Javier v. Gonzales

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LOIDA M. JAVIER, Petitioner, v.

G. R. No. 193150, January 23, 2017


The respondent Pepito Gonzales was accused of a criminal case for

murder with frustrated murder and multiple attempted murder
lodged in the Regional Trial Court. It was alleged that the
respondent threw a grenade inside the house of Leonardo
Hermenigildo that caused his death and of Rulino Concepcion; and
the physical injuries of his companions, Julio Toledo, Ariel Cabasal
and Jesus Macatiag.

Gonzales filed a Motion for Bail with the RTC which was opposed by
Private complainant Carmen Macatiag (Macatiag)—sister of the
deceased victim, Rufino Concepcion. The RTC however granted
Gonzales to bail.

Trial on the merits proceeded and the Court admitted the

prosecution's evidences.The promulgation of decision was set on
December 15,2005 and notice was received by the sister of the
accused Gonzales but refused to sign the Return.

On the day of promulgation, the accused Gonzales failed to appear

and his counsel filed a Withdrawal as counsel with the conformity of
the accused. The promulgation was reset to December 22, 2005.

The decision was promulgated in absentia when the accused again

failed to appear and counsel de officio was appointed to assist him.
The accused was convicted of the charges against him and was
sentenced to a death penalty. Issuance for the warrant of arrest
was ordered for his non appearance and forfeiture of his bail bond.
The decision was entered in the docket book of the Court.

The Judge ordered the immediate transmittal of the records to the

Court of Appeals for automatic review. The accused filed an
omnibus Motion thru counsel to reconsider the promulgated decision
and be set aside. Gonzales argued that he had not been properly
notified of the promulgation of judgment; that he had not been
represented by counsel; and that the RTC had proceeded with
deliberate haste in convicting him.

The judge granted the said Motion and reinstated his bail. Gonzales
was also acquitted from all the charges against him.
A petition for certiorari was filed by Carmen Macatiag against Judge
Soluren to the Court of Appeals, which dismissed the said Petition.
Hence, this review.

Is the RTC Judge’s decision convicting respondent (in absentia)
validly promulgated?

Yes. The RTC judge ruled in accordance with the provision stated
under Section 6, Rule 120 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
Procedure which allows a court to promulgate a judgment in
absentia and gives the accused the opportunity to file an appeal
within a period of fifteen (15) days from notice to the latter or the
latter's counsel; otherwise, the decision becomes final.

The records also show that the respondent was properly informed of
the promulgation scheduled on December 15, 2005, whereby the
Return of Service states that the Order and Notice of Promulgation
were personally delivered to respondent's address. During the
promulgation of judgment on 15 December 2005, when respondent
did not appear despite notice, and without offering any justification
for his absence, the trial court should have immediately
promulgated its Decision.

The promulgation of judgment in absentia is mandatory pursuant to

the fourth paragraph of Section 6, Rule 120 of the Rules of Court
which states that, “In case the, accused fails to appear at the
scheduled date of promulgation of judgment despite notice, the
promulgation shall be made by recording the judgment in the
criminal docket and serving him a copy thereof at his last known
address or thru his counsel.” Moreover, if the accused has been
notified of the date of promulgation, but does not appear, the
promulgation of judgment in absentia is warranted. This rule is
intended to obviate a repetition of the situation in the past when the
judicial process could be subverted by the accused by jumping bail
to frustrate the promulgation of judgment.

The only essential elements for its validity are as follows: (a) the
judgment was recorded in the criminal docket; and (b) a copy
thereof was served upon the accused or counsel. Hence, the
promulgation of respondent’s conviction is valid.

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