmaceuticals
(5 %), media (5 %), and entertainment (4 %).

Electronic Commerce 4-4 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 Online advertising have advantages as well as disadvantages when compared with

the conventional media advertisement, like radio, TV and print media. One big
advantage for digital advertising is that nowadays internet has became that place
where the audience has moved, specially of the age group of 18 - 34 years age which
is very desirable age group. Another big advantage is that online advertising has
capability to do targeted ads to small group or to individual and to track how these
ads performs in real time.
 Ad targeting is one of the reason behind discrimination in price, it enable
companies to offer different prices to different set of customers. With online
advertising, it has become possible theoretically to charge different prices to every
 Theoretically, it has become possible in online advertising to personalize each ad
message to correctly fit the requirements, values, and interests of each customer. It
also give opportunity to do two way interaction between customer and advertisers.
 The major disadvantage of online advertising is the concern about its benefit versus
its cost, how to appropriately measure its outcomes, and the supply of good
locations to display ads. For example, the publisher who sells advertising space on
website do not have agreed upon routine or standard audits to check their claimed
numbers as do conventional media outlets. Search Engine Marketing and Advertising

 It is predicted that in near future companies will spend higher amount on search
engine marketing. There are large chunk of users who uses the search engine at
least once a month. So this is the place where advertising can be very effective by
replying with ads which matches intentions and interests of the user. The click
through rate for search engine is on an average around 2 % and it has beed steady
over past few years. The top three search engine providers i.e. Google
Microsoft/Bing and Yahoo, provides more than 95 % of all online searches.
 Making use of search engine to develop and sustain brand is known as Search
Engine Marketing (SEM). It refers to use of search engines to assist direct sales to
online customers.
 Search engines are frequently considered as mostly direct sales medium focused on
making sales in response to ads. While this is one of the major use of search engines,
they are simply used to strengthen awareness of brand, driving traffic to other blogs
or website to support customer engagement, to acquire deep insight into perception

Electronic Commerce 4-5 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

of customer about the brand, to support other similar ads and to provide support to
brand indirectly.
 Search engines helps marketers with insights into search pattern of customer,
customer’s point of view about their product, trending keywords used for search,
and which keyword their competitors are using and the response of customer. For
instance, PepsiCo, company having products like Doritos and Pepsi, does not make
any sale on internet, but have various branding websites directed at investors,
consumers and stakeholders. Their focus is on developing, updating and sustaining
the Pepsi collection of branded consumer goods. A search on Pepsi will produce
various search results which link to marketing material related to Pepsi.
 Search engine websites initially executed unbiased searches of the Internet’s large
collection of web pages and gets most of their revenue from banner ads. This type
of search engine results are known as organic search since the ranking ans inclusion
of sites is based on more or less unbiased application of an algorithm imposed by
search engine. After 1998, search engine websites have converted themselves into
online yellow pages, where company pay for getting included int search engine
index, pay for keyword to appeared up in search result, or pay for keyword to
appear in ads of other company.
 Search Engine Claim that the payment made by companies does not affect the
organic ranking of their website in search result, just gets included in the search
results. However, it is the example in which page inclusion ads gets more hits and
the page rank gets appreciated, which causes the organic search algorithm to give
up ranking in the organic results.
 Google claims that they does not allow companies to do payment for their rank in
organic search results, even though it does assign two to three sponsored links at
the top of their page, which are then labeled as “sponsored links”. Companies who
do not pay for the keyword or inclusion generally fall down on the search result list.
 Pay-per-click (PPC) search ads are the key type of search engine advertising. In
keyword advertising, companies who buys keywords via a process of bidding at
search websites, and whenever a customer searches for that particular word, their
ad appears on the page, generally a small text based ad on the right side, but also as
listing on top of the page.
 The more companies pay, the higher the rank and greater ad visibility on the web

Electronic Commerce 4-6 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 Usually, the search engines don’t do editorial judgement regarding content or

quality of ads even though search engines do monitor the use of language.
Additionally, some search engines give ranking to the ads based on their popularity
instead of the money paid by the advertiser so that the ranking of the ad is based
on amount paid as well as the number of clicks per unit time. AdWords is keyword
advertising program of Google.
 Network keyword advertising, established by Google as their AdSense product in 2002,
differs from the normal keyword advertising. Websites which want to display ad
(Publisher) join such network and permits the search engine to display relevant ads
on their websites. Advertiser pay for such ads who want their ads to be displayed
across the internet. The revenue generated from number of clicks on such ads is
divided between the website publisher and the search engine.
 Search engine advertising is almost a perfect targeted marketing technique: at
precisely the time when customer is searching for a product, an ad for that
particular product is displayed.
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of upgrading the ranking of web
pages in search engine results by modifying the design and content of the website
and web pages. By carefully choosing keywords used on the web pages, more often
modifying content, and designing the website so that it can be easily read by
programs of search engine, marketers can improve the impact and return on the
investment they made in online marketing initiatives.
 Google and other search engine companies often do modification in their search
algorithm so as to improve the search engine result and user experience. Google, for
example, evidently makes more than 600 changes in search engine in a year. The
websites having duplicate content, copied content from other websites on the
internet and the content which did not attract high traffic from various sources were
being pushed down in the search results.
 Social Search Social search is an effort to utilize you social contact in order to provide
search results. Social search is different than search engine, it evaluates
recommendation by your friends, internet visit history, and use of Like button. One
issue with conventional search engine is that by entering a keyword say on Google,
it provides list or results in which some will be helpful and remaining are suspect.
Social search is an attempt to provide few but relevant and trustworthy result
depending on the social graph.
 In 2014, Facebook has done number of changes to Graph Search, renewed their

Electronic Commerce 4-7 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

product as Facebook Search, and providing keyword search feature which allows
users to find people, pages, posts, photos, videos and links on Facebook by
searching for keywords used in a post. Search results are ranked depending on
personalization algorithm based in part on the relation of user with the poster.
 Search Engine Issues, while search engine have given significant advantage to
customers and merchants, they also present costs and risks. For example, search
engines have the capacity to crush smaller companies by positioning its ads on the
back pages of search results. For accessing digital marketplace which is dominated
by Google, merchants are at mercy of search engines. No one was aware of the
algorithm or techniques used by Google to rank one company over other. No one
had any idea about how rankings can be improved.
 Factors which degrade usefulness and search engine results includes :
 Link farms are set of websites which are link to each other, thus improving their
ranking in search engines which uses Page Rank algorithm to evaluate usefulness of
a website. For improving ranking in search result, some company hire search engine
optimization firm to create number of websites which are linked to their company.
JCPenney is one such company to do so, no matter what clothing item people are
looking for JCPenney used to come on top in search results. It is believed by experts
that this was one of the largest search engine fraud in history.
 Content farms are set of firms which produce large amount of text content for
various websites which were designed to attract search engines and viewers.
Content farms generate profit by attracting large traffic to their websites and then
ads are exposed to them. The content usually is copied or summarized from valid
content websites.
 Click fraud happens when a competitor clicks on ads and search engine results,
forcing the advertiser to make payment even if the click is not valid. Competitors
can hire third party company to carry out fraud clicks or hiring bots to automate
this activity. Click fraud can result in high bills for merchants and does not provide
any growth in sales. Display Ad Marketing

 Display ads are the way of attracting customers of websites, social media platform
or any other online medium to take particular action. These are frequently made up
of text-based, video or image ads which motivate the user to click-through to a
landing page and take some action like making a purchase.

Electronic Commerce 4-8 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 Cost for many display and digital ad campaigns is taken on per click basis. Each
time a user clicks on your ad in search engine result, you will have to pay an
amount depending on your bidding policy.
 Display ads can also be used for campaigns to retarget the user. This can be carry
out where the ads are displayed to the user who have already seen a particular
website. The objective is to retarget such users and motivate them to be back on
your website and take some action. Types of Display Ads

 Display ad campaigns have different type which are as follow :

Banner Ads :
 It is one of the oldest and conventional type of ad which generally displayed at the
top of website in banner format. Banner ads are most familiar display marketing
type. Banner ads are also low cost and less effective type of digital marketing.
 A banner ads portray a promotional message in rectangular box at the top of
website on the screen of mobile or desktop. Banner ad is same as conventional print
media ads but with some additional advantages. When clicked on these ads, it bring
probable customers directly to the website of advertiser, and the website where the
ad is being displayed can monitor the behavior of user on the website.
 The potential to recognize and track the user is an important feature of digital
advertising. Banner ads frequently contains video and various animations. Even
though the terms display ad and banner ad are frequently used interchangeably,
banner ads are just one type of display ad. In spite of being less effective,
advertisers still want to spend on banner ads.

Rich Media Ads :

 Ads which contains sound, animation, and interactivity, using HTML5, Flash, Java
and JavaScript are known as rich media ads. Rich media ads are more effective as
compared to banner ads. Research show that the discovery of rich media ads has
boosted advertiser website visit very much as compared with normal banner ads.
Audience of rich media ads which contains video are six times more likely to visit
website of advertiser, by either typing URL of advertiser, directly clicking the ad or
by searching about the advertiser.

Electronic Commerce 4-9 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

Interstitial Ads :
 An interstitial ad is a way of positioning a full-page message in between the current
page and destination pages of a user. Interstitial ads are generally placed within a
single website, and shown as the user navigates from one page to the another. The
interstitial is generally accommodated in its own browser window and moves
automatically to the page requested by user after permitting sufficient time for the
ad to be read. Interstitial ads can also be placed over an advertising network and
emerge as users move among websites.
 Interstitial messages, such as TV ads, attempt to make the viewers a captive of the
message. Duration of normal interstitial ads are 10 seconds or less and force the user
to watch the ad for that duration. To entertain user, animated graphics and music is
used in ads. A good interstitial ads will also contain a stop or skip option for the
users having no interest to watch that message.

Video Ads
 Online video ads are like TV commercials which is shown as in-page video ads or
during, before, or after a variety of content. The most widely used video ad format
is pre-roll in which users are forced to watch a video ad either in start, in the middle
or at the end of the video they have clicked on.
 Even though from total spending point of view, online video ads ar still relatively
small when compared with the money spent on search engine advertising, but
video ads are one of the fastest growing online advertising format.
 The higher growth rate in video ads is because of the fact that video ads are more
effective than any other form of display ad. For example, research has shown that
the click-through rate of video ads are 12 times than that of rich media ads and
27 times than that of conventional banner ads.
 There are various advertising networks which are specialized in video ads, that run
video advertising campaigns for national advertiser and position these videos on
their respective website’s networks. Companies can also initiate their own television
and video sites to advertise their products. Retail websites are one of the largest
users of ad videos.

 A sponsorship is a paid attempt to tie name of an advertiser to an event, particular
information or a place in a way that reinforces its brand in a positive yet not
honestly commercial way. Spronsorships are generally are more regarding

Electronic Commerce 4 - 10 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

branding than immediate sales. An ordinary way of sponsorship is targeted content,

in which editorial content is merged with an ad message to make this message more
attractive and valuable to its intended users.
 Many of companies have moved towards social media influencers to do advertising
of their product by providing sponsorship. There many youtubers or comedian
available who record paid partnership video and share it on different social media
platform. Instagram is one of the popular platform for such kind of advertisement. Email Marketing

 Email marketing is when you send out commercial message via email to your
contacts who have subscribed to your mailing list and provided permission to
receive email communication from you.
 Email marketing technique is used to drive sales, to give information and to build a
community around your brand. Current email marketing has improved from being
one-size-fits-all bulk mailing and rather than focused on segmentation, consent and
 Email marketing is low cost and somewhat invariant to the number of emails sent.
The cost for sending 1,000 mails are same as for sending 1 million. The primary cost
of email marketing is for buying the list of names whom the email will be sent.
 Even though email be an effective advertising and marketing tool, it faces three
major challenges: poorly targeted purchased email list, spam and software tools
used to handle spam mails which remove many emails from users inbox.
 Spam is unsolicited type of commercial email which is also known as junk email,
and spammers are those people who send such mails to bulk users who have not
shown any interest in the product. Spammers are intended to do marketing of
fraudulent deals & services, pornography, scams, and other products which are not
accepted widely in majority of civilized societies.
 Legitimate direct subscribed email marketing is not growing at the rate other
targeted display ads and search engine advertising because of the increase in spam
mails. For even legitimate email marketing campaign consumers are giving more
sophisticated response. Generally, email functions well for sustaining customer
relationship but not works that well for gaining new customers.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 11 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 The different types of marketing emails are as follow :

Promotional emails
 Campaigns of email marketing are used for promotion of various things, like new
product release, special offer, webinar or an ebook. Such promotional email
campaigns could contains around 2 to 10 emails sent over few weeks or days.
 Promotional emails have a clear and short term call to action or CTA. The CTA
focuses on particular action you want reader of the mail should take, like making a
purchase or visiting website or web page.
 This kind of marketing emails are sent to the list of user whenever needed and in
line with the flow of your business.
Informational emails
 Newsletters : As the name shows, it shares news related to your business or to
highlight product use case. Newsletters are sent as per the specified schedule i.e.
monthly, bi-weekly, weekly, it also helps in maintaining consistent connection with
the subscriber of newsletter.
 Newsletters are not always have to be regarding news, the main focus should be on
letter aspect of it. Newsletter can be thought of as an medium to share tips,
thoughts, insights or anything else which interests your subscriber.
 Announcements : Email is the best way to communicate your customers regarding
new releases, company announcements, modifications in the server etc.
 As a medium, email has the required formality for conveying important messages
to the customers.
 This is why majority of companies have selected email as a channel for sending
crisis communication during Covid-19. Affiliate Marketing

 Affiliate marketing is strategy for online sales which lets a owner of the product to
increase sales by permitting others targeting the same consumers i.e. affiliates, to
earn a commission by suggesting the product to others. Simultaneously, it makes it
feasible for affiliates to earn money on sales of product without need to create their
own product.
 In simple terms, affiliate marketing includes referring a service or product by
sharing it on social media, blog or website. An affiliate earns commission every time
someone makes a purchase through the URL associated with their suggestion. If
performed well, this performance based chance can become main part of your
business by providing you good income.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 12 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 In order to become an affiliate in an affiliate marketing program, you will have to

follow below steps :
o Find and join an affiliate program
o Select which offers to promote
o Get a unique affiliate link for every offer
o Share those links on your social media, blog, or website
o Collect a commission whenever someone uses your links to make a purchase
 Rates of commission differ dramatically, based on the offer and the company. You
can earn as low as 5% of the sale and in some scenarios can earn as much as 50%
generally when promoting event or a class. The are some affiliate marketing
program which offers a flat rate on every sale rather than a percentage.
 Advantages of affiliate marketing program :
o The simplicity in this kind of marketing strategy is benefit to affiliates. You will
only have to manage marketing part of educating the customers. You don’t have
think much about the harder task, such as supporting, developing or offer
o Affiliate marketing involves low risk, as you don’t have to pay anything to join
this program, you can immediately start earning with an esteemed affiliate
service or product without any advance investment. In affiliate marketing
program, initially after investing time for creating traffic sources, your affiliate
links will continue to provide you stable paycheck.
o At the end, successful affiliate marketing provides the potential to notably
increase your earning without taking additional help. You can introduce new
product to your existing users and build campaigns for other products while
your current work continue to generate money in the background. Lead Generation Marketing

 In the online marketing world, a lead means a potential customer in your target
users who is interested in buying the service or product provided by you. So lead
generation is the process of attracting such potential customers for your business.
 Various marketing companies makes use of various marketing strategy for
attracting potential customer which is referred as lead generation marketing. Lead
generation strategy includes contacting business directly, drive user to register for
something online by filling a form, or even walking into the shop.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 13 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 All businesses requires customers to increase every passing day and to get such
customers, businesses need to target potential customer first and get their attention.
This is the scenario where lead generation marketing is very useful.
 These leads then passed to sales team in order to convert them into buying
customer. This usually includes adding them in mailing list for further nurturing.
And along with enhanced technologies, business intelligence tools can track
demand of your product and customer trend from the data captured through lead
generation marketing.
 Steps for Marketing Lead Generation :
1. Capture leads via website forms
 We can place a simple subscription form on your website and ask visitors who
are interested to fill the form in trade of valuable contents like, eBook,
infographics, white paper, checklist, case study, newsletter or how-to-do
video. The big concept is to mix lead capture form with your website design.
2. Generate leads via Google Ads
 We can run targeted ads about main keywords on Google which capture
attention of potential lead while searching online for your business related
keywords. The user is later redirected to a landing page or your website,
where additional strategy is in place to capture the lead and the best thing is
you will only have to pay when user clicks on the ad. Google has helped
many companies to start of with lead generation marketing on Google.
3. Capture leads using direct emails
 Direct emails send to customer no only contains announcement regarding new
product or service but it also provide user 20% promo code to use in order to
buy the product. This technique is proven to be effective in most cases
converting number of cases into potential leads for purchasing your product.
4. Capture leads using social media platform
 Lead generation marketing should not always need to be hard, even easy but
effective techniques can lead to capture high quality, exciting lead prospects
for your company. Social media is one such platform. Nowadays, user pass
around five to six hours of their time on social media daily, by some or the
other ways. Social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter,
are not only used for keeping in touch with our friends and family, but also
share individual’s point of view on different brands.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 14 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 This has provide business owner with the chance to hear out their existing
customer and engage with potential customers. Business can engage in lead
generation marketing in similar pages, groups or via direct messages. One
similar and popular method to capture information about potential lead is
though social media contests. Social media content contest can be organized in
trade of some type of giveaway. Users are often need to refer their friends,
upload photos or give answer to few simple question in order to enter into
contest. Creating fun way in order to engage with users of social media
platform is very effective process for owners of businesses to capture potential

4.2 Internet Marketing Technologies

 The Internet has four major impact on marketing. First, the Internet, as a
communication channel, has increased the range of marketing communication, in
terms of the number of people that can reached easily and the places where they can
reached, from desktop to mobile.
 Second, the Internet has increased the richness of marketing communication by
integrating audio, video and text content into rich messages. Possible, the Internet is
richer as a channel than video or TV because of the complexity of messages
available, the vast content accessible on large number of subjects, and capability of
users to control the experience interactively.
 Third, the Internet has enlarged the data intensity of the marketplace by giving
marketers with unparalleled detailed, fine grained, real-time information regarding
consumer ad they do any transaction in marketplace.
 Fourth, the always attached, always on, environment created because of the mobile
devices made customer available to receive messages related to marketing at any
point in time.
 One of the major results of revolution of Internet is expansion of possibilities in
online marketing for the companies.

4.2.1 Web Transaction Logs

 A main source of costumer information on the Internet is the transaction log
maintained by all web servers. User’s activity on website is recorded in transaction
log. The transaction log is built into web server software. The data captured in
transaction log become more useful when merged with two other data trails
generated by visitors: the shopping cart and sign up forms database.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 15 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 User are tempted via various means to fill sign up or registration forms.
Registration forms collects personal data on name, contact number, address, pin
code, email address which are generally mandatory fields and other optional data
provided on users interests.
 When user purchases something, they provide some addition information into
shopping cart database. The shopping cart database collects all the selected
products, purchase and payment related data.
 For a website having millions of visitors every month, and where, on an average, a
visitor requests for around 15 pages on every visit, there will be around 15 million
entries in the log every month. These transaction logs combined with data from
shopping cart database and registration forms, represent a treasure of marketing
information for individual websites as well as online industry as a whole. Almost
all Internet marketing capabilities are dependent on these data collection tools.
 For example, below are some interesting marketing questions which can be
answered by analyzing web transaction logs of website, shopping cart database and
registration forms :
o What are the major patterns of purchase and interests for individuals and
groups ?
o After the home page, where do most users go first ?
o What are the interests of particular individuals ?
o How we can make it simpler for visitor to use our website so that they can find
what they want ?
o How can we change the design of the site to motivate visitors to purchase our
high-margin items ?
o Where are visitors coming from ?
o How can we personalize our offering, messages, and products to individual
users ?

4.2.2 Supplementing the Logs : Cookies and other Tracking Files

 While transaction logs builds the base for online data collection at a single website,
marketers make use of tracking files to track users across the internet as they visit
any other websites. There are three main type of tracking files: cookies, flash cookies
and web beacons.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 16 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 A cookie is small text file websites place on visitor’s computer each time they visit.
Cookies permit a website to store the information on visitor’s computer and then
retrieve it later. The cookie generally includes name, unique ID for every visitor
which is stored on visitor’s computer, a path, the domain, security setting which
provides information about whether the cookies can only transferred using secure
server, and an expiry date which is optional.
 A cookie provides online marketers with a quick way of recognizing the customer
and understanding user’s history on the website. Website make use of cookie to find
out number of user visiting the website, whether they are repeat visitors or new
visitors, and how frequently they have visited the website, even though this data
might be 100% accurate since people share computers, they many times use more
than one computer, and cookies might be accidentally deleted. Cookies helps to
make quick checkout and shopping cart options possible by permitting the website
to keep track of the user as they add or remove products in shopping cart. Every
time new item is added to the shopping cart is stored in databse of website along
with unique ID of visitor.
 With increasing privacy concerns, over the time many user have started deleting
cookies. The more cookies are getting delete, the web page and ad server
benchmark becomes less accurate., and less likely marketer will be able to know
visitors information or from where did that visitor came. As a result, advertiser
have found other ways. One such way is using Adobe flash software, which creates
its own cookie file, named as flash cookies. Flash cookies can be made in such a way
it never expires, and can store the information up to 5 MB as compared to 1 MB data
stored by normal cookies.
 On mobile devices use of cookies has found to be less effective. Normal cookies on
mobile device are reset each time user closes browser and in-app cookies cannot be
shared between applications, making both of limited utility. However, as the
number of users increasing using mobile devices to access the Internet, it is of no
wonder that telecommunication companies started using tracking files.

4.3 Social Marketing

 Social marketing or advertising includes using online social media platform and
communities to create brands and drive sales revenues. There are various type of
social media, from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, to social apps, blogs,
social games and forums.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 17 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 Marketers cannot overlook the large number of users that social media network like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are gathering, which rival radio and TV
in size. There are majority of population who visits social media sites on daily basis.
It is found in a research that social media active user are more likely to discuss
about and suggest a product or company they follow on social network. Many of
the companies have started using social media platform for marketing purpose.
Many companies have also started giving sponsorship to celebrities to promote
their product on social media platform.
 Social media platform provides all major type of advertising formats to advertiser
which includes banner ads, short pre-roll and post-roll ads related with videos, and
sponsored content. Having Facebook page of company is like a marketing tool for
brand just like web page. Many companies, like Coca-Cola, have shut down their
product specific web pages and started using Facebook pages for marketing.
 Online games and blogs can also be used for social marketing. Blogs have been
around since very long and are part of the conventional online culture. Around 80
million user read blogs while 29 million people write the blogs. In online marketing
blogs have very important role to play. Even though many companies uses
Facebook and Twitter, they have not replaced blogs, and in reality frequently they
point to blogs for longer content. Advertising networks which are specialize in
blogs offers efficiency in displaying ads on the blog. There are blog networks
available which are collection of small number of famous blogs, that are
coordinated by central management team, and from such network content can be
delivered to larger number of users.
 The online gaming marketplace is expanding at high pace continuously as the
number of users playing games on mobile, tablets, console and PC have increased.
The aim of game advertising is branding as well as driving customers to buy
moments at retail stores and restaurants.
 If social marketing is used properly then it can become a great asset for marketing
industry. The favourable result of social marketing for any business can be
enormous, but one must keep in mind that it should be used in most efficient way.
 Social marketing permits websites and businesses to acquire huge following over
the Internet by using various kind of social midea platforms available, like blogs,
photo and video sharing websites, social bookmarking websites and social
networking websites.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 18 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

4.4 Mobile Marketing

 Mobile marketing is multi channel, online marketing strategy whose objective is to
reach target users on their mobile phones, tablets, and/or any other mobile device,
through SMS, MMS, email, websites, social media, and applications. Since past few
years, attention of customers have shifted towards mobile. Due to this, marketers
have started to so similar thing so as to build true multi-channel engagement. In
order to receive and sustain attention of potential customers, contents should by
strategic and personalized.
 Mobile marketing is done by keeping mobile devices in mind and using SMS/MMS
marketing and mobile applications. For creating any short-term or long team
marketing strategy, mobile marketing has become an important piece of puzzle.
From email, to pay per click, content marketing, search engine optimization and
social media marketing, the mobile marketing is that one channel which helps you
to cover larger part of users where they are comfortable. For making mobile
marketing effective, you will have to create a united experience which customer
 Mobile marketing involves use of rich media ads, banner ad, video, games, SMS,
email, QR code and in-store messaging. Mobile has now became essential part of
marketing budget.
 Mobile marketing can be very helpful for driving demand and brand value for your
services or products by strengthening mobile devices to reach to larger customer
group in real time at any point in life cycle of customer. Mobile is also growing
consistently. In order to use the growing potential of mobile marketing, your major
focus should be on creating seamless experience for the users.
 Applications of mobile devices add up to a marketing platform which was not
present few years back. Apps are non-browser medium for user to experience the
Internet and do number of things like searching, shopping, reading articles and
newspapers. Faster access to content is provided by mobile apps than multi-
purpose browsers. Mobile apps have started impacting the way of operation and
design of conventional websites as customers these days are attracted towards
speed of operation and look and feel of apps. There are more than 5 million apps
available for download on Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store and there are
millions of other apps available provided by Internet carriers and third party app

Electronic Commerce 4 - 19 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

4.5 Location based Marketing

 Location based marketing permits businesses to target users at a granular, person
level by using offline or online messaging depending on physical location of user.
By using location data, marketing team will be able to connect to customers
depending on attributes such as events in their region, proximity to a store and
many more.
 Location based marketing has proven to be effective across customer life cycle from
searching and buying, to retaining and engaging. If user properly, location based
marketing permits marketers to target particular group of customer with targeted
offers, while enhancing customer experience for the kind of crowd which values
instant satisfaction. For instance, location based marketing may notify a customer
that a item they have been looking for is available in a store nearby, permitting
them to pick up from there.

4.5.1 Types of Location-Based Marketing

 Location based marketing has majorly expanded in last few years because of the
growth in connected devices. Today, we can say everything is connected to the web
from mobile phones to watches, cars, AC and many more. These devices frequently
track location of their owner, so there is plenty of spatial and location data available.
Insights acquired from such data can be provided to marketing teams in order to
plan ways to reach to customers and enhance overall customer experience.
 Below are few way to channel this location related data into marketing attempt : Geotargeting
 Geotargeting is used to find out location of the user, so as to deliver personalized
content depending on their current location. If customer have given permission to
app for accessing their location data, they might get push notification or in-app
messages depending on proximity to store or area.
 Geotargeting is based on IP addresses. IP address is assigned to every connected
device to make them recognizable. IP address can later be matched with country,
pin code etc, in order to identify the current location of user.
 The major benefit of geotargeting is to grow customer experience via
personalization. For instance, marketers can target users depending on needs
related to specific location, like local or weather news and events.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 20 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 A most popular example of geotargeting is Google search results. In case a user

searches for medical shop, Google uses location data derived from assigned IP
address to that device and displays search results of medical shop in user’s nearby
 Another popular example is Uber. When user lands into new city, after opening app
they will get alert regarding cars available in that city. Geofencing
 Geofencing is building a border withing a particular region. When the targeted user
enters into that boundary, they automatically become a target of marketing plan.
This means that they will receive offers, content, or some other type of messaging
from the businesses. One example of the boundary is an area covering a famous
shopping mall in which company has a outlet.
 Geofencing uses GPS technology to develop a border. At any point a target user
crosses that boundary, they receive a app notification or SMS.
 Geofencing permits marketers to cover large area, like event places or malls. Using
this technique marketers can target all the users who are withing that particular
 Geofencing is dependent on real time location data, which permits marketers to
motivate users to engage with their products, or deflect users from engaging with
competitors product.
 Retailers can use geofencing to target users nearby their shops to motivate them to
buy something from your shop. For instance, a user has been reviewing an item
online, they may get a alert about availability of that item in nearby store. Beaconing
 Beacons are connected devices which uses WiFi or Bluetooth to connect with
predefined applications which are functioning withing range or the beacon. Within
the range of smaller geographical area, beacons functions very well to target
existing customers.
 Beacons send a sign to your device which alerts server to send content to your
device. This can be an email, push notification etc. For instance, assume a sports
stadium has encouraged the audience to download their app for concession, ticket
booking, etc. The venue will setup a beacon to identify when a device having their
app installed is in coverage area.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 21 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

 User should subscribe and keep Bluetooth turned on so as to take advantage of this.
However, this channel of location based targeting provides you more direct
communication medium with customers.
 Businesses can monitor users indoors in more accurate way. This not only permits
for more specific targeting, but also support marketers to get a more complete
knowledge of customer behavior.
 Users don’t have to be online to receive these notifications.
 Shops can place these beacons in passage around the shop to send offers as users
browse. For instance, a grocery store might use beacon to check at what point
customer is in the ice cream passage and then send offer to them on ice cream. Mobile Targeting

 Mobile targeting happens when marketers targets consumers with advertisements
on their mobile. Sometimes consumers want to be away from advertising, marketers
aims to make their ads specific to the surrounding, which can be based on device,
time or location.
 Create ground in your mobile advertisement platform which defines who you want
to target and what the criteria for targeting the. This will permit marketers to target
consumers directly on their device for establishing personalized connection.
 Marketers have frequently seen higher returns on money spent on ads using more
targeted approach.
 Social media advertisements which target customers depending on location data
can help to encourage visits to restaurant, store or nearby events.

4.6 Ethical, Social, Political Issues in E-Commerce

 Defining the rights of people to communicate their ideas and copyright owner’s
property rights are two among various ethical, social and political issues raised as a
result of rapid growth in e-commerce.
 The ethical, social and political issues raised in e-commerce, give a structure for
organizing issues and make suggestions for managers who are assigned the task of
operating e-commerce companies within accepted standards of usefulness.
 We live in an information era, where wealth and strength are majorly depend on
knowledge and information as major assets. Disagreement over information are
majorly over wealth, power, influence and other valuable things. Similar to any
other technology like electricity, steam, telephones and TV, the e-commerce and

Electronic Commerce 4 - 22 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

Internet can be used to accomplish social growth, and for the major part, this has
occurred. However, same technologies can be used to commit crimes, destroy the
environment, and threaten esteemed social values. Before the invention of
automobiles, interstate crime rate was less and very less federal jurisdiction over
crime. Same goes with Internet, before the Internet, cyber crime rate was very less.
 Many companies and individuals are taking advantage from the commercial
development of Internet, but this development also demands a price from
companies, individuals and societies. These benefits and cost should be carefully
taken into consideration by those who want to make social and ethically responsible
decisions in new environment.

4.6.1 Public Policy Issues in E commerce

 The main ethical, social and political issues which have built around e-commerce
since last few years can be classified into four dimensions: property rights,
information rights, governance and public safety and welfare.
 Some ethical, social and political issues raised in these dimensions include the
following :
 Property rights : How can conventional intellectual property rights be imposed in
Internet world where making various copies of protected work is possible and can
be distributed worldwide so quickly.
 Information rights : In public marketplace, or in their private home, what are the
rights individuals have to their own information, when Internet technology is
making collection of information so penetrating and efficient? What rights do
individuals have to access business firms and other organization’s information ?
 Governance : Should the e-commerce and Internet be subject to public laws ? And if
yes, then what legislative body should have jurisdiction ?
 Public safety and welfare : What efforts should be made to make sure fair access to
the e-commerce and Internet mediums ? Should govt be made responsible for
making sure that schools and colleges have Internet access? Is some kind of content
and acts like gambling and pornography, a threat to public safety and welfare ?
Should mobile commerce be permitted from moving vehicles ?

4.6.2 Basic Ethical Concepts : Responsibility Accountability & Liability

 Ethics is at the center of political and social arguments regarding Internet. Ethics is
study of principles which companies and individuals can use to find out right and

Electronic Commerce 4 - 23 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

wrong courses of action. It is presume in ethics that individuals are free moral
agents who are in such place to make selections.
 Extending ethics from individuals to business organizations and even complete
society can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Considering there is decision
making body or individual in place, then their decisions can be judged against
various ethical principles. If you know some basic principles of ethics, your
capability to reason regarding large political and social arguments will be
improved. In western countries, there are liability and ability principles which all
ethical schools of thoughts share: responsibility, accountability, liability.
 Responsibility means as free moral agents, organizations, individuals and societies
are accountable for the actions they take. Accountability means that organizations,
individuals and societies must be help responsible to others for results of their
 Liability extends principle of accountability and responsibility to the area of law.
Liability is a attribute of political systems in which a body of law is in place which
allows individuals to recover the harm done to them by other player, organization
or systems. Due process is a attribute of law governed societies and refers to a
process in which laws are understood and known. There is provision to appeal to
higher authorities to make sure that the laws have been implemented correctly

4.6.3 Privacy and Information Rights

 The Internet provides a perfect environment for occupying the personal privacy of
large number of users on a scale unmatched in history. Possibly no other current
issue has raised as much widespread political and social worry as safeguarding
privacy of over millions of users on Internet.
 The main ethical issues about privacy and e-commerce includes :
 Under which circumstances should we occupy the privacy of others ?
 What valid invading into others lives through market research, surveillance and
other mediums ?
 The main social issues about privacy and e-commerce concern the evolution of
privacy norms or privacy exception and public attitudes. In what areas of should
we as a society motivate people to think that they are in private area as opposed to
public view ?

Electronic Commerce 4 - 24 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

4.7 Part A : Short Answered Questions (2 Marks Each)

Q.1 Define online marketing. List out marketing and advertising tools available.
Ans. : Online marketing :
Online marketing is the practice of using various online mediums available to
promote brand, service or product of company.
Marketing and Advertising tools :
o Search engine marketing and advertising
o Display ad marketing
o Email marketing
o Affiliate marketing
o Lead generation marketing
Q.2 Describe different factors responsible for degrading search engine result.
Ans. : Factors responsible for degrading search engine result:
o Link farms are set of websites which are link to each other, thus improving
their ranking in search engines which uses Page Rank algorithm to evaluate
usefulness of a website. For improving ranking in search result, some company
hire search engine optimization firm to create number of websites which are
linked to their company.
o Content farms are set of firms which produce large amount of text content for
various websites which were designed to attract search engines and viewers.
Content farms generate profit by attracting large traffic to their websites and
then ads are exposed to them.
o Click fraud happens when a competitor clicks on ads and search engine results,
forcing the advertiser to make payment even if the click is not valid.
Competitors can hire third party company to carry out fraud clicks or hiring
bots to automate this activity.
Q.3 What is banner ad ?
Ans. : Banner Ad :
 It is one of the oldest and conventional type of ad which generally displayed at the
top of website in banner format. Banner ads are most familiar display marketing
type. Banner ads are also low cost and less effective type of digital marketing.
 A banner ads portray a promotional message in rectangular box at the top of
website on the screen of mobile or desktop. Banner ad is same as conventional
print media ads but with some additional advantages. When clicked on these ads,

Electronic Commerce 4 - 25 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

it bring probable customers directly to the website of advertiser, and the website
where the ad is being displayed can monitor the behavior of user on the website.
Q.4 What is display ad marketing? List various types of display ad marketing.
Ans. : Display ad marketing
 Display ads are the way of attracting customers of websites, social media platform
or any other online medium to take particular action. These are frequently made
up of text-based, video or image ads which motivate the user to click-through to a
landing page and take some action like making a purchase.
 Cost for many display and digital ad campaigns is taken on per click basis. Each
time a user clicks on your ad in search engine result, you will have to pay an
amount depending on your bidding policy.
Types of display ads :
 Banner ads
 Rich media ads
 Interstitial ads
 Video ads
 Sponsorship
Q.5 What is email marketing?
Ans. : Email Marketing
 Email marketing is when you send out commercial message via email to your
contacts who have subscribed to your mailing list and provided permission to
receive email communication from you.
 Email marketing technique is used to drive sales, to give information and to build
a community around your brand. Current email marketing has improved from
being one-size-fits-all bulk mailing and rather than focused on segmentation,
consent and personalization.
 Email marketing is low cost and somewhat invariant to the number of emails sent.
The cost for sending 1,000 mails are same as for sending 1 million. The primary
cost of email marketing is for buying the list of names whom the email will be sent.
Q.6 Describe affiliate marketing in short?
Ans. : Affiliate Marketing
 Affiliate marketing is strategy for online sales which lets a owner of the product to
increase sales by permitting others targeting the same consumers i.e. affiliates, to
earn a commission by suggesting the product to others. Simultaneously, it makes it

Electronic Commerce 4 - 26 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

feasible for affiliates to earn money on sales of product without need to create their
own product.
 Affiliate marketing includes referring a service or product by sharing it on social
media, blog or website. An affiliate earns commission every time someone makes a
purchase through the URL associated with their suggestion.
Q.7 Describe lead generation marketing in short.
Ans. : Lead generation marketing
 In the online marketing world, a lead means a potential customer in your target
users who is interested in buying the service or product provided by you. So lead
generation is the process of attracting such potential customers for your business.
 Various marketing companies makes use of various marketing strategy for
attracting potential customer which is referred as lead generation marketing. Lead
generation strategy includes contacting business directly, drive user to register for
something online by filling a form, or even walking into the shop.
 All businesses requires customers to increase every passing day and to get such
customers, businesses need to target potential customer first and get their
attention. This is the scenario where lead generation marketing is very useful.
Q.8 Define cookies with its use.
Ans. : Cookies
 A cookie is small text file websites place on visitor’s computer each time they visit.
Cookies permit a website to store the information on visitor’s computer and then
retrieve it later. The cookie generally includes name, unique ID for every visitor
which is stored on visitor’s computer, a path, the domain, security setting which
provides information about whether the cookies can only transferred using secure
server, and an expiry date which is optional.
 A cookie provides online marketers with a quick way of recognizing the customer
and understanding user’s history on the website. Website make use of cookie to
find out number of user visiting the website, whether they are repeat visitors or
new visitors, and how frequently they have visited the website, even though this
data might be 100% accurate since people share computers, they many times use
more than one computer, and cookies might be accidentally deleted. Cookies
helps to make quick checkout and shopping cart options possible by permitting
the website to keep track of the user as they add or remove products in shopping
cart. Every time new item is added to the shopping cart is stored in database of
website along with unique ID of visitor.

Electronic Commerce 4 - 27 Business Concepts in E-Commerce

Q.9 Define social marketing and mobile marketing.

Ans. : Social marketing
 Social marketing or advertising includes using online social media platform and
communities to create brands and drive sales revenues. There are various type of
social media, from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, to social apps,
blogs, social games and forums.
Mobile marketing
 Mobile marketing is multi channel, online marketing strategy whose objective is to
reach target users on their mobile phones, tablets, and/or any other mobile device,
through SMS, MMS, email, websites, social media, and applications. Since past few
years, attention of customers have shifted towards mobile. Due to this, marketers
have started to so similar thing so as to build true multi-channel engagement.
Q.10 What is location based marketing.
Ans. : Location based Marketing
 Location based marketing permits businesses to target users at a granular, person
level by using offline or online messaging depending on physical location of user.
By using location data, marketing team will be able to connect to customers
depending on attributes such as events in their region, proximity to a store and
many more.
 Location based marketing has proven to be effective across customer life cycle
from searching and buying, to retaining and engaging. If user properly, location
based marketing permits marketers to target particular group of customer with
targeted offers, while enhancing customer experience for the kind of crowd which
values instant satisfaction.

4.8 Part B : Long Answered Questions

1. Explain different types of Location based Marketing (Refer section 4.5.1)
2. Write a note on ethical, social and political issues in e-commerce. (Refer section 4.6)
3. Explain search engine marketing in detail.(Refer section
4. Explain different types of display ad marketing.(Refer section
5. Explain different steps for lead generation marketing. (Refer section


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