Car Rental Portal Report

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Car Rental Portal Report

DBMS (Lovely Professional University)

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A Project Report
Online Car Rental System

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# Title
1 Abstract (Project Profile)
2 Existing System
3 Need for new System
4 Functional Specification
5 Hardware and Software Requirement
6 System Flow Chart
7 E-R Diagram
8 Use Case Diagram
9 Activity Diagram
10 Class Diagram
11 Sequence Diagram
12 Database Design
13 Testing
14 System Output Screen
15 Future Enhancement
16 Bibliography

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Project Name Online car rental system

It is a system design especially for large,
premium and small car rental business. The
car rental system provides complete
functionality of listing and booking car. In this
system, Tourism and Travelling facilities also
Objectives provide.
Platform website

Front End PHP

Back End MYSQL

Other Tools CRIPT

Project Duration

Internal Guide

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✓ An existing system can provide manually paper work.

✓ The user has to go in the office where user can get the car on
rent and book their car.
✓ In the existing system you cannot provide feedback of the user
to the admin online.


✓ The new system is totally computerized system.
✓ A new system provides features like time efficiency to show car
details, user profiles and whatever the customer will give the
feedback to the admin.
✓ This system provides tourism and travelling facilities.
✓ An inquiry is easily done by user in the system.
✓ It is the most software application for managing online car rental

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User Specification

Admin can add a car, manage booking car and rent and also view
feedback and enquiry.

User can view information of available car, booking car, easily get
the car on rent and also give feedback and can enquiry.


•View Available Cars:

It is a system design especially for large, premium and small car
rental business. The user can view Available cars and user can book
for that car.

•Booking Car:
The user can view Available cars and user can book for that car.

•Easily Get the Car on rent:

The Customer can easily get the car whenever they need to on the
rent with use of this system.

•Give Feedback:
The customer will give the feedback to the admin.

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The inquiry can easily do by user.


In this section admin can view the overview of the carrental (Like
total vehicles, total booking, brands enquiry)

Vehicle Brand:
Admin can create/edit/delete vehicle brands

The Admin can add the car so that The user can see the available cars
and book the car.
Admin can also edit and delete the cars.

Admin can manage the bookings (confirm and cancel the booking)

Manage testimonials:
Admin can manage the testimonials (Active and Inactive the

Manage Contact us query:

Admin can manage Contact us query.

View Feedback:
The admin easily view the feedbacks and solve the query.

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Registered users:
Admin can view the registered users.

Manage pages:
Admin can update the pages data information.

Contact info:
Admin can update the contact info.

Manage Subscribers:
Admin can manage subscribers.

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Client side:

RAM 512 MB
Hard disk 10 GB
Processor 1.0 GHz

Server side:

Hard disk 20 GB
Processor 2.0 GHz

Software Requirements
Client side:

Google Chrome or any

Web Browser compatible browser
Operating System Windows or any equivalent OS

Server side:

Web Server APACHE

Server side Language PHP
Database Server MYSQL
Google Chrome or any
Web Browser compatible browser

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Operating System Windows or any equivalent OS

System Flow Chart

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The Entity-Relationship (ER) model was originally proposed by
Peter in 1976 [Chen76] as a way to unify the network and relational
database views. Simply stated the ER model is a conceptual data
model that views the real world as entities and relationships. A basic
component of the model is the Entity-Relationship diagram which is
used to visually represent data objects. Since Chen wrote his paper
the model has been extended and today it is commonly used for
database design for the database designer, the utility of the ER model

• It maps well to the relational model. The constructs used in the

ER model can easily be transformed into relational tables.
• It is simple and easy to understand with a minimum of training.
Therefore, the model can be used by the database designer to
communicate the design to the end user.
• In addition, the model can be used as a design plan by the
database developer to implement a data model in specific
database management software.

ER Notation
There is no standard for representing data objects in ER diagrams.
Each modeling methodology uses its own notation. The original

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notation used by Chen is widely used in academics texts and journals

but rarely seen in either CASE tools or publications by non-
academics. Today, there are a number of notations used; among the
more common are Bachman, crow's foot, and IDEFIX.

All notational styles represent entities as rectangular boxes and

relationships as lines connecting boxes. Each style uses a special set
of symbols to represent the cardinality of a connection. The notation
used in this document is from Martin. The symbols used for the basic
ER constructs are:

• Entities are represented by labeled rectangles. The label is the

name of the entity. Entity names should be singular nouns.

• Relationships are represented by a solid line connecting two

entities. The name of the relationship is written above the line.

Relationship names should be verbs

• Attributes, when included, are listed inside the entity rectangle.

Attributes which are identifiers are underlined. Attribute names

should be singular nouns.

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• Cardinality of many is represented by a line ending in a crow's

foot. If the crow's foot is omitted, the cardinality is one.

Existence is represented by placing a circle or a perpendicular bar on

the line. Mandatory existence is shown by the bar (looks like a 1)
next to the entity for an instance is required. Optional existence is
shown by placing a circle next to the entity that is optional.

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Use Case Diagrams

Usecase Diagram: A Use case is a description of set of sequence of actions. Graphically
it is rendered as an ellipse with solid line including only its name. Use case diagram is a
behavioral diagram that shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationship. It is
an association between the use cases and actors. An actor represents a real-world
object. Primary Actor – Sender, Secondary Actor Receiver.

Use case diagram for admin

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Use Case diagram for User

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Activity Diagram for admin

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Activity Diagram for user

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Class Diagram for Car Rental System

The class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, collaborations

and their relationships.

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Sequence Diagram for admin

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Sequence Diagram for User

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The data in the system has to be stored and retrieved from database.

Designing the database is part of system design. Data elements and

data structures to be stored have been identified at analysis stage.

They are structured and put together to design the data storage and

retrieval system.

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum

redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general

objective is to make database access easy, quick, inexpensive and

flexible for the user. Relationships are established between the data

items and unnecessary data items are removed. Normalization is

done to get an internal consistency of data and to have minimum

redundancy and maximum stability. This ensures minimizing data

storage required, minimizing chances of data inconsistencies and

optimizing for updates. The MS Access database has been chosen for

developing the relevant databases.

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Table Name Admin

This table is store information
Description about Admin
Primary Key id
Foreign Key -

No Field Name Data type(Size) Constraints Description
It is store Admin
id (Primary) int(11)
1 Primary Key id
It is store admin
UserName varchar(100)
2 Not Null user name
It is store the
Password varchar(100) password of
3 Not Null Admin
It is store the
updationDate timestamp profile updating
4 NotNull date

User Registration:

Table Name tblusers

This table is provide the information about User
Description registration
Primary Key Id
Foreign Key -

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Field Data
Sr. Name type(Size) Constraints Description
1 id (Primary) int(11) Primary Key It is store User id
2 FullName varchar(120) Null It is store User name
3 EmailId varchar(100) Null It is store email address of User
4 Password varchar(100) Null It is store Password
5 ContactNo char(11) Null It is store Contact no
6 dob varchar(100) Null It is store Birthdate
7 Address varchar(255) Null It is store Address
8 City varchar(100) Null It is store city
RegDate timestamp T_TIMEST It is store
10 UpdationDate timestamp Null It store updation date

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Brands Table:

Table Name tblbrands

Description This table is provide the information about Car brands
Primary Key Id
Foreign Key -

Sr. Data Constraint

No Field Name type(Size) s Description
id (Primary) int(11)
1 Key It is store brand id
2 BrandName varchar(120) Not Null It is store Brand name
CreationDate timestamp T_TIMEST
3 AMP It is store brand creation date
4 UpdationDate timestamp NotNull It is store brand updation date

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Contact us details Table:

Table Name tblcontactusinfo

Description This table is provide the contact information at website
Primary Key id
Foreign Key -

Sr. No Field Name Data type(Size) Constraints Description

1 Id Int Primary Key It is id of the record
It is store name of the
Address tinytext
2 Null company
It is store of the
EmailId varchar(255)
3 Null company email
It is store of the
ContactNo char(11)
4 Null company contact no

Enquiry Table:

Table Name tblcontactusquery

Description This table will store the information of car enquiry of user
Primary Key Id
Foreign Key -

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Sr. No Field Name Data type(Size) Constraints Description

1 id (Primary) int(11) Primary Key It is store enquiry id
2 name varchar(100) Null It is store user
3 EmailId varchar(120) Null It is store email id
It is store contact no
ContactNumber char(11)
4 Null for user
It is store user message
Message longtext
5 Null for enquiry
PostingDate timestamp
6 AMP It store enquiry date
It is store status 0 for
status int(11)
7 NotNull read and 1 for read

Feedback Table:

Table Name tbltestimonial

Description This table store information about feedback
Primary Key F_Id
Foreign Key -

Sr. No Field Name Data type(Size) Constraints Description

1 id (Primary) int(11) Primary Key It is store feedback id
2 UserEmail varchar(100) Not Null It is store user email
3 Testimonial mediumtext Not Null It is store feedback
It is store posting date
PostingDate timestamp
4 NotNull of feedback
It is store staus(0 for
status int(11)
5 NotNull inactive and 1 active)

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Pages Content Table:

Table Name tblpages

Description This table store information about website pages
Primary Key Id
Foreign Key -

Sr. No Field Name Data type(Size) Constraints Description

1 id (Primary) int(11) Primary Key It is store page id
2 PageName varchar(255 Null It is store page name
3 type varchar(255) Not Null It is store page type
4 detail longtext Not Null It is store pages info

Subscriber Table:

Table Name tblsubscriber

Description This table store email address of subscriber
Primary Key Id
Foreign Key -

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Sr. No Field Name Data type(Size) Constraints Description

1 id (Primary) int(11) Primary Key It is store subscriber id
It is store subscriber
SubscriberEmail varchar(120)
2 Null email is
It is store subscription
PostingDate timestamp
3 Null date

Vehicles Info Table:

Table Name tblvehicles
Description This table is provide the information about cars
Primary Key Id
Foreign Key -

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Sr. Field Name Data type(Size) Constraints Description

1 id (Primary) int(11) Primary Key It is store User id
2 VehiclesTitle varchar(150) Null It is store vehicle title
It is store vehicle
VehiclesBrand int(11)
3 Null brand id
It is store vehicle
VehiclesOverview longtext
4 Null overview
It is store vehicle rent
PricePerDay int(11)
5 Null perday
It is store fuel type of
FuelType varchar(100)
6 Null vehicle
It is store model year
ModelYear int(6)
7 Null of vehicle
It is store seating
SeatingCapacity int(11) Null
8 capacity of vehicles
It is store vehicle
Vimage1 varchar(120)
9 Null image 1
It is store vehicle
Vimage2 varchar(120)
10 Null image 2

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It is store vehicle
Vimage3 varchar(120)
11 Null image 3
It is store vehicle
Vimage4 varchar(120)
12 Null image 4
It is store vehicle
Vimage5 varchar(120)
13 Null image 5
It is store availability
AirConditioner int(11) of air conditioner in
14 Null vehicle
It is store availability
PowerDoorLocks int(11) of power door locaks
15 Null in vehicle
It is store availability
int(11) of Anti locak Braking
16 Null System in vehicle
It is store availability
BrakeAssist int(11) Null of Brake Assist in
17 vehicle
It is store availability
PowerSteering int(11) of Power steering in
18 Null vehicle
It is store availability
DriverAirbag int(11) of Driver Airbag in
19 Null vehicle
It is store availability
PassengerAirbag int(11) of Passenger airbag in
20 Null vehicle
It is store availability
PowerWindows int(11) of Power windows in
21 Null vehicle
It is store availability
CDPlayer int(11) of CD Player in
22 Null vehicle

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It is store availability
CentralLocking int(11) of Central locking in
23 Null vehicle
It is store availability
CrashSensor int(11) of crash sensor in
24 Null vehicle
It is store availability
LeatherSeats int(11) of leathers seats in
25 Null vehicle
It is store vehicle
RegDate timestamp Null
26 creation date
It is store vehicle
UpdationDate timestamp
27 Null updation date

Booking table:

Table Name tblbooking

Description This table is provide the information about booking
Primary Key Id
Foreign Key -

Sr. Data
No. Field Name type(Size) Constraints Description
It is store booking
id (Primary) int(11)
1 Primary Key id
2 BookingNumb It is store
er Null Booking Number
3 It is store User
userEmail varchar(100)
Null email
4 It is store vehicle
VehicleId int(11)
Null id
5 FromDate varchar(20) Null It is store booking

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from date
6 It is store
ToDate varchar(20)
Null booking To date
7 message varchar(255) Null It is store message
8 It is store
Status int(11) confirmation and
Null cancellation status
9 It is store
PostingDate timestamp Null
Booking date

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No input Excepted Output Actual Output Pass / Fail
All files are
1 empty Error message: Error message: Pass
*indicates compulsory
*indicates compulsory field* field*
Error message: Invalid Email-
2 Email address Error message: Invalid Pass
Password and
3 confirm Error message: Error message: Pass
Both Password does
password Both Password does not match not
Login should be
Login to the system should be try successful Fail
with the login assigned by the and the user should
4 Login admin enter
and the correct password into the system
The System give an error and Login should fail with
denied an Pass
error ‘Invalid
from the Login. Details’
Login should be allow and admin
get Login successfully and Pass
admin get its admin
5 User Admin home page. home
Login should be allow and Travel Login successfully and Pass
admin get Travel admin home Travel admin get its
page. Travel
admin home page
Login should be allow and User Login successfully and
get User Pass
Visitor side User page. gets its user page.

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Admin Module

Sign in Page


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Change Password

Create Brand

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Manage Brand

Update Brand

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Add Vehicle

Manage Vehicle

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Update Vehicle

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New Booking

Booking Details

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Manage Testimonial

Manage Contact Us Queries

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Registered Users

Manage Pages

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Update Contact Info

Manage Subscriber

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User Module
User Login


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Home Page

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User Profile

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Update Password

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My Booking

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My Testimonial

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Home Page

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Detail of Vehicle

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About Us

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Car Listing

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Contact Us

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✓ Add new car is representing the car list.

✓ The User payment for the current receipt of the payment.

✓ Add the current project for booking easy.

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Web Reference:





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