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Essential connectors:
• Moreover, furthermore, in addition, what’s more, likewise, as well, in
addition to: All these connectors are used to add information and enlarge
the initial base. They can be translated as además or además de.
• However, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, otherwise, on the
contrary, whereas, unlike: These ones are those used to find contrary
information, which means to contradict ideas. Among the meanings are
sin embargo, aun así, de otra manera or por el contrario.
• Albeit: It is used in formal situations. It means aunque.
• Although, (even) though: It is used to create the next structure: Aunque
+ subordinada.
• In spite of, despite: The meaning is a pesar and it is used before a noun
or a gerund (gerundio).
• On the hand, on the other hand: These expressions mean por un lado.
They are used to start phrases and talk or remark some speech’s parts.
• Still, yet: We use them as the meaning of todavía.
• Because of, on account of, owing to, due to (the fact), in order to,
given that: These ones are translated as porque, debido a, a cuenta…
they are used to show consequences.
• Thus, hence, therefore: They mean así y por lo tanto.
• Thereby, accordingly, consequently: They are used as de este modo,
por consecuencia, por consiguiente… they also show consequences of
• As a result: Como resultado.
• At times, frequently, occasionally, once in a while: These connectors
are used to indicate accions that are regularly done. They mean a veces,
frecuentemente, ocasionalmente y de vez en cuando.
• On and off, once in a blue moon: These ones also show actions that are
frequently done. De vez en cuando, rara vez.
• Daily, constantly: A diario o constantemente. These ones are for those
actions that we always do. It can be also used weekly/monthtly/yearly.
• Regularly, usually: Con frecuencia y generalmente are the meaning of
these connectors.
• For instance, such as, namely, this means that, that is to say: These
connectors can be used to give examples.
• Such + adjetivo + sustantivo: Tal, tal como.
• Rather, quite, pretty: bastante.
• Highly: extremadamente.
• By any chance: por casualidad.
• Might: puede que.
• Perhaps: quizás.
• Possibly: posiblemente
• To be (un)likely to: es probable que.
• There is a high likelihood: hay una alta probabilidad.
• I stand a chance: apuesto que.


Order (First At first sight A primera vista
paragraph) First En primer lugar
First of all Antes que nada
In the first place En primer lugar
To start with Para empezar
Order (Second In the second place En segundo lugar
paragraph) Second Segundo
Secondly En segundo lugar
Third Tercero
Thirdly En tercer lugar
Order Finally Por ultimo
(conclusion) In conclusion Para concluir
Lastly Por ultimo
And eventually Y finalmente
Facts Actually De hecho
As a matter of fact De hecho
In fact De hecho
As far as I am concerned Por lo que a mí respecta
From my point of view Desde mi punto de vista
I agree Estoy de acuerdo
I disagree No estoy de acuerdo
In my opinion En mi opinión
In my view Según lo veo
I think that Creo que
It is true that Es verdad que
Personally Personalmente
To be honest Para ser honesto
To tell the truth A decir verdad
Explanation In other words En otras palabras
In short En resumen
Above all Sobre todo
All in all En general
At least Al menos
Basically Básicamente
Especially Especialmente
Essentially Esencialmente
In general En general
In particular En particular
More or les Más o menos
On the whole En general
• Because: porque
• So: entonces
• While: mientras
• But: pero
• However: sin embargo
• On the other hand: por otra parte.
• And: y
• Therefore: pore so.
• Although: aunque
• As: como
• Too: también
• Than: que
• Also: también
• In addition: además

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