5.effects of Fish Oil-Containing Nutrition Supplementation in Adult Sepsis Patients A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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Burns & Trauma, 2022, 10, tkac012

Research Article

Research Article

Effects of fish oil-containing nutrition

supplementation in adult sepsis patients: a
systematic review and meta-analysis
Hongyu Wang 1 ,3 , Sen Su 1
, Chao Wang2 , Jianhong Hu2 , Wu Dan1
and Xi Peng 1 ,2 ,*
Clinical Medical Research Center, Southwest Hospital, The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400000,
China;, 2 Institute of Burn Research, Southwest Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burns and Combined Injury,
The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China; and 3 Department of Burns and Plastic, PLA No.983 Hospital,
Tianjin 300000, China
*Correspondence. Email: [email protected]

Received 24 August 2021; Revised 26 November 2021; Accepted 1 March 2022

Background: Sepsis is life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response
to infection. Although fish oil has been used as an immunonutritional preparations for the treatment
of sepsis patients, there is still controversy as to whether it is beneficial to them. We systematically
reviewed published clinical trial data to evaluate the effectiveness of fish oil-containing nutrition
supplementation in sepsis patients.
Methods: A systematic search was undertaken in PubMed, Embase, Chinese Biomedicine Database,
the Cochrane Library and the China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database to obtain clinical
controlled trails. RCTs on nutrition therapy containing fish oil among adult sepsis patients were
selected for analysis in comparison with routine therapy.
Results: Twenty-five published trials were included in the meta-analysis. Fish oil-containing
nutrition supplementation reduced the mortality compared with the control group (relative risk
(RR) 0.74, I 2 = 0%). Fish oil also shortened the ICU stay (MD −3.57 days; 95% CI −4.54, −2.59;
p<0.00001; I 2 = 76%), hospital stay (MD −9.92 days; 95% CI −15.37, −4.46; p = 0.0004; I 2 = 91%) and
the duration of mechanical ventilation support (MD −2.26; 95% CI −4.27, −0.26; p = 0.03; I 2 = 83%).
A subgroup analysis based on the route of administration revealed that parenteral administration
of fish oil could reduce mortality in septic patients (RR =0.68, I 2 = 0%), but no significant difference
in mortality was observed in the fish oil group administered by enteral route (RR = 0.80, I 2 = 0%). No
statistically significant publication biases were detected for the above clinical endpoints (p>0.05).
Conclusions: Parenteral nutrition containing fish oil could significantly decrease mortality in sepsis
patients while enteral administration could not. Fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation.

Key words: Sepsis, Fish oil, Meta-analysis, Nutrition therapy, Omega-3 fatty acids

• We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs to evaluate the effect of fish oil-containing nutrition provision
on patients with sepsis compared with standard nutrition supplementation.
• The potential outcomes that might be related to the different routes for nutrition supplementation (parenteral and enteral
nutrition) were analyzed.

© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press.

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nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use,
please contact [email protected]
2 Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012

• Parenteral nutrition containing fish oil could significantly decrease mortality in sepsis patients while enteral administration
could not.
• Fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation decreased the duration of ICU stay, hospital stay and mechanical ventilation.

Background it could reduce the overall length of hospitalization [20].

Sepsis is life-threatening organ dysfunction resulting from To date, a few RCTs have investigated the effect of fish
dysregulated host responses to infection [1]. This syndrome oil-containing nutrition supplementation in adults with
is a complex disorder that develops as a dysregulated host sepsis, although their results are inconsistent. Causal
response to an infection, and is associated with acute organ inferences from RCTs can, however, be undermined by flaws
dysfunction and a high risk of death [2,3]. Sepsis is an in design, conduct, analyses and reporting. Systematic reviews
important public health issue with considerable economic and meta-analyses aim to collate and synthesize all studies
consequences over the past 30 years [4]. Despite the that meet pre-specified eligibility criteria using methods
development of pharmacology, life support and intensive that attempt to minimize bias [21]. Thus, in this paper,
care technology, the morbidity and mortality for patients we carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of
with sepsis, particularly those with shock, remain high [5,6]. RCTs to evaluate the effect of fish oil-containing nutrition
Nutritional support is one of the indispensable therapeutic provision on patients with sepsis compared with standard
strategies for patients with sepsis, which is a condition of nutrition therapy and, furthermore, we analyzed the potential
high catabolism in need of ramped-up energy provision [7]. outcomes that might be related to the different routes for
Hypercatabolism in septic patients can lead to dramatic nutrition supplementation [PN and enteral nutrition (EN)].
loss of lean body mass, myophagism, weakness, organ
dysfunction, etc. if not corrected in time [8]. Methods
On the one hand, conventional nutrition therapy provides Inclusion criteria
the body with the necessary energy and metabolic substrates
A total of 25 RCTs involving fish oil-containing nutrition
[9]. On the other hand, the addition of pharmaco-nutrients
supplementation for adult patients with sepsis were included.
such as glutamine, arginine, omega-3 (ω-3) fatty acids,
Mortality was the primary outcome and durations of ICU
vitamin C and selenium can invigorate systemic immune
stay, hospital stay and mechanical ventilation were secondary
defense. Among these special nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids
outcomes. Only RCTs designed with parallel control groups
are increasingly valued and widely used in clinical practice.
were selected, with self-control and crossover trials excluded.
Fish oil contains rich omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
The control groups were provided the same nutrition except
(PUFA), particularly, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
for fish oil supplementation. As long as the primary endpoint
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Administration of fish oil
was described, the research could be included in the meta-
nutrition support has been found to be beneficial for a
analysis. The following criteria were applied in selecting the
multitude of diseases, such as diabetes [10], cancer, asthma
studies: (1) research design: RCT; (2) demographic: adult
[11], cardiovascular diseases [12], obesity [13], HIV [14,15]
patients with sepsis; (3) intervention: fish oil-containing nutri-
and organ transplant [16], etc.
tion supplementation vs the therapy without fish oil; (4) pri-
Fish oil may modulate the inflammatory response and
mary endpoint: mortality; (5) secondary endpoint: duration
uncontrolled cytokines cascade in sepsis. Therefore, clinical
of ICU stay, hospital stay and mechanical ventilation.
trials have been conducted to evaluate the potential benefit of
fish oil-containing nutritional support in patients with sepsis.
Exclusion criteria
Nevertheless, the efficacy of fish oil-containing nutrition
therapy for patients with sepsis is controversial. A study by Publications in the form of reviews, letters to the editor,
Chen et al. reported that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation animal or cellular studies were excluded. In addition retro-
could reduce the mortality rate of sepsis and sepsis-induced spective studies and studies that were not original, papers
acute respiratory distress syndrome [17]. A meta-analysis by reporting the same RCTs, RCTs that included children and
Mo et al. showed that fish oil supplementation by parenteral papers in which the control group was set as healthy people
nutrition (PN) delivery decreased mortality and the length of were all excluded.
intensive care unit (ICU) stay and hospitalization among
patients with sepsis [18]. However, Tao et al. concluded Search strategy
the opposite result via meta-analysis on some previous An overall literature search was conducted online, using a
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which revealed that fish combination incorporating the population (sepsis or septic
oil provision did not improve mortality but did reduce the patient) and the intervention (fish oil, omega-3 fatty acid, EPA
duration of mechanical ventilation [19]. Similarly, another or DHA) through to 1 June 2021. Relevant papers and reports
earlier meta-analysis showed that PN enriched with fish oil were reviewed and screened with no language preferences in
did not reduce the mortality of patients with sepsis, although PUBMED, EMBASE, Chinese Biomedicine Database (CBM)
Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012 3

Figure 1. Strategy used for each database. RCT randomized-control trial

and China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database (CNKI), Data extraction and management
all from 1990, and the Cochrane Library from 2000 to 2021. Two investigators (HW and CW) independently extracted
To acquire sufficient relevant materials, the limits put on the following data: study characteristics, methodology of the
human studies and clinical trials were removed and the built- RCT (design, setting, enrolment date, sample size, eligibility
in sensitive strategies were taken in search of the studies. criteria, quality, funding, ethics), demographics data (baseline
[22,23]. characteristics), intervention regimen (e.g. duration, intensity,
The following keywords were used: ‘fish oil’, ‘ω-3’, ‘eicos- comparison of intakes) and control regimen. Divergences
apentaenoic acid’, ‘docosahexaenoic acid’ or ‘yu you (fish were resolved through discussion by reference to the source
oil)’ and ‘sepsis’, ‘septic patient’ or ‘nong du zheng (sepsis)’, study. Of the papers where the data was insufficient in its
‘bai xue zheng (sepsis)’in English and Chinese. In addition, published form, we requested the data that we needed from
the following journals were searched: Annals of Surgery, The the source authors through communication by email.
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Nutrition and
Clinical Nutrition (all four from January 1990 to 1 June
2021), and the Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition (from Assessment of risk of bias
January 1993 to 1 June 2021). After viewing and screening Two investigators (HW and XP) assessed the methodolog-
the potentially relevant papers, the final included studies were ical quality in all selected articles independently, following
selected for further analysis (Figure 1). the Cochrane Handbook 6.2 (www.training.cochrane.org/
handbook). Funnel plots were used to analyze publication
Study selection
Two reviewers (HW and SS) independently viewed titles,
abstracts and then full manuscripts progressively according Data analysis
to the inclusion criteria. Discrepancies were settled through All results were analyzed using Review Manager (version 5.3)
discussion involving a third reviewer. and R (version 4.03).
4 Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012

The common risk ratio (RR) was reported for binary make a significant difference in mortality among patients
outcomes with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We estimated (RR = 0.80; 95% CI 0.64–1.01; p = 0.06; I2 = 0%, Figure 3).
mean differences with 95% CIs for the ICU stays, hospital
stays and duration of mechanical ventilation. Heterogeneity
Secondary outcomes
was evaluated using both the I2 test and the Mantel Haenszel
The fish oil-containing nutrition intake among patients
χ 2 method and either I2 ≥ 50% or p < 0.05 indicates statisti-
impacted on their ICU stay, hospital stay and duration of
cal heterogeneity. We reported the results from the included
mechanical ventilation as shown in the forest plots (Figure 4).
trials with no significant heterogeneity. Meta regression was
In detail, a significant reduction in ICU stay was observed
performed when I2 ≥ 50%.
in the fish oil group [Figure 4a, mean difference (MD):
−3.57 days; 95% CI (−4.54, −2.59); p < 0.00001; I2 = 76%].
Results Fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation also helped
to shorten hospital stay (Figure 4b, MD: −9.92 days; 95% CI
A total of 537 potentially relevant publications were iden-
(−15.37, −4.46); p = 0.0004; I2 = 91%). In the meta-analysis
tified. After strict screening, 79 RCT papers were further
of three studies including 328 participants, the duration of
considered, among which, 25 RCTs [24–48] met the inclusion
mechanical ventilation was shorter in patients receiving fish
criteria. Apart from the data and results accessed online, we
oil (Figure 4c, MD −2.84 days; 95% CI (−5.24, −0.44);
contacted the researchers who performed the RCTs included
p = 0.02; I2 = 67%).
in this meta-analysis for further supportive data.

Heterogeneity and meta-regression

Study characteristics
Considering the high heterogeneity, the random effect model
Table 1 shows the key characteristics of the included studies.
was used to evaluate the secondary outcomes. The causes for
Seven articles were published in Chinese and the others were
heterogeneity in ICU stay were examined by meta-regression.
published in English. Of the 25 RCTs, 7 were conducted in
Age, area (regional differences), severity of sepsis and route
Europe, 14 in East Asia, 2 in Africa and 2 in South America.
of administration were selected as covariates based on the
All of them are RCTs and placebo-controlled trials. A total
available data and clinical analysis. The results of univari-
of 1903 patients were included in this study. Sample sizes
ate meta-regression indicated that area (p = 0.0122), severity
ranged from 23 to 181 participants. The control groups
(p = 0.0015) and route of administration (p = 0.001) collec-
were given standard nutrition in 16 RCTs, medium-chain
tively contributed to the heterogeneity (Figure 5). Due to
triglycerides/long-chain triglycerides in 2 RCTs, 0.9% normal
the lack of sufficient data for hospital stay and mechanical
saline in 1 RCT and other nutritional therapy without fish
ventilation, we failed to perform meta-regression related to
oil in 6 RCTs. Six RCTs involved the EN route, the others
those two factors.
involved the PN route. The fish oil dosages given to the
patients are listed in Table 1. Total calorie intake was reported
in 7 RCTs [24–27,37,43,48]. Discussion
After evaluating the risk of bias in the included RCTs by
This meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of
using the Cochrane collaboration’s tool, it turned out that
fish oil among patients with sepsis. The primary outcome
there was no significant risk of bias nor publication bias
of our meta-analysis suggested that PN containing fish oil
according to the funnel plots (Figure 2).
decreased mortality in septic patients. We found no statisti-
cally significant results with respect to mortality in the fish oil
Primary outcome group administered by the EN route. The secondary outcomes
The meta-analysis included 25 RCTs with 1903 participants, suggested that fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation
of whom 959 received fish oil-containing nutrition (fish oil decreased the duration of ICU stay, hospital stay and mechan-
group) and 944 received nutrition without fish oil or omega-3 ical ventilation.
(control group). With no significant heterogeneity among all Sepsis is a time-dependent syndrome, initiating from sys-
trials (p = 0.94, I2 = 0%), the fixed-effects model was adopted temic and hypermetabolic inflammation to an imbalanced
for further analysis between the fish oil group and control for state of the immune system. The imbalanced state includes
RR (Figure 3). Forest plots showed that in general, additional immunosuppression and cytokine storm. The fish oil should
intake of fish oil was closely correlated to lower mortality in be given at the initial hyperinflammatory stage or early
the experimental groups compared with the control groups stage of sepsis. Pathophysiologically, endotoxins and exo-
(95% CI, RR = 0.74 (0.63–0.86); p < 0.0001, Figure 3. toxins secreted from pathogens, activate the innate immune
According to the different routes of nutrition support, response, resultantly mediating the production of inflamma-
subgroups PN and EN were further analyzed. Interestingly, tory cytokines, like TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, interferon reg-
lower mortality was found in the PN subgroup (95% CI, ulatory factor 3/7 (IRF3, IRF7), etc. [49,50]. This further dis-
RR = 0.68 (0.56–0.84); p = 0.0004; I2 = 0%, Figure 3). How- turbs endothelium functions, microcirculation, glucose and
ever, in the EN subgroup, the addition of fish oil did not protein metabolism, impairs mitochondrial functions and
Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012 5

Table 1. Key characteristics of the included studies

Study Region Patient Route Critical score Critical score Nutrition in FO Nutrition in Clinical outcomes
in FO groups in control groups control
groups groups

Barbosa Portugal 23 Patients in ICU, PN SOFA SOFA 50:40:10 50:50 Shorter hospital stay in
et al. sepsis, severe 9.5 ± 0.9 8.9 ± 1.2 MCT/LCT/FO, MCT/LCT FO group, mortality, days
2010 [25] sepsis, sepsis shock Lipoplus of ventilation and ICU
250 mL/d, 5 d stay were not different
between groups
Burkhart Switzerland 50 Patients with PN APACHEII APACHEII Omegaven Standard Mortality was similar in
et al. sepsis in ICU 26 ± 9 26 ± 11 2 mL/kg/d, 2–7 d treatment both groups
Chen China 30 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion Standard Days of ventilation and
et al. sepsis with organ 22.60 ± 3.40 20.67 ± 2.69 100 mL/d,7 d treatment ICU stay were different
2011 [39] failure between groups
Chen China 48 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion Standard Lower mortality and ICU
et al. sepsis, severe 25.6 ± 5.2 23.4 ± 5.1 10 g/d for at least treatment stay in FO group
2011 [41] sepsis, sepsis shock 7d
Chen China 78 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion Standard Mortality was
et al. severe sepsis with 32.0 ± 6.7 30.5 ± 6.2 10 g/d for at least treatment significantly improved in
2017 [40] acute 7d FO group, the length of
gastrointestinal stay in the ICU and the
injury days of mechanical
ventilation were not
different between groups
Chen China 53 Patients in ICU, PN _ _ Fish oil emulsion Standard Shorter ICU stay in FO
et al. sepsis resulting 0.2 g/kg/d, 5 d treatment group, mortality was not
2014 [42] from serious different between groups
Galbán Spain 181 Patients in EN APACHEII APACHEII Arginine, mRNA, High protein Significant reduction in
et al. ICU, sepsis with 18.4 ± 5.6 17.9 ± 5.2 and fish oil control feed the mortality rate, days of
2000 [43] APACHEII≥10 ventilation and ICU stay
were not different
between groups
Grau- Spain 132 Patients in EN Mean Mean EPA-GLA diet Control diet Shorter ICU stay in FO
Carmona ICU, sepsis APACHE II APACHE II n-6:n-3 ratio n-6:n-3 ratio group, days of ventilation
et al. receiving 19 (IQ range 19 1.5:1 5.8:1 and mortality were not
2011 [24] mechanical 16–24) (IQ range different between groups
ventilation 16–23)
Grecu Romania 54 Patients in ICU, PN _ _ Omegaven Same lipid Shorter ICU stay and
et al. sepsis from 1.5 mL/kg/day, calorie intake hospital stay in FO group,
2003 [31] abdominal source 5 postoperative and duration no effect on mortality
Hall et al. UK 60 Patients in ICU PN APACHEII APACHEII Omegaven Standard No significant reduction
2015 [33] or HDU, sepsis 19.1 ± 6.7 17.9 ± 6.2 0.2 g/kg/d, treatment in the length of ICU,
14 days or until hospital stay and
discharge from mortality
the ICU
He 2018 China 80 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion Standard Shorter hospital stay in
[44] sepsis, APACHEII 14.5 ± 2.3 15.3 ± 2.1 0.2 g/kg/d, 6 d treatment FO group, mortality was
(12 ∼ 30) not different between
Hosny Egypt 75 Patients with PN SOFA, SOFA, FO 9 g/day, Standard Shorter ICU stay and days
et al. early sepsis (high 3.7 ± 0.96 3.6 ± 0.87 ascorbic acid treatment of ventilation in FO
2013 [34] doses group 25, 1000 mg/day, group, mortality was not
low doses group alpha-tocopherol different between groups
25, control group 400 IU/12 h and
25) selenium
100 μg/day, 7 d

6 Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012

Table 1. Continued

Study Region Patient Route Critical score Critical score Nutrition in FO Nutrition in Clinical outcomes
in FO groups in control groups control
groups groups

Ibrahim Egypt 110 Critically ill EN APACHEII APACHEII 3 g omega-3 in Standard Decreased ICU stay in FO
2018 [47] septic patients in 15.45 ± 3.13 15.24 ± 3.96 three divided treatment groups, no effect on
ICU daily doses until mortality
the patients were
discharged from
Khor et al. Taiwan 27 Patients in ICU, PN APACHE II APACHE II Omegaven 0.9% Normal No significant differences
2011 [29] severe sepsis 19.3 ± 7.8 16.3 ± 7.2 100 ml/d for 5 d, saline in the ICU stay or length
lasted for 6 h of hospitalization
Leiderman Russia 27 Abdominal PN APACHEII APACHEII MCT\LCT MCT\LCT No effect on mortality
IMO et al. sepsis patients 17.1 ± 4.3 19.6 ± 3.6 \omega3
2010 [35]
Liang X China 32 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion Standard Lower mortality and
et al. 2009 severe sepsis 24.5 ± 3.2 24.9 ± 3.3 100 ml/d treatment shorter hospital stay in
[36] FO group
Liu 2011 China 54 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Omegaven Standard Shorter ICU stay and
[32] sepsis, 17.4 ± 6.3 17.7 ± 8.3 0.15–0.2 g/kg/d, treatment hospital stay in FO group,
5d no effect on mortality
Pontes- Brazil 103 Mechanically EN SOFA SOFA EPA, GLA and High-fat, Lower mortality in FO
Arruda ventilated patients, 8.6 ± 0.8 8.8 ± 0.9 anti-oxidant low- group, shorter ICU stay
et al. 2006 severe sepsis and carbohydrate and hospital stay in FO
[26] septic shock in ICU group
Pontes- Brazil 115 Patients in the EN Mean Mean EPA, GLA and High- No effect on mortality
Arruda A early stages of APACHE II APACHE II anti-oxidant carbohydrate Shorter ICU stay, hospital
et al. 2011 sepsis in ICU 19.5 20 stay and days of
[27] (IQ range (IQ range ventilation in FO group
17–25) 16–23)
Qu et al. China 40 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII 17.7 ± 1.6* Fish oil emulsion Standard No effect on mortality
2009 [28] sepsis, APACHEII 2 ml/kg/d, 5 d treatment
(10 ∼ 25)
Shirai et al. Japan 46 Patients in ICU. EN Mean Mean Oxepa™ (EPA, Standard Did not improve duration
2015 [37] Sepsis-induced APACHE II APACHE II GLA and treatment of mechanical ventilation,
ARDS 24 23 antioxidants) mortality, shorter
(IQ range (IQ range duration of ICU stay
21–28) 21–26)
Wu et al. China 72 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion Standard No effect on mortality
[48] sepsis, APACHEII 17.6 ± 2.2 18.1 ± 2.5 1-2 ml/kg/d, 5 d treatment
(10 ∼ 25)
Wu et al. China 60 Patients in ICU, PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion MCT\LCT Decreased ICU stay in FO
2011 [38] sepsis 20.73 ± 4.13 21.37 ± 4.08 0.2 g/kg/d, 5 d emulsion groups, no effect on
Zhao et al. China 102 Patients in PN - - Fish oil emulsion Standard Lower mortality in FO
2011 [45] ICU, sepsis with 100 ml/d, 5–7 d treatment group, shorter ICU stay
ARDS and days of ventilation in
FO group
Zhao et al. China 126 Patients in PN APACHEII APACHEII Fish oil emulsion Standard Decreased ICU stay in FO
2012 [46] ICU, sepsis 21.1 ± 3.8 19.6 ± 4.4 100 ml/d, 5–7 d treatment groups, no effect on

*This value represents the overall outcome for all patients in the FO group and control group. Results for the two groups were not presented separately in the
literature. FO group of fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation, MCT/LCT medium-chain triglycerides/long-chain triglycerides, ARDS acute respiratory
distress syndrome, HDU high-dependency unit, APACHE acute physiologic and chronic health evaluation score, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment,
IQ interquartile, EPA eicosapentaenoic acid, GLA γ -linolenic acid, PN parenteral nutrition, EN enteral nutrition

promotes gut permeability, which subsequently leads to organ Fish oil, as the major source of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA
dysfunction [5,51,52]. Therefore, it is of vital importance to and DHA, has been widely reported for its inflammatory
keep the inflammatory cytokines in check. mediation in cells, animal models and humans by curbing
Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012 7

Figure 2. Risk of bias of the studies. RR risk ratio, PN parenteral nutrition, EN enteral nutrition

the production of the pro-inflammatory regulators, IL-6, IL- Our primary outcome supported that fish oil use con-
1β,TNF-α, IL-2, LTB4, PGE2, etc. [53,54]. EPA and DHA tributed to lower mortality in patients with sepsis. Previ-
produce resolvins and DHA also gives rise to maresins ously, Chen et al. reported that fish oil-containing nutrition
and neuroprotectins through cyclooxygenase/LOX pathways supplementation could reduce the mortality rate of sepsis
[55]. Previous human studies based on healthy volunteers [17]. However, it was claimed by Lu et al. that fish oil-
showed that increased intake of fish oil promoted the blood containing nutrition supplementation may reduce ICU stay
concentration of the anti-inflammatory resolvins, resolvin and duration of mechanical ventilation without significantly
D1 and D2 [56]. Resolvin D1 is also increased after 8 weeks affecting mortality among critically ill septic patients [60].
of n-3 fatty acid supplementation in patients with chronic However, no subgroups analyses were performed by Lu et al.
kidney disease [57]. Resolvins regulate the active process of In interventional studies of critically ill patients, many neg-
resolving inflammation [58]. ative outcomes were due to heterogeneity. Therefore sub-
Nevertheless, the efficacy of fish oil-containing nutrition group analysis was performed to reduce heterogeneity in our
therapy for patients with sepsis is controversial [59]. For study.
example, some clinical studies reported that administration Compared to the previous meta-analysis on the role of
of fish oil could decrease the mortality and other clinical fish oil in septic patients, our subgroup analysis came to the
outcomes of patients with sepsis [26,30,40]. However, conclusion that it was parenteral fish oil supplementation that
a few RCTs concluded the opposite [24,37,47]. Similar could lower the mortality rate among septic patients and the
contradictions also existed in the parenteral nutrition groups. enteral route seemingly did not have a similar effect.
The reasons for these differences may include different There may be several reasons for the opposite clinical out-
pathogenetic condition, administration route, administration comes of different administration routes. Firstly, the severity
time, etc. of the patients included in the study was a very important
8 Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012

Figure 3. The effect of fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation on mortality. CI confidence interval, RR risk ratio, PN parenteral nutrition, EN enteral nutrition

indicator. Patients who received PN were generally sicker than and EN provisions of fish oil in septic patients [17]. The
those who received EN and had a more severe inflammatory dispute on this issue may result from the complexity of sepsis
response. For patients with severe inflammatory response, syndrome, the dynamic alterations in immune response and
early administration of fish oil could effectively inhibit exces- unpredictable individual variations among septic patients.
sive inflammatory response and improved organ function. Fish oil-containing nutrition makes sense at the initial hyper-
As a result, mortality was improved. However, in patients inflammatory stage, but may be harmful during the hypo-
who could tolerate EN, the inflammatory response is rel- inflammatory phase [62]. Therefore, apart from the admin-
atively mild. The advantage of fish oil was not easy to istration route, timing is a key point, when to start, by which
show. Secondly, metabolic abnormalities and impaired gas- route and for how long [7,9]. Parenteral provision of nutrition
trointestinal tract absorption common in critically ill patients shows its advantageous efficacy in patients if the prepared PN
also cannot be ignored. Fish oils are metabolized rapidly in is well-indicated and provided for patients with the assistance
patients with sepsis and the absorption of enteral medications of a professional nutrition team, which is, however, more
and pharmaconutrients may be impaired in such patients. If challenging and expensive than EN [63]. Therefore, we need
enteral absorption is impaired, doses of enteral medications to identify the inflammatory status based on medical history,
administered to critically ill patients may be suboptimal [61]. clinical manifestation and laboratory results first (IL-6, CRP,
Thirdly, timing of administration and pharmacokinetics are neutrophil percentage, RCT, etc.). Then, fish oil should be
also important to consider. Chen et al. pointed out that administrated by the parenteral route during periods of hyper-
there was no significant difference in mortality after PN inflammatory reaction.
Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012 9

Figure 4. The effect of fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation on the duration of (a) ICU stay, (b) hospital stay and (c) mechanical ventilation support. CI
confidence interval, RR risk ratio, PN parenteral nutrition, EN enteral nutrition

The secondary outcomes based on our study indicated that [66,67]. Of course, there are other researchers who take a
fish oil-containing nutrition supplementation decreased the different view.
duration of ICU stay, hospital stay and mechanical ventilation A high rate of lipid infusion led to lipid overload, aggra-
support. Lu et al.’s research came to the same conclusion vating lung injury [68]. Therefore, differences in lipid load
as ours [60]. Wei et al. found that patients treated with a may alter the immune responses and impact on clinical out-
lipid emulsion containing fish oil experienced fewer infectious comes among patients as well [33]. This may account for the
complications and significantly shortened hospital stays [64]. difference in results.
Pradelli et al. found that n-3 PUFAs-enriched PN is safe and Meanwhile, the high heterogeneity for ICU stay impaired
effective in reducing the infection rate and hospital/ICU stay the statistical power. Therefore further meta-regression was
in surgical and ICU patients [65]. Manzanares et al. found performed (Figure 5). It suggested that the high heterogeneity
that fish oil may be able to decrease mortality and ventilation for ICU stay mainly comes from regional differences, severity
days in the critically ill based on a small set of clinical data of sepsis and routes of administration in the selected RCTs.
10 Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012

Figure 5. Meta-regression for ICU-stay. (a) Age, (b) severity, (c) area and (d) route of administration. ICU intensive care unit

Severity of sepsis and routes of administration were discussed trials. However, only seven RCTs reported total calorie intake
before. The regional differences made it important for us to [24–27,37,43,48]. We suggest that the researchers should
pay attention to genetic polymorphism. report and analyze energy intake in future studies. The dura-
This meta-analysis also has some limitations. The sample tion, dosage and timing of administration were diverse in
size was not large enough, which could weaken the statistical different included studies. Enteral feeding was also given in
power. The energy intake of the patients was not strictly con- different ways. This could have an impact on the results.
trolled, which might influence the analysis outcomes. Energy The specific treatment of the experimental group was not
intake is an important confounder for nutritional treatment completely consistent in different studies. Meanwhile, the
Burns & Trauma, 2022, Vol. 10, tkac012 11

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