01 Scope of Work (V 1.0) 1

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Implementation of eGRC

Short and Mid Form

Contracts Enforcements
Scope of Work

Saudi Aramco: Confidential


The current Short Form Contract (SFC) and Mid Form Contract (MFC) implementation
process lack number of controls mandated in the Procurement Manual policies and
guidelines. The scope of this project is to enforce the identified controls related to
SFC and MFC process in eMarketplace and SAP PRC system. The document will suggest
controls to be monitored in eGRC. In addition, APIs are to be implemented for SLP,
Sourcing, CLM, Supplier Risk Processes. This include Approval API V2, Contract
Workspace Management API, Configuration Parameter API and Supplier Risk capture
and update API for display during workflow actions.

The objective is to improve compliance and avoid deviations from governing policies
and procedures. Implementation of these controls will ensure the compliance with the
Procurement Manual policies and procedures where applicable and will enforce
proactive automated leading actions. In addition, the objective of implementing Ariba
APIs to optimize performance and improve stability.

The intent of this document is to detail the proposed implementation for the
identified controls related to SFC and MFC and APIs implementation.


Contractor shall design and develop the following system enhancements on

eMarketplace and SAP PRC system which has the following landscape: Development
(DVC), Quality Assurance (QAC) and Production (PRC).

1.1 SRC Approval

Contractor shall capture and validate SRC related approvals against eSRC system for
the following scenarios:
1. Awarding SFC/MFC to other than the lowest bidder, then SRC Approval shall be
captured before proceeding with the Contract Award workflow
2. Enhance MFC when awarding single source that exceeds $5MM based on the
below conditions:
a) SRC Approval shall be captured at the PR supplement stage based on the
estimated cost
b) Enhance Contract Award workflow to capture SRC Approval based on the
award value in case SRC approval was not secured in the PR stage
3. Enhance SFC/MFC revisions that exceeds $5MM:
a) Capture Cancel and Supersede action in the supplements
b) SRC approval shall be captured at PR based on the value of the revision for
a competitive bid

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c) SRC Approval shall be captured before the Contract Award based on the
award value in case the SRC approval was not secured in the PR stage
4. Negotiating of bids under competitive bidding for SFC/MFC contracts:
a) Enhance SFC/MFC award negotiation workflow to capture and mandate SRC

5. Capturing SRC approval can be done by mandating a valid SRC number and
cross-checking with SRC system. If SRC is valid, ensure the provided SRC
number is relevant to the contract in question. This could be achieved by
having a mechanism to verify that the SRC papers are accessible by authorized
persons in the approval workflow

1.2 Tasks and Workflows

Contractor shall implement the following:

1. SFC/MFC/LFC/amendments AAE Workflows’ justifications, comments, and
attachments for bidder list, PO and award have to be saved in the system and
report it.

1.3 Bidder Qualification and Evaluation

The qualification and evaluation of suppliers should be controlled as follows:

1. Incorporate flag for deletion in the supplier warning list in ZMSCE_R190 and
other workflows such as bid slate approval and award.
i. Add error, do not allow flag for deletion supplier to be added to bid
slate. This is to be implemented in the backend validation and in the
bidder list AAE workflow
ii. Add error, do not allow flag for deletion supplier to be added to bid
iii. Do not allow material suppliers in the service bid slate, where
purchasing org should be 1000. Error message shall be displayed to
the users to stop them from proceeding with bid slate approval. This
is to be implemented in SAP and AAE Worfklow
2. Enhance the function that reads the warning in the bid slate and award WFs in
the unified inbox

1.4 Bidding and Bid Evaluation

Contractor shall implement the following:

1. Detect when a supplier bid has been changed or the overall value has been
adjusted by the project owner to trigger a workflow to be approved by the
supervisor and highlighted in the award workflow.
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2. Implement a mechanism to enable adding multiple vendors at once and
additional screens from RFQ to RFP through integration
3. Enable moving suppliers automatically from SOI to RFP through integration and
4. Prevent adding material suppliers in services procurements and workflows
(suppliers with org other than 1000 should not be allowed in SOI / the bidder

1.5 Bidder Disqualification

Contractor shall Introduce a workflow process in Ariba and SAP AAE workflos for
technical disqualification
1. Contract signatory has to approve the technical disqualification before opening
commercial evaluation

1.6 Low-ball Bid

Contractor shall design a process for low-ball where set of required tasks can be added
from template questions based on the formula mentioned in the procurement manual
and procedures.

1.7 Contract Closure

Closing contracts should be controlled as follows:

1. Monitor pending Final Release Agreements (FRA) for Mid-Form Contracts (MFC)
with completed POs (SAP transaction ME53N) by reporting pending FRA after
approval of last invoice.
2. FRA should be highlighted to be completed after a grace period of two weeks
after the approval of last invoice. This shall trigger reminders and escalations
to Contracting personnel to complete FRA.
3. “Close-out document” needs to be implemented for Mid-Form Contracts (MFC)
and Mid-Form Agreements (MFA) similar to long-form Contracts (SAP PRC).
4. “Contract Status” should be added to Mid-Form Contracts (MFC) in order to
highlight the current contract status similar to long-form Contracts (e.g.
Active, Closed out by FRA, etc.)
5. Ensure the work completion certifier in the Service Entry Sheet (SES) is neither
the PO initiator nor the approval authority for both SFC and MFC. This is to be
implemented similar to LFC SES’s.

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1.8 Extending SFC/MFC PO without involving new or additional work:

Extending the PO completion date should be controlled as follows:

1. Add and mandate the “justification” field in the PO (transaction: ME23N) with
supporting attachment when changing completion date after PO approval
a) Require attachment of approved memo for SFC longer than 6 months
duration, the extension must be prior to SFC expiration. This is to be
implemented as part of point 1.8.2.
2. Mandate deviation approval and validate it with deviation system in the PR
supplement, bid slate, and award if the duration exceeds:
a) one year for SFCs
b) three years for MFCs
2. Mandate deviation approval in the PO (transaction: ME23N) if the duration of
the PO exceeds:
a) one year for SFCs
b) three years for MFCs

1.9 Update SFC/MFC supplement start date for “Cancel & Supersede”

Contractor shall enhance SFC/MFC supplement to display a warning to indicate that

the start date cannot be modified if the contractor has already commenced the work
shall appear to the user when trying to modify the start date in the SFC/MFC

This warning should appear only for Cancel and Supersede action, meaning that the
award has been approved and then revoked.

1.10 Request for Proposals

Creating an RFP should be controlled as follows:

1. Add new AAE workflow scenario when using an additional RFP has to be
approved by the supervisor when the procurement is not a single source.

1.11 Contract Notifications

The following notifications need to be implemented:

1. Send notification to Contract Signatory (CS) and Contract Proponent (CP) for
SFC/MFC contracts expiring in 30 days and 90 days respectively (similar to

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2. Send notification to CS, CP and Manager if Contract is expired and not closed
one month after expiration, notification to Manager and VP if Contract is
expired and not closed six (6) months after expiration.
3. Send notification or add PMOD in the WF for PMT SFC/MFC PRS, when cost
and /or schedule estimates reaches 90% or more of their threshold

1.12 Time Unit Rate (TUR) Contracts

The following specific control need to be implemented for both SFC and MFC:
1. Scenarios for Cancel & Surprised:
a) Changes in SFC and MFC that does not involve new/additional scope
(positive change in the total PO amount): like changing validity or
reduction in total value for Work Unit Rate (WUR) and Time Unit Rate
(TUR), PO status should be kept on: released, as is no changes to the
system, only changes and clarification in the manual.
b) Changes in SFC and MFC that involve new/additional scope:
i. For Short Form Contracts:
Lump Sum: is considered single source procurement, require 6-
point justification, and minimum manager level
Time unit rate & Work unit rate: not considered SS, does not
require 6-point justification. A proposal is to add amount
limitation to the addition, 30% of the contract value for
ii. For Mid Form Contracts:
Lump Sum: is considered single source procurement, require 6-
point justification, and minimum Admin Area head level. When
there is no Admin Area Head within an organization, the Senior
Vice-President can delegate this approval authority to a
Department Manager level (or higher) employee
Time unit rate & Work unit rate: not considered SS, does not
require 6-point justification. A proposal is to add amount
limitation to the addition, 30% of the contract value for

2. WUR and TUR cancel and supersede for additional quantities should not be
considered as Single Source. and should be handled as the original procurement
method (it should follow non-TUR scenario).

1.13 Contract Negotiation

Contractor shall implement the following specific controls for single-source SFC and
1. Introduce a flag to indicate if negotiation is done or waived. If it is waived,
then mandate attaching a signed memo.

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1.14 Contract Award

The following specific controls need to be implemented for both SFC and MFC:
1. The system should display warning message If the award value is different than
the bid value.
2. Modify the contract award workflow to highlight the commercially disqualified
3. Mandate capturing the justifications against each commercially disqualified
bidder to be shown before the bid award workflow. This is to be added based
on Ariba approval task.
4. Introduce a process that capture the overall value changes in the PO Cancel
and supersede. In addition to following wording in related printouts: “This
(name of Release PO document Rev.XX) cancels and supersedes (name of
Release PO document Rev.XX) number ________ dated ___________;"
5. Enhance services POs printouts to add a fixed Aramco Address

1.15 LFC Bid Slate

1. Law approval is required for Bid Slates that include OOK suppliers. Please
support to mandate Law approval in this AAE workflow scenarios.
2. Mandate Procurement CD Supervisor review for all Bid Slate AAE workflows
regardless of the threshold. This is to ensure proper Bid Slate justification is
added by the CD Rep prior to reaching contract signatory.

1.16 New/ Updated Ariba API’s ECC Enhancement:

1. Operational Reporting for Sourcing - View Management, Synchronous, Job

Submission and Job Result APIs Extract and report on the transactional
sourcing data you need to make operational decisions.

The Operational reporting API for strategic sourcing enables extract and report on the
transactional sourcing data that you need to make operational decisions, such as
events scheduled to close in the next day, tasks due to be completed, documents
awaiting approval, etc.
Your client application filters the particular type of data you wish to extract by
specifying transaction type, time-span, transaction status, and other considerations.
These filters are included in reporting view templates. A particular view template is
created only once, and persists in the system. The client application must specify the
view by name with each API call.

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API requests can pass the following query parameters in the request URL:

Parameter Description

realm Required. The realm names.

displayStateStrin Optional. By default, document status is returned as a

g numerical code. You can set this query parameter to true to
receive a readable string status instead

emitNull Optional. By default, API responses include NULL field values.

You can set this query parameter to false to exclude NULL field

includeInactive Optional. By default, API responses do not include inactive

transactions. You can set this query parameter to true to
include inactive transactions in the responses

The Operational reporting API for strategic sourcing supports the following filter
parameters for all document types:

Parameter Description

createdDateFro Specify the document creation date range

m Dates for this parameter must be provided in the following
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTo For example: 2016-07-07T00:00:00Z

status Status of the document. Permissible values are

 completedZeroRecords
 Pending
 Processing
 completed

a) ABAP Data Dictionary modifications to store API payload (staging)

b) ABAP Class to consume JSON payload for SAP PO Web service
c) ABAP Class and Methods to read, insert, update, delete and format API payload
d) ABAP and BW Extractor Programs to present content to end-users

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2. SAP Ariba API for Contract Workspace Retrieval and Update (Automate
Functional Review Workspace)

The Contract Workspace retrieval APIs allow retrieve contract workspace header
information from SAP Ariba Contracts Allows users to download the contract
workspace header information via the APIs and display the data as per the
requirement in the target application.
Create and update APIs allow contract workspace metadata to create, update contract
workspace header information in SAP Ariba Contracts.

a) ABAP Data Dictionary modifications to store API payload (staging)

b) ABAP Class to consume JSON payload for SAP PO Web service
c) ABAP Class and Methods updates to read, insert, update, delete and format API
d) ABAP Programs updates to present content to end-users

The Contract Workspace modification API contains

endpoints to create a contract workspace by using
Contract Workspace Modification
an existing template and update the Single
Contract Workspace Metadata (header fields)
The Contract Workspace retrieval API, GET API,
gets the single contract workspace metadata
Contract Workspace Retrieval (header fields) details. The Contact Workspace
API retrieval API, Search API, searches for contract
workspaces using attributes such as the title and
the Last Modified date.

Payload Formats and Samples for Contract Workspace Retrieval and Maintenance

SC-9315_SC-9314_U SC-9315_SC-9314_S SC-9315_SC-9314_S SC-9315_SC-9314_G SC-9315_SC-9314_C

pdate Contract Workspace
earch with
Contract earch
and Retrieve
Title Response.docx
et the
Workspace Response.docx

SC-9315_SC-9314_C SC-9315_SC-9314_U
reate Contract Workspace
pdate Contract
Body Request.docx
Workspace Response.docx

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3. SAP Ariba API for Surrogate Bids (Automate and control Surrogate Bid

This API enables buyers to systematically submit bids in SAP Ariba Sourcing on behalf
of participants. Create API clients that submit surrogate bids on behalf of participants
(supplier users). This API enables buyers to submit surrogate bids on behalf of
participants. Buyers can download a response spreadsheet for an event, enter
participant data in the spreadsheet, and then upload the completed spreadsheet.

a) ABAP Data Dictionary modifications to store API payload (staging)

b) ABAP Class to consume JSON payload for SAP PO Web service
c) ABAP Class and Methods updates to read, insert, update, delete and format
API payload
d) ABAP Programs updates to present content to end-users

Payload Structure for Surrogate Bid Submission API (automate surrogate bids)

Request body parameters:

Name Required/Optional Type Description

operation Required string The operation for which to create the job.
Valid values for bid response sheets:

 export: Create a job to generate a bid

response sheet. When the job completes
successfully, you can download the bid
response sheet using the
/jobs/{jobId}/files/{fileId} endpoint.
 import: Create a job to import (upload) a
bid response sheet.

Valid values for attachments:

 add_attachment_response: Create a job

to upload and submit an attachment on
behalf of a participant as a response to a
question or a term in a line item.

 delete_attachment_response: Create a
job to delete an attachment from a
participant's response. You can use this
operation for an attachment that was
submitted via the interactive user
interface or this API.

 download_attachment_response: Create a
job to get an attachment from a
participant's response. You can use this
operation for an attachment that was
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Name Required/Optional Type Description

submitted via the interactive user

interface or this API.When the job
completes successfully, you can download
the attachment using the
/jobs/{jobId}/files/{fileId} endpoint.

 replace_attachment_response: Create a
job to replace an attachment in a
participant's response. You can use this
operation for an attachment that was
submitted via the interactive user
interface or this API.
Valid value for bid response sheet and

 submit: Create a job to submit a

previously uploaded bid response sheet
and attachments.

eventId Required string ID of the event, such as Doc12345.

supplierId Required string User ID of the participant (supplier) for whom

the bids will be submitted.

file Optional file with "xmimetype": This parameter is needed for import,
"application/vnd.msexcel add_attachment_response and
operations; omit it for all other

The bid response sheet to import.

itemNumber Optional string This parameter is needed for

download_attachment_response, and
replace_attachment_response operations;
omit it for all other

termName Optional string This parameter is needed for

download_attachment_response, and
replace_attachment_response operations
when itemNumber refers to a line item; omit
it for all other operations and when
itemNumber refers to a question.

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4. Risk Category API update and Risk Category (Incorporate Supplier Risk in
Sourcing Workflows)

Name Features Benefits

Risk  Risk Dashboard Content can now be Automated dashboard updates and Supplier Risk
Category updated from external sources through Management based on Aramco licensed providers
API the Risk Category Information API and internal logic e.g.

 Introduction of a New Regulatory & legal  KSA validations

tab comprising Compliance, Evidence and
 Vendor Blocks
Risk Incidents sections

Compliance section includes Sanction,  Phase 2 (extended) Compliance Feed

integration e.g. Dow Jones
Watchlist, Screening Date and Historical
details  Other Third-Party information stored in Saudi
 The Evidence section summarizes Aramco environments
sanction/watchlist details: source of
sanction/watchlist (e.g. Dow Jones), URL
link, Note Section for extended
details, violation start and end dates

 Risk Incidents section contains adverse

media mapped to the Regulatory and
legal risk category.

 Risk Category Information updates are

included in the daily email notifications
whenever supplier have associated

Risk  The Risk Exposure API makes the supplier  Provides visibility into overall and individual
Exposure overall risk exposure and category category risk exposure information when
API exposure available outside the Supplier integrated into procurement processes e.g.
Risk application Supplier Onboarding, Bid List Approvals,
Sourcing Award approval and Contract

 Supplier Risk Category information impacted

by third party feeds including D&B (financial),
GDACs (Global Disasters), Dow Jones
(Compliance) and Ecovadis (Environmental)
can now be made available in other processes
and reporting

 Extended Risk exposure availability enables

more informed business decisions

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a. ABAP Data Dictionary modifications to store API payload (staging)
b. ABAP Class to consume JSON payload for SAP PO Web service
c. ABAP Class and Methods updates to read, insert, update, delete and
format API payload
d. ABAP Programs updates to present content to end-users

5. Event Management API for Sourcing (Automate RFP rounds)

This API enables publish of sourcing events, republish previously published events,
specify how previous participant responses are handled (kept or discarded) and if
participants receive notifications for the modifications.

Request body parameters

Name Required/Optional Type Description

Used when an event is republished. Specifies

how any existing participant responses are
handled and if participants are notified that
the event has been republished. Valid values:

§ Keep and email. Keep participants'

existing responses and send an email to
participants notifying them that they
should review their previous responses.
§ Keep, but do not email. Keep
updateChoice Optional string participants' existing responses, but do not
send email notifications to participants.
§ Do not keep, and email. Discard
existing responses and send an email to
participants, notifying them to resubmit
their responses.
§ Do not keep, and do not email. Discard
existing responses and do not send email
notifications to participants.

Default: 1.

Message to include in notifications send to

message Optional string
participants if the event is republished.

Response fields

Field Type Description

message string Status or error information

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a) ABAP Data Dictionary modifications to store API payload (staging)
b) ABAP Class to consume JSON payload for SAP PO Web service
c) ABAP Class and Methods updates to read, insert, update, delete and
format API payload
d) ABAP Programs updates to present content to end-users

6. Audit Search API for Sourcing (Integrate and Automate Auditing


Audit Search API is used to pull long term audit data published through the Audit
Publish service. It is necessary as some companies may want to review long periods of
audit data to detect anomalies. This API supports both synchronous and asynchronous
retrieval of audit data. Asynchronous search is encapsulated in the jobs resource in
this API. The client application posts a reporting job to the jobs queue specifying the
audit types and the filter criteria. This API enables the client to query the status of a
submitted job and to download the result files that are generated when the job
completes successfully. When the job is complete, the output is batched into ZIP files
containing batch-sized records per file. The client application requests one file at a
time. Synchronous search allows the retrieval of audit data for the most recent 3-
month period.

Workflow for asynchronous audit search

1. The SAP Ariba solution logs audit data in the audit service.
2. The client application posts a reporting job to the job queue, specifying the
audit type and the filter criteria specified in the OData format. It receives a
job ID in response.
3. The client application polls the job status using the job ID in the API until the
job is complete.
4. When the job is complete, the output is ready for download.
5. The client application requests the output document, specifying the job ID and
the file ID.
6. The downloaded ZIP file contains the output as a CSV or JSON file, depending
on what was specified in the reporting job.
7. Optional. The client application requests a list of all submitted reporting jobs
for a site, specifying the desired filter.
Workflow for synchronous audit search
1. The SAP Ariba solution logs audit data in the audit service.
2. The client application sends a request for audit data, specifying the tenant ID,
audit type, start and end date of the search range, and the filter criteria
specified in the OData format.
3. The API call returns the list of audit log entries matching the query parameters
in the JSON response.

a) ABAP Data Dictionary modifications to store API payload (staging)

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b) ABAP Class to consume JSON payload for SAP PO Web service
c) ABAP Class and Methods updates to read, insert, update, delete and
format API payload
d) ABAP Programs updates to present content to end-users

7. User Qualification API (Additional Controls for Sourcing Projects)

User qualification gives you an additional option to allow users to access only the
sourcing projects that they are qualified for. This API configures user qualification
fields for individual users. A user is qualified for a project if at least one of the user’s
field values for each user qualification field defined for a site matches the field value
in a project.

Object Scenario Users Checked Features

Sourcing Creating or editing a Project owners,  When copying a project, a user can't copy the
project sourcing project team members, projects they aren't qualified for. Projects
and task that the user isn't qualified for are grayed out
in the list of projects to copy from.
 Documents, including folders, analytical
reports, and events, do not have user
qualification fields. SAP Ariba uses the user
qualification Field values of the parent
projects or subprojects to check user
qualifications, depending on where the
documents are created. If the documents are
created in a parent project, then the user
qualification field values of the parent project
are used. If the documents are created in a
subproject, then the user qualification field
values of the subproject are used.
Accessing or viewing a The user who is When a user searches for projects, all projects
sourcing project from performing the meeting the search criteria are displayed. When
the dashboard, search operation the user attempts to open a project, SAP Ariba
rejects user access if the user qualification field
results, and My Tasks
values of the user do not match those of the
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Object Scenario Users Checked Features

On My Tasks tile, SAP Ariba only displays the

projects whose user qualification field values
match those of the user.

Publishing a sourcing Project owners,

event team members,
and task

User Adding or replacing a New user  The new user can be a project owner, team
user in a sourcing member, or task participant.

Delegating Delegator and If the delegator does not have user qualification
responsibilities to delegatee field values, they can delegate responsibilities
another user to any user.

If the delegator has user qualification field

values, they can delegate responsibilities to the
following users:

Users who do not have user

qualification field values

Users who have user qualification field

values, and their user qualification field
values contain those of the delegators

a) ABAP Data Dictionary modifications to store API payload (staging)

b) ABAP Class to consume JSON payload for SAP PO Web service
c) ABAP Class and Methods updates to read, insert, update, delete and
format API payload
d) ABAP Programs updates to present content to end-users


CONTRACTOR shall perform all the WORK required as described in this Scope of Work
as well as below major deliverables.

No. Major Deliverable SAUDI ARAMCO Deliverable Acceptance Criteria

(Sign Off Criteria)
mobilize all required resourced needed to execute project scoping and
1 Mobilization
design phase.
2 Project Scoping 1. Provide detail project plans/resources, definition of project team,
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rollout plan, organization chart and roles approved by Saudi Aramco
2. Provide project design, and technical design documents
3. Provide project charter
4. Conduct the required business process workshops to finalize the
business requirements and any identified technical development
and Design specifications or requirements.
5. Conduct full prototype and obtain the sign-off before the start of the
6. Provide end user training strategy and training plan
7. Provide production cutover plan and production support plan
8. Provide Business Blueprint Management Summary document at the
end of this phase approved by Saudi Aramco representative.
1. Complete technical development, system configurations, interfaces,
workflows, enhancements, application security, and documentations.
2. Provide automated code review report
3. Design and development of reports and output documents,
Implementation and interfaces, authorization profiles, workflows, conversions and
3 Go-live (Section 1.1 enhancements
– 1.15) 4. Rollout development to production
5. Prepare test scripts and scenarios, conduct Unit Functional Testing
and User Acceptance Testing sessions, and obtain signoff on the
final User Acceptance Tests.
6. Provide training material and end user training
7. Complete technical development, system configurations, interfaces,
workflows, enhancements, application security, and documentations.
8. Provide automated code review report
9. Design and development of reports and output documents,
Implementation and interfaces, authorization profiles, workflows, conversions and
4 Go-live (Section enhancements
1.16) 10. Rollout development to production
11. Prepare test scripts and scenarios, conduct Unit Functional Testing
and User Acceptance Testing sessions, and obtain signoff on the
final User Acceptance Tests.
12. Provide training material and end user training
1. provide production support for all applications where functions
implemented for a period of six months after the Go-Live date of the
implementation phase
2. provide application support utilities and documentations.
5 Support
3. conduct Knowledge Transfer session and support handover
4. close all production issues list
1. deploy minor enhancements to correct programs errors


CONTRACTOR shall establish an effective and qualified team responsible to accomplish

the WORK required in this SOW. Key skills are identified below; however, do not
constitute all required skills. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to maintain a
sufficient number of qualified personnel to support and execute the contract obligations
within the timeframe set in section 5 (duration) of this Scope of Work.

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Each personnel working on the SOW must have the required skills, certifications and
experience as outlined in Attachment II of Schedule “B” of IT Application Development &
Implementation Contract for the job title which is he/she is placed on.

Main Skill Comments

Candidate shall be specialized in:
- architecture, design, functionality development,
deployment and maintenance of Materials and Services
Procurement Process solutions and demonstrate
extensive IT knowledge
- maintenance of SAP ABAP and PI solutions
- development and the deployment in integrating SAP
Systems to other SAP, non-SAP, and BW Systems
- design, development and the deployment in integrating
Cloud Computing solutions with SAP and non-SAP
- secure programming techniques and best practices for
internal, intranet and extranet systems
- experience in extending and maintaining standard
delivered functionality
- 5 years’ experience in the deployment and integration
SAP Senior Technical
with SAP ECC of multiple SAP Ariba cloud-based
procurement and sourcing solutions
- data normalization, standardization cleansing, conversion
and mass loading technologies
- archiving principles with regards to data archiving, data
retrieving and data restoration techniques
- software stress testing techniques and technologies e.g.
- writing and oral communications skills, including being
able to explain complex solutions to different audiences
- delivering solutions in compliance with Capability Maturity
Model Integration (CMMI-DEV) version 1.3 at appraisal
level 5
- BS in Computer Science, Information Systems,
Engineering, Business, or other related discipline
Applications Candidate shall be specialized in:
Developers - computer equipment and ability to develop complex
software to satisfy design objectives
- applications programmer on Kofax solutions, SCADA,
GIS, MS SharePoint, Content Management and
Collaboration, eDOCS (Hummingbird), Web
Development, HTML5, CSS, UI5, Mobile Development
(native and web based), .NET, ABAP, Webdynpro/Java,
Webdynpro/ABAP, BSP, SmartForms, J2EE , E Catt,
SAP or any ERP solution, , Adobe Flex, Multimedia,
Intranet/Internet, Net Weaver technology, Workflow,
Event Management, Authorization, Smartforms, BSP,
Business Objects, or any other advance technology
- BS in Computer Science, Information Systems,
Engineering, Business, or other related discipline.
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- minimum of seven (7) years’ experience in IT, of which at
least four (4) years must be specialized
- ability to work independently or under only general
direction with the ability to determine client needs,
negotiate deadlines and communicate under pressure
with people from diverse backgrounds.
- Additional certification in SAP functional modules as per
request is an advantage.
Candidate shall be specialized in:
- Full life cycle SAP upgrade implementations including
Integration Project Plan, Design, Development,
Regression Testing, Production deployment, Technical
maintenance and Post deployment support.
- experience in preparation and review of Functional,
Technical and Unit Test design documents
- minimum 3 years’ experience in the integration with SAP
ECC of multiple SAP Ariba cloud-based procurement and
sourcing solutions development with hands-on experience
in several SAP PI/PO integration projects.
- Strong hands-on SAP PI data integration and Web
- Strong experience in system development transport
- Strong experience in SAP basis functions including
system landscape management (design, configuration
and setting).
- Services architecture implementations;
- Hands-on experience and expertise in working with SAP
PI Adapter Framework (XI-AF) and process integration;
- Hands-on SAP experience with Integration Builder.
PI/PO Consultant
- Experience in configuration, IDOC configuration, Interface
mapping, Message mapping, and Collaboration
- Experience of XML configuration, XML Interface mapping,
XML Message mapping, and Collaboration
brokers/Agreements, using SOAP, REST and other
applicable protocols
- Minimum of 5 years’ experience working on large and
complex IT projects.
- Java functions in SAP PI/PO to meet complex
client/business needs
- Experience working on large projects in multi-team
- Ability to excel in a team environment and consistently
deliver on assigned application development tasks.
- Ability to work under stress, with interruptions, as well as
with conflicting needs and tight deadlines
- Experienced in delivering solutions in compliance with
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI-DEV)
version 1.3 at appraisal level 5
- Experienced in CIG and Business Technology Platform
Material Management Candidate shall be specialized in:
Consultant - A minimum of five plus (5+) years of experience in
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Procurement and Supply Chain within Oil and Gas,
Petrochemical, Heavy Industrial Construction or Utilities
- A minimum five plus (5+) implementing and configuring
within the External Services management and External
Services procurement Modules
- a broad functional background with experience in all
External Services Procurement and Supply Chain
- extensive IT knowledge and direct experience in SAP
External Services Procurement
- Able to demonstrate high level of competency in
configuration and customization of the SAP External
Services Procurement functional areas
- have significant experience in the design, development
and the deployment in integrating SAP External Services
solutions to other SAP and non-SAP Systems
- significant experience in the design, development and the
deployment of multiple on-premise & cloud strategic
sourcing solutions e.g. SAP Sourcing, SAP Ariba, Bravo,
IBM Emptoris etc.
- possess at least three end to end SAP projects
implementation experience
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management certification
highly preferred, along with equivalent experience and
demonstrated skillset
- experience of implementing Ariba technologies e.g. Ariba
Buyer, Invoicing, Sourcing & Contract management, Ariba
procurement catalog, Ariba network and Supplier On-
boarding preferred
- experienced in integrating SAP ECC & SAP SRM
master/transactional data with external sourcing solutions
e.g. Ariba, Bravo, IBM Emptoris
- configuration knowledge in SAP SRM 7, SAP Sourcing &
CLM 9.0/10.0 components including RFx, Bidding/reverse
auctions, Contract authoring, Spend analytics, Supplier
Self-Service and internal/external catalog
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management certification
highly preferred, along with equivalent experience and
demonstrated skillset
- experience in extending and maintaining standard
External Services delivered functionality
- demonstrate exceptional written and oral communications
skills, including being able to deliver formal presentations
to different audiences, preparing training and user manual
guidance, and complete application related S-SDLC
- be familiar with within External Services master data
normalization, standardization cleansing, conversion and
mass load mechanisms
- Software based Business Process Modelling (BPM)
experience preferred, including designing, documenting,
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analyzing and optimizing processes to achieve business
process excellence
- Familiar with functional testing and software stress testing
techniques and technologies e.g. Loderunner
- Experienced in delivering solutions in compliance with
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI-DEV)
version 1.3 at appraisal level 5
Also, Candidate roles and responsibilities shall involve:
- Managing all External Services applications affected
by the SCE implementation, integrations and liaising
with application support staff from Functional
- Documenting, reviewing, analyzing and evaluating
External Services Procurement business processes,
systems, integration and user needs
- Document External Services system functionality
impacted by SCE solution, including business
processes, reports, interfaces and database objects
- Apply a set of disciplines for the planning, analysis,
design and construction of External Services
Procurement information systems
- Develop analytical and computational technologies
and methodology for External Services Procurement
problem solutions
- Perform strategic systems planning, business
information planning, and analysis.
- Perform process and External Services data modeling
in support of the planning and analysis efforts using
manual and automated tools
- Apply reverse engineering and re-engineering
methodologies/disciplines to develop migration
strategies and planning documents
- Prepare presentations and assist with project planning
- Apply appropriate activity and data modeling,
transaction flow analysis, internal control and risk
analysis and techniques related to External Services
- Assist in establishing standards and procedures for
updated External Services Procurement platform
- Develop and apply information models for use in
designing and building integrated software for External
Services Procurement
- Construct sound, logical business improvement
opportunities consistent with SAUDI ARAMCO
standards and guidelines, cost savings, and open
system architecture objectives
- Discuss detailed External Services requirements with
SAUDI ARAMCO’s Key User Representatives
- Prepare working papers on discussed and agreed
External Services designs pertaining to SAUDI
ARAMCO’s business processes and procedures
- Map External Services Procurement processes to SCE
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Saudi Aramco: Confidential

functionality and identify integration, data conversion
and reports requirements
- Design custom reports for External Services on a
when needed basis
- Complete configuration and test all External Services
Materials Procurement modules before handing over
the system to SAUDI ARAMCO for user acceptance
- Define External Services solutions, develop system
requirements and program specifications, and prepare
detailed flow charts, program, and tests
- Prepare required documentation, including both
program-level and user-level documentation


Lump Sum


The duration of work is 12 months including 6 months of support


Contractor office (in-kingdom)


Not applicable


Milestones Payment %
Completion of Mobilization 10
Completion of Project Scoping and Design 15
Completion of Implementation and Go-live 25
(Section 1.1 – 1.15)
Completion of Implementation and Go-live 20
(Section 1.16)
Completion of Support Phase 30

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