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I hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “A DETAILED STUDY ON

by me under the supervision and guidance of Ass. Prof. Sweta chaudhary
during the year 2023-24 in a partial fulfillment of the university regulations for
the award of the degree of “Master of Business Administration” by “Dr.
A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow”.

I further declare that this project is based on the original study undertaken and
has not been submitted at any time to any university or institution for the award
of any other degree or diploma.

Date: Monika Choudhary


This Project has been a great learning experience in valuable source of

knowledge and information for me, which was only possible through the
guidance and help of some eminent people, to whom I would like to,
render my deepest appreciation and regards.

I am really thankful to Ass. Prof. Sweta Chaudhary faculty of ,Sanskar

College Of Engineering And Technology , for his valuable guidelines
and suggestion which help in Mini Project.
I am also thankful to “Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University,

for making this Mini Project a part of our curriculum. It has been a
wonderful experience which has helped me gain knowledge and practical
exposure in the process of the Mini Project.

Last but not the least I present my heartfelt thanks to my family, Friends
and well-wishers for their help and support.







CHAPTER5 25–27




The Internet has become a regular part of daily life, and its wide proliferation has led to changes
in how people communicate, how they work, and how they spend their leisure time. According
to Internet World Stats1 (2007), there were more than 1.1 billion Internet users worldwide in
January 2007. One of the most significant changes resulting from Internet use is the way in
which business is conducted. This is due to the characteristics of virtual markets combined with
the greatly reduced costs of information processing.

Thus, the Internet has not only the potential to change established ways of conducting business,
but also to create new ones and new businesses. The impact of the Internet on business is
commonly known as electronic commerce (e-commerce). In general, this concept is used to
illustrate the process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, and information via
computer networks including the Internet. Business-to-business electronic market places (B2Be-
marketplaces) are examples of new business practices that have emerged to facilitate various e-
commerce processes.

Electronic commerce is an emerging concept that describes the process of buying and selling or
exchanging products, services and information via computer networks including the Internet. E-
Commerce can be mainly divided into Business-to-Business electronic commerce (B2B EC) and
Business-to-Consumer electronic commerce (B2C EC). B2B EC implies that both sellers
(suppliers) and buyers are business corporations, while B2C EC implies that the buyers are
individual consumers.

The leading items in B2B e-commerce are computing electronics, utilities, shipping and
warehousing, motor vehicles, petrochemicals, paper and office products, food and agriculture.
B2BECisthe electronic support to business transactions between companies and covers abroad
spectrum of applications that enable an enterprise or business to form electronic relationships
with their distributors, resellers, suppliers, and other partners.

B2B e-commerce does not just comprise the transaction via the Internet, but also the exchange of
information before and the service after a transaction. Business-to-Business e-commerce is
expected to grow explosively in the next years and to continue to be the major share of the
electronic commerce market. It is estimated that the B2B e-commerce sector is going to be eight
to ten times the size of the B2C e-commerce sector.

B2B e-commerce is the selling, buying, and trading of goods and services through an online sales
portal between businesses Since both parties involve dare business entities the transactions are
more rational than impulsive. Furthermore, the relationship between the companies involve long-
term interests.

Trading online has several benefits such as the expansion of business, the rise in the number of
customers, and increased brand-awareness. In this article, we‘ll try to cover all the aspects you
need to know about B2B e-commerce.


The development of B2B EC took place in three, partly overlapping, stages. Stage one was the
Electronic data interchange (EDI), which realized the standardized, bilateral exchange of
business information(ex. orders and requests for products)electronically. A necessary condition
for realizing the exchange of data were expensive, proprietary networks, called Value Added
Networks (VAN). As a consequence, just large companies were able to use this method. EDI
made faster processes possible and lowered the former manual processing. EDI has been used
since the 1970s.6 The problem of the highly expensive Value Added Networks was solved
through the worldwide acceptance of the Internet. The Internet made Internet catalogues, which
were the second stage of the B2B ECs development, possible. Companies were able to present
information on their products via the Internet. Prospective buyers had permanent access to actual
data. Providing information this way is a lot more cost-effective than using paper, telephone and
fax. Especially by using Internet catalogues, it was possible to handle small and standardized
transactions more efficiently. Supporting business transactions with Internet catalogues was
given special emphasis until 1999.

The third and present stages of B2B EC (since 1999) are electronic markets (e-markets). E-
markets are ―virtual rooms‖ in which different participants are able to interact via the Internet.
Several buyers, sellers and service-providers have access to the e-markets.

E-markets do not just provide information like the Internet catalogues, but also support the
negotiation, the transaction and the services afterwards. In 1999, the e-market volume was about
76 billion US$. The volume is expected to grow to 1,800 billion US$ in 2003.


 Lowers search costs for buyers

 Reduces inventory levels and costs
 Lowers transaction costs and reduces administrative costs by eliminating paperwork and
automating parts of the procurement process
 Increases production flexibility by ensuring delivery of parts ―just in time‖
 Improves the quality of products by increasing cooperation among buyers and sellers and
reducing quality issues
 Decreases product cycle time by sharing designs and production schedules with suppliers
 Facilitates mass customization
 Increases opportunities for collaborating with suppliers and distributors
 Creates greater price transparency—the ability to see the actual buy and sell prices in a market.


 Multiple decision-makers - In B2B, there are often four or more decision-makers involved in
the purchase process. In practice, this may require multiple user roles in the checkout /cart
process with multiple stages taking many days (or weeks).
 Longer decision n cycle- TheB2B buying cycles much longer than for B2C –so the lead time
between initial contact and receiving any payment are longer. But also, customer expectation is
different – wanting to change exact details of the order through the process.
 Customer-specific discounts - In B2B, the variations in price lists, discounts, and even
available products are generally more complex than for B2C. This is historical. Whether
necessary is not the appropriate question when building a B2B e-commerce solution as this is
usually a fixed requirement in all but the smallest businesses.
 Conflicts with direct sales channels - Many B2B businesses have an established sales team
who will be unhappy with online competition that can be seen to decrease their performance
bonus. Careful thought must be given to how this is introduced.
 International markets - B2B e-commerce is often used as a way of reaching international
markets, maybe in small numbers. Regulations, legal and cultural issues can cause more of an
impact than for B2B e-commerce and this impact is exaggerated if products are small in number
and high in value

 Benefit of using B2B PORTAL:

 Customer loyalty increase during b2b portal by providing secure payment and quick service to
 All the products and services are automatically updated in real-time basis.
 In this portal argument before products with their characteristics are present which is impossible
in offline.
 The B2B portals so provides the order status information.


 Market Predictability - Compared to the other business strategies, the B2Be-commerce

business model has more market stability. B2B sectors grow gradually and can adapt to various
complex market conditions. This helps to strengthen the online presence and business
opportunities and get more potential clients and resellers.
 Better Sales - An improved supply chain management process along with a collaborative
approach increase customer loyalty in the B2Be-commerce business model. This, in turn,

leads to improved sales. It helps businesses to showcase product recommendations and
unlock effective upselling and cross-selling opportunities.
 Lower Costs - Due to an effective supply chain management process, this online business
model leads to lower costs for businesses. In most cases, the work is done through automation
that eradicates the chances of errors and undue expenditure.
 Data Centric Process - One of the main advantages of the model is that it relies on effective
and factual data to streamline the whole process. In this way, errors can be avoided and proper
forecasts can be made. With an integrated data-driven approach, you can calculate detailed sales


 Limited Market - Compared to the B2C model, this type of business has a limited market base
as it deals with transactions between businesses. This makes it a bit of a risky venture for small
and medium e-commerce businesses.
 Lengthy Decision - Here, the majority of the purchase decisions involve a lengthy process as
there are two businesses involved. The process may involve dependence on multiple
stakeholders and decision makers.
 Inverted Structure - Compared to the other models, consumers have more decision making
power than sellers in the B2B business model .They may demand customizations, impose
specifications and try to lower price rates.





They are classified depending on who controls the marketplace: the buyer, the supplier or the

 In a Buyer-Orientated Market place few buyers face many suppliers.

 In a Supplier-Oriented Market place many buyers face few suppliers.
 In a Intermediary-Oriented Market place many buyers face many suppliers.

Other important B2B models are virtual corporation, networking between the headquarters and
subsidiaries and online services to business.

Buyer-Oriented Market place (Buy-Side-Solution):

By using Supplier-Oriented Marketplaces, buyers would have to search electronic stores and
electronic malls to find and compare suppliers and products. This would be very costly and time
consuming for big buyers, who purchase thousands of items on the Internet. As a result, such big
buyers prefer to open their own marketplace, which is called a Buyer-Oriented Marketplace. By
supporting transactions and procurement processes, these marketplaces offer great potentials in
cost savings Buyer-Oriented Market places are found in industrial sectors with few and dominant

Supplier-Oriented Marketplace (Sell-Side-Solution):

Supplier-Oriented Marketplaces offer a group of customers a wide spectrum of products and
services and also support them in their own business. Furthermore, there are large potentials
through customer communities, individualized products and direct customer-relationships. By
using Supplier-Oriented Marketplaces, suppliers are offered new types of market channels in
marketing and distribution. Products can be sold directly to the customer without using
intermediaries. Successful examples of this business model are e.g. Dell and Cisco.

Intermediary-Oriented Marketplace:
This business model is established by an intermediary company which runs a marketplace where
business buyers and sellers can meet. There are two types of Intermediary-Oriented
Marketplaces: horizontal and vertical marketplaces. Vertical marketplaces concentrate on one
industrial sector whereas horizontal marketplaces offer services to all industrial sectors.
Intermediary-Oriented Marketplace is a neutral business platform and offers the classical
economic functions of a usual market. The difference is that the participants do not have to be
physically present. There are thousands of Intermediary-Orientated Marketplaces and many of
them are very different in the services they offer. The intermediary company running the
marketplace can generate profits through provisions for successful transactions and for
negotiation of services.

Following are the key technologies used in B2B e-commerce−
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) − EDI is an inter-organizational exchange of business
documents in a structured and machine process able format.
 Internet− Internet represents the World Wide Web or the network of networks connecting
computers across the world.
 Intranet− Intranet represents a dedicated network of computers within a single organization.
 Extranet− Extranet represents a network where the outside business partners, suppliers, or
customers can have a limited access to a portion of enterprise intranet/network.
 Back-End Information System Integration − Back-end information systems are database
management systems used to manage the business data.

B2Be-commerceis global estimate $1.25 trillion. Today B2B organization is adopted the online
channel and they are now focusing on how to increase the revenue. Market research B2B e-
commerce industry in India to grow 2.5 times to touch Rs 45 lakh crore by 2020.More and more
organization investing in online channel to present their product portfolio, product specification,
catalogs customer review etc . many companies are starting up by providing the incentives
model like a discount, coupon.
In India, more and more company are investing in the online marketplace to represent their
company brand value and attract the wide range of audience.
In the upcoming year, 2018-2019 B2B companies listen to the customer and take action to
improve their business by developing strategy that gives Omni channel customer experience and
the coming year will be winning time for the B2B retailer.

 Omni-Channel Engagement:
Omni-channel engagement was among the top digital B2B commerce trends in 2016. And that
holds true in 2017 as well. B2B customers shop from online websites just like individual B2C
customers. B2B buyers also expect ‗consumer-like-buying‘ experiences. So regardless of
whatever type your customer is, they always expect a seamless experience as soon as their
shopping journey begins — from purchasing, sales support, customer care, tracking, and refunds
and exchanges — in simple words a 360-degree customer service experience.

 Many e-commerce platforms are completely independent to fERP , order management and
inventory management system and result in losing a huge amount of data. This year online store
integration offers an automated replenishment and enable B2B company to synchronize the
ordering process across different channel.

 Many B2B portals will be a shift to a self-service portal like Amazon. To access the app based
portal, this will lower the overall cost of sale activities.it also provides better customer service,
allow them to focus on customer concern, it helps to attract the new customer with convincing
and existing customer become more loyal.
 In 2018, B2B seller integrate other business software to create B2B omni channel experiences,
it will benefit to interact with seller in multiple channels.
 Shift to mobile is key trends forB2Bmarketing, a new business using a mobile device to reach
the customer, the majority of B2B businesses have mobile sites and mobile app. For some
industry having mobile app wouldn't be necessary but in reality, all should have mobile
responsible sites.
 More trading company shift their focus towards social media to communicate with potential
prospect, mainly LINKEDIN is expected to outperform social channel for B2B business.
 Content marketing has been popular techniques to acquire lead in B2B marketing. Business will
need to do research in a different stage of customer life-cycle. Content marketing is effective for
B2B business to aware the potential customer about best practices for their industry.

According to recent reports ,analysts have forecasted that global B2B e-commerce revenue will
top $6.7 trillion by 2020.

Business-to-business electronic commerce accounts for the vast majority of total e-commerce
sales and plays a leading role in global supply chain networks. In 2003, approximately 21
percent of manufacturing sales and 14.6 percent of wholesale sales in the United States were e-
commerce related; by 2008 those percentages had increased to almost 40 percent for
manufacturing and 16.3 percent for wholesale trade. One reason why B2B e-commerce is more
sophisticated and larger in size than direct to- consumer e-commerce is that B2B transactions
developed out of the electronic data interchange (EDI) networks of the 1970s and 1980s.
The steady growth in business-to-business e-commerce has changed the cost and profit picture
for companies worldwide. At the microeconomic level, growth of B2B e-commerce results in a
substantial reduction in transaction costs, improved supply chain management, and reduced
costs for domestic and global sourcing. At the macroeconomic level, strong growth of B2B e-
commerce places downward pressure on inflation and increases productivity, profit margins, and
The e-commerce sector has seen a boom in the Asian region in the recent years. India, the south
Asian country, had the fastest growing online retail market in 2019. The number of digital
buyers across the country was estimated to be approximately 330 million in 2020.
The figure suggests that almost 71 percent of internet users in the region will have purchased
products online for the mentioned time period. The sector is driven by personalized
advertisements, phones. This retail ecosystem combined with the comfort of being at home and
getting all your choices delivered to your doorstep has turned the tables for the e-commerce
sector quite significantly.
E-commerce sectors have been facing multiple challenges in their business operations like
taxation issues, incidents of fraud, and issues with cyber security, intense competition and
preference for payment in cash (COD) by customers, inadequate infrastructure and low digital
literacy. There is no uniform tax structure across various states and there is ambiguity with
respect to categorization of offerings into ‗goods‘ or ‗services‘.
Guidelines on taxation of certain transactions like e-wallets, cash on delivery, gift vouchers etc.
are not clearly defined. Some of these challenges are expected to be resolved after the
implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Incidents of distribution of counterfeit
goods through E-commerce platform have also been increasing which has added to the woes of
both consumers as well as E-commerce companies.
This is mainly because of the absence of a trustworthy mechanism which can allow consumers
to authenticate sellers or their products. Data/cyber security is another major challenge faced by
the players as they deal with huge volumes of customer information, a lot of which is shared
with third parties such as logistics providers raising concerns about exploitation by external
entities. Another challenge is payment by customers in cash. Receiving payment in cash (COD)
makes the process laborious, risky and more expensive for the companies as their working
capital requirement increases.

Higher return ratio for goods sold online is also proving expensive and presenting challenges for
companies. Incidentally, return percentage of orders in COD is much higher compared to online
payments. The E-commerce industry in India has seen intensified competition in the sector,
which in turn has forced companies to adopt aggressive pricing policies, offering heavy
discounts to customers and high commissions to vendors and other parties.
 Growth of B2B E-commerce in India:
The growth of the B2B E-commerce segment is relatively slower compared to the B2C
Ecommerce segment in India. This is because the entry barriers in the B2B E-commerce are
more than those in the B2C E-commerce industry. A B2B E-commerce company has to have a
strong business model, long term logistical arrangements with rail, road and ports and also
adhere to stringent regulatory and taxation laws.
With an aim to tap the huge potential in the B2B Ecommerce market in India, apart from the
existing B2B companies, leading B2C companies have also started to build their own platforms
for small business owners and traders. This is expected to be supported by rising expectations
among a growing number of companies buying and selling online and a shift to conduct
procurement transactions through the Internet.
Understanding this untapped potential of the B2B Ecommerce industry, the Government has
allowed 100% FDI in B2B E-commerce, which has enabled globally successful B2BEcommerce
companies such as Walmart and Alibaba to evince interest in the India B2B Ecommerce

 Examples of Top India B2b E-Commerce Websites:

 mjunction.com: mjunction.com innovative for outcomes, world largest marketplace steel.it is

founded in 2001 and offers a wide range of e-selling, e-sourcing, e financing service. Vinaya
Verma is the CEO of this websites. The key business area is coal junction, metal junction, and
value junction.
 Indiamart.com: India mart online channel mainly focuses on providing a platform to Small &
Medium Enterprises, large enterprises .it is Founded in 1996, the company‘s mission is‗ to
make doing business easy‘. This channel announced its Series C funding in March 2016. many
brands are connected with India mart for secure payment structure.
 Exporters India.com : largest searchable B2B marketplace, it is founded in 1997 and provide
platforms to various business entrepreneurs to interact in the global market. It provides free
registration to companies and updates all information regarding tradeshow. Many businesses are
connected with this portal.
 B2B.sulekha.com: sulekha.com website designed for property need, buying and selling the
property, information on localities and broker and rental.it is classified as real estate and other
residential flats, apartment etc. Satya Prabhakar is the CEO of this websites.
 jimtrade.com: it provides the complete information on Indian products and suppliers for buyers.
Jim Trade is the number one destination for buyers to source Indian products and for Indian
sellers to find trade opportunities and promote their businesses online.

 Government Initiatives Supporting The E-Commerce Growth In India:
The role of government in increasing the growth of e-commerce is very important and plays
huge role in the growth of e-commerce in Indian market . It is the government policies and
reforms which not only affects the foreign investment and mindset of investors across the globe,
but it is the people who also affects from the governmental policies. since 1991 when
government of India opened its economy with the introduction of LPG (Liberalization ,
privatization and globalization)the Indian people started enjoying the benefits of open economy
Since 1995 when internet was first introduced for e-commerce purpose in India .
Since 2014 government of India has announced various initiatives namely:
 Digital India
 Make in India
 Start-up-India
 Skill India
 Innovation fund
Theproperfunctioningofandeffectiveimplementationoftheseprogramwillcertainlyboostthe growth
trend of e-commerce in India.
In the union budget of 2017-18 government has allocated us$1.55 billion to Bharat Net project .
According to which village will also be accessible to high speed internet and Wi-Fi hotspots and
digital services at very low tariff in rural and panchayat levels.
Government of India has announced the launch of BHIM app, it will increase the digital
payment in the country .it has been adopted by more than 12.5 million people of India.
For promotion of this app government of India has announced 2 scheme for promotion of this
app. they are –
1. Referral bonus scheme for individual
2. Cash back scheme for merchants
Role of FDI plays important role in the growth of e-commerce industry in India . Earlier
investment rate in India was considerably very low which thus signifies lower-commerce growth
across nation. Since FDI IN B2B e-commerce is 100% FDI allowance which means more
investment, but FDI in B2C is still restricted because of governmental norms. Despite of all the
government restrictions investments are made in Indian market because there are lot of
opportunity in Indian market which can be be proper utilized can lead to more profits.

 Future of E-commerce in India:

While B2C businesses, brands, and investments have gotten the lion‘s share of attention since
the early days of the Internet, B2B eCommerce is here to stay and it‘s slowly but surely growing
in size to dwarf the B2C market.
However, B2B eCommerce enjoys economies of scale and the long-term personal relationships
behind each buyer and seller means that the future is clearly B2B.

E-commerce sector in India is growing rapidly. The internet users base in India is 460 million
and it is expanding day by day .The accelerating growth of Ecommerce in India is due to
internet penetration and easily available smartphones. Further more the favorable demographics
and government effort of digitalization is also pushing the growth of E=commerce sector in
The potent verticals to boom in the B2B industry in the coming years include Consumer
Durables , Mobile Accessories, Apparels, Home Furnishing and Health care. This shows a lot
about the pattern of B2B buyers there are .Core industries like construction and industrial
supplies will gain progressive growth with times in development in those sectors is never-
ending. It is important to note that core industries contribute to the overall GDP and are a part of
a much larger picture.
With persistent digitalization in the Indian technology industry and the supply chain ecosystem,
users will adopt various methods to cater to their customers. B2B merchants – traders,
manufacturers, wholesalers, etc. will show arise in the adoption of mobile apps and other
platform-driven ways to stick around and gain a competitive the market.


1. To study about the B2B e commerce in India.

2. To know about the effect to B2B ecommerce on Indian economy.
3. To study about the prospect sand problems of B2B ecommerce.


Emergence of E-commerce has resulted into widespread thought that developing countries
are going to improve their economic performance by adopting E-commerce. There is
evidence that B2B E-commerce offers a radically new means of enabling producers and
buyers to trade with each other regardless of where they are located geographically. In
developing countries the main barrier to achieving the potential benefits of B2BE-commerce
is lack of reliable telecommunication infrastructure and the high costs of connectivity when
network is available. B2B ecommerce has lagged behind B2C counterparts in their ability to
deliver a positive, holistic customer experience. The primary challenge of B2B ecommerce,
is to deliver a easy-to-use ecommerce site that also supporting complex business workflows
like customer-specific contract pricing, custom catalogs, purchasing approvals, payment on
credit terms and other business-specific types, easy re-ordering, delivery and pickup
methods, and digitization of other traditionally offline processes.




1. To understand the B2B trends of E-commerce in India.

2. To study the present scenario of B2Be-commerce on Indian Economy.
3. To study about the government initiatives and different schemes in the grow of B2B.

SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION : The data is collected Through secondary data.

SECONDARY DATA: The secondary data collected are

 Through Internet
 Journals
 Newspapers
 Articles
 Magazines
 Research papers

The secondary data will be collected, analyzed and compared with each other in order to get the
required necessary information about the report so the related answers are found and put into
observations to formulate necessary results. The report will be completely based on the readily
available data by the respondents before.


1. The study is based on the primary and secondary data previously collected.
2. The data may not be more accurate as the respondents would have shown less interest.
3. Time constraint.



This chapter includes Introduction on B2B e-commerce, its impact on the economy of the
country, different b2b models, technologies, characteristics, benefits and challenges and also
the government initiative taken to promote e-commerce.


This chapter includes background of the study, statement of the problem, need, importance,
and objectives of the study, plan of analysis, limitation of the study.


Deals with the Primary objective of SWOC Analysis to help know about the impact of green
banking and its adaptation by the private banks.


It deals with the analysis and interpretation of data with the help of charts, diagrams, tables
and graphs.


It deals with the summary of findings, conclusion and suggestion.



1. Brand loyalty is higher than B2C: in business to business e-commerce customer has
more loyal because they follow particular brand like Tata steel customer mainly preferthe
Tata steel products.

2. Long-term relationship: B2B customer has maintained the long-term relationship with

3. Catalogue personalization: real-time customer catalog view to personalize allowable

products for customers, contact, brand etc.

4. Real-time inventory information: clearly communicate the real-time inventory

information relating to stock and forward order and back order to certain customers.

5. Automatically scheduled order: allow automatic scheduling of repeat order where

customers have auto replenishment requirements.

6. Simple and easier exchange of information: Improves information sharing among

merchants and customers and enables prompt quick just in time deliveries.

7.Higher profits: B2B companies often sell their items in wholesale quantities so that buyers
can get a good deal and need to restock less often. Larger order numbers lead to higher
potential sales and more cash coming in for B2B sellers. At the same time, theease of
advertising to other businesses through B2B websites can help cut marketingcosts and
boost conversion rates.


1. Limited market: in B2B market trading between businesses, in this, there a small
number of the buyer rather than million of a potential customer for consumer products.

2. Long purchase decision: due to multiple stakeholders and decision maker, customer
decision maker can be stretch out for a month.

3. Sale process: in B2B sale process is considered complex. It a number of meetings and
paper works. High cost involved in B2B business when a large number of the unit is
purchased. Sale of Expensive machines or software impacts the performance of
thousands of employees.

4. Inverted Power Structure - In B2B, buyers wield more power than sellers. A B2Bbuyer
can, also within limits, demand certain customizations, impose exacting specifications
and drive a hard line with pricing because the seller depends much more heavily on
retaining its customers.


1. Maintain the high quality: due to an increase of competition, the business must need to
maintain the high quality of product to retain the customers.

2. Maintain international standard: in case of international trade, business maintains the

international standard like patent, trademark in order to attract the global customers.

3. Changing trends: B2B e-commerce changes their working trends on yearly basis and
updates their technology and software to meet the customer changing demand.

4. Focus on products and brand: B2B business focus on their products, they update their
products and present their different marketing tools like filter and custom discount. And
business must keep their brand high by doing a various promotion like arranging and
participate in various trade shows in different countries.

5. Cut down on local competition: Online customer services are a competitive advantage
for the company.

6. Online Payment Options -One of the biggest challenges of the traditional B2B trade is
also one of the biggest opportunities when it comes to B2B Ecommerce. Traditional B2B
transactions involve a cumbersome process incorporating sales and purchase invoices.
With Online payment and order processing options this process becomes simpler and
represents a significant cost-cutting opportunity. So the successful B2B marketplace of
the future will incorporate a highly advanced and secure online order generation and
payment processing interface.


1. Change in environment and government policies: the B2B company has major threat
is a change in external environment and government rules and regulation like a change in
tax structure.

2. Privacy concern: every B2B portal have to fear about hacking the websites. They must
ensure to maintain the privacy and keep the customer record safe.

3. In international trade, many risks are occurring that is a delivery risk and political risk
these risk may affect the business relationship between buyer and seller.

4. Competitors: Competition is increasing day by day big companies have already entered
in this field. They are making people habitual at the cost of their companies

5. No direct interaction: in e commerce there is any direct interaction of customer and the
seller. That‘s why bargaining does not exist. People prefer to buy physically a compare to
6. The B2B buying process involves a lot of decision-makers, and the buying cycle is long
and complex.

7. B2B buyers need to find more complex products just as easily - Modern buyers are
moving away from in-person sales meetings and ordering via a paper catalog. OnlineB2B
buyers, like B2C shoppers, want relevant search results, easy website navigation, and
suggested product content.

8. Technology Integrations customer support portal - Another key challenge of a B2B

market place is that it has to be integrated with other IT systems like CRM,ERP and
accounting system and any other tool that helps run your business smoothly. Without
proper integration you may have to deal with so much disparate data and have to do so
much data entry that it will become too cumbersome and costly to handle.




New technologies, growing competition and changing customer demands will further blur the
boundaries between B2B and B2C in the future. Companies should better prepare today. What
used to be innovative in B2C is now regarded as standard, the market as saturated and more or
less divided among the large platforms.

In B2B, on the other hand, entire process chains are completely open to change, because many
things are still going on as they were 20 years ago. B2B platforms are a good opportunity for
companies, and especially for medium-sized businesses, to participate in this development
without any great effort of their own.

India is the fastest growing market for the e-commerce sector. Revenue from the sector is
expected to increase from USD 39 billion in 2017 to USD 120 billion in 2020, growing at an
annual rate of 51 percent, the highest in the world.

1. There is a increase in a digital penetration in India ie more smartphones are utilized by

the people of India .which tend to increase m-commerce growth in India.

2. There is an increase in a e-commerce trend in India. With increase in a contribution of e-

commerce in India‘s GDP.

3. E-commerce of the nation is linked with the literacy rate of the nation. with more literacy
and educated people there will be more e-commerce growth in a country .

4. Government are making necessary incentives and schemes to promote digitalization and
thus encouraging e-commerce growth in India.

5. Negative correlation between unemployment and e commerce growth in India.

6. There is increase in internet penetration in India . India ranked 2nd in most internet users
in the world.

7. The reason low growth of e‐commerce is the privacy and security issues. Measures like
digital signatures, Digital certificates, and fire walls can be adopted to secure safety and
protection over the message passed on internet.

8. Another important reason for not developing e‐commerce is the high tariff rate charged
by Internet Service Providers [ISPs] Speed and connectivity is also poor.
9. Payment related problems also continue to block the e ‐commerce activities. Electronic
cash, credit cards etc. are some of the popular payment method used for e ‐commerce
transactions. But unfortunately penetration of e‐cash and credit cards not only low, but
Indian consumers are suspicious about the threat of fraud played by unscrupulous

10. Internal capabilities and assets certainly influence the success and/or failure of B2B e-

11. B2B e-marketplaces‘ cost and revenue model have an impact on the success and/ or
failure of the firms.

12. Many B2B e-marketplaces operated on the notion that there was no need to develop
functionality and additional services, and this attitude led to a large number of

1. B2B e-marketplaces should charge both buyers and suppliers and that a combination of
fees should be adopted.

2. B2B e-marketplaces are advised to strive for strategic clarity and to focus sharply on the
industry-specific needs of buyers and suppliers.

3. B2B e-marketplaces are also advised to choose a neutral form of governance to attract
both buyers and suppliers. This would increase the likelihood of buyers and suppliers
adopting the e-marketplace solution fast.

4. It is vital B2B e marketplaces focus on supplying the most important functionalities when
they are in their early stages. It is also important for them to change strategy very quickly
and develop and add high value-added services and solutions.

5. B2B e-marketplaces could handle challenges associated with entering new markets by
partnering companies with complementary competencies.

6. B2B e-marketplaces should create value for both buyers and suppliers, which will give
them good reasons to join the e-marketplace. Attracting companies to connect to the e-
marketplace today requires more than just the provision of typical e-marketplace
functionalities such as e-auctions and e-catalogues.

7. As competition increases, it becomes more and more important to really understand the
needs of buyers and suppliers and develop services and solutions that respond to their
needs. Thus, it is suggested that B2B e market places collaborate closely with their
customers to develop new high-value-added services.

8. B2B e-marketplaces need to be aware of the customers‘ preference for being connected
to one single point (e.g., one e-marketplace) to handle all their purchasing.
9. B2B e-marketplaces could use their technological assets to create new services based on
customers‘ needs.

10. B2B e-marketplaces could differentiate themselves to create a competitive advantage,

that is, become niche players offering unique services based on their expertise.

11. B2B e-marketplaces should recognize the opportunity to focus on solving problems
related to data synchronization, since that is an area in which large companies are
expected to spend much capital in the future.

12. B2B e-marketplaces must have a profound knowledge of both the buying and selling



1. B2B E-commerce is important in our life these days.

2. As generation evolves and technology develops this business has great impact.

3. B2BE-commercedevelops globally by doing international trade.

4. Many businesses participate in different trade show and promote product.

5. It is not about selling physical goods and also provide flexible solutions to the customers.

6. Many companies have benefited from having their own e- commerce

7. After taking a complete view of the industry trends, its seen e-commerce is emerging.

8. A lot has been done and a lot has to be done when it comes to e-commerce industry in

9. Government policies and initiatives have also lead to increase of e-commerce in India
over years.

10. After demonetization , cash less economy in India has increased significantly.

11. Also there is significant need to increase the literacy rate in India and also spread
awareness among rural people in India ahead cashless economy and role of internet in
India in today‘s world.


B2B e-commerce changes traditional markets, companies are offered new possibilities in buying
and selling products as well as in forming new business relationships. By supporting many
transactions electronically, companies work more efficiently and can realize considerable savings
in process costs.

It reduces the cost and time in business and buyers in the buyer oriented and intermediary
oriented marketplace can achieve cheaper purchase prices. Seller of specialized products in the
supplier-oriented and intermediary-oriented marketplace can realize higher selling price.

These better buying and selling conditions for the dominating party in the e-markets can be
explained in their being increased competition. Auction is popular method of getting better
prices. Inventory level cost can also be reduced by better co-ordination. B2Be-commerce is here
to stay and it‘s slowly but surely growing in size to draw the B2B markets.

Solutions for B2B E-markets are more complex. And they often require a change in the mindset
of people behind small and medium sized business and moreover their business makeup the bulk
of industry in just about every continent.

However B2B e-commerce enjoys economies of scale and the long term personal relationships
behind each buyer and seller means that the future is clearly B2B.



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marketplaces-in- india-worth-exploring/



Economic Times.

Business Times.


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