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Statistical Treatment of Data

As soon as the researchers

researchers gathered the data, they were compiled,
compiled, sorted,

organized and tabulated. They were subject
subject to statistical treatment
treatment in order to answer

the questions proposed in the study. The statistical tools employed were the frequency

distribution, percentage, ordinal scale and weighted mean.

1. Frequency
Frequency distribution
distribution is an arrangement
arrangement of the data which shows
shows the frequency
frequency of

different values or groups of variables.

. !ercentage is to be used to determine the proportion of each given data by using the


" # $F%&' ( 1))


" # !ercentage

F # &o. of respondents

& # total number of cases

!ercentage and frequency distribution were used to show the distribution of

graduate students in a particular range with respect to their academic performances and
in the !A -oard /amination results. These statistical tools were used by grouping

the scores under classes.

The percentage and frequency distribution were computed for the performance of

the respondents in the subjects covered in the !A 0icensure /amination+ Theory of

Accounts, -usiness 0aw and Ta/ation, anagement Advisory 2ervices, Auditing

Theory, Auditing !roblems, !ractical Accounting, !roblems !1 and !ractical Accounting

!roblems !.

3. *eighted mean, the arithmetical average obtained by adding all the arithmetical

scores divided by the number of cases as presented by the formula. #

∑ fx




# weighted mean

4 # summation

F # frequency of each option

/ # weight of each option

To find out the significance and contribution of curriculum, faculty, school,

facilities, students $as to self5preparation and motivation', and !A 6eview ourse on

the performance of e/aminees in the -oard /amination, weighted mean is to be used.

7. 8rdinal 2cale 9 applies data that are divided to different categories that can be

ran:ed. This scales of measurement were use d to rate the weighted mean of each

item of five $;' variables affecting the performance of the respondents in the !A -oard

/amination according to the following meaning of the weight.

2cale <escriptive eaning

7. =; and above /cellent

3.=; 9 7.=7 >ery ?ood

.=; 9 3.=7 ?ood

1.=;5.=7 Fair

1.))51.=7 &eeds @mprovement

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