1 s2.0 S2238785421008851 Main
1 s2.0 S2238785421008851 Main
1 s2.0 S2238785421008851 Main
Original Article
Article history: This work aims to fabricate the functionally graded Inconel 825 - SS316L wall using the
Received 1 June 2021 Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) based Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process. The
Accepted 14 August 2021 mechanical behavior of the fabricated wall was appraised with the help of room temper-
Available online 21 August 2021 ature tensile and microhardness tests on the specimens cut from Inconel 825, SS316L, and
the interface regions. Fracture morphology revealed the failure of all the specimens after
Keywords: sufficient plastic deformation, indicating ductile fracture. A change in microhardness was
Functionally graded material (FGM) observed at the interface region. The optical micrograph revealed a continuous cellular
Wire arc additive manufacturing edendritic and discontinuous cellularedendritic region in the Inconel 825 region,
(WAAM) whereas the SS316L region was comprised of d ferrite in the primary austenitic (g) den-
Cold metal transfer (CMT) drites. The Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) line scans of the FGM wall revealed a
Microstructure gradual change in the Ni and Fe content throughout the interface, signifying a successful
Inconel 825 fabrication of the FGM.
SS316L © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T.S. Senthil).
2238-7854/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
662 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 6 6 1 e6 6 9
the point when a space-plane goes to a higher altitude, its This study aims to evaluate the mechanical and micro-
ignition chamber should support forceful conditions just as structural behavior of functionally graded Inconel 825 - SS316L
temperatures as high as 1000e2000 K. This seems to be fabricated using CMT based WAAM. The CMT process is an
outrageous to such an extent that regular composite materials advanced MIG process invented by Fronius International,
cannot meet the necessary execution standards. Under such Austria in the year 2004. The digital process control and a
conditions, failure of the material happens mostly due to de- welding torch with an integrated servomotor withdraw the
lamination and the fibers cut loose the matrix [4]. To solve wire every time it contacts the melt pool, thereby transferring
this drawback, Naotake Noda [5] proposed a replacement the molten metal droplet mechanically. Thus heat input is
category of materials, specifically Functionally Graded Mate- considerably reduced. This improves the quality of WAAM
rials (FGMs). Functionally graded Inconel and austenitic steel parts printed by reducing distortion and spatter. The other
pipes are utilized in ocean manifolds [6]. Also, they were uti- benefits of the CMT process involve stable arc length, better
lized by NASA for sub-scale boiler applications [7]. However, process stability, and reduced dilution [22]. Wire Arc Additive
the idea of FGM was at first intended for high-temperature Manufacturing (WAAM) is a lesser-known metal additive
materials. These materials have become accustomed to manufacturing process that holds tremendous potential for
diminished twisting, wear, and consumption, just as a large-scale additive manufacturing because of its higher
decrease in strain through the elegant progress hierarchic deposition and faster part production rates compared to
across the whole part over the long run [8]. FGMs are powder-based additive manufacturing processes.
extremely useful regions in a part, that produce a localized Literature reviews show that, albeit various analysts have
continuous variation in chemical composition and, in most reported on the microstructure and properties of Ni-based su-
cases, micro-structures that result in tailored mechanical peralloys, examination of the Inconel 825 was found to be
properties [9]. The techniques for producing FGMs have been scarce. These alloys used in various modern applications are
investigated over the last thirty years, and there are currently very expensive and hard to machine. However, it can be easily
numerous innovations used in the creation of these materials. printed to near-net shape by additive manufacturing. On the
Centrifugal methods, powder-based methods, vapor deposi- other hand, SS316L is machinable and comparatively cheaper.
tion methods, and free-form manufacturing methods are a Therefore, additive manufacturing of functionally graded
few examples [10]. The key reason behind the improvement of Inconel 825 - SS316L is a unique solution for many applications
a few methods for creating FGMs is on the grounds that these such as the oil and gas industries. This current research focuses
materials have immense characteristics and are stipulated by on the microstructural behavior and mechanical properties of
an assortment of design applications [11]. Inconel 825 and the ‘Inconel 825 - SS316L FGM’ fabricated using CMT based
Stainless steel 316L (SS316L) were widely used in a variety of WAAM. The objective of this study is to evaluate the mechan-
industries including Oil & Gas industries, chemical processing ical and microstructural behavior of the FGM wall using room
industries that include thermowells, pump and valve com- temperature tensile tests, Vickers micro-hardness test, Optical
ponents, hydrogen and ethylene furnaces, acid production, Microscopy (OM), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). In
nuclear fuel reprocessing, and handling of radioactive wastes. addition, compositional analysis was carried out using EDS.
Both Inconel 825 and SS316L used in this research work
were austenitic steels with Fe, Ni, and Cr being the key ele-
ments, good solubility is always possible [12,13]. The 2. Materials and methods
chromium-rich functionally graded material offers high
resistance to oxidation and all types of corrosion at elevated Inconel 825, also known as Incoloy 825, has minor additions of
temperature [14,15]. Nonetheless, it is not difficult to cause titanium, copper, and molybdenum. The material possesses a
solidification cracking while these two materials are welded face-centered cubic lattice structure. The alloy's chemical
by fusion welding. This problem can be avoided by function- composition is intended to function in highly corrosive envi-
ally grading these nickel and steel-based alloys [16]. Carroll ronments. The high percentage of nickel measured gives
et al. [17] demonstrated the viability of building Inconel 625 sufficient resistance to the stress-corrosion fracture. It also
and 304L stainless steel FGM using directed energy deposition possesses a very stable austenite structure. The nickel, along
and analyzed the microstructural characteristics and ther- with the molybdenum and copper, gives additional protection
modynamic models. Kamran Shah et al. [18] used laser metal
deposition process to develop Inconel - steel FGMs. The
interfacial characteristics and mechanical properties of
functionally graded maraging steel - copper were examined by Table 1 e Elemental Composition of Inconel 825 filler
Tan et al. [19]. Wu et al. [20] fabricated Inconel 718 - SS316L wire.
FGM wall and examined hardness, wear, and microstructural Ni Fe Cr Mo Cu Ti Mn Si Al C S
characteristics. Ramkumar et al. [21] investigated the me- 45.5 22.0 22.4 3.45 3.50 1.10 0.95 0.50 0.20 0.05 0.03
chanical behavior and microstructure of the interface region
of SS904L and Inconel 625 weld joints and reported the micro-
segregation of Mo/Nb rich phases. It is clear from the above
literatures that, FGM of Inconel - SS alloys find application in Table 2 e Elemental Composition of SS316L filler wire.
highly corrosive and elevated temperature environments like
Ni Cr Mo Mn Si C S P N Fe
nuclear power plants, Oil & Gas industries, hydrogen and
13.42 17.55 2.25 1.85 0.65 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.09 Balance
ethylene furnaces, acid production, etc.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 6 6 1 e6 6 9 663
Fig. 1 e (a) CMT machine setup (b) FGM wall during fabrication.
Fig. 2 e As-deposited Inconel 825 - SS316L FGM Wall showing the dimensions (a) top view (b) front view.
by reducing the environments containing undesirable acids. cryogenic piping, petrochemical process, pulp, and paper
The molybdenum and chromium offer resistance to corrosion industry.
and unwanted oxidizing substances. The inclusion of tita- The functionally graded Inconel 825 - SS316L wall was
nium stabilizes the alloy against sensitization, which resists fabricated using a novel technique called CMT as shown in
inter-granular corrosion. The elemental composition of Fig. 1a, b.
Inconel 825 and SS316L filler wires were determined using A single wall of dimension 140 120 16 mm was fabri-
optical emission spectroscopic analysis and are listed in cated by depositing Inconel 825 followed by SS316L (16 layers
Tables 1 and 2 respectively. each with a layer height of 4.3 mm), using a to-and-fro tech-
The SS316L is standard low carbon austenitic steel con- nique as shown in Fig. 2 a, b. Inconel 825 wall was deposited at
taining molybdenum, which offers enhanced resistance to a height of 70 mm on the same substrate plate of 14 mm
corrosion, particularly against the pitting and crevice corro- thickness. This is followed by the deposition of SS316L wall for
sion in chloride environments. It is also resistant to sensiti- the next 70 mm height. The filler wires used were Inconel 825
zation. Even at cryogenic temperatures, the SS316L possesses and SS316L of 1.2 mm diameter.
excellent toughness because of its austenitic structure. Their The CMT process variables implemented for deposition are
applications include exhaust manifolds, heat exchangers, listed in Table 3. The fabricated wall was machined to a
Fig. 4 e Optical micrograph of (a) Inconel 825 specimen (b) SS316L specimen (c) Interface of Inconel 825 - SS316L (d) FGM
Interface at higher magnification.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 6 6 1 e6 6 9 665
Fig. 5 e Fractograph of Inconel 825 at (a) Lower Magnification (b) Higher Magnification.
Fig. 6 e Fractograph of SS316L specimen at (a) Lower Magnification (b) Higher Magnification.
Fig. 7 e Fractograph of FGM interface at (a) Lower Magnification (b) Higher Magnification.
666 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 6 6 1 e6 6 9
Fig. 8 e EDS point scan analysis of the SEM fractograph (a, b) SS316L (c, d) Inconel 825.
tensile properties of WAAMed Inconel 825 and SS316L were The tensile fractograph (Fig. 5) of the Inconel 825 specimen
found to be closer to their wrought alloys [26,27]. The me- reveals a fibrous ductile mode of fracture. Despite better ten-
chanical strength and elongation of the FGM interface were sile properties, the scanning electron micrograph shows the
slightly lesser (4.2%) than the Inconel 825 and SS316L regions. existence of laves clusters and micro-voids. The fractured
Additionally, the rupture of the specimen cut from FGM surfaces of the SS316L specimen (Fig. 6) were seen as fine
interface took place prior to the Inconel 825 and SS316L dimples and small voids, which are typical ductile fracture
regions. micro-characteristics with some Metallic Carbides (MCs).
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 6 6 1 e6 6 9 667
Fig. 9 e Hardness distributions along the Inconel 825 - SS316L build direction.
Fig. 10 e Microstructures of the transition region (a) SS316L to interface (b) interface to Inconel 825.
The fractograph of the FGM interface (Fig. 7) reveals that 3.3. Microhardness test
sufficient plastic deformation occurred prior to failure,
which indicated the ductile mode. The fracture morphology The microhardness of the Inconel 825 - SS316L FGM wall
of the FGM interface was almost similar to that of the measured along the build direction is shown in Fig. 9. Though a
Inconel 825 fracture surface due to the presence of many slight decrease (2.2%) in the hardness value was observed at the
dimples. However, the bulging strips seen in the fractured FGM interface, there was not much difference seen in the
surface minimized the FGM interface strength, which hardness values along the build direction. The sudden variation
resulted in comparatively mediocre tensile properties. in the material levels (Ni, Fe), and the absence of a complete
Though the bonding strength at the interface was slightly diffusion layer due to rapid cooling was found to be the reason
lesser (4%), it could be improved by optimizing the process for the shift in microhardness. Though the argon shielding gas
parameters in future investigations. provides cooling, the heat accumulated due to continuous
deposition reduced the cooling speed, resulting in the ferritic-
3.2.1. SEM and EDS point scan analysis of the fractured austenitic solidification form at the interface. The ferritic-
surface austenitic solidification mode resulted in a decrease in hard-
EDS point scan reveals the presence of various elements in the ness in the FGM interface [28]. The hardness variation was
fractured surface. Fig. 8a, b shows the SEM fractograph of the almost the same in both the Inconel 825 and the SS316L regions.
SS316L tensile specimen. The corresponding EDS point scan
3.4. EDS line scan across the FGM interface
revealed tiny particles enriched with Ni, Cr, and Fe. Fig. 8c,
d shows the SEM fractograph of the Inconel 825 tensile spec-
Fig. 10a and b shows the microstructures of the transition
imen. The corresponding EDS point scan revealed laves phase
region from ‘SS316L to the interface region’ and the ‘interface
enriched with Fe, Cr contents.
to the Inconel 825 region’ respectively. Fig. 11a and b shows the
668 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 6 6 1 e6 6 9
Fig. 11 e EDS line scan (a) SS316L to interface (b) interface to Inconel 825.
EDS line scans, which indicates a significant variation of the wall. The FGM wall was mechanically and metallurgically
iron and nickel content at the interface, which is a common characterized with the help of the Vickers microhardness test,
phenomenon. The reason for increase in iron content near the tensile test, SEM, and EDS. The subsequent points are listed as
interface is the absence of a complete diffusion layer due to follows:
rapid cooling. After crossing the interface, the iron content
decreases, and the nickel content increases, corresponding to (1) The FGM wall exhibited a well-built homogeneous layer
the range of the base materials SS316L and Inconel 825. No without any defects like de-laminations and cracks.
chromium carbide precipitate was formed, as the chromium (2) Both Inconel 825 and SS316L comprised austenite pha-
content remains almost the same on either side of the inter- ses. The Inconel 825 specimen was found to be
face. All of the other alloying elements were present in the composed of continuous cellularedendritic and
expected amounts. The proper heat input and faster solidifi- discontinuous cellularedendritic microstructures. The
cation rate resulted in good strength of the FGM wall, which is final microstructure of SS316L consisted of 5 % delta
evident from the values observed from the tensile test. ferrite and austenite.
This work focuses on the mechanical and microstructural (3) The tensile fractograph of both the Inconel 825 and
investigation of FGM wall fabricated by CMT process. A tem- SS316L showed high plastic deformation, which indi-
perature field distribution simulation using Simufact welding cated the ductile fracture mode. The interface fracture
software is planned in the next phase of this work to study the morphology was almost similar to that of the Inconel
effect of heat transfer from upper part (Inconel 825) to the 825 fracture surface. The dimples and bulging strips in
lower part (SS316L). the fractured surface reduced the FGM interface
strength resulting in comparatively inferior tensile
4. Conclusion (4) The sudden variation in the levels of Ni, Fe and the
absence of complete dissemination layers due to the
In this research, an innovative CMT based WAAM procedure rapid cooling were the reasons for the shift in micro-
was implemented to construct the Inconel 825 - SS316L FGM hardness at the FGM interface.
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