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Operations Management Global 11th Edition Heizer Solutions Manual

Operations Management Global 11th

Edition Heizer Solutions Manual
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Operations Management Global 11th Edition Heizer Solutions Manual

Chapter 1. Operations and Productivity.

1. The text suggests four reasons to study OM. We want to understand (1) how people organize themselves for
productive enterprise, (2) how goods and services are produced, (3) what operations managers do, and (4) this costly part
of our economy and most enterprises.
2. Possible responses include: Adam Smith (work specialization/division of labor), Charles Babbage (work
specialization/division of labor), Frederick W. Taylor (scientific management), Walter Shewart (statistical sampling and
quality control), Henry Ford (moving assembly line), Charles Sorensen (moving assembly line), Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
(motion study), Eli Whitney (standardization).
3. See references in the answer to Question 2.
4. The actual charts will differ, depending on the specific organization the student chooses to describe. The
important thing is for students to recognize that all organizations require, to a greater or lesser extent, (a) the three
primary functions of operations, finance/accounting, and marketing; and (b) that the emphasis or detailed breakdown
of these functions is dependent on the specific competitive strategy employed by the firm.
5. The answer to this question may be similar to that for Question 4. Here, however, the student should be encouraged to
utilize a more detailed knowledge of a past employer and indicate on the chart additional information such as the number
of persons employed to perform the various functions and, perhaps, the position of the functional areas within the overall
organization hierarchy.
6. The basic functions of a firm are marketing, accounting/finance, and operations. An interesting class
discussion: “Do all firms/organizations (private, government, not-for-profit) perform these three functions?” The
authors’ hypothesis is yes, they do.
7. The 10 strategic decisions of operations management are product design, quality, process, location, layout, human
resources, supply-chain management, inventory, scheduling (aggregate and short term), and maintenance. We find this
structure an excellent way to help students organize and learn the material.
8. Four areas that are important to improving labor productivity are: (1) basic education (basic reading and math
skills), (2) diet of the labor force, (3) social overhead that makes labor available (water, sanitation, transportation,
etc.), and (4) maintaining and expanding the skills necessary for changing technology and knowledge, as well as
for teamwork and motivation.
9. Productivity is harder to measure when the task becomes more intellectual. A knowledge society implies that
work is more intellectual and therefore harder to measure. Because the U.S. and many other countries are increasingly
“knowledge” societies, productivity is harder to measure. Using labor-hours as a measure of productivity for a
postindustrial society vs. an industrial or agriculture society is very different. For example, decades spent developing a
marvelous new drug or winning a very difficult legal case on intellectual property rights may be significant for post-
industrial societies, but not show much in the way of productivity improvement measured in labor-hours.
10. Productivity is difficult to measure because precise units of measure may be lacking, quality may not be
consistent, and exogenous variables may change.
11. Mass customization is the flexibility to produce in order to meet specific customer demands, without
sacrificing the low cost of a product oriented process. Rapid product development is a source of competitive
advantage. Both rely on agility within the organization.
12. Labor productivity in the service sector is hard to improve because (1) many services are labor intensive and
(2) they are individually (personally) processed (the customer is paying for that service—the hair cut), (3) it may be
an intellectual task performed by professionals, (4) it is often difficult to mechanize and automate, and (5) often
difficult to evaluate for quality.

You may want to begin the discussion by asking how ethical is it for you to be in the lead battery business when you
know that any batteries you recycle will very likely find their way to an overseas facility (probably Mexico) with, at
best, marginal pollution containment. Then after a likely conclusion of “Well someone has to provide batteries” you
can move to the following discussion.
(a) As owner of an independent auto repair shop trying to dispose of a few old batteries each week, your options
may be limited. But as an ethical operator, your first option is to put pressure on your battery supplier to take
your old batteries. Alternatively, shop for a battery supplier that wants your business enough to dispose of
your old batteries. Third, because there is obviously a market for the lead in old batteries, some aggressive
digging may uncover an imaginative recycler who can work out an economical arrangement for pickup or
delivery of your old batteries. Another option is, of course, to discontinue the sale of batteries. (This a

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problem for many small businesses; ethical decisions and regulation may be such that they often place an
expensive and disproportionate burden on a small firm.)
(b) As manager of a large retailer responsible for disposal of thousands of used batteries each week, you should
have little trouble finding a battery supplier with a reverse supply chain suitable for disposal of old batteries.
Indeed, a sophisticated retailer, early on in any supply-chain development process, includes responsible
disposal of environmentally dangerous material as part of the negotiations. Disposal of old batteries should be a
minor issue for a large retailer.

For both a small and large retailer, the solution is to find a “sustainable” solution or get out of the battery business.
Burying the batteries behind the store is not an option. Supplement 5: Sustainability in the Supply Chain provides
some guidelines for a deeper class discussion.

1.1 Units produced 100 pkgs
1.5 (a) = = 20 pkgs/hour
Input 5

133 pkgs
(b) = 26.6 pkgs per hour
(c) Increase in productivity = = 33.0%

1.2 120 boxes

1.1 (a) = 3.0 boxes/hour
40 hours

125 boxes
(b) = 3.125 boxes/hour
40 hours

(c) Change in productivity = 0.125 boxes/hour

0.125 boxes
(d) Percentage change = = 4.166%

1.3 0.15 = , where L  number of laborers
(160)(12)( L )
employed at the plant
So L = = 200 laborers employed

(a) Labor productivity is 160 valves/80 hours = 2 valves per hour.

(b) New labor productivity = 180 valves / 80 hours = 2.25 valves per hour
(c) Percentage change in productivity = .25 valves / 2 valves = 12.5%

Bureau of Labor Statistics (stats.bls.gov) is a good place to start. Results will vary for each year, but
1.5 overall data for the economy will range from .9% to 4.8%, and mfg. could be as high as 5% and
services between 1% and 2%. The data will vary even more for months or quarters. The data are
frequently revised, often substantially.

6,600 vans
1.6 1.16 (a)
x labor-hours
= 0.10
x = 66,000 labor-hours

There are 300 laborers. So,

66,000 labor-hours
= 220 labor-hours/laborer on average, per month
300 laborers

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6,600 vans
(b) Now = 0.11, so x  60,000 labor-hours
x labor-hours
60,000 labor-hours
so,  200 labor-hours/laborer
300 laborers on average, per month

Resource Last Year This Year Change Percentage Change

1,000 1,000 0.31
Labor = 3.33 = 3.64 0.31 = 9.3%
300 275 3.33
1,000 1,000 2.22
Resin = 20 = 22.22 2.22 = 11.1%
50 45 20
1,000 1,000 0.01
Capital = 0.1 = 0.09 –0.01 = 10.0%
10,000 11,000 0.1
1,000 1,000 0.02
Energy = 0.33 = 0.35 = 6.1%
3,000 2,850 0.02 0.33
Last Year This Year
Production 1,000 1,000
Labor hr. @ $10 $3,000 $2,750
Resin @ $5 250 225
Capital cost/month 100 110
Energy 1,500 1,425
$4,850 $4,510

[(1,000 / 4,850)  (1,000 / 4,510)]

(1,000 / 4,850)

0.206  0.222  0.016

= = 0.078 fewer resources
0.206 0.206
 7.8% improvement*
* with rounding to 3 decimal places.

1.9 (a) Labor productivity = 1,000 tires/400 hours = 2.5 tires/hour.

(b) Multifactor productivity is 1,000 tires/(400 ×
$12.50 + 20,000 × $1 + $5,000 + $10,000) =
1,000 tires/$40,000 = 0.025 tires/dollar.

(c) Multifactor productivity changes from 1,000/40,000 to 1,000/39,000, or from 0.025 to

0.02564; the ratio is 1.0256, so the change is a 2.56% increase.

1.10 1.8 Productivity =

65 65
(a) Labor productivity = =
(520 × 13) $6,760
= .0096 rugs per labor $

(b) Multifactor
productivity (520 × $13) + (100 × $5) + (20 × $50)

= = .00787 rugs per $

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With some difficulty, he was persuaded to come down and speak
to his humble servant the marquis; and when he did greet him, it was
with something very like a smile at his crest-fallen appearance, and
querulous complainings.
“My good friend, these are strange times,” he observed. “I should
think your valet has hardly had time to attend to you this morning.
However, you will find plenty unoccupied at Paris to renew your
powder.—O, you wish to go at once, and shoot on your own territory.
Well; perhaps you are wise, since our kind of shooting here is not
exactly to your taste. You must take care, however; for I hear that
more bullets fly from behind the hedges there than in the open fields.
Farewell, my dear sir, for I see your companion is impatient. He
wants to be keeping guard over his wine-cellars. I wish him an ample
fortune out of the wines therein contained at this moment.”
Charles’s impatience was not only on account of his own affairs.
He distrusted Orleans so far as to be vexed that the marquis
whispered to him their plan of escape. There was no particular sign
of interest in the duke’s countenance at the relation; and it only
remained to be hoped that no harm would come of this unnecessary
confidence. The marquis was far from thinking it unnecessary, as a
word from the duke would procure passports for the whole family.
This word Orleans was prevailed upon to write, and furnished with it,
the marquis poured out his gratitude more vehemently than, but a
few months before, he would have supposed possible; and then
bade his vehicle proceed, watching from a distance how the duke
once more passed the enclosure, and took his station among the
trees as before.
The cellars were found to be indeed more than half emptied; and
of the casks that remained, one or two were staved, to drown the
gunpowder and other combustibles. No attack had been made upon
the house, and Marguerite had sufficiently got the better of her
terrors, to be ready for immediate departure. No obstacle arose, and
Steele, with Pierre under him, consented to remain in charge of the
property till Charles could return, after having deposited his family in
The marquis made a rather singular-looking valet, with a manner
alternating between superciliousness and awkward deference,—a
strutting gait when he forgot what he was about, and a cringing one
when he happened to cast a glance upon his dress. He passed
muster very well, however, as a battered old soldier turned valet; his
strut passing for regimental paces, and his cringe being ascribed to
the honourable wounds he was supposed to bear. M. Raucourt took
off the attention of all who might be disposed to make remarks, by
telling everybody that he was going to see his olive groves. The
party travelled with more speed than the dismal procession from
Versailles; so that before the royal family was mournfully ushered
into the Hotel de Ville at dusk, Charles and his household were some
leagues on their journey southwards.
Chapter VIII.


The hopeful disposition of both Charles and Antoine was remarkable

at all times, and in whatever society they were. When they were
together, it became well nigh excessive, and occasioned no little
amusement to their friends in happy times, and much sighing from
the apprehensive Marguerite in such evil days as they were now
fallen upon. Each excited the other to perceive bright specks on the
dark horizon, and neither would lag behind the other in discerning
cause for encouragement, and in pointing out that, as good had
issued from apparent evil in some former analogous instance, it
would be a sin to doubt that the same thing might happen again.
Marguerite was almost offended that, while she looked tremblingly
around as the dancing waters of the Garonne first flashed upon their
sight under the gleam of an October sun, her husband encouraged
the joyous gestures of the children standing on his knee, and burst
out singing one of the popular provincial airs to which the banks of
that river so often echo. But when Antoine came forth to meet them
as they alighted, in high spirits, though he had actually nothing good
to tell them, however disposed to hope for everything blissful,
Marguerite turned from him to her father, as the most reasonable
personage of the two.
Antoine was beginning a laugh at his brother’s first choice of the
luxury of a valet, but checked himself instantly on hearing who it
was, and wherefore.
“Do you suppose he may safely dress himself, and appear to
arrive at his chateau to-morrow?”
“Why, scarcely yet, perhaps,” replied Antoine, gravely. “The
peasantry are in an uncomfortable, irascible state, and the poor man
would hardly have fair play among them; but it cannot last long, and
then we shall have him trampling our crops again as solemnly as
ever; perched, like a wax figure, on horseback, and utterly unable to
comprehend such a thing as a curse against himself; or to bestow a
thought as to whose ground he is trespassing upon.”
“Let us hope he has learned more consideration by his
misfortunes,” said Charles. “At any rate, he may yet learn it by using
his eyes and ears in the interval between this hour and his
restoration to his honours and privileges,—which I suppose will
happen by the time he has learned to tie his own queue according to
his own fancy. Meanwhile, how is Favorite?”
“O, our beauty! She has rather languished this season; but she will
be all the more brilliant next year; for two bad seasons give a pretty
fair security that the third will be good. It is as if the steam of blood
had come from your city, Charles, like a blight, and shrivelled her
swelling fruit. The crisis is come, you say. There will soon be no
more blood, and wine will gush instead. Yes, yes, next season all will
be well.”
“But our peasant neighbours, Antoine. Has their condition
improved as you were confident it would?”
“How should it yet? The time is not come. They have not yet got
over the scarcity of last year. But the woodcocks will soon be here;
and the lady Alice’s doves multiply all the faster now they are left to
themselves; and in the spring, there will be a greater resource of
cattle, and of their milk; and the bad seasons have not destroyed our
fish. We are planning to get larger and larger supplies from
Bordeaux, as well as to send out more boats upon the river.”
“Corn is too dear, at present, I suppose, for the poor, if indeed you
have enough for the rich?”
“We are all somewhat better off in that respect than we were; but a
great part of the discontent arises from the incessant changes in the
value of whatever we get to eat, as long as the supply is turned out
of its usual course. When we can no longer depend on an article
whose supply is usually pretty regular, and its price not very variable,
we are subject to a perpetual rise and fall which we cannot calculate,
and which brings disappointments to the people which they are ill
able to bear.”
“How do you mean? I thought our poor helped out their
subsistence by nettle broth and frog stew; and for these, I suppose,
they pay neither labour nor money?”
“No; but they must have something in addition. Presently it will be
woodcocks—the most uncertain article of food that can be. If there
should be a fine flight of them to be had for the killing, labour will
become cheaper to us capitalists, while the labourers will be better
rewarded: that is, it will cost us less to feed our labourers, while they
will get more food for an equal quantity of labour. This, while it lasts,
lessens the cost of production, and if it went on a whole year, would
cheapen our corn considerably next harvest. But the resource lasts a
very short time, and the reduction of the price of corn, therefore, is
only of that temporary kind which proceeds from a relaxation of
demand. Before the people well understand how this is, the cattle
begin to come in from the woods,—more numerous than ever, from
so much arable land having, since the storm, yielded a kind of rude
pasture. This is a somewhat less uncertain resource than the
woodcocks, and lowers the value of corn for a longer period. What I
want, to fill up the intervals of these uncertain supplies, is a
permanent provision of fish.”
“How strangely the values of things are turned topsy-turvy!”
exclaimed Charles. “Time was when our peasantry would no more
have thought of dining off woodcocks than I of giving my servants a
daily dessert of pine-apples. Dainty game of that sort is commonly
thought to rise in value with the progress of improvement.”
“And so it does; and that it now exchanges for less either of money
or bread, than the commonest sorts of meat did three years ago, is a
proof that our condition has gone back instead of improving. It is a
proof that the produce of our toil is scantier than it was; that the
produce which we cannot command—that which comes and goes
without our will and pleasure—exchanges for less when there are
more to demand it.”
“We may say the same of cattle.”
“Just at present; because our cattle is for the most part wild,
having got abroad into the woods at the time of the hurricane. But
when we have collected our flocks and herds again, and can attend
to their breeding, so as to proportion the supply to the demand, we
shall find their value permanently depend, like that of the crops with
which they will then be fed, on the cost of production.”
“Of course, if they feed on crops grown for their use. At present,
when they pasture themselves on land which would otherwise lie
waste, they are cheap when there happens to be, a sufficient supply
of fish and woodcocks, because there is little cost of production;—no
rent, little capital, and less labour. Any sudden rise of value proceeds
from a temporary increase of demand. It is to equalize the demand
for butcher’s meat, that I and some of my neighbours want to
procure a regular supply of fish.”
“Yet fish is an article whose value rises with the progress of
improvement. It must do so in proportion as more labour is required
to procure an equal supply for an extended market. As years pass
on, Antoine, we shall have to fit out more boats for the river, and to
build them larger, and man them better, as we have to send them out
farther. But then there will be more of other things to give in
exchange for fish.”
“True; but at present we cannot give our fishermen what they think
a fair premium upon their cost of production, because our cost of
production, the cost of the labour we give in exchange, is
extraordinarily high.”
“Do they complain of the price you give?”
“Very much, but that cannot be helped. We complained of their
social price in old days,—of having to pay, not only the profits and
wages necessary to procure the article, but the market dues, which
were very oppressive. They answered that they did not pocket the
dues, and could not help the high price. Now they complain that (the
dues being lately remitted) they cannot even secure their natural
price,—that is, a reasonable profit in addition to the cost of the
“If they cannot do this, why do they supply you? They will not
surely go on furnishing the market with fish at prime cost.”
“Certainly not, for any length of time; but, till the woodcocks come,
they must submit to wear out their boats a little, without an
equivalent, looking forward to the time when we may again afford
them a fair market price,—which will, by that time, be a money price;
for then we shall be able to get out of our present inconvenient state
of barter, and the coin which has disappeared will have found its way
“Meanwhile, the people, you say, are discontented as much at the
fluctuations in their affairs as at their absolute want of many
“Yes; we hear perpetual complaints that no man can now calculate
how much his labour is worth. So many hours’ work will one week
bring him two good meals, and at another, not half an one. If they go
into the woods for game, so many head may to-day exchange for a
coat,—to-morrow for a house.”
“Much of this hap-hazard must also be owing to the uncertainty of
public affairs. If we could but foresee whether we really have arrived
at the crisis,—whether trade will probably flow into its natural
channels again after a certain fixed period, our condition would
immediately improve. There is no other such effectual regulator of
price as clear anticipation, because it enables us to calculate the
ultimate cost of production, on which exchangeable value finally
Antoine observed, in a low voice, that the most suffering of his
poor neighbours had lately begun to indulge in a new sort of
anticipation. They had been told,—and nobody was aware whence
the report arose, that there was a room full of coin in the chateau of
the marquis de Thou. Their own coin had somehow gone away from
them, and they fancied that, if they could but get any instead of it, all
their woes would immediately cease. Antoine had reason to believe
that the chateau would soon be attacked, unless some means of
undeceiving the poor creatures could be discovered.
The brothers comforted themselves, according to their wont, that
such means could not fail soon to present themselves. It was
impossible that so gross an error could long subsist. Their
confidence did not make them the less watchful to aid the
enlightenment of the people around them; for their hopefulness was
of that kind which stimulates instead of superseding exertion. La
Favorite experienced this; for, amidst all their hopes of what her
beauty would be next year, they toiled to repair her losses and
renovate her vegetative forces. Charles could not have brought
himself to return to Paris till this was done, even if he had been
satisfied to leave Marguerite in charge of the marquis.
This gentleman chose soon to free the family from his presence,
against their advice; even in the face of their strong remonstrances.
Like many who are deficient in physical courage and mental
strength, he was rash and obstinate. As soon as he had recovered
from his astonishment at not being killed on the day of his arrival, he
began to be certain that there was no further danger, and, blind to
the manifold tokens of his extreme unpopularity, which might have
greeted his senses and understanding at any hour of any day, he
determined on secretly quitting his disguise, without troubling his
kind friends to reason any further with him. One morning,
accordingly, his valet’s dress was found on the floor of his chamber,
and on his table, a note of ample, though haughty thanks to his
preservers; and by noon, the marquis’s old steed, bearing a rider
whose skirts, blue eyes, and entire deportment could not be
mistaken, was seen to trample new ploughed fields, and give
promise of riding over heedless children, as before.
The last thing that entered the old man’s head was altering his
modes of procedure in any one respect. He could not escort lady
Alice, because she was not there; but he paced the terrace, in an
afternoon, with his head half turned, as if he saw her ghost beside
him. He could not lead a long train of hunters, because some of
them were in Austria, some in England, and one or two already laid
headless in a bloody grave; but he galloped forth on the same
routes, making the most of the two or three servants who followed
him still, and returning in state to sit solitary at the head of a long
table, and toast his own loyal sentiments. What was worse,—he
trampled his poor neighbours when they came in his way, and
overlooked them when they did not, as if he had never been branded
by a poissarde, or hunted in the avenue at Versailles.
All this, it may be supposed, soon came to an end,—and by
means which proved the error of the popular belief about the
chamber full of gold at the chateau. Out of pure humanity, Charles
repeatedly vanquished his resentment at the marquis’s supercilious
treatment of him, and offered warnings of the blackening gloom
which settled in the faces of the peasantry when the little great man
came in sight; but the marquis had got it into his head that Charles
had an interest in frightening him. He thought he had been more
frightened than most men already, and wisely determined to be so
no more. He bowed, laid his hand on his heart, disengaged his rein
from the friendly grasp, and passed on.
“My hopefulness is nothing to his, Marguerite, after all,” observed
Charles. “You say I hope against hope. He hopes against reason.
The difference is that the one hope will vanish when most wanted,
and the other, I trust, never wear out.”
One night, when there was no moon,—one of the longest winter
nights,—no moon was wanted for a space of some miles on the
banks of the Garonne. Instead of the boats sailing black in the silver
beam, they passed crimson in the fiery glare. The sheeted snow
glittered and sparkled as if it had been noon instead of midnight: the
groves dropped their melted burden, and stood stiff and stark in
wintry bareness, stripped of the feathery lightness in which they had
risen against the evening sky. Cries which ill beseem the hour of
sleep roused the night-birds, and volumes of red smoke spread
themselves abroad to eclipse the stars. Charles’s steps were
directed towards the chateau before he had received any notice, but
from his own apprehensions, whence the fire proceeded which had
scared his children from their beds. He arrived in the court-yard,—
not in time to save the marquis, but to speak with him once more.
The old man was bound to the balustrade of his own terrace; and
an executioner stood beside him with an upraised and gleaming
sword. His appearance was much what it had been on a nearly
similar occasion before. He attempted to spring forward, and a
gleam of hope shot across his countenance when the brothers
appeared: but there was a something in their faces which checked
the emotion, and his jaw dropped once more.
All efforts, all stratagems were vain. The people declared
themselves unpitying to tyrants, and resolved to do away with
despotism in their quarter of the land, in like manner with their
brethren in Paris. Five minutes for preparation was all they would
allow, and even Charles at length despaired of further favour. He
approached the victim with a calm and serious countenance. The old
man looked up.
“Is there no hope?”
“There is always hope. Let us hope that in another state we shall
better know how to love and forgive one another. Here, we have a
poor understanding of this; but even here we can forgive. They will
not now forgive you; but you will leave them that which will make
them do so hereafter. Leave them your pardon.”
“O, Alice,—my daughter! Not if they murder Alice.”
“They shall not. I promise you——”
“But I did not expect this,” uttered the shivering prisoner. “I went to
“Then collect yourself now. A few minutes’ resolution.—One effort
at calmness——”
“But is there no hope?”
“None whatever. Settle your mind to your fate. There is only
misery in struggling against it.”
“I will. I will. Only stay by me.”
“What a confidence for such a moment!” thought Charles, as he
saw the tractable expression which the countenance assumed. It
was some comfort, however, that there was any confidence which
could give decency to his dying deportment.
The people around grew impatient. The executioner lifted his
sword. The victim looked up at it, half fearfully, half meekly, like a
penitent child at the impending rod. He fell, without a sign or a cry;
and at the moment, the flames burst forth from the lower windows,
as if to lick up, in as summary a vengeance as they had been guilty
of, the perpetrators of this murder. All rushed from the terrace, with a
yell of consternation, leaving the body alone, its unclosed eyes
shining in the glare, as if gazing unmoved on that violence which
could no longer reach it in the shape of injury.—When the gust fell,
and the flames retired some space, the ruffian who held the sword
returned to the place of execution, severed the head, tossed the
body into the flames, and returned with his trophy to the cheering
There was nothing for Charles and Antoine to stay for. They could
neither save property, nor prevent crime. There was no purpose to
be answered by an attempt to do the first; for the lady Alice could
never return hither, or probably find any corner of her native land in
which to dwell in peace. Any endeavour to check the people’s rage
would only have brought on more murders. It was better that they
should occupy themselves with destroying inanimate things than
have their wrath directed upon human objects. The brothers
therefore left them endeavouring to discover the treasure-chamber,
and paced silently homewards, trying whether, after such a spectacle
as this, their hopefulness could get the better of their heart-sickness.
Chapter IX.


Marguerite began to think that she and her family had better have
staid in Paris, since violence as foul as any there, with less chance
of redress, took place in the country. But as there were fewer marked
for destruction in a thinly peopled than in a crowded district, the work
of horror was sooner over; and within a few weeks, all was quiet
around her dwelling. No judicial inquiry whatever was made into the
fate of the marquis; and night after night, ominous gleams were seen
from afar, marking where life and property were being offered up in
expiation of former tyranny. When every neighbouring chateau that
was empty had been sealed up and guarded by the people from
being entered by its owners; and when every inhabited one had
been dismantled or converted into a pile of blackened ruins, there
was a truce. The gentry sighed over the abolition of feudalism; the
peasantry gloried in the destruction of the aristocracy; and both,
looking no farther than their own borders, supposed that all was
over, and the state of the country,—miserable as it was,—settled.
Charles and his brother knew too well what was passing in Paris
to acquiesce in this belief; but they were glad of the good effects it
seemed to produce in quieting the minds, and therefore fixing the
outward circumstances of their neighbours. People went about their
regular business once more, prices grew steady in the markets, and
the mysterious, dishonest sort of bargaining which had gone on
immediately after the destruction of the chateaux, was seen no
more. No golden timepieces now passed from hand to hand, in
exchange for the coarsest articles of clothing or furniture; and if
polished tables, or morsels of curious old china were seen here and
there in the hovels of half-starved peasants, they were not put up for
sale, and did not answer the purpose of further perplexing the values
of things. Seeing that Marguerite began to feel pretty much at her
ease once more, going to rest without presentiments of being roused
by fire, and venturing, with only the children, to transact her
necessary purchases among the peasantry, Charles began to try
whether he could make anything of his business at Paris; and set
out, in order that he might be on the spot to take advantage of the
first symptoms of tranquillity to meet the demand which would then
certainly arise.
He went to Paris before winter was quite over; and found more
promise of a settlement of public affairs than at any time since the
commencement of the revolution. Yet he would not hear of his family
joining him, till it should be known whether or not king, parliament,
and people would cordially agree in the new constitution which was
then in preparation. When there was not only a promise of this, but
all arts and artificers were actually put in requisition to render the
spectacle of taking the oath as magnificent as the occasion required,
there was no further pretence for Charles’s prudence to interfere with
the hopefulness which now seemed rational enough. He sent a
summons to Marguerite to return and witness the festival from which
her loyalty and his patriotism might derive equal gratification. But
Marguerite was detained in the country by her father’s illness,—his
last; and the children were deprived of the power of saying
afterwards that they had witnessed in Paris the transactions of that
day which was regarded at the time as the most remarkable in the
annals of France.
That day, the 14th of July, 1790, was appointed to be a high
festival throughout the kingdom: Charles passed it in the Champ de
Mars; Marguerite by the dying bed of her father; the children, under
the guardianship of their uncle Antoine, among the rejoicing
peasantry; and Steele, who had returned to Bordeaux when Charles
settled himself again in Paris, took the opportunity of visiting La
Haute Favorite for the first time after so many vicissitudes.
It seemed to them all a strange,—to the superstitious among them,
an ominous circumstance that they should be thus separated on the
occasion when all were called upon to recognize the social
agreement under which they and their successors were to live.
A gleam of the afternoon sun shone in upon the face of
Marguerite’s father as he dozed, and made him turn restlessly on his
couch. His daughter hastened to shut it out, and the movement
awoke him.
“One is fit only for the grave,” he said, “when the light which shines
on all above it becomes painful.”
“Father! you are better,” said Marguerite, turning round astonished.
“No,” said he, faintly, “not better. I cannot bear this light,—or this
heat,—or—but no matter; it will presently be over. But where is
“He will be here very soon; but it is only two days since you
became worse; and there has been no time for him to come yet. To-
day he is waiting upon the king, and next he will wait on you.”
“On the king!” and the old man was roused at once. “And all the
people? I fancied they had left off their duty. Who waits upon the
“The whole nation,” Marguerite replied, sighing to herself,
however, over her own view of the matter—that the king was, in fact,
waiting upon the nation. She proceeded to tell what was doing in
Paris, and remarked that she hoped they had finer weather there
than here, where it had been a day of continued rain, till the gleam
came which had wakened her father.
M. Raucourt was too ignorant of the events of the last two years to
be able to comprehend the present proceeding. He could not see
what the people had to do with the constitution; but laid the blame on
his own weak brain, when assured that the loyal men of France were
all consenting to the measure. Other tokens of ignorance were much
more affecting to his daughter. He wished to be raised in bed, so that
he might see his olive woods in the evening glow. They were no
longer there, and his attention must be diverted to something else.
He wished to behold the marquis de Thou passing the house for his
daily ride.—The bones of him he asked for were mouldering under
the ruins of his own abode.—“At least,” said M. Raucourt, “let me be
carried to the window, that I may see the chateau. It looks so finely
on the terrace! and it is so long since I saw it!”—Grass was growing
on its hearths, and the peasants’ children were playing hide and
seek among its roofless halls.
“You have not asked for the children,” said Marguerite. “If you are
so strong this afternoon, perhaps you can bear to speak to them.”
And they were sent for, and presently made their appearance from
the river-side, full of what they had been seeing and doing. They told
how one cannon was fired when the hour struck at which the royal
procession was to set out, and another when the whole array was to
be formed in the Champ de Mars, and others to represent the taking
of the oath by the king, by the representatives of the parliament, and
by Lafayette in the name of the people.
“And what is all this for?” asked the old man. “It is a beautiful
spectacle, no doubt; but there were no such things in my time as the
king and the people swearing at the same altar.”
“The people make the king swear, and some of them do not think
he likes it,”—observed Julien, unmindful of his mother’s signs.
Pauline went on,
“No more than he liked being brought prisoner from Versailles, and
having his guards’ heads cut off.”
The little girl was terrified at the effect of her words. She in vain
attempted to make up for them by saying that the king and queen
were very well now; and that the people did not expect to be starved
any more, and that everybody was to be very happy after this day.
The loyal old man said he should never be happy any more; and
groaned and wept himself into a state of exhaustion from which he
did not revive, though he lived two or three days longer.
“I wish,—I wish—” sobbed poor Pauline, “that the people had
never meddled with the king——”
“Or the king with the people,” said Julien, “for that was the
beginning of it all.”
“I am sure so do I,” said Marguerite, sighing. “It is little comfort to
say, as Antoine does, that the world cannot roll on without crushing
“If that somebody puts himself in the way, uncle said,” observed
“Everybody has been in the way, I think, my dear. All France is
“Not quite, mamma. Uncle Antoine and Mr. Steele are sitting
between the two big vines, and they say that everybody will be
buying wine now that buying and selling are going to begin again.”
It was very true that the young men were enjoying their favourite
retreat to the utmost; gilding it with the sunshine of their
expectations, and making it as musical with the voice of hope as with
the gay songs which were wafted from the revellers below.
They were not a little pleased when their anticipations were
countenanced by a letter from Charles which reached his wife on the
day of her father’s death, and was not the less in accordance with
her feelings for having been written before tidings of the old man’s
illness had reached Paris, and being, as usual, hopeful and happy.
“I have written to Antoine,” he said, “to urge all care in the
approaching vintage, and all dispatch in the management of our
immediate business. Good days are coming at last, unless
despotism should bring on itself a new punishment, and rouse once
more the spirit of faction, which has been laid to rest this day by that
powerful spell, the voice of a united nation. It would astonish you to
see how commercial confidence has already revived; and, as a
consequence, how the values of all things are becoming fixed; and,
again, as a consequence of this, how the intercourses of society are
facilitated, and its peace promoted. It was the perception and
anticipation of this which to me constituted the chief pleasure of the
magnificent solemnity of this day. It was a grand thing to behold the
national altar in the midst of an amphitheatre filled with countless
thousands; but it was a grander to remember that these thousands
were only the representatives of multitudes more who were on tiptoe
on all our hills, in all our valleys, watching and listening for the token
that they may trust one another once more, and exchange, for their
mutual good, the fruits of their toil. It was touching to see the
battalion of children,—‘the hope of the nation,’—coming forward to
remind the state that it sways the fate of a future age; but it was
more touching to think of our own little ones, and to believe that, by
the present act, the reward of the social virtues we try to teach them
is secured to them.—It was imposing to see one golden flood of light
gush from a parting cloud, giving an aspect of blessing to what had
before been stormy; but it was as an analogy that it struck us all, and
impelled us to send up a shout like the homage of worshippers of the
sun. Has not a light broken through the dreariness of our political
tempests? There maybe,—let us hope there will be, from this day,
order in the elements of our social state. Let but all preserve the faith
they have sworn, and there will be no more sporting with life and
property, no absurd playing with baubles while there is a craving for
bread, no ruin to the industrious, and sudden wealth to such as
speculate on national distress. We may once more estimate the
labour of our peasantry, and the value of our own resources, and fix
and receive the due reward of each. We may reach that high point of
national prosperity in which the ascertainment and due recompense
of industry involve each other; when the values of things become
calculable, and mutual confidence has a solid basis.—I do not say
that this prosperity will come, but I hope it will; and if all others have
the same hope, it certainly will. It may be that the sovereign will lose
his confidence, and go back. It may be that the parliament or the
people will do the same; and then may follow worse miseries than
we have yet known. But if they see how much social confidence has
to do with social prosperity, they will refuse to disturb the tranquillity
which has been this day established.
“And now, however you may sigh or smile a the spirit of hope
which is in me and Antoine, what say you to it in the case of a
nation? Are not its commercial exchanges a most important branch
of its intercourses? Must not those exchanges be regulated by some
principle of value, instead of being the sport of caprice? Is not that
principle the due and equable recompense of labour, or (in business-
like terms) the cost of production? Is not this recompense secured by
the natural workings of interests—and can these interests work
naturally without an anticipation of recompense—that is, without
hope, inspiring confidence? Depend upon it, hope is not only the
indispensable stimulus of individual action, but the elastic pressure
by which society is surrounded and held together. Great is the crime
of those who injure it; and especially heinous will be the first trespass
on public confidence of any who have been in the Champ de Mars
this day. As that which is national springs from that which is
individual, I will add that Antoine and Steele are patriotic if they exult
in the ripening beauties of Favorite; and if you would be patriotic too,
gladden yourself with the promise of our children, and tell me, when
we meet, that you trust with me that all will be well both with our
wines and our politics.”
Summary of Principles illustrated in this Volume.

There are two kinds of Value: value in use, and value in exchange.
Articles of the greatest value in use may have none in exchange;
as they may be enjoyed without labour; and it is labour which confers
Exchangeable Value.
This is not the less true for capital as well as labour being
employed in production; for capital is hoarded labour.
When equal quantities of any two articles require an equal amount
of labour to produce them, they exchange exactly against one
another. If one requires more labour than the other, a smaller
quantity of the one exchanges against a larger quantity of the other.
If it were otherwise, no one would bestow a larger quantity of
labour for a less return; and the article requiring the most labour
would cease to be produced.
Exchangeable value, therefore, naturally depends on cost of
Naturally, but not universally; for there are influences which cause
temporary variations in exchangeable value.
These are, whatever circumstances affect demand and supply.
But these can act only temporarily; because the demand of any
procurable article creates supply; and the factitious value conferred
by scarcity soon has an end.
When this end has arrived, cost of production again determines
exchangeable value.
Its doing so may, therefore, stand as a general rule.
Though labour, immediate and hoarded, is the regulator, it is not
the measure of exchangeable value: for the sufficient reason, that
labour itself is perpetually varying in quality and quantity, from there
being no fixed proportion between immediate and hoarded labour.
Since labour, the primary regulator, cannot serve as a measure of
exchangeable value, none of the products of labour can serve as
such a measure.
There is, therefore, no measure of exchangeable value.
Such a measure is not needed; as a due regulation of the supply
of labour, and the allowance of free scope to the principle of
competition ensure sufficient stability of exchangeable value for all
practical purposes.
In these requisites are included security of property, and freedom
of exchange, to which political tranquillity and legislative impartiality
are essential.
Price is the exponent of exchangeable value.
Transcriber’s Note
Words hyphenated on line or page breaks have the
hyphen removed if the preponderance of other
occurences are unhyphenated. Hyphens occuring
midline are retained regardless of other unhyphenated
occurences (step-mother/stepmother, straight-
forward/straightforward, life-time/lifetime, work-
house/workhouse, fish-women/fishwomen, door-
At line 12 of page 27 in “For Each and For All”, there is
an opening double quote which seems superfluous. The
author’s intent not being clear, it has been retained.
Other errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s
have been corrected, and are noted here. The
references are to the page and line in the original. Given
the independent pagination of the original, these are
divided by volume.
Homes Abroad.

11.13 and immedi[di]ately Removed.

12.21 and get no bread?[’/”] Replaced.
19.29 to save them yet.[’/”] Replaced.
20.20 the happiness of the Added.
31.4 is the price of food?[’/”] Replaced.
45.32 prosperity of John Lawe, Replaced.
38.18 [“]You had need take care Restored.
47.8 on a fool’s errand.[”] Added.
48.29 pleased [ta/at] the Transposed.
52.31 who had settled among Added.
55.28 [y/h]ence arise Transposed.
55.29 [h/y]ears years of his new Transposed.
57.33 [rdbo/bord]ering upon it Transposed.
62.26 any thing about them.[’/”] Replaced.
67.24 [‘/“]She will do Replaced.
87.21 a gang of bush[ /-]rangers Added.
116.19 It was not Ellen[ /’]s wish Restored.
125.1 of her colonies[.] Added.
125.13 can be had Transposed.

For Each and For All.

38.13 from a deficiency of Restored.

96.1 to convey him a[u/n]d his Inverted.

French Wines and Politics.

21.34 [e]verybody else Restored.

64.7 and to recal[l] the Added.
68.2 downfal[l] of their Added.
despotic sway
80.27 as there wo[n/u]ld be Inverted.
81.7 A[u/n]d a low Inverted.
exchangeable value
98.1 your literal Replaced.
depend[a/e]nce on them

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