ALlahabad High COurt - Cruelty - Justice VIvek BIrla
ALlahabad High COurt - Cruelty - Justice VIvek BIrla
ALlahabad High COurt - Cruelty - Justice VIvek BIrla
Court No. - 29
Case :- FIRST APPEAL No. - 177 of 2017
Appellant :- Charu Chug Alias Charu Arora
Respondent :- Madhukar Chugh
Counsel for Appellant :- Vinay Kumar Mishra,Vishesh
prayed for.
11. Two issues were framed by the Court below: (i) whether
defendant has deserted the husband two years before from the
date of filing of the petition; (ii) whether the defendant has
committed any cruelty with the plaintiff; and (iii) to what relief
the plaintiff is entitled to.
12. While discussing the issue no. (ii) first, it was found that
the appellant never lived continuously with the husband
throughout the period after filing of the divorce petition and
this fact was admitted by her. Insofar as the demand of dowry
is concerned, it was found that the allegations levelled against
the husband were false and no evidence whatsoever was
produced in this regard; no complaint or FIR was lodged in this
respect with any authority or concerned police officer. Insofar
as the injury caused to the appellant is concerned, it was found
that she was having eye-problem even before marriage, which
was admitted and no report etc. in respect of the injury having
been caused was placed on record and even no complaint or
FIR in respect of alleged beating or smashing head of the
appellant on wall was ever reported to anyone. Therefore, it
was found that it was a case of false allegations and thus,
mental cruelty was committed. Insofar as intimate relationship
of husband with one female friend Barnali Mitra is concerned,
she had admitted in her cross-examination that the documents
being paper no. 9Ga/1 upto 9Ga/7 are concerned, messages
allegedly sent may contain forwarded messages and may not
be the message in original. On a pointed query in respect of
paper no. 96Ga/6, which was to the effect that Barnali Mitra
had written that she had a boyfriend and therefore, he
(Madhukar Chugh) should not remain attracted to her and that
she is not fit for Madhukar and she had even called him ‘Pagal’.
In that reply, she had admitted this fact and therefore, even e-
mail communication copy whereof were filed by the appellant
clearly reflects that the allegation levelled against the husband
having extra-marital relationship with Barnali Mitra was false
14. We, therefore, find that apart from issue no. 2 of cruelty
the Court below appreciated that it is a case of irretrievable
breakdown even if the desertion is not proved as per definition
of Section 13 (1)(ia) and (ib). Admittedly at least 13 years
have passed since both are living separately, which by itself
amount to cruelty.
(xiv) Where there has been a long period of
continuous separation, it may fairly be concluded that the
matrimonial bond is beyond repair. The marriage becomes
a fiction though supported by a legal tie. By refusing to
sever that tie, the law in such cases, does not serve the
sanctity of marriage; on the contrary, it shows scant
regard for the feelings and emotions of the parties. In
such like situations, it may lead to mental cruelty.
(emphasis supplied)
18. We have a married couple before us who have barely
stayed together as a 12. Other aspect which we must
consider is the fact that for the last 25 years the appellant
and respondent, are living separately, and have not
cohabitated. There is absolutely no scope of reconciliation
between the parties. There is in fact no bond between the
two and as the Law Commission in its 71st report said
about such a marriage, which is a marriage which has de
facto broken down, and only needs a de jure recognition
by the law. The same was reiterated by the Law
Commission in its 217th report.
Digitally signed by :-
High Court of Judicature at Allahabad