TEC 166 - Introduction To Agriculture and Fisheries

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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

Republic of the Philippines

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

College College Of Teacher Education

Department Technology Eduaction Departmen

VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in the Asia – Pacific region.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and relevant programs in higher and advanced education ensuring
equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.

Towards this end, TSU shall:

1. Provide high quality instruction through qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty members and support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and strengthening
collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and individuals.

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Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

Course Name Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

Course Credits 3 units
Course Description Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of agriculture and fisheries concepts, situation, problems and prospects, statutes, and its role in development.
Contact Hours/ week 3 hours
Prerequisite None
Course Outcomes 1. Identified and explained the critical and significant role of agriculture and fishery in societal and economic development.
2. Enumerated and elaborated on how can agriculture and fishery efforts be attuned to sustainable development.
3. Conceptualized possible sustainable/ green agri-fishery project/ activity applicable I the school setting that shall uphold economic and societal development.
4. Discussed the challenges of globalization and trade liberalization to agriculture and fishery.
5. Pointed out and elaborated on supply and demand issues in agriculture; and
6. Identified some significant predictors of agricultural production.


Course Content/Subject Matter
Week 1 A. Basic Concept of Agricultural Crop
Week 2 B. Farm Tools, Equipment, Inputs and Labor
Week 3 C. Basic Calculation
Week 4 D. Plans and Drawings
Week 5 E. Apply Safety Measures in Farm Operations
Week 6 F. Basic Concept of Fishery
Week 7 G. Fish Culture
Week 8 H. Midterm Examination
Week 9 I. Fish Capture
Week 10 J. Fish Preservation
Week 11 K. Activity 1
Week 12 L. Activity 2
Week 13 M. Activity 3
Week 14 N. Practicum
One week (or an O. Final Examination
equivalent of three

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

1. To understand the importance of Agriculture and fisheries in the e-Portfolio 1. In this required output the students are expected to organize their reflections and
society. insights using a Reflection Guide Model (e.g. Gibb’s Reflection Model.)
Ideas and opinions on the topic discussed during sessions which may be posted
• Video Vlog in blogs can be included in the e-Portfolio. A Selection Rubrics by Smaldino, S. et.al.
• Sensory Analysis Articles (2008) can be used as criteria for grading.
2. To study the different classification of crops and fish • Research Different outputs made in the class can be filled as a portfolio or as an electronic
portfolio such as foliofor.me

A Lesson Plan Integrating Technology 2. In this task, students are expected to create a lesson plan showing clearly the
3. To understand the basic agricultural production integration of appropriate and innovative technologies in the teaching-learning
activities and assessment task using the ASSURE Model.
The criteria in the rubrics shall focus on the integration of technologies and the
ability to demonstrate ethical and legal responsibilities in the use of resources
4. To understand the basic aquaculture production Self-Learning Module
3. These tasks are given to evaluate the students’ knowledge and understanding of
concepts and principles of technology integration in instruction and appropriate
attitudes and values in becoming a teacher.
These are given to validate the results of their practical activities and to prepare
5. To be able to demonstrate fish culture, capture and Midterm and Final Examinations them for the licensure examination.


Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Define and appreciate A. BASIC CONCEPT OF Instructional Module Brief Lecture and Discussion via Recitation and Online Computer 1-2
agriculture and AGRICULTURAL CROP Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams with the aid of a Quiz. Laptop weeks
distinguish the branches TEC 166 PowerPoint presentation/Reading Android/IOS
of agriculture and 1. Define and Appreciate Agriculture Materials provide an overview of Phones
2. Brief History of Agriculture the areas in sensory evaluation. e-Modules

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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

different agricultural 3. Branches of Agriculture Lecture and Discussion via Recitation and Online Computer
crops. 4. Types of Agricultural Crops Microsoft Teams Quiz. Laptop
5. Types of Commercial Food Crops Android/IOS
in the Philippines Phones
6. Parts of the Plants and its e-Modules
2. Recognize and select B. FARM TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 2-3
farm tools and identify INPUTS AND LABOR Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Online Quiz. Laptop weeks
different farm equipment. TEC 166 Android/IOS
Understand farm 1. Recognize and Select Farm Tools Phones
maintenance and inputs. 2. Identify and Select Farm Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and e-Modules
Equipment Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper
3. Perform Maintenance Food Documentary Video/
4. Farm Inputs and Labor YouTube

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
3. Perform and C. BASIC CALCULATION Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 1-2
understand farm basic Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper Laptop weeks
workplace calculation. 1. Perform Basic Workplace TEC 166 Online Quiz Android/IOS
Calculation Phones
4. Interpret farm plans, D. PLANS AND DRAWINGS Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 2-3
lay-out and irrigation plan Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper Laptop weeks
and design. 1. Farm Plans and Lay-Out TEC 166 YouTube Online Quiz Android/IOS
2. Irrigation Plan and Design Phones
5. apply appropriate E. APPLY SAFETY MEASURES IN Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 1-2
safety measure in farm FARM OPERATIONS Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper Laptop weeks
operations and safe TEC 166 YouTube Online Quiz Android/IOS
keep/dispose materials 1. Safety Measure in Farm Phones
and outfit. Operations e-Modules

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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

2. Safe Keep/Dispose Materials and


Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
6. Recognize fishery and F. BASIC CONCEPT OF FISHERY Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 1-2
its importance. Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper Laptop weeks
Distinguish the different 1. Definition of Fishery and its TEC 166 YouTube Online Quiz Android/IOS
branches of fishery and Importance Phones
identify the morphology of 2. History of Fishery e-Modules
fish. 3. Branches of Fishery
4. Morphology of Fish
7. Understand the aspect, G. FISH CULTURE Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 1-2
classifications, methods Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper Laptop weeks
of fish culture. 1. Aspects, Classification and TEC 166 YouTube Online Quiz Android/IOS
Methods of Fish Culture Phones
2. Terminologies in Fish Culture e-Modules
3. Facilities, Parts of Fish Pond and
their Functions
4. Cultivable Fish and Crustacean

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
8. Identify the fishing I. FISH CAPTURE Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 1-2
methods and gears. Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper Laptop weeks
Perform the fishing gear 1. Fishing Methods, Gears, TEC 166 YouTube Online Quiz Android/IOS
construction and Construction, Operations, Proper Phones
operation. Handling and Safety Measures e-Modules

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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

2. Common Commercial Species of

Aquatic Species
9. Define the fish J. FISH PRESERVATION Instructional Module Lecture and Discussion via Recitation, Essay and Computer 1-2
preservation and Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries Microsoft Teams Reflection Paper Laptop weeks
terminologies. And 1. Fish Preservation Terminologies, TEC 166 YouTube Online Quiz Android/IOS
understand the fish Fish Body Cuts and Market Forms Phones
preservation principles. 2. Fish Preservation Principles, e-Modules
Characteristics of Fresh from Stale
Fish, Agents of Spoilage
3. Types of Fish Curing with their
Principles, Methods of Cutting Fish
and Tools and Equipment

Suggested Readings Documents:

and References
Agri-Fishery Arts Learning Module

Food Quality and Preference

Volume 10, Issues 4–5, July 1999, Pages 233-244

Statistics for Sensory and Consumer Science

Tormod Næs, Per Bruun Brockhoff, Oliver Tomic

EPBM&F: Lesson 21. Importance of Sensory Attributesecoursesonline.iasri.res.in

Module 2. Requirement of sensory evaluation and physiology of human senses


Sensory Evaluation
of Food Principles and Practices

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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

Second Edition
Measurement and Scaling I - FEPwww.fep.up.pt

Sensory Evaluation
of Food Principles and Practices
Second Edition
Measurement and Scaling I - FEPwww.fep.up.pt

FOOD QUALITY AND STANDARDS – Vol. I - Food Quality and Standards - Radomir Lásztity

Food Quality and Standards - eolsswww.eolss.net › sample-chapters

Course Requirements

Grading System

Assignment, Output 20%

(Oral presentation, Reflective Writing, Online Exam, Reflective
Essay etc.)
Quizzes 25%
Attendance and Online Class Participation 15%
(Students response to teacher-posted comprehension
questions. Students reflection on class required readings.)
Term Exam 40%

Credit Grade = (Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade)/2

Policies Online/ Flexible Teaching and Learning:

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OBTL Plan TEC 166 Introduction to Agriculture and Fisheries

1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform in every class; thus, all students are advised to download and install the aforementioned application. Just go to
office.com. and login using your @student.tsu.edu.ph account, choose Teams from the list of applications, from there your enrolled subjects will appear;
2. To uphold delivery of quality instruction, the class may also use added online platforms and applications like Zoom Cloud Meeting, FB Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp
and the like.
3. No Special Examination will be administered unless an excuse letter from parent/ guardian or medical certificate noted by the guidance counsellor and class adviser is
4. Attendance will be checked every meeting. A student must complete 85% of the session in order for him/her be given credit for attendance.
5. Assignments are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit assignments is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.

Course Title: AY/Term of Effectively: Prepared by: Reviewed by:



Recommending Approval:





Vice President for Academic Affairs

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