The Nutritional Value of Some Processed Meat Products in Malaysia

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Mal J Nutr 1: 83-94, 1995


The nutritional value of some processed meat products in Malaysia

Abdul Salam Babji and Seri Chempaka Mohd. Yusof Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Faculty of Life Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi. Selangor ABSTRACT Per capita consumption of meat and meat products in Malaysia more than doubled from 15.70 kg in 1970 to 35.71 kg in 1990. This increase in meat consumption is mainly due to the rapid development and wide acceptance of value added meat and poultry products amongst Malaysian consumers. Meat products such as burgers, sausages, hotdogs and nuggets are widely accepted and consumed by all ethnic groups at home as well as in the fast food restaurants. The significant expansion of the fast food industry and the increase consumption of processed meat products makes it necessary for a re-evaluation of the nutritional quality of popular meat products currently available in the market. This review paper described the quality of some processed meat products, their proximate composition, meat quality, use of non meat proteins and binders, and the use of additives in the formulation of burgers, frankfurters, nuggets, bologna, chicken and beef balls. Preliminary results on the protein efficiency ratio of local meat products seemed favourable but this study is limited to only one laboratory. In vivo and in vitro protein digestibility studies indicated high values on the digestibility of locally manufactured meat products. Proximate analysis of the raw materials used in the formulation of such products showed many with high fat and low protein contents being utilized. The meat content was lower than the minimum amount stated by the food regulation. This paper concludes that due to lack of information and studies on the nutritional composition of processed meat products, concerned bodies should take positive steps to generate reliable data to elucidate the actual nutritional composition of such products. It is also observed that many by-products from the animal industry from non-conventional sources are increasingly being utilized in the manufacture of processed meat product.


Babji AS & Seri Chempaka MY data/information and isolated research papers on the nutritional quality of a few local meat products. With consumption of further processed poultry and meat items on the increase and the meat industry utilizing more raw materials for value added products, it is important for scientists and nutritionists to monitor the quality of such food products. This paper reviews some R&D results pertaining to the chemical composition, food additives, meat content, and nutritional quality of some locally processed meat products. FOOD COMPONENTS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND

Malaysia has achieved rapid growth in the food industry sector. Of special interest currently is the significant development of value-added meat products dominating the chill and frozen section of retail outlets, supermarkets and fast food chains of restaurants. In 1983 the value of processed food originating from livestock exceeded 1,600 million Malaysian Ringgit. Malaysia imported about 30,000 tons of red meat in 1985 and estimate for 1995 is about 45,000 tons. Lately, most of the red meat is imported from India. Poultry and pig consumption are also expected to increase to 400,000 tons and 200,000 tons in 1995 respectively. Processed meats, especially hot dogs and hamburgers are common food items to many fast food outlets and supermarkets. In 1989 processed meats amounted to 45 million ringgit. Today, local producers have come out with many processed meats; mainly burgers, hotdogs, nuggets, sausages and meat balls and to a lesser extent, bologna, meat loaf, Salami and cured meat products. The specifications for Malaysian style processed meats are not clear but the Food Regulations (1985) do cover for minimum requirements for meat content, microbiology safety and the use of food additives for preservation purpose in such meat products. Research and development on value-added meat products are limited to only a few institutions, namely UKM, UPM, IMR and MARDI. A literature search on nutritional information on local meat and meat products revealed some food composition

The most popular meat product in Malaysia today is the burger ( chicken and beef). To date there are about 20 local manufacturers of beef and chicken burgers. Many used imported buffalo meat (from India) as the main component because it is readily available at low cost compared to local beef for making beef burgers. For chicken burger, trimmings and lower priced cuts and spent hens are utilized for the formulation. Many other non-meat components are added in locally produced burgers (Tables 1, 2). These include textured vegetable protein, bread crumbs, starch, oxfat, soya bean, egg powder, potatoes, groundnuts, gluten and caseinate. Local burgers also include additives, (phosphates, monosodium glutamate, salts, artificial flavors, soy sauce, sugar and nitrate), spices, (chilli, curry, paprika, coriander, garlic, onion, tumeric, ginger and others) colours, (Apo-carotenal, sunset yellow, EdicolOrange and Geranyl 2G) and

The nutritional value of some processed meat products Table 1. Local brand names of beefburgers, manufacturers and ingredient


food preservatives. The proximate analyses of locally processed beef and chicken burgers have beened reported by Babji (1986; 1988a; 1988b), Babji, Sayuwa and Aminah (1985) and Babji and Letchumanan (1989). We observed that in general locally produced burgers have lower protein and higher fat and carbohydrate contents, when compared to those from franchised burger products. Table 3 shows the protein, fat,

moisture, ash and carbohydrate contents of local beef and chicken burgers. The lower protein content is due to substitution with non meat components mentioned earlier,since beef and chicken (meat proteins) are relatively more expensive than non-meat components. Fat content did not exceed 30% (maximum amount stipulated in the Food Regulation, 1985) in most locally produced burgers, but it is relatively higher.


Babji AS & Seri Chempaka MY Table 2. Food additives formulated into various processed meats in Malaysia

Table 3. Proximate analyses of locally processed burgers (wet weight basis)*

The nutritional value of some processed meat products than those of the franchised produced burgers. Table 4 shows the quantification of meat content, soy protein concentrate, and cereal starch component in local beef burgers. Total pigment was taken as the best estimate for meat content (Babji 1988). Total pigment ranged from a low of 0.51 mg/g to a high of 3.10 mg/g of meat, corresponding to 23.5 to 70.1% meat content respectively. All, except for two brand names of beef burgers contained less than 65% meat (minimum requirement stipulated by Food Regulation 1985). Soy protein ranged from 15.4 to 36.5%. Beef burgers with lower meat content seem to have more soya protein and cereal added in the formulation. In an earlier study, Babji et al. (1985) compared three franchised beef burgers with seven popular


locally manufactured beef burgers. Table 5 shows that using total pigment as an indicator to measure meat content, the 100% meat content of franchised burger is equivalent to about 4.8 - 5 mg/g meat. Soy protein concentrate, soya flour and cereals are used to substitute meat in the locally produced beef burgers. The addition of other components such as non-meat protein, water and food additive are shown in Table 6. The Food Regulation (1985) stated that processed meat should not contain less than 1.7% nitrogen in the organic form. In our study (1988) the total nitrogen content ranged from 1.84 to 2.56%, thus satisfying the nitrogen requirement. It should be noted that non-meat components such as

Table 4. Total pigments, soy protein, cereal and meat contents of hamburgers


Babji AS & Seri Chempaka MY

Table 5. Mean values of soy protein, cereal, total meat pigment and estimated meat contents in local and franchised beef burgers in Malaysia*

Table 6. Total nitrogen content, phosphorus pentoxide, added water and Feder number in locally processed hamburgers.*

The nutritional value of some processed meat products soyprotein, cereals and other protein components are also formulated into locally manufactured hamburgers. For beef burger, beef trimming, chuck or buffalo meat are used with TVP, starch, spice mix, sugar, MSG, onion and pepper. Some used egg white, colours, and special spice mix to obtain products with flavour, colour texture and taste to the liking of Malaysian taste buds. In the last few years, manufacturers have been looking seriously into maximizing the utilization of animal industry by products. With export market demanding more premium cuts and portion of poultry meat, a new range of unconventional byproducts are now available in abundance for utilization in value added meat products. These include mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM), low quality chicken trimmings (LQCT), high quality chicken trimmings (HQCT), bird breader cull (BBC) and breast chicken trimmings (BCT), tons of each being produced from five of the largest poultry industry in Malaysia. Tables 7 & 8 show the proximate composition of


conventional and unconventional protein raw materials currently available from the poultry industry. Tables 9 shows the composition of protein, fat, ash and moisture of various type of chicken meat products that are locally manufactured. Many of these products utilized the newly-found unconventional by-products as shown in Table 8. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION MEAT PROTEINS OF

Babji and Letchumanan (1989) reported on the rat bioassay for protein efficiency ratio, in-vitro protein digestibility as well as in vivo digestibility of protein in locally produced beef burgers and compared the results with pure beef burgers as well as soybeef burger. Table 10 shows the PER values, in-vitro and in-vivo protein digestibilities of locally produced beef burgers with comparison to pure beef, soya beef and a casein reference. Although the PER values were lower than p beef and soya-beef, ure local beef burgers had

Table 7. Proximate analyses of raw material (Conventional and non-conventional proteins) from poultry industry*


Babji AS & Seri Chempaka MY Table 8. Proximate analyses of raw material (Non-conventional protein) from a poultry industry grading system.*

PER value above 2.0, considered good in term of protein quality. Recently, Babji and Ismail (1993) did a preliminary study to evaluate the protein quality of imported hotdog and compared it with two locally produced hotdogs, all made using unconventional protein by products raw materials. The PER values of the two local hotdogs were higher (2.79 and 2.02) compared to the Imported hotdog from a European country which had a PER score of 1.9. The in-vivo protein digestibility was also higher for local hotdog in comparison to the imported hotdog (Table 11). Further studies on the most popular range of local and imported processed meat products is seriously needed. Mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) has recently entered the Malaysian food market. Many imported frankfurters from beef and chicken contained mechanically deboned meat (MDM). The chemical composition and nutritional quality of MDM is different

compared to normal meat. Table 12 shows the chemical composition of various type of chicken parts. Generally, the protein content is lower than broiler meat and the fat content is higher (12.0 - 28%). The ash content is also higher ranging from 0.6 - 1.4%. The PER, in-vivo and in-vitro digestibilities of MDPM using rat bioassay are shown in Tables 13 & 14. Babji, Froning and Satterlee (1980) reported PER values of 1.90 - 2.65 indicating good to excellent protein biological value deriving from mechanically deboned processing of meat. Digestibility values are also comparable to standard casein. These results suggested that MDM are beneficial in increasing the nutritional content of such processed poultry products. It has high contents of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, but also higher content of fat. So nutritionists need to be well informed of the chemical composition and the nutrient contribution from such processed meat products.

The nutritional value of some processed meat products Table 9. Proximate analyses in some poultry processed products.*


Table 10. PER values, % in vivo apparent disgestibility and in vitro digestibility of local, formulated hamburgers and casein reference.2


Babji AS & Seri Chempaka MY

.Table 11. PER values and in vivo protein digestibility of chicken frankfurter samples.

Table 12. Composition of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM)

Table 13. In vivo and in vitro measurements of protein digestibility of mechanically deboned poultry meat.

The nutritional value of some processed meat products


Table 14. Protein efficiency ratios for rats fed mechanically deboned poultry meat.

CONCLUSION Nutritional information such as proximate composition and biological values (PER, in vitro and in vivo digestibility) are seriously lacking on meat products like burgers, hotdogs and other processed meat products in Malaysia. The data presented in this paper is limited to one laboratory. There is a need to conduct more studies on the chemical composition and nutritional evaluation of locally processed meat products. The few studies carried out earlier indicated the use of non-meat proteins in many local products, some of which have lower protein content and biological value when compared to pure meat samples. REFERENCES Babji AS, Froning GW & Satterlee LD (1980). Protein nutritional quality of mechanically deboned poultry meat as predicted by the C-PER assay. J Food Sci 45(3):44 1-443. Babji AS, Sayuwa A & Aminah A (1985). The need for standards and specifications of processed meats in Malaysia. Paper presented at ASAIHL Seminar on Food Technology and Nutrition. 8-10 July, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Babji AS (1986). Nutritional evaluation and the use of food additives in local meat products in ASEAN. An ISEAS Fellowship Award Field Report. Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore. Babji AS (1988a). Quality control of meat and non-meat component in local hamburgers. Proceedings of 34th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 29 Aug - 2 Sept, Brisbane, Australia, Part B 387-390. Babji AS (1988b). Status pemakanan dan kawalan mutu dalam industri daging terproses

Babji AS & Seri Chempaka MY di Malaysia. Imperatif Penyelidikan Dalam Sains Hayat, p 161-175. Babji AS & Letchumanan S (1989). Evaluation of nutritive value of local and soy-beef hamburgers. In AOCS vegetable protein utilization in human foods and animal feeds tuffs. ed TH Applewhite. Pp 237-242. Babji AS and Ismail MN (1993). Protein Efficiency Ratio and In vitro digestibility of some franksfurters. Unpublished data. Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, UKM, Bangi, Selangor. Froning OW (1970). Poultry meat sources and their emulsifying characteristics as related to processing variables. Poultry Sci 49:6.


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