Physics-I 11TH

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01: A baseball is thrown vertically into the air. The acceleration of the ball at its highest point
a) zero b)g, down c)g, up d) 2g, down
02. The vertical component of acceleration of a projectile .
Is less than the gravitational acceleration b)Is equal to the gravitational acceleration
Is more than the gravitational acceleration d) Has no relation with the gravitational
03. An object travels at constant speed around d a circle of radius 1.0.m in 1.0 sec, What is
magnitude of its acceleration
a) Zero (b) 1 m/sec2 c) 2π m/sec2 (d) 4π2 m/sec2
04. . All of the following examples possess angular momentum except
Earth rotating about its axis (b) satellite orbiting around the earth
(c) wheel of the car rotating on its axis (d) rocket launched towards the
05. If a projectile is thrown with a velocity of 19.6 m/s making an angle of 30° with x-axis
then the
time taken to reach the highest point
1 sec (b) 2 sec c) 3 sec (d) 4 sec
06. Every point of a rotating rigid body has
The same angular velocity (b) the same linear velocity
(c) the same linear acceleration (d) All of these
07. If a projectile is projected at an angle of 45° with velocity 100 m/sec , it his certain target,
It will
have double the range if its velocity is
a) 141.4 m/sec (b) 200 m/sec (c) 178.2 m/sec (d) 400 m/sec
8. Vertical motion under gravity is an example of __________ motion
Projectile (b) Uniform accelerated (c) circular (d) rotational
09. The angular speed of daily rotation of earth in Radian per hour is
a) 2π (b) 4π (c) π / 12 (d) π/ 6
10. ac=g r= 2m then V= …………….
a) 4.4m/s b) 3.4m/s c) 4.8m/s d) 5.2m/s
11. A certain string just breaks when it is under 400 N of tension. A boy uses this string to
whirl a
10-kg stone in a horizontal circle of radius 10 m. The boy continuously increases the
speed of .
the stone. At approximately what speed will the string break? Assume the tension
force is
directed horizontally.
a) 10m/s b) 20m/s c) 80m/s d) 100m/s
12. A 0.25-kg ball attached to a string is rotating in a horizontal circle of radius 0.5 m.
Assume the
tension force is directed horizontally. If the ball revolves twice every second, what is the
in the string?
a) 2N b) 5N c) 20N d) none
13. A car has a linear velocity v on a circular track of radius r. If its speed is
increasing at a rate of a m/s2, then its resultant acceleration will be
(a) (b) (c) (d)

14. A ball attached to a string is moved at constant speed in a horizontal circular path. A
target is
located near the path of the ball as shown in fig At which point along the ball’s path
should the
string be released, if the ball is to hit the target?

(a) A (b)B (c) C (d) D

15. A stone is thrown horizontally and follows the path XYZ shown. The direction of the
of the stone at point Y is:

a) ↓ b) → c) Both d) None
16. A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a 20-m high hill. It strikes the ground

at an angle of 45◦.With what speed was it thrown?

a) 14m/s b) 20m/s c) 28m/s d) 32m/s
17. A stone is thrown outward from the top of a 59.4-m high cliff with an upward velocity
component of 19.5m/s. How long is stone in the air?
a) 4.00 s b) 5.00 s c) 6.00 s d)none
18. An object is moving on a circular path of radius π meters at a constant speed of 4.0m/s.
The time required for one revolution is:
a) 2/π2 s b) π2/2 s c) π/2 s d)none
19. A stone is tied to a 0.50-m string and whirled at a constant speed of 4.0m/s in a vertical
circle. Its acceleration at the top of the circle is:
a) 9.8m/s2, up b) 9.8m/s2, down c) 8.0m/s2, down d) none
20. A car rounds a 20-m radius curve at 10m/s. The magnitude of its acceleration is:
a) 0 b)0.20m/s2 c)5.0m/s2 d) none
21. Two projectiles are in flight at the same time. The acceleration of one relative to the
a) is always 9.8m/s2 b) B. can be as large as 19.8m/s2
c) can be horizontal d) is zero

22. The S.I unit of friction is

a. Newton b. Pascal c. Ampere d. None
23. At the top of the trajectory of a projectile , the directions of its velocity and acceleration
due to
gravity are
a)Parallel to each other (b) perpendicular to each other
(c) inclined at 45° to the horizontal (d) inclined at 45° to each other
24. How many radians are there in one circle
(a)8.62 (b) 6.28 (c) 6.10 d) None
25. If gradient of a graph is negative, then acceleration is
a) positive b)negative c)zero d)1
26.If a student drops a stone from a cliff of height 30 m and time it takes to reach ground is
2.6 s,
then acceleration due to gravity is
-2 -2 -2
a)9 ms b)10 ms c)4 ms
d)8.8 ms
27. A body is projected from the ground with some angle to the horizontal. What happens to
angular momentum about the initial position in this motion
(a) Decreases (b) Increases
(c) Remains same (d) First increases and then decreases
28. Four bodies P, Q, R and S are projected with equal velocities having angles of projection
15o, 30o, 45o and 60o with the horizontal respectively. The body having shortest range is
(a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S
29. A ball thrown by one player reaches the other in 2 sec. the maximum height attained by
the ball
above the point of projection will be about
(a) 10 m (b) 7.5 m (c) 5 m (d) 2.5 m
30.If the initial velocity of a projectile be doubled. Keeping the angle of projection same, the
maximum height reached by it will
(a) Remain the same (b) Be doubled (c) Be quadrupled (d) Be halved
31.A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it acquires 3 seconds to reach
the maximum height, its initial velocity is
10 m/s (b) 20 m/s (c) 30 m/s (d) 29.4 m/s.
32.A ball is dropped downwards , after 1 second another all is dropped downwards from the
same point, what is the distance between them after 3 seconds
25m (b) 30m (c) 40m (d) N.O.T
33.When a object is allowed to fall in a fluid it acquires a constant velocity called .
(a) Negative (b) Positive (c) Terminal (d) Zero
34.Distance travelled by a body falling from rest in the first, second and third second is in the
ratio of .
1:2:3 (b) 1:3:5 (c) 1:4:9 (d) N.O.T
35.The Force which produces an acceleration of 1 ms-2 in a body of mass 1kg is equal to .
One Slug (b) One Pound (c) One Dyne (d) One Newton .
36.Distance covered by a freely falling body in 2 seconds will be .
4.9m (b) 19.6m (c) 39.2m (d) 44.1m
37.It is true that
m=a/F (b) F=m/a (c) a=F/m (d) a=m/F
38. A body falls freely from rest, it covers as much distance in the last second of its motion
as covered in the first three seconds, the body has fallen for a time of
3sec (b) 5sec (c) 7sec (d) 9sec
39.If a body starts from rest and travels 120 cm in the 6th second then what is the
0.20 m/sec2 (b) 0.027 m/sec2 (c) 0.218 m/sec2 (d) 0.03 m/sec2
40. Which one of the following is not true
Force can change the magnitude of a velocity (b) Force can change the direction of
(c ) Force can produce acceleration or declaration (d) Force can reduce the mass
of body
41.An automobile weighs 3200 lbs ,what unbalanced force will produce an acceleration 4
100 pounds (b) 200 pounds (c) 400 pounds (d) None of these

42.The concept of force might best be described as

A push or pull (b) A quantity tending to change the shape or state of motion
of a body (c) Energy in motion (d) Transmission of power from one
body to another
43.If the applied force is increased then force of friction
Increases (b) Decreases (c) remains constant (d) None of these
44.Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 5kg are dropped gently from the top of a tower , at a
point 20 cm from the ground both the bodies will have the same
Momentum (b) KE (c) Velocity (d) Total Energy
45.With increase in mass doubled by keeping force constant then acceleration becomes
Double (b) halved (c) increase (d) decrease

46.A rider on horse back , falls back when horse starts running all of sudden because
Rider is taken a back (b) Rider is suddenly afraid of falling
(c) Inertia of rest keeps the upper body at rest whereas the lower body moves forward with
the horse (d) No reason can be assigned
47.The acceleration of a body on a smooth inclined plane depends upon .
Mass of body (b) Weight of body (c) Reaction of plane (d) Angle of Inclination
48.If a light ball collides elastically with a massive body which is at rest , light object will
(a) rebound with twice the velocity (b) be stopped
(c) rebound with same velocity (d) none of these
49.When a falling object reaches a speed where force of air resistance / friction is equal to
its weight it
Is flying (b) will begin to slow down (c) Has reached the terminal velocity (d) All of

50.Specify the correct statement

An object can have a constant velocity even its speed is changing
an object can have a constant speed even its velocity is changing
An object can have a zero velocity even its acceleration is not zero
An object subjected to a constant acceleration can reverse its velocity

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