Cambridge International A Level: Design & Technology 9705/32

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Cambridge International A Level


Paper 3 October/November 2023
Maximum Mark: 120


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for

Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2023 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge International A and AS Level components, and some Cambridge O Level

This document consists of 17 printed pages.

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the
specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these
marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond
the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the
question as indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023

Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may
be limited according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or
grade descriptors in mind.

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

Section A Part A – Product Design

1 examination of issues 20 Discussion could include:

• wide range of relevant issues 4–8 • market research
• limited range 0–3 • appropriate price
• one off or volume production issues
quality of explanation • safety considerations
• logical, structured 4–8 • cultural issues
• limited detail 0–3 • anthropometrics

supporting examples / evidence 4 examples / evidence could be

• specific markets
• specific products

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

2(a) A knurled adjusting handle suitable material: 3 Accept any other suitable material or any other
• aluminium alloy, brass, mild steel 1 reason appropriate to material choice

• can be turned
• can be knurled
• can be threaded 12


B stem suitable material:

• aluminium alloy, brass, mild steel

• appropriate hardwood
• abs, polypropylene, nylon, acrylic 1

• is rigid
• can be shaped easily
• looks attractive 12

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

2(b) quality of description 9 A knurled adjusting handle. Could be:

• fully detailed all/most stages 4–7 select bar, approx. 70 out from chuck turn to Ø40
• some detail 0–3 knurl close to chuck for approx 18
quality of sketches up to 2 use knife tool to turn Ø8  45
set tool to chamfer Ø8 end
part off 59 length
turn around in chuck to chamfer Ø40 end
removed and threaded

B stem.Could be:
prepare 260  30  10 strip
mark out
drill two Ø 10 holes at ends of cut out
coping saw or rout out waste
cut and shape R15 end
finish edges
drill Ø 18 hole
fit Ø 8 dowel
apply finish if necessary

Must show most key stages of manufacture for full


2(c) explanation could include: 8 Full details of mould required for injection moulding
• change in process Full details of CAD drawing and set up for 3D
• change in materials printing
• use of jigs, formers, moulds
• simplification of design.

quality of explanation:
• logical, structured 4–6
• limited detail 0–3
quality of sketches up to 2

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

3(a) 14 Pressing
description of process

• fully detailed, all/most stages 3–5

• some detail 0–2
quality of sketches up to 2

• prepare aluminium sheet

• set correct formers in press tool
• feed sheet and position
• guards closed
• high and rapid force applied
• top former rises sheet is removed, press tool
• may also cut outline (blanking)
• trimmed and finished

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

3(a) profile forming

• prepare softwood section to size
• plough plane could be used for groove
• rebate plane for tongue
• could be routed using hand router or spindle
• moulder
• ensure all safety precautions are applied

• shape the copper blank,
• clean and dry the copper blank
• apply base coat colour (powder/enamel paint)
• fire in kiln or carefully using brazing torch from
• underneath
• allow to cool, clean surface
• apply shape in second colour, stencil or paint
• fire, allow to cool – polish

Accept any other correct variations or methods.

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

3(b) pressing 6 Accept other valid explanations, brief outline points

• one operation process, other methods require max 3
• considerable skill and range of techniques
• very fast process
• large numbers can be produced

profile forming
• consistent accuracy
• assembly method time consuming
• very quick once set up and for large numbers if
• using machine profiling

• minimal equipment required
• very attractive finish
• relatively quick process
• no further finishing required

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

Part B – Practical Technology

4(a)(i) Transistor 1 3

Switch closed very small current runs through base

of transistor via resistor. 1
Transistor turns on allowing a larger current through
its collector via the lamp 1

4(a)(ii) Clear detail and communication of appropriate modification 3 3

Some detail of appropriate modification 2
Limited detail and communication of appropriate modification 1

No creditable response 0

4(b) Appropriate casing with all features considered 8–10 14 casing features should include:
Appropriate casing with most features considered 5–7 • ability to change battery
Outline casing with some features considered 1–4 • beam direction
• control switch
No creditable response 0
relevant ergonomic consideration
Quality of communication
Clear sketches with sufficient annotation 3–4
Limited detail, insufficient annotation 1–2

No creditable response 0

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

5 examination of issues: 20 Discussion could include:

• wide range of relevant issues 4–8 • researching
• limited range 0–3 • CAD CAM
• collaboration
quality of explanation: • marketing and promoting
• logical, structured 4–8
• limited detail 0–3 examples / evidence could be
supporting examples / evidence 4 • specific examples
• specific company practice

Question Answer Marks Guidance

6(a) quality of explanation: 4 aesthetic features and properties could be:

• logical, structured, well communicated 3–4 • polystyrene often white but can be many
• limited detail, reasonable communication 1–2 colours
• stainless steel can have intricate pressings
No creditable response 0 • high volume polystyrene teaspoons can have
unsightly flashing

6(b) quality of explanation: 10

• clear details of appropriate process, including reference
to properties 7–8
• some detail of appropriate process with some reference to
properties 4–6
• limited detail of process and reference to properties 1–3

No creditable response 0

quality of communication:
• clear sketches with sufficient annotation 2
• limited detail, insufficient annotation 1

No creditable response 0

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

6(c) quality of explanation: 6 Consider costs, environmental impact

• logical, structured, well communicated 4–6
• limited detail, reasonable communication 1–3

No creditable response 0

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

Part C – Graphic Products

7 See Appendix 1 20 fully correct elevation to right of A

dimensionally correct 1
Scale 2 clear construction 2
correct projection 1 accuracy of cut area 3
fully correct elevation A 2
fully correct elevation to right of A 6 fully correct elevation B
fully correct elevation B 6 dimensionally correct 1
accuracy/quality of line 3 clear construction 2
accuracy of cut area 3

Question Answer Marks Guidance

8 examination of issues 20 Discussion could include:

• wide range of relevant issues 4–8 • material/production cost
• limited range 0–3 • volume of production
• type of product
quality of explanation • target market
• logical, structured 4–8 • energy and other costs
• limited detail, 0–3
supporting examples / evidence 4 supporting examples / evidence
• specific products
• specific materials/manufacturing methods
• specific details of market

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

9(a) description of process 14 process for printing logo onto 50 T shirts could be
• screen printing
• fully detailed, all/most stages 3–5
• some detail, 0–2
quality of sketches up to 2

• transfer printing

process for printing a batch of 10 000 fashion

catalogues could be
• offset lithography

• plate making
• wetting
• inking

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

9(a) • digital printing

• laser technology
• high resolution output

accept modern flexography and rotogravure

process for manufacturing a batch of 1000 card
document holders could be:

• die cutting (line)

9(b) printing logo onto 50 T shirts 6

• relatively cheap process, not expensive equipment
• choice of colours
• print onto a range of sizes. surfaces

printing a batch of 10 000 fashion catalogues

• high volume production
• cost effective
• high quality outcome

manufacturing a batch of 1000 card document holders

• accurate
• consistent
• once set up, high volume run 23

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Question Answer Marks Guidance

Section B

10, 11 and Analysis 80

12 Analysis of the given situation/problem. 0–5
Detailed written specification of the design requirements.
At least five specification points other than those given in the
question 0–5

Bold sketches and brief notes to show exploration of ideas for a
design solution, with reasons for selection.
range of ideas 0–5
annotation related to specification 0–5
marketability, innovation 0–5
evaluation of ideas, selection leading to development 0–5
communication 0–5

Bold sketches and notes showing the development, reasoning and
composition of ideas into a single design proposal. Details of
materials, constructional and other relevant technical details.
development 0–5
reasoning 0–5
materials 0–3
constructional detail 0–7
communication 0–5

Proposed solution
Produce drawing/s of an appropriate kind to show the complete
proposed solution 0–10
details/dimensions 0–5

Written evaluation of the final design solution. 0–5

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9705/32 Cambridge International A Level – Mark Scheme October/November 2023
Appendix 1 Q7

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