TP Reflection Paper - Puroo Duggal

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Reflective Paper

Overall, I believe that our team collaborated well. Each group member responsibly
carried out their tasks and participated in discussions with utmost interest. Our topic
was chosen mutualy, where everyone put in their inputs and decided upon working
towards the rehabilitation of waste workers since this is an issue very prevalent in South
Asian countries such as India.

Evaluation of the project Outcome

Our group solution included all of the best points from our individual views on what the
team’s solution should be. While formulating our solution, we decided to do as much as
we could to work for this issue and hence, decided to raise awareness, formulate a
research paper, conduct education camps as well as collect funds to donate to certain
organisations working towards the rehabilitation of waste workers.

I believe that we have made a considerable effort in completing the aims of our project,
which are to raise awareness about the lives of waste workers. Our outcome video,
educational camps, bake stalls, research paper, video, website, brochures and
Instagram page all contribute to working towards this aim. According to our peers, the
amount we were able to raise was astounding, and would really make a difference in if
not all at least some waste workers’ lives. However, our team could have made more
efforts to raise awareness about the issue, by for example, placing informational posters
in our societies and school.

Despite the research that was conducted by our team, I believe that there is a lot more
information that could be found to formulate a better solution for rehabilitating waste
workers and providing them with a profession with dignity.

Evaluation of own work processes

In my opinion, I feel like I was very productive in the areas where I took charge, and was
able to efficiently divide roles to get things done. However, it was difficult for me to make
agreements with every team member’s viewpoints at all times, where sometimes I
pushed up my ideas over others, slowing our team’s processes
During the research process, we all divided to learn about specific areas according to
our interests. For example, I researched about how robotics can help clean septic tanks,
minimising the need for manual scavengers, due to my love for computer science.


One challenge I faced working in a team was gathering all the team members to come
on meeting calls to work on our project goals. Sometimes, it really frustrated me when
my peers did not come online for meetings as I felt that this would delay our goals.
Even though working as a team posed several challenges for me, I was able to learn a
lot from my peers’ viewpoints and perspectives. Our team was able to successfully use
the diversity of views in our group, to provide others with multiple perspectives. This can
be evidently seen in our research paper where several perspectives of our team
members have been clearly stated.

Own performance as a team member

believe my presence in the team provided the team with more knowledge and
information about the technical aspects of the project. This was due to my fondness of
technology, website as well as video editing. I have made several websites and
professional videos for previous school projects which gave the team the required
experience to make the same. However, I felt that I brought more disputes to the group
because it took me a hard time making decisions and . To improve

Learning about different cultural perspectives

At first, I believed that waste working was a menial job that people living in poverty had
to resort to in order to earn some money. However, when Narayan and I conducted an
interview with Mr. Shreekant Chandan, we started to understand there was a cultural
aspect involved where casteism played an important role. People from lower castes and
scheduled tribes are usually the ones who face discriminitation and have no other
options than to become a waste worker, especially a manual scavenger.
Learning from the whole project

Throughout the duration of this project, I learnt many issues that arise from being a
waste worker, especially a manual scavenger, both physical and mental. I had severely
underestimated the severity of this issue. The moment I released how big the issue is
we are working on, was when Narayan and I visited the Ghazipur landfill, only to see the
harsh and unbearable conditions workers had to pick and drop waste in. The entire
region was filled with high speed dust winds and ofcourse, terrible smell, which we
could only wonder how working everyday for years can be possible. Where even I felt
uncomfortable interviewing waste workers for the project, I can only imagine the
discrimination and prejudice they would face in their daily life and how it would impact
their mental health.


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