1. Introduction
1.1. The Fundamental Theorem. The positive integers are the integers 1, 2, 3, . . . .
The prime numbers are those integers larger than 1 that can be factored into two positive
integers in exactly one way (not paying attention to order). Thus 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, . . . are
primes, whereas 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, . . . are not primes. These non-prime integers > 1 are
called composite numbers: to see that 10 is composite note that we can factor it in two
distinct ways, as 1 × 10 and as 2 × 5.
When one studies questions involving integers one quickly finds that it is useful to
break integers down into their smallest component parts, that is to factor them into
prime numbers. Thus 35 is 5 × 7, and 90 is 2 × 3 × 3 × 5, and so on; in fact, every
positive integer can be factored in such a manner. A factorization into primes cannot
be decomposed any further since none of the component primes can be factored again.
From calculations it appears that there is only one way to factor a given integer, though
this does not seem to be so easy to prove. However if true then it does give a solid
foundation to any study of the positive integers, and so the result is considered to be
the most fundamental in arithmetic:
needed to be able to determine the divisors of a given integer: In fact if n = pn1 1 pn2 2 . . . pnk k
for primes p1 < p2 < · · · < pk and positive integers e1 , e2 , . . . , ek , then we can deduce
from the fundamental theorem of arithmetic that the divisors m of n are the integers
of the form pm 1 m2
1 p2 . . . pk where mj is an integer with 0 ≤ mj ≤ nj .
Another consequence of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic is that we can eas-
ily determine the greatest common divisor of any two given integers m and n, for if
m = ki=1 pm
Q Q k ni
i and n = pi then their greatest common divisor, denoted by (m, n),
(m, n) = mu + nv.
2Since (p, a) must be a divisor of p, and so either 1 or p, and yet it is not p as p does not divide a.
1.2. A confused history. The key ideas in the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
have probably been recognized by any society that thought deeply about mathematics,
and it was the genius of mathematicians in ancient Greece (and possibly Mesopotamia),
and then Egypt, Turkey, India, North Africa and beyond, to realize that such state-
ments, arguably “self-evident”, would be best justified by proofs deduced from even
more transparent propositions. Most of these older mathematical cultures recognized
the fact that integers can be factored into primes as an essential step in determining all
of the divisors of a given integer (as we did above). In so doing they almost certainly
must have assumed, perhaps unknowingly, that their given factorization of an integer
is the only one; it was the genius of the young Gauss to realize that this fundamental
observation needs proof and then becomes the cornerstone of the theory of numbers.
This has subsequently been celebrated as some of the most agile and deft reasoning in
the history of human thought.
Those parts of Euclid’s Elements that survive from ancient times are among the
earliest known mathematical texts. Much is remarkable about these books, and the
effort therein to put mathematics on a sound axiomatic footing was not truly surpassed
until about two thousand years later. We will perhaps never know which parts of these
books were original to Euclid, though I believe that the succinct, irrefutable proofs
given, indicate that Euclid must have been a leading participant in a sophisticated
mathematical culture. When reading Euclid’s work today we must be careful of (at
least) two cultural issues:
• Euclid’s objectives reflected the questions and thinking of his day, not ours, at a time
when “publishing” was, by today’s standards, unimaginably expensive. Hence what he
chose to present cannot properly be judged by what we would choose to present today.
• The notation of those times was far less flexible than that of today, so that the astute
reader necessarily had to deduce the full content of the statement of a theorem, or of
a proof, from what was written, and could not necessarily learn all that was meant
from what was actually written.3 Looking back it may seem unimaginable that the
finest minds of that time could not recognize this limitation in their notation and do
something about it, yet even in the Renaissance, Fermat and Descartes recognized this
difficulty and deplored those who could not navigate it adroitly.
Euclid’s number theory begins with the Euclidean algorithm, which gives him a notion
of two integers being relatively prime. From this he deduces (in Book 7, proposition
30) that if p divides the product of two integers a and b then it divides at least one
of them,4 and deduces (in proposition 31) that every integer has a prime factor. Then
much later, in Book 9, proposition 14, almost as an afterthought, he proves that a
product of distinct prime numbers is not divisible by any other prime number, that is
he proves the unique factorization theorem for squarefree numbers.
It is easy to deduce the fundamental theorem of arithmetic from these propositions in
Euclid, and there can be little doubt that had he recognized this result as fundamental
he would have proved it. Euclid was more interested in being able to list (with proof)
all of the divisors of certain integers. For example, a perfect number is an integer which
equals the sum of its proper divisors and Euclid observed (in Book 9, proposition 36)
that 2p−1 q is a perfect number whenever q = 2p − 1 is prime.
The oldest surviving text with a clear statement that every positive integer can be
written as a finite product of prime numbers was given by al-Farisi in Persia around
1300. In his text on amicable pairs, he exhibited the pair 2k pq, 2k r whenever p =
3 · 2k−1 − 1, q = 3 · 2k − 1 and r = 9 · 22k−1 − 1 are all prime, k ≥ 2.
Even Renaissance mathematicians such as Euler and Legendre failed to note the
importance of the uniqueness of factorization, and it was not until the streamlined
beauty of Gauss’s [5], where in article 16 we finally read
A composite number can be factored into prime factors in one and only one way,
where he fully credits Euclid for all of the essential ideas that go into this statement.
See [3] and [8] for further discussion.
1.3. Continued fractions. We shall re-work Euclid’s algorithm and its generalizations
in various ways to highlight different ideas. Perhaps the most ancient is by determining
the continued fraction of m/n, for positive integers m and n. For example if m =
30, n = 13 then in Euclid’s algorithm we begin by noting that 13 × 2 ≤ 30 < 13 × 3
3For example, when Euclid proves the infinitude of primes (Book 9 proposition 20), he gives a proof
by contradiction assuming that there are just three primes. The reader is evidently meant to infer that
the same proof works no matter how large a finite number of primes we assume there to be.
4Actually he proves what is now known as Euclid’s lemma: if d divides ab with (d, a) = 1 then d
divides b.
If Euclid’s algorithm takes many steps for a particular pair m, n then the continued
fraction will be long, and difficult to typeset, so we use the more convenient notation
There is one ambiguity in this notation in that we could equally have written [2, 3, 3, 1],
but we make the choice never to end a finite continued fraction with a ‘1’.
One can create a continued fraction for any real number α: one has α = [a0 , a1 , . . . ]
where a0 = [α] and [a1 , a2 , . . . ] = 1/(α − a0 ). Typically we write pn /qn = [a0 , a1 , . . . , an ],
and one can show from the definition that p2k /q2k ≤ α ≤ p2k+1 /q2k+1 for all k ≥ 0.
There is another, rather useful, way to represent continued fractions, in terms of 2-
by-2 matrices, which was discovered surprisingly recently (in the 1940s). We begin by
considering our pair as a point (m, n) in the plane, and then determine all of our pairs
of integers as such points, via linear transformations of the corresponding point. Thus
! ! !
1 −2 30 4
0 1 13 13
and ! ! !
0 1 4 13
= ,
1 0 13 4
which together yield
! ! ! ! ! !
0 1 30 0 1 1 −2 30 13
= = .
1 −2 13 1 0 0 1 13 4
where 30/13 = [2, 3, 4] and 7/3 = [2, 3]. Taking determinants of these matrices we see
that 30 · 3 − 13 · 7 = −1, that is we have the integral linear combination of 30 and 13
that gives 1.
For any real α this argument generalizes to give
! ! ! !
pn pn−1 a0 1 a1 1 an 1
= ...
qn qn−1 1 0 1 0 1 0
so that pn qn−1 − pn−1 qn = (−1)n−1 , and therefore |α − pn /qn | ≤ |pn+1 /qn+1 − pn /qn | =
1/qn qn+1 ≤ 1/an qn2 .
All of the steps from this example generalize directly to any m/n provided m, n ≥ 0.
It is worth understanding the geometry involved in this representation. The points all
belong to the upper right quadrant of the complex plane. We begin with a point on or
to the right of the line y = x. The first step described, subtracting a suitable integer
a, translates our original point horizontally, by an integer multiple of y, to the unique
such point with the same y-value, but with x-value to the left of the line y = x while
remaining in the same quadrant. This step, which can be thought of!as a copies of ! the
1 −a 1 −1
basic step of size y to the left, is written in matrix form as = .
0 1 0 1
The second step begins with a point to the left of the line y = x. We reflect this point
in the line y = x which !
creates a point with a smaller y-value; this step is written in
0 1
matrix form as . With each such pair of steps we find a new point that is
1 0
both lower and nearer to the origin than the point we started off with, and we keep on
going until we reach the origin. The last point before we reach the origin will be on the
x-axis with co-ordinates (g, 0), where g = gcd(m, n). This interpretation, and the two
basic transformations involved, will come in useful again later when we work with more
complicated numbers.
1.4. Square Roots. We can use the fundamental theorem of arithmetic to show that if
an integer n is the square of a rational number then it must be the square of an integer:5
If m = ki=1 pm then m2 = ki=1 p2m , and so n = ki=1 pni i with p1 < p2 < · · · < pk is
Q i
Q i
i i
the square of an integer if and only if each ni is even. Thus we ask whether we can write
n = ki=1 pni i as the square of a rational number when at least one of the exponents
ni is odd, say nj . If that rational number is a/b or −a/b, we have n = (a/b)2 so that
a2 = nb2 . If the exact power of pj dividing a and b are aj and bj , respectively, then we
deduce that the exact power of pj dividing a2 is 2aj which is even, and the exact power
of pj dividing nb2 is nj + 2bj which is odd. This contradicts the fundamental theorem
√ √
of arithmetic. Thus we have proved that 2 is irrational and, in fact, n is irrational
where n is any squarefree positive integer.
The number 2 arises naturally in many contexts in mathematics (for instance as
the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle with smaller two sides both of length 1);
hence it is of interest to understand the arithmetic of numbers of the form a + b 2
where a and b are integers. We can ask whether some analogy of the fundamental
theorem of arithmetic holds for such numbers? When one attempts to again copy over
our original proof, one reaches an unexpected barrier: For the usual integers we used
the fact that there are only finitely many positive integers less than a given integer,
and for polynomials that there are only finitely many possible degrees less than a given
degree. In either case this comes from the fact that there is a smallest positive integer.
Here we would need that there is a smallest positive number of the form r + s 2 with
r and s integers, but this is not true! To exhibit this fact we use an elegant argument
due to Dirichlet: For any given real number t we define {t} to be the fractional part
of t, in other words {t} = t − [t]. Note that 0 ≤ {t} < 1 for every real number t.
Now suppose that there is a smallest positive number of the form r + s 2 with r and
s integers, and select integer N sufficiently large that r + s 2 > 1/N . The numbers
√ √ √ √ √
0, { 2}, {2 2}, {3 2}, . . . , {N 2} all lie between 0 and 1, so two of them, say {i 2}
and {j 2} with 0 ≤ i < j ≤ N , must lie a distance no more than 1/N apart. We can
√ √ √ √
write i 2 = ri + {i 2} and j 2 = rj + {j 2} for some integers ri and rj , so that for
a = rj − ri and b = i − j we have
√ √ √ 1 √
|a + b 2| = |{i 2} − {j 2}| ≤ < r + s 2,
√ √ √
so that either a + b 2 or −a − b 2 contradicts the minimality of r + s 2.
5This result is credited to the young Theaetetus in Plato’s dialogue of that name, dating from around
390 B.C.
Euclid did recognize the importance of the fact that there is a smallest positive
integer6, but it was not until the nineteenth century that anyone found out how one
might extend such ideas beyond this barrier.
2.1. Polynomials. One learns early in mathematics that once one finds the roots
of a given polynomial, then one can completely and uniquely factor the polynomial.
This statement is more subtle than it might seem at first sight for it presupposes that
there is just one way to factor a polynomial (that is, it is impossible to find more than
one way to factor a polynomial). We have to be careful with such a harmless looking
statement for if we consider the very simple polynomial x2 − 1 = (x − 1)(x + 1), not
in its usual context but rather working (mod m) for various integers m,7 then we see
that this simple assumption fast breaks down since it has the additional factorizations
(x − 3)(x + 3) (mod 8), (x − 4)(x + 4) (mod 15), etc. Nonetheless, in the usual context,
we do have the following fundamental theorem: Every polynomial with coefficients in C
may be factored as a scalar times a product of monic,8 linear polynomials in a unique
We can prove this in much the same way as we proved the fundamental theorem
of arithmetic, by demonstrating that a suitably modified Euclidean algorithm works
in this context. Here the greatest common divisor of two polynomials is the monic
polynomial of highest degree which divides both of the two original polynomials. Thus
if we begin the Euclidean algorithm with two polynomials f and g which have leading
terms axd and AxD , respectively, where d ≥ D and a and A are non-zero, then we
define h = f − (a/A)xd−D g and prove that (f, g) = (g, h). As the degrees of g and
h are smaller than those of f and g we see that this process will terminate in finitely
many steps. This is a useable analogy to the Euclidean algorithm for integers, and the
fundamental theorem in this context is then proved entirely analogously.
The same algorithm, suitably modified, also works for pairs of polynomials mod p
where p is prime, though not modulo composites. The key issue being that we need to
be able to invert the leading non-zero coefficient A above, which cannot necessarily be
6See, e.g., Book 7, proposition 31 in which he proves that every integer has a prime factor.
7Two polynomials f and g with integer coefficients are congruent (mod m) if f − g is m times a
polynomial with integer coefficients.
8By leading coefficient we mean the coefficient of the power of x of highest degree in the polynomial.
A polynomial is monic if its leading coefficient is 1. Therefore monic linear polynomials are those of
the form x − α for some α ∈ C.
done if the ring of integers modulo m contains zero divisors (e.g. 4 · 2 ≡ 0 (mod 8) and
5 · 3 ≡ 0 (mod 15)).
2.2. Where there is no unique factorization! We have already seen that the poly-
nomials mod 15, and other non-prime moduli, do not all have an unique factorization.
This is not so surprising when we are working in situations in which there are zero
divisors (in this case 3 × 5 ≡ 0 (mod 15)), that is where there are non-zero integers r, s
such that rs ≡ 0 (mod m). So do we have unique factorization in domains in which
there are no zero divisors?
The set of numbers {a + b −6 : a, b ∈ Z} is a ring but we have two factorizations
√ √ √
of 6, namely −1 × −6 × −6 and 2 × 3, where −6, 2 and 3 are all irreducible in
our ring; in other words they cannot be written as a product of two other numbers in
the ring, neither of which is 1 or -1. To see that neither 2 nor 3 can be so written note
√ √
that if an integer equals (a + b −6)(c + d −6) then ad + bc = 0; that is there exist
√ √ √ √
coprime integers r, s such that a + b −6 = t(r + s −6) and c + d −6 = u(r − s −6)
for some integers t and u, so that our integer is tu(r 2 + 6s2 ) and thus evidently not 2
or 3 unless r = ±1 and s = 0 which does not give rise to a factorization. So the ring
{a + b −6 : a, b ∈ Z} does not have unique factorization! If we are going to be able to
study its arithmetic we are going to need a way around this deficiency.
2.3. Proving Fermat’s Last Theorem. On March 1st, 1847 Lamé claimed, at a
meeting of the Académie des Sciences in Paris, that he had proved Fermat’s Last The-
orem, that there are no non-zero integer solutions to
xn + y n = z n
with n ≥ 3. We can assume that x, y, z are pairwise coprime (else we can divide through
by any common factor) and that n is an odd prime (since Fermat proved the case n = 4,
and as an rsth power is also an rth power). Moreover, since n is odd we may permute
x, y and −z to guarantee that n does not divide z.
Now note that if a1 , a2 , . . . , ak are pairwise coprime integers whose product is the
nth power of an integer then, using the unique factorization theorem we can deduce
that each aj is the nth power of an integer. Lamé’s idea was to reproduce the same
argument for the Fermat equation. First he factored z n = xn + y n as (x + y)(x + ζy)(x +
ζ 2 y) . . . (x + ζ n−1 y) where ζ = e2iπ/n is a primitive nth root of unity, and then proved
that (x + ζ i y, x + ζ j y) = 1 whenever i 6= j. He therefore deduced that each x + ζ j y is an
nth power, and from such a wealth of surprising information deduced a contradiction.
Liouville spoke immediately after Lamé at the meeting and noted that there seemed to
be a gap in the above proof. The assertion that whenever one has a product of pairwise
3. A general theory
3.1. Ideals. Again start with two integers n ≥ m > 0 and let ` = n − m. If r and s
are any two integers then mr + ns = `s + m(r + s), and if t and u are any two integers
then `t + mu = m(u − t) + nt, so that the set of integral linear combinations of m
and n is the same as the set of integral linear combinations of ` and m. Using this
observation at each step in the Euclidean algorithm we discover that the set of integral
linear combinations of m and n is the same as the set of integral multiples of the greatest
common divisor of m and n.
This development led Kummer to a rich generalization of the notion of greatest com-
mon divisor. An integer can be identified by its set of multiples, and thus the greatest
common multiple of m and n can be identified with the set of integral linear combi-
nations of m and n. This is what can be generalized to other situations: instead of
searching for the largest integer that divides every integer in a given set, we work with
the set of integral linear combinations of our given set. Thus if A is our ring of inte-
√ √
gers (for examples, Z, Z[t] and Z[ 2] := {a + b 2 : a, b ∈ Z}) then for any given
m1 , . . . , mr ∈ A we define the ideal
The simplest example of an ideal, a principal ideal, is one that can be generated by
just one element, in other words it is of the form (m) for some m ∈ A. We saw above
that in Z any ideal generated by two integers can be written as an ideal generated by one
integer, and is thus a principal ideal. Now any ideal in Z is of the form (m1 , . . . , mr )
so, by induction on the number of generators, we can deduce that any ideal in Z is
principal, and thus Z is a principal ideal domain.
√ √
Ideals in Z[ d] are not always principal, for example the ideal (2, −6).9 However,
every ideal in Z[ d] can be written in terms of at most two generators and, in fact, all
elements of the ideal are integral linear combinations of those two generators: Let r+s d
be an element of our ideal with s > 0 minimal. We claim that s divides n for every
other element m + n d of the ideal, for if not then write n = qs + r where 1 ≤ r ≤ s − 1
√ √ √
and so (m + n d) − q(a + s d) = (m − aq) + r d is in our ideal, contradicting the
minimality of s. Hence every other element of the ideal is an integral multiple of r +s d
plus some integer, that is an integral linear combination of r + s d and the greatest
√ √ √
common divisor of those integers, call it m. Now sd + r d = d(r + s d) is also in
the ideal, as is m d, so that s divides both r and m. Writing m = as and r = bs we
find that the elements of the ideal are precisely s times the integer linear combinations
of a and b + d.
An ideal containing a unit must be the whole ring. We multiply two ideals I and J
by taking IJ = {ij : i ∈ I, j ∈ J}; a set of generators for IJ can be obtained by
multiplying together the generators of I and of J. Note that IJ is a subset of both I
and J (as an example in Z, note that the set of integer multiples of 15 is a subset of
the integer multiples of 3, and of 5). A prime ideal is an ideal which cannot be factored
into two strictly larger ideals.10
Kummer’s remarkable result is that, even though there is not a unique factorization
theorem for the ring of integers of every field,11 there is in fact a unique factorization
theorem for the set of ideals of the ring of integers of every field. In other words every
ideal may be written in a unique way as a product of prime ideals. This notion is
essential to be able to work with the arithmetic of number fields. In our example above
note that
√ √ √ √ √ √
(2, −6)2 = (2 · 2, 2 · −6, −6 · −6) = (4, 2 −6, 6) = (2, 2 −6) = (2),
9For √
if this equals (a + b −6) then a2 + 6b2 divides 2, which implies a = ±1, b = 0, which is
impossible since 1 is not a linear combination of 2 and −6.
10In Z we artificially ignore factorizations like 5 = 5 × 1; working with ideals this corresponds to
(5) = (5) × (1) = (5) × Z but here only one of the two ideals is strictly larger than (5).
We will define “the ring of integers” of a number field in the next section.
and similarly (3, −6)2 = (3), and hence we have factorization of the ideal (6) in
Z[ −6] into prime ideals:
√ √
(6) = (2) · (3) = (2, −6)2 (3, −6)2 .
On the other hand the ring Z[ 6] has unique factorization and therefore the ideal (6)
factors into prime ideals as
√ √ √ √
(6) = (2 + 6)(2 − 6)(3 + 6)(3 − 6);
√ √
but note that we cannot deduce that the product of the numbers (2 + 6)(2 − 6)(3 +
√ √
6)(3 − 6) equals 6; in fact it equals −6. What explains this difference of a minus
sign? In general if we have two principal ideals (α) = (β) then β ∈ (α) and so β is a
multiple of α, and vice-versa. So we have α = uβ where both u and 1/u are in our ring.
If the ring is Z then the only possibilities for u are 1 and −1, and this is the same for
Z[ −6]. However there can be many more possibilities in a more complicated number
√ √ √
field: for example in Z[ 6] we can have u = 5 + 2 6 since 1/u = 5 − 2 6, and indeed if
√ √
u = ±(5 + 2 6)k for some integer k then 1/u = ±(5 − 2 6)k . Such numbers are units
and we need to better understand them.
3.2. Number fields, algebraic integers and units. We have used the term “ring
of integers” without definition, something we now need to correct. A fraction can be
thought of as a root of a linear equation with integer coefficients; what distinguishes
integers is that the linear equation is monic. This viewpoint generalizes nicely: An
algebraic number α is the root of an irreducible polynomial with integer coefficients
(which is called the minimum polynomial for α), and an algebraic integer is an algebraic
number for which the minimum polynomial is monic. It is worth noting that if α is an
algebraic number then there exists a positive integer m such that mα is an algebraic
integer. Also that the sum and the product of two algebraic integers is also an algebraic
For a given finite set {α1 , α2 , . . . , αk } of algebraic numbers, the set of rational func-
tions, with integer coefficients, involving α1 , α2 , . . . , αk is called a number field, denoted
√ √
Q(α1 , α2 , . . . , αk ).12 Thus Q( d), the set of rational functions in d, is a number field,
√ √
called a quadratic field. We can assume that d is squarefree since b2 d = b d. The
integers of this field are the algebraic integers in the field. Note that by multiplying
√ √ √
top and bottom of (r + s d)/((u + v d) by u − v d we may assume that all of the
√ √
elements of Q( d) take the form (r + s d)/t for integers r, s, t with (r, s, t) = 1 and
t > 0. This is a root of t2 x2 − 2rtx + r 2 − ds2 ; and is thus an algebraic integer if and only
12A rational function is the quotient of two polynomials.
if t2 divides (2rt, r 2 − ds2 ). In this case no odd prime p can divide t, or else p divides
r and p divides s as d is squarefree; and similarly 4 cannot divide t. Therefore t = 1,
or t = 2 with r and s odd and d ≡ 1 (mod 4), and so the ring of integers of Q( d) is
√ √
Z[ d], the set of integer linear combinations of 1 and d, if d ≡ 2 or 3 (mod 4), and
√ √
Z[ 1+2 d ], the set of integer linear combinations of 1 and 1+ d
if d ≡ 1 (mod 4).
To determine the units we must find those algebraic integers u such that 1/u is also an
algebraic integer, in other words the units are the roots of irreducible monic polynomials
√ √
with constant term 1 or −1. Therefore in Q( d) we are looking for r + s d with r, s
integers such that r 2 − ds2 = 1 or −1, and, if d ≡ 1 (mod 4) for those r+s2 d with r − s
√ √ √ √
even such that r 2 − ds2 = 4 or −4. For examples 5 + 2 6, 1 + 2, 1+ 2 −3 and 1+2 5 . We
deduce that there cannot be a unit in Q( d) other than 1 or −1 when d < 0, except
for when d = −3 and d = −1. We will see later that there is always a unit other than
1 or −1 when d is positive and squarefree.
If u and u0 are units then uu0 and u/u0 are also units, so that the units in a given
number field form a multiplicative group. The units of finite order are roots of unity,
the rest have infinite order. The unit group is therefore of the form T ⊕ Zr where T ,
the torsion subgroup of elements of finite order, is a finite cyclic group, and r is the unit
rank, which describes the set of units of infinite order in the field. The units of finite
√ √ √
order in quadratic fields are 1 and −1, as well as ±i ∈ Q( −1), and ±1±2 −3 ∈ Q( −3).
Imaginary quadratic fields have unit rank zero, and real quadratic fields have unit rank
√ √
one; thus for example the elements of the unit group in Q( 6) are ±(5 + 2 6)k , k ∈ Z,
which has the structure Z/2Z ⊕ Z.
3.3. The Gaussian integers. The Gaussian integers are the set of algebraic integers
in Q(i) where i = −1, which turns out to be Z[i], the integer linear combinations of
1 and i. This is a ring with unique factorization (up to units), and one might ask how
each prime in Z factors here? The first thing to note is that if p = (a + ib)(a − ib) then
p = a2 + b2 . Since squares can only be 0 or 1 mod 4, it is evident that p 6≡ 3 (mod 4).
We have that 2 = 1 + 1 = (1 + i)(1 − i) so that 2 factors, hence the question remains
only for the primes ≡ 1 (mod 4). Fermat showed that every such prime is the sum of
two squares; we will do so assuming the easily proved fact that −1 is a square modulo
prime p whenever p ≡ 1 (mod 4):13 Suppose that t is an integer for which t2 + 1 ≡ 0
√ √
(mod p). The set {i + jt : 0 ≤ i, j ≤ [ p]} has ([ p] + 1)2 > p elements, and so two
must be congruent mod p, say i + jt ≡ I + Jt (mod p). Taking a = i − I and b = j − J
we have that a and b are not both 0, and |a|, |b| < p, so that 0 < a2 + b2 < 2p.
13Let x = ( p−1
2 )! so that (p − 1)(p − 2) . . . (p −
2 ) ≡ (−1)(p−1)/2 x ≡ x (mod p), and therefore
x ≡ (p − 1)! ≡ −1 (mod p) by Wilson’s theorem.
(p) = (p, g1 (α)e1 g2 (α)e2 . . . gk (α)ek ) = (p, g1 (α)e1 )(p, g2 (α)e2 ) . . . (p, gk (α)ek ).
If p does not divide the discriminant15 of f then all the ej s equal 1 and so
the desired factorization into prime ideals. A similar, but more complicated, result
holds when p divides the discriminant of f .
14Otherwise, how the prime 2 factors, requires an unenlightening case-by-case analysis.
15The discriminant of a polynomial f (x) is more-or-less the greatest common divisor of f (x) and
f 0 (x) in the ring Z[x] (which is defined to be the minimum possible outcome of the Euclidean algorithm
in this setting). Note that this value must be divisible by any prime p for which f (x) (mod p) has
repeated roots.
One beautiful example comes in taking the pth cyclotomic field, Q(ζp ), where ζ =
ζp = e2iπ/p is a primitive pth root of unity. This has minimal equation (xp − 1)/(x − 1),
which is ≡ (x−1)p−1 (mod p) since (x−1)p ≡ xp −1 (mod p). Thus (p) = (p, (1−ζ)p−1)
and one can deduce that (p) = (1 − ζ)p−1; that is (p) factors into principal ideals, and
so the two sides differ multiplicatively by a unit. Finding a nice presentation of that
unit, for example its minimal polynomial, is not an easy task. The same proof yields
that (p) = (1 − ζ k )p−1 , for any integer k, 1 ≤ k ≤ p − 1 and so (1 − ζ k )/(1 − ζ) is a unit.
In Lamé’s putative proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem, discussed above, he determined
(x+ζ i y, x+ζ j y) where (x, y) = 1: This ideal contains the elements (x+ζ i y)−(x+ζ j y) =
(ζ i − ζ j )y and ζ j (x + ζ i y) − ζ i (x + ζ j y) = (ζ j − ζ i )x, and therefore (ζ i − ζ j )(x, y) =
ζ j (ζ i−j − 1). We just saw that (1 − ζ i−j )/(1 − ζ) is a unit, and so our ideal contains
the element (1 − ζ) as well as (x + ζ i y) + (1 − ζ)y(1 − ζ i )/(1 − ζ) = x + y, and so we
deduce that (x + ζ i y, x + ζ j y) = (1 − ζ, x + y). As 1 − ζ divides p thus our ideal divides
(p, x + y) which equals 1 if p does not divide z.
4. Groups
x2 − dy 2 = ±4,
where x and y are integers with x − y even. We are not interested in the solutions with
u+v d
y = 0 (which correspond to the units ±1). Let (u, v) be the solution with d = 2
smallest but > 1; we claim that every solution with x+y2 d > 1 takes the form
√ ! √ !k
x+y d u+v d
2 2
x+y d
for some integer k ≥ 1. If not, let 2
be the smallest counterexample. We must have
√ √ √ √
x+y d
> u+v d
by definition of u, v, but then ± x+y2 d
· u−v2 d
where the ‘±’ is chosen to
have the same sign as u2 − dv 2 , is a smaller counterexample, giving a contradiction. The
solution u, v is known as the fundamental solution to Pell’s equation and every unit of
Q( d) can be uniquely written in the form ±kd for some integer k.
A real number α has a continued fraction of finite length if and only if α is rational.
A real number is in a quadratic field and thus of the form (b + d)/2a where a, b
and d are integers if and only if its continued fraction is eventually periodic (see, e.g.
[1]); that is, there exists an integer m such that an+m = an for all sufficiently large
n. When α = [a0 , a1 , . . . ] is purely periodic, that is an+m = an for all n ≥ 0, then
α = [a0 , a1 , . . . , am−1 , α] and so for some λ 6= 0 we have
! ! ! ! ! ! !
α a0 1 a1 1 am−1 1 α pm−1 pm−2 α
λ = ... = ,
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 qm−1 qm−2 1
from which we deduce that qm−1 α2 +(qm−2 −pm−1 )α−pm−2 = 0. The continued fraction
√ √
for d + [ d] is purely periodic (see the end of section 6.4 of [1]), and thus an+m = an
for all n ≥ 1 in the continued fraction for d. Therefore if αr = [ar , ar+1 , . . . ] we find
√ √
that αm+1 = α1 = 1/( d − [ d]) and, proceeding as above,
√ ! ! ! ! !
d pm pm−1 αm+1 p m p m−1 1
=λ = λ0 √ √ .
1 qm qm−1 1 qm qm−1 d − [ d]
Expanding out and comparing the (rational integer) coefficients of 1 and d in the
resulting expression, we deduce that
√ √
pm−1 = qm − [ d]qm−1 , and dqm−1 = pm − [ d]pm−1 ,
so that
√ √
p2m−1 − dqm−1
= pm−1 (qm − [ d]qm−1 ) − qm−1 (pm − [ d]pm−1 ) = (−1)m ,
yielding a solution to Pell’s equation. This technique can be dated back to Brah-
magupta, an Indian mathematician who lived at the end of the 6th century, and was
perhaps known even earlier.
Archimedes’ cattle problem, is a 22 line epigram, which he sent to the mathematicians
of Alexandria, in 251 B.C. It begins by asking the reader to find the numbers of white,
black, blue and spotted bulls and cows, where these numbers satisfy eight given linear
equations. Archimedes writes “if you can solve the problem up to this point no one will
call you ignorant, but this does not yet make you an expert”. He then gives two further
equations: In one a certain sum of the variables equals a square; in the other a different
sum of the variables equals a triangular number. Archimedes then adds: “if you can
solve this now, then you win the prize for supreme wisdom”. It can be shown by the
theory of Pell’s equation that Archimedes’ cattle problem is equivalent to finding the
2329th smallest solution to x2 − dy 2 = 1 with d = 4729494 and y divisible by 9314, so
that the total number of cattle is an integer with 206545 decimal digits. Presumably
Archimedes’ understood the difficulty of his problem because he had a firm grasp of the
mathematics behind Pell’s equation (see [10] for more on this charming question).
√ √ √
4.2. Irreducibles. The ideal (5) factors in the field Q( 19) as (3− 19, 5)(3+ 19, 5),
that is into two non-principal ideals. If we restrict our attention just to the algebraic
integers of the field then 5 cannot be factored, that is 5 is irreducible but not prime in
Q( 19).
One might ask whether there are irreducibles in a given number field that can be
split into arbitrarily many prime factors, or whether there is a bound on the possible
number? If there is a bound then this is some kind of measure on how far the given
number field is away from having unique factorization. In fact there is a bound, and
understanding this leads us into our next topic, the class group:
4.3. The class group. We wish to measure how far away ideals are from being principal
in a given field K. To do this the modern algebraist studies “ideals modulo principal
ideals”; by this we mean that two ideals are considered to be the same in this setting if
they differ, multiplicatively, by a principal ideal. More precisely we say that ideals I and
J are equivalent if there exist algebraic integers α and β, of K, for which (α)I = (β)J.
Thus any two principal ideals are equivalent. Any set of ideals that are equivalent to
one another is an ideal class; so the principal ideals form the principal ideal class.
For example in the field Q( −5) we have
√ √ √ √
(1 − −5) × (2, 1 + −5) = (2(1 − −5), 6) = (2) × ((1 − −5), 3)
√ √
so that the ideals (2, 1 + −5) and ((1 − −5), 3) are equivalent.
Notice that if ideals I and J are equivalent to ideals A and B, respectively, then IJ is
equivalent to AB. Thus we can define multiplication of ideal classes via multiplication
of ideals, and this multiplication is commutative. Evidently the principal ideal class is
the identity in this multiplication. If K = Q( −d) then the product of any ideal with
its complex conjugate16 gives a principal ideal, so that every ideal class has an inverse,
and hence the ideals form an abelian group, called the ideal class group. If K = Q( d)
√ √
then we obtain the conjugate ideal via the map d → − d, and an analogous, though
more involved, construction of an inverse ideal class works for ideal classes in any ring
of integers.
How many distinct ideal classes are there in the ring of integers of a given number
field? (The class number is defined to be the number of distinct ideal classes.) That is,
how large is the class group? If there is just one ideal class, that is the class number
h(K) = 1, then all of the ideals are principal, and thus we have a principal ideal domain
which implies that we have unique factorization. If h(K) 6= 1 then factorization is not
unique. The first question to address is whether h(K) is bounded, or whether it can
16The complex conjugate of an ideal I is the ideal I := {z : z ∈ I}.
ever be infinite? If d > 0 is squarefree then we can use Gauss’s algorithm, modelled on
Euclid’s algorithm, to prove that the class number of Z[ −d] is finite:17
In Euclid’s algorithm we have two possible actions given integers n and m:
(i) Unless n < m replace n by the least non-negative residue, n0 of n (mod m), that
is, the residue in [0, m). Evidently (n, m) = (n0 , m). In the continued fraction algorithm
for n/m this amounts to subtracting [n/m] from n/m to obtain a number in [0, 1).
(ii) If n < m then we simply swap the two numbers, comparing m and n. Evidently
(n, m) = (m, n). In the continued fraction algorithm for n/m this amounts to inverting
n/m, replacing it by m/n.
In Gauss’s algorithm we begin with two generators a and b + −d of an ideal in
Q( −d), for squarefree −d < 0: note again that a divides b2 + d. Here are Gauss’s two
analogous actions:
(i) Unless −a/2 < b ≤ a/2 replace b by the least residue, in absolute value, of b
√ √
(mod a), that is the residue b0 in (−a/2, a/2]. Evidently (a, b + −d) = (a, b0 + −d)
(ii) If −a/2 < b ≤ a/2 then we invert (b + −d)/a, writing b2 + d = ac for some
√ √ √ √
integer c, to obtain a/(b + −d) = (b − −d)/c. Evidently (b − −d) × (a, b + −d) =
√ √ √ √
(a(b− −d), b2 +d) = (a)×(b− −d, c) so that the ideals (a, b+ −d) and (c, b− −d)
are equivalent.
Note that if a > 4d/3 then ca = b2 + d < a2 , that is c < a; in other words Gauss’s
algorithm, like Euclid’s algorithm, reduces the size of the numbers involved, at least if
the numbers are large enough. Moreover this shows that each equivalence class of ideals
√ p
contains an ideal (a, b + −d) with |2b| ≤ a ≤ 4d/3, and so there are only finitely
many possibilities; that is the class number is indeed finite.
The norm of the ideal (a, b + −d) is |a|; Gauss’s proof shows that every ideal class
contains an ideal of norm ≤ 4d/3. This proof generalizes to establish that in any
number field every equivalence class contains some ideal with norm beneath a certain
bound that depends on the field, and therefore the class group is finite.
How big is h(K) typically? Much depends on what type of field K is. For K of
√ p
the form Q( d) we have that h(K) is typically around |d| when d is negative, but is
typically bounded when d is positive. Gauss asked an important question in each case:
• Is it true that there are infinitely many squarefree d > 0 for which the class number
is one?
• Are there negative squarefree d for which the class number is one, other than the
nine values given in the list −1, −2, −3, −7, −11, −19, −43, −67, −163?
is the ring of integers of Q( −d) if −d ≡ 2 or 3 (mod 4), and a subring if −d ≡ 1 (mod 4).
This algorithm can easily be modified for ideals in the full ring of integers, in the latter case.
The first question remains completely open. The quest to resolve the second question
set the tone for twentieth century number theory perhaps more than any other problem.
In the 1930s it was shown that there are no more than ten elements on the list, though
the proof, by its very nature, cannot be modified to determine whether there is indeed a
missing tenth d. In the 1950s, Heegner showed that there is no tenth field by a proof that
was not fully believed at the time; though nowadays we know that Heegner was correct
and the technique he created to prove this result is now central to arithmetic geometry.
In the 1960s Baker and Stark came up with quite different, and widely accepted proofs
that there is no tenth field. In the 1980s Goldfeld, Gross and Zagier showed how one
can find all squarefree −d < 0 with any given class number, be it 1, 2 or whatever.
Armed with the class group we now show that, for any number field K, an irreducible
α in K can have no more than B(K) prime factors, for some bound B(K) depending
only on K. We use Lagrange’s result that if G is a finite group and g ∈ G then g #G = 1,
where 1 is the identity in G. If the factorization of the ideal (α) into prime ideals is
P1 P2 . . . Pk then we claim that there are no more than h(K) − 1 of Pj in any given
ideal class, for if there are h(K) then the product of these ideals is principal, say, (β)
and we can write α = βγ for algebraic integers β, γ, so that α is reducible. Therefore
B(K) ≤ (h(K)−1)2 , and Davenport asked the still open question as to the best possible
such bound B(K) for each number field K. In fact B(K) = B(G) where G is the class
group, and B(G) is the largest possible number of elements of an abelian group G such
that their product is the identity but the product of the elements of any proper subset
is never the identity.
4.4. Equations as examples. We will now find all integer solutions to the equation
x2 + 2 = y 3 .
Note first that y is odd, or else x is even and we have 0 + 2 ≡ 0 (mod 4) which is
impossible. We have already seen that Q( −2) has class number one, and thus has
unique factorization, and that its only units are 1 and −1 which are both cubes of
√ √
themselves. Now x2 + 2 = (x + −2)(x − −2) and the two factors are coprime (since
√ √ √
(y, 2) = 1); therefore x + −2 and x − −2 must both be cubes of elements of Z[ −2].
√ √
Now if x + −2 = (u + v −2)3 for some integers u and v then 3u2 v − 2v 3 = 1 so that
v = ±1 and therefore 3u2 = 2 + v. This yields v = 1, u = ±1 and therefore x = ±5
and y = 3.
Let us now apply the same procedure to find all integer solutions to the equation
x2 + 19 = y 3 .
First note that 19 cannot divide y (or else it divides x and the equation is impossible
mod 192 ), and that 2 cannot divide y as there is no solution possible to x2 + 19 ≡ 0
√ √
(mod 8). Now x2 + 19 = (x + −19)(x − −19) and the two factors are coprime (since
(y, 38) = 1) so, as ideals, must each equal the cube of an ideal. Now the class number for
the ring of integers of Q( −19) is one, and therefore all ideals are principal. Moreover
√ √
the only units are 1 and −1 and thus both cubes. Therefore if x+ −19 = (u+v −19)3
for some rational integers u and v then the coefficient of −19 is 1 = 3u2 v − 19v 3 , so
that v = ±1 and therefore 3u2 = 19 + v which is impossible. Therefore there are no
solutions to our equation. However this is wrong since 182 + 19 = 73 .
So where does our purported proof go wrong? One version of what went wrong is
√ √
that the ring of integers is not Z[ −19] but rather Z[ 1+ 2−19 ], whence we should have
√ √
written x + −19 = ( u+v 2 −19 )3 for some integers u and v with u − v even. Then
8 = 3u2 v − 19v 3 to which we find the unique solution u = 3, v = 1 and recover the only
solution (18, 7) to the equation displayed above.
If we had chosen to solve the equation via the arithmetic of the ring Z[ −19] instead,
then we would have run into another problem; the class number of this ring is 3 which
means that the cube root of a principal ideal may well not be principal, and thus new
complications arise.
We will work with other Diophantine questions below.
−1 0 1 x
since f (u, v) = h(v, −u), and thus f is equivalent to h. This algorithm is what actually
appeared in Gauss’s [5]; the description given above, with ideals, first appeared in
subsequent work of Dirichlet.
b+ d
For a third equivalent description when d < 0, consider the complex number z = 2a
in the upper half of the complex plane. For the first part of Gauss’s algorithm we map
z → z 0 = z + k so that − 21 < Imz 0 ≤ 21 . For the second part of Gauss’s algorithm, if
|z| < 1 then we map z → z 0 = −1/z so that |z 0 | > 1. The algorithm terminates when z
is in the fundamental domain − 21 < Imz ≤ 1
with |z| ≥ 1 (as in Figure 1). Note that
the two steps of the algorithm are equivalent to applying the matrices
! ! !
1 1 0 1 z
and to ,
0 1 −1 0 1
much like we saw when we discussed the Euclidean algorithm. In fact these two matrices
generate multiplicatively SL(2, Z), the group of 2-by-2 matrices with integer entries of
determinant one.
5.2. Quadratic Forms. In the previous section we saw how understanding what inte-
gers are represented by binary quadratic forms is tied in with unique factorization. It is
a question of some interest to determine which integers are represented by a given qua-
dratic form. For example Lagrange proved that every integer is the sum of four squares,
and Ramanujan asked which quadratic forms represent all integers. Quite recently Bhar-
gava and Hanke gave the easily applied criterion that a quadratic form with integer co-
efficients represents all the positive integers if and only if it represents each of the twenty-
nine integers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37, 42, 58, 93, 110, 145,
203 and 290.
6. Diophantine equations
6.1. Fermat’s Last Theorem, revisited. In 1847 Kummer wrote to Liouville that
he could prove Fermat’s last theorem for prime exponent n assuming two properties of
n. If we follow the discussion of Fermat’s last theorem above, then we have that each
ideal (x + ζ j y) is the nth power of an ideal, call it Bj . This implies that if Bj is in the
ideal class I then I n = 1. Now consider only those primes n which do not divide the
order of the class group of the ring of integers of Q(ζn ); we call these regular primes.
Evidently if I n = 1 then I = 1 and so Bj must be a principal ideal. This means that
there exists an algebraic integer αj such that (x + ζ j y) = (αj )n ; and therefore a unit
uj for which x + ζ j y = uj αjn . The second assumption that Kummer made implied that
uj = vjn for some other unit vj , and he was subsequently able to show that this second
assumption always holds for regular primes n. Thus he deduced that each x + ζ j y is the
nth power of an algebraic integer, with which he was able to resurrect Lamé’s argument
and produce a contradiction. That is, Kummer proved Fermat’s last theorem for regular
prime exponents.
6.2. Elliptic curves. Suppose that f is a monic polynomial of degree 3 with integer
coefficients, and no repeated roots. An elliptic curve E is the set of points on the curve
y 2 = f (x). We denote the points on E from the field K by E(K). Poincaré proved that
the points of E(K) form an abelian group, three points summing to zero if they lie on
a line, and asked whether the abelian group is finitely generated? That is, whether it is
of the form T ⊕ Zr where T is a finite torsion subgroup and r is some integer. This was
proved by Mordell in the 1920s and we will now describe the part of his proof pertaining
to unique factorization. We begin with the elliptic curve y 2 = x(x − a)(x − b) where a
and b are integers, and suppose that (r/t2 , s/t3 ) is a rational point on E, where (r, t) = 1.
Therefore r(r−at2 )(r−bt2 ) = s2 . Now d1 := (r, r−at2 ) = (r, a), d2 := (r, r−bt2 ) = (r, b)
and d3 := (r − at2 , r − bt2 ) = (r − at2 , b − a) are divisors of a, b and b − a, respectively,
so that r = d1 d2 u2 , r − at2 = d1 d3 v 2 , r − bt2 = d2 d3 w 2 for integers u, v, w.
More generally, suppose that f has no more than one rational root. Let K be the
smallest field which contains all the roots of f . If we attempt to imitate the proof of
the previous paragraph then we run into issues of unique factorization for the field K:
That is, the ideal generated by one of the factors linear in r and t2 equals some ideal
that is a divisor of the discriminant of f times the square of an ideal. Let us write this
as (α) = DI 2 . Let I0 be the ideal of smallest norm in the ideal class of I so that II0 is
principal, call it (β). Hence (α(N I0 )2 ) = DI02 (β)2 . Therefore DI02 is a principal ideal,
say (γ), coming from a finite set. Thus α = uγδ 2 for some algebraic number δ and some
unit u. If u1 , . . . ur is a basis for the units of K then for any unit u there is a subset
S of {1, 2, . . . , r} such that u is i∈S ui times the square of a unit; and so α = γ 0 ρ2
where γ 0 comes from some finite, computable set. We have proved a generalization of
the result we had in the case that f splits into linear factors over Q. This is essentially
the argument that Mordell used in his proof of Poincaré’s conjecture. Weil realized
that Mordell did not work with the unit group U in the last step but rather with the
finite quotient U/U 2 , and that earlier he could have worked with C/C 2 rather than the
class group C, and in fact one could have even started by working with E(Q)/2E(Q).
By doing so, Weil massively simplified Mordell’s complicated proof, and ushered in the
methods of modern arithmetic geometry.
7.1. Factoring. The unique factorization theorem tells us that every integer can be
factored into primes in a unique way, but it does not tell us how to do this in practice.
As Gauss wrote in article 329 of [5]:
“The problem of distinguishing prime numbers from composite numbers,
and of resolving the latter into their prime factors is known to be one of
the most important and useful in arithmetic. It has engaged the industry
and wisdom of ancient and modern geometers to such an extent that it
would be superfluous to discuss the problem at length. Nevertheless we
must confess that all methods that have been proposed thus far are either
restricted to very special cases or are so laborious and difficult that ...
they try the patience of even the practiced calculator. And these methods
do not apply at all to larger numbers ... The dignity of the science itself
seems to require that every possible means be explored for the solution
of a problem so elegant and so celebrated ... It is in the nature of the
problem that any method will become more complicated as the numbers
get larger. The techniques ... known ... require intolerable labor even
for the most indefatigable calculator.”
What Gauss wrote two hundred years ago is still true today. But now, more than for
just the “dignity of the science itself”, we study factoring because the seeming difficulty
in factoring long integers is what keeps our electronic communications safe; that is, the
impenetrability of the most commonly used cryptography is based on the fact that no
one can factor 200 digit numbers quickly.
Since any composite number has a prime factor no larger than its square root,
one can factor n by testing whether it is divisible by any number up to its square
root. This is easily done for, say, n = 1001 or n = 11041, but how about for
n = 1234567890123456789? This requires over a billion test divides, and if one were
to try to factor a given 100 digit integer, which is the product of two 50 digit prime
numbers, in this way then it would take longer than the remaining lifespan of our uni-
verse, even on an impossibly fast computer! One therefore needs a more sophisticated
approach to handle large numbers.
Fermat came up with a method that is better suited to integers that are the product
of two roughly equal primes, which he exhibited on the example n = 2027651281. First
note that r = 45029 = [ n] and that n = r 2 + 40440. Fermat’s idea is to find j such
that (r +j)2 −n is itself a square, say s2 , so that n = (r +j +s)(r +j −s). He tried each j
successively, and efficiently, as follows: (r+1)2 −n = (2r+1)−40440 = 49619 and this is
not a square as it is ≡ 19 (mod 100). Next (r +2)2 −n = (2r +3)+49619 which he again
ruled out mod 100. With each successive j he augmented the number by two more than
the previous time, and ruled out the non-squares by modular arithmetic, eventually
finding that (r + 12)2 − n = 10202 , and deducing that 2027651281 = 44021 × 46061.
Unfortunately Fermat’s algorithm is very slow in the worst cases, as is a variant using
binary quadratic forms, due to Gauss.
Modern factoring algorithms are mostly geared to working fast even in the worst
case. Often they have the drawback that they are not guaranteed to always work, in
that they may depend on a random number generator and the factorer might just be
unlucky, but usually this can be organized in such a way that we would not expect to
ever be so unlucky within the lifespan of the universe! The most efficient algorithm
known is called the number field sieve,18 which is a variation on the quadratic sieve,
itself a variant of Fermat’s original algorithm.
If n is composite and y is coprime to n then there are at least four solutions x
(mod n) to x2 ≡ y 2 (mod n), and so for at least half of these solutions we have that
(x−y, n) (x+y, n) provides a factorization of n. In the different factoring algorithms we
try to find such integers x and y (with x2 ≡ y 2 (mod n)) by various methods. Typically
18I should perhaps say “publicly known”. Most wealthy countries and corporations employ mathe-
maticians secretly working on these problems, because of the cryptographic implications, and it may
be that significant advances have been made behind closed doors!
one selects a1 , a2 , . . . (mod n) and then takes bj to be the least positive residue of a2j
(mod n). One hopes to find a sequence of values j1 < j2 < · · · < jk such that bj1 bj2 . . . bjk
is a square, say y 2 , so that we have our solution above with x = aj1 aj2 . . . ajk . Once
one has a process for generating the ai , the key issue is to determine a subsequence of
the bj whose product is a square. We do this by working only with the bj that have
no prime factors > B, for some well-chosen B, and storing the factorizations of such
bj . Indeed if bj = `i=1 pi j,i then bj1 bj2 . . . bjk is a square if and only if kh=1 cjh ,i is even
for i = 1, 2, . . . , `. In other words if we create the matrix where the row corresponding
to bj is the vector of exponents (cj,1 , . . . , cj,` ), each taken mod 2, then we require a
non-trivial subset of such rows whose sum is zero mod 2. This can be found efficiently
using Gaussian elimination mod 2. Next we have to consider how to select the aj . One
way is to pick random integers, another, the values of polynomials. Early researchers
found that numbers related to the continued fraction of n worked well. Each of these
algorithms work in roughly e steps, where d is the number of decimal digits of n, a
marked improvement on earlier algorithms that took more like ed steps.
In the number field sieve one tries to imitate the quadratic sieve in number fields that
are cleverly chosen to make the algorithm much more efficient. The above argument
can be translated into this setting giving a running time of around ed steps. Most
interesting for us is the step in which we factor bj into small primes: First we factor
the ideal (b) into prime ideals of small norm, and then we create a factorization of the
algebraic integer b, proceeding much as we did in the previous section, taking account
of the class group and unit group of the field. Moreover, just as in Weil’s work, we
can restrict our attention to C/C 2 and U/U 2 , an observation that makes this algorithm
Is this a safe way to keep secrets? There is something re-assuring to me that the
difficulty of breaking a code depends not on obfuscation and misdirection, but on a
deep mathematical problem that has eluded the talents of many of history’s greatest
minds (see, e.g., Gauss’s quote above!). Other difficult mathematical problems are also
used to hide secrets, some based on quite different questions, though one of my favorites
is based on a problem that we now show to be just as difficult as factoring:
There are quick algorithms for taking square roots mod p when p is prime [4]. To
extend these to composite n we need the factorization of n, since then we can find the
square root modulo each of the prime power divisors of n, and then recover the square
root mod n using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Thus a fast factoring algorithm
will give a fast algorithm for extracting square roots modulo composite integers n.
On the other hand suppose that we have a fast algorithm for extracting square roots
modulo the composite integer n, and we wish to factor n. Then we can simply select
a number y (mod n) at random, feed the least residue of y 2 (mod n) to our algorithm,
which will return one of the square roots of y 2 (mod n), say x. Then we have an at least
50% chance that (x − y, n) (x + y, n) provides a factorization of n. If we are unlucky
we do this again and again until we succeed. The probability that we fail after doing
this 100 times is negligible, no more than 1 in 2100 . Therefore we have proved that a
fast algorithm for extracting square roots modulo composite integers n will give a fast
factoring algorithm. Combining the last two paragraphs we see that these two problems
are thus equally difficult.
7.3. Primality testing. Fermat’s little theorem states that ap ≡ a (mod p) for every
integer a whenever p is prime. Conversely if an 6≡ a (mod n) for some integer a then
n is composite. One can compute an (mod n) quite rapidly,19 and so one can quickly
prove that a given integer n is composite if 2n 6≡ 2 (mod n). It is perhaps a little
surprising that this gives a proof that n is composite without producing any factors of
n! If this test fails then we can check whether 3n 6≡ 3 (mod n), 5n 6≡ 5 (mod n),etc.
Most composite n will be revealed in this way; if every composite were to be revealed in
this way then the test would also serve as a primality test, primes being those numbers
that are not revealed as composites. Unfortunately there are composite n for which
an ≡ a (mod n) for every integer a, for example 561 and 1729, and these Carmichael
numbers, though rare, are infinite in number.
One can modify the above test through the following development of Fermat’s little
p−1 p−1
theorem: If (a, p) = 1 then ap−1 ≡ 1 (mod p), so that a 2 ≡ ±1 (mod p), as a 2 is the
square root of a . If a 2 ≡ 1 (mod p) then we can take the square root again, and
19By the method of successive squaring.
again, up to as many as r times where 2r divides p − 1 but not 2r+1 . This sequence of
residues must either be all 1’s, or all 1’s until we reach a −1. Anything else and we know
that n is composite. There are no composite numbers n for which an−1 (mod n) and
all its square roots have this property for all integers a which are coprime to n. In fact
at least three-quarters of such values of a do not have this property if n is composite;
these a are called witnesses to the compositeness of n. Thus we can distinguish primes
from composites by looking for such witnesses, though there is no guaranteed quick way
to find a witness. If we test 100 values of a chosen at random then the combined test
will misidentify a composite number as prime, that is, it will fail to find a witness, with
probability under 1 in 2200 , something that will never occur in practice. If we assume
the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis we can prove that by picking just the first few
values of a (up to 2(log n)2 ) then we are guaranteed to find a witness for any composite
n, and so we will have a true primality test.
However what was long wanted was a method that could be unconditionally proven
to always work in a fast time. Such a test was found in 2002 by Agrawal, Kayal and
Saxena (see [6]), based on the following theorem:
For given integer n ≥ 2, let r be a positive integer < n, for which n has order
> (log n)2 modulo r. Then n is prime if and only if
• n is not a perfect power,
• n does not have any prime factor ≤ r, and
• (x + a)n ≡ xn + a mod (n, xr − 1) for each integer a, 1 ≤ a ≤ r log n.
8. Further directions
In the absence of unique factorization one might desire a close analogue to the Eu-
clidean algorithm: A ring of integers, R, in Q( d) is Euclidean if for any α, β 6= 0 ∈ R
there exist γ, δ ∈ R such that α = βγ + δ where |δ| < |β|. See [9] for a charming
discussion of this question.
Gauss explicitly showed how to “compose” two quadratic forms, the equivalent of
multiplication of ideals in the appropriate quadratic field, which was written down
explicitly by Dirichlet. Recently Bhargava came up with a fascinating new viewpoint
on this: Consider eight integers ai,j,k , 0 ≤ i, j, k ≤ 1. For ` = 1, 2, 3, let M` , and N` ,
be the 2-by-2 matrices formed from the ai,j,k by letting the `th coordinate of the index
equal 0, and 1, respectively. Let f` (x, y) be the determinant of the matrix M` x − N` y;
then the quadratic forms f1 , f2 , f3 all have the same discriminant and satisfy f1 f2 f3 = 1
in the class group. See [2] and its sequels for extraordinary developments of these ideas.
9. Acknowledgements
Thanks to Jordan Bell and Henri Darmon for their careful reading of, and comments
on, this article.
[1] Alan Baker, A concise introduction to the theory of numbers, Cambridge University Press, Cam-
bridge, 1984.
[2] Manjul Bhargava, Higher composition laws I: A new view on Gauss composition and quadratic
generalizations, Annals Math. 159 (2004), 217-250.
[3] Mary Joan Collison, The Unique Factorization theorem, Math. Mag. 53 (1980), 96-100.
[4] Richard Crandall and Carl Pomerance, Primes, a computational perspective, Springer, New York,
[5] Carl F. Gauss, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, Leipzig, Fleischer, 1801.
[6] Andrew Granville, It is easy to determine whether a given integer is prime, Bulletin of the American
Mathematical Society, 42 (2005) 3-38.
[7] G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright, Introduction to the theory of numbers, Oxford University Press,
New York, 1979.
[8] W. Knorr, Problems in the interpretation of Greek number theory: Euclid and the fundamental
theorem, Studies in the history and philosophy of science 7 (1976) 353-368.
[9] H.W. Lenstra, Jr., Euclidean number fields, The Mathematical Intelligencer, I. 2 (1979) 6-15; II. 2
(1980) 73-77; III. 2 (1980) 99-103.
[10] H.W. Lenstra, Jr., Solving the Pell equation, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 49
(2002) 182-192.
[11] Paulo Ribenboim, 13 lectures on Fermat’s last theorem, Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg,
[12] André Weil, Number theory: An approach through history from Hammurapi to Legendre,
Birkhäuser, Boston, 1984.