Local Federation of Sangguniang Kabataan
Local Federation of Sangguniang Kabataan
Province of Pangasinan
Excerpts from the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Sangguniang Kabataan
Federation of Binmaley, Pangasinan held on December ___, 2023 at the
Municipal Conference Room.
PRESIDENT: Hon. Janiea Beyonce D. An
VICE PRESIDENT: Hon. Jeremiah V. Ferrer
SECRETARY: Hon. Christian F. Quimson
TREASURER: Hon. Jervey C. Tabora
AUDITOR: Hon. John Ray M. Raymundo
PIO: Hon. Rhomar R. Castro
SGT. at ARMS: Hon. Melanio B. Melendez
SGT. at ARMS: Hon. John Paul J. Rosario
SGT. at ARMS: Hon. Ranier Adrian F. Manaois
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 10742, known as the
“SK Reform Act of 2015”, Sangguniang Kabataan have the inherent rights and
obligations of adopting its own rules of procedure for the proper discharge of its
mandate and functions;
WHEREAS, in the maintenance of good order in the Sanggunian Kabataan
Federation deliberations, it is necessary that specific rules should be adopted and
enforced in the interest of effective administration;
and WHEREAS, in order to regulate and adjust with the unexpected changes in
the local governance, the Sangguniang Kabataan Federation of Binmaley, Pangasinan
recognizes the need for the adoption of its existing an Internal Rules of Procedure;
The following are the duty elected members of the Local Federation of Sangguniang
Kabataan Officers:
Section 2. The Presiding Officer – The SK President is the presiding officer of the
Sangguniang Kabataan who shall perform the following powers and duties
a) Preside over the Sanggunian, the KK assembly and other meetings in the municipality;
b) Decide all points of order
c) Preserve order and decorum during the session,
d) Announce the business in the order in which it is to be acted open by the Sanggunian;
e) Entertain only one motion at a time and state all motions property,
f) Recognize only one member who is entitled to the floor,
g) Call a special meeting session by giving written notice of it to each member of the
Sangguniang Kabataan;
h) Appoint, with the approval of the Sanggunian the chairman and members of the
standing committees.
Section 3. The Secretary – The Sangguniang Kabatan secretary shall perform the
following duties:
Section 1 Every member of this federation shall make a full disclosure of his financial
and business interests as required of him under art 104, Rule XVII of the Rules and
Regulations implementing the Local Government Code of 1991.
Section 2 Every member shall attend all the sessions of the federation unless he is
prevented from doing so by reason of sickness and other unavoidable circumstances
provided that, as a general rule, previous notice thereto shall be sent to the Sanggunian
thru the Presiding Officer or the secretary.
Section 4 Every member shall observe proper deportment and decorum during sessions.
Section 1. Session – The Sangguniang Kabataan Federation shall hold regular sessions
on the First friday of the month and also such number of special sessions as may be
called by the SK Federation President or by majority of the members of the Sangguniang
Kabataan Federation at any time.
a.) Regular session shall be held on the First Friday of the month, sessions shall start at
1:30 p.m. but in no case later than 1:45 pm.
b.) Regular sessions of this Sanggunian shall be in public and the presiding officer has the
authority to exact from those present respect and proper deportment
c.) As often as necessary when public interest so demands, special sessions may be
called by the Sk Federation President or majority of the members of the sanggunian No
two sessions shall be held in one day.
d.) Unless otherwise agreed upon by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present,
there being a quorum, no other matter may be considered at a special session except
those stated on the notice
e.) In case of special sessions, a written notice to the sanggunian kabataan federation
member, stating the day, time and purpose of the meeting shall be served personally or
left with a member of the household.
Section 2. Agenda – Matters that may be taken up in the session shall be limited only to
those items listed in the agenda
Section 5. Urgent matters – urgent matters which may be brought to the attention of
Sangguniang Kabataan Federation, the delay in the consideration of which shall
prejudice activities of the government, may be discussed in the session without being
listed in the agenda.
a) Legislative actions of a general and permanent character shall be enacted in the form
of ordinances, while those which are of temporary character shall be passed in the form
of resolutions. Matters relating to proprietary functions and to private concerns shall
also be acted upon by resolutions.
b) Proposed ordinances and resolutions shall be in writing and shall contain an assigned
number, a title or caption, an enacting or ordaining clause, and the date of its proposed
c) A resolution shall be enacted in the same manner prescribed for an ordinance, except
that it need not go through a third residing for its final consideration unless decided
otherwise by the majority of the federation members present.
e) Any legislative matter duly certified by the local chief executive as urgent whether or
not it is included in the calendar of business maybe presented and considered by the
body at the same meeting without need of suspending the rules.
f) The secretariat to the Sanggunian Kabataan Federation shall prepare copies of the
proposed ordinance or resolutions of the form it was passed on second reading, and
shall as distribute to each federation member a copy thereof except that a measure
certified by the local chief executive as urgent maybe submitted for the final voting
immediately after it has undergone the periods of debate and amendment during the
second reading.
h) Upon the passage of all ordinances and resolutions directing the payment or money
or creating a liability, and at the request of any member, the Sanggunian secretary shall
record the ayes and the nays. Each approved ordinance or resolution shall be stamped
with the seal of the Sangguninan Kabataan Federation and recorded in a book kept for
the purpose.
a) Privilege and Subsidiary Motions – When the questions is under debate, no motion
shall be entertained except the following and in the order in which they appear below.
1. Motion to adjourn
2. Motion to declare a recess
3. Motion to postpone temporarily
4. Motion to postpone on a certain day
5. Motion to refer to the corresponding committee
6. Motion to amend the main motion
7. Motion to postpone indefinitely the consideration of any business
c) Incidental motions – The following motions shall take precedence of any motion, to
which they are incidental and must be decided before any other business is taken up.
No member can vote on a question in which he has direct or personal pecuniary interest
(a) Whenever a member wishes to speak he shall rise and request the presiding officer
to allow him to have the floor which consent shall be necessary before he may proceed.
(b) When several members wish to have the floor, the presiding officer shall recognized
the one who first made the request
(c) No member shall interrupt another without the letter’s, which may not be obtained
except through the chair
(d) The presiding officer can volunteer information only when necessary. Before
participating in the deliberation of any question before the Federation, he should first
surrender the chair temporarily to some other member
(e) If at any time, the presiding officer states a point of order, or give information
otherwise speak, with his privilege, the member speaking must take his seat until the
presiding officer has been first heard
(f) No number shall walk out or across the session hall while the presiding officer is
addressing the Sangguniang Kabataan Federation, or while the federation is engaged in
(g) A member who has obtained the floor shall confine himself to the questions before
the federation and shall avoid personalities.
(h) No member shall claim the floor the second time if there are others who such to
speak his the first time
(i) All Sangguniang Kabataan Federation members, including the SK Secretary and SK
treasurer, when attending the session, shall be in complete uniform.
(j) Sangguniang Kabataan Federation members shall avoid drinking alcoholic liquor
before attending and during session or during recess of session
a) Any Sangguniang Kabataan Federation member who fails to attend any of following
compulsory activities of the municipality, either or without excuse, shall pay a fine
equivalent to one fourth (1/4) of his honorarium, viz:
c) Late comers or those who arrive after the roll call and those who cut attendance
in a session without valid reason shall be fined Three hundred pesos only (P300.00).
Sk Chairman
Sk Chairman
Sk Chairman