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University of Mumbai







“Ankesh Ranjeet Prajapati’’






This is to certify that MR. ANKESH RANJEET PRAJAPATI has completed his project under the
title of “THE IMPACT ON TEAM WORK ON ORGANISATION” under my guidance as per
curriculum of university of Mumbai
To the best of my knowledge her work is original and he has done excellent work
I wish all the best in her Future Endeavor.

---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Signature of the project guide signature of principal

--------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
HOD, BMS Department. Signature of external examiner
Ankesh R. Prajapati of P.L. SHROFF COLLEGE of T.Y.B.M.S. (SEMESTER
VI) declare that I have completed this project report on “ THE IMPACT ON
TEAM WORK ON ORGANISATION” in the academic year 2021-2022. The
information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Further Details:
Name: Ankesh Ranjeet Prajapati
Guide: Prof. Vidya Dahisarkar.


No significant achievement can be a solo performance, especially when it comes to Preparing a

project. This project has by no means exception. I believe that if it were not for the Support,
confidence and encouragement of many people, this report would look much different Than it does

I present sincere thanks to course coordinator Mrs. Vidya Dahisarkar for giving us an Opportunity
to carry out a project report THE IMPACT ON TEAM WORK ON ORGANISATION on
Youth and also thank to Mrs. Vidya Dahisarkar for her continuous support and guidance during
the project. The practical and Learning inputs, which she provided me during whole program, will
always add a great learning Experience in my career and personal life.

At the end, I would also like to extend sincere thanks to our college Principal Dr. Pramila Raut For
her role as a leader and provoking us to do better things in life every time. I take this Opportunity to
express my deepest gratitude to all those people without whose consistent support, Co-operation,
guidance, encouragement and understanding, this project would never have been Successfully

















The study was set to examine the relationship between employee teamwork and
organization performance especially Viraj Pvt. Ltd. Study was guided by the
objective of to find out benefit of employee team work at Viraj Pvt. Ltd., to
access the relationship between employee teamwork and performance of Viraj
Pvt. Ltd. And to investigate the challenges faced by Viraj Pvt. Ltd. It used data
collected by the use of questionnaire and interview and during data collection
purposive sampling was used. Both quantitative and qualitative research
methodologies were also used as descriptive research design was employed as a
sample size of 50 respondent was used.
The study concluded that team work is critical in the functioning of an
organization and reasons for employee working as a team at Viraj Pvt. Ltd. Are;
to reduce on the cost, to encourage efficiency and effectiveness to promote
productivity, to act as advertising for easy communication and to reduce on
employee’s mistake. It was also concluded that there is a strong relationship is a
positive one that translates to increased performance. In addition, the study
concluded that labour turnover, competition, high transport cost, weather
condition, load shedding, high cost of rent, high government taxes, Ltd network
coverage, and inflation are the major challenges facing Viraj Pvt. Ltd.
Residency branch.
The study recommended that there is need to organize workshop and training to
inform staff on team work, need to motivate further the employee of Viraj, need
for the company to find a bigger space of operation and that Viraj should
thought to step up their network come rainy come shining weather condition.
Lastly, that the relationship between employee motivation and performance of
Viraj Pvt. Ltd. And the effect of workshop and training on the performance of
employees in organization are suggested areas for further studies.

In today’s society there have been so much emphasis on pride and personal
achievement at work place; where by the concept of team work seems to be
overlooked by managers and employees, due to this management sees less
essence of teamwork as a major tool of performance which has lead them to
poor performance and productivity in the industry market. Therefore the study
seeks to identify the impact teamwork has on organization performance.

The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with team work
identify the positive or negative effect of teamwork on employees and to
examine the impact of teamwork on organization performance.

This research study analyzes the impact of teamwork on organizational

performance on the employees. Several measures of team performance were
analyzed including team trust, recognition and rewards.

Convenience sampling technique was used to select the employees whiles

purposive sampling technique was used to select management in the
organization. A self-structure questionnaire was used in the data collection. The
research study used correlation techniques in order to analyze the relationship
between two variables that was teamwork and organization performance are
positively related with organization performance. The result of the study shows
that there was a significant positive impact of teamwork on organizational

Team can be described as a group of people who work together to achieve the
same goals and objective for the good of the service users and organization in
order to deliver a good quality of services. Team building, planning event and
activities have the potential to bring the people you employed to a strong sense
of direction workable plans and solution a powerful feeling of belonging with
and planning session bring disillusionment low moral and negative motivation
of the entire organization. They fail to deliver the result expected. Organizations
flounder with little strategic direction everyone work hand but usually on the
wrong task and goals. Employees take baby step toward accomplishing key
action item and nothing importance is finished (Husain, 2011).

Team work is the ability to work together toward a common vision. Teamwork
is a fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Collective
action is widely recognized as a positive force for teamwork in any organization
or institution to succeed. Team enable individual to empower themselves and to
increase benefit from cooperative work engaged on as a group. Getting together
with other also can allow individual to better understand the importance of
teamwork and how the organization operate as well as promote the culture of
teamwork success. Without team work house take long to build, government
collapse and companies are outshined by their competitors in the market and
lastly without teamwork people 3 lose their inspiration. According to wage man
(1997) “company’s teamwork is the only way anything get accomplished with
quality and efficiency and a major reason why economic growth is under
control and company success is scrutinized by top management to achieve the
desired goals”.

Team are replacing individuals as the basic building block of organization

French language television programs has shifted to team based project and
giving more recognition to team than to individual. Companies are not just
looking for technical ability but looking for people who can work on team and
solve problems.
According to Steiner (1972) team and teamwork are not novel concept; team
and team thinking have been around for years at companies such as Procter and
Gamble; and Botany. In the 1980s the manufacturing and auto industries
embraced a new team-oriented approach when united states firms retooled to
combat Japanese competitor who was quickly gaining market share. Brown et al
(1996) examined that manager discovered the large body of research indicating
that teams can be more that the tradition corporate structure for making
decision quickly and efficiently. He further said that team needed for the
restructure and reengineering processes of the future giving instance that simple
change like encouraging input and feedbacks from works on the line make
dramatic improvements.

Even from time of creation, God applied the concept of team work when he said
“Let us make man in our own image”. This statement bring out the fact that God
in the 4 creation processes work with other heavenly being hence the essence of
team in bringing productivity, ‘Man’.

Hence companies have to encourage teamwork in order to gain competitive

advantage because its base where new ideas come from. To employees
teamwork is seen as constitution a largest groups of people that what job
position describes. The essence of teamwork is the workload is reduced and
broken into pieces of work for everyone to take part. The backward
development in organization today can be attributed to inadequate teamwork
among workers in an organization which in the long run affects the performance
of the organization. Huge amount of money is also lost due to teamwork
inadequancies which to say the least drains the organization meager resources
with its far-reaching and attendant consequences on the development of the

Research methodology
A project is like a journey and it is always better to have at least the faintest of ideas of the probable
direction of our destination. Initially we have to decide upon the general area of interest or the aspect
of the subject to inquiry into. This decision is rather broad and not very precise. It is crude indication
of the purpose of the study and is of little help for further planning and organization of the study.
Research Methodology is defined as a more systematic activity directed towards discovery and the
development of an organized body of knowledge. An efficient research contributes to the evaluation
of a proper decision, which ultimately affects the path the organization will choose. The data collected
is of paramount importance and hence the research process has to be effective and an efficient one.

Data Collection
Primary Data:
Questionnaire method
Visit to factory
Secondary Data:
Reference book
Statement of the problem
In today’s society, there have been so much emphasis on pride and personal
achievement at work place where by the concept of teamwork seems to be
overlooked by managers and employees due to this management sees less
essence of team work as a major tool of performance which has lead them to
poor performance and productivity in the industry market. Therefore the study
seeks to identify the impact “Two are better than one, because they have a good
reward for their hand work. For if one of them should fall, the other one can
raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls when there is
not another to raise him up?” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, KJV). This implies that
teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do no his or her own.
Teamwork is defined as “a small number of people with complementary skills
who are committed to a common purpose performance goals and approach for
which they are mutually accountable.”
Objective of the study
1. To identify the factory associated with teamwork.
2. To identify the positive or negative effects of teamwork on employees.
3. To examine the impact of teamwork on organization performance.
4. To highlight the main factors associated with teamwork.
5. To define the effects of teamwork, leadership, trust and performance
appraisals on the performance.
Significance of the study
A lot of research work has bee carried out on the concept of teamwork by many

This research work is not out a rightly deviation from all other work that have
been carried out on the concept. In this study, the research tries to ascertain how
teamwork affect organizational performance.

At the end of this research it will subsequently help manager of organizations

especially VIRAJ COMPANY PVT. LTD to decide whether to encourage team
working more than that of individually or the other wise to employees it will
also help them to know if it good to work as a team or individually, and last of
all this research paper will also serve as starting point from other researchers
who want to conduct their research on this same concept.
Scope and limitations of the study
The scopes of this research are employees and managers of VIRAJ COMPANY
PVT. LTD, the research looks at teamwork and organization performance in
relation to productivity.

Financial difficulties limited the scope and content of the study. Due to the oath
of secrecy take by people who were concerned; it was difficult for them to
divulge information which would have been required on the topic. The target
groups were having little interest in providing data. In some cases they were
reluctant to supply the required information.

Despite these limitation a through observation was done during the study, to
reduce the limitation so that conclusions that were drawn would be acceptable
Definitions of terms

Team: A team is a formal group of members who interact at a high level and work together
intensely to achieve a common group goal. When teams are effective, they draw on the abilities and
experiences of their members to accomplish things that could not be achieved by individuals working
separately or by other kinds of work group (Jones et al, 2008). Teams are especially appropriate for
conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.

Group: A group is a set of two or more people who interact with each other to achieve certain
goals or meet certain needs. A group in itself does not necessarily constitute a team. Teams normally
have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which
allows each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.

Teamwork: It is the interdependent components of performance required to effectively

coordinate the performance TO multiple individual; as such, teamwork is the broader concept of team
performance which also includes individual-level task Work. Respondents are the people who are
going to answer the questionnaire.

Productivity: It is the effective and efficient use of all resources. Resources Include time,
people knowledge, information, finance, equipment, space, energy, Materials.

Performance: Is the accomplishment of a given task measured against present Known

standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.

Organization: Is a social entity, such as an institution or an association that has a Collective

goal and is linked to an external environment
Organization of the chapters
Chapter one; which is the introduction covers the background of the study, statement of the problem,
objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms
and organization of the study. Chapter two covers the literature review on the impact of teamwork on
organizational performance. Chapter three introduces the methodology employed in the conduction of
the research. Chapter four looks at the general information, data analysis and discussion of the data.
Chapter five captures the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study or research.

The impact of teams on organizational performance has been a topic of many Researches done by
academics and practitioners for the previous years (Jones et al, 2008). The main likely reason for this
attentiveness is the belief that teams can Affect the performance of organizations. The work of a team
is deliberated by some Researchers to be particularly important in achieving organizational goals and
in Evoking performance among subordinates. Several reasons indicate that there Should be a
relationship between teamwork, and performance. Scholars and Practitioners suggest that effective
team behaviours can facilitate the improvement Of performance when organizations face new
challenges. Understanding the impact Of teamwork on performance is important because teamwork is
viewed by some Researchers as one of the key driving force for improving a firm’s performance
(Jones et al, 2008).
Overview of Teamwork

Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively, as in sales Team, sports team etc.
It has also become so valued that many large corporations Have developed specific tests to measure
potential employee’s teamwork ability. Hence, it has become important goal in most work places, the
belief is that Teamwork gives employees a sense of ownership and encourages cooperation.

Team has been around for as long as anyone can remember and there can be few Organizations that
have not used the team in one sense or another. It is common to Hear of management teams,
production teams, service team or even whole Organizations being referred to as teams that is, many
organization today are Moving towards “team based” approach to work, this means that working in
teams Is the basic method used to get work done in these organizations. As a result, Employers stress
the importance of employees working as a team and advertise for Staff with the ability to work in
such a way.

Teams are replacing individuals as the basic building blocks of organization French language
television programs has shifted to team-based projects and giving More recognition to teams than to
individuals. Companies are not just looking for Technical ability but looking for people who can work
on teams and solve Problems.

Teams and teamwork are not novel concepts; teams and team thinking have been Around for years at
companies such as Procter and Gamble; and Botany. In the 1980s the manufacturing and auto
industries embraced a new team-oriented Approach when United States firms retooled to combat
Japanese competitor who Were quickly gaining market share. Brown et al (1996) examined that
managers Discovered the large body of research indicating that teams can be more than the Tradition
corporate structure for making decisions quickly and efficiently. He Further said that teams needed for
the restructuring and reengineering processes of The future giving instances that simple changes like
encouraging input and Feedbacks from workers on the line make dramatic improvements.

According to Taylorist model, work was divided into narrow function with short, Repetitive work
cycles and the work method prescribed in detail but this system fail To offer sufficient scope for a
process of upgrading and innovation, which is Essential for quick change and adaptation (Taylorist
2003). In current times there Has been growing emphasis in tertiary education that students should
develop Professional skills as part of their education. Skills such as problem solving, Communication,
collaboration, interpersonal skills, social skills and time Management are actively being targeted by
prospective employers as essential Requirement for employ ability especially in team environment. Of
these, Employment authorities consistently mention collaboration and teamwork as being A critical
skill, essential in almost all working environments.
Team Structure

Organizations can be structured in various ways, and the structure of an Organization can determine
the modes in which it operates and performs. The team Structure is a newer type of organizational
structure, often seen as less hierarchical, In which individuals are grouped into teams.

There is nothing like one size fits all type of concept at play when handling Different types of team
structures for specific goals in mind. Deep thought and Consideration is required to identify, assemble
and also convince the team Members to work together on a variety of assignments. According to him
there are Two major team structures that an organization forms to meet objectives:
Functional teams

Some teams are like a shadow in the background, they are always there but not very visible, yet most
essential to run day to day operations of the organization. These teams for most part handle finance,
sales and marketing and are deemed to be the functional leg of the entire organization. Such teams
usually work under broad guidelines and policies formulated by the top executives of the corporation
and it runs more or less smoothly without much fuss and noise.

Largely they are left to execute and achieve the grand vision of the organization, until there is need to
take stock of the situation. Such scenarios may arise out of market dynamics like competition
breathing down the neck, technological shifts, and change in regulatory framework or amendments in
the Law of the land. These teams are recruited with due consideration and deliberation and they
follow a routine and pattern laid down beforehand by the executives. They are more or less permanent
and some team members may even outlast the organization.
Project teams

On the other hand project teams are different animals altogether. They are put together to execute
certain tasks, reach certain goals or accomplish a vision in a time bound manner. Once the target is
achieved, these teams are in most cases disbanded and team members go back to their routine tasks.
For example a project specific team may have ten percent increase in market share as their target to be
achieved in a span of three quarters.

Such a team may comprise the marketing head, the advertising head, the financial controller and the
operational supervisor, each contributing with their respective expertise and skill set to realize the
common goal. As soon as the market share goal is achieved within the time frame, they may hand
over the reins of maintaining the market share to the functional team. Sometime the goal is too large
to achieve by a single team, so it is broken down into smaller goals and set to be achieved by sub
teams within a matrix of teams.
Team Effectiveness

There is no question that today’s emphasis on teams is more than just a Management fad.

Research in organizational effectiveness has repeatedly validated the view that Teams are valuable to
an organization. However, teams can be done right or they Can be done wrong. When done well,
teams can bring a lot of good things to an Organization. When done poorly, they can sap motivation
out of an organization Faster than almost anything else. Ineffective teams are a bad sign for the future
of An organization. If we’re going to do them, we need to do them right.

This paper is a summarization of my own experiences, both good and bad with Teams over the years
and current results from the literature on organizational Development about what it takes to make a
successful team.

Teams as part of everyone’s life and as part of organizational building is often View as a group (a
collection of people) who interact to achieve a common goal but An effective, well-functioning team
is much more than this (Murray 2000). It has Been found that it dramatically affects organizational
performance. Some managers Have credited teams with helping them to achieve incredible results.
Participants in an effective team care about the group’s well-being skill fully Combined individual
talents with a positive team spirit to achieve results regardless Of whether the program effort is that of
an individual or several individuals. Developing team skills have been seen as important because of
the tremendous Explosion in the use of teams in work organization over the last decade.
Positive Effectiveness of Team
Employees Performance

Organizations which have emphasized more on teams have results in increased Employee
performance, greater productivity and better problem solving at work.

One research study concludes that to teach individuals on how to work in teams is Not an easy task
because to teach individuals to work in teams is inappropriate (Crosby, 1991). Bacon and Blyton
(2006) highlighted the two important factors i.e. Self-management team and interpersonal team skills.
These factors enhance the Communication as well as interpersonal relationship between team
members and Also boost the employee performances. Teamwork is a significant tool of new type Of
work organization. Teamwork is a precise organizational measure that shows Many different features
in all type of organizations including non-profit (Mulika, 2010). One research study concluded that
the good manager is the one who assigns The responsibilities to his/her employee in a form of group
or team in order to take Maximum output from employees (Ingram, 2000). Another study concluded
that it Should be possible to design a system of team building within every organization For
employees in order to promote and distribute best practice and maximize Output. The main emphasis
for designing and implementing such a system is Ultimately to improve employee teaching (Washer,
2006). According to Ingram (2000) teamwork is a strategy that has a potential to improve the
performance of Individuals and organizations, but it needs to be nurtured over time. Organizations
Need to look at strategies for improving performance in the light of increasingly Competitive
environments. Top managers need to have the vision to introduce Teamwork activities within the
organizations, the sensitivity to nourish it and the courage to permit teams to play an important part
in decision making. Conti and Kleiner (2003) reported that teams offer greater participation,
challenges and feelings of accomplishment. Organizations with teams will attract and retain the best
people. This in turn will create a high performance organization that is flexible, efficient and most
importantly, profitable
Boost to Productivity

According To Nicholas Bate(2006), by boosting productivity, we mean boosting Your output at work
so that you can respond to tough, difficult competitive Situations or so that you can handle more
challenges at home; when teenagers Diversify their interest and need more of your time and support
for instance. Importantly boosting your productivity shows you how to do this without Detriment to
the overall balance of your life. Essentially, it is about getting more Out of the same time or the same
out of less time.

Leading researchers in the field of work organization; Katzenbach and smith (1993) are convinced
that people working in team function more efficiently, are Less prone to stress, and such individuals
make greater effort in their work. Such Individuals are less prone to stress because tasks or problems
of the organization is Broken down thereby reducing the workload on an individual. When the
workload Is reduced, it encourages employees to broaden their skills and knowledge and this Leads to
higher performance and productivity.
Good Decision-making and Implementation

Teamwork has been used by companies to implement strategic decision that are Taken in response to
a range of business challenges and pressures (EWON, 1998). A company’s attitude to the introduction
of team is important in the process of Implementation in decision making in that an effective team
brings out ideal Strategy of an organization hence enhancing its performance.

High performance teams have both a clear understanding of the goal and objectives To achieve and
the belief that the goals and objective embody a worthwhile or Important result. For these reasons
team objective and responsibilities are defined And these assist in a quick decision implementation.
Team Trust

Trust among the team members comes when member of the teams develop the Confidence in each
other competence. One research study concluded that trust Among the team members develop the
unique skills and coordination of Individuals.

There is positive relationship between the team performance and trust. Trust generates the behavioural
basis of teamwork, which results in organizational Synergy and better performance of an employee.
Development of trust within the Organization is the responsibility of individuals. Creation of
conducive and the Trustable environment for synergetic teamwork is the responsibility of
Organization. Organization should transform the trustworthy behaviour for Measurement into
performance appraisal system to promote the organizational Values. High performance teams within
the organization exist when there is Cooperation and unity exists between members. Reducing
mistakes, quality out Puts, increased in productivity and customer satisfaction are the variety of
criteria Through which the performance of the team is evaluated. Cooperation of the team Members
can only be created when the trust comes to be most important value of The team culture. Trust
provides an atmosphere for the team members where Members can discuss their mistakes, accept
criticism and freely express their Feelings so this leads to more synergy.
Recognition & Rewards

Recognition and rewards are the primary focus of the individuals who are working In teams.
Perceptive managers know and constantly capture the benefits of the Team.

Teams show the collective strength of the individuals and boost the motivation and Morale of
individual as well. Managers critically observe the team members hidden Working potential otherwise
managers may lose them. Teamwork is the collective Way of working which result in potential
benefits and greater synergy. Managers Must plan and design an appropriate reward system for the
employee and Encourage their participation in team projects. They must also set the group goals
Which are connected towards the company strategic plan, building of employee Performance and fair
payment methods. After implementation of above captioned Concern, managers are able to establish
their teams. Periodically monitoring the Team work activities in order to check its effectiveness
should be the primary focus Of every business strategy. Researcher further suggested that team work
is a fragile Process which needs to be handling carefully in a supportive organizational Environment.

Argue that effective organizational environment is one in which employee Communicate, participate
and work in trustable atmosphere. Reward and Recognition can provide both intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation. Reported that Extrinsic rewards are the main factor to provide employee movement in
positive Manner.
Negative Effectiveness of Team

Along with the existence of positive and constructive team roles, negative and Destructive agendas
can emerge that undermine the ability of individual teams to Function and perform adequately.
Negative and destructive roles emerge for a Variety of reasons, including personal agendas, resistance
to change, immaturity, And lack of motivation and/or team leadership and management. One of a
leader’s Major roles is to observe individual team members and watch for destructive and Negative
behaviours. When problems surface, they need to encourage the team to Collectively recognize and
handle them within the team environment. If this fails, it Is up to leaders to take specific action with
the offending individual(s).

Leaders need to be watchful for the following negative roles and behaviours within Their individual

The aggressor criticizes everything said within the team environment, and is in Effect an active
naysayer. He or she has the ability to block the introduction of new Ideas and concepts by minimizing
and deflating the status of other team members And creating a sense of intimidation. If this behaviour
and role is not checked it will tend to decrease the team’s overall Motivation and subsequent member


The blocker is a dominant personality who automatically rejects the views and Perspectives of others
out of hand. This individual blocks the team’s ability to Brainstorm and discuss the merits of new
concepts and ideas raised. Like the Aggressor, this individual can be highly detrimental to the team
effort as he or she Intimidates individual members, limits their participation and decreases overall
Team motivation and involvement.


The withdrawer holds back his or her personal participation and refuses to become Active within the
team environment. This individual focuses the team on his or her Immature behaviour and attempts to
resolve the conflict and unrest it creates, which effectively limits the team’s ability to make progress
on problems and assigned Projects

Recognition Seeker

The recognition seeker looks for personal attention and in so doing monopolizes The discussion by
continually asserting his or her personal ideas, suggestions and Viewpoints. The recognition seeker is
also attempting to win the team over to his or Her ideas and opinions. Unfortunately, this behaviour
minimizes other individual Team members input, which hampers overall team participation,
involvement and Motivation.

Topic Jumper

A topic jumper is unable to explore any specific topic in depth. He or she displays A short attention
span and continually interrupts group discussions by attempting to Change the subject

These continual interruptions diminish overall productivity by keeping team

Meetings off-focus.


The dominator displays threatening and bullying behaviour within the team setting. This individual
uses intimidating and minimizing behaviour in an attempt to take Over the team and control all
discussions. The dominator will typically “hijack” the Team by coercing it to pursue his or her
personal agenda.

Devil’s Advocate

While the devil’s advocate in the sense of introducing different viewpoints into the Team discussion is
a positive team function, it can become a negative role when Used to block team progress or
consensus. In this regard, the devil’s advocate is Simply a naysayer that refuses to allow the team to
move forward.
Performance of Organization

It is difficult to formulate an unambiguous and definitive description of Performance’, since this

ultimately depends upon the objectives of the particular Organization. Nevertheless, a wide range of
performance indicators have been Investigated in organizations, and, for the purposes of this review,
we look at these Under the headings of operational outcomes and financial outcomes. The former
Would include productivity (e.g. the number of hours to assemble a car), the quality Of the product or
service, innovation and customer satisfaction; the latter, value- added Employee and return on capital
employed. To complicate matters, many Of these indicators can be recorded at different levels within
an organization. Productivity, for example, can be measured at department, workplace or company

In addition, when one begins to consider the team-based literature, another set of performance
Outcomes come. A number of these studies are designed to show the Outcomes for individual team
members or the team itself. While some of these Measures-job satisfaction, for example, or
absenteeism – may not seem directly Relevant to the present study, subsequent discussion will show
that there are Important links with organizational performance.

A number of theoretical arguments have been developed to explain why team Working might lead to
improved organizational performance. Some theories focus On the effort and motivation of individual
workers and claim that they work harder. Strategic HRM theory, for example, suggests that an
appropriately designed HR System, which typically includes teamwork, will have a positive effect on
an Employee’s job satisfaction, commitment and motivation, leading to behavioural Changes that
result in improved organizational performance. Similarly, self-leadership theory focuses on
participatory decision-making, Individual discretion and teamwork as important motivating factors,
and suggests These will lead to more committed employees who strive for greater efficiency and
Effectiveness. Work design theory, however, tends to emphasize intra-group processes Such as job
design, task variety and interdependence (Wall and Martin 1987), while sociotechnical theory
highlights changes in the structure of an Organization and its processes as the main mechanism by
which performance is Enhanced. It is apparent from this that the teamwork- performance link is
related to The more general discussions surrounding HRM and performance, empowerment, Self-
leadership and so on. However, teamwork research should not be considered Only within these
contexts since a specific team working literature has emerged Over the course of time.
Productivity of Employees
More than ever before. Teams can expand the outputs of individuals through In this era of increased
competition, leaders recognize the importance of teamwork Collaboration. Employees who are
working in teams become the standard for the Organization. It is the mean of improving man-power
utilization and potentially Raising performance of individual. With a support from upper level
management, an Employee works confidently in team and increases productivity of the Organization.
Nowadays, in the new business world, managers are assigning more team projects to employees with
opportunities to strengthen their knowledge and Develop their skills. Recent study shows that
employee working within the team Can produce more output as compared to individual (Jones,
Richard, Paul, Sloane & Peter,). According to Cohen and Bailey an employee team is a collection of
Individuals who are interdependent in the tasks and who share responsibility for The outcomes.
Team’s enables people to cooperate, enhance individual skills and Provide constructive feedback
without any conflict between individuals (Jones et Al., 2007). Teamwork is an important factor for
smooth functioning of an Organization. Most of the organizational activities become complex due to
Advancement in technology therefore teamwork is a major focus of many Organizations. One
research study concluded that teamwork is necessary for all types of organization including Non profit
organizations (Pfaff & Huddleston,2003). Team members enhance the skills, knowledge and abilities
while working In teams (Froebel and Marchington, 2005).This means that employees who work in
Teams are able to improve upon their skills, knowledge and ability by learning from Each other as
they are working in a team, and due to that it enable them produce effectively and efficiently as
company to employees who work individually in organization
Performance of Organization
It is difficult to formulate an unambiguous and definitive description of ‘performance’, since this
ultimately depends upon the objectives of the particular Organization. Nevertheless, a wide range of
performance indicators have been Investigated in organizations, and, for the purposes of this review,
we look at these Under the headings of operational outcomes and financial outcomes. The former
Would include productivity (e.g. the number of hours to assemble a car), the quality Of the product or
service, innovation and customer satisfaction; the latter, value- Added per employee and return on
capital employed. To complicate matters, many Of these indicators can be recorded at different levels
within an organization. Productivity, for example, can be measured at department, workplace or
company Level.

In addition, when one begins to consider the team-based literature, another set of Performance’
outcomes come to the fore (Cohen and Bailey 1997). A number of These studies are designed to show
the outcomes for individual team members or The team itself. While some of these measures, job
satisfaction, for example, or Absenteeism-May not seem directly relevant to the present study,
subsequent Discussion will show that there are important links with organizational Performance.

A number of theoretical arguments have been developed to explain why team Working might lead to
improved organizational performance. Some theories focus On the effort and motivation of individual
workers and claim that they work harder. strategic HRM theory, for example, suggests that an
appropriately designed HR System which typically includes teamwork, will have a positive effect on
an employee's job satisfaction, commitment and motivation, leading to behavioural changes that result
in improved organizational performance. Similarly, self- leadership theory focuses on participatory
decision-making, individual discretion and teamwork as important motivating factors, and suggests
these will lead to more committed employees who strive for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
Work design theory, however, tends to emphasize intra-group processes such as job design, task
variety and interdependence (Wall and Martin 1987), while sociotechnical theory highlights changes
in the structure of an organization and its processes as the main mechanism by which performance is
enhanced It is apparent from this that the teamwork, performance link is related to the more general
discussions surrounding HRM and performance, empowerment, self- leadership and so on. However,
teamwork research should not be considered only within these contexts since a specific team working
literature has emerged over the course of time (Salas et al. 2000).
Factors Associated with Teamwork

Business competition, customer expectations, new technology, and many other developments, it is
more critical than ever to build teamwork in your organization. The many challenges that your
organization faces, the more critical it becomes that teamwork is effective. The key elements to
successful teamwork are trust, communication and effective leadership; a focus on common goals
with a collective responsibility for success (or failure). However, without trust and communication the
team will have difficulty functioning effectively. The whole process of organizational teamwork must
begin with a company leadership team that creates a business strategy and a focus on the critical goals
of the enterprise.

Next there is the process of communicating the vision, values and mission of the organization to a
team, or teams that will be responsible for planning and executing the mission and building trust in
the teams and within the teams to carry out their assigned responsibilities. Marketing plans, as well as
other operational plans, will succeed only with team-based planning and execution.

According to Patrick Lencioni in “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, senior executives, middle
management and assigned team leaders, must foster and expect that team member activities include
the following factors:
Trust among team members

Building trust takes time. If trust is lacking it must be the responsibility of the team leader to focus
first on building trust, i.e. getting team members to open up (among the team) and expose their
weaknesses and fears to each other. In some cases, a team building exercise can be utilized.

In certain business cases, due to time pressures, the leader may have to take responsibility for building
trust or change the team to achieve the necessary level of trust for team success. Until everyone is
willing to trust the other members of the team, progress towards team success will be limited.

Prepare to engage in debate around ideas.

Disagreements can lead to conflict, but conflict can be good. If ideas are not presented and debated,
the team will miss opportunities to find the best solutions to problems. Respect for the thoughts and
ideas of the other team members will be developed through healthy debate.

Learn to commit to decisions and plans of action.

Team results will only come about as a result of team commitment to team decisions; this includes
agreeing on the specifics of action plans. If some team members are not consistent with their
commitments, the team will not succeed.
Hold one another accountable against their plans.

Team members must be prepared to check among themselves to assure progress And overcome
obstacles to progress. Ad hoc meetings may be necessary to Coordinate actions between departments
or groups to assure progress. The Impact of Teamwork on Organizational Performance

The impact of teams on organizational performance has been a topic of many Researches done by
academics and practitioners for the previous years (Jones et al, 2008). The main likely reason for this
attentiveness is the belief that teams can Affect the performance of organizations. The work of a team
is deliberated by some Researchers to be particularly important in achieving organizational goals and
in Evoking performance among subordinates. Several reasons indicate that there Should be a
relationship between teamwork and performance. Scholars and Practitioners suggest that effective
team behaviours can facilitate the improvement Of performance when organizations face new
challenges. Understanding the impact Of teamwork on performance is important because teamwork is
viewed by some Researchers as one of the key driving force for improving a firm’s performance.

Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively, as in sales Team, sports team etc.
It has also become so valued that many large corporations Have developed specific tests to measure
potential employee’s teamwork ability, Hence, it has become important goal in most work places, the
belief is that Teamwork gives employees a sense of ownership and encourages cooperation.

Team has been around for as long as anyone can remember and there can be few organizations that
have not used the team in one sense or another. It is common to hear of management teams,
production teams, service team or even whole organizations being referred to as teams that is, many
organization today are moving towards “team based” approach to work, this means that working in
teams is the basic method used to get work done in these organizations. As a result, employers stress
the importance of employees working as a team and advertise for staff with the ability to work in such
a way.

Said that teams are replacing individuals as the basic building blocks of organization - French
language television programs has shifted to team-based users and giving more recognition to teams
than to individuals. Companies are not just looking for technical ability but looking for people who
can work on teams and solve problems.

Viraj Profiles Limited (VPL) is the second largest manufacturer of stainless steel Long products in the
world and is ranked number one in stainless steel flanges .
With a vast product range that includes stainless steel wires, wire rods, fasteners, Bright bars, profiles
and flanges; Viraj Profiles Limited represents a world leader in Stainless steel long products and is
one of the largest manufacturers and exporters Of stainless steel long products in India. Nestled in the
Industrial township of Boisar near the commercial city of India, Mumbai, the company exports its
Products to more than 90 countries across the globe.

Company’s Chairman & Managing Director, Mr. Neeraj Raja Kochhar, the Visionary behind Viraj
Profiles Limited (VPL) began operation during 1991 with a single induction furnace and a team of
around 150 employees. Today the company Has grown to encompass six separate manufacturing
plants and a recently Established fully automatic section rolling mill. With its single induction
furnace, Viraj started out in the manufacture of steel for the domestic market within India And has
since evolved into the world’s second largest manufacturer of stainless Steel products in the world and
is ranked number one for its stainless steel flanges. The company has the unique ability to do
complete backward and forward Integration across the product lines starting from sourcing scrap,
making billets and Using these to manufacture other products like wires, fasteners, bright bars,
profiles And flanges etc. The organization’s highest quality products are well known Amongst
companies operating in steel, defense, construction & structural buildings, Power, petrochemical and
marine industries.

A Mr. Neeraj Kochhar, Chairman & Managing Director, Viraj says: “Initially the Company started
manufacturing utensil-grade steel for the domestic market. But Looking at the market growth
potential in overseas market, we soon set our eyes on The international market and started planning
for expansion. To make international Expansion a possibility, in 1995 Viraj started increasing its
production capacity, Diversifying into new grades and product ranges, and enhancing its production
Processes. Since then, Viraj Profiles Ltd. Has transformed itself into the world’s Second largest
stainless steel long products manufacturer with a capacity of 528,000 tons per annum and human
resource strength of more than 9000 Employees and with an annual turnover close to $1.5 billion.”

Throughout its history Viraj has steadily expanded its global presence, reaching Several important
milestones through the establishment of its profiles, wire, wire ROd mill and fastener divisions
between 2000 and 2006. By 2011 the company had Reached its current position as a major
manufacturer of stainless steel products and In 2013 further strengthened its position by beginning
first phase production at the New section rolling station (SRM). Today this facility has achieved level-
2 Automation and has annual capacity of 180,000 tons per annum.

Mr. Kochhar further adds: “In the year 1995, we commissioned our Flanges and Bright Bars division
and started exports of Bright Bars. Then after around five Years, In the year 2000, Mrs. Kochhar came
on board and together we established Our Profiles division predominantly catering to overseas clients.
In no time, our Profile range of products started drawing attention from some of the major Overseas
clients and soon we were exporting 99 per cent of our total production of Profiles products. One of
our biggest achievements came our way in the year 2008 When Viraj was ranked 3 rd largest producer
of Stainless Steel Long products in the World. And from then on we have kept on setting new
Establishment of the fully automatic Section Rolling Mill was one of those Important milestones for
the company. The one-of-a-kind Section Rolling Mill was Established in Tarapur, Maharashtra and
represents a national first, being equipped With completely automated processes meaning that there is
no other industrial- Scale unit of its ilk within the Indian state. Spread across ten hectares, the plant
Boasts of some of the finest technologies in the world’s stainless steel industry, While its online
pickling facilities, and automatic labelling and packaging line, Enable it to manufacture more than
700 different shapes and designs of angle, flats And other profiles. The use of fully automated
processes ensures the accuracy of The measurement and dimension of each and every product being
manufactured in this plant. The furnace is walking beam type with special emphasis on operational
efficiency and fuel saving. The automatic combustion control guarantees a uniform heating of the
billets while also providing limited stack emissions. The plant is equipped with FeHR cassette rack
system, which is also known as a honeycomb warehousing system, enabling quick storage and
retrieval of bars, all at the touch of a button. The SRM is part of the company's strategy targeted at
creating the most modern manufacturing facilities possible – a strategy aimed at improving product
quality, raising production volumes and increasing the output of high added-value products.

While the establishment of its SRM represented a significant milestone for the company's presence
within India and its total service offering, Viraj also maintains an impressive base of manufacturing
facilities and global support networks that make it an important player throughout the stainless steel
market place. Indeed, the company enjoys a strong global footprint that is spread across six
continents, more than 90 countries and serves around 1300 customers around the world. VPL
represents one of the largest exporters of stainless steel long products in India, exporting nearly 90 per
cent of its production. This has enabled the business to grow as a very dominant player in the global
export market, with its own offices in some of the key financial districts of several countries.
Furthermore, a strong network of talented agents and sales representatives caters to the rising demand
for stainless steel long products and a thrust of business on the international market over the years has
assisted in seeing Viraj's export percentage growing steadily.
World’s leading manufacturers of stainless steel long products
more than 50,000 SKU’s. product are currently being exported to
around 6 continents across 90 countries

Stainless steel wire rods and wires stainless steel

fastener stainless steel bright bars

Stainless steel profiles stainless steel flanges

Q.1 Our team has a meaningful shared purpose.


1 Highly satisfied 17 34.0%
2 Satisfied 30 60.0%
3 Average 3 6.00
4 Dissatisfied 0 0.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 0 0.0%
TOTAL 50 100%


highly satisfied
highly dissatified

Q.2 Team member clearly understand their roles.


1 Highly satisfied 14 28.0%
2 Satisfied 19 38.0%
3 Average 13 26.0%
4 Dissatisfied 4 8.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%



Q.3 team problem solving results in effective solutions.


1 Highly satisfied 11 22.0%
2 Satisfied 19 38.0%
3 Average 12 24.0%
4 Dissatisfied 8 16.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 0 0.0%
TOTAL 50 100%




Q.4 team members appreciate one another’s uniquecapabilities.


1 Highly satisfied 16 32.0%
2 Satisfied 17 34.0%
3 Average 13 26.0%
4 Dissatisfied 4 8.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 0 0.0%
TOTAL 50 100%



Q.5 we are able to resolve conflicts with other teams


1 Highly satisfied 12 24.0%
2 Satisfied 15 30.0%
3 Average 14 28.0%
4 Dissatisfied 9 18.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 0 0.0%
TOTAL 50 100%



Q.6 team member take personal responsibility for the
effectiveness of our teams.


1 Highly satisfied 9 18.0%
2 Satisfied 19 38.0%
3 Average 14 28.0%
4 Dissatisfied 7 14.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 1 2.0%
TOTAL 50 100%


Q.7 working on our team inspires people to do their best.


1 Highly satisfied 8 16.0%
2 Satisfied 16 32.0%
3 Average 13 26.0%
4 Dissatisfied 11 22.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 2 4.0%
TOTAL 50 100%


Q.8 we have the skills we need to do our jobs effectively.


1 Highly satisfied 10 20.0%
2 Satisfied 12 24.0%
3 Average 15 30.0%
4 Dissatisfied 10 20.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 3 6.0%
TOTAL 50% 100%



Q.9 we are strongly committed to a shared mission.


1 Highly satisfied 10 20.0%
2 Satisfied 16 32.0%
3 Average 11 22.0%
4 Dissatisfied 11 22.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 2 4.0%
TOTAL 50 100%



22% 32%
Q.10 we address and resolve issues quickly.


1 Highly satisfied 12 24.0%
2 Satisfied 16 32.0%
3 Average 7 14.0%
4 Dissatisfied 10 20.0%
5 Highly dissatisfied 5 10.0%
TOTAL 50 100%



Summary of the study facts and finding
 Teamwork motivates unity in the workplace
A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and These close-knit
relationships motivate employees in parallel and align Them to work harder, cooperate and be
supportive of one another

Individuals possess diverse talents, weaknesses, communication skills, strengths, And habits.
Therefore, when a teamwork environment is not encouraged this can Creates an environment where
employees become focused on promoting their own Achievements and competing against their fellow
colleagues. Ultimately, this can Lead to an unhealthy and inefficient working environment.

 Teamwork offers differing perspectives and feedback

Good teamwork structures provide your organization with a diversity of thought, Creativity,
perspectives, opportunities, and problem-solving approaches. A proper Environment allows
individuals to brainstorm collectively, which in turn Increases their success to problem solve and
arrive at solutions more efficiently And effectively.

Effective teams also allow the initiative to innovate, in turn creating a competitive Edge to accomplish
goals and objectives. Sharing differing opinions and Experiences strengthens accountability and can
help make effective decisions Faster, than when done alone.

Team Effort increases output by having quick feedback and multiple sets of Skills come into play to
support your work. You can do the stages of Designing, planning, and implementation much more
efficiently when a team Functioning well.

 Teamwork provides improved efficiency and productivity

When Incorporating teamwork strategies, you become more efficient and productive. This is because
it allows the workload to be shared reducing the pressure on Individuals, and ensure tasks are
completed within a set time frame. It also Allow goals to be more attainable enhances the
optimization of performance Improves job satisfaction and increases work pace.

Ultimately, when a group of individual’s works together, compared to one person Working alone,
they promote a more efficient work output and are able to complete tasks faster due to many minds
intertwined on the same goals and objectives of the Business.

 Teamwork provides great learning opportunities

Working in a team enables us to learn from one another’s mistakes. You are able to Avoid future
errors, gain insight from differing perspectives, and learn new Concepts from more experienced
colleagues. In addition, individuals can expand their skill sets, discover fresh ideas from newer
Colleagues and therefore ascertain more effective approaches and solutions towards The tasks at
hand. This active engagement generates the future articulation, encouragement and innovative
capacity to problem solve and generate ideas more Effectively And efficiently.

 Teamwork promotes workplace synergy

Mutual support shared goals, cooperation and encouragement provide workplace Synergy. With this,
team members are able to feel a greater sense of Accomplishment, are collectively responsible for
outcomes achieved and feed When team members are aware of their own responsibilities and roles, as
well as The significance of their output being relied upon by the rest of their team, team Members will
be driven to share the same vision, values, and goals. The result Creates a workplace environment
based on fellowship, trust, support, respect, and Cooperation.

Teamwork can be useful for organization as long as they the proper leadership and Guidance as well
as appropriate training, Time is important when making up teams In order for team members to
become use to working together and making Appropriate decisions to accomplish the common goals
set by the organization. Team can prove to produce high performances however when they are not
guided Correctly can also produce negative effects and will not be successful. Team have Assisted
organization when times change in order to keep up with competition and Show positive results.
1. Fosters Creativity and Learning
Creativity thrives when people work together on a team. Brainstorming ideas as a Group prevents
stale viewpoints that often come out of working solo. Combining Unique perspectives from each team
member creates more effective selling Solutions.

What you have learned from your individual experiences is entirely different from Your co-workers.
Thus, teamwork also maximizes shared knowledge in the Workplace and helps you learn new skills
you can use for the rest of your career.

Collaborating on a project creates an enthusiasm for learning that solitary work Usually lacks. Being
able to share discoveries with the rest of your team excites Employees and fosters both individual and
team knowledge.

2. Blends Complementary Strengths

Working together lets employees build on the talents of their teammates. While Your strength may be
creative thinking, a co-worker might shine in organization and Planning. Do not hesitate to share your
abilities with the team.

Often, a team works well together because team members rely on each other to Bring individual
talents to the table. By observing the process behind these skills, You can learn how to combine your
gifts and become a stronger team.

Every time you see your co-workers utilize a different approach in sales, you have a Chance to adjust
or improve your methods.

3. Builds Trust
Relying on other people builds trust, and teamwork: establishes strong relationships With co-workers.
Despite occasional disagreements, an effective team enjoys Working together and shares a strong
bond. When you put your trust in a co-worker, You are establishing the foundation of a relationship
that can endure minor Conflicts.

Trusting your teammates also provides a feeling of safety that allows ideas to Emerge. It helps
employees open up and encourage each other. Open Communication is key when working on a team
and produces effective solutions in Difficult Group projects.
Without trust, a team crumbles and cannot succeed on assigned projects. Great Teams build each
other up and strengthen individual members to create a cohesive Group. By working together,
employees learn that wins and losses affect everyone On the team. Teamwork necessitates confidence
in each other’s distinct abilities.

4. Teaches Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflicts inevitably happen when you put together a group of unique people. Employees come from
varied backgrounds and have different work styles and Habits. While these unique viewpoints create
the most successful work, they can Also generate resentment that quickly turns into conflict.

When conflict arises in teamwork situations, employees are forced to resolve the Conflicts themselves
instead of turning to management. Learning conflict Resolution first hand is a skill that employees can
use to become efficient managers Down the road.

5. Promotes a Wider Sense of Ownership

Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling Obstacles and
creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving
company goals allows employees to feel connected to The company. This builds loyalty, leading to a
higher level of job satisfaction Among employees.

Teamwork is not just helpful for employees. It benefits the employer in the long Run as well.
Employees that connect directly with their workplace are more likely To stay with the company.
While employees leaving their jobs often cite a lacking Salary, another common complaint is that
their contributions do not seem to matter. Teamwork allows people to engage with the company and
add to the bigger Picture.







1. Our team has a
shared Purpose
2. Team members
Their roles.
3. Team problem
solving results
in Effective
4. Team members
appreciate one
5. We are able to
conflicts With
other teams
6. Team members
take personal
for the
effectiveness of
Our team.
7. Working on our
team inspires
People to do
their best.
8. We have the
skills we need
to do Our jobs
9. We are strongly
committed to a
Shared mission.
10. When an
Changes, an intentional
effort is made To
clarify it for everyone
on the Team.
11. We address and
resolve issues
12. Team members
are effective
13. We seek to
arrange our
priorities To
meet the needs
of other work
14. Team members
maintain a can-
do Approach
when they
15. My team has a
strong sense of
nt relative to
our work.
16. We always ask
“How Can we
do better
tomorrow what
we Did today?”
17. We focus on
strategic Issues
as much as on
18. Team members
understand one
19. People on my
team are
rewarded For
being team
20. Communicatio
n in our group
is Open and

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